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Matthew Williams

"I'm Canadia!"

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a character in “Hetalia! Academy for the Countries”, as played by Camillo


Matthew Williams


Age: Sixteen

Gender: Male

Character Traits:
Matthew is a very quiet individual who has a whisper-soft voice and is hard to anger. When he does try to get angry, he does so very quietly and then gives up as few take him seriously- though it is possible to push him too far, and he can go on to argue for hours.
Despite their personality difference, he is often mistaken for America and has found himself in trouble for incidents that the neighboring nation was responsible for causing. When he is not mistaken for his brother, the other nations tend to forget he exists at all. Due to this, Matthew has a very reserved personality. He may come across as a bit meek, but is really quite kind-hearted. He is very sensitive and easily flustered, his personality fairly easily dominated by other nations' outgoing ones.

His hair is fairly long and wavy, sometimes appearing two-toned; a lighter blonde up top with a darker, more orange color on the bottom. He also sports a curly ahoge off the top of his head, one that will never lay down straight despite his efforts. His eyes are a bright, shining violet color that is easily noticeable against his fair skin and in the right lighting can sometimes be blue.
He is a fairly average nation in terms of height; not too tall and not too short, though he is rather thin. He usually wears a heavy winter coat with a fur collar, though in warmer weather he will make due with hoodie. Matthew also wears glasses, though whether or not he strictly needs them is unknown, and sometimes he will even wear a pair of goggles atop his head.

- Maple Syrup
- Pancakes
- Polar Bears
- Ice Cream
- Being included

- Being mistaken for America
- Being responsible for America's problems.
- Conflict

Matthew has a pet polar bear named Kumajirou, who he has had with him since childhood. He takes the bear with him everywhere, though the two have a habit of forgetting each other's names.


"Look I'm Canada! You can tell by the flag on my backpack, my cheap perscriptions, and my lack of gun crime! So kindly stop calling me America or I'll kindly request you cease!"

"That's it! I'll finally stand up to America!"

"I'm Canadia!"

Like a few other of the nations, Canada once tried his hand at raising a young nation as well. He kept her a secret, wanting to protect her as best he could. He has never once mentioned her over the years, because the experience did not end well for either of them. It is his touchiest subject, and one he hasn't even spoken of to anyone.

"U-uhm, please, I- I don't feel comfortable saying it here.."

Canada begun as a French colony that was taken over and raised by the British Empire. He and America grew up separately as children, until England eventually took Canada on a trip to meet America, who wound up becoming bored with him and forgetting him shortly into their first meeting.

About Me:
Matthew has a soft spot for America, and he is often the first one Matthew goes to talk about things to. However it is clear that Matthew has a bit of underlying resentment towards the other nation, mostly because of how America took the spotlight while they were growing up while Matthew was given minimal attention.


So begins...

Matthew Williams's Story


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Character Portrait: Matthew Williams
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#, as written by Camillo
Matthew blinked slowly, bewildered at the reflection staring him back in the eyes. He was standing outside the academy, hand resting on the door handle. The metal was so cold, it grew warmer the longer it leeched off of the heat coming from his hands, but it was nothing he wasn't used to. It was the reflection that has caused him unease.

Wide, violet eyes stood out on the glass of the door, watching him carefully. The boy who watched him was thin, though by no means could he be considered gangly, and had skin the color of milk. His hair, golden in color, fell down to his chin. It was perhaps a little too long, and a trim certainly couldn't hurt the boy who was still watching him. Matthew knew the boy before him was sixteen years old, though he could have easily passed for a few years younger. He had a baby face, he couldn't help it. The only part that really put him on edge was the reflection- it was translucent. Even with his glasses on he had to squint to see the boy. Was this the way everyone saw him? Was he just a reflection upon the Earth that wasn't worth the time of day?

He frowned, shaking his head slightly and turning the door handle. The outdoor air was doing little to help his wandering thoughts so perhaps it was best to enter already, though he had no doubt if anyone approached at that moment they would simply walk through him. One hand was wrapped tightly around his bear, Kumajirou, while the other held a map in front of his nose. He had only come to this school recently and was absolutely rubbish with directions- he'd gotten lost within the long corridors more than once already- so he'd come to rely on the piece of paper before him as a guide. What classes did he have, anyways? Maybe he could ask, if anyone would listen.

A soft puff of breath pushed past his lips. He didn't want to make any mistakes today, so he'd gotten up well before his usual time in order to make sure they wouldn't. He'd certainly paid for that decision with his current grogginess though, yet he was assured by knowing that even if he did mess up he would have enough time to fix it.

"I'm sure a short rest won't hurt- it's not like I'll fall asleep." He said quietly, his eyes resting on a wooden bench. How convenient, almost surprisingly so. He yawned, walking over to the nearest bench and plopping himself down. He didn't even know schools had benches, but he was glad they did. That way he could.. What was it he was going to do, again? He'd forgotten. His eyes fluttered slightly as he fought the tiredness that suddenly overcame him. "Hnh.. I'm so tired." He mumbled, his eyelids sliding shut.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Russia
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#, as written by Camillo
The boy was leaning back on the bench, eyes closed as he drifted between sleep and consciousness when the Russian addressed him. He felt himself jolt back to reality, violet eyes snapping open and focusing on the tall youth. Canada raised a hand and rubbed at his eyes, trying to clear them of their fog. Thank Maple Russia had woken him up when he did, otherwise he would have slept for who knows how long. Probably would have missed his first few classes too. He shifted, sitting up straighter and smiling at the nation. "Yeah, that's me. Do you need something, Russia?"

Then he blinked, eyes widening. Wait, was this person really talking to him? Matthew studied the Russian's face, realizing that his eyes were definitely fixed on him. How wonderful! Matthew's originally courteous smile grew into a warm, thankful grin.

"Thanks for waking me up when you did, too. I could have been in some serious trouble!" Matthew didn't understand why the other nations feared Russia so, though he himself been told multiple times to stay away. You had to at least give people a chance, right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Russia
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#, as written by Camillo
Matthew was completely oblivious; it was one of the traits of his that generally got him into trouble. Whether or not he was getting himself into trouble right now, he wasn't sure. As far as he knew, Russia was merely being friendly. It was a nice change from either being ignored completely or being mistaken for America. Once, he'd even gotten beaten up for taking America's blame, and though the nation did apologize afterwards it didn't mean the bruises stopped hurting.

"Polar bear?" He echoed, eyebrows pulling together in confusion, "Chewing? Oh!"

He looked around, trying to find his pet, Kumachiko or whatever it was called. He found the bear sleeping beneath his bench, and let out a sigh of relief, "Phew, I was afraid you meant Kumajirou. Well, that is a bit of a weird question but I suppose it could come in handy. Whenever Kumajirou chewed on me when I was little, I would just offer him some fish; or seal, if there wasn't any fish around. Is that what you were looking for, Ivan?" He questioned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Russia Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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#, as written by Camillo
"That's good, I'm glad I could help." Matthew answered the other nation, then listened as he was asked another question. Confusion visibly made its way across his face, causing him to cock his head to the side. Unfortunately for him, he was still completely oblivious and hadn't the faintest idea what it was Russia meant by that. Become one with the imposing nation? While it was true that he didn't know Ivan well enough to understand the malicious intent behind the question, he was able to vaguely piece together the meaning. He quite enjoyed the independence that his country had, though he would be unable to put it that bluntly while explaining it to Russia.

"B-become one?" He stammered, flustered as he tried to come up with a kind response. It was harder than he though, "I- I'm sorry Russia, but I'm going to pass on that offer for now. I hope that's okay.."

He was grateful when the nation he recognized as Iceland appeared, though he jumped slightly when he stuck his head up from behind Russia. It was an appreciated interruption; he didn't think he would be able to continue his conversation with Russia any further in his current state of embarrassment. To his joy, Iceland addressed him as well. What a day! Maybe things were looking up for him? Whatever the reason was, he wouldn't question it. He would have grinned happily then, but all he could force out at the moment was a flustered half-smile.

"G-greetings, Iceland!" He said, his voice still trembling somewhat. Thankfully, before he spoke again he was able to calm himself, "I'm good, no, better than good! I'm great!"

When the nation pointed out Kumajirou, the polar bear hopped up onto Canada's lap. "Hah, interesting?" He asked quietly, earning himself a hard bite on his hand for his troubles. Then he turned his violet eyes back to the two standing before him, noticing the puffin and smiling widely, "Oh! I recognize that one- I have puffins on my shores."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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#, as written by Camillo
Kumajirou looked at the puffin next to it in a disinterested manner before getting up and crawling up Canada's back and settling down in the nook between his neck and the wall. The bear yawned, his huge teeth showing as he laid his head down. Both the nation and the bear were very tired, though Kumajirou had the freedom to take a nap whenever he wanted to.

"Yes, they're very cute too." Canada smiled, indicating the puffin. His cheeks were flushed pink from Iceland's comments, both about the polar bears and himself. "T-they're not too fond of me though; must be the bears, huh?"

When Iceland came to sit next to him, Matthew shifted to the side slightly, making sure to provide enough room for him. He then pondered the question a bit- what did he think about the school, anyway? He tried to remember his first impression of the building, finding it oddly hard to recall. He'd been so absorbed in the little things that he didn't get the chance to make an opinion. His violet eyes scanned the landscape, and he bit his lip.

"Al is just excited." Matthew protested automatically, used to making excuses for his brother. True, he was known for his boasting, but Canada knew that America couldn't help it. It was just part of his personality, the same as Matthew's shyness was his. "I think.. I think that this school is a wonderful opportunity. I am a bit nervous though." He admitted quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Russia Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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#, as written by Camillo
Canada couldn't help but look at Iceland out of the corners of his eyes, arching an eyebrow in curiosity. He was acting strange; from what Matthew had seen the nation was usually, well, cold. Maybe not purposely, but he gave off that impression during the meetings. It made him wonder what had changed, but he couldn't think of anything off the top of his head.

He turned his attention towards Russia, feeling his stomach tie itself in knots. There was nothing to cause him unease about the nation, but he couldn't help but feel it. Maybe it was being asked to "become one" with the larger nation that made him nervous. Canada was the second largest nation, after all, though he tried not to make it obvious by mentioning it. He did quite like the independence he had, and didn't want that disturbed.

"Yes, please." He responded to Iceland's question. "I have a map with me, but I have a terrible habit of getting lost anyways."

Then he turned to face the nation more directly, frowning slightly, his eyes showing clear concern, "Are you alright, Iceland? Your face is red-- you aren't sick, are you? As colder nations we may have some trouble adjusting to the new climate, so we should all be more careful."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Russia Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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#, as written by Camillo
Canada blinked, he was not quite convinced, but he knew to drop it. After he moved Kumajirou to his arms, the nation stood up quietly, following Iceland's lead. It was odd; he'd started the day in a rut, and would even go so far as to say he was quite depressed. He'd feared that even here the nations would continue to ignore him, or even worse, mistake him for America. That was something he never quite understood, how he could be mistaken for a nation that was practically his polar opposite. If you looked closely, they were absolutely nothing alike at all.

His day had turned around though, and he was happier than he'd been in a long time. It showed as he smiled broadly, his shiny white teeth showing as he set off after Iceland.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Russia Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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#, as written by Camillo
Regardless of Iceland's comment about his grin, when Matthew heard what the nation had to say about him and America, the smile faded. He lowered his chin so his hair fell to cover his eyes and promptly turned the shade of a ripe tomato. It was almost as if Iceland knew his fears, and it was almost like his words were purposely chosen to console those fears. How could he possibly know that the only thing he disliked more than being ignored was being mistaken for the other country? It scared Canada a little to know that this other nation could read him so well. He would have to be more careful, lest he have his awful secret pulled out of him. Yet at the same time it practically terrified him, it made his stomach twist- in a good way.

"I-I-I, I c-cant..." Canada struggled to speak, his red face still mostly hidden by his hair. The hands that held Kumajirou were shaking, pale from the lack of blood that had gone to his cheeks, "D-don't say things like t-that, p-p-please, I d-don't..."

Ashamed by his stuttering, he had suddenly stopped speaking. He kept walking, but remained completely silent while doing so. Matthew was unable to look at either Russia or Iceland and kept his eyes focused only on his shoes. A lace was starting to become untied.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Russia Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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#, as written by Camillo
Canada stayed quiet, not responding to either Russia or Iceland. Even if he had been able to speak, he wouldn't be able to find the correct words to say. Truth was, he was kicking himself right now. Iceland had misunderstood what Matthew had been trying to say, and Canada didn't have the heart to speak out again, less he make a bigger fool of himself.

When they reached the classroom, Matthew looked around at all the desks. They didn't have assigned seats? That was weird, most of his schools did. He waited a moment before choosing a chair in the far back of the classroom, on the edge of their age's section. It was a small, dusty chair. Matthew had a feeling that it had been looked over for a couple years in favor of the middle chairs. Kind of like him.

He sat down silently, pulling the chair back in close. Kumajirou had left his arms before Canada had pulled out the chair, and left with a mission of his own. The polar bear walked over to where Iceland was and pawed the nation's leg.

"Hey." The bear grumbled, the rumble sounding almost like a word. "Listen to me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Williams Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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#, as written by Camillo
The bear huffed, "Just thought I would say what he," the he clearly meaning Canada, "was stuttering too hard to get out."

The small bear sat on its haunches, looking at Iceland with an odd expression; if bears could have such expressions, that is. It was one of curiosity, but it was also almost as if he was trying to judge Iceland's intentions. Kumajirou was an unusual bear, a dwarf of his kind. He'd been taken in by Canada too long ago to remember, and while he sometimes forgot the nation's name on occasion, he really did look out for him.

"Mark had meant to say that that had been one of the nicest things anyonce had said to him." He paused, "No, that can't be right. It isn't Mark... Well, whatever his name is just has a habit of messing things up. You shouldn't take it too personally."