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=.= Ohh, Must Take Pictures!

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a character in “Hetalia! Academy for the Countries”, originally authored by SukaiKori, as played by RolePlayGateway



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[center]Age: 17

Gender: Female

Character Traits: Outgoing, Strong-willed, Brave, Friendly, Temperamental, Fashionable

Appearance: Taiwan is 5'6" tall with light skin, has very long, soft, medium brown hair with light brown eyes and a sweet smile. Outside of school Taiwan often wears a gold-trimmed qipao top with long, flowing sleeves, and a long white skirt. The top has a dark pink tone. She wears light pink flats for shoes. She's often wearing pink flowers When at school she dresses much more casually in a light pink, almost white button up shirt with rolled up sleeves and a short blue skirt with thigh-high black socks and her light pink flats.

Wild Flowers
Good Food
People Who Can Take A Joke
Taking Pictures

Being Left Out

Pet[if any]:
None That I Know Of

Secret: Taiwan likes taking pictures of things going one between other countries (love, fighting, ect.) She likes to black mail the other countries.

Crush: ...I like Japan..

Taiwan sort of grew up with Hong Kong until he became England's Territory. She likes talking to him since he has a calm personality and she doesn't have to watch what she says around him. She thinks of him as a kind of brother and she usually gets along with him pretty well.

Taiwan thinks of China like a mentor of sorts, he raised her and taught her many things. She's respectful to a point with him, until her temper get's the better of her. She does enjoy being around him every once in a while and does like to visit him sometimes.

About Me:
Taiwan has a flower shaped birthmark on her left thigh. She has also practiced martial arts for a long time. Her flag is bright red with a blue rectangle in the top left-hand corner with a white sun in the middle of it.

So begins...

Taiwan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: Alfred F Jones/America Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik] Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Mei opened her eyes and starred at the ceiling. She listened to the birds chirping outside and stretched, kicking the silk blankets off of the bed and onto the carpet floor of her room. "Ahh, morning. What a lovely thing!" She said to herself sarcastically. She rolled out of bed on to the silk blanket that she had kicked onto the floor. After laying there a few minutes and telling herself to just get the day over with, She stood up lazily a stretched her arms over her head. After dressing her her casual clothes, brushing her hair, and tying a yellow ribbon into the right side of her hair, she collected her books and placed them into her back back and slid it over her shoulder. Making sure she had her camera safely tucked into her smaller shoulder bag, she opened the door of her apartment, squinting at the morning light. She only lived just across the street from the academy and she could already here Alfred's loud, enthusiastic voice. She sighed and made her way down the stairs and across the street. Seeing Japan with them, excitement sparked in her chest and she put on a smile. Waving to them she yelled, "Good morning everyone! How did you all sleep last night?" Mei walked up to the three boys, quickly pulling out her camera and flashing a picture. "Happy first day of school." She said, her voice a little sarcastic. "So, which electives are you all choosing? I think I'm going for Guitar or Art. Maybe swimming. Then again I could take Art for a club but I'd really like to take Archery. There's a lot to do at this school."

The setting changes from Hetalia Academy to USA


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: Alfred F Jones/America Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Mei laughed. "The only thing interesting about school Honda is all the interesting things you can take pictures of." She turned her head to watch the others shooting "This year I've decide to make a school year timeline. I'm gunna take pictures of everyone and everything and post them on a website I'm making." She watched Alfred fail at shooting the target after shooting an arrow. "Really nice demonstration mr. Hero." She said with a grin and looked down at Japan. "You know Honda, I'm sure it's rather comfortable down there but aren't you even a little worried it might be dirty or dusty?" She smiled and snapped a picture of him sitting there, looking rather relaxed. She turned and flashed a picture of America's face. After pulling the camera down to her stomach she gave him an intimidating smile. "Well go on mr. Big Shot, shoot a bulls eye and I'll take a picture so you can brag to everyone." Taiwan held up the camera to ready herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: Alfred F Jones/America Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik] Character Portrait: Taiwan
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One last burst of speed,and double stomping before pushing his hands down towards his feet.Hong Kong was done with his early morning exercise.He had been planning to take Archery,or Bow and Arrow,as they put it in this academy,so he decided he might as well take a look at the archery range before making a final decision.He walked over to pick up his bag and slung it across his clothed chest.He hadn't bothered with being fashionable today,though he usually was.Today however,he wore a normal red coloured V-neck T-shirt and blue jeans.
Making his way to the archery range,he saw a couple of students,a white haired one,an American and the other two he recognized as Japan,and of course,Taiwan.
He heaved a small sigh and started walking over towards them.He was definitely not going to greet them though,that was for sure.
"Well go on mr. Big Shot, shoot a bulls eye and I'll take a picture so you can brag to everyone." When Hong Kong was within hearing range,he heard Taiwan say those words to the American,while holding up her camera.He smiled to himself.
Well,that's Taiwan alright.Always being so witty,and can't ever let go of that camera she has.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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China opened his eyes slowly.. "Aiyah!" He shouted, "I've slept in!" China propelled himself out of his bed, and pulled his clothes on. "I'll be late-Aru!" He grunted, putting his shoes on and running out. China groaned and started to sprint off to school.

When he arrived in the school, he headed for the Bow and Arrow area. He arrived to see many other countries, among which he saw Honda, Mei and Leon - More commonly referred to as Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. China approached them slowly.

"Ni-Hao, guys." He laughed, smiling at the three. His eyes were focused on Mei. "Mei... Still not Kawaii-Aru." He whispered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Alfred F Jones/America Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Mei saw a glimpse of Hong Kong making his way onto campus and waved, still keeping her camera held in position. "Good morning Leon!" she said as he walked up. Only a short while after China also made his appearance. She smiled and turned away from America as China finally made his arrival. "Well, I think I look rather "Kawaii" and at least I was on time today." She grinned. Holding up her camera, completely turning away her attention from Alfred, she snapped a picture of Yao. "Don't you look rather professional today. Did you do something new with your hair?" She said in a completely casual manner.

The setting changes from USA to Hetalia Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Hong Kong responded to Taiwan's greeting with a nod,keeping his face impassive,although he was already going a little ballistic inside.He nearly bursted out laughing when Taiwan snapped a photo of China,as well as made a sarcastic remark of their senior's appearance,but he kept it in.

The setting changes from Hetalia Academy to USA


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Mei looked over at Hong Kong with a smile. "So what do you plan on taking for your electives Leon-Kun?" she asked, holding up her camera and taking a picture of him. "I decided to take guitar and art." She placed her camera back into her shoulder bag and placed her hands on her hips. "For clubs I decided to do Archery and I'm going to audition for Couru Cantarella" she said, looking rather pleased with herself. She smirked at China. "Plus I'm taking sewing club and I'm gunna make super "Kawaii" clothes!" She said, exaggerating the "Kawaii". "So, what are you all taking?" she asked, directing the question towards Japan, Hong Kong, and China.

The setting changes from USA to Hetalia Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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0.00 INK

Hong Kong blinked when he realized he just had his photo taken by Taiwan.He sure hoped he looked great in it.Or else he'd never be shown as being 'fashionable' again.Then Taiwan asked him about his electives,before talking about her own.
"I decided to take guitar and art." "For clubs I decided to do Archery and I'm going to audition for Couru Cantarella."
Then she smirked at China,which Hong Kong gave a thumbs up to mentally in his mind.
"Plus I'm taking sewing club and I'm gunna make super "Kawaii" clothes!" There was a large emphasis on the 'Kawaii',but that was expected,since Taiwan was obviously making a jab at China. "So, what are you all taking?"
For the first time,since today,he opened his mouth.
"Mei,I'll be in Art electives with you,but I'm not in Guitar,I'm taking Swimming.As for clubs..." He shrugged before continuing. "Art again,Cooking...and perhaps..." he motioned at the archery range. "Archery,if I like what I see right now."
And with that,he zipped his lips shut.Talking was not really his thing...
He glanced at the other 2 Asian nations.Now that Taiwan had brought it up,he was anxious as to what they had selected too.

The setting changes from Hetalia Academy to USA


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Lichtenstein Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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"That great! Maybe we'll end up with the same teacher for Art?" She said to Hong Kong before smiling down at Japan. "It's called Archery silly. And I bet you'd be a great actor." She let out a yawn and stretched her hands over her head before pulling a sheet of paper from her back pack and looking at it, her caramel eyes scrolling down the sheet. "Looks like I'm rooming with a country called Lichtenstein." She looked back up from the paper. "I'm going to see if I can find my room and maybe run into my roommate. I'll see you all later okay?" She said with a slight wave of her hand before turning away from the boys. She approached the school and entered through the front door and began making her way down the hallway. After stopping for a moment to look at the sheet of paper again she looked down the hallway. "My dorm is on the third floor so I need to find stairs somewhere." She started walking down the hallway, examining the rooms. "These all look like classrooms here." She said, then pulled out her camera and focused the lens for a darker environment before pointed it down the hallway and snapping a picture.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lichtenstein Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Taiwan walked down the hallway, finally coming to a stair case. As she peered up it a glum expression appeared on her face. "Why can't this school at least have an elevator." She groaned and made her way up the staircase, her foot stomping on every step. When she reached the top of the staircase her eyes gazed down yet another hallway of classrooms before she pulled out the sheet of paper and held it to her face, examining the print. "This is the second floor." She said, then lowered the sheet of paper to look down the hallway again. She began to wonder where all the countries might be. Most of them are probably still asleep, she thought to herself. She let out a sigh and began to make her way down the hallway on the second floor, wishing that she was still home sleeping as well. "Hmmm.." She said aloud to herself. Wonder what this 'Lichtenstein' country is going to be like. Sure hope she isn't some weird, crazy person who can't stand having a roommate, Mei wondered to herself as she continued walking down the hallway. She turned her head back and forth. "More classrooms on this floor." She said, then looking straight again. She let out a depressed sigh. "Man, I bet there's going to be more stairs" She moaned before stopping and pulling out her camera. "I suppose I could take a picture of em' anyway. I want to post every inch of this school on my website." She laughed in a very evil way to herself. Can't wait to see the drama that will go on here. No website if there's no drama, after all. She begun to near the end of the hallway as she thought this to herself, adjusting the lens of the camera once again. "I wonder what I should wear to the party that's supposed to take place in the gym." She said aloud, pictures of the outfits she could put together flashing through her mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik] Character Portrait: Taiwan
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0.00 INK

Taiwan was going through the outfits she could wear when she started to come closer to the end of the hallway when she noticed Iceland standing in one of the entrances and seemed to be waiting foe someone. She smiled, laughing sinisterly in her mind as she held her camera up and tried to approach slowly. She snapped an image of him and then a large smile crossed her face as she placed the camera back in her bag and continued walking down the hallway towards him. She stopped a few feet from the entrance. "Hello, Iceland." She said with a friendly tone of voice. "Have you found your dorm yet? I just started looking for mine." She asked the white-haired boy, then leaned in a little to peek into the classroom and saw that there was already quite a few countries already in there. She stepped back and blushed a little when she noticed Japan was already sitting in there and looked back at Iceland. "So where is your dorm room Iceland?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.