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Hetalia! Academy for the Countries

Hetalia Academy


a part of Hetalia! Academy for the Countries, by KuruLesperance.

This is where most of the action and roleplaying will take place.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Hetalia Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

434 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources: i do not own hetalia, the gifs, or the pictures. i only own camillo's and my ideas.


Hetalia Academy is fairly large; able to fit many, many countries. It's covered by cherry blossom trees in a hiding spot, a perfect, tranquil place for a school to sit in.
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Hetalia Academy

This is where most of the action and roleplaying will take place.


Hetalia Academy is a part of USA.

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Feliciano Vargas [0] PASTA~!
Hungary [0] "I expect the most respect possible!"

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Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik]
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[Since we have gathered enough characters, I've updated the dorms. Go to the dorm thread to see who you'll be living with. If you have a problem with the setup, please post to me or Camillo and we'll get it fixed to where you feel content. :) Also, the teachers will be controlled by Camillo or me until they are asked to be claimed.]

A young boy, seemingly the age 16, trailed around the academy with his heels bucking the ground, creating "clack clack" sounds whenever they hit. A puffin sat stationary on his head, resting on the boy as if he was a pillow in a way. "Hmn," he huffed bluntly. "puffin, I wonder if there are others arriving soon. I'm quite an early bird," he said, not recognizing his pun. The puffin simply and carelessly looked down at the boy's eyes, ruffled it's wings, then brought it's head up to close it's eyes and relax again.

"Ah, I see," he murmured. "Why are we even in America? I should be back at Reykjavik, relaxing in a hot spring, and drinking tea. Heimskur, I say." Iceland complained, though not in a whiny tone or a pouting one, but as cold as ice. Get my pun? Cold as ice?

Crossing his arms, he leaned against a pole and silently watched the cherry blossoms dance in the faint wind. "At least it seems elegant here in some way," he muttered. "Maybe I should practice bow and arrow in the mean time. I signed up for that, besides." Snatching his bag from off his shoulder, the name iceland was printed on the front of the bag, and on the back there was scribble scrabble in blue marker from a drunk Denmark whom decided to draw all over the back of his bag, which ticked him off slightly, though as usual he kept his cool.

Inside, a light blue, fairly medium-sized bow sat stationary as if waiting. He wrapped a gloved hand around the handle and pried it out of the substitute back pack and got into a stance and pointed it at a tree. "Sorry. It should not hurt you." Emil reassured the tree, as he squatted down and grabbed a couple of arrows to practice with. He grabbed the arrows' shafts, particularly, and put the rest down and held one in his hand. He pressed against the string and pulled back with the arrow nock, and soon fired, the tip of the arrow going into a cherry blossom petal and pinning it against the tree.

"I think I say 'bull's eye' when I shoot in the middle." He contemplated blankly.


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Honda Kiku

Eyes closed, wind blowing slowly, short black hair follows the direction of the wind,"I must focus.." The dark colored haired boy said to himself. It wasn't meditation, the boy was concentrating on his energy for today, no one must bother him in his concentrating zone, if so he had to do it all over again. His hands would lie on his thighs, so that there was more room for the good energy to come in and the bad energy to come out. Even though he was suppose to be concentrating at home, he guessed that the setting was good enough for him to concentrate.

Opening his eyes he glanced at the school with big brown chocolate eyes. Pushi jumped in the air on to Hondas' face, he gasped, jumping then rolling down the hill onto the bow and arrow field,"P-pushi! You scared me.." The short black colored haired boy got up and dusting his self off. Turning around he looked at the target,"Why is it," Honda poked the target,"so colorful, but made of wood?" Tilting his head slightly he just didn't know anything outside of his home, only that there are other people with home's that wasn't his.

Honda blinked being confused like he always does, he turned around and looked for anyone to ask them about the target. Though he didn't know what a 'target' was at all either, seeing Iceland he walked slowly over there, like an older man crossing the street. Since his legs weren't that long, it took him some time to get there. Walking over to where Iceland was he just stared at him trying to get him to pay attention to him, without touching him.


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Character Portrait: Alfred F Jones/America
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Alfred F. Jones
Mood: "Hyped up! Pumped!"

Approaching the school, the young man of age 16 adjusted his glasses and grinned. "Only a small walk from home, hehe." He chuckled to himself, and crossed his arms, his jacket flowing in the breeze. "Gonna be a good year, I know it. I'm hyped!" He looked around, but saw no one of interest, until he noticed Iceland and Japan at the archery field. He nodded slowly, sliding down the hill -- dramatically, have to look like a hero at all times to be one -- and stood next to the two. "Nice to see some of ya here early~! You both as pumped as I am?!" As if to demonstrate this, he fistpumped, laughing loudly as he constantly did. "It's gonna be a-w-e-s-o-m-e! Awesome!"

It was at that moment Alfred noticed that these two were not exactly the most 'hot blooded' of the student body, unlike himself, and he chuckled weakly.

"So, what're you two up to, eh?"


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Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: Alfred F Jones/America Character Portrait: Iceland [Emil Bondevik] Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Mei opened her eyes and starred at the ceiling. She listened to the birds chirping outside and stretched, kicking the silk blankets off of the bed and onto the carpet floor of her room. "Ahh, morning. What a lovely thing!" She said to herself sarcastically. She rolled out of bed on to the silk blanket that she had kicked onto the floor. After laying there a few minutes and telling herself to just get the day over with, She stood up lazily a stretched her arms over her head. After dressing her her casual clothes, brushing her hair, and tying a yellow ribbon into the right side of her hair, she collected her books and placed them into her back back and slid it over her shoulder. Making sure she had her camera safely tucked into her smaller shoulder bag, she opened the door of her apartment, squinting at the morning light. She only lived just across the street from the academy and she could already here Alfred's loud, enthusiastic voice. She sighed and made her way down the stairs and across the street. Seeing Japan with them, excitement sparked in her chest and she put on a smile. Waving to them she yelled, "Good morning everyone! How did you all sleep last night?" Mei walked up to the three boys, quickly pulling out her camera and flashing a picture. "Happy first day of school." She said, her voice a little sarcastic. "So, which electives are you all choosing? I think I'm going for Guitar or Art. Maybe swimming. Then again I could take Art for a club but I'd really like to take Archery. There's a lot to do at this school."


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Character Portrait: Hong Kong
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Hong Kong was making slow,gradual movements,shifting his weight from this side,to the other.
He had woken up early again,before daybreak,and was practicing Tai Chi in the courtyard.Hong Kong added a small burst of speed and a stomp before resuming the slow graceful movements of the Tai Chi Art.Despite his placid facial expression,he was actually wondering about how the day would go today.He was also wondering about which other countries had woken up.
Another small burst of speed.
On another note,he was thinking that Boy and Arrows might be a good alternative to his Tai Chi practices.Perhaps he'll be joining soon.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Hong Kong
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"Ni-Hao, guys." "Mei... Still not Kawaii-Aru." He knew that voice and style of speech all too well.
Hong Kong turned to face the source of the sound.As expected,it came from his senior nation,China.He observed China from head to toe,and noticed signs of rushing for school,the wild strand of hair poking out from China's head,his clothes were worn in reverse,one of his shoes weren't properly fitted onto his feet.Distasteful...
Hong Kong had the urge to snap a photo of China at the current moment,but he had left his cellphone back at the dorm.
He gave himself a small,unsatisfied sigh instead,and secretly laughed at China's appearance in his head.


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Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Hong Kong responded to Taiwan's greeting with a nod,keeping his face impassive,although he was already going a little ballistic inside.He nearly bursted out laughing when Taiwan snapped a photo of China,as well as made a sarcastic remark of their senior's appearance,but he kept it in.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Japan Character Portrait: China [Yao] Character Portrait: Hong Kong Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Hong Kong blinked when he realized he just had his photo taken by Taiwan.He sure hoped he looked great in it.Or else he'd never be shown as being 'fashionable' again.Then Taiwan asked him about his electives,before talking about her own.
"I decided to take guitar and art." "For clubs I decided to do Archery and I'm going to audition for Couru Cantarella."
Then she smirked at China,which Hong Kong gave a thumbs up to mentally in his mind.
"Plus I'm taking sewing club and I'm gunna make super "Kawaii" clothes!" There was a large emphasis on the 'Kawaii',but that was expected,since Taiwan was obviously making a jab at China. "So, what are you all taking?"
For the first time,since today,he opened his mouth.
"Mei,I'll be in Art electives with you,but I'm not in Guitar,I'm taking Swimming.As for clubs..." He shrugged before continuing. "Art again,Cooking...and perhaps..." he motioned at the archery range. "Archery,if I like what I see right now."
And with that,he zipped his lips shut.Talking was not really his thing...
He glanced at the other 2 Asian nations.Now that Taiwan had brought it up,he was anxious as to what they had selected too.