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High School Never Ends

High School Never Ends


Kasamura Academy is one of the top schools in all of Japan. Only geniuses or super rich kids can get into it. But what scandals, romance, jealously, and betrayal happen inside Kasamura's exclusive walls?

5,603 readers have visited High School Never Ends since EternalSin created it.


The prestigious Kasamura Academy, also known as Kasamura High is rated the 4th top high school in Japan. It's full of straight-A students -as will as rich students-, some of the countries top teachers, and of course love, deceit, betrayal, scandals and malicious teenagers. Only top-class students who've earned a scholarship through their grades or whose parents can pay for tuition can enroll. But this does not mean it's a school full of polite and honest students. Scandals break loose all the time. Groups are like gangs here and alliances and rivalries form all the time. Girls are constantly fighting for guys, and vise versa. Despite being an academy, this is real high school. Students ruin others students relationships just so they can take their boyfriend or girlfriend, bullying is a common offense, whether it be physical or verbal, the school is based off a hierarchy of popularity, and recently a scandal has broken loose in the school and there are rumors floating around that the wealthier kids have been bribing teachers into giving them better grades.

For Yuki, a student who has just enrolled from a small half home-schooled academy to Kasamura Academy in the middle of the semester, high school is going to be a lot harder than she could have ever imagined…

Toggle Rules

  • Anyone can play
  • Average high-schoolers only (that means no monsters, super-powers, ect...)
  • No God mode or playing others characters without permission.
  • Alliances, love, and relationships are allowed.
  • Please write in third person, past-tense, novel-style please.
  • If you post a character, you must play.
  • Japanese names only.
  • You MUST have an anime picture with your character in the profile box. You can also put a larger size picture of your character in the description.
  • Feel free to move the story-line along if you have a good idea, but please, if it's full of crap don't waste my time ;)
  • Have fun!
::In Title::
[First Name]
[Last Name]
[Nickname (if you have one){Submit like so: First Name β€œNickname” Last Name}]
[Character Quote]

::In Description::
[Appearance {Must have a photo attached!}]
[Grade Average]
[Class in Society]
[Extracurricular activity(s)(if any)]

::In Personality::

::In History::
[Reason for Enrolling at Kasamura (usually money or grades)]

See my character for an example!
Note: My character is shown in Kasamura's official school uniform, so this is what female characters wear. (Girls: If in your picture, your character is wearing a different uniform, I don't mind, just remember that's not the school's uniform.)
(Boys: The school uniform for boys is black with a red belt, so if you can find a picture of your character with that, feel free to post it!)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 13 authors

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
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"A pleasure to meet you, Akira-san." Smiling with much gentle joy, she understood what Akira-san meant. It did not register to her that he was the Grandson of the Headmaster. To Ai, he was a kind person much like May-san as she had observed. It was nice thing to have met such people. However, she did wish that Akio could have come with her. Still, his shift was not over yet. It made her feel guilty that she was enjoying herself here while her brother was working hard, It made her cringed as she clasped her hands tightly in front of her and had a sorrowful look upon her golden eyes. Maybe, she should take her leave now. But, May-san did say that Akio would be coming when he finishes his work. Also, she did cause May-san much trouble by picking her up and having the wonderful dress that she was wearing be borrowed by her.

Snapping from her inner thoughts, she gazed at her fellow Choir Member which was Ryuu-san. The man looked very dashing in his formal attire. "Good evening Ryuu-san. Thank you for the compliment." She said with a grateful smile without any pretenses. "I should say you look quite handsome tonight." After saying that, she took a pause as to remember if she had seen any other people that could be possibly Ryuu's brothers. Yet, she had not met anyone else except for Akira-san, Ogawa-san and May-san. "I believe, I have not seen your brothers as of now, Ryuu-san."

Her radiant golden eyes gazed at the newcomers. Ai did not recognize anyone of them but it would be improper to ignore them. Adding to that, new people could always be new friends and she was slowly gaining a lot this evening as it appeared. She did not mind at all as she gave the two a greeting nod and a smile. "Good evening, I am Ichijo Airen. Let us have a pleasant night." It was spoken with much soft politeness as if the Heaven's choir had sung it. Moreover, her beauty was illuminated by her grace and clothes despite the lock of make-up and such. Ai was truly stunning and gorgeous with making much an effort at all.

Diverting her attention from the two, she gazed at Akira-san. Ai could not help but adore his singing and the song as well. It was a song that she first sang in front of a crowd. "That was a splendid singing Akira-san and like May-san had said. It is alright just take a deep breath and be yourself. I am certain no one would hate you for that." Sincerity and kindness wrapped around her words with a tint of deceit. After all, Airen never lied and hated deception very much. Although, May-san did gave her another moment to laugh at. The girl had always the humor to ease any tension that could be building. "I am quite sure that babies do not come from storks or factories. May-san." Airen said with a smile and few giggles that sounded like a chime of lullaby.

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( Ignore )

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
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With a polite, adorable smile, Yuki nodded at Airen's introduction. "Pleased to meet you, Airen. My name is Miyazashi Yuki." She gave a slight bow, polite smile never leaving her face. The so called Ichijo Airen was undeniably beautiful, just like everyone else in the group. But it did give Yuki a slight sense of relief; with so many gorgeous people around her, awed strangers would not be focusing on her alone. This thought slightly relieved the nervous churning in the pit of her stomach.

Yuki then noticed May snicker and wink at her, and glance up at Sora. This immediately made her give a slight scowl in reply. She had a feeling someone would assume her and Sora were dating, which or course was a false accusation, which she hates.
"We're just friends," she growled. Not matter how hard Yuki tried to be intimidating, it was just impossble for such a frail, angelic girl. Her attempts to look serious only made her look adorably embarrassed. Her cheeks were flushed red and she had a small 'pouty face' as she crossed her arms. Sora only chuckled, amused by Yuki's flustered reaction and May's teasing.

Before Yuki could argue on about the subject, May asked quite a riduclous question about where babies come from, which deeply confused her.
Surely she must be joking... How could someone her age not know about the facts of life? Did she totally skip out on any biology or antomy classes? I never knew anyone her age could not know about something so unbelievable evident. Hm, I guess some people are just blind to the world around them...
Next to her, Sora was trying to resist the urge to burst out laughing. Obviously he found it hilarious that a highschooler could still retain the innocence of a small child and could still believe in the foolish myth that babies came from a stork or a factory. He put a hand over his mouth, trying so hard to only let a few snickers escape, as not to embarrass poor May-chan. He wanted so badly to bluntly state every single step in making a baby in extreme detail, but resisted the urge. After all, it may just scar her for life.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
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#, as written by Vain
Akira had to stifle a laugh from May's question, but was almost unable to when he saw Yamato-san trying to contain his as well. I knew May was a funny person, but this is ridiculous, he thought. Suddenly his thoughts and the rooms conversation were interrupted by the light ringing melody of his cell phone. Akira retrieved the device from his pocket wondering who could be calling him. He opened the flip phone and looked down at the caller ID. It read Ichigo Ni-san. A realization hit him as he went to answer the phone, I forgot to call home!

"Hokage Akira," he answered.

"Akira! Where are you!? You were supposed to be home an hour ago! Are you alright!?" Ichigo shouted from the other end of the line.

"G-gomen Ichigo-ni, I got caught up with some friends from school. I meant to call you, but I forgot. I'm ok really. Umu, my friend Ogawa Minako-chan is having a party, well actually its already started, but she invited me. Its going to be a sleep over," Akira explained. There was a relieved sigh on the other end.

"Thank god your ok. You have no idea how worried me and your brothers were Akira. Wait, you want to sleep over at a girls house? Are you having any perverted thoughts? Minoru! Yuki! Akira's finally met a girl!" Ichigo called to his brothers in the background. Akira face turned beet red and he almost fumbled with the phone.

"I-its not like that Ichigo-ni! S-she's just a friend from school. Its a party! A party!" Akira shouted into his phone.

"Oh, never mind false alarm!" Ichigo called to his brothers again. There was an audible groan in the background. "Alright, you can stay, but I want to talk to your friend. Put her on the phone please."

"B-but Ni-san?" Akira whined.

"NOW AKira," Ichigo ordered. Akira turned to Minako and held out the phone.

"He wants to speak with you Minako-chan."

((OOC: You can control Ichigo if you want Skies))

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
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Everyone that she invited was now here, except for Masamura who refused to come and Ichijo-kun who was busy. But that aside the actual time to head to the ballroom was drawing close. Hime was happily chatting away with her guests. She could feel the time ticking away, like a bomb ready to explode. Although it was nothing for her to really worry about, because she was sure that her parents changed the meaning for the ball. Instead they said they'll just use it as a launch party for Hime's new product. Secretly, Hime liked to invent and design things, and from time to time would have launch parties for her successful items. It was out of her stereotype, but she loved getting into the world of design/inventing for just about everything, especially electronics. She hoped to one day create her own empire, and sit on her own throne of inventions. She did not like the thought of forever living off of her parents fortune.

As Akira and Ichijo got introduce to each other, Hime could see Ryuu walking through the doors. He looked quite amazing, a bit different from the laid-back look he usually displayed. But still handsome as ever. "Hey don't you all look.." He took a small pause, probably trying to find a word that suited this situation. "Pleasant?" He chuckled a bit, "Sorry you all look great, I'm just not much for formal wear..I find it lacking in all the right ways.." Hime raised her hand in front of her mouth, and laughed a little. "Do not worry, Ryuu-kun, you look dashing." Hime said with all honesty. Himes attention turned to the two that had just walked through the door, it was Miyazashi and Sora. She could hear Ryuu questions about whether his brothers were here yet, but she didn't answer and let the four of them talk. Hime slightly made her way of to the oncoming duo. "Hello, everyone!" Miyazashi said as she came closer, she focused her eyes on Hime after wards and thanked her for the invitation.

"I'm glad you two could make it." Hime smiled as she held her hands slightly out, as a welcoming gesture. "Hello, Sora. It has been a while, has it not?" Hime warmly smile, she recalled the first time they met. She always felt like Sora didn't think too much of her, always keeping a bit to himself; even when he was in the Student Council. As the trio chatted a bit before combining with the rest, she heard a bit of soft singing behind her. She was sure this voice belonged to Akira. 'Though she didn't know that he liked to sing; Hime sighed. Everyone nowadays could sing, but her. She had no confidence in her voice, but now and again she did hum. "Sorry, I'm not so good with large numbers of people. Its the only way to calm my nerves." Akira shyly said, causing Hime giggled a bit as she, Sora, and Miyazashi fused back into the group. "No worries. You have a wonderful voice, Akira-kun." Hime replied.

May said something to Akira that sounded a bit taunting; something about taking out a knife, but stopped mid sentence and laughed. She continued to answer Ryuus question, regretfully not being able to help him. Hime turned towards Ryuu, as May audibly asked a question that she had asked Hime earlier this afternoon. "OH! Before I forget...can some one tell me how babies are made? I know the stork brings them to the parents and all...but I does the factory make them?" Hime once again blushed, and softly chuckled at her innocence. As everyone else spoke their comments, all avoiding the actual explanations. To Ryuu, Hime helpfully replied, "Ryuu-kun. Your brothers have already arrived. They came in about 10 minutes ahead of you, and have already headed down to the ballroom to greet my parents."

Xidao made his way to Hime, as he left the door for the other butler and maids to attend to. Seeing as how everyone now was acquainted, Hime turned to Xidao, who held a silver platter that was a reasonable size. Upon the platter sat eight small boxes. Each other them held a personal guest pin, that let the rest of the guests know that they had higher status, and a closer relationship to Minako Ogawa. "I want everyone of you guys to have one of these, I am so pleased to have you guys come today. Really, I am very happy." She beamed like the sun, and warmth radiating from her smile. Hime knew that some of them had no choice but to come, but she was still extremely touched that they showed up. After Xidao handed each person a box, there were two left. Hime grabbed a box into her hand, and went up to Ichijo-san. "Ichijo-san, could you please give this one to your brother? Even though he was not able to make it today, I would still like for him to receive his rightful gift." Hime held her hand out, balancing the wrapped gift upon her palm. The last box was Masamuras.

With that Hime announced that it was time to head to the ballroom. The ballroom was decorated while Hime was out, and even though it took a bit less time then they usually took to decoration, it was just as elaborate. There was a section that served food, and classical music was playing. The walls were royally decorated with class and elegance; giving off a calm but joyful atmosphere. As they began to head to their destination, Akiras cellphone went off. He stayed behind to answer his call, and Hime stood a good couple of feet away, as to give him his privacy. "Xidao, please lead the my friends to the ballroom." He nodded to let her know he understood her order. Hime patiently waited for Akira to finish, so she could show him the way there, but to her surprise he walked up to her and held the phone out. "He wants to speak with you Minako-chan." He, meaning Akiras brother. Hime raised her eyebrow, and gentle grasped the phone. Her angelic voice echoed to the other end of the phone. "Hello? This is Minako Ogawa."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa Character Portrait: May Takano
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May pouted a bit Can no one answer my question...?! Then again...maybe they don't know themselves..?
May took the small box and was surprised to find a beautiful pin inside, it was gorgeous. She smiled at Hime in thanks as she attempted to put the pin on
" Ow...OW!..just pin in...ow." She finally put the pin on after many times of poking herself with it.
She noticed Akira talking on the phone, he looks embarrassed. Perhaps it's siblings? May only thought of that because of the issue she has with her cousin Misa, she adored embarrassing May, but same went for May to Misa.

Hime had asked for Xidao to lead them to a ballroom, May stiffened a bit..she didn't think she had to dance.
Though perhaps she can get away from doing it by sitting in a corner, it always worked for other things such as avoiding a conversation...playing a game she didn't care for, or to take a bath when she was little. As they entered she was yet again amazed! The ballroom look extraordinary like the rest of Hime's house. It do however confused May bit why a ballroom would be in some ones house...perhaps Hime's parents like throwing parties?
If that's the case then I like Hime's parents.

May sighed softly, perhaps she should just stay, she thought to herself. Though she do remove herself from the crowd slightly, she couldn't help but smile softly...Hime was very lucky, she had three siblings that loved very much and parents that would die for her. In some ways it made May jealous but as well as happy. The last thing she would want was for Hime to experience a life without the warmth of a family, to go on everyday wondering and hoping for things to change.
Then the thought of waking up at 3AM just to go perform, Misa could and the others never seemed to be tired...they could stay up 3 days and still have the energy of a 5 year old hooked up on sugar. I hope she at least will get my equipment... she rubbed her head with much irritation, she had school tomorrow and didn't have the mutant powers the rest did. I guess I will be taking a nap in the nurses office..again. not that she minded sleeping there, it was very comfortable and always cozy.
May stood there lost in her thoughts~

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
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"Hello, Sora. It has been a while, has it not?" Hime's voice chimed in a friendly manner, polite as always. He smiled kindly in return.
"Yeah, too long it seems." Despite the fact that he had suddenly dropped out of the Student Council, leaving her and Masamura to handle pretty much everything, she seemed to hold no resentment towards him. Then again, she didn't seem like the kind of person who would have feelings of bitterness for something so simplistic as quiting a school program. That was a nice quality for a person to have.

Xidao then approached then and handed everyone a box, a very intricately designed one of course, with a pin in it. While it was a very lovely pin, Sora didn't particularly care to wear something of the sort. But still, it would be rude to refuse to put it on. Yuki, on the other hand, put on the pin immediately, making it the perfect accent for her outfit. She smiled cheerfully and said kindly, "Thank you very much, Ogawa-san."

Suddenly Ogawa lead everyone to the ballroom. Yuki's jaw feel slightly in awe. This room was stunning; a huge chandelier hung from the ceiling, glimmering as glorious lights glinted off of it; the sound of violins echoed throughout the room as a small orchestra played in the corner, and of course a wonderous bounty of scrumptous looking food was being served by waiters in the serving area. Will Yuki was in awe, eyes darting from one thing to another, Sora looked completely unphased. He had seen it all before, and in his opinion, it wasn't all that great. While it was incredibly lavish and beautiful, to him it was just another way of flaunting money. And besides, the only thing this room brought to him were memories; not awe, not jealously, just memories.

Taking in a deep breath, he shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned back against the wall. Closing his eyes he allowed the gentle classical music to fill his ears. While it wasn't the music he normally listened to, it was still quite nice and he actually found himself liking it. It allowed a small feeling a peace and relaxion which eased his impatience slightly. Honestly he just wanted to get this over with so he could get out of here. Parties like these were never fun... That reminded him of something. What is this party for anyway?
His stunning eyes opened slowly as he stood up straight again. The blue-green orbs then darted in Hime's direction. "Hime-san, what exactly is this party for?"
She seemed to pause, almost in a nervous or uneasy way, as if looking words to say, when Akira appoarched and handed her the phone. She of course took the call, which was the perfect scapegoat. He sighed and leaned against the wall once more.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
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#, as written by Soki
Ryuu tilted his head and took the box opening it. He saw the pin and smiled as he took it, following the group into the ballroom. This place was amazing, he rubbed the back of his neck feeling alittle out of place here. He sighed alittle and just found a wall to lean against, His borther's were here and they were chatting with Minako's parents, oh how he'd regret this. He shivered heavily as the thought circled his head, feeling the heat growing he removed the over-coat to his tux placing it over a near chair as he crossed his arms. "Man, I Hate my family..." He mumbled out, and without expecting to be heard, one of the twins appeared and caught his words; Yuu only smiled. "Yeah, I figured you do, why wouldn't you? you are the youngest.." Ryuu only turned to his brother and scoffed. "I maybe the youngest, but at least I learned more from mom then either of you have, and I had less time with her.." Yuu only growled in anger, but let his scowl disappear as he closed his eyes calming himself.

"You'll come to see that father cares for us, even if he makes us carry on his legacy." Ryuu only glared; a type of glare that if it could kill, it would be an incredibly slow painful death. Ryuu held so much anger and resentment for his family, that he's been pushing to get out of there, even if it took joining the military. Yuu left him against the wall, and Ryuu took the quietness as a sign of a peace-treaty at least for now. He let out a relief sigh taking a seat on the chair and resting his elbows on his knees, and his head in his hands as he let the music soothe him. He let himself relax, this party even if it seemed something fishy was going on he wasn't going to let it get him down, at least not far enough he'd do something he'd regret. The other twin seemed off chatting it away with what seemed like another rich associate of their father's, and his elder brother still seemed to eagerly chat up Minako's parents.

He lifted his face, and could see May sitting alone, laughing a little; at the fact they both seemed to have the same idea; a thought sprang in his head. He stood up walking over to her, leaving his over-coat on the chair for a marker of where he was, and where he could return to sit. He bowed; quite formally just to be playful, and outstretched his arm. "Care to dance May?" He asked then smiled laughing a little. "Come on, we can't be wall-flowers, we have to at least try and get along with all the other tireless dancers, and rich folks.." He offered a charming smile, one that didn't get flaunted to often. "Besides, I'm not much of a dancer anyways, maybe I can embarrass my brother's enough they'll tell my father to disown me and I'll be free of the legacy curse forever.." He wasn't really using May to get back at his family, more like just trying to find a way to cut loose relax a little, and get his mind away from the fact his brother's were here, and the fact his entire way of life could be in jeopardy.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
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May jumped a bit when Ryuu had approach her, he had extended his arm asking her to dance. She blush softly, a little bit pleased that some one asked her to dance. Maybe I can embarrass my brother's enough they'll tell my father to disown me and I'll be free of the legacy curse forever.. She titled her head a bit Did Ryuu not like his family?
Attempting to forget about the thought she took Ryuu's hand and stood up " Alright, though I do have to warn you...if your hand goes any lower then my waist I am afraid things might get violent between the two of us." Though her words sounded a bit brutal she kept a soft smile on her face, May was never one to punch or kick,but she did carry a taser around with her so she wouldn't have to depend so much on her physical strength.

She followed Ryuu's lead " Don't worry about not being good at dancing, I am not fantastic myself...I think we can balance it out." She didn't think she would enjoy dancing, but that changed instantly, the atmosphere changed it all for her...mostly the music. She couldn't help but laugh a bit " I have to admit...this is my first time dancing with a boy, I normally dance with my cousin." Misa would tend to hog May so no one but her could dance with her when they were younger. They always fought and acted like they hated another but really loved each other, Misa dancing with May was her way of making sure May didn't get a guy before her, as well as protect May from what she called ' Men who just want to get in your pants.' of course May was puzzled on what she meant at the time.

The song then being played was Canon " you know this song? It's Canon...Pachelbel's Canon, it repeats the same melody and crescendos gradually,peacefully, and beautifully. It would be nice if life changed like that: Slowly but surely, while being seemingly unchanged from day to day.
That's what my father used to say, he was a big fan of this song and played it when we were having breakfast." She closed her eyes as she listened to the melody, but reopened them.
" I don't mean to stick my nose into your business or anything, but doesn't seem you really like your family all that much?" May always hated it when families never got along. To her things could always change between a broken family, that it could always be put together again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
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#, as written by Soki
He laughed alittle shaking his head, "No worries, I'm not gonna try anything." He said as he led the way on the dance floor and during the dance. He smiled when she made a comment about her own abilities at dancing. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah seems about right, we should make a sight on the dance floor evening it all out." He said with a smile, and then laughed alittle about never dancing with a boy. "Well that's alright, this is the first time I've danced at all, i'm usually at concerts not clubs. "No, honestly this is not my type of music, but yeah I see your point, it's soothing, if life could carry on like this it'd be great."

He flinched alittle at the question, and faltered alittle at a step nearly tripping over himself and pulling May with him. "Yeah well, my family isn't something I enjoy. I hate my father, and my brother's are just as bad. My sister was the only one that didn't push me into being something I'm not." He couldn't, he wouldn't stand to do anything that involved his father, or brothers. He couldn't stand the notion of being near them if at all possible he smiled alittle at her. "I'm not much for the whole male bonding in my family, I get along quite fine with my sister though."

Once the song ended, he pulled away alittle and bowed to her "Thanks for the dance May, and to be honest I don't speak to much about my family, I really hate my brothers, and father to the point, I've taken all the chances I can to get away from home." He shook his head some and smiled, "I know that probably seems harsh, but I'm more to the point of keeping away from my family at all cost." He admitted leading the way off the dance floor. "You see, things got hard when I started getting older, my father took no interest in my life until my mother died, and then all the sudden he could send me off to the highest bidder, or use me to somehow get more associates by putting me up for a marriage proposal." He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked towards where his elder brother was talking to Minako's parents. "It's funny, usual I'm not to open about my personal life but thanks for listening to my rant."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
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May frowned a bit as Ryuu spoke of his family, it did however make her feel frustrated how a family could be so terrible to another.
It made her ever worse when he mentioned marriage proposal, that had to be the worst...May knew she would never have to worry about it but it's better to find love...then just shove a random woman or man into your life. " Well I am sorry that you all don't get along to well...and don't worry about it, at school often girls rant to me about their love life or how they might not get paid their 1000 dollar allowance but instead will get 500..."
May leaned back on the wall shaking her head at the stupidity of some of the people at their school, you think they would appreciate what they have.

" You had said you like concerts? I will have to agree with you on that one,it's much more lively. I am enjoying myself though, I guess because I never experienced such a formal party." She shifted uncomfortably, her heels were killing her...she never wore them so they weren't exactly broken in all the way.
Gah, whoever made these needs to shoot themselves, this is terrible. finally settling down she eyed the food, some of it looked odd or just not familiar, but one dish did stand out...she often caught her mother eating it. " I think I am going to grab something to eat~" she walked over, but the moment she took a sniff she took a complete U-turn and fast walked all the way back to Ryuuki.
" You know, I am not that hungry not that I think about it." She said laughing softly,if it didn't smell good to her. There was no way she was going to try it.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo
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0.00 INK

Smiling at Yuki, Ai knew that this was of the new student that many was talking about. She seemed to be nice and pleasant as far as the female Ichijo could tell. Directing her attention to May once again, she could not help but like May more. Everyone tried to avoid the question asked with such innocence in their own ways. She was certain that May would know the answer to the in due time. Although, she wonders what kind of reaction the girl would have when she finds out. In any case, she would offer her assistance in anything as far as she could do. After all, she and May are friends aren't they?

Noticing Xidao approaching them with beautiful boxes in hand, she gazed at him as Ogawa took the opportunity to explain its content and purpose. She was grateful for the pin that would serve as a remembrance of her ever first party. Taking it with much joy, her smile was so bright as it illuminated her beauty more. "Thank you very much, Ogawa-san." Taking a look at it, she noticed that there was also another for Akio. It made her sad that her brother was still not here. However, she knew that Akio would keep his word about coming after his work ends.

"I appreciate this Ogawa-san. Thank you, I am sure Ani would as well." Her voice chimed with pleasant politeness as she took the box. Ai was certain that Akio would be surprised at such a beautiful pin. Golden eyes gazed at another box and it made her wonder for whom it should be. She was not certain who Ogawa had invited other than the people around here. It would appear that this person would come late or be absent. Such a shame, if her opinion was asked.

Soon enough, they were led into the Ballroom where the party had started. Although, Ogawa and Akira had been left behind due to a phone call. It was simply majestic in her own description. The feeling of the scenery seemed to have come out from the novels of fairytale balls that she had read. She looked around like a child lost in store full of sweet delights. This was surely a dream come true. Listening to the music, she stood there much like a statue of serenity. Ai was certainly at peace. Her golden eyes shone with much vibrancy and her happiness lit her face wonderfully.

Seeing May and Ryuu taking the opportunity to dance, she could not help but smile at the couple. They look adorable in every sense. If Akio was here, she was sure that her brother would ask her for a dance for her sake. Despite knowing Akio certainly has no talent for such, it certainly made her love her brother more. Looking at her other companions, Yuki was still admiring the venue and as for Sora, he was leaning on the wall with a eerie frustration. She wondered if he was forced to come.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu
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0.00 INK

"I'd much rather eat nails and choke then to go with you to some party."

Those were the last words Neyo had said to some jock who had attempted to and failed miserably at asking him to the party at Minako's estate. The look in the poor guys eyes informed Neyo that his words had hit home. There wasn't anything truly wrong with the guy, he had the body, the brains and the looks, but Neyo was particular with who he let into his life, and he loved silence. It might had been the way the guy approached him that caused such a outburst, or it might of been the fact that the guy had disturbed Neyo's study session, but whatever it was, there was no taking back what had been said.

After he finished writing down his notes, and after he had finished tutoring for the day, he decided that he would at least participate in the first party of the year. Besides, he had associates going to this party at Minako's estate as well and to converse with them for some time would be quite enjoyable. As he drove home, he couldn't help but wonder if going to this new school was the right choice or rather the right path for him. He'd been a straight A student since he could remember and it never dawned on him that he was different. Now, after being placed in this new school, he feels different. Pulling into the driveway of the large estate his parents possessed, he parked the car and grabbed his backpack. He hardly left anything in his locker and often enjoyed studying during the late nights.

Walking into the large mansion, he greeted his mother and father and went to his room. His butler asked if he needed anything to which Neyo simply replied "no". There was silence in his room, and that was how he loved it. Placing the backpack on the edge of the bed, he went through his clothes and found a pretty neat outfit. It consisted of an Ed Hardy shirt with a pair of jeans and a beautifully designed hoodie. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair before leaving the estate and heading for Minako's estate.

As he pulled up, he couldn't help but wonder if Ryuu was here. The poor guy seemed to be in pain whenever his brothers were around. Neyo had often wondered more than once if Ryuu would ever harm his brothers, but the thoughts simply slipped into the back of his psyche. Parking directly behind Ryuu's car, Neyo got out and proceeded to enter the estate. The music was loud but not extremely loud, and the people were crowded against the walls. Some talking, some dancing, some just having a hell of a time. When Neyo entered, everyone's eyes seemed to stare directly at him, and Neyo could have sword he heard the music stop. Was it really that awkward to see him at a party, dressed the way he was dressed? Smirking, Neyo simply walked around the mansion not really paying attention to anyone.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu
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0.00 INK

May's eyes immediately caught Neyo, he did after all stand out. He was not wearing anything formal, she was amazed yet some what jealous...jealous as in not having the courage to do such a thing. She would prefer wearing that then a dress of her mothers, then a thought came up. Could he here to crash the party? May took a long pause, but shook her head slightly. If so then he wouldn't have been able to get this far...unless he is some spy ninja boy. She looked at Hime a bit desperately, she had to get up quite early and if she didn't get to bed now...she was going to regret it,but Hime was on the phone and it would be rude to interrupt her conversation.

Spotting Ai-san she couldn't help but smile, she looked wonderful as ever and always seemed to bring warmth to May. She made her way over to Ai-san and bowed " May I have this dance." She snickered wondering if Ai-san would accept.

(( Pretty short I know, on the phone doing this :) ))

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu
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0.00 INK

Ai turned around to face May who called out to her furthermore, she had asked her for a dance. It was quite a surprise and she was already content on watching the others. However, she was really glad that May would do such a thing for her. Despite, it was quite odd for two girls to dance. "It would be my sweet pleasure to let you have this dance." She said with a warm gentleness while a smile was upon her beautiful face. There was no harm in enjoying themselves in the way they wanted to. After all, there was another newcomer to the ball. This time he definitely stood not due to his looks or popularity but due to his choice of clothes.

In her opinion, there was nothing wrong about that. The male has his own right to do what he wants to do. Adding to that, he did no wrong at all. But it would appear, he also wanted to be left alone like Sora in his own opinion. Directing her attention to May once again, she waited for her friend to lead the way. Ai believed it was the proper way to have dance. This would be the first time she could dance at such a grand party. It was like a fairytale although, the prince part was edited to be a princess as well. There was nothing wrong about that in her own book.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
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0.00 INK

Dull teal eyes scanned over the various entrees absolutely repulsed and unamused. This food was nasty. This party was much to formal. This music was getting on his nerves. So were the people. It was too loud, too crowded, too stuffy. Sora's negative thoughts of this drab party could have gone on and one, but it wouldn't do any good. Unbelievably formal parties like this weren't his cup of tea whatsoever. He was used to the kind of underground raves in dark lit rooms with flashing lights, loud music, and crazy teenagers where you had to keep an eye on your drink before someone slipped something into it. He grinned slightly. Now those were his kind of parties.

Here, the most fun you could have is talking to others and reminicsing about the past, or talking plans for the future, which he promptly refused to talk to anyone. Sure, there was dancing, it was just stale, stuffy, boring, formal, and slow. If only he could liven up this party... if one could even call it that. Pacing slightly, and avoiding idle conversation with old acquaintances, Sora noticed a new, slightly familiar face stumble into the room. It was Neyo, and he looked very out of place here. While they weren't friends or anything, Sora certainly knew of Neyo, but not too much about him. Hell, he doesn't even know his real name and didn't find out that "Neyo" was a nickname until a few weeks ago. He sighed deeply upon gazing at his outfit. It certainly wasn't in Sora's style, but he envied Neyo's boldness and bravery. "Lucky son-of-a-bitch..." he mumbled under his breath.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo
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0.00 INK

May put her hand on Ai's waist " Bare with me Senpai...I don't normally lead, but I am sure anyone could guess that." She began to lead, she turned out the be a natural at leading, but nothing special. Perhaps after this dance I should hit the hay. If Hime is still on the phone ill just park myself under her bed or something to that extent. May's eyes landed on Ai's she couldn't help but smile, Ai's beauty even made her wish she was a guy.
Then again...she would have to deal with her brother, perhaps it would be better to wish for a sister then a brother.
She wouldn't be able to stand such over protectiveness from a brother, she would go for a sister the same age as her, a little sister would be trouble..mainly because May had a weak spot...that being she gets flustered when being called Onee-chan.

Realizing she was spacing off again she quickly tried to start a conversation " Be..sure to check your fridge, I hear strange things happen to fridges when their owners don't put a penny in them. " After twirling Ai in a graceful manner she went back to talking with her " I know this is a bit of a odd question, but...let's say you were asked on a date. How would your brother react? " May couldn't help but get curious now of the subject of sisters and brothers.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo
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0.00 INK

Ai gave a small giggle at May's commentary about not normally leading. This was expected being a girl however, she made it natural as they glided through the dance floor. The dance was nothing out of the ordinary but, the both of them were having fun in their own ways. It made them stood out more than being girls dancing together. Classical music drifted around the elegant ballroom as they made such a dance look enjoyable instead from its usual rigidness and monochrome manner. The female Ichijo wondered if this was it like to have friend or even a sister. It appeared to be a pleasure to have so. She only hoped that when her parents have their another set of children. Ai would have the opportunity to meet them. Thinking about that, she was taken our from her stupor when May had spoken about the fridge.

"Pardon, strange things happen? I am not certain about that. Although, Ani and me need to do some groceries." She said thoughtfully and gave an affirming nod towards May's word of caution as it seems to be. "I will look into that when I take my leave later this evening." A small yet warm smile appeared upon her face as she wondered what May could have truly meant. Yet, her thoughts were taken when she twirled exquisitely making her dress fluttered around her. It made her look like flower blooming and after doing so, May prompted her another subject of conversation. The said topic was certainly a cause of worry for Akio in any way that it was presented. Ai could already imagine the look upon her brother's face if he had heard about this question.

"Ani would probably want to meet the person who asked me on a date. There is a high chance of interrogation and for Ani to accompany us to the date if I wanted to go really." Spoken with much gentle truth, this was much of a fact as Ai had known Akio since they were young. There was also an incident when they were still in preschool. A boy from her class announced that when he grows up that Ai would be his bride. Of course, Akio did not take that in a stride and a fight broke out. Her brother was overly protective but, this was due to his guilt of what happened that one time. Ai really hoped that he would conquer that memory when she had already said so many times that there was no ill feelings about it. "Ani is similar to a very dutiful bodyguard in that sense."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Takano Character Portrait: Airen "Ai" Ichijo
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0.00 INK

May couldn't help but laugh a bit " A bodyguard? That's a good way to put it." May had ended her dance with Ai, taking a step back and bowing
" That was a wonderful dance, your good on your feet. I think I am going to be over at one of the corners, I can't take these shoes any longer..." She said as she walk over to the corner of the room. Without hesitation she took off her heels, cursing at them in her in head as she sat down. It never felt so good to sit on the floor. Rubbing her feet she notice Sora, he didn't seem like he was enjoying the party.
I guess he isn't the formal party type? If that is even a that I think about it, what would happen if you put a bunch of formal class people...into a rave party of some kind? She managed to stop herself from bursting out laughing, the thought of the reactions would be to funny.

May yawned softly, feeling tired from all the dancing and the music only made it worse. " Gracious, I don't ever want to live a life like this...there is no excitement. Instead it feels rather...not boring but...not my type of thing." She played with her hair a bit as she thought more of the subject of excitement, that was the type of life she wished to live..a life where she can do what she loved best, a life she could run free without being pulled back by any chains.
Of course...that life was far away and difficult to reach due to her parents wishes for her future. Her mother wanted to be a great violin player, but she found no joy in the instrument. Her mother tried many other instruments, but none gave her such a feeling like the electric guitar. It was loud and exciting,but most of was not sophisticated .

After her acoustic guitar in the garbage she would practice in secret, her parents didn't like the her no choice but to hide it from them.
It wasn't long till her cousin caught her in the act and decided they should play together, it was nice to share something she loved doing with someone for a change. Misa had made some new friends that had to same interests, they soon formed a band and played for one single purpose..because they loved to play and wanted to share there joy with others. The band started out small but became big in a club that hosted bands, rarely they would ever have a big popular band some in, it was to they made due with great bands that were not so popular.
As the band grew, a dream grew, a dream to become big and play for the world. (Note: I have the pictures of May's band in her character sheet.)

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View All » Add Character » 19 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi
Character Portrait: Keiichi "Kei" Masamura
Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa
Character Portrait: Kai Tsukina
Character Portrait: Hokage Akira
Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
Character Portrait: Shinji "Shin" Harusaka
Character Portrait: Akira Hokage
Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu


Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu
Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu

"Listen, don't you hear it? It's called silence and I'd like to keep it that way."

Character Portrait: Akira Hokage
Akira Hokage

Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak.

Character Portrait: Shinji "Shin" Harusaka
Shinji "Shin" Harusaka

"My head is always in the clouds, but I assure you; I know what I'm doing."

Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
Sora Yamato

"What lies behind the smile?"

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira
Hokage Akira

Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak.

Character Portrait: Kai Tsukina
Kai Tsukina

Do I look crazy to you?

Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa
Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa

"That is quite alright, is it not?"

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto

"Hey how are things, don't go in there, I just sat up i'd rather not watch you get splattered"

Character Portrait: Keiichi "Kei" Masamura
Keiichi "Kei" Masamura

"You could come close but remember no one can capture me."

Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi
Yuki Miyazashi

"How 'bout you get to know me first before trying to go after me just for my looks."


Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto

"Hey how are things, don't go in there, I just sat up i'd rather not watch you get splattered"

Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi
Yuki Miyazashi

"How 'bout you get to know me first before trying to go after me just for my looks."

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira
Hokage Akira

Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak.

Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
Sora Yamato

"What lies behind the smile?"

Character Portrait: Kai Tsukina
Kai Tsukina

Do I look crazy to you?

Character Portrait: Akira Hokage
Akira Hokage

Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak.

Character Portrait: Keiichi "Kei" Masamura
Keiichi "Kei" Masamura

"You could come close but remember no one can capture me."

Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu
Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu

"Listen, don't you hear it? It's called silence and I'd like to keep it that way."

Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa
Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa

"That is quite alright, is it not?"

Character Portrait: Shinji "Shin" Harusaka
Shinji "Shin" Harusaka

"My head is always in the clouds, but I assure you; I know what I'm doing."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto
Ryuukasu "Ryuu" Sakamoto

"Hey how are things, don't go in there, I just sat up i'd rather not watch you get splattered"

Character Portrait: Yuki Miyazashi
Yuki Miyazashi

"How 'bout you get to know me first before trying to go after me just for my looks."

Character Portrait: Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu
Nekoruushi "NeYo" Honorashu

"Listen, don't you hear it? It's called silence and I'd like to keep it that way."

Character Portrait: Sora Yamato
Sora Yamato

"What lies behind the smile?"

Character Portrait: Hokage Akira
Hokage Akira

Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak.

Character Portrait: Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa
Minako-Eri "Hime" Ogawa

"That is quite alright, is it not?"

Character Portrait: Shinji "Shin" Harusaka
Shinji "Shin" Harusaka

"My head is always in the clouds, but I assure you; I know what I'm doing."

Character Portrait: Akira Hokage
Akira Hokage

Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak.

Character Portrait: Kai Tsukina
Kai Tsukina

Do I look crazy to you?

Character Portrait: Keiichi "Kei" Masamura
Keiichi "Kei" Masamura

"You could come close but remember no one can capture me."

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Most recent OOC posts in High School Never Ends

Re: High School Never Ends

aha, this one I miss this one too; I'm glad i'm rereading old haunts..

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends


Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

thanks, I'll post after a few more have posted and have NeYo either change clothes or start interacting, or someone could interact with him, he isn't that mean.....:-(

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

-huggles both wind of fate and Vain- Get better guys D:

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

I had the most dry weekend, sick and laying in bed.

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

Aww. Alright. I hope you heal fast.
Do you mind if I autopilot your charrie and have him move to America, or something, until your arm is healed?

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

sorry guys. I don't think I'm going to be able to continue. I broke my arm over the weekend. I used one hand to type this. Took forever.

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

Hehe, I hope Vain gets back.
Well to let you know, May simply bash one dish her mother liked. May is picky about her food, but not in that fancy way or whatever.
Like how she ordered a cheese burger but didn't like the cheese.

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

I had to throw the yet in for dramatic effect doesn't mean I'm gonna bash on the food XD the only thing Ryuu doesn't liiiiiike is when overly rich people have their noses so far in the air that if they fell their necks would snap at the slightest dip in the path

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

lol i unno when you'll get to post BUT I HAS NOT BASHED ABOUT THE FOOD....yet >.>

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

I wonder when I'll get to post. ;_;
I keep seeing people bash on the food at the party, and I'm not even sure what food there is. Lol.

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

Why?? What did I do?? :O

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

I feel bad for Equil :( He is having to wait on us so he can role play D:

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends


Doesn't his appearance just scream rebel. I could always edit my post though so......................... But then whoever has responded to his wear would have to edit their's as well........

Re: [OOC] High School Never Ends

I was wondering why you had him dress like that. xP
I was like, eh? Must be a REBEL! Haha.
