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High School

High School


This isn't about conforming, but if you join a clique, it might be. Just be who you are and let loose. Let the story write itself.

3,948 readers have visited High School since museman created it.



This is supposed to be the part of the roleplay where I give an overview of the story line thus far, but to me... it just seems like utter bs. I understand it is fun to play along with a story and finish it up, but I think creating your own characters, your own story, your own roleplay, should be fun. I don't want to hold you back from creating the characters that you want. I'm not going to give you guys a character sheet to fill out because I really want you to create your own. I know that what I'm doing is basically give you a playground of endless possibilities, and from what I've seen, that doesn't work out. People usually want a story set up for them so they can write unoriginal BS. I'm probably making everything worse for my cause because I basically insulted all of you, and for that, I am truly sorry.

I really just came up with this idea because High school is a time when teens find out who they are. That is what Erik Erickson basically states with his studies in developmental psychology. He believe that between the ages of about 12 and 19, adolescences should be facing a moral issue between role confusion and identity. I really want this roleplay to write itself sort of to those rules. I know my idea for this was for people to basically write this themselves with nothing holding them back, but I think a great starting point is the confusion teenagers usually have in life.

There is a chance that this whole thing does work out, and that would be wonderful. I see so many roleplays, and even join a few, that only go on for about ten or twenty posts and then die. If it ends up being just me and one other person, I frankly won't care as long as it can last. I think writing is something people should do to express themselves and joining an roleplay, hopefully this one, can help you express yourself and also let this expand to as big as it can get. Now i'm just rambling and I apologize for that. So without further adieu, I present to you a roleplay that might work out... hopefully.

Toggle Rules

1. I'm not holding you back with anything. Create your own character, have them do whatever. Just be original with everything.
2. This is a mature High School roleplay. It will contain mature content such as swearing and sexual stuff. If a scene is going to get risque, fade to black out of respect for your peers and if you want you may go to pm.
3. Respect others when talking in OCC. I don't think being mean is getting anyone anywhere anytime soon.
4. Just go with the flow and make the story you wanna make for your character(s).
5. Be literate. It's not hard. For me rambling does just fine to type out a few hundred words. All i'm asking though is about 100 words per post. If you can do more, that's great! Obviously the beginning might be a bit slow, but just go with it.
6. There is no character sheet. Sorry to say, but you can either make one as simple as you want and create your character as story lines develop, or go steal when from another roleplay and use that. Whatever your little hearts desire is fine by me.
7. Any questions or concerns? Just Pm me.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer Character Portrait: Sero Namretan Character Portrait: Ty Darkman Character Portrait: Triston Murdock
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
The sun, the sky, his current surroundings, they were all gray. Rudi just blocked everything out as he laid back in the reclined driver's seat inside of his beat up car. It wasn't much, just an old trash heap, but at least it was able to go to point A to point B without completely breaking down. He tried to ignore his need for something to smoke. He ignored cigarettes because they are an expensive habit, and are a pretty easy way to give yourself cancer. He didn't have any joints left since he smoked all of them and needed to get more. He started to get the sweats, but looked at the clock for a quick distraction. It read 7:00 AM. He got out of the car which he parked in the last spot, between a wall and a car. He took off his shirt from the day before and threw it in the back of his car, and slid on a "clean" black one that was just sitting in the passenger seat. Without taking a look around Rudi dropped both his trousers and briefs. He slipped on another pair of briefs and some jeans. He reached for his backpack, put it on, closed and locked the car doors, and headed toward the school.

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0.00 INK

The alarm shook him awake with that of an annoying headache. He slowly got out of bed and stretched. He looked around his black room for his dresser. Once found he changed into a black Three Days Grace t-shirt, boxers, black jeans, and his white on black vanz. The school year had just begun on this day. He went into his bathroom and brushed his teeth and messed with his black hair. He checked his watch and saw it was 6:45 so he then grabbed his backpack put it on and walked to school ignoring his family on the way out of the house. He arrived at school at 7:00. He sat up against a tree on the school grounds and listened to music through his earbuds.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison
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0.00 INK

Jess woke up at 6:00 am, taking a shower before starting to get ready for school. She always had to look her best when she left the house or she'd never hear the end of it from her mother. 'You're image is very important Jessalyn' She could practically hear her mother's voice in her head. With a quiet sigh, Jess finished curling her hair and grabbed her designer purse off the back of her chair, making her way downstairs. She can hear her mom in the kitchen already, the sound of the blinder makes her want to barf, luckily there's nothing in her stomach to come back up. Her breakfast has been the same for as long as she could remember, if you could even call it that, her mom made her a shake every morning that was supposed to boost her metabolism, to help burn off the calories she ate through out the day, which next to nothing. "Here you go sweetie, drink up." Her mother said, pouring the mixture into a glass for her.

Jess didn't say a word as she sat down at the counter and hesitantly sipped at the foul tasting concoction. Her mom was going on about her schedule for the week, when she had photo shoots and when she had appearances to make, not that Jess was paying any attention, she just sat there with a forced smile plastered to her face, the same fake smile she always wore around her mother and everyone else she met while working.

When she finished her drink, she quickly got up from the table and headed toward the door without a word to her mother. She quickly grabbed her keys and walked out the door, getting into her car and heading to school. Once she pulled into the parking lot, she got out of her car and straightened up her skirt, before heading inside, keeping her head held high. It didn't take long for her 'friends' to swarm her, asking her questions about the photo shoot she'd done over the weekend and she did a pretty good job at faking the excitement as she recounted the events to them which they all ate up, enjoying the small look into Jessalyn's 'fabulous' life.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison Character Portrait: Sero Namretan Character Portrait: Ty Darkman Character Portrait: Mimi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman
Rudi took some time walking up the steps to the front door of the school, but stopped as he heard some commotion coming from the parking lot. He walked around to see what was happening. He never usually tries to pay attention to anything happening at school, but wanted to make sure no one was breaking into his car. When he saw what the crowd of people was about he rolled his eyes. Rudi never talked to Jess before, but he knew what she was about. She seemed like she was a no nonsense type of character. He was never a fan of anyone of that kind. He dislike all the popular kids, but never got involved with their problems.

He stood off in the distance and watched as people crowded around the girl. Without hesitating for another second, Rudi turned and walked back the way he came, going into the school. He dreaded walking the hallways. He just waited for the day to end so he could just go home to an empty home and fall into an endless abyss of sleep.

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0.00 INK

Sero looked over his shoulder and saw people crowding around Jess. He glared at the people. Like Rudi Sero never cared much for the popular kids or ever cared to be one. He shrugged and went back to listening music to drown out the sound of the commotion. He looked through his phone for the next rock concert in the area currently there were none. He sighed and closed his eyes relaxing abit.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison Character Portrait: Sero Namretan Character Portrait: Ty Darkman Character Portrait: Mimi Character Portrait: Triston Murdock
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0.00 INK

Shiloh approached the school, always dreading it. She still hadn't made any positive connections at Pennsington. She noticed the crowd around Jess as she approached and avoided it as best she could; she didn't like Jess and Jess didn't like her. Was it jealousy? Perhaps...her mother always told her she was pretty and her accent made her even more beautiful, but she never believed any of that drivel. Clutching her books to her chest, she took a breath and walked quickly into the building. Once inside, she made her way to her locker.

It was easy to tell which was hers even if she didn't know where it was. Taped to the door of her locker were about 30 tea bags, several business cards for the local dentist and orthodontist, and a paper that said "RED COAT" in large, block letters. Shiloh's cheeks flushed as she quickly ripped the paper down. Red Coat...really? Was the humor regressing to the revolutionary war? With a heavy sigh Shiloh opened her locker, which was filled with boxes of tea bags, a tooth brush, and tooth paste, and plopped her books inside, walking over to grab a trash can from the hallway to empty the toxic jokes from inside and outside her locker. Though, she would keep the tea.

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Sero walked inside with a constant slouch with his hands in his pockets. Before he had entered the school. He saw a girl throwing away tooth paste and tooth brushes. He walked over to her. "Hey whats with all the dental care stuff?" he asked.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer Character Portrait: Sero Namretan
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0.00 INK

Shiloh grunted as she closed her locker, plucking the tea bags hanging from the door and throwing them in the bin next to her. She looked at the young man standing next to her, curious as to what was going on.
"Someone's idea'r of a joke, no doubt." she sighed, "haha, yes the Brits lack dental hygiene, stereotypes are hilarious."

Once her locker was clean, she turned to face Sero.
"I swear, ever since I moved here from London, it's all been bloody jabs at my accent and origin." Shiloh sighed, "Sorry, you don't need to hear me talk about my personal shite."

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0.25 INK

"No it's fine. Alittle advice stand up to them if you know who it is if they give you trouble I can help ya. And honsetly I think the fact that you're British is cool." He said sincerely walking away.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison
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0.00 INK

Jess headed into school with her friends, kind of zoning out now that they were talking about some party that had happened over the weekend. Jess has never been to a high school party, her mother would have a fit if she found out and Jessalyn would prefer to avoid confrontation with her mother at all costs.

As the group walked down the hall she heard a few of her friends laughing and she tuned back in, trying to figure out what was so funny. She glanced over at a dark haired girl throwing tea bags and dental hygiene products out of her locker. "Was that you guys?" Jess asked quietly to her friends, who just laughed harder. A slight frown tugged on her lips, but she quickly covered it. The girl had never done anything to get on Jess's bad side so she didn't really have a problem with the girl. Sure Jess enjoyed making fun of others, but making fun of someone because of their heritage, she didn't really get it.

Working as a model she met people from all kinds of backgrounds and she found other peoples' accents to be pretty cool. "I'll catch you guys later." Jess said, quickly separating from her group of friends to head to her locker. Once she ditched the posse, she sighed quietly, feeling as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

Jess quickly made her way to her locker, grabbed her books, and headed to her first period class, which happened to be Algebra II. She enjoyed this class, not for the material but because the teacher let them sit where ever they'd like. Every day, Jess sits in the back of the classroom right by the window, though she pays more attention to what's going on outside than what the teacher's talking about.

Walking in today, she frowns when she sees a mousy girl sitting in her seat. Jess walked over and set her books down in front of the girl. "You're in my seat," She said a scowl on her lips. The girl looked up at her surprised before glancing around the room seeing plenty seats still empty. "Th-There's no assigned seats." The girl replied shocked, not sure what Jess is going on about. "I know, but I sit in this seat every day. This is my seat. And you're in it." She said through gritted teeth. "B-But there's plenty of other seats, and I-I was here first!" The girl said, trying to sound tough but Jess could hear her voice wavering, hear the fear in her voice. "Get your ass out of my seat." She said, her eyes narrowing at the girl as her hands tightened on either side of the desk.

The girl's eyes widened even more, a frightened squeak escaping her lips as she quickly gathered up her things and moved to a seat across the room. "Thank you," Jess said sarcastically as she sat down in the seat, her attention immediately turning to the window.

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Sero made his way to the Jazz Band room. He greeted the the teacher Mr. Hance and made his way to the back room. He pulled a guitar off one of the stands, and brought it back out with an amp. He plugged said amp in and the guitar to it and my earbuds to the amp so he could hear the electric sounds. He strummed away with his pick playing classic rock from the Rolling stones then played songs from Avenge seven fold waiting for class to start.

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sero Namretan
Character Portrait: Ty Darkman
Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer
Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison
Character Portrait: Mimi
Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy


Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy
Shiloh Hannidy

"The British Girl"

Character Portrait: Mimi

Shes Cute she likes art and she likes to be nice!

Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison
Jessalyn Morrison

"Just keep smiling"

Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer
Rudi Schaffer

"It's been a long day. I think I just need to regroup myself."

Character Portrait: Ty Darkman
Ty Darkman

Shy, strange girl

Character Portrait: Sero Namretan
Sero Namretan

What ever man


Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy
Shiloh Hannidy

"The British Girl"

Character Portrait: Sero Namretan
Sero Namretan

What ever man

Character Portrait: Mimi

Shes Cute she likes art and she likes to be nice!

Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison
Jessalyn Morrison

"Just keep smiling"

Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer
Rudi Schaffer

"It's been a long day. I think I just need to regroup myself."

Character Portrait: Ty Darkman
Ty Darkman

Shy, strange girl

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mimi

Shes Cute she likes art and she likes to be nice!

Character Portrait: Ty Darkman
Ty Darkman

Shy, strange girl

Character Portrait: Rudi Schaffer
Rudi Schaffer

"It's been a long day. I think I just need to regroup myself."

Character Portrait: Shiloh Hannidy
Shiloh Hannidy

"The British Girl"

Character Portrait: Jessalyn Morrison
Jessalyn Morrison

"Just keep smiling"

Character Portrait: Sero Namretan
Sero Namretan

What ever man

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