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Zerek Alexander Pierce

"Fake Date her? For Money??-.. How much was that again? Sure. Piece of cake."

0 · 679 views · located in The Town of Amesdale/ Amesdale High

a character in “HighSchool Bites”, as played by 106.Whit(;



Full Name:: "Don't forget it.."
Zerek Alexander Pierce
Nickname:: "As if you don't already know!"
Zerek doesn't go by Zerek at all. Actually, he goes by Pierce, yes, his last name. Some people call him Zerek, but now he's so use to Pierce he hardly answers to his first name; he has the tendency to forget his first name if he's not careful.
Gender:: "This question sounds like a challenge. Should I pull down my pants and confirm your thoughts?"
All Male, obviously..
Species:: "Sexy."
Age:: "Old enough to illegally drink and get thrown into the big house."
Grade They're In::
Pierce just entered into his Senior Year(twelfth grade).
"I'm going to live it up this year!"
Club?:: "Hah! As if, babe. Clubs are for nerds with no life and no friends. Sports are my thing."
Though he tries hiding the fact, Zerek is in the Beta Club. Yeah. He's pretty smart. They've actually asked him to be Captain a couple times, but he's always quickly refused. "Hell no!"

He plays baseball. "Third base, baby.."
Pierce also plays lacrosse and soccer. This year he was thinking about going out for the football team, running back.
The guy all the girls watch.
Upon meeting Pierce one might describe him as a self-centered, cocky jerk with the habit of invading ones' personal space. He's a toucher. Not in the creepy "let me rub on you" way, more like the "doesn't realize it, randomly places a huge hand on your shoulder" sort of way. He carries confidence in his walk as well as in his way of speaking; he acts sure of himself, and his voice hardly ever waverers. Maybe that's why girls find him so dang attractive! However, when he's angry his voice trembles; so does his arms and hands. Zerek is a bit hot-headed and once you piss him off get ready for an explosion. He's not one to hold a grudge like a chick, and if it's a male that sets him off the edge he's known to get in fights; he would never hit a female though, it's against everything he believes in.
Pierce likes to think everyone loves him, females that is.. Even if they come out and bluntly say, "Pierce, you're a douche, I hate you," he would simply grin and bare it. He would never admit to anyone they said it, and truly pretend they did not. He hates failure and will not accept that as well. Hates the whole concept of the word; even saying "lost" leaves an awful taste in his mouth. Zerek is not one to back down from a challenge, no matter how life-threatening it may be. Play chicken going down a dirt road at eighty miles an hour? Hell yeah! Hope you have a tank full of gas. Bet he won't streak down the street past Mr. Thompson's(the History teacher's) house? Get ready to see a lot of flesh. He's ballsy, end of story.
Around a group of people Pierce is rather laid-back eighty-five percent of the time. He goes with the flow of things, and usually portrays the "Bad Boy" persona fairly well. But, don't think he's just a follower, he isn't afraid to speak up(loud) when times call for it. Even though he's more of a leader he can also follow.. Reluctantly. With a knack to stay cool, calm, and collected in tense situations, he's one to turn to when everything seems to be going wrong. Despite his hard, "I'm-too-cool-for-school" outer layer, Zerek is a pretty easy-going guy; he can actually be helpful! Sadly, that cool, calm and collected-ness seems to fade behind closed doors. When he's alone his first line of defense, his cocky-ness, his wall, seems to crumble like a house of cards on a windy day.
He'd never tell, but when his mother died he cried all day in his room, he even cried himself to sleep.
He'd never tell, but when he's alone he reads the occasional book, even a little poetry.
He'd never let it be known, but he can even write some of his own poems.
Don't tell him I told you..
When it comes to the people he cares about, his family(the little he has left), his close friends.. He's an extremely caring person. He loves to make them laugh, would die for them, protective like you would not believe. It takes a lot to weasel your way into Pierce's heart(since he keeps everyone at arms-length), but once you're there, you're there. He tries to not let people in, but be around him enough, and who knows?
Eventually the ice has got to melt, right? Right?!

Appearance in Description::
Pierce is far from short and a hair's breath away from being 6'2"; sadly, he didn't get the height from his father's side of the family. He's 6'1", everywhere he goes walking in confident strides, holding his broad shoulders back, firm chest in place. By the looks of him, most women would think Zerek was chiseled from fine stone; but don't dare breathe a word about him being "attractive," it goes straight to his head. He is sturdy. His skin naturally a coppery tan color from his love of the outdoors, days being outside, in the unforgiving sun. When Pierce was younger he was extremely rowdy(believe it or not, more so than he is now). He would run around terrorizing his neighborhood. You know what happens when you run? Most likely you fall, and the young Pierce did just that..Many times. So, through his young years he received various interesting cuts and gashes, which eventually led to scars grazing his tanned skin; most are along his legs and arms. His hands are a bit rough from the physical labor he performs on the weekdays after school; and no, he does not put lotion on..Be warned.
Zerek's hair is the color of a raven's feather. Midnight black, soft to the touch. He doesn't really style it, however, he brushes it once right out of the shower, then sometimes blow dries it, leaving it with a "wind-blown" look, slightly spiked upward towards top. As for his eyes, you know, those things beneath his dark eyebrows? They are a warm, chocolatey brown that seem to be able to pierce right through you, past your appearance..Your carefully layered lies, to see the real you. Girls usually fall for his eyes, truth be told. Alas, Pierce isn't that deep, is he? Through out those tawny brown eyes are startling streaks of gold that simply "burst" from his pupils to the edge of his irises. When people get to actually gaze into his orbs they get a little dumbfounded by the sight.
His jaw is sharp, what many call a "block jaw," many of his facial features defined, like is nose and cheekbones for instance. Pierce's lips are full, but not at a girly stand point; if you asked him he was say something along the lines of "Better to kiss you with, babe." Behind those lips are a pair of straight, white teeth, canines a little sharper than most peoples. His arms are long and most definitely strong, and his hands are wide. It has been said that Zerek reminds a few people of a lion because how fit and wide his chest is. All through school he has played sports, therefore he is athletically built, and on the "muscular" side.
As for clothes he dresses casually and for comfort. In the summer you will mostly see him in a pair of shorts and an opened button down or tank. (If he wears a shirt at all, he's not shy. 'The less clothes the better,' he always says). In the fall and winter it's usually a pair of jeans, a long sleeved shirt, or a tee shirt and his signature leather jacket. Whenever he goes he carries confidence and the clean smell of chocolate Axe cologne.
In his wolf form Pierce is a massive creature. He is as big as a full grown horse, but nothing you'd want to walk up and try to pet. His chest, in this form, is broad just like in his human one. His pelt(fur) is russet in color, the tips being coarse, but all-in-all the fur being fairly soft like his actual hair. In this form the only thing that really doesn't change about him is his eyes. They are chocolate brown in color, almost looking human.

"Ehhh.. Really trying to get to know me, aren'tcha?"
+ Sports "Helps me to let go of some of my.. Aggression."
+ Girls "Actually, they love ME, but hey! They're entertaining.."
+ Food "Gotta eat!"
+ "Let me rephrase that..." GOOD food "- There we go."
+ Animals "I'm a sexy beast, y'know?"
+ Exercise "Gotta stay fit for my followers.."
+ The Outdoors
+ Funny People "Especially funny girls.."
+ ESPN "Heck yeah!"
+ Blondes
+ Making Money ;)
+ Steak "I'm not picky, I like all meats.."
+ Playing his Guitar with his sister.. "Don't tell her though..."
+ Video Games
+ Sleeping In
+ Playboy "Have you seen those girls?"
+ Warm Evenings
+ Etc, Etc, Etc

"Ahah! Take notes, kid..."
- Liars "Does anyone?"
- Snitches "Don't ruin the fun, okay?"
- Bitches "They're annoying! Really."
- Green Beans "They're disgusting! Slimy and... Green."
- Very, very Hot Days
- School "I hate waking up early..."
- Vampires
- Burnt/Nasty Food "Like I said, gotta eat, babe!"
- Losing a Bet or something like that.. "My middle name is 'Win,' not 'Lose...'"
- Whiny Girls
- Cheerleaders "Too full of spirit and annoying voices.."
- Yelling "No thanks, indoor voice."
- His Dad at times.. "He can be a douche when he's drinking..."
- Being Lazy
- Animal Abusers "Yeah. strikes a cord."
- Confined Spaces
- Sympathy
- Seeing people cry.. "Ouch."
- People being rude or hurting his sister.. "That will get your ass kicked. Just sayin'."
- Etc, etc, etc..

- Losing his sister. -
- Letting Someone get to know him, or getting to know someone else. -
- Actually caring for someone other than his family members. -
- Letting his father down.. -
- Losing control and hurting someone. -
- Etc.. -
Thoughts on Other Students at Amesdale High?::
"I don't think you want to know.."


Pierce's Wolf Form :)

So begins...

Zerek Alexander Pierce's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariana Marie Pierce Character Portrait: McKenna Chase Hamilton Character Portrait: Evan Voltz Character Portrait: Zerek Alexander Pierce Character Portrait: Finley Leah Holmes
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"Zerek Alexander Pierce! Get your ass up, now! I swear to God if you make me come up those stairs I'm kicking your ass!"
Pierce simply groaned, flopping over on his king-sized bed. His red blanket was already laying to the left side of said bed, as usual. During the middle of the night it never failed, he managed to sling it off himself without knowing, always getting a little too hot beneath the thick mass of covers due to the fact he's hotter than most. He stared up at the ceiling with blurry vision for a few seconds before finally rubbing his eyes.
I'm surprised he can yell this morning. Shouldn't he have a booming headache? Pierce thought as he sat up slowly, stretching. Most nights his father would get hammered, last night wasn't an exception. He didn't mind, he just hated that his sister, Ana, had to see their dad like that. Usually, Pierce was out of the house before he even woke up in the mornings, making sure his sister was, too.
"Pierce!!" His father shouted again from his place on the couch in the living room.
"I'm up!" Zerek finally yelled back, shaking his head as he slung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood abruptly. He stretched once more, making a deeping 'Mmm'- ing sound as he done so. His gaze then flickered to his large, digital clock sitting on his plain oak dresser; an alarm clock, I grant you. He never used it. The bright red numbers shown in the dim room, dark curtains preventing any sunlight to make it's way in. The clock read 7:30 a.m.
"Shit!" Pierce hissed in under his beath, kicking himself into high gear instantly. Only thirty minutes to get everything done. He ran into the bathroom which was connected to his room, as he was doing so stripping off his clothes which consisted of only his Batman boxers(attractive, right?). Falling into the shower he turned on the water, accidently flipping on the cold. His chocolate brown eyes tripled in size, and he bit back a few choiced words, twisting on the hot water quickly.
Five extremely fast minutes later Pierce was stumbling from the bathroom with a towel loosly wrapped around his waist. "Lights, lights, lights.." he grumbled, feeling along his wall for the light switch. Finding it, he successfully flicked on the lights, practically running to his dresser. He randomly grasped at an outfit which came out to be a pair of faded jeans and a plain black tee shirt. Tugging his clothes on he sped over to his full length mirror, running his hands through his hair a few times, before grabbing up his chocolate Axe cologne, spraying it on swiftly. He looked back at the clock. The numbers on it taunted him, 7:56 a.m.. Pierce groaned, jogging from his room he grabbed his backpack and his worn leather jacket.
Though he was in a hurry he paused at his sister's room, opening the door and peeking inside. Of course she was already gone! That seemed to be the only thing Ana was on time for: School. Unlike Pierce who was late for anything and everything. He was always told he'd be late for his own funeral. Jogging down the stairs he stopped in the "doorway" where you walked into the living room.
There his dad sat with a beer bottle in one hand, the t.v. remote casually resting in his other.
"Couldn't even wait until five o'clock, could you?" Zerek spoke acidly, clenching his jaw. His father didn't even look at him, and kept turning the channel, never staying on one too long.
"I don't work until six tonight." Was his response.
Pierce snickered, grabbing the keys to his motorbike off the hallway table before walking out of the house. He made sure to slam the door shut. What made him mad was that his father was a smart man. A really smart man. He was a doctor. A doctor!! But once Zerek's mom died, his father turned to drinking. Once that happened he lost his job. It pissed Pierce off that he was such a dead beat! He hated him for becoming weak once she died. Now, his father worked in a small factory shipping off cans of vegetables. Not a dream job. Yet, it just pushed Pierce to be better than him.
Sliding onto his motorbike, he started it up, pulling from the driveway. He screeched the tires leaving, but there was no use. He was already late for school.

Pierce casually walked up to the second building of the school, tugging the double doors out of his way. No one to be seen, which meant...Everyone was in class. All in a days work to keep the image. he thought sarcastically, strolling over and slipping into the library; his first period was a "whatever" class, teaching you "Online Basics" of how to edit sites, etc. A plus of being a senior. It was held, well, in the library. Pulling the door out of his way, he paused briefly, arching a dark eyebrow. Kenna Hamilton and Finn Holmes stood in the center of the library in front of a camera. What the- ? Oh, broadcast. Pierce gave a slight nod, walking fully inside, letting the door swing shut. He fixed his backpack on his shoulder nonchalantly stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. The librarian glanced over at him, narrowing her eyes. He gave lopsided smile, and she simply rolled her eyes, shaking her head. He'd practically been late each day since coming back to school.
Zerek walked over, standing a little ways behind the camera, smirking at the two friends.


Finley had woke up around six o'clock a.m and took a shower grudingly. It was too early for such things, naturally, and she spent most of the time with her head leaning against the wall rather than actually washing. At one point she even fell back asleep in the shower. Usually she woke up in a fairly good mood, but it was Monday and she especially disliked those days. She only looked forward to the Broadcast, and that was about it. When she finally forced herself from the shower she wrapped a towel around herself and moved into her bedroom.
There, her large grey and white Great Dane, Jake, lay on her bed. He always done that when he seen her get up. Lazy thing. The name Jake came from being a twelve year old girl, and having a love for Adventure Time. Since everyone called her Finn, she, naturally, needed a Jake. Giving a slight smile she walked over to her dresser, crouching down and opening a drawer. There, she pulled out her Star Wars tee shirt, and a pair of red skinny jeans. Once dressed she slowly walked into the bathroom and started messing with her hair. It was a hopeless case. She decided to leave it in its natural, loose curls, but of course, there was one curl on the right side of her head that liked sticking out further than the others. With the grunt, Finn narrowed her eyes at the reflection of her hair in the mirror, then began attacking the curl with hairspray.

After getting completely ready she glanced over at the digital clock sitting on top of her small t.v. 6:41 a.m. Still plenty of time before having to really be at school. Sighing, Finley walked over to her bedroom window. Her window was directly across from Evan Voltz's bedroom window. Yeah, Mr. Quarterback himself. Believe it or not, he was her best guy friend. Or, well, at least the last time she checked he was. Lately they hadn't been able to really talk. He was busy with his jock stuff and flaunting over little miss Cassie Hamilton, and Finn, well, she was busy being Finn. Rolling her eyes towards the ceiling she turned around, walking across the room and grabbing her backpack off the hook she hung it on, slinging one strap casually over her shoulder. She then snatched up her car keys off her bed-side table, scratching the Great Dane behind the ear.
"Cya' after school, Jake." she murmured with a small smile, exiting the bedroom. Out in the hallway the smell of coffee and something else hit her full-force. She blinked a couple times, tiptoeing down the stairs. Peeking around the corner into the kitchen, she grinned. "Hey, dad!" she mused, walking in fully and over to the island in the center of the kitchen, leaning against it. Her father sat at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading over a few files. When she walked in he peered over his thick-brimmed glasses at her.
"Finley!" he chirped, an odd twinkle entering his dark blue gaze. He lifted his free hand. "May the force be with you, young padawan." His tone was extremely serious, which only added to the humor. Finn's lips twitched and she busted out laughing, reaching forward and picking up a bright red apple.
"Why thank you, master!" she played along, feeling like a real nerd. "Is mom still asleep?" Her dad's playful expression seemed to vanish fairly fast.
"Yeah, she wasn't feeling too good, so I let her sleep in. I made ya' breakfast, kiddo!" he said, nodding towards the stove. Finley followed his nod, gripping the counter to keep herself grounded. There, on the stove, in a skillet, laid a heaping amount of burnt eggs; the source of the other smell. She bit her lower lip.
"Uhm, Thank..Dad, but, uh, I have to get to school! I have a club meeting!" she jogged over to him, kissing his cheek quickly. "But thanks for the thought, you can have them. Remember to get Jonah up for school, love you, bye!" Before he could say another word she made a mad dash out the door, practically lunging for her car. Like always, as she started her simple, blue Jeep Wrangler she gazed over at Ev's house. He hadn't left yet, but she knew he was already up. That boy seemed to rise even before the sun itself did! Shaking her head, she pulled from the driveway and headed towards her own personal Hell.


When she finally made it to school it was about 7:46 a.m.. She parked in her regular parking spot, sliding out of her car. She then grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder, absentmindedly tossing the corpse of the apple she ate on the way to school on the ground. She immediately heard her name.

"Finn! Fiiinnnn!!"

Finn had to keep herself from sighing aloud, turning around as she shut her car door. It was Emma Murphy, a girl that was on the school's newspaper staff with her. "Hey, Emma." she greeted, slowly walking towards the second building.
"Finn! I need you to do me a big favor.." Emma gushed, her green eyes the size of dinner plates. Finley arched a brow, nodding a bit.
"Wiii-th?" she asked, pressing on for more information. Even though Emma was taller than Finn, she fidgeted nervously with the end of her pink shirt as if Finn was going to beat her up, and take her lunch money.
"I can't make it to the first football game Friday, so I won't be able to take pictures or interview some of the players after the game for the paper!" She said it so fast Finn had to pause, and replay the sentence in her head. Emmmaaa.. she thoughy exhaustedly, shaking her head.
"And you want me to do all that for you?" she asked, yet she already knew the answer. Emma nodded frantically. Finn sighed aloud this time, running a hand back through her hair. "Sure, consider it done."
"Thank you so much, Finn, you're a life saver!!" Emma squealed, giving her an awkward hug before she dashed off across the parking lot. Finley mentally face-palmed, walking into the building then into the library. How was she suppose to get all that done if- Well, she'd be at the game, anyway, and it'd give her a chance to talk to Danny Thompson. That was a plus. Finn smiled, tossing her backpack to the ground.
"Morning, Finn!" Bently, the "kid" who always filmed her and Kenna for the Broadcast greeted. He stood behind the camera, wearing one of his signature checker-board shirts.
"Ben!" she yelled, causing a wicked look from the librarian as she walked over and high-fived him. Ben simply grinned, shrugging his shoulders.
It wasn't long until the library's door opened once more, and she heard the name she was waiting for..

"Sherlockkkk.." Finn jumped up from the small chair she was sitting on.
"Watson, you were almost late!" she teased, wagging her finger at her friend when she spotted her coming around a bookcase. "Are you ready for this amazing broadcast?!" she then asked, stepping back once, glancing over her shoulder. Looking out a window she spotted Evan in the other building. She looked at him briefly before bringing her attention back to her friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariana Marie Pierce Character Portrait: Zerek Alexander Pierce
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Ariana Pierce

Waking up to the most annoying song ever in Ariana's short life. She sighed and popped her head out of her giant One Direction comforter. She tried to push the snooze button over and over agin but kept missing it. She groaned as she heard the song go on and on. "Terrific." After a second of calming down, she pushed the button and smiled in success. "Thank you, God." After that she sat up in her bed and looked at her feet which couldn't touch the floor of her bedroom. She sighed wishing she was taller, but, sadly she was done growing. Looking at the clock she saw the pink letters flash 7:00. So, she was excited because she had plenty of time to get out of the house before her father started to yell at them. Which never ended well for her, always ended in her crying and always forgetting something because she hates being rushed. Anyway, she hopped off her bed and quietly and quickly walked into the bedroom, not wanting to wake up her brother. Taking a ten minute shower, like always. She grabbed a towel and wraped it tightly around her body before walking back into her room quickly. She grabbed an outfit that was set nicely on her pink desk set against her wall. She threw wrapped the towel around her not wanting her outfit to get soaked with water and slipped on her clothes.

Looking in her full length mirror she made sure everything was fine. But, if her father and brother thought it was fine then it was ok, seeing that she wasn't allowed to buy anything that was too........ revealing. Which didn't really bug her anyway. Looking at the time again 7:15 Perfect timing. She had just enough time to dry her hair and braid it in the back. After five mintues she grabbed her bag from her closet door and rushed down stairs. Unlike her lucky ass brother, she was only 15 and couldn't drive herself for a few more months. But, hey it was better than a few more years she supposed. Rushing down stairs, Ariana grabbed her binder from the kitchen table already seing her father grab a beer. She wasn't one to disrespect the man who help created her. And if he wanted to throw his life away after their mother died. That was his choice. No matter how much, Pierce fought about it with their father, nothing changed now did it? So, Ariana stayed out of it.

"Bye daddy." She said waving to her father before rushing out the door, almost mising the bus before stopping it. Then she started thinking, it was almost 7:30 Why wasn't Pierce up yet? He was always up before then. Oh well, she would see him at school, late as always and trying to keep his "image" in check. Ha, whatever! Again, his choice she couldn't change that. She slipped on her headphones and let her music play in her ears maybe louder than it should be but, honesty she didn't care. It took mayebe twenty minutes to get all the other underclassmen seeing that most upperclassmen drove to school. When the bus parked and opened the door, seeing that she sat in the middle she was close to the last person off the yellow old bus. She walked into the bulding remembering that she had her Etyomology class frist period. Before walking in her classroom which didn't allow cell phones out she texted her brother just to see if her brother got here actually at a decent time or if he was still sound asleep in his bed. She quickly texted him before putting it her messenger style backpack. Just seeing if you're alive. Did dad yell at you today? :( She walked into her class and took her seat in the front of the class room before turning in her five pages of homework, which could surprise everyone that she honestly didn't forget to do it..... like always.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: McKenna Chase Hamilton Character Portrait: Cassandra Brooke Hamilton Character Portrait: Evan Voltz Character Portrait: Zerek Alexander Pierce Character Portrait: Finley Leah Holmes
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McKenna Chase Hamilton

McKenna's jaw clenched immediately as her now cold blue gaze flickered to her sister who seemed to be enjoying the fact their father was yelling at her. Her fists clenched as her sister sat back in her chair with her arms folded as if she was watching a movie. Keeping her breathing as steady as possible her gaze was back on her father. Yes, she had noticed how their father had cooked Cassie pancakes and she was guessing she didn't get any for not waking up in time..or it's just cause Miss-I-Get-Everything-I-Want got what she wanted. She made sure to make as much noise as humanly possible when she grabbed her bowl and spoon for her cereal. She had said, "Well she drives her own car, I drive I don't see what the problem is..if she's late, it's her fault." and when she heard Cas speak up, her head snapped to glare at her sister. "Whatever sprog." "Oh! Oh good one Pepsquad! Dad, pass me some water for my burn." Kenna said as she threw her hands in the air. "MCKENNA CHASE HAMILTON!" Her dad's voice sounded out over the door closing as Cassie left. McKenna didn't regret what she said, why should she? Her dad went on and on how good her sister was. Making good grades, having good friends-, "But she can't have a boyfriendddd.." Kenna mumbled in a soft sing-song voice as she smirked widely to herself. The one thing that sometimes was the reason McKenna even got up in the morning. Cassandra Brook Hamilton, the "perfect" girl at school, the cheerleading captain, the definition of popular could not date until Kenna was. Cassie couldn't go on dates unless Kenna went on dates. Cassie couldn't have a boyfriend until Kenna had one. She felt empowered, she had the control of the most popular girl as school's date life and she was gonna use that power. Even though she had just got hell for her earlier comment she left the house with a small smile on her face.
Kenna couldn't help but grin evilly as she stepped out of her car and noticed the familiar white punch bug beetle. 'Cassie.' Kenna thought with a smirk, she reached into her car grabbing her bags and slipping out a sticky note and scribbling on it and then popping it onto her sister's window.

'Give me a B, give me an O, give me a Y, give me a F, give me a R, give me an I, give me an E, give me a N, give me a D. Oh..oh, nevermind you can't give me that cause you're not allowed! -Sprog'

'Yeah, that was completely unacceptable..that was really a bitch move.' McKenna thought as sauntered off towards the school building. 'Good job!' she thought, giggling to herself before she was almost attacked by Holly with soccer questions. She still felt a bit angry though. She guessed it was jealousy. Sure, Cassie couldn't date until she did..why did that make Cassie so mad? Why did her dad even come up with that?! Did they both think that she wasn't gonna get a boyfriend or something? Her once victorious smirk was now a rather small frown. Cassie had guys all over her! Plus Cassie could flirt..with the whole hair flip and winks and, "Stop it!" and the whole giggly thing and then there was the hell was she suppose to flirt? 'Hey..I like muffins. You like muffins?' She thought, shaking her head to herself as she finally got to the library.
She was beginning to feel even better when she saw Finn jumping out of her seat. A grin slid across her face easily, "My apologize, Sherlock! I had some very important business to attend to." She said, smirking widely now with this look that said, 'I'll tell you after the broadcast.'. She watched as Finn's eyes flickered toward the window and she knew what she was looking at. It was probably Evan. Sure, Finn never came out and said 'I like the kid' but McKenna had this feeling. Her jaw clenched for the second time that day when she saw Cassie walking into the same class as Evan. There went the flirting..a smile and flip of the hair. She scoffed as she looked over Finn's shoulder at Bently. He was giving the five minutes sign. She looked at Finn, "It's showtimeeeee, Sherlock." McKenna said in another sing-song voice as she went over towards Ben. "Mornin' cameraboy!" She said, smiling at Ben. He just shook his head. She gave everyone a nickname. Everyone. She glanced back as she heard the door of the library open. She glanced back to see who could possibly be later than her.
Pierce. Of course! The one person that all the girls swoon over, she just rolled her eyes. Mr. Badboy thought he was hot stuff. She couldn't blame him. He was a good looking guy, she nudged Finn. Her and Finn always pointed out hot guys. "Oh, Leann wanted me to tell you we got volleyball practice Wednesday." She mumbled, nodding once as she looked at Finn. Two minutes til broadcast..
She couldn't wait!! "Ah! It can't wait!" She said grinning as she turned to face Finn. "Sherlock, I did something..something that might get me grounded but it was worth it." She continued, her famous guilty grin showing up again. "I left a sticky note on Pepsquad's window.." She paused, waiting to see her best friend's reaction.