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Rani Bhattacharya

"The moon rises, and the moon falls, but we have to keep going."

0 · 612 views · located in Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

a character in “Hogwarts: A Tournament For The Ages”, originally authored by TCDinNYC, as played by RolePlayGateway




Nicknames: (Much to her dismay) Moonshine

Age: 17

Gender: Female

House: Ravenclaw


Height: 5’9”

Weight: 115lbs

Build: Average

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Hazel

Appearance Description: Standing at 5’9”, Rani is used to being taller than most of her peers, which she has no issue with. Her dark hair is usually unkempt, resting wherever it falls, however she will put it up on the left side of her face when working or concentrating on anything. When not in her uniform, she wears jeans and blouses, nothing to extraordinary.

Wand: Elm, Dragon Heartstring, 10 and a half inch, unyielding

Magical Skills:
Study of Ancient Runes

Exceeded Expectations
Defense against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Care of Magical Creatures

 Studying
 Potions
 Dark Arts
 Forests
 Rain
 Night
 Spicy Foods


o Loud Noises
o Magical Creatures (Make her hungry)
o Bitter Foods
o People who dislike night
o Ignorance


Personality description:
Rani is best described as someone who never seems to see the bad side of things. She is usually cheery, with at least a bit of a smile of her face. She has stated her life philosophy is, ‘Things may push you down, but never let them destroy you.’. She does love jokes, even ones aimed at her, although there is a line that when crossed, she seems to have a complete personality split.

She is extremely loyal to those who she feels are worth it, usually those who she considers friends, and will rarely turn away from them. Also, she doesn’t appear shocked at anything people tell her, such as secrets and such. She will usually turn a sympathetic ear to them, or embrace them if they are sad. She doesn’t like to argue with people, as she feels that it is a waste, and that her temper can be problematic near to the full moon.

When studying, she can have someone set off fireworks right beside her, and she will not react to it. She loves most subjects, but has a fondness for those that are really old, such as potions or runes. ON the days right before and after the full moon, she appears to grow sick, her body will not accept most foods, and she appears sour and chilled. She will play it off so that others don’t worry, but half the time during those days she wants to pull her skin off, and the other half tearing the skin off of others.

Rani was born as the first born child to a proud, hardworking Indian couple in New Delhi. Her parents are both magically inclined, so they knew that she would most likely be a witch. She lived with her parents in their apartment for the first five years of her life. When she was five, her mother was offered a job in the Ministry of Magic in England in the department of mysteries, and her parents decided that England would be the best place for them, as it was considered home to one of the best magical schools in the world, Hogwarts.

Rani hated England. She didn't even try to hide this fact. She didn't want to leave all of her friends, and their apartment, and she didn't like having to learn a second language just to communicate. Her parents, knowing that she didn't like it, made a deal with her, she would learn English and give England a chance, and in return, they would get her a potion set. This suckered her in, and she began to adjust to her new life, especially sense her little sister was born when Rani was six.

Everything changed for her when she was eight. One of her friends, that had magical parents as well, invited her to stay for a week at their summer home. She was allowed to go, and she did have fun, until the final night before they left, it was a full moon. She and her friend were playing outside the house, not even in the woods, when all of a sudden, a giant beast dashed out and started to attack them. It attacked Rani first, grabbing her by the leg, causing her to scream murder. Her friend’s parents heard her, and ran outside and cursed the beast dead. However, the damage was done, she was now a werewolf. She has the scars all down her right leg, form her thigh to her calf.

By the time she received her Hogwarts letter, she had accepted the fact that she was a wolf, although she would occasionally have a break. Wolfsbane kept her in check when she transformed, and she was able to hide her condition until her third year. She was registered, so anyone that wanted to could look her up, and that is what happened. She was feared by some, although her true friends staid by her. After she realized her real friends wouldn't leave her for her condition, she began to open up more, and would occasionally show the scar. Today, she is in her final year of Hogwarts, and her life after is something she is still unsure of, although she wishes to become a medi-witch.

So begins...

Rani Bhattacharya's Story

The great hall was filled with silence, but not an empty silence. This one was filled with anticipation. Everyone in Hogwarts was likely filled to the brim with excitement. Brandon Arisu, seated at the Slytherin table was no exception, indeed he was sitting at the edge of his seat peering up at the head master who headed up to a goblet, undoubtedly the Goblet of Fire.

"In this time of prosperity, the other headmasters and I have come together to bring you all this tournament. When the last tournament years ago ended, it ended in tragedy. True, many young witches and wizards have always perished in this competition and as such this is indeed not for the faint of heart. But we hope that during this time of peace, the tournament will live on and that one of you fine young students," They turned their eyes to the crowd as they approached the front of the room where a heavy looking wooden goblet rested upon a pedestal. "Will leave this tournament in glory." The hush that had covered the room intensified, as though everyone in the great hall had suddenly sucked in a breath. Brandon wouldn't be surprised if they all actually had as he watched the shimmering and crackling blue flames which sprung up from the goblet. "This, is the Goblet of Fire. Any student who wishes to enter the tournament and is at least seventeen years of age, may write their name upon a piece of parchment and toss it into the fire before this hour on Thursday. From this moment on, the TriWizard Tournament has begun!" And just like that, the silence fell away and it seemed like the entire school burst into chatter - Brandon's own table was abuzz, many students either complaining about being too young or talking about how they were going to enter. Instead of chiming in, Brandon turned his eyes to the two schools that would be competing against. The Durmstrang Institute and the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, easily identifiable by their uniforms - the Beauxbaton's powder blue and the Durmstrang's blood red. Many would likely say they found the Beauxbaton students unimposing and the Durmstrang the very opposite, however Brandon knew better than to make assumptions based upon appearances and decided he would make no assumptions until he saw and met each school's champion for himself as the headmaster called for the feast to commence and for the students to mingle and get to know each other. Brandon peered around as the food appeared on the tables for his friends.

He scanned the room for his friend's dark brown hair and after a moment spotted who he was looking for. Star Baudelaire was sitting at her table along with her fellow Ravenclaw, Malachi Devon. He was one of the brightest minds in Ravenclaw even though the guy never looked like he cared about much of anything including right now to his surprise. Star caught his eye and offered Brandon a wave, which he smiled and returned. He'd have to try and catch up with her later and ask how her day had gone. Bran and Star had been good friends ever since they'd met during her first year there.

"Can't wait to get my name in. Is it picked by random or do they go off of abilities or...?" A thickly accented Durmstrang inquired of his fellow members who were seated nearby.

"Oh please, Fenris. It's picked by the goblet, the goblet decides because it is impartial." Came a female voice - A girl with half of her wavy blonde hair shaved off and cat-like eyes. Her accent was different than the other Durmstrang's. "Didn't you read up on this?" She asked of her friend.

"...No." Fenris said, not without shame, frowning slightly and picking at a piece of chicken. "Are you sure it doesn't rank us?" He didn't seem entirely convinced there wasn't some sort of biased opinion.

"If you're chosen then you're chosen. If you aren't, you aren't. She's right, the goblet is impartial. Also, I think the headmasters have taken additional precautions after the last tournament to try to ensure that it can't be tampered with." Brandon heard himself saying suddenly, surprising himself slightly that he had just found himself butting into the Durmstrang's conversation. He felt his face grow hot as the three students closest to him turned to look at him.

"Thank you!" The blonde girl with a laugh and a smile, making a gesture toward him. "You see, normal people go into these situations knowing what they're about other than fighting dragons." She said, looking at the other boy disapprovingly.

"There's no guarantee there will be dragons again either." Brandon felt he had to add, shyly.

Fenris sighed mournfully and resigned himself to eating his chicken.

"Well, that's certainly disappointing then. He was convinced that facing a dragon was going to be his key to getting a date. 'Face a dragon and there probably isn't a single woman who won't go out with you, you can bet.'." The girl mimicked the other boy's accent with a smirk. "I'm Arielle by the way." She added. He felt slightly better about barging in on their conversation since they didn't look irritated at all, in fact they all seemed pretty friendly.

"I'm Brandon. I'm from Slytherin, as you can probably already tell." He said, offering her a small smile in return.

"It's nice to meet you, Brandon." Arielle said politely, though her grey eyes flickered up to his snowy white hair with thinly masked curiosity. "The one to my left is Fenris and to my right is Adrian. That's Aleksander, Leif, Thomas, Heri..." She rattled off several more names, a few of them he knew for a fact he'd have a hard time pronouncing on his own.

When she finally finished, a lanky guy with brown hair to her right - he was pretty sure his name was Adrian turned to him. "So, is it true the headmasters have taken extra precautions this year?" He asked. His english was good. Not as good as the blonde girl's, but good.

"From what I've heard, yes. It might have been rumor, but I don't think so. I wouldn't be surprised that they had stepped up security after last time." Brandon felt it kind of would make sense after the year Barty Crouch's son used a Confundus charm to enter Harry Potter into the tournament that they weren't going to take any chances with the goblet and students accidentally getting in - especially underage students. Not to mention the whole Cedric Diggory business.

Both Arielle and Adrian nodded at this, along with several others while Fenris seemed to consider that. Brandon got the sneaking suspicion that if given the opportunity that Fenris would try to wiggle his way around the rules.

A little ways off, a couple of the more rowdy Gryffindors were talking about how they weren't going to give Slytherin the chance to upstage them. Naturally, the Gryffindor and Slytherin rivalry has continued to endure. Brandon wasn't going to think much of it until he heard his name mentioned.

"Yeah, but I don't think he'd even enter. It'd mess up his hair." A stout young female Gryffindor jestingly said, causing several others to laugh. Brandon deliberately ignored them even though he really didn't want to - not that he knew what he would do if he didn't pretend not to hear it and instead turned back to the Durmstrang group. "So," He said, taking a breath. "Were you hoping to meet a lot of Hogwarts students?"

"Well, I certainly was. Hogwarts seems much more lively than Durmstrang." Arielle told him and several of her friends nodded their agreement.