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Desiree Menendez

"Don't worry, I don't bite... hard."

0 · 543 views · located in Hollow House

a character in “Hollow House”, originally authored by Synicate, as played by RolePlayGateway



Desiree Rose Menendez
Dezzy, Dez, mostly called Desiree
April 1st
Werewolf Princess
-Large Heights
-Being killed without expecting it
"Answer denied.... Just kidding!" Call her energetic, aggressive, yet sweet, and you pretty much nailed it. This dark haired girl is quite a hyper ball of fun! She is of course, kind and sweet. But what gets to her most, is arrogance. But although she isn't one to love it, she has a bit herself. She is proud and not afraid to admit it. But she does usually no when enough is enough. But one thing is for sure; she's not a peace keeper. Although she has the innocent and adorable look; don't forget, looks can deceive you. Also, she's quite a bubbly person! Even though she does have a lot of as her friends called it... blond moments. Common sense sometimes escapes her, but she has sharp instincts when necessary.

She is very lovable and kind though, but not when you get on her bad side. And lets just say that is a side you don't want to see. She has a very short and hot temper and isn't afraid to speak her mind, whether it is good, or bad. Is you start her up, there's a slim chance you can cool her down because trust me, this girl can hold a grudge. It takes a lot on her mind to get her to forget. But considering all of the emotional and mental pain she has gone through, that's not hard. Some things she wants to, but can't, forget. And Dezzy sure does know how to put up a fight. Frankly, she gets a lot of them. Because if she see's anybody being bullied, she will stick up for them. Whether it is a complete and utter stranger or not. But honestly, she's been kicked out of at least 4 schools for fights. And she's not afraid to say that she had won them all. She's definitely a fighter, but she will only fight for what she loves... or who. And she has to say, that what she has been through has made her quite defiant, and pretty emotional. She if you try to take one step in that direction... let's just say you don't want to.

She loves music with a passion. She's amazing at the guitar, piano, drums, and writing music. She has a very wide range of insturments she can play, and she is mostly somebody who plays by ear although she can read music like a pro. And most people recognize that she is also a very talented, and good, singer. Because whenever shes on a walk or just doing something, normally she has a small song or tune slipping from her lips. Most of them, she had written herself. Although you will never forget her eyes, you will never forget her voice either. It's somehow unique and different from the others. No one ever knows if it's the bell like ring to it, or the silky smoothness to it.

She also is in love with sports. Her sport; lacrosse and baseball. Yes, baseball, not softball. You say baseball's too tough? She can't see the difference! And lacrosse? She's a whiz. She's really good at both, and surfing. That is her favorite thing, other than music, to do. Spa or beach? Beach baby! She's not one of those girls who freaks out at the slightest thing like a fly or a broken nail. Her motto? Tough it out. Because you haven't seen the worst of it. Sadly, she has.

Another thing, is her sharp tongue. She's very clever when it comes to arguments and comebacks. Sometimes, she can make the strongest person back down from a single, cunning remark. Her snide comments and sarcasm to people she truly doesn't like can get her into some deep doo-doo though. Example; Her freshman science teachers was a witch. And when she was yelling at the class for the stupidest thing, Desiree called out, 'Look who doesn't have to dress up for Halloween?'. Yeah, she got nailed on that one.

Although, her tough and rebellious side shows, she does have some flaws. Well, a lot of flaws. Like her history of course. That's pretty much what made her that way. One chink in her armor is her past. And, she'll tell you if your really close. It can be used against you... Also, Dez does have a soft side. Towards the few she can trust, and the few she loves. She'll stick up for people, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Like said before, can be either good, or bad.

But, to find out who she really is under all of those layers, well, you will just have to find out.
Desiree grew up with a twin brother, and they always had each others backs. Although, Dez wasn't much into her brother fighting her battles, it was always easier having him there. Unlike her brother, she still is young at heart, and loves having a bit of fun. Well, a lot of fun. She enjoys parties, and always knew how to bring light to the darkest of places. She loves her family, but her and her father aren't the closest. THeres a reason they don't talk a lot. Mostly it is because she doesn't like abiding by the rules, being the rebel, and he is one to practically worship the fact rules were made. BUt, her and her mother are closer, more like sisters, and her twin, Asher, is always there for her, as she is for him.
Reaction to being sent to Hollow House?
Being cooped up with eighteen people? No thanks! Desiree strongly disliked the idea of going to the Hollow house, and refused to go since she found out. But, she doesn't exactly have a choice, and her father is forcing her to go. But, her temper could burst, and that would not be too fun. Although she is a joyful and happy person in general, this got on her bad side. At least her brother was going with her which would make things a whole lot easier.
Which race will you get along with best?
Phoenixes most likely, because like the werewolf race, they change forms. Or the merfolk for pretty much the same reason.
Which race do you dislike most?
The witches. They kind of creep her out with all that magic and stuff, sort of unpredictable. And probably the genies. They have their own magical stuff, and for the same reason as the witches.
Vulpix <3

So begins...

Desiree Menendez's Story


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Character Portrait: Desiree Chamberlain Character Portrait: Desiree Menendez
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Desiree Chamberlain

Voices clouded Desiree's thoughts as she lazily leaned against a stone wall, awaiting her brother. In the mean time, her mother and father were listing things she needed to do, things to say, and how to act. But, would this make any difference to the was she acted? No way. They were more like annoying flies, buzzing around Desiree's head, just begging to get squashed. And honestly, the brown haired woman was seriously considering it.

FInally, her rather short temper bursted, and she bolted upright, standing on her tip toes, and still only reaching her fathers shoulder. She was rather petite. "Okay! I get the picture! Can you just shut your freaking traps now?" the words just kind of came out. She didn't mean for them to sound that harsh. Maybe a simple I know would've worked... Dez thought, wanted to reel the words back in like a fish on a hook. But they were out there, and it stopped the King and Queen short.

"Excuse me?" her father barked. Yes, the one that Desiree wasn't very fond of. "You do not talk to your parents that way young lady! Do you know how much we have done for you...?" he yelled, and after that, Desiree merely tuned him out once more. Wow, she had gotten really good at that. She just rolled her big brown eyes and spun on her heel, gracefully walking away from her father. She wasn't going to deal with this right now.

No matter how much she did not want to go to that stupid mansion, it seemed that was the only way to get away from them. So Desiree took a deep breath and walked into the shimmering portal before her.

It was kind of fast forward after that. The young werewolf princess let out an inaudible whoa and stood on the beach, speechless as her gaze scanned her surroundings. Her new temporary home. She was speechless, something that never happens.

Then Desiree remembered. SHe forgot her brother! Hopefully Ash would make his way to the portal soon. She didn't like being the only of her kind here without backup. Although, she could take almost any of them if they tried to start anything.

(don't have time to post Fishers yet, have practice, will post either later today or tomorrow....)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Desiree Menendez Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain Character Portrait: Marie Dibson Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro Quirin- Genie Prince

Del finally snapped out of his reverie when he remembered Em's begging. Vampires. He'd forgotten they could retract their teeth. He shook his head slightly as though shaking off the dreary thoughts, when Em interupted him.
"So, Mr Genie. Shall we adopt our new persona?"
He gave her a cheeky smile.
"What are you talking about you crazy child? I think before we explore the rest of the house we should find some nice, fat necks to suck on"
He gave her what was supposed to be an evil glare, but what actually turned out as a rather strange mix between a frown and a smile. He immediately wiped the look from his face.
"Well that sure didn't work" he said comically, before grabbing Em's hand to lead her out of the room. "Vampire's shall be fun…"
He was cut off as a fiery haired woman along with a strong looking male walked past. Something was evidently upsetting the female, as the male gentlemanly let her into her room. She exchanged a few words before the door was shut.
It was hard to gage what the males response was, but Del didn't particularly feel like talking to them any way. They were evidently not the best people to talk with at the moment…
Del turned to Em raising his eyebrows slightly, shaking his head slightly implying they weren't the right people show their charade yet. They evidently had things to sort out first.
He started to walk down the hall towards the stairs. When he looked down there were two couples below. An overly happy, bubbly girl, a awkward and shy male, another couple also standing with them. The female was rather pretty and the male rather handsome as well, though quite frankly Del couldn’t care less. What made them perfect to talk to was the way they were open. He and Em could have quite a ball lieing to them.
That was one advantage of a genie. No one would be able to look past their lie for a while, until it was proved wrong. He would have quite a lot of fun pulling them along with his charade. Automatically he adopted a vain and pompous look about him. Giving Em a brooding look. He carefully raised his chin and tried to look as stuck up as possible. After all, that's was what vampires were for. He gave Em a slight indication of the head to the group, before his mask broke into a cheeky smile. He immediately fixed his pompous mask before continuing down the stairs. Drama was a lot of fun, and he enjoyed getting into the skin of another character. At the moment he was second in rank, and from the group below Del could tell none were elves.
Brilliant. They'd be top of the chain for now.
"Greetings all" He said with a rather icy stare towards the group below him. He was careful to keep his chin lifted and his eyes rather haughty and proud.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Desiree Menendez Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro....Beaumont??? - Genie...Vampire?? Prince

Del watched in hidden amusement as Em's face hardened and a haughty and proud look dominated her usually cheeky and fun-loving smile. He glanced back down at the growing number of people. Two new twins came in introducing themselves as were-wolves in a rather childish manner. If Del hadn't been pretending to be a stuck-up vampire he probably would have joined in the joking, as it was her retained a cold stare and allowed a mocking smile to change his features.
That was when the elves appeared. Damn! They always had to appear when they weren't wanted, stuck up creatures. It would have been nice to be top of the ladder for a while. Ah well, second certainly beat last...that was when the elf prince gave himself and Em a hard look. Del kept his mask of pretence arrogance in place perfectly, but inwardly he cowered. Surely they wouldn't ruin their fun so early? He hadn't even started yet! Evidently the elf knew something was amiss, but he didn't question it further, continuing down the staircase to who was obviously his sister.
Del inwardly let out a sigh of relief, before being distracted by a very ditsy comment by the mermaid princess. Ugh! How dumb could you get? Nymphs and faeries??? Ew. Was he and his sister really that bad at acting? Then again she'd already proved herself ditsy earlier, so it was more likely her. Besides it would be rather fun to rebuke her.
He let out a sniff of disapproval at the mermaids comment, putting on an affended look.
"Do we look like fairies and elves to you?" he said in an affected show of hurt pride. "I am the Vampire Prince, Delroy Figaro-"
He was about to finish his name, when he realised they would probably know the genie last name. It was lucky he was good at lieing.
"Beaumont" He finished smoothly "And my sister, Emmaline Mercy Beaumont"
That was when the elves introduced themselves. Secretly this annoyed Del. He'd just done such a good performance, and here the elves were taking away the lime light. Outwardly he regally turned his head to observe them in obvious scrutiny as the male introduced themselves.

In a pretence of being slightly bored, Del glanced around the room. Perhaps he was pushing his luck by being borderline rude, but he couldn't help but playing the role for all it was worth.