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Skyla Halloway

"You think we're all here just to become all buddy, buddy? Please, just take a look around."

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a character in “Hollow House”, as played by Made.of.Concrete


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Name: Skyla Alexis Halloway

Nickname: Sky, S or Ax.

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Birthday: September the 17th

Heir: Demon Princess

Feeling superior.
Sitting outside in the cool breeze.
Collecting different things be it trinkets, jewellery, weapons ect..

Dislikes: {Five again}
Being out in the sun too long.
Loud people.
Loud or high pitched noises.
Being awoken.
Other people putting in their opinions when not needed.

Fears: The blondes biggest weakness would have to be her immature inability to get over her irrational fear of the dark when outside alone in her human form, -funny for a demon who prefers the dead of night to kill, is actually scared their might be someone out there specifically trying to be rid of her -this has pushed her to become reliant on her immortality.
Personality: Unnerving at first glance. Frail and hollow at second look. Maybe people think these things for the way Skyla carries and shows herself. Cold, distant, bored and maybe even a little cruel looking. These words seem to only scratch the surface of how Skyla Halloway is portrayed by others and thought of by many. She is not some misunderstood women with the want to be different, nor exactly the same. Skyla Halloway is not a ball of light neither a pit of depressing darkness as all demons are thought to be. The young women prefers to describe herself as the dawn; the in betweener. With strong instinct and dependence Skyla is not like her mother who sees things as good and others as bad, but she's not like her father either, who sees things as threats and others as just obstacles to be taken down. She thinks about it all, wonders the possibilities and each side of every story and thing -living or dead. She sees the good and bad to things and cannot begin to comprehend the idea of liking one thing over another.
Endurable to both sides with none she favoured nor dislike more. You could say Skyla enjoys her repulsion to having one set like or opinion on a subject/food/person ect, it gives her an advantage in most things and allowed her to answer plainly with not having to explain her choice over something so childish and time consuming.

She does not believe in love, she's more of an.... "Emotionally unavailable" kind of Demon.

Having to constantly listen to her older siblings petty fights and opinions over trivial factors in life and the world in general had made Skyla quite unchanged when someone splurs their thoughts on a subject and continues to rant about said thing. This often results in her bored expressions and annoyed looks that often get sent around the room she is situated in, also adding to her large dislike for large crowds of people, she can never really see the bright side of such outings.

History: Skyla was brought up to survive. Kill. Attack. Deceive. Win. If you didn't win around here, you were dead. Skyla did not bond with her mother, nor learn from her father. Instead she leaned to hate the woman her brought her into such a world and bond with the man who would teach her to take anyone and everything out of it.

Since birth Skyla knew who and what she was: a killer with a name that could strike fear into the very hearts of those who attempted to get in her way.

One thing that constantly manages to get on the blonde demons nerves would have to be her brothers insufferable ability to constantly baby her as though he's hundreds of years older rather than one a couple of minutes, even so he can always manage to annoy her, Skyla would never wish to have any other person as her older brother. Together the two have been through thick and thin, always being each other's secret strength. Even though her brother is normally the protective one, that doesn't mean Skyla wouldn't murder another for hurting her twin. She wouldn't even think twice.

Reaction to being sent to Hollow House? What can she say? That this is a complete and utter idiotic thing to do that will do nothing in forcing the races to sign the peace treaty? Please, you really think the Demon king would just so easily hand over a piece he needs for his growing reign? But then again Skyla wasn't exactly sure as to why, maybe she was just a pawn in his much larger goal after all. Personally she didn't really care as to being sent to the Hollow House as much as another would. It was kind of a gift for the young demon, a chance to finally meet the race she so sourly despises.

Which race will you get along with best? Vampires for one are the sons and daughters of the night, something Skyla believes she can relate too. They've never allowed other races to discriminate them for their ways and for that she is respective of the blood drinker.
Faeries. How could Skyla explain this one? Okay, to begin with she likes them for their size, being quite short herself can often lead to her appreciation for there being another bunch much shorter. I guess you could also say Skyla has a slight fascination with the Faeries ability to speak each language without spending life times learning each, something that the demon envies.

Which race do you dislike most? Nymphs for their unnatural connection with everything, mainly the earth. The way they act so care free as though the races are not at war. And most certainly Elves, Skyla can't help her great distaste for the ruling species. Her reasons vary and I'm sure if you asked her as to why she dislikes them so much, she'd be happy to share.

Other: Skyla doesn't have any achievable goals in life. Her only want is to rule the world, but in a different want than one might think. Given her personality, the demon heiress wishes to control the world without others knowing who is exactly pulling the strings. But this was something she has never voice nor will. Skyla also carries around a large weapon, which is a sharp bladed sword that stands at least five inches above Skyla's own height. It is curved upwards at the end with a rough jagged silver tip. The handle for the blade is a plain black, as with it all. Her sword is usually strapped to her back facing diagonally down -that being because is held upright it would drag across the floor. She calls it her "Broken Blade" for its past and her own, it signifies the day she changed. The blonde isn't held to one blade/sword/weapon, Skyla takes large pride in her array of collected knives, swords, stakes, needles and others that she has gathered over the years.

The blonde demon takes pride in being what she is, she studies hard in understanding the Werewolf/Vampire/Demon/Elven body and how everything works, knowing the quickest way to kill, the most painful break and one of her favourites; nerves and their systems. This is a great advantage for her to have in battle. It shows her skill and right to being her father's Heir.

Was given the nickname 'Ax' by a fellow demon who first saw her killing with the sword that she swung like a tree chopper with his/her handy axe.

Umbreon for life.

So begins...

Skyla Halloway's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Halloway Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway
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Juliet Reyes~ Elven Princess

The blonde stared at the portal that had been created in a small meadow of their forest. The bright light it projected stared back at her, she closed her eyes but not for the same reason as her brother. She was scared, scared of what would be awaiting them on the other end, scared of being on her own for the first time in her life. She knew her brother would be with her but it wouldn't be the same. She had begged and pleaded upon hearing about their venture to Hollow house, but nothing had prevailed. She reopened her eyes, telling herself she had to be brave, or at least fake it. Juliet took one final look at the place she called home, and with that she turned away and stepped into the portal after her twin. She allowed her fingers to entangle around her brothers. The simple act gave her comfort and allowed her to relax slightly. It was the same hand that had held hers since childhood, keeping her close through the scariest of times. She along behind her brother, towed along by his gasp on her. She knew that if it weren't for him doing this, she probably would have stopped moving by this point. She might be a princess but Juliet did not have the bravery of a monarch and although she didn't want to admit it, she knew she wasn't doing a good job of hiding her nerves.

When the pair emerged, hand in hand from the mirror-like portal, it closed immediately. Her eyes followed her brothers, looking around them and taking it all in. It was better than she had expected but she still wasn't thrilled. It was nice enough, it was housing royalty after all, but it wasn't home. She wasn't sure how she felt about losing her brother's hand and her safety blanket in that, but she didn't expect much else from him. Juliet composed herself and tried to put on a strong face, they must not let others see them looking frail and fearful. "Huh?" The sound of her brother's voice snapped herself out of her thoughts and left her slightly flustered. "Oh, right. Yes, I guess we might as well. Though that wouldn't be the word I would use to describe it." She told her brother, she had yet to come up with the perfect word for their new living arrangements but she had been searching her brain for a word that would suit the house of their imprisonment. She made a small smile in return to her brother's, a smile that she rarely saw on him anymore and had missed. She'd always thought it was the best look for him, he didn't feel the same way, so on the rare occasion he gave into the smile she couldn't help but do so herself.

Juliet walked in front of her brother and headed toward the house. She could see others arriving but just continued to look straight ahead and strode toward the manor. She walked up the grassy lawn, her heels sinking in a little bit, causing annoyance, could they not have put in a path up to the house. When he feet his solid stone she was pleased. She paused before the door, not only to wipe of tome of the dirt that had gotten on her shoes but to also glance over to Leonardo. She didn't know if they should just let them selves in, knock, or wait. She decided to just enter the mansion. If they didn't want them in the house they wouldn't have forced them to come. She turned the delicate handle and pushed the door open, stepping onto the marble floor of the front foyer. She looked around, it was really nice but Juliet wasn't about to admit that. She had decided that if the was going to be forced to play their little game, she would be playing it her way.

Damian Halloway~ Demon Prince

Damian waited for his sister near the front door. When she finally arrived he walked with her outside. The portal that would take them to Hollow house gleamed, the shining totempole of it's empty surroundings. His eyes took a minute or two to get used to the bright light and even then it still hurt to look at. “Well lets get on with it then.” He said stepping toward it. He looked back at his sister, offering her a near smile before disappearing into the portal. He had always been close to Skyla but he didn't see the need in attempting to do any gushy gestures, they had never been much for hugs or hand holding. And there was certainly no need for starting just because they were going away for a while. He knew his sister wouldn't hesitate to follow him, so he didn't orry too much about waiting up for her. Neither of them were afraid of going and he knew his sister never hesitated when it came to adventures. He walked straight ahead, eager to get out of this bright tunnel. He didn't waste anytime with walking slowly or hesitating before exiting, the sooner he was out of the portal the better.

His shoes hit the sand and he looked down. He wasn't expecting a beach, though he couldn't complain. This meant that they wouldn have all the ameneties one could want which would make being stuck here with faeries and other giggly little creatures much more tolerable. Once his sister had exited the portal it snapped shut and vansihed. “Ladies first Sky.” He told his twin, taking half a stop back and holding his arm out for her to go ahead of him. He watched as more and more pairs arrived. He had no interest of talking to any of them though. He wanted to get inside, out of the sun and he was looking forward to finding his bedroom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Holloway Character Portrait: Kane Lanshier Character Portrait: Agatha Lanshier
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Skyla Halloway -]Demon Princess

Without shilly-shallying and little thought, Skyla slowly stepped into the portal (gateway of doom) after her brother. It was bizarre thinking of how this was all supposed to pan out, the blonde had never really heard of something so odd as her current predicament. But then again, why would someone have ever sought for such an happening to take place in the beginning? Every race has its own position in this fraudulent society and altering the nature of it all would most definitely finish in strife.

As the blonde demon was pulled from her thoughts all she could wonder was why it was so damn bright. Did no one think of every species when they decided to chuck them all together? The only answer she had for herself involved a large assortment of colourful language that consisted of words numerous found appalling and vulgar. "I already dislike this place," she muttered distastefully, already continuing after her brothers incline. "Too much sand." Taking little notice of the already arriving others , Skyla slowed down a few paces to allow for Damian to catch up, she knew he had just as much dislike for the sun as she did herself. Maybe it's a twin thing.

Kane Lanshier - Witch Prince


"Agatha, so glad you could finally make it." The strong and tasteless voice of one Witch Queen spilled out of the young Princes room like bitter waves beating against a wall of sand. Kane stood to the side of his mother, the handle to his bed room door clenched firmly in his hand. Kane was uncertain as to what had kept his older sister from arriving on time, but he was sure her rebellious needs and want to sleep in were the culprits to such tardiness. He was unsure their mother would see her late arrival just an inconvenience as he was convincing himself. "Mother-," Kane tried once again. "Agatha, I hope you have a good reason for such disobedience of my set time for your send-off. As I've told you for the past week, I will not put up with such inconveniences as I have before. This little gathering is important and I will not allow for you to be the one who shames our family name if you do not make it in time." The bitter woman looked down at her offspring, flat dark hair framed high cheek bones and hollow eyes, making her unfeasibly pale face seem to glow that portion more. "As for you Kane," pupiless eye set onto the youngest of the three, "I expected much more from you. You of all people should know how vital this agreement is, I would have thought you would have taken more precautions into making sure your elder sister arrived on time." Guilt began to well up inside the Witch Prince, making him direct his eyes to the ground shamefully. Nothing hurt more than his mothers displeasure. Said woman gazed unfeelingly at her son, she would not take anything less than perfect and Kane was aware of this. "I apologise for my failing initiative mother. It won't happen again." It was times like these Kane just wished he didn't sound so controlled and obedient, why didn't his mother just refer to him as 'dog'? "As for you young lady I'll deal with you when you return, as for now you're both behind schedule as it is and must hurry."

The Queen Witch turned on her heel and waltzed back out of the door, pushing past Agatha with little more than a glance and continued her way down one of the numerous halls that founded the house. "Follow, children."
"Come now, Agatha, we mustn't keep mother any longer. Let's not leave on too bad a note..." Gently, Kane pulled the door closed and placed a hand on his twins shoulder.

Kane followed his mother and came to a halt a little ways behind her, the light of the portal momentarily blinding him. "Well, what are you waiting for?" The elder witch questioned irritably. He didn't waste any more time and stepped into what was sure to lead to nothing but disaster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Halloway Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway
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Juliet Reyes~ Elven Princess

Juliet had difficulty keeping a straight face, the multitude of smells hit her like a ton of bricks. She hadn't noticed it too much while there were only a few others around them. She had never been around anything but elves and had never experienced scents to this magnitude. Once inside the house the intermixture of all the smells became even worse. She was beginning to wonder how she would be able to survive living with it all. The front foyer's design was similar to that of her own back home but she still believed her own to be far better.

"I can only hope, I really want to change, these shoes have gotten a bit dirty from the grass. And we must look presentable for our first real meeting with the others." She told her brother. She moved closer to her brother, then peeping up onto her tippy toes as best she could in high heels. She read the clean sheet of nearly white paper which was posted up on the wall over his shoulder. "It seems we're on the second floor." She thought aloud. She headed toward the spiral staircase but paused before actually stepping on them yet. Her ears picked up the sounds of others rushing around and exploring for themselves. She reinstated the somewhat serious face and began walking up the spiral stairs, her hand running along the railing as she went up. She held her head up high and walked straight, in her monarchistic sort of saunter.

When she reached the second floor she scanned the hallway for their rooms. When she found the doors, one on either side of the hallway. One with the number fifteen and the other sixteen. She gave a slight smile to her brother, as if to say 'Well, here goes nothing.' She turned to the door that held her room and took a deep breath before reaching for the handle. She turned the delicate handle and let the door swing open, revealing a beige toned room. She had been expecting something far less beautiful, either more prison like or more related to elves. The room she received however, was very simple yet classy. Juliet thought it was quite pretty and resembled something of a royal nature. She allowed the door to slowly swing closed, she then pushed it all the way closed and twisted the little lock. She took of her shoes, leaving them near the door and moved around the room to a door. She was slightly disappointed that it wasn't the closet, but she was astounded by the bathroom before her. She was beginning to think that at least this wasn't going to be entirely like a prison. She closed the door to the bathroom and continues to search until she found the closet. She was pleased to find her clothes and things had all been placed inside. She changed into an emerald green dress, that reached just above her knees, a pair of nude pumps. For jewelery she chose diamond studs and a green ring that was her mother's. ([url=]Like so[/url)

Juliet then exited her room and knocked on the door of her brother. "Leo, I need your opinion on something."

Damian Halloway~ Demon Prince

Damian looked at his sister and smirked. "It's awful, get's stuck in your shoes for an eternity." He agreed. It made him rather annoyed that they had made sure to make it pleasant for those who enjoyed the sun and didn't seem to have thought about those who found it dreadful. He walked quickly, his pace matching that of his sister. They had always been close and had some what of the mythical twin telepathy. He knew that she also wanted to get out of the sun and off of the sand. They soon achieved just that. Damian exhaled a slight sigh of releif as they crossed into the shade under the covered area before the door. “Shall we?”

He pushed open the door to their new home away from home and looked around. He spotted a list hanging on the wall. He went over and glanced over it. He found his name and that of his sister quickly. “It's seems as though we're on the first floor up.” He told the blonde. “I believe we should go explore.” He said heading up the spiral staircase. Once he reached the top he scanne the hallway, their rooms were easy to find as they were the first of the numbered bedrooms on the floor. Before opening his door he turned to his sister. “Well here's to hoping for something decent.” He pushed open the door and looked around his new bedroom. He was pleasently surprised. The room was nice, half white but with dark tones spread throughout it. It was modern and warm yet dark and welcoming to him. He was quite impressed with the room. He kicked off his shoes and grabbed a new pair form the closet. He'd have to clean the sand out before wearing them again.

He exited his room and went over to that of his sister. He didn't bother knocking and just let himself in. “So Sky, how's your room?” He asked while pushing the door open. “Hmm, not bad.” He commented sitting on the arm of a plush looking chair near the door.
“Are you ready to go explore the rest of this place?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Holloway
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Skyla Halloway -Demon Princess

Skyla found the only benefit to this 'adventure' -as her brother saw it, was the well suited room. Sure it was a little ironic that the demons ended up with the black and gloomy morose colour scheme, but the bleach blonde didn't mind the clichéd assumption at all. She personally enjoyed every square inch of her new room, a perfect fit. Though it was little of a shock when Damian welcomed himself in, for one they were twins and have lived beneath the same roof for some twenty years, and therefore he no longer takes it upon himself to knock. The last time her brother had actually knocked and asked to enter her room would of been a little over... actually Skyla wasn't sure if her brother even knocked in the first place.
The thought of her twins 'guyness' brought a small smirk to her features. Her only thoughts at that second was how times have yet to change.

"Of course, though are you sure you'll be able to keep yourself from biting the heads off of any Merfolk if we are to meet any?" She question, running a hand teasingly through her brothers already mussed hair, successfully messing it up even more.

Skyla couldn't help to ask, she was quite aware for her brothers dislike towards the water loving fish people, she herself didn't like them all that much herself -but that wouldn't stop her from throwing a few jibs at her elder brother. It was all fundamental brother sister stuff, she'd say something that annoys him then he'd say something equally annoying back. Their trivial arguments could sometimes go for hours on end, she couldn't remember who was winning at the moment, her score keeping started going down the drain a year or so ago. "Oh, and you don't by any chance know holds the most won arguments at the moment do you? The last score I remember I was thrashing you one hundred and one to ninety nine." A small laugh broke its way through the Demon princess and she welcomed it. She couldn't help but feel bizarrely free, it was strange in a good way. This place may already have its downfalls with the annoying sunshine and sand, but it also had equal ups. Skyla could only hope that the rest of the place would be as interesting as her and her brothers own rooms.

Maybe she'd even meet the Elves she's already heard so much about back home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Halloway Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway
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Juliet Reyes~ Elven Princess

The door to her brother's room swung open. She smiled softly at seeing Leo, it always gave her some little amount of amusement when their clothing accidentally matched one another's. It didn't really surprise her anymore though, her brother had an impeccable ability to read her and green was her favourite colour.
"What do you need my opinion for, dear sister?" Leonardo asked her, inviting her into his room. She walked in and looked around the room. His room was similar to her own in the center of a wall sat a large four post bed that was a similar cream colour like the bed in her room.

"I was going to ask your opinion on my dress, but since we match so nicely I couldn't possibly change now." Juliet was worried about being both over dressed and under dressed. She had no idea what to expect and only knew that as the highest ranking race they had a certain standard to live up to. She moved herself over to a mirror, she looked at herself in the reflective surface. She ran a hand through her hair, fixing some of the hairs that had gone astray. She wasn't really concerned about getting downstairs to meet the others. After all, they were the highest ranking race and that gave them some leniency when it came to showing up on time. It was somewhat customary to be one of the last ones to a meeting and start the meeting with their arrival.

She turned to her brother. "Shall we go downstairs now Leo, meet our new housemates and perhaps explore a little bit more? Or should we explore a bit more and then meet them once everyone's settled in?"

Damian Halloway~ Demon Prince

Damian chuckled at his sister's taunting of him. "I can't make any promises." He told her. He wasn't fond of merfolk, mainly due to the whole water thing. This being said, he wasn't very fond of anyone. It was something that made him somewhat reluctant to go meet the others, he had no interest of becoming friends with anyone. He simply wanted to make it out of this place without enraging his parents. He had, however, no intention of behaving, his goal was to just not kill anyone and to make sure they got out of this place fairly quickly. After Skyla removed her hand from his hair he reached his own hand up to fix his brown mop of hair. Fix being used loosely. He mainly just messed it up in a slightly different direction, it was an odd action seeing as it was just as messed up before his sister had ruffled her hand in it.

At his twin's accusation of him losing their little war he chuckled. "It's quite cute that you think you're winning." He told the blonde. "But I'm afraid I must tell you that I am clearly in the lead." The demon's common smirk returned to his face. He enjoyed their little game, in all honesty he had no clue which one of them was winning, unlike his sister he wasn't really counting. He tried to for a while but he always seemed to have forgotten the score by the time of their next little spat. He found that the real fun was the actually debate itself, which then led to more debates over who was winning.

"If your going to change, hurry up and go do it. I want to go tour our new home away from home and meet our new friends." Damian ordered, changing the subject from their little game. He didn't like staying in one place for very long and he was beginning to get bored. "I think we could both use some form of amusement. And besides they could be fun." He knew his sister would know he didn't mean the people themselves, but rather screwing with them would be fun. He always found tormenting others to be fun and he and his sister always made such a good team.