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"Don't look at me or my sister like that..."

0 · 357 views · located in Home

a character in “Home for Strays”, originally authored by angel51897, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Takuto
Age: Seems to be around 16-17
Gender: Male
Species: Cat
Appearance: Has black hair and blue eyes in human form. ImageImage
He's a black cat with bright blue eyes in cat form.
Likes: People who aren't too bothersome, his little sister, milk.
Dislikes: People who ARE bothersome, sour milk, people who make fun of his sister.
Personality: Takuto's a bit cold to people, since he and his adopted sister are nothing alike; species-wise. He loves his sister with a passion, and will do anything to protect her.
History: Takuto and Kira have been together since they were both dumped at a dump. He was from a poor family, and he was left behind at the dump because the family could no longer keep him as an extra mouth. They've roamed around together ever since he could remember. He was always the older brother, the stronger, and more overprotective one. He would do about anything to keep Kira from any harm or danger.

So begins...

Takuto's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto Character Portrait: Ali
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Takuto opened his eyes reluctantly. He got out of bed slowly, hopeful that he didn't disturb Kira. 'Phew... She didn't wake up..' He turned into his human form and put on a shirt. As Takuto was walking, he looked out a window and saw the outside world, where he and Kira used to live. 'At least we're together...' He went down to the kitchen and saw Cody, Moss, Ali, and Jace there already. "Morning everyone..."
He heard Jace growl, and saw a girl walk into the house. "Is animal shelter? It smells like animals in here, not trying to be rude though!" She looked like a normal human girl, but Takuto didn't let his guard down. 'Geez, where's Kira?'


Kira was awake the whole time. Her eyes were closed but, she was definitely awake. She felt Takuto move as he got out of bed. When he left the room, it was quiet again. 'I should go downstairs with him.. He's still not used to everyone yet.' She got up and shook herself. Kira changed into her human form and put on a black dress that went to her knees. She walked down to the kitchen and also saw the others. "Morning everyone! It's so beautiful outside, right!" She went up to Takuto and hugged him affectionately. "Morning Takuto! I hope you slept well last night."
Kira looked around at everyone, then spotted the girl. "Is animal shelter? It smells like animals in here, not trying to be rude though!" She looked at her thoughtfully, and thought, 'I guess this could be like an animal shelter....' She walked up to the girl and sniffed her, like the dog she was. "Hi! I'm Kira!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Kira saw the girl cower to the floor. 'What's wrong with her?' She heard Jace growl at her, "As for you, young pup you should be more wary of humans not all of them are kind." She stepped away from the girl and lowered her ears. "I'm sorry...." She walked to her brother and hid behind him. "Takuto, Jace scares me..." Kira pulled her ears nervously. 'Jace is an alpha dog, but he's so scary!' Kira peered at the girl from behind Takuto. "Umm, who are you, and what are you doing here?"


Takuto watched his sister sniff the girl and sighed. 'This girl never learns...' He saw the girl cower to the floor and Jace growl at Kira. "As for you, young pup you should be more wary of humans not all of them are kind." "I'm sorry...." Takuto clenched his fists, but he didn't say anything. "Takuto, Jace scares me..." He made Kira let go of her ears and held her hand. "it's okay, Kira. Don't be nervous now." 'He thinks he's the alpha dog... Right....' He felt Kira from behind him start to peer out again. "Umm, who are you, and what are you doing here?" Takuto looked at her with surprise and held her hand tighter. 'She's just a human. Like she has a purpose here! How did she even find this place..?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Kira heard her try to talk and sob at the same time, and started to feel sorry for her. "Takuto, she's gonna cry... What should I do?" Kira let go of her ears and went over to her. She put a smile on her face and clasped her hands behind her back. "I'm Kira. This is Home." She looked at Jace with a smile on her face. "Jace, I think she's a nice human! But, I also think she should keep this place secret..." She went back to Takuto and held his hand. 'I wonder if she'll keep this place a secret?'


Takuto heard the girl talk and thought to himself all the while. 'She looks like she won't tell anyone... But, those sobs looked kind of forced.....' Kira went to him and said, "Takuto, I think she's gonna cry... What should I do?" Before he could reply to her, she let go of her ears and walked over to the girl. 'Kira! What are you doing?' He watched her put a smile on her face and clasp her hands. 'She's nervous....' "I'm Kira. This is Home. Jace, I think she's a nice human! But I also think she should keep this place a secret..." Takuto watched her come back to him and held her hand. 'My poor sister.... When will she ever learn..?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto Character Portrait: Cody Turner
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Kira watched the girl leave the house. She felt happy inside, knowing that even though someone had seen them, she would keep their Home a secret from outsiders. "Hey Takuto, that Angel human seemed really nice, right?" Kira smiled happily and took a leftover sausage link off the plate. "Mmm! It's good!" She got a glass of water and drank her fill. Kira then went outside the house to go play in the sun. "Ahh, it feels so nice and warm..!"


Takuto saw the girl leave the house. "Hey Takuto, that Angel human seemed really nice, right?" He smiled at his sister and replied, "Indeed..." He looked over at Cody, who had been standing there for a while. "Hey Cody, think you can make some more sausage links?" Takuto saw Kira take a sausage link off a plate then go outside to play. 'Geez.... Kira's gonna get a sunburn if she doesn't put sunscreen....' He got a glass of water and had to refill it three times. He smiled to himself and thought, 'I better go get the sunblock before she gets a burn...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto Character Portrait: Cody Turner
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Kira stayed outside for a while, feeling the sun on her skin. "Ahhh, it feels so warm! I only Takuto could come out and play with me sometimes..." She went back into the house and passed by Cody. She kept walking and went to the kitchen. Kira went over to Takuto, who had decided to sit in a chair and put his head on the table. "Takuto! Let's go out! Come on! I wanna play!" She pulled at his shirt and knocked on his head. "Ta-ku-to! Let's play!"


Takuto stayed in the kitchen and sat in a chair. He put his head down and decided to rest for a bit. When he heard Kira come in, he pretended like he didn't hear her. He felt her pulling at his shirt and knock on his head. "Takuto! Let's go out! I wanna play!" He moaned slightly to show that he didn't feel like going outside. She kept pulling at him, though. "Ta-ku-to! Let's play!" Takuto smiled inside, knowing how much she wanted to play with him. 'She'll leave me alone eventually.... Maybe...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto Character Portrait: Cody Turner
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"Takuto!! Let's play!!!!" Kira didn't stop pulling at Takuto's shirt. She pulled on his cat ears slightly and made him fall on the ground. She knew it hurt him, even just by slightly pulling at his ears. "Takuto! I wanna play!" 'Geez! If only he would play with me!' She walked away from Takuto, leaving him sprawled on the floor. She went into the room Cody and Moss were in and said, "Can one of you play with me?" She then saw the tears rolling down Cody's face and exclaimed, "Cody! Are you alright?" She changed into her dog form and tried to lick the tears off his face. 'That should make him feel better!' She changed back into her human dog form and asked, "Moss, what's wrong with him? Cody, why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? If someone hurt you, I'm going to bite them in the butt!" Kira ran back into the kitchen and got a glass of water, then gave it to Cody. "Here, drink! It will make you feel better!" 'I hope he's alright....'


Takuto kept his head on the table, trying to hold in his laughter. "Takuto!! Let's play!!!!" He almost wanted to burst out laughing as she kept pulling his shirt, trying to get him to play with her. All of a sudden, she stopped pulling his shirt and instead, pulled his ears. He felt a sharp tingle sent through his body, and fell on the floor. 'Oww....' "Takuto ! I wanna play!" When she left, he didn't get up for a few minutes until the tingling stopped. He tried to get up again as he heard Kira running back in and out of the kitchen. 'I wonder what she's in a hurry for..?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Takuto and Kira

Takuto got up from the floor after a long time. 'I must have been out for a while....' "I'm back." Takuto turned around several ways before seeing the human Angel again. 'Indeed she is...I wonder what's that she has in her arms..?' He got up from his seat and went to go help her. "Here, let me help you." Takuto took a few bags from her and helped her carry them to the kitchen. He set them down and looked at them in confusion. "Umm, is this for us..? You know, umm, the others?" Kira suddenly came skipping in through the doorway and stopped. "Kira is here! Takuto! You're finally up! Let's play now!" She then saw Angel and skipped happily towards her. "Angel! It's so good to see you again! Why do you have groceries?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Takuto and Kira

Takuto smiled at Angel, starting to get used to her. "Yeah, we're also kind of new here to the Home so, me and Kira have decided to stay here. Right Kira?" Kira smiled widely and replied, "Yup! I like it here! It's always nice to wake up with Takuto next to me!" Takuto smiled at his sister and held her hand. "This is my little sister, Kira, as you already probably know. I'm Takuto, by the way."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Takuto and Kira

Takuto took some of the groceries and put them away in their proper places. "Hmm, I think there should be a piano here somewhere... I don't think I've seen one though... Have you Kira?" Kira looked up for a moment to think and shook her head. "Nope. I've looked around this house sometimes, but I don't remember seeing a piano. I've probably seen one in here, but I don't remember where...." Takuto put away the last of the groceries and closed the cupboards. "We should go ask the others if there's a piano in here, or something. Might give us something to do for the meantime."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Takuto and Kira

Takuto went to Angel and helped her up. "Here, let's get away from the kitchen. I see that you're kind of claustrophobic, huh?." He led her out from the kitchen and let her sit on the couch where Cody was. Kira followed behind, holding onto Angel's hand and smiling still. "Do you not feel well? Do you need water?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Takuto and Kira

Takuto got up from his seat and started to walk away. "Well, I'm feeling a bit tired... I'm going up to my room to sleep. Later." As he walked out of their room to go upstairs, Kira followed after him. "Takuto..! Takuto! Geez!!" She walked out of the room and went outside. 'I just wish he would play with me more.... I might as well just sit in the garden and lie in the sun.' She turned into her dog form and stood there in the garden. 'Ahhh, this feels good..!'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto
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Kira laid on her back with her stomach upwards. Her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth and she started drooling. 'Sooo warm..! I never want to get up! Hmm, I wonder where's Takuto..?' She rolled onto her stomach with some difficulty. When Kira finally got on her feet, she trotted into the house. 'Takuto! Where are you?'


Takuto laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. 'Kira's taking forever... I wonder what she's doing?' He got up and sat on the edge. 'She better not be outside the barrier...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angel Bell Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto Character Portrait: Cody Turner
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Kira trotted into the house and panted happily. 'I wonder if there's food?' She kept walking into the living room and hopped up onto the couch next to Cody. 'You guys! Kira wants to play!' She licked his face and went over to Angel and licked her as well. 'You guys, let's play!'


'When's that girl coming back inside?' Takuto sat up on his bed and waited. When he didn't want to wait any longer, he stood up and went down the stairs. He walked down to the kitchen and filled a glass of water. '*sigh* She better not have gotten a sunburn while she was out....' He finished drinking and washed the glass, and went into the room that Kira was in. 'There she is! What trouble is my little sister causing now?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto Character Portrait: Cody Turner
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Kira saw Cody get up and started to follow him, her tail wagging excitedly. 'Yay, yay, yay!! Finally! Someone wants to play with me! I hope Cody feels better now!' She leapt off the couch and barked happily out the door. She jumped in the air as soon as she was outside. 'Wheee!!!' Kira loved the warm sun on her fur, and she was glad that she finally had someone to play with her. 'Cody, what are we going to play?'


Takuto watched Cody as he got up and ran outside, motioning for his sister to follow. 'I guess she finally found someone to play with.... Might as well go back upstairs and sleep...' He went back up the stairs into his room and laid on the bed. When he closed his eyes, all he could keep thinking about was Kira.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Takuto Character Portrait: Cody Turner
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Kira started to run after Cody, slowly catching up to him. When she got in range, she leapt into the air and tackled him down. She got on top of him and began to lick his face. Kira jumped happily and changed into her human dog form. "Hah! I got you! I got you! Let's play again!"


Takuto watched Cody and Kira play Chase outside and smiled contentedly. 'Those two are gonna make great playmates.' He went outside to enjoy the garden and stood in the sun. 'Ahh, this feels really good.... I should probably come out more often....'