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Alys Bennett

Soldier for the King

0 · 366 views · located in Home

a character in “Home”, originally authored by Onuwa, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Alys Bennett
Age: 60 (Average Age for soldiers)
Race: Human but altered to be a soldier
Gender: Female

Personality: Alys is generally known around for her crude sense of humour, she quite often takes the time to turn a situation awkward and then walks away from it merrily while others look around unsure of what to do or say. She enjoys her job and likes the secrecy of the dungeons. Like Cain has told her she often goes out and about to help people out and act like a model citizen when really she's keeping her eyes peeled for any suspicious activity. Alys likes her job and she loves Cain, not in a sexual way but rather she finds him inspiring a role model. She is loyal and would do anything for her king. Her life revolves around her job and so she doesn't have much time for other frivolities but Alys does enjoy grabbing a pint at the pub every now and then.
Flaws: Alys is a cruel person and she would quite as easily cut off your hand if told. She is a twisted human being with a warped sense of morals. She wont listen if someone tried to reason with her and would much rather punch them. Alys is a violent person but she does has a soft spot which she keeps very secret. She enjoys reading very much. Often she can be found curled up at home with an old tome with myths and legends as well as old poetry books.
Talents: As sick as it might be Alys is good at what she does, and thats spying reporting and capturing. She's incredibly stealthy and strong and when she has a target to take down to the dungeons she does so effectively and quickly.
Brief History: Alys had been taken in by Cain on one of his missions out into the world to gain soldiers and Adepts for Home. She had as small girl of 10, caught his eye and he knew she was meant for the same purpose as he. He took her into his care along with a few other humans for soldiers and when they returned to Home the enhancing began. Alys was enchanted to be stronger, swifter and more cunning than her foes. She trained for ten years in a soldier boot camp along with many others and when she was twenty she took her place in the line up of soldiers and worked her way up to be an officer.

So begins...

Alys Bennett's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gideon Fitz Character Portrait: Cain Argall Character Portrait: Alys Bennett Character Portrait: Reagan Nahanni
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#, as written by Onuwa

It was wrong. All of it was wrong. A handsome man stood his hands clasped behind his back and peered down at the frightened young man kneeling before him. What a disgrace His top lip curled over his teeth and home king let out a low growl.
"P-Please your highness." The man before him sputtered and his soldiers restrained him as she tried to crawl towards him begging to be saved. "I'm so sorry, it was a mistake, and honest mistake." The man was puled back by his hair and he let out a small yelp of pain.
"Pathetic" Cain sneered and he took a step towards the man and the crouched to be on the same level as him. The ground between them cracked a little and a small vine slowly grew its way up towards Cain. It slithered almost lovingly around Cain wrapping loosely around his wrist and resting there. The young man gulped, a small bead of sweat dripped between his eyes and he stared at Cain wondering if this was the end. "You know what we do to rule breakers here?" Cain asked him softly as the Vine began to move again, this time towards the man. The man didn't answer but instead let out a little whimper as the Vine began to wrap painfully tight around his leg and then slither up to his waist cutting of his air. He gasped for breath and tried desperately to get away but he was forced to stay by the two soldiers holding him. "We take them away." Cain spoke even more softly still "And they never come back" He chuckled softly and suddenly his left eye was twitching and the hands that were so calm before were in front of him, he was moving his fingers erratically. His hands clasped and un clasped and he let out a loud laugh that echoed in the halls. "You're mine boy!" He stood and as he did vines more vines rose from the ground with him and they too began to wrap themselves around the poor man. "Good bye!" Cain said as he bowed flamboyantly. The soldiers moved away from the man and he tried for escape as well but the vines held him. Then suddenly they were pulling him. She slammed him against the ground and there was the definite crunch of a bone breaking and a scream of pain and terror. The floor opened like a black hole and the man was sucked in dragged deep beneath the castle. It was dark. So dark.

Cain let out a delighted giggle and waved his hand over the floor as it head back to its perfect gleaming marble. He smoothed a shakey hand over his dark hair took too a deep breath only to let out another laugh. "Oh that was fun." He said as he went to sit at a large golden throne. He crossed his legs and uncrossed them and then tried the other way. Neither felt comfortable but he went back and forth between the two variations. As he did an officer went and stood by him, he always had a constant guard around him. Not that he needed it, he was far too powerful of course. The officer was no lady, but rather a woman who was as deadly as a dragon. She was called Alys and he quite liked to look at her so he kept her near by, then again Cain liked to look at most women. Sometimes he even liked to touch. He stood after the crossing of his legs was evidently not working and stepped to the window. Out down below people were starting their days, it was around the time that they were allowed out of their homes.
Cain rubbed his chin and looked down at the empty streets below him for a while more and then headed back inside, he wanted to go to his library. His head was pounding after such excitement and he couldn't stop moving. He wanted more, more screams, more pain... But no one else was breaking any rules so far, which disappointed him. He stepped into a long hallways and walked towards the courtyard. The courtyard was filled with exotic plants and at the middle of the yard a round stone building stood. It was a tall building and trees seemed to be growing half in and half out of it. Already he could feel his brain calming and his hands steading. Cain stepped into the library and went for the nearest chair. He conjured up a drink called Firebrand and took a long gulp. He contemplated what to do with the rest of his day and realized that at the end of the week was the monthly masquerade ball. That put a wide smile on his face. He loved parties, there was always someone who would slip up at them and he would get to punish them later. He giggled a little and rubbed a hand over his twitching eye. He waved his hand and a quill and parchment appeared before him and began to write the things that he needed. He hummed softly and tapped his foot to the song. Above him the trees grown into the library rustled softly and then were once again still. lots to do, lots to do, went the voice in his head.



Reagan woke an hour before curfew and stretched happily. She arched her back and he bed shifted under her growling softly. "I know I know, but its about time we got up." Reagan said to her bed as it there was nothing wrong. She stood and looked down at her bed which was in fact a giant black bear curled up comfortably. She smiled at him, bent and ruffed that sweet spot between his ears and he grumbled and curled into a bigger ball. She laughed softly and then went about getting ready for her day.

Her fiery red hair was brushed and brushed and much to her dismay it was still a frizzy mess. She rolled her eyes and blew up at a strand of hair that was in front of her face and then went about braiding it. Once her hair was braided she studied herself in the mirror and frowned again. It wasn't a masterpiece but hey, she wasn't really trying all that hard. she got dressed in her hunting grab which was a leather jacket and cloth clothing underneath. She pulled on a pair of boot and then opened her pantry looking for something to eat. Her cupboards were pretty empty and she made a mental note to buy a few things from the market.

She glanced out side and figured it was about time that she was allowed out and she looked over at Benjamin and whistled softly. The big lazy bear raised his head and grunted and then dropped his head back down and was asleep in moments. Reagan had a pouch of money at her side and she hummed softly as she headed to the market. She browsed through a few stalls and had a few apples in her hands, after inspecting them and deeming they were fine she passed a few coins over and then placed them away in a brown bag for later. She wanted Salmon as well for Benny and went off to find another stall. She passed a large sign posted in the middle of way. People would occasionally glance at it and check to make sure they were following the rules. The sign was a large one that was a good person tall listing all of the laws put into effect since Cain had become king.
All citizens must:
Be home by 9
Out of home but 10
Attend every party thrown by the king
Hold one item in their home that has an image of the king
Never disrespect a Soldier
Never wear brown on a Thursday

There more rules each sillier than the next but she had learned to live by it. Reagan turned away from the sign and shrugged and went off to find more food.


The woods were thick with the trunks and branches of the trees. There was the occasional chirp of the bird far off, or the swoosh of deers legs thumping past the brush. It was within this forest Gideon once again found himself utterly and competently lost. He could have sworn he had passed that rock twice now all ready. The handsome man scratched his bearded chin and realized that he needed to shave. He took a sniff and frowned... and he needed to bathe. Perhaps he might stumble upon a river.

There was the happy chatter of a squirrel up above him and Gideon looked up and focused his eyes on the tan animal. " Well hello." He said only to be greeted by more of the talk of the animal. "I don't suppose you know where I might find a river?" He waited for an answer but the Squirrel took it upon itself to stop its chatter and look at him blankly with its dark eyes. Gideon gave it a few more moments and then sighed. " I guess I can find it on my own." He said. Gideon trudged along humming a soft tune of his people. The Dryad tune was a soft melodious one that spoke of the birth of their people, of how they came to be through nature and when magic was at its highest.

Eventually after a few more tunes, Gideon did find his river. He wasted no time in stripping himself of his rags and jumped right in. He shouted as the water proved to be less warm than it looked and sent chills through him. He forced himself through the cold and let his hair wet and he moved his fingers through it. It took about half and hour of scrubbing and yelling that the water was 'too damn cold' when finally he deemed himself a lot cleaner than he had been before. He climbed out of the water and moved on over to where he had left his clothes only to discover that they were in fact missing. Looking around confused Gideon heard a soft giggle behind him and he whipped around to see a forest spirit flowing along the river waving his clothes at him.

"Hey! Wait! Those are mine!" Gideon took off, buck naked after the spirit who only flowed further down the river. "Aw come ON!" he shouted, hating the feel of the wind against his body, it sliced through him like knives. "Give me back my clothes!" He command running as fast as he could after the mischievous spirit, but there was no way he could catch up after the river itself. So slowly and regretfully he came to a halt and panted heavily for breath. He leaned down to rest his hands on his knees and then stood. He sniffed, sneezed and then looked down at his lack of clothes. " .... Now what?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalista Raven Character Portrait: Amia Hananae Character Portrait: Cain Argall Character Portrait: Alys Bennett
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#, as written by Onuwa

Cain was hunched over his desk muttering softly to himself. His writing was shaky as thought upon thought flowed through his head. He was making a list for the numbers to be played at the ball. He had always liked the Ode to Cain But alas the Cain my king Was growing in popularity. He hummed and hahed over this ordeal for quite some time. As he did vines seemed to come alive from the ground and they rose up high over his head and reached the uppermost shelves and began to take books of the shelves and deposit them in new places. There was no rhyme or reason as to why and Cain seemed to have no qualm with the going's on of his plants.

He had just decided to have both tunes played when the giant doors to his library opened and in walked a vision of beauty. She was a high elf who had captured his attention for quite some time now. When ever he saw her, she was groomed to perfection and he could never seem to find a fault in her. He stood knocking the chair he had been sitting on to the ground. It clattered loudly and he flinched for a moment, and froze to look at the chair as if in utter disbelief. He was quiet for a moment and then looked away from the chair and gave Amia a wide charming smile. The chair, already forgotten.

He stepped around piles of books so that he might reach her, she inclined her head just so and then straightened again. When he was about a meter away from her Cain suddenly looked up and said "My dear... you are...." There was a long pause, "Late." He pondered the ceiling as if it could tell time and then let his gaze drop back down to her. His voice was harsh now "Why?" He didn't wait for her to speak but instead went up to her and boldly took a hold of her hand and kissed the delicate knuckle bones. For a moment he fantasized the crunch they would make should he drop something heavy on them. He let her hand go and let his gaze move over her dress and appreciated. "You look lovely." His tone had changed again to something akin to tenderness. The thought of screams and pain always brought him comfort.

His mind calmed for a moment and he took a deep breath through his nose and then let it out through his mouth. As he did so a lovely rose blossomed up from her feet and the stem rose to her waist. The blood red flower presented it's self, ready for the plucking and Cain chuckled "To go with that lovely dress of yours... I'm sure you'll be getting another for my ball this week?" He spoke, lifting his hand to catch a falling leaf. " Do tell me you'll bring and introduce me to all your lovely friends this time." He said making small talk.


Guarding the great hall was Alys' least favourite job when it came to being a soldier. Her beloved king had left the hall leaving its marble walls and floor in silence. She missed the screams already. Sighing to herself, she leaned against a pillar and took out a small folding knife from her jacket. She played with it flipping it this way and that between her fingers and changed it between her palms. She had gotten quite good at this from the hours of boring guard duty.

She only did it for the reward at the end. Alys loved when the brought in thieves and traitors and any other kinds of hooligans that the could wrangle up. It was always fun to see them squirm and beg for forgiveness, and as always she would lure them into her trap. Make them think that they had won her over. Appealed to her feminine side perhaps, made her like them, When lives were on the line it was interesting to see how desperate people got. Alys loved to give them hope, to see that light in their eyes and then in the very last moment when they knew that what they had felt was all a lie, to watch that light die in their eyes was the most beautiful thing.

She licked her lips and folded the knife away just as a soldier marched in a young girl with hair as black as night. Intrigued Alys stood and walked over to the group. "Aidan." She greeted the soldier and he grunted in return.
"Found her stealing in the market." he explained shaking the woman roughly. He had a tight grip on her arm and Alys was sure it would bruise.
Alys made a clucking noise with her tongue and she reached out and gripped the woman's chin and forced her to look up "Not your lucky day now is it?" she asked, smiling a truly terrible smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalista Raven Character Portrait: Alys Bennett
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ImageKali mentally groaned as the soldier dragged her through the halls of the castle. This man was strong and he had a grip on her. If she could just slip out of it, she'd be fine for she may be petite and delicate looking, but her light bones and slim frame made her quick and agile. If she could just manage to slip free, they'd never catch her. She'd done it a million times.

As she half walked, half stumbled through the halls, she began to push and prod at the guard's mind with her own, looking for something she could use. A weakness. An illusion she could weave that would cause him to let her go, or at least allow his grip to loosen just enough for her to slip out.

"Aidan." A voice called, pulling her out of her concentration, just as she thought she'd hit his weakness. Oh well. She supposed she could always just go with fire. Everyone was afraid of burning alive, it was just more fun to watch the soldiers cry out loud as illusions of their worst nightmares and fears came to life before them.

"Found her stealing in the market." Her soldier told the source of the voice. A female soldier, with an intrigued look in her eye. Raven stumbled as Aidan shook her around roughly, causing her to wince in pain. If he didn't break her wrists, she would be in shock. That's what it felt like at least. He seemed to like shaking her around like a doll. Seemed to like his advantage over her, for he did it again, making her teeth clack together roughly.

Not a second after she'd steadied herself, the woman shot a hand out and grabbed hold of her face roughly forcing her to look in her eyes, so she did, she found the woman's eyes with her own half blue, half green gaze. She could no longer use her voice, but she'd learned a long time ago that almost anything that could be said with the lips could also be expressed through the eyes, and now, she was shooting the woman defiant daggers, refusing to be intimidated. "Not your lucky day now is it?" she asked, smiling wickedly, and Raven just shrugged as though it was an average day for her.

She wanted to use telepathy so bad. Wanted to shoot all kinds of sarcastic comments into the woman's mind and startle her, but she didn't want to tip her off to her mind powers, for, while the woman and Aidan were antagonizing her, she'd found Aidan's weakness, and, surprisingly, it was fire, just as she'd thought.

Raven shot the female soldier and equally wicked smile and pushed an illusion on the man instantly. On the outside, Rae and the female soldier only heard the shout and saw the frantic flapping about, but Aidan was feeling and seeing a consuming fire crawl across his skin, burning it to ash as he shrieked and released Raven, waving his arms wildly. His worst nightmare, now his living hell.

Now free, Rae wasted no time. She simply straightened up, looked at the other soldier and gave her a small, sarcastic solute before taking off towards the nearest window at top speed and leaping out of it.

There was a brief moment of flying before her bare feet slapped the ground outside, and she took off towards town, hoping they wouldn't follow her, though knowing they probably would. She couldn't go to her home under the bridge. They would follow her. But if she could reach the cover of the forest just over the bridge, she might have a shot of getting away, so she steered her dash in that direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Lucian Character Portrait: Amia Hananae Character Portrait: Gideon Fitz Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges Character Portrait: Cain Argall Character Portrait: Alys Bennett
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#, as written by Onuwa

Gideon raised a brow at the man and he shrugged, "Well if that's all you need..." He held out a hand that was winkled from the water. "I'm Gideon. Thank you for this cloak." He offered him a crooked smile. Once he had shaken the man's hand he let a hand run down one of his arms appreciating the fabric. He smiled thinking of another cloak that had been given to him by his dear Kate.

His thoughts turned sad and he pushed them away. He let out a low breath and then gestured. "Lead the way." He took a step and followed after him. He wondered for a moment why his hair was so silver and let the obvious answer pop into his head. "Magic." He mumbled under his breath and he wiggled his fingers for a moment feeling the earth move a little under his feet as the metals formed together. What a great power we have. He thought to himself as he let the metals disperse and move back to their original place.

They headed on over to the house where there was sorting to be done.


Aly's was just about to give the rude little girl when suddenly her fellow soldier started to scream. He began to flail about uselessly letting go of the girl. Aly's made a grab for her but she missed and was rewarded with a sarcastic salute and then the girl was gone. She growled softly and narrowed her eyes after the black hair that leapt through the window. She took a step after her but Aidan grabbed her leg and made her trip.
"Damnit Aidan." she gave him a swift kick to the face which only made him cry more, but nevertheless he let go of her. Aly's gave him one look back and then ran after the girl and looked out the window. But it was no use. She hit the marble walls and let out a cry of frustration. Needing a walk to let off steam she headed on out of the castle leaving Aidan where he was crying in a little heap. He was a mess but she couldn't care less.

As she walked across the bridge that led to the great hall she came upon a man.. or a woman. Either way she knew him as a musician who played at the balls often. She lifted a hand in greeting and wondered what he was doing there. She then remembered that there was a ball coming up and she stopped in front of him and presented him with an incredibly practiced smile. "Well hello" She was still angry from before but perhaps she might find a fault in this man and be able to take him away, and so she smiled at him ever so sweetly and said "Come to pick up music for the ball then? King Cain has been picking songs all day." She told him.


She was blushing at him and Cain thought her ever so wonderful. She was a flower among thorns. When she accepted the rose from him and slipped it into her hair he thought her quite fetching and once again had to kiss her hand.
"My dear... it is you that does me a great honour." He nodded when she agreed to tend the ball, of course she would, everyone had to come, he made a law making sure of this. She requested a song and he snapped his fingers. A vine crept up to the desk and took hold of a quill and added the song to his set list.

She walked past him and straightened the chair he had knocked over in his haste, she sat down and her skirts fanned out around her feet. He leaned back against the table and placed a hand upon a vine that came creeping up to meet him. As if it were a pet he gave it a few affectionate pats. She promised him her friends would attend and he smiled thinking to himself that perhaps he would invite them all to his quarters after the party. [b]"I like the name Rhea. That sounds like an obedient name. She sounds... perfect."
Secretly he hoped for a slip up. The evening was never any fun without any screams. "I was thinking perhaps a summer theme. We could use a little brightness and beauty." He said softly, he was looking at her but it seemed as if he were deep in thought.

He smiled back at her and then straightened [b]"Well, we've got things to do. I will see you at dinner tonight. You are invited to bring your lovely friend Rhea if you like." He offered. He went to kiss her hand again,


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges Character Portrait: Alys Bennett
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Alladel had been standing on a bridge, silently watching the fish swim around underneath. He would always be mystified that someone like Cain had been able to create such a beautiful space. Perhaps it was a testament to the man's true nature? While Alladel had met the king on several occasions, he did not feel that he knew him at all. This did not surprise him, as he would have expected any king to play a daily masquerade, metaphorically speaking. Every situation would demand a new mask, every intention would also.

Alladel was not surprised until he lifted his gaze from the pond under the bridge, and saw a soldier walk towards him. Her face was not unknown to him, seeing as she was almost always in Cain's immediate presence. Alladel had always thought it a shame that she was in the line of business that she was. Sure, the musician was known to be quite the ladies man (and mens man, for that sake too,) but he had always been fond of this woman, more so than many others. He had never approached her about this, because he knew that even the slightest mistake would mean that he would be locked away and never heard from again. Every word had to be watched, every gesture, even the words one mumbled in sleep. Such a life would be unbearable.

He straightened his back, and made sure that his garments were not wrinkled or improper. As she greeted him, he bowed his head. Not enough to indicate submission, but rather respect. "Yes, I'm here for the list. Do you know if it's done, if our lord and king has time?" He smiled, hoping that his tone was kind enough, undemanding. "The rest of the orchestra are anxious to rehearse for the ball-"

He interrupted himself for a moment, and then tilted his head slightly. "Speaking of which" he began, "I hope I'm not out of bonds for asking, but are soldiers and guards like yourself required to attend too? As guests or employees? I cannot recall having seen you at the last ball, or those before."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amia Hananae Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges Character Portrait: Cain Argall Character Portrait: Alys Bennett
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#, as written by Onuwa

Aly's watched him fix his attire and she smiled brightly, was there anything she could get him for, she wondered. He always seemed to be in such good standing and always had the right things to say. She sighed softly and supposed that she might get in trouble if she sent him away to the dungeon. It wouldn't give Cain enough time to find himself someone new to take over the position of head musician. She had always wondered what it would be like to see those perfect features (as difficult as they were to place to a gender) contort and twist in pain. She wondered what he feared the most, she knew with a bit of prodding she could get most anyone to spill their darkest secrets. It wasn't all that hard really, break a bone here, cut a little there. He bowed to her and she listened to him explain his reason for being there. She nodded and said "I can take you to him if you like, he's just out in the library. I'm sure a visit from you would surely be acceptable. He spoke of a song that would like to play and for a moment rambled on about an orchestra. She nodded understanding that practice was the only way to make sure they played perfectly. After all their lives were on the line.

One wrong not and it was all over for the whole ban. She always liked watching the pressure Cain put his subjects under.

He changed his subject asking if solders were to attend and she nodded. "We are required to be there, but these last few balls on was on outside guard duty to make sure no one left early. This ear Cain has told me I must be in in the ball room and because of this I must dress up." She seemed a bit displeased about the fact but her emotions returned t normal and she turned gesturing for him to walk along sider her. "I do know each musician gets a break for a few songs. Perhaps you would like to share a dance with me then?" She made small talk with him as she led him into the giant marble hallways of the castle. She walked up a small flight of stairs and soon came upon Cain's library. It seemed quiet for the moment, other than a small annoying chirp of a bird that had flown in. "He is in there,, all you need do is knock." she told him. "I will be here when you come back to escort you out."


Cain said his farewells to Amia and he looked forward to meeting her friend. When she was gone he turned back to his quill and murmured something. He scratched his chin and for no apparent reason a whole row of daisy's grew at his feet. He looked down at them in apparent surprise, and then taking it in stride, he plucked a candle from a table and proceeded to set fire to the happy white petals. He could almost hear the pleas for help. He found himself laughing suddenly, and could not stop. The candle dropped from his hand and extinguished as it hit the floor, and so he sat there laughing, as every mad man would, surrounded but burnt Daises.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alladel Bridges Character Portrait: Alys Bennett
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"I'd be happy to share a dance with you." He told her as they walked, feeling a little awkward about this. He didn't let it show, but he was a little torn by her question. He'd said yes because he really would like to dance, especially with her, but he was also terrified that she'd roast him alive (or something equally painful) if he'd rejected her offer. He chose to look at it as a positive situation. At the very least, he was to spend a short moment in time that he did not understand, or even knew, yet still admired.

The hallways were as wonderful as the gardens outside. It was dimmer inside, as one might expect. A bird chirped nearby, and the sound made the palace seem less dead inside. While the place was filled with people, everybody always seemed to exist in their own tiny worlds, passing each other by. "Thank you," he said to Alys as they reached the library. He peeked in, and saw the king, and by his feet ashes and burnt leaves. Alladel for a second wondered who in the world would be careless enough to burn things in a library, but quickly pushed the thought aside again. He wasn't sure exactly how far the king could see.

"My lord, king." He said, voice slowly raised, as if to announce himself. He took a single step forward. "I was wondering if you had written down all the songs you wish us to play at the ball, and if so, if I could have the list? The orchestra wants to be sure that we only offer you perfection." He bowed deeply, one might think that he was in danger of falling over, but he managed to stay on his feet.