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Hotel Paradise

Hotel Paradise


a part of Hotel Paradise, by Skittles ♫.


Skittles ♫ holds sovereignty over Hotel Paradise, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Hotel Paradise is a part of Hotel Paradise.

5 Characters Here

Victor Pitts [3] "I wonder what the suns like, big, yellow... Strange."
Clare Santiago [1] Geeky nerdy music lover
Seth Marx [0]

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I sighed, observing the scene before me. Everything was peaceful. Everything was perfect. Everything felt wrong. I stood at the edge of the hall and observed the Mall below. Looking up and down the long "tube" like structure, I observed the vortex that allowed me to see the ends of the rooms above and below me. ((Sorry, this picture is really hard to explain...the structure is based off a hotel in Florida...I'll add a pick at the end...)).
I watched as the people ten floors down walked around without a care. How can they not notice? I thought as I continued to watch in wonder. Something's not right. I continued to wonder. I need to find out what it is. A sudden wave of pain erupted from my side, forcing me to let go of the railing and grasp my wound. It had been several years now since my "little incident", as They called it. It was often quiet and unnoticeable, but occasionally it would explode with an unbearable feeling, reminding me of my mistake. I grimaced slightly, acting as if crunching my face would cause the pain to leave. I stood there, looking like an idiot, while the pain slowly dissolved and my side went back to normal. When I could finally walk, I left the "vortex" and headed toward my room. I had been gone for a while and my parents would be worried.

((This is the best I could find. It's kind of like this (the "Vortex tube" thing) except for the fact that the Mall (or place where the food court, shops, and costumer service places are located) is a lot taller than that and the structure is a little more round...I hope it makes sense. If not, use your imagination, I guess. ^-^))


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Character Portrait: Victor Pitts
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Something’s not right Victor said to himself as he walked down the hallway, resenting the extremely bright lights. Eyes darting left and right examining the wall paper then the floor which was needless to say a perfect two and a half foot square. As his shoes squeaked down the flawlessly kept floor, he started to get that feeling again. He used the hallway wall as support in the empty corridor, flashes they were. They stacked in this feeling, ears ringing, eyes flashing white more and more each pulsating assault, and then Victor woke up, knuckles aching in agony sitting propped up against a wall bringing his knuckles up to his face he acknowledged the ripped knuckles, almost to the bone. Fighting not to yell or cry he got up using his legs mostly to avoid hurting his already burning knuckles.

Now observing the wall, wallpaper ripped and bloody and small depressions in the concrete behind the happily themed wall paper. Written in blood on the wall the handwriting unlike his read “NO WAY OUT” terrified, cold and scared ripped thin strips of his clothing for sufficient gauze wrappings to drape around his knuckles. Shoes squeaking against the perfect ground, using his bloody cloth as support limped out of the room and shimmed down the corridor, blooding the wall as he went. No doubt by tomorrow the walls would be blood free, that room re-wallpapered like nothing happened. Pain still surging, Victor decided that it was too much and sat down taking everything in as he rarely did. The strong smell of pine scented cleaning supplies filled his nostrils to an almost unbearable extent. Ears still slightly ringing , eyes trained firmly on his blood soaked knuckles stinging in pain. It’s happening more often now. He said to himself in his mind. As he once more barely got up a voice broke through all of his thoughts and pain
A high pitched giddy excited squeal. “Oi mate! Look like ya got a problem there! Let’s get you whizzed to the medical bay get ya fixed. Is your leg bothering ya? Looks like it. Or those hands those look gnarly!”
Victor replied in an almost frantic voice
“Go a-away.”
The man ran over to “help”. They probably have medication tapped too. Victor thought as he turned to the man pulling his hood over his eyes, and shined his knife.
“Step closer and I’ll cut you into ribbons.”
The man stopped dead in his tracks and ran. Victor ran also, I’m even more screwed now… Damn I need to leave! He thought as he barreled down the hallway.


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Character Portrait: Clare Santiago
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Clare was relaxing in her room since her mother went "out" for a while, but she kept feeling un-safe all alone. After a while she just brushed it off and started playing video games, She considered herself nerdy since she knew all the ups and downs or technology just by using it once. Even the staff came to her with their problems even though they weren't supposed to.


After three hours straight of playing video games she turned off the tv and console then went for a walk to the pool, The halls are quiet and yet nothing would make it scarier. She gets into the elevator and presses level 5 and as it goes down she can't brush off the feeling that some ones watching her.


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Character Portrait: Victor Pitts Character Portrait: Eleanor Valentine
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#, as written by ABC
Eleanor sat alone in the quiet library, as she did for the vast majority of her time. Despite the massive size and almost infinite wisdom of the place, no-one else ever seemed to come in here. Then again, perhaps that actually had something to do with why that was the case. Eleanor looked around the room at the three cameras she could see from her position at one of the reading tables. She watched them, just as they were watching her. There was something that the smallish brunet couldn't quite understand about whoever it was on the other side of those cameras; why, when it was obvious that she was aware, at least in part, of what they were doing, did they not act against her? Were they perhaps just confidant that she could not do anything to interfere with them?

Perhaps. And perhaps they were even completely correct to assume that as the case. Even so, Eleanor had still been doing what she could to uncover the mysteries behind this place. For starters, she knew where many of the cameras' blind spots were all over the building, and where all of the library's were. She knew she couldn't get any information out of any of the adults, and she hadn't run into many children, so her current plan was to find an unobserved air vent, in some out of the way location, to do a little eavesdropping in the employees only sections. Unfortunately, such things were more difficult to find than she originally thought, especially while trying to seem inconspicuous.

Eleanor had just been considering the foolishness of the hotel for trying to brainwash people, while still stocking their library with the works of George Orwell, when she heard what sounded like footsteps running through the halls. The footfalls were too heavy for a small child, which were usually the only guests one would find running indoors, probably those of a young male, based on the sound of their weight, and too quick for someone who was just excited or in a hurry. As a result, Eleanor determined the most likely possibilities to be either a young guest trying to escape from employees, or employees pursuing a guest. Either way, this was of interest to her.

Swiftly, the girl made her way to a nearby door, opened it, and leaned outside. At first there was nothing but the footfalls growing louder, until finally a boy with brown hair came into view. Judging by his attire, he was most definitely not a member of the staff, and the knife in his hand supported her theory of a guest on the run. Expressionlessly, she nodded her head toward the inside of the library, in an attempt to wordlessly indicate that he should come inside. Assuming he was willing to follow, she'd lead him to one of the blind spots. before learning what she could from and about his situation.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Pitts Character Portrait: Eleanor Valentine
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Petrified, Victor was rushing down the hallway looking for a place to conceal himself. Mind racing his eyes snapping left and right, saw a girl look at him then nod into the library. Expediently, taking the nod for an indication to enter the library with her having no better ideas, and being tense, cognizant that the man following him has lost his trail muscled through the second door and hastily used the wall beside the door for cover. Heart racing, ears still slightly tingling, started to calm down. His nose started to fill with the smell of books old and new and his eyes were overtaken by the girl trying to talk to him, snapping back to reality and started telling her everything, in a voice that started to retain its natural charisma.