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Sophia Nightengale

Female demon

0 · 426 views · located in Hotel Transylvania

a character in “Hotel Transylvania”, as played by Embracing_Anime



Name: Sophia Nightengale
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Demon
Height: 5 ft 7 in.
Weight: 110 lbs
Physical Appearance: A mixture of straight and curly locks of midnight black hair fall in volumious waves past Sophia's shoulders. Her bangs are never grown out long enough to obscure her vibrant green eyes. Usually, Sophia's attire consists of laced yet simple dresses in dark tones and the occasional casual, comfort clothing (sweats and graphic tee). She has a pale complextion and her build is slender and lean.


Due to her supernatural powers, Sophia is often misunderstood and has difficulties expressing her true intentions and emotions. Where ever she goes, trouble seems to follow. Unable to properly control such powers, she ends up upsetting or hurting those around her. As a result, Sophia's bright, cheery personality has become tainted with self-hatred and frustration. For the sake of everyone dear to her, she isolates herself and avoids social situations to prevent future unfortunes.


Procrastinating her lessons to further mature and develop her supernatural abilities, Sophia has poor control over her inherited ability to govern chaotic havoc and death. Physically, however, Sophia is skilled in combat demanding weaponry. She specializes in archery and is often seen carrying a jagged, black scythe---an early birthday present from her father.


Family: Human mother, Demon father

Sent away to resume her advance studies, Sophia settled into Hotel Transylvania. After a stretch of unfortunate events and bitter relations, Sophia percieves the hotel as a fresh start. Even though she is amongst fellow monsters, she still fears that the series of unfortunate situations and events will continue. Due to the warmth and kindness her mother brings to her and her father, Sophia is somewhat optimistic.

So begins...

Sophia Nightengale's Story

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Sophia Nightengale

A frigid gust of nightly swept through dark, ominous trees whose branches desperately grasped towards the star-lit blackness overhead. A figure, shadowed by a looming tree, stepped into the moonlight, silently revealing themselves. A young female emerged from the darkness. Her vibrant green eyes glowered in the night. Soft yet sharp black wings flapped anxiously behind her, as she surveyed her new quarters for her studies---Hotel Transylvania. Another sudden gust interupted her thoughts of worry, wisping her sheen, black hair against the dark, pointed demon horns atop her head. She closed her eyes and drew in a shaky breath of air, her demon tail uneasily flicking behind her. Reopening her eyes, she sternly gazed upon the large hotel with newly found confidence. Tightly clutching her suitcase, she began to approach the hotel. Small flowers flourished at her feet with each step and instanteously wilted to dust as her feet lifted off the dry ground. "Come on, Sophia. You've got to make a good impression," she thought aloud, once she reached the front door. Setting her suitcase down, Sophia blew her bangs out of her eyes and sighed nervously. Before she could even knock on the door, it swung wide open. An unexplainable, sudden force immediately drew her inside, flinging her towards a velvety, crimson rug in the dimly lit foyer. Her senses now heightened, Sophia caught her soaring suitcase that too was forced in, as she watched the door eerily close itself.

She swallowed hard, eyes glowering brighter than usual in the darkness. "Hello?" No reply. "Hel-" Numerous candles around the room lit up simultaneously, casting odd shadows around the grand room. Standing to her feet, Sophia's body tensed at the subtle groaning and stench of death from behind her. Silently dropping her suitcase, she quickly pulled out her scythe from an X-like strap on her back and spun around, facing the unknown threat. The sleek, black scythe gleamed in the flickering candle light, an unforgiving glint sharply curving acorss the blade. She firmly held it beneath the shadow's neck, gingerly holding it against their neck. "W-wait! I'm just going to help you carry your belongings!" An antique lamp lit itself in the corner of the room, revealing a zombie standing before Sophia. Its hands were held up in an innocent manner, until one fell to the floor, overwhelmed with rot. "I can still help you though," The zombie sheepishly grinned, waving his remaining hand. Flustered with guilt and embaressment, Sophia hastily retracted her scythe and handed over her suitcase. "S-sorry..." She mumbled, voice trailing off into awkward silence. "Follow me. I'll show you to your room." Sophia gave a bowed her head politely and followed the zombie up several flights of winding staircases and down twisting hallways. Along the way, Sophia was introduced to a few other servants and other guests, before reaching her room. Gently setting down the suitcase, the zombie handed over a worn yet beautifully engraved key. "What about signing in and arranging-" "Your father has already made arrangments for your stay. Please don't hesitate to request anything." The zombie smiled and returned to work, tending to the urgent needs and pressing matters of other monsters. "Bye...I guess..." Sophia waved solemnly in delay to the empty hallway. Exhaling a wavering sigh, she picked up her suitcase and entered her room.

The setting changes from Hotel Transylvania to Ball Room


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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Sophia Nightengale

At the sight of a young creature vomitting into a hotel vase, Sophia abruptly stopped in her tracks. Hesitant, she walked across the lavish, dark ball room. With every step on the glossy, smooth floor, scorch marks and cracks appeared. "You really shouldn't be doing that to the hotel's property." Sophia's eyes glowered menacingly. Quickly realizing her condescending tone and expression, Sophia gracefully stooped lower to the child's eye level. She gingerly patted their unruly tuft of black hair. "It's not nice to meddle with things that aren't your's," Sophia gently said. Despite her understanding and kind facade, her mental state was in a frantic panic. "I'm really not good with others. I have to get out of here, before I hurt someone again," Sophia thought. As she approached the ball room door, she realized why she had ever come here in the first place. Reluctant, she meekly turned her head towards the young creature. "Do you know where the dining hall is? Dinner starts in a few minutes. Not that I'm lost though! Just curious..." Sophia's voice trailed off, disappointed in herself for allowing her arrogant side to show.

The setting changes from Ball Room to Hotel Transylvania

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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Aello stared blankly at the person before hiccuping and wiping her mouth.

"Dining hall? Pfff yeah of course I do! I'm not stupid." She turned her nose up and instantly regretted it. Her equilibrium was still shot. "HYUUUURK!" The vase got a second dose.

"Maaaan. What was in those cookies..." She stared into the vase and examined the contents with both disgust and curiosity. "Carrots. Why is it ALWAYS carrots!? I didn't even eat carrots!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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Sophia cringed at the subtle stench, unconsciously turning away her head, face twisted. "H-here. I don't need it." Sophia thrusted a neatly folded handkerchief at the young creature. "Ugh, that sounded really rude. I'm the worst," Sophia thought, as she watched her curiously peer into the vase. "Are you going to show me to the dining hall or what?" Sophia's heart sunk at her condescending tone and choice of words.

((OOC: I think you meant to post Sophia's character in Snow's place. XD I know they both start with "S"'s. Snow is the emotionless, indifferent maid and fallen angel. Sophia is the miserable demon girl who is actually nice, but has trouble expressing such kindness, so instead she ends up coming off as arrogant.))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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((OOC: GODS DAMN IT! I knew I did something odd last night. I was in a medication-induced daze. Apologies.))

After taking the handkerchief, Aello tilted her head. "Uhhh. What is this? What do I do with it?"

She turned it about in her hands awkwardly, unsure what the strange item actually was.

"Do... Do I.. Do I sit on it?"

She then proceeded to sit on the handkerchief like a brooding hen.

"Am I doing it right?" A small drip of vomit trailed down her face as she grinned proudly.

The setting changes from Hotel Transylvania to Ball Room


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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Sophia Nightengale

A small smile crept onto Sophia's face. "No, silly. You're suppose to use it to wipe the vomit off your face." She pointed to a glistening trail of saliva and vomit that dribbled down the girl's chin. "She doesn't seem to react much to my slips of arrogance. Perhaps..." Sophia's thoughts trailed off, as she gazed down at a potential friend. It had been quite awhile, since Sophia interacted socially with anyone. Taking a deep breath, she concentrated on her critical, first impression. "I'm Sophia, by the way." She extended an gentle hand to help the young girl up.

The setting changes from Ball Room to Hotel Transylvania

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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Aello reached her hand upwards and took hold of Sophia's. After getting to her feet, she ruffled her feathers to shake off any floor dirt.

"Uhh, gee. Uh. Thanks. I'm like... Aello. Mmm-hmm."

She used the handerchief to mop her chin off and offered it back innocently with a proud little grin on her face.