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A Sour Demon

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a character in “How To Deal With A Demon”, as played by βəəlzəβ∩β






"Sometimes I don’t say sorry."


M ┠┨ "Molly"

A towering force who shadows others with his height. He is a lofty creature more times than not glaring down at those shorter than him and silently challenging them with a distinctively menacing and interrogating gaze. Short layered hair adorns his head and shades itself in faint crimson, almost burgundy ruffles that flicker up at the end. Slightly disheveled and somewhat messy in its maintenance it frames his head naturally with noticeable sideburns mounted down either side of his face. His eyes in contrast are two amber orbs fixed with a thin line of eyelash; subtle dents decorating under the corners of his eyes. Daring and curious they are the stare of a mysterious creature.

Television Smoking Personal Space Chewing Sweets

Blunt ┠┨ Sullen ┠┨ Possessive ┠┨ Curious

Fully aware of his own mind Molyneux is not the sort to stand quietly until he has spoken his piece. Yet there are times when he is careless and speaks his mind thoughtlessly, not realizing just how brutally honest he is being with someone. By now the demon has lost the ability to tell when someone actually deserves his wrath or not, having been mistreated far too often and with what he has become as result, Molyneux just lacks gentleness. In-fact it's only natural that the demon poorly handles others, right? He wasn't taught to behave any better after all. Consequently he is a bit of a sulky thing. If disapproving of something, he'll let people know. Doesn't want to do something? He’ll tell you. Even if the demon is contracted to obey physically, his mind is a different thing altogether and will never bow down to just anyone. Although in a strange sort of way his sullenness is amusing at times, and his grouchiness could be passed off as cute depending on how you react to it. But like any beast the demon is clingy to that which is deemed his. Molyneux is rather possessive over what little he owes and similar to a spoiled child he’ll frown and pout and coldly remark, “That’s mine.” Before swiftly hiding the thing in question. Likewise Molyneux is easily overawed by small things; distracted with the simplest of devices and amused through bizarre means. He'll talk about everything that crosses his path and interrogate someone about the minor of issues, but that's his charm? If only a little.

Responsibility Punishments Warm Weather Emotions Liars

Half-Demon ┠┨ Pansexual

Where do demons come from? Are they born? Molyneux doesn’t know. What handful of memories he does own does not stretch back far. Or rather they merely fade back into an empty space, a void. Did he have a past life? Who knows. Molyneux blames this on the experimentations forced onto him. From what he has been told and heard the demon was a monster and a cruel, wild beast. Trouble was his name and the world that he knows was in danger… from him. Whatever he did it earned Molyneux harsh treatment from the Council. He had become a doll, a dummy; something to be tested on to further science. At least that’s the excuse they gave. But in the end it didn’t change the fact that they stole his powers slowly and in large amounts, and whatever it was that made him… it was steadily dying away into nothing. The only way they described it was that the demon was turning human. Having hand-plucked out his ability and used it as means to fuel their own research the demon began to develop things that weren't demon at all. Bones, sensitivity and even in-taking breath. Without power his body was resolving to painfully adapt and not knowing what else to do, his form adapted and connected ties with the Human World; meaning his roots to his own was withering away. Molyneux was now a strange creature torn between the two.

⋀ ⋁ ⋀ ⋁ ⋀ ⋁ ⋀ ⋁

Molyneux was once a greedy demon. He would consume raw emotions and store them in his body; of which was numb and almost as hard as solid stone and if you dared strike him then certainly you’d break something. A bone most likely. But he felt nothing and was spiritually empty, almost viewed as a hollow shell of a creature. All the demon did was eat and thus his name, Greedy. But his victims were left frozen on the spot where they stood, captured forever as a statue void of all sense of life. It was these emotions imprisoned inside him that kept the demon immortal and what the scientists took, leaving his body in a state of turmoil. Now Molyneux has ironically formed emotions of his own akin to a human and no longer has the ability to eat them. Although he still retains some of his impressive strength and speed and general agility, he isn’t without his own vulnerabilities. Molyneux doesn’t know if his power will return.


|| How To Deal With A Demon ||
CS (c) βəəlzəβ∩β

Do Not Use Without Permission!

So begins...

Molyneux's Story


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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As the sun had risen and melted away behind the clouds and fallen from sight, a gentle breeze entwined itself with the city and the day went on as if it were like any other. But what was it that made today any different from the others? Well, Molyneux had received some unsettling news. He was to be given a partner whether he wanted it or not – and he most certainly did not.

They're late. Molyneux thought over to himself. What were they thinking anyway lumbering him with someone new? Did the Council not trust him anymore or was this merely some punishment for the poor soul who got stuck with him? He was so overtaken by his thoughts that the redheaded demon wasn’t even aware that he was chewing through a withered pencil until the thing snapped in two from his jaw. Uh. With a lopsided tilt he gave an almost concerned and puzzled look at the broken thing, before noticing something else and quickly forgetting all about it.

He tottled off quickly to the front window of the bar and pressed against it somewhat intriguingly, leering out with a furrowed brow denting his expression. Similar to some brooding guard dog without a bone to bite on the half-demon was restless and at a loss with himself. They're late. Still. This person was coming to his home and there were no two ways about it. Molyneux had to like it or lump it. And lump it he would. But it wasn’t as if the Council took notice of the man’s little tantrum and loud protest over not wanting a partner, right? They hadn’t so far. His words if nothing else had fallen on deaf ears and all they did in response was personally deliver his new housemate. But it wasn’t just having a partner that had rattled the half-demon. It was the fact that he was now responsible and basically in-charge of this thing.

Running a bar was easier he believed. Molyneux was the boss, it worked for him. They left him alone to operate it however he wished and that was how he preferred it; the Council only cared about ensuring that their existence stayed quiet, so whatever Molyneux did outside of that wasn’t of much interest to them. He was a loner. Quiet whenever left to his own devices within the confinements of the bar, SWIG, as it had been so named by Molyneux himself. It was his personal sanctuary after all.

But then they had to go and ruin that, didn’t they? Thankfully it was still early and so the place wasn’t open yet. Supposedly it was to give them time to settle in together and allow Molyneux to address the newbie without distraction. Although it would have been surprising if anyone had dared enter the place with the face Molyneux expressed out the window. His signature glare and half-lidded eyes were ever present and bore a deep stare through the glass. His stance alone was equally intimidating if only thanks to his sheer size and the man would use it instead to stand and glare and hope to scare away this so-called partner from the window. Hmph.


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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Planes were the absolute worst.

Eris focused her blue eyes, burning a hole—if only metaphorically, much to her regret—into the businessman across the aisle and more towards the front of the plane from her seat. He’d been regaling anyone who would listen with undoubtedly inflated tales of his international success, and now he’d moved onto not-so-subtle racism. Given that the flight attendants were largely Japanese, this seemed an incredibly stupid move, but he seemed like an incredibly stupid person.

But, to be honest, focusing her irritation on him was only an excuse. Why the Council thought putting her on a full plane, squeezed into economy class and hemmed in on all sides by humanity was a good idea was quite beyond her. Granted, the backpack full of snacks was helping, but hearing their hearts beat, smelling their odors… even being cooped up with them as everyone turned sweaty and even more odorous wasn’t helping.

She refocused on the movie playing on the small screen in front of her, trying desperately to pay attention to the sound coming in on her headphones to drown out all the noise. The talking, the moving, heck, even the breathing was almost too much to bear.

~ ~

“Where are you sending me?” The horned girl stood, hugging herself, the thin hoodie she wore over a t-shirt nowhere near heavy enough to battle the chill of the underground room, somewhere in Europe.

“Japan. We can give you the language with a spell to ensure you’ll blend in, but you won’t be alone.”

She nodded. The Council had made it entirely apparent that they didn’t trust her, or her self-control, one whit. If her constant guards hadn’t been enough, the psych evaluations and tests they’d put her through had made it crystal clear. Eris guessed that she had failed, otherwise, why would she be here? In a candlelit chamber—how cliché!—where a member of the European chapter of the Council sneered at her. Guards lined the walls of the chamber, watching her with cold eyes and guns drawn.

“This folder has everything you need to start your life there,” he continued, pushing a folder in her direction across the desk where he sat. A guard picked it up and, while two others accompanied him, gave it to her. “The name you chose, pretentious as it is, is on all of your new documents. Do not lose any of them.” He waved her away. Taking their cue, group of guards surrounded her and escorted her out. They didn’t touch her, but the guns made their point for them.

~ ~

For what was probably the millionth time, Eris opened the slim folder they’d given her and read over the bare details. The taxi driver had understood her and she him, so she assumed the spell had worked as it was supposed to. The busy streets were lit up with signs and billboards of all kinds, making the night feel more like high noon. As directed, she’d taken a minute in the airport bathroom to change into her costume, which was all she could think of the dress and shoes, with accessories, when she’d looked into the suitcase.

Apparently someone in the Council had a sense of humor.

The almost Lolita-style dress covered everything from the neck down to her knees, restraining her curves in black lace. The makeup was minimal, but the short dress and the high stockings, paired with knee high boots, was not at all what she was used to. Apparently a girl with white hair and horns was too unusual for Japan, but in this getup as well, she didn’t see any suspicion in anyone’s eyes.

She paid the driver with what little was left of the small portion of money she’d been given for the journey, and got her suitcases out of the trunk. Rolling them up to the door, she paused as she saw herself reflected in the window. Taking a deep breath, Eris straightened to her full height of barely over five feet, plus a few inches due to the shoes, and marched through the doors.

Here goes nothing.


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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Molyneux had not envisioned this tiny little thing. Or had he imagined too much? Set expectations too high? Hardly. The half-demon was not one to neither get overly excited about things nor expect too much from anyone. The Council had given him the necessary information detailing the girl but for a moment Molyneux suspected they might have made a mistake or worse, they were playing with him. His dampened expression only turned more sour at the thought of those higher-up messing with him with such little consequence. Molyneux would not be pleased if that were the case.

”So, are you her?” he asked suddenly and very out of the blue, stepping out all at once and peering round the side of the door as she strolled in. ”Eris or whatever. That's you, yes?” Right off the bat he was interrogating her and glared down at the small girl that dared tread into his home. That was something he wasn’t suppose to do! Yet Molyneux had the knack for treating everyone like they had some dark confession bottled up inside them – of which he would uncover undoubtedly. ”Move it already you’re bringing in the cold.” he growled. Molyneux was such a finicky half-thing at times. It was best to not get on his wrong side if that was at all possible.

”Go over there somewhere.” he shooed the little woman out of the way with a simple hand gesture and was swift in closing the door behind her. The man didn’t need any more strays wandering in after all especially today, not that Molyneux would have welcomed them in anyway. ”What is... that you’re wearing?” he huffed with an ever so quiet tut, shooting her a questioning glance. He appeared almost bewildered by her odd choice of attire despite having witness worse in the city, however he also supposed it would give customers something to look at; anything really to draw attention from himself. Although Molyneux tended to blend in somehow more easily with humans... bar a few noticeable qualities. ”You're not one of those types of girls are you?”

Then he saw the suitcases that the young woman had heaved in with her. Subtle but still obvious, it reigned in the reality once again that this little creature was here to stay. Great. His home was to be invaded by this thing – and despite whatever might he had Molyneux ultimately gave in to the Council and appeased them. Lest he wish his quiet life more interruption. ”Uh, why don’t you sit somewhere while I figure out where to put you?” he told her. Lifting a lazy hand and motioning towards one of many tables and chairs that cluttered the bar. His mind already running with ideas.

Maybe he could stuff her in a cupboard? She was small enough. Perhaps stick the girl down in the cellar? No, that’s where all their supplies were. Molyneux was rather reluctant to give her room-space, if his disproving expression wasn’t evident enough.


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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“It’s nice to meet you,” Eris said, mustering up her sweetest smile as she offered her hand for a handshake. Afterwards she quickly moved inside, as directed, and put her stuff down in a corner.

“I’m Eris Jones, like you already know,” she said with a small laugh, “and, well,” she looked down at herself and, with a bit of self-consciousness, smoothed her skirt. “This was what the Council said I should wear. Something about making the horns less noticeable, so that the humans don’t guess the truth.”

The bar wasn’t anything fancy, but it seemed clean and welcoming for customers. Which was good, because her paycheck from the bar would be paying for anything above and beyond her room and food bill. The owner, on the other hand, did not seem so welcoming. As she nodded and moved to one of the tables where Molyneux had requested she move, she replied, “A small room is just fine, but I’d rather be farther away from the customers if possible. For safety reasons, obviously,” she added the last with another small laugh, this one more awkward than the last.

Eris obediently sat, resting a chin in one small hand, nails without polish and short. “So what would you like me to do here?” She called out cheerily. “I’m a fast learner, I know I can be of help.” Starting at the obviously cranky bar owner, she wondered if he was always that difficult, or if there was something about her that was ticking him off. They hadn’t really told her anything at all about him, but he didn’t smell human. Not quite, anyway. He smelled different, like a demon, but not like any of the demons she’d run across before. Granted, that number was very few and the encounters short, but the smell was unmistakable, regardless of how faint.


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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He pondered only briefly and tried to appear invisible at that moment. Molyneux never did appreciate having unfamiliar eyes fixed on him and tailing his ever step, more so especially when that gaze belonged to someone he personally believed he could very well eliminate at any second. Or he might have in his golden days, perhaps. Dammit. There he was again forgetting who he was and where he was. Those days feeling ever so long ago. Yet here Molyneux was, as if it had only happened yesterday.

”Well we wouldn’t want the humans figuring out the truth I suppose,” he muttered dully under his breath, before turning round to face the young woman at the table. The man gave a somewhat unimpressed look. ”Could always put you in the dog-house out the back if that suits. That’d be pretty... far away.” Molyneux wasn’t kidding either, in fact he seemed genuinely invested in that possibility and would do everything to make it happen should the girl wish it. But now he was being silly, wasn’t he?

Without wasting further thought on the matter Molyneux moved over and sat himself down opposite Eris, quickly rifling through his coat pockets for something. ”What can you even do? What you good at?” he asked plainly, producing what resembled a lighter in one hand and a cigarette perched in the other. He was always nagging himself to quit the habit, but events always seemed to spiral out of nowhere and force him back into it. Yeah, he’d use that excuse. ”What’s your story, anyway? How’d you end up here.” Molyneux knew the answers already. The profile given to him contained everything he needed to know about her and what it was she did, but that wasn’t going to stop him pestering the girl. He wanted to hear it from her, directly.

He leaned forward slightly, crossing his arms over one another and balancing them against the table’s edge. His furry-hooded collar slopping forward and brushing against his neck. ”You don’t seem how I pictured you,” he sighed out, smoky ash breath parting his lips. Molyneux was almost in disbelief that he was to be expected to actually pay this girl whilst she was here, even though he never asked for a partner or the offered help. ”I was expecting something more.”


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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Eris shrugged. “If that’s all the room you’ve got, but I really do prefer heat and running water, especially because I cook rather frequently.”

She wrinkled her nose a bit at the cigarette smoke, but said nothing. It wasn’t like it could give her cancer anymore. Thinking over the question, she let out a sigh. “It’s… complicated.” And without knowing what the Council had told him, potentially dangerous, but she could go over the highlights.

“About a year ago,” Ten months, fourteen days, three hours, give or take… “I was captured on my way home and taken to some kind of warehouse. To make a very long story short,”


Pain. Hunger. Screams in the dark. Were they hers? Everything hurts. Where… what…the screams wouldn’t stop…


“They made me a demon. Specifically Labartu, from what the Council tell me. I don’t know how, or why, but since then, nothing has been the same.” And if that wasn’t the understatement of the year, what was? Time to change the subject. “What I’m good at? Well, uh,” she shrugged, “I did bartend a little back at college, very informally, but I have the basics down.”

She cocked her head. “Well, I don’t really know what many demons look like, but if you were expecting more, so was I. What exactly are you? Not to be rude, but I’ve only met a few demons before,” don’thinkaboutthemdon’tthinkdon’tthink “and you blend in better than any I’ve ever seen,” she said with a challenging gaze and arms crossed over her chest. Why should this interrogation only go one way? To temper the bluntness, she smiled and added, “Besides, I make up for my lack of stature with my excellent chatting skills, I assure you.”

The night was quiet, and Eris couldn't stop messing with her skirts. She wasn't used to ones so short, and the gnawing hunger in her stomach was becoming urgent. To stave it off, she rummaged in a large messenger bag and took out a rather obnoxiously long stick of beef jerky, and started munching it happily.


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Molyneux listened to the girl. Admittedly he was only half interested in what she had to say while the rest of him mentally contemplated the consequences of having someone of her nature residing at the bar – but perhaps she’d be good for business in a way. But only if the girl didn’t go around eating their clientele that was. What if she got out of control and tried to consume a paying customer one day? Wasn’t it his responsibility now to ensure that didn’t happen? Oh great. Molyneux was now a babysitter after all.

So the girl really was a human turned demon? That made some sense. He had met quite a few of her kind over the years while under the Councils watch and at the same time Molyneux had plenty of experience with his own sort as well. ”Alright,” he spoke up and paused for a moment, ”if you eat anyone here I’m deducting a bit from your wage. Got it? That goes for staff too.” It was all he could think to say and emphasized his words with a steely glare at the young woman. However despite not actually mentioning it at the time, if she dared to even think of biting him then the results would be far worse. He would assure that.

Molyneux gave Eris another look. ”Somehow I don’t think having you behind the bar will work... not unless I wish a lawsuit on my back for you getting peckish – and I don’t just mean from humans either,” he sighed, knowing well enough that the Council would be on him quicker than you could say “oops”. And Molyneux was not suffering for this girl, no way and no how. He was driven enough to promise that at least. ”Suppose we can deal with it later. It’s not exactly at the top of my list.” Oh no. Just surviving was enough.

He didn’t know whether to be insulted... or very insulted by what the tiny girl said. She was expecting more? Did Molyneux not look enough? He made a disproving face, consciously unaware that he was, as the man leaned back in his seat and crossed both arms against his chest in a rather sulky manner. ”I was a very bad demon and that's all you need to know,” he huffed, not particularly feeling a need to divulge his own marked fate. She was the guest here, not him. If there was any questions to be answered then certainly they would be his own. ”If I blend in well then know that it's through skill and nothing more, Eris.” Molyneux wasn't exactly lying but the half-demon wasn't giving the full truth either. He didn't have to, did he?

The man couldn't fail to notice Eris's apparent snacking. The smell wasn't pleasant to him in the slightest; human food was never something Molyneux easily adapted to. His gut was too needy for something else... of which he was never to get. He quickly figured it would be wiser to feed the girl. ”Hungry?” he asked, leaning forward again. ”Come on then,” Molyneux was quick to rise from the seat and immediately lead the way out of the big room, not even bothering to look back. ”I guess I'll show you where everything is around here, but that doesn't mean you get a free pass that easy. Some places are off limits.” He'd make sure to point them out as they found them, but thankfully the first place on their little tour was the kitchen which stemmed from a door behind the bar.

”I suppose I wouldn't entirely protest to you eating whatever you find in here instead of devouring the customers out there.” The man pushed the door open to reveal the contents of the kitchen, presumably a place that the girl would find useful. It was a pretty average kitchen of decent size, and with a fridge stocked to the brim with food. It was very possible that Molyneux had stocked it very recently in preparation for Eris's arrival. But the half-demon wouldn't admit it. ”Help yourself.”


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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"Then I look forward to learning that skill of blending from you," she said, cheerful again.

Eris followed willingly enough, leaving her things behind. When food was involved, she was highly motivated. And when they reached the kitchen, Eris smiled widely, the pixie-like cuteness of her face enhanced by dimples. "I certainly won't eat any customers," she protested weakly, too focused on the kitchen in front of her, "but the offer of a snack is certainly welcome." She paused, then, her eyes wide and greedy, went into the pantry and made and ate three sandwiches, two pickles, and a decent chunk of raw beef, her secondary set of demon teeth making a brief appearance as she tore into it and disappearing again when the meat had been consumed. It wasn't quite what her stomach wanted, but she'd learned over the past almost-year to make do with what she had. Anything to keep herself from starting in on the populace.

Wiping her face daintily with a hankerchief from her pocket, she rejoined Molyneux. "Thanks," she said with a deep, satisfied sigh. "I needed that. So, on with the tour?"

She wasn't exactly sure what he was going to have her do around the place, but there had to be something he needed help with. It was a place of business, after all, all kinds of things needed to get done all the time. "But really," she argued, "I'm good behind the bar, and I don't eat humans, I really don't. Unless they tried to kill her, but she thought that was a given. "And besides, I want to do something to earn my keep here. I feel bad enough being forced on you, especially since I know so little about Japan, I can't just lay around and do nothing. Bartending will keep me occupied and out of your hair, it really will."

She wheedled, "Besides, if I'm bartending you can keep a close eye on me, just like they want. And I swear, as soon as you show me what's off limits, I'll keep away from it. I'm good at secrets," she added, a little ironically. Eris grinned. Some days it felt like her hair had grown so long because it was full of secrets, as impossible as that was. She looked at a strand critically. Almost time to change colors, I think. Blue? Black? Red? She looked critically at her new boss' hair and shook her head slightly. He probably wouldn't like it if I matched him, but I think it would be fun. Perhaps later...?


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Molyneux observed with a controlled look of wonder as the small girl feasted before his eyes. ”Oi.” The Council weren't kidding when they said that Eris had an appetite... though they might not have exaggerated that fact to it's fullest upon relaying the information to him. After all, he was suppose to keep that little monster fed? She'd eat them out of house and home in a week. Molyneux was only now beginning to realize the reality of the situation that he had been placed in. But the half-demon refrained from saying anything until the girl was done. Although he did manage to sneak a peek at her "demon teeth" when they surfaced only briefly, enough time for the man to see, if only a little, what it was that made Eris so deadly to everyone. She could certainly devour a lot...

He took a moment to gather his focus. ”Uh, fine. Come on then,” he answered simply and turned, leading the way back out the kitchen. Making a sharp turn he guided the pair out through a door to the side of the bar, which had them arrive into a compact hallway. There was a staircase to the side which took up most of the space though. Molyneux then pointed toward the opposite end of the hallway. ”That door leads out back, it's where we get deliveries and other things dropped off.” he informed her, before quickly gesturing to another door, this time in the middle of the hall. ”That leads to the cellar. It's where we keep supplies and stock and other bits.”

The man hadn't been ignoring her pleas to help this entire time. Or rather she was just so insistent that Molyneux struggled to block her out completely. ”I'm not deaf, I do hear you,” he assured her, setting one foot on the bottom step. It was obvious that he couldn't ignore the subject, he was half sure the woman would force it on him every chance she got - it was almost futile to attempt to brush it under the carpet perse. ”Are you always this persistent?” Mulling it over in his head, Molyneux gave Eris a questioning glance when catching her eyeing him oddly. Then after, giving a little "humph" and glancing away again, the man carried on up the stairs.

”Woman are terrible with secrets from my experience,” he quipped with another grunt, ”and they're pretty gullible.” Alright, so possibly Molyneux was not perfect. But humans were fun to toy with and it didn't help that they literally reeked of emotions... sometimes he just liked to be close enough to inhale the sensations they felt. In a way, it was almost like perfume to him. Molyneux found it intoxicating. He also very nearly forgot what Eris had said, but played it off well and resumed interest. ”If you're so bent on bartending then I might give you a trial period,” the man sighed upon reaching the next floor, quickly puffing on his cigarette and blowing a smoke trail behind him. ”Just don't go overselling yourself,” he noted, eyeing up the collection of doors that each stemmed off from the equally narrow hallway.

Right up the far end there was a door that already had a sign which read, "Keep Out!" Molyneux made extra sure to highlight that one in particular from the others. ”That's my office, it's off-limits. Remember that.” he told the girl clearly. ”Knock first, if you must.”


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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"Excellent! Eris replied, beaming. "I'm not perfect, but I do work very hard." She stared at the office door, wondering why he required such secrecy. Distracted by his criticism, she said, "People in general can be bad with secrets, and generally mortals are gullible. I frankly would find it hard to believe that anyone would get horns like these willingly," she motioned to her own, "but most humans have no problem with it. Body modification is becoming more and more popular, I guess."

She almost reached up to touch her horns, but withdrew her hand before she got a hold of one. It still felt... wrong, somehow, like something she needed to fix. And she'd tried, over and over again, but the horns just grew back. There was no choice but to get used to them. For now, anyway.

Taking a delicate sniff, she could smell that few humans had come up to this part of the building. Although there weren't any customers in the bar, it was a safe enough bet that being able to hear and smell them from up here would be difficult. Perhaps there was some kind of soundproofing in the walls? With her hunger temporarily assuaged and the drive for prey blunted, sorting out what she could and couldn't smell was more difficult. She'd heard there were some species with such a keen sense of smell and hearing that they could find prey from miles away, of which Weres were the best example. It would be interesting to know what senses Molyneux had. More than interesting, it would probably become essential.

The night was waning on, and although she wasn't quite falling asleep yet, the jetlag was unkind, as were the cramped economy seats. "Feel free to stick me in any kind of spare room with a bed for the night," Eris said, looking down the hall. "I'm not too picky. And besides, you're stuck with me as it is because of the Council, I don't want to make it any harder on you." Her offer was sincere, and although she hoped he actually had a spare bed, the way she was starting to feel was making any soft spot seem a likely place for a nap. Her optimism had led her to believe she might find a friend in her, well, "guardian," but that appeared to be reaching too high.

We just need to be able to tolerate each other, I guess. I can find other friends. But I guess I'll be going it alone for a while.


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Molyneux looked down at the girl with an inquisitive gaze. The more she talked the more Eris felt almost human to him, with or without the additional demon-genes or whatever. It was a scary thought to think that quite possibly in however many years to come, or even over the very next handful of weeks he might seem like her, seem more human. Molyneux didn't want that reality though. He craved the past and the want to go back in time no matter how impossible it was. Why couldn't humans hurry up and create a time machine already?

”That's an unused room over there,” he spoke up and motioned over to one of the doors on the other end. Well, it wasn't exactly a normal occurrence for others to stay at the bar - it wasn't a hotel or anything, and believe it or not Molyneux was not actually the first person the Council reached out to whenever needing some babysitting done. If anything, they only bothered him when they were desperate. ”It has a bed in it before you ask and I'm certain there's space to put your belongings wherever you wish,” the man added, though the half-demon wasn't necessarily being generous. It was just by luck the room was there really with adequate furniture to suit the girl.

”It use to be somebody's rooom years ago, they were similar to you I guess but they're long gone now,” Molyneux explained briefly, that was probably as much as he was going to give regarding the previous owner of the room. ”That's my room just across from it though, so don't go in there either. It's mine.” Of course even the half-demon needed somewhere to lay his head, though Molyneux suspected it was his more humanly side that urged him to make a bedroom for himself. Out of human habit he guessed, but Molyneux didn't appreciate it much.

”Of course I have the right to enter your room however, after all for all I know you could have a corpse stuffed under the bed when I'm not looking.” Was that an attempt at humour? No. He was being quite serious actually. Even the smallest glimpse of a dead body and Molyneux would get the blame for it. ”Just don't give me a reason to invade your space. Ok? Barging into little girls rooms is not something I want to do, you know. Anyway... anything else you want to know, or can I trust you to settle yourself in without me?”


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Eris grinned at the corpse under the bed comment, and shrugged off the "little girl" jab. She'd turned twenty-one before ... the incident, and given the transformation she'd undergone, she had no idea how, or if, she'd age in the future. As far as the Council could guess, she might look the same for the next few centuries. For all she knew, the demon doomed to be her babysitter could be many times her age, but it seemed rude to ask.

"That will work just fine, thanks. I don't need anything fancy, and a bed would be amazing right now," she said, setting down her things with a deep sigh. "And don't worry, I'm sure you'll find nothing in my room you haven't seen before." She laughed, and pushed open the door to the room.

As he'd said, it was sparse, but the essential bits of furniture plus a door was there, and that was more than enough. "No, I've interrupted your night enough. Please, don't worry about me, I'm just going to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. It was a long flight." She smiled. "And I'm sure whatever else I need to know can wait until tomorrow. Good night!"

Since there didn't seem to be any objections, she gently closed the door, but did not lock it. Setting her things down, she fluffed the pillow and then sat on the bed to take off her shoes. There were enough buckles that it required concentration, whereas the rest would not. Better to be more awake for that, because if she had to sleep in her clothes, so be it. Sleep was a harsh mistress, and one she had not yet been able to beat in this new life.


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Molyneux gave a nod and watched as the girl seemed content enough with the offered space. He supposed if it were anyone else they might have offered the girl far worse, possibly even less. ”Just meet me downstairs in the morning, sharpish. By then I ought to have something for you to do,” he advised the girl before she closed the door. Although a moment later and quickly remembering, he called through the door, ”Oh, and don’t make too much noise.” Molyneux huffed. Crossing both arms together the man turned on his heel and crept away, retreating off back down the stairs and making his way back to the kitchen.

It was late, far later than the half-demon had realized. Usually he was on top of things such as time but given the new arrival it was fair to say that the man had let his focus slip just slightly. And consequently his stomach was practically gnawing on itself from within, making strange and bewildering noises no matter how much Molyneux tried to muffle them with his arms and clothing. He hadn’t eaten since the night before, or was it the morning before that? The prospect of having his new charge arrive had driven the half-demon into an anxious stir the past few days. It’s no wonder he couldn’t remember! Given that he wasn’t eating right or regularly or at all...

The smell was nauseating at best. Molyneux gave a look of near disgust as he gazed absently into the fridge while leaning against the door. For whatever reason he could handle going shopping for food, in fact he knew it was his inner human-sense that made him do just that – but it was also his natural demon-self that protested the very act of consuming it. It was vile and pointless. A true demon didn’t need such things to survive, no! Molyneux needed emotions to feel alive again... There was another twang in the pit of his gut just then. The waft of food sickening the man the longer he lingered.

”Just get it over with,” he told himself. Reluctantly rummaging through the cluttered shelves of food. There was nothing that immediately struck him with interest though, quite the opposite really. And as if that was a reasonable excuse to use, as Molyneux was even into the habit of lying to himself, he swiftly closed the door again and frowned dis-satisfyingly at the fridge. Apparently it was going to be another one of those nights.


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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Eris' alarm went off at 6 am, and she would have slammed the snooze button if only her stomach would stop growling. Yawning and stretching, she slipped out of bed and looked into the contents of her suitcases. The clothes were ridiculous, of course, but there was some kind of hybrid between schoolgirl and goth that at least had matching flats. Granted, the mary-janes were several inches off of the ground with a thick, even sole, but it was much easier than yesterday's boots.

She scrambled into the clothes, including a warm pair of tights, slipped on the shoes, ran a brush through her hair, and hoped it was good enough. There was no mirror in the room, but she'd still managed to miss hitting her horns with the hairbrush, and that made a good morning. She rushed down the stairs and, not seeing Molyneux, wandered into the pantry. The bar was empty, and the kitchen was spotless, but all the ingredients were there.

Time to hope this doesn't get me kicked out.

Humming a little, she threw together a basic omelette, heavy on cheese and sausage, with nary a vegetable to be found.
This pan is excellent, she mused as she flipped the omelette gently in half. After another few minutes she slid it onto a plate she'd found in the cupboard and shoveled it into her mouth, barely savoring the flavor and ending up with flecks of egg around her mouth. When she'd finished it, she wiped her face with a napkin and went back to the stove, starting up a second omelette, this one with ham instead of sausage. Blowing her bangs out of her eyes, she wondered if adding some other random scraps from the fridge would make it better or just awful. With omelettes it was hard to tell.

Eris heard steps, a heart beat that wasn't quite human. "Would you like some?" she called out cheerfully, poking the omelette gently with a spatula.


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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It was morning and as ever, Molyneux sluggishly crept his way down the stairs at a slow and underwhelming pace. He was no use to man or beast at this time of the day, his mind adrift between conscious and sleep. Admittedly the half-demon was becoming somewhat lazier the longer he spent stuck in this dissatisfying state – a mixed mess that wasn't fully demon and definitely not completely human either. Although on the plus side Molyneux was beginning to see why humans were so fond of their sleep. It was strangely pleasant if not addicting. And very hard to shake off.

With a perfectly timed creak giving away his position on the stairs, Molyneux immediately straightened up and quietly progressed his way into the kitchen. ”No,” he answered promptly, casting a doubtful look over what it was he was quick to dismiss. The horrid stench of whatever it was the woman was making was more than enough for him to decline. ”What even is that awful thing?” Molyneux asked, lips curling downward a little as he quizzed her and aimed a disgusted look into the heart of the pan. Honestly, he couldn’t have looked more unimpressed. But the man was just being extra stubborn.

He quickly shuffled away from the source and wandered off to another part of the kitchen, feigning distraction when stacking away some leftover glasses and plates from the night before that lay on the counter-tops. ”I assume you’ve not been down here this whole morning stuffing your face? This isn’t an all-you-can-eat deal, understand?” he remarked over his shoulder, internally summing up how much it’d cost to keep the girl fed and watered during her stay. ”At the rate we're going we’ll need to get more stuff bought in,” the repeated mentioning of food caused his stomach to chew itself from the inside out, a low subtle growl erupting from his gut. The man just ignored it. ”Although I will say, you don’t look like you eat a lot. That’s a rather... deceiving knack you have.”

It hadn’t escaped Molyneux. That for all the girl devoured she never appeared any more bigger for it, upwards and outwards. ”So, ready for a tough first day?” he asked a moment after, diverting his focus and offering a challenging glance over his shoulder.


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Character Portrait: Eris Jones Character Portrait: Molyneux
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Eris wrinkled her brow in confusion, but answered simply, "An omelette? Originally French, made with eggs and whatever else you want to throw into them." Did his type of... demon not eat?

She laughed, nodding her agreement."Nope, I just got down here, this is only the second I've made. Although I don't mind shopping for groceries, the Council is giving me an allowance for that. I was actually planning on going later today or tomorrow, depending on what you wanted me to get done, so let me know if you want me to add anything to my admittedly already extensive list." Hearing his stomach, she slid the omelette onto a new plate and, with a knife, cut and slid half onto her own. The new plate she passed to her new boss. "Sure you don't want to try it?" Unless his stomach was making noises for a different reason--she had no idea of his nutritional needs, and demons came in all kinds. As long as he wasn't trying to eat her, she could care less what he ate. Especially since, as the Council had appointed him her babysitter, he likely didn't have any urges towards eating people, or at least didn't go through with it.

Eris was certainly glad that her new metabolism seemed to burn through whatever she ate, just as fast as she ate it, but she did understand that it was high maintenance. She finished up her part of the omelette quickly, this time actually enjoying it, and wondered if there were more Japanese ingredients she could add to her next omelette morning. Then, cleaning her dishes and drying them before putting them away, she turned with a nod. "Certainly! What would you have of me, boss?"


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Molyneux raised a questioning brow at the girl. ”You mean they’re giving you an allowance? What else are they giving you that I don’t know about?” He never got such a thing per-se. Sure, the Council gave him a bar and left him to run it. But whatever the establishment made went into buying supplies and stock and necessities, so the money was quickly gone after he got it. But at least now he could find some sort of use for the girl though. ”Sure you got enough to afford everything?” Well, depending on how much she got, the half-demon could certainly exploit it somewhat.

”I said I didn’t want it,” he huffed when spying the offered plate passed his way. However, in contrast to what he said, the man stubbornly picked up a fork and thrust it into the omelette half without even watching what he was doing. Literally stabbing into the offering, Molyneux flicked his wrist and raised what remained of the omelette to his mouth. Then, opening and revealing small, normal sized pointed teeth, he consumed the food whole. Although his expression suggested that he did not entirely enjoy it. Yet with reluctance, he swallowed and quickly dropped the fork.

His whole form shivered slightly, his insides digesting the substance. Molyneux dropped his head sideways and shot a look to Eris when calling him Boss. He didn’t know if she was joking, being serious or just acting playful. ”Just don’t go forgetting who’s boss either,” he huffed again, still getting over that horrid taste that he downed a bit too urgently. ”Anyway, for starters you could go and make sure the front doors are unlocked. It won’t help if we aren’t open,” he told her, tossing the girl over a set of keys before leaning back against the counter behind him. ”Make sure all the tables and chairs are set out too, I’ll be round in a minute.”


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Eris laughed and shook her head. "No, they weren't that generous. The allowance was just because one Council member argued that it would be unfair for me to be here under a babysitter if I didn't have enough food to keep myself from temptation. An "unnecessary cruelty," she called it, although all the other European Council members seemed fine with it. But thankfully the head of the Council agreed with her. Otherwise, if I need any necessities or even fun money, they said you would be paying me a small wage for my work."

She shrugged. "And if that's insufficient, I guess I'll just have to find an additional job. Sometimes a girl just needs pretty things!" she joked, grinning. Seeing that he had eaten the omelette, she fought not to grin wider. So he did eat human food! Lucky for him that she liked to cook, and didn't mind sharing. So long as he didn't hog it all, that is, she was a growing demon and needed her sustenance. He didn't seem happy that she'd came, much the opposite, so if he got to see the benefits of a little of the Council's money, so much the better.

Not that those lazy, self-important pooheads had actually earned that money, nooooo. It was probably from the tribute they received, or taxes or something. Heaven forbid they do something other than sit around and pass judgement on people.

Eris shook off the cynical thought and refocused on Molyneux's remark. "Certainly!" she replied, and caught the keys. She'd been a typical college girl, with her share of random part time jobs, so it wasn't like it was her first first day on a job. But every job had a learning curve, and she knew she'd have to be sharp to keep up with this one, especially with a cranky boss.

She tried a few keys before she found the right one, but at last she found it and unlocked the doors, testing them make sure they both opened. That done, she stuck the keys in one of the surprisingly roomy pockets of her too-short skirt and started taking out the tables and chairs. There was no one watching so she didn't bother to pretend that either were heavy, and made short work of putting all of them into place. With a table in each hand, she laid the last two carefully where she thought they had been the night before, adjusting them a little after she put them down.

Walking back towards the door, she turned around to survey the bar. Everything looked good to her, but the bar itself could use a little tidying, so she set to that next. Glasses were organized carefully, any with tiny spots re-washed, and then she straightened the bottles. She wasn't quite sure of his organizational scheme, and until she started working the bar it was impossible to tell what arrangement would be most efficient, so otherwise she left the bottles alone. Eris wiped down the bar again, realizing she was over-doing it and unable to stop, and then took a rag and dusted the shelves were the bottles were. The minifridge under the bar was well-stocked and organized, so she left that alone, and contented herself with taking another clean rag and some window fluid and starting to spot clean the windows. She reached up high and then tugged her skirt down. These clothes were hardly useful for work, but maybe she'd at least get good tips?


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Molyneux watched as the girl received the keys and made her way out of the kitchen. At the very least Eris seemed keen enough to throw herself into the work and get stuck in, and that was always a plus. However it would take some time certainly to see where the girl really belonged and what sort of tasks he could trust her with, let alone what kind of capabilities the horned-girl possessed. After all what was she really good at as a demon? That’s what the man was very interested in discovering. But pushing that thought aside for now, the half-demon went about collecting his plate and cutlery before giving each a quick rinse over at the sink. Once that was taken care of he immediately made ways for the bar, assuming that Eris had done as asked and wasn’t causing complete chaos already. Or worse still, damaging anything.

Entering the room silently at first Molyneux observed the place in one glance. He had to admit, it wasn’t that bad. But not exactly perfect either. Or was he just being too critical? Perhaps. He wasn’t going to shower her in praise just yet. However, unwilling to give away his presence too soon the man lingered by the door without uttering a peep, arms crossed and leaning sideways against the doorframe. With an almost fault-finding gaze in his eyes the half-demon merely watched Eris for a handful of minutes, until creeping over to the bar and leaning on the counter, and suddenly announcing, ”Why don’t you wear something longer?”

Crossing over one arm and supporting his head with his other hand, Molyneux looked at the girl as she continued what she was doing, his eye-lids dropping just a bit. ”We aren’t running that sort of bar you realize,” he added shortly after, feeling a need to point that small fact out. The man wasn't necessarily into that kind of thing, but being a demon you could never fully tell what went on in his head. ”Well, we try not to. Unless we’re desperate for the money. Or it happens to be a good weekend.” Rather shamelessly so, it would seem. Molyneux normally wouldn’t think twice about taking money from people, it was the most tempting perk of running a bar although he at least tried to go about it in decent ways... if that was a thing. Regardless the Council still got their share.

”Anyway, you know nothing about this area, right?” Molyneux asked just then, appearing curious. ”You’ll have to get better accustomed to it if you’re expecting to be of any use to me,” it wouldn’t help if the girl got lost while out in the city, and the man didn’t fancy having to go looking for her either. He’d need to fix that, sharpish. ”Suppose we’ll have to go out at some point, show you around, get you properly settled. It’s not going to help anyone if you get lost out there. So, fancy it? Going out I mean.” Glancing away Molyneux stared at the clock that hung on one of the walls, seeing what time it currently was. It was the start of a new day, though mornings were never the busiest time for them. Usually around lunchtime the pace picked up. ”You'll also need to get acquainted with some of the staff around here. They'll be your colleagues, so I'd advise making a good first impression.”


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Eris blushed and turned. "It was in the suitcases. And I wasn't sure what you were having me do today, but I figured if I was tending bar, it might help with tips. If I ever want to afford normal clothes, I'll have to work for them. They didn't exactly let me pack before they packed me off." She swiped at a small smudge. "If you think it's inappropriate for your place of business, of course I'll see what I can do, but the what the Council packed me seems set on making me unusual as possible."

She swiped another section of glass, thinking about what little conversation she'd actually had with the Council before their decision had been made, changing her entire life. Again. "No, nothing at all. They didn't really brief me for anything other than the basic of basics. I was just glad they gave me the language, frankly. Eris rolled her eyes. "They didn't seem to like me that much. I don't know if that's a demon thing or a me thing, but I'm just glad to be breathing." She was more durable now, to be sure, but the Council had guns, swords, and assorted occult odds and ends. All dangerous, and some of those guards had just been straining at the leash to see what could hurt her.

"Going out sounds great!" Eris grinned, glad of the distraction from her admittedly morbid thoughts. "I like to ramble about sometimes, and it's good for emergencies. And grocery shopping. Definitely grocery shopping." And lists. That meant she needed lists, so to maximize what money she received from the Council and keep herself as well-fed as possible. Meat was definitely required here. Lots of it. Hopefully they had some decent pork, that was one of her favorites.

"A good impression, got it." Eris smiled nervously. "I hope they do like me, it would be nice to have more friends. Do they... know? I mean, about us? I just don't want to say anything I shouldn't, if they're just humans, you know? I don't need another talk with the Council, I really don't."