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Praxis Lethe

"Here, beneath my lungs, I feel your thumbs press into my skin again." WIP

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a character in “How to spot a Faerie”, as played by coricidinForte


The First Fey, The Queen's Right Hand, The Dream Walker, Nightmare


Glamour Full Fey Full

Pretty Face

What is in a name? For him, it was a purpose. Praxis; a pattern of action without practice. Regular, consistent, he often lied awake connecting his name to his Queen. There was no wavering in his loyalty towards his creator, nor was there hesitance in his will to serve and protect her. Lethe, classic Greek defined this word as "oblivion", "forgetfulness", "concealment". It's relation to the word aletheia, a word that spoke of truth, reminded him of the lies and hidden truths of not only the world, but those that he had weaved himself. His kind was not supposed to seek bloodshed, yet time and time again he would push away the whisperings of others in favor for the word of his Queen. If he had to kill in her name, then kill he shall. If he must seal his lips and never utter a word of honesty, then may his lips be sewn shut by this undying devotion to the Queen.



The frost clung to the ground, fog layered onto the windows where drawings of flowers were made from wiping away the condensation. She could here the ticking of the clock behind her, the bubbling water, the hum of coffee machines. People spoke in various tones; some hushed, others sweet, few speaking in tones with harsh, bitter sentences into phones, cursing their bosses and families. Her eyes, however, did not belong to the types that she had documented time and time again, instead they were aligned so only one was in her focus. A boy, there was so many boys in this city, yet she was only drawn to him - like oxygen to hydrogen. Her fingers twitched, pupils caressing his figure, heart aching for her to pick up a pencil so she could have the honor of sketching him. She was positive that his bones were made from marble, sculpted by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, and painted by Silvia Pelissero. For a moment, she was sure that if she dared to look away, he would transform into mystified memory.

Yet when she blinked, he was still there, a slim figure standing straight in perfect posture. Curved, long limbs, the soft outline of his spine, it was all still there for her to see. Her lips mouthed the word 'awful' and then, 'beautiful', her throat producing no noise. He wasn't like the men that were put on television or in magazines. His face, his body, it screamed of normalcy, perfectly ordinary. What entranced her was that very phrase; perfectly ordinary. How many times had she seen a slender male, who's clothes hung off him loosely not because of lack of nourishment, but from the bones underneath? Was it possible to count how often she had spotted the one with hair that was starting to become overgrown, light brown with a hint of auburn? There were many with fringe handing over their foreheads to hide their eyebrows and therefore part of their expression from the world. From the slope of his nose, the fullness of his lips, to those water droplet shaped eyes, his heart shaped face and hint of tan in his skin tone, she had seen it all before.

What made him stand out, was the perfection of it all. It was like he was created to be an example of commonality. Even the dark spots of scars looked deliberate, as if they had been marked there on purpose, adding depth and realism to the image before her. He was like a creation, built from hands and not from the mingling of DNA, as if the sole purpose of his appearance was to blend in with the faces that were like his own - only those were accidental, while his sent her the haunting feeling that his appearance was nothing short of intentional. The boy moved, his skin, eyes, body and stature blending into the masses of people. A sharp intake of breath, this was the end of the moment. He passed by, and her eyes met his, swirling pools of hazel made not from chance. His lips pulled into a smile, her heart froze, and then he was gone. Her eyes shot open, viewing only the ceiling above her, the white paint nearly blinding. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her body shifted in her bed. It was only but a dream, a dream of flawless normalcy, that felt all too real.

Alternate Form

And so it was that the embodiment of light and the personification of darkness had formed a bond that cut through not tradition, but law. Their power and love formed together, weaving the first of many souls and bodies, the blinding light and sinking void melted together to create bones and skin. The pain and tears pooled to produce ever changing blood, their insight molded the orbs of eyes, their care breathed life into his lungs and sprung the first of many Fey into life. The fruit of knowledge being plunked and placed inside of his head, a heart of defiance and spirit of the Spring rose upon his skin, creating a form of something simultaneously new and old.

His skin is colored blue, dark, dulled with a hint of teal. The slender, long, doll-like figure is covered with markings shades darker, jutting across his body. They run over his eyes and down his torso, over his nose, lips, his arms and legs. Praxis' true form is of imperfect perfection. The first try, riddled with mistakes, yet wonderfully so. Knobby joints, small frame, large, out of place pointed ears - none of these are qualities of a beautiful being, yet they blend together so in a body that eerily doesn't let off a glow like many others. Instead his near delicate form is covered with skin that is the color of the depths of oceans, of hidden plants in the deepest of jungles, the same shade of a dark night sky, completed with the glow from suns eons away.

Starshine is tangled in his short locks, their coloring white and holding a very dull glow, barely illuminating shadows and darkness. The strands of hair are fine and soft to the touch, like silk thread, wispy and uneven. His eyelashes surrounded his large, organic, mirrored circular eyes. They are long and fine, curling and bold in their brightness. His eyes are entirety different, for if his skin is made up of the dark influence of the King, then his eyes are a window to his soul - bleeding out the light of the Queen. They shine brightly and proudly in colors of light, yellow tinted green, with the color becoming more deluded in the center, fading into a white. His appearance reminds those of the light itself, dangerous and compassionate, covered with a dark curtain that contains it all. One may feel upon splitting his skin it will cause the light to leak out, and taint his spectral display.

The wings from his back blend, like light dancing within itself, they are hidden and play with the illusion that his back is barren. What they are not, is nonexistent. Hidden from the world they remain folded more often than not, keeping the wing span of several feet closed off from touching the world around him. But like his eyes, the essence of novas are in their structure, only to be seen when he wants them to, and when they do, they shine a light that will cause even the darkest of rooms to shrivel and die. They are thin, made out of transparent webs that come together, and come apart. Flight with them seems impossible, and keeping them from tear even more so, yet they are hard to the touch and ever so light. They bend the energy around them, allowing for the possibility of flight, regardless of him showing their brightness or letting himself appear as if he's merely floating, hanging in the balance without a thread to hold him up.

His true form is a riddled trick, a ruse. It's imperfect, yet the opposite, just as right as it is wrong. It beckons the question if his body is hiding the light within, of what he truly is? Or is the light connected to lies, dazzling others to distract them from the truth that's so bluntly put out before them? Does his lips curve into a kind smile, or is it mischievous? It's no wonder why a mere mortal cannot view him, as even a glance with boggle the mind and melt their eyes, the two extremes in one body cursing them to never see again.


Height: 170 cm / 5'7"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: Ageless

Species: Spring Fey

Court: Seelie

Role: Queen's Second-In-Command



The Dream Walker
A figure in the distance, clouded and blurry, he is rarely noticed. An invader of the subconscious mind, he steps into the dreams of others, often observing, other times bringing realization to the unconscious state for communication. If he wishes you to see him, he will let himself be seen. Yet, if he wish to stay hidden, he will remain behind the walls of fog and mist. A small handful of Fey have powers that aren't characteristic of their species or season alignment, anomalies, if you will. Often the first Fey created, their powers have manifested from the souls of their creators, as if they accidentally were given too much, and the more divine powers leaked into their forms and were caged within. As the first Fey to be created, Praxis is a fine example of this. Instead of having dreams of his own he wanders the minds of others, more often than not, only observing. If he's able to locate the general location of where another is at, he can specifically invade their dreams. However, there had been times where he stumbled upon a person's dreams on complete accident. This can be used to communicate, or to watch targets that much be eliminated. There's been instances where Lethe had used the world of dreams to kill, using his ability to walk dreams in tune with the ability to manipulate emotions. He brings fear in his victims, until their bodies cannot take it any longer, or if they're lucky, until they wake up.

A Healing Touch
Like many Spring Fey, Praxis is given abilities in healing. The magic crawls from his fingertips and spreads to the bodies of others; it stitches up cuts, stimulates cell growth, patches up broken organs and pieces together shattered eardrums. He could save a person from blindness, deftness, even death. They are not the power of a God though, even he has limits, to where a person is too far gone to be saved. This process isn't limited to physical repair, his ability can reach the mind and soul, soothing emotional pain and turmoil - although even at his ability, it's effects are temporary and will fade within a few days. This can be taken to an extreme, as he can drain a person of all their emotions much like he does for Raena, the Light Queen. He can take away all of a persons emotional anguish and leave them numb and empty; allowing them to live without crippling sadness, regret, fear, anger and even without joy. He can use his healing power on himself physically, healing his own wounds and injuries, but he cannot use it on an emotional or spiritual level - being forced to manage his emotions without the help of magic.

Empathetic Manipulation
Drowning sadness, heated anger, elated happiness, emotions are not only felt, but seen by his eyes. Their emotions bleed around them, mingling with their otherwise invisible aura, giving them color. Many Spring Fey are able to simply sense these auras, easily being able to feel and recognize the energy swimming around them. With enough practice, they can see the very energy that they're able to sense, though it takes concentration and isn't automatic. Seeing the aura simply makes it easier to read the emotions of others without being effected by it, and sensing how strong they are, making them easier to influence. Reading, understanding, and seeing the emotions of others is only half of his ability; manipulating them is also under his sphere of influence. He can twist and turn emotions to their polar opposites; turning happiness into sadness, anger into apathy - the emotionally weak can become his puppets. Inflicting fear on others can even be used to kill, as the adrenaline pushes the body into overdrive to a point where the system breaks down. His control is only as strong as his opponent's will is weak, a person with a strong enough will and handle on their emotions can repel and even negate this effect.

Green Thumb
If they so wished, Spring Fey can let flowers and plants bloom and grow in the presence. This process if as natural as breathing for them, as if they share a bond with plant life itself. Some would describe it as being able to understand the energy of plants so well that they can stimulate growth and movement, being able to use them even in combat. Countless years of practice has given Praxis the ability to not only bring life to the world around him, but to stimulate and control that life. Under his control plants can become helpful or deadly; vines used for strangulation or grabbing a falling alley, extracting poisons from plants to kill or simply growing tea leaves - It's to be said that plants can be as beautiful as they are deadly.

The Hourglass of Life
Mortals can only life so long, even beings of the supernatural have a timer over their heads. Their numbers are bright and ultraviolet, invisible to the eyes of others how long you have to live is a secrete to the world, and yourself. They tick silently and without warning, never alerting anyone when their time is running out. You could wake up with a life-force that will last you another fifty years, or one that will only bring you into the next three minutes before running out. Everything has a certain energy, it's what keeps them alive, powerful, important. A stronger Spring Fey can drain this energy from others and harness it, often putting it towards others to use during conflict. Even the very life-force of others can be stolen and given to another. They could upset the balance of the universe, giving those that soon should die more life by taking life from those with several years ahead of them. It's luck that often enough, those that have control over this ability are protectors of order and fate, and not upholders of chaos and anarchy.

Tamer of Beasts
Fey and nature are connected; the same energy that flows throughout the world resides in their veins, pulling them together. Animals are not excused from this, and while all Fey have bonds with various creatures, Spring Fey are the masters of what are not lesser beings but their equals. It's possible that it's because they see all live as being equal that they're able to tame and control beasts large and small. Snow White's abilities pale in comparison, although, not many would argue against having help while cleaning. Having animals as allies is beneficial indeed; from sending letters, to collecting information, to ripping out the jugular of an enemy - beasts can be useful companions in battle or otherwise. Praxis is quite used to utilizing this, although for all Fey, weres are something new and unfamiliar. They're not quiet human and not quite animal, making them complex and difficult to understand and manipulate. Being as old as he is, his powers have matured quite a bit, and controlling an inexperience were may not pose a problem to him. Weres that have good control on themselves are another thing entirely, and cannot be tamed so easily.

Essence of a Soul
The creation of the first Fey pushed forward the creation of others. He was a blueprint, instructions, a list of dos, don'ts and what to change. Praxis was made with a large soul, a strong essence, and it gave him the ability to harvest that essence in another fey; a piece of his very soul being used to make another whole, knitting into the soul of another. The result let to creating Aerunia, a Summer Fey, his daughter. It was him that created her, an incomplete Fey, not properly touched by the creating hands of the King or the Queen. His essence that was given to her, more chaotic in nature, created a strong telepathic bond, one that is hidden from the knowledge of all other Fey - even the Light Queen and the Dark King. When Praxis is hurt, Aerunia feels pain, and when she is in danger, he too can sense it. The connection makes the door to her dreams easily accessible, and collection unconscious information from her is a simple task. The invisible bond between them is strong and effects both parties, and can only truly be broken in death. This has only happened once, and cannot occur again, as doing so would lessen Praxis' soul to much and make him unstable.



Acrobatic Tricks
Praxis doesn't have much ability outside of his magic, which is unfortunate now that it's currently at a low now that he's stuck on Earth. His physical abilities are very lacking; he cannot slash with a knife, nor can he arm himself with a bow and arrow, and in hand-to-hand combat he'd easily be overpowered. Though, he's not completely helpless without his abilities in magic. Agile, swift, flexible and beyond practice; in a patten of twists, turns and flips Praxis can use his body to descend, ascend and abscond. Combat with these abilities isn't the norm though, as his physical strength is rarely effective. Cheap shots isn't an honorable way to fight, but he doesn't really care for such things, and will use foul moves to his advantage. He quite enjoys using these abilities for things outside of violence and escaping. Hanging upside down is a pastime that gives one a whole knew view on the world - literally! Walking on his hands, climbing high places, dangling from ropes - if Praxis had been born a human, it's very likely he would have been this type of entertainer.

A Killer Without Bloodlust
He's not murderous, he doesn't harness any wish to kill others nor does he enjoy carrying out these acts. In fact, he's rather indifferent to the entire action. Praxis doesn't get any sick kicks from killing others, not even when he bends their emotions until they're in a world of only fear. It's simply something that has to be done, and the means of how he gets it done isn't very important. He kills for his Queen and to maintain order, if someone must die to uphold the balance of the world then he'll make sure their hearts cease to beat. Trying to force him to sympathize or empathize will not work, as the Queen is above everyone else; the lives of others are tiny compared to her. Killing others also doesn't make him sad, it doesn't effect him one way or the other, it's only a job. Simply put; he's able to end lives without it effecting himself - always keeping a level head. Killing for survival is a bit different, it's rare that he had problems with ending the lives of others in the past, as he often had the upper hand. While his weakened state and anxious state of mind is less than ideal, Praxis still doesn't hesitate when trying to kill someone, as long as he feels that he can actually do so. After all, it's better them then those he knows to be important.

Tea Ceremonies
A Spring Fey has a natural connection with plant life, and with time grows skill, and skill brings the ability to grow the best of plants. Herbs and other ingredients can be used towards great dishes, and Praxis enjoys putting together different blends of teas. To classics like earl gray to bizarre mixes like guanabana, he seems to have great knowledge on the creation of good, healthy teas. With his added healing abilities the tea he makes can have even greater effects, like accelerated healing, increased endurance, even as an emotional soother. Having a blend he had made can prove to be quite useful when in a pitch. If not, then they're just as good without the need to pick oneself up quickly. While taste varies from person to person, the teas Praxis makes tend to taste very good, though it's not impossible for someone to dislike it.

Preferred Weapons: None.



His posture doesn't slouch so easily in the presence of others, his eyes study the world around him and break through facades, reading emotions in a millisecond. Praxis; he's organized, always categorizing things and putting them in order. The morning tea, the meeting afterwards, new laws to be reviewed, battle plans and garden layouts follow afterwards. Those thin fingers flip through folders with colored bookmarks sticking out of the side, reading over notes and schedules, easing his mind. Nothing out of place, not a thing out of order, he looks over scribbled notes two, three times. It's his duty to make sure that the needs of the Queen is met, that everything is completed properly, to help maintain order and assist with running the Queen's kingdom. There's no room for mistakes, he is careful and thoughtful, sometimes a bit uptight. This is an example of him at his best, his mind and nerves are together, there is no hesitation and no doubt - only confidence. While nerves can arise when things get complicated, he stays together, and puts on a friendly smile that's not a facade.

Calm, composed, professional.

It seems like he always has a lid on it, keeping his emotions and thoughts in check in a perfect cascading order placed into filing cabinets. This is not true, it's a product from the practice of maintaining sanity, order. Perhaps it's because of the influence of both the King and the Queen that's he's always teetering between a sound mind and madness. Or maybe it's because he's always conscious, even when he's asleep, and never has a moment of true rest. Keeping things organized helps him, it prevents him from becoming a nervous mess. The action of making sure everything moves smoothly, keeping order, maintaining the balance - it all benefits him. Actions of keeping plants, arranging flowers, creating tea blends, listening to rain, watching snow, it's like breathing. It soothes him, keeps him reposed, able and strong. Humans may look to tobacco and alcohol to keep themselves mentally healthy, while he uses work and action to keep the stitches from breaking. Duties are completed without lull when his mind is stable. Even if he has to kill someone, as long as everything is prepared, with the Queen speaking the orders, he will not fall apart.

"Please do not resist, it will only make it worse for yourself."

That loyalty, is it the core of everything that is Praxis Lethe? From the moment he was created, his first thought, his first feeling was centered around loyalty. The person who had used their soul to create him, who shined so brightly, he wanted to protect that. It's obsessive, often acting as mental chains, for he will reach his wits ends for the Light Queen. He has done things he isn't happy with for her. Taking away her emotions pains him, but if it's what she wants and will keep her from breaking, then he'll do so again and again. He doesn't enjoy killing, but will do so without hesitation on her command. He will separate himself from others he loves for her; he will stand against his father, brother, daughter, all to be by the Queen's side. He'll even go to lengths of lying to her, hiding things from her, because he believes it's for her own good. He is neither righteous nor evil, good and bad have no meaning for him. Order is a value of his, but his Queen ranks above that. She is the basis of his sanity, his reason and purpose. Now that she's gone, he feels himself beginning to fall apart, and acts desperately to find her.

This is the fate of those that live too long.

Was it one thousand years, or one million? Time is but a concept, but death shouldn't be feared, for it is a gift. A gift that ageless beings do not receive on their own. His sanity wears thin, born with an already unhealthy mind, it only continues to rot and fester. For once Praxis held order as the most important thing to protect, now things have changed. The Queen is important, his daughter is also important, and chaos continues to corrupt him. He is not devious in nature, but he hides much from the eyes and ears of others, even from the Queen and the Seelie court. The connection between him and Aerunia, his willingness to upset the balance and destroy the world for both her and the Queen. The end of everything would be a better fate then having them taken away from him. He feels he has to take it into his own hands, make sure that they'll be safe, that maybe one day everything can come back together again. This leads to decisions that can pain others, put others in danger, even end lives.

"I am sorry. I am so, so, sorry."

What is that feeling that consumes him? Ah, you would call that guilt. The balance of sanity is a hard one to maintain, but he is not a madman. He is only very, very old. He values who he sees as his family; his Queen, the King, Capricorn, Aerunia, and as time goes by it seems like what connections them grows thinner. He started acting in ways that favor protecting those bonds, instead of his duties. His conflicted emotions upset the balance, between protecting those he cares about and upholding what he was born for, he isn't sure what to do or if what he's doing is right or good for the world around them. He still cares about keeping order, and what he should do, but as time goes on that grows weaker and weaker. He's filled with guilt, from actions in the past and in the present, and for how he thinks currently. Perhaps it's a good thing that he doesn't fall to unconsciousness, as if he did, the growing number of sleepless nights might actually begin to bother him.

The threads that keeps him together is fragile and frayed, it constantly needs to be replaced with stronger thread made out of the process of praxis.

Nerves twitch under his skin and his body is filled with burning embers. Sitting still only grows the webs of spiders, they crawl across his bones and weave the feeling of anxiety, causing a light head and a nauseous stomach. He unravels and becomes a nervous wreak, pacing, tapping, irritable, unable to think straight and is far from keeping up his previous composure. Nervous, anxious, the tone of his voice changes from quiet to loud, he stutters, rambles, talks to himself; it's not uncommon for him to snap at people and become ill-tempered. Discord brings out the worst of him, it breaks all concentration and makes him and his powers unstable. The ageless being becomes indecisive, confused, and hesitant. Without order right and wrong becomes blurred, as if he had never learned to truly think and judge others himself. This is him at his worst; brash and indecisive, unable to keep himself composed and level headed. He no longer works well with people, and will act without sparing a moment of thought.

How easy it is, to break the calm of the water...

That it is, Praxis' constantly feeling the emotions of others, and without his calm his temperament rises. When he has his mind sound he is not effected by the emotions that seep into the air around him, however, when his psyche is shaken they effect him more. Rage can turn him angry, sadness can bring him to tears, and excitement may turn him into a person who cannot sit still for even a moment. This can take a turn for the worst, as he is already quite an emotional person underneath his calm persona. Already is he easily offended, too quick to call people out and criticize them, even to the point of being rude. The influence of others emotions can make the situation even more heated, and turn a comment about littering into a near fight, with both parties readily engaged and equally at fault.

"My name is Praxis Lethe, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Praxis Lethe. At his best he is composed, organized, ready to maintain order and do what is good for the universe. At his worst he is a nervous wreak, rash, secretive and guilt-ridden. He was born with loyalty in his heart, and grew compassion for various others, with the desire to protect them shaking him to commit actions of discord. He can be friendly, helpful, calm, but he can also be irritable, rude, and dogmatic. The man cares for many, and often has good intentions, however he does not confined in them and acts in ways that avoid communication and hurts them as a result. On one hand he is wise, knowing of truths that humans are centuries away from finding out. On the other he will look down on others, feeling that as an older being that he knows best, and often not seek permission to act. He is comparative to extremes in mind and body, switching from one that acts kindly to one that acts cruelly, and exists as a distorted mess of contradictions.


In any case, no matter what, Praxis won't eat meat. He won't touch meat, he won't touch you if you've touched meat, he won't share utensils and straws with people that have eaten meat; seriously, go wash your hands and brush your teeth! He really, really, really doesn't like meat. He doesn't see the point in killing animals for the sake on consumption when there are so many other substitutes, better, tastier substitutes! Don't bring that stuff around him, he'd rather starve.

Thanks to the Queen, Praxis has picked up a fondness for music. His taste in music however, is surprisingly unlimited. Classical, rap, pop, country, 80s speed metal, there doesn't seem to be much that he won't listen to and actually enjoy. This is simply unexplainable beyond him having perhaps no taste whatsoever, as he can be found happily listening to both Beethoven and Ke$ha. What's more, is how he enjoys singing (Or in some cases, rapping) the songs that he enjoys so much. His singing (And again, rapping. The thought of a faerie rapping may be beyond you, some may even say it's not possible. Well let me tell you something buddy, this is happening, it's a thing that will occur and you better buckle up.) could be considered above average, it's the content of what he sings that catches people off guard - even bringing him into a territory of being annoying. In conclusion, what he sings could range from; "Billy McCoy, was a musical boy. On the cruiser Alabama he was there at that piana." to "Bitches ain’t shit and they ain’t saying nothing. A hundred mothafuckas can’t tell me nothing.". It really seems as if he can't tell the difference.

A Splash of Color
Praxis, unsurprisingly, has always enjoyed keeping plants around. While he has the ability to create full-grown plants within a minute, he had the tendency to grow them at a slower pace than that, even taking the time to properly plant and water them. To him, it's a relaxing process, often acting as a way to calm him nerves and clear his head. Back at the Faerie Realms he would decorate rooms with a variety of flowers, arranging their colors and shapes together to brighten an area. Even now that he's stuck on Earth he holds onto the same habit, sometimes rearranging already arranged flowers at establishments. Wherever he's staying at the time you're bond to find several flowers being kept there, if only to brighten the mood a bit and keep him from completely losing it. Whenever he feels stressed he tends to fall back onto this, his choices in flowers and colors often reflecting how he feels.


◇ Plant Life : Big surprise, you would have never had seen that one coming. This is pretty self explanatory, aside from it already being explained a few times already. Praxis likes plants, they're comforting and nice to look at. What's there not to like?

◇ Art : Paint on paper, sculptures carved from marble, oil on canvas, an orchestra filled with strings and ballets with dainty performers - Praxis finds enjoyment within all forms of art. Self-expression fascinates him; when people are open with their emotions it creates a world of color around them, releasing the negative and letting the positive thrive. He finds it beautiful and quite touching. As he is already sensitive to the emotions of others, being around such strong feelings can move him to tears. Regardless, he doesn't feel shame when it comes to such, and is amazed by the power of the art humans can create.

◇ His Creators : His mother, The Light Queen. His father, The Dark King. At one point they lived in harmony, both ruling over the Faerie Realms together, and even after the tides grew and they went their separate ways, even after Praxis stuck loyally by the Queen's side, he still remains grateful them both. If anything, he loves them, those that gave him life. This only makes the current situation all that more painful. He wishes that they could live like they once did years ago, and fears, knows that it's impossible. When it comes to the Queen, his loyalty is unyielding. He'll do anything for her, be it killing the others he loves so much, or even destroying and betraying the order they worked so hard to protect.

◇ Aerunia of the Reverie : The one that holds a piece of his essence, his daughter, affectionately called "My Reverie". Despite them being on separate courts he continues to care for her more than most, as he even hides things from the Queen to protect her. It's unexplainable, as she is not his child in a traditional sense, but she is someone that shares a part of his soul, yet he cares for her so strongly instead of treating her like a tool. It brings feelings of guilt in him for the choices he had made regarding her, but he continues to make those choices on the belief that it's for her own good, and sometimes for the good of everyone. Threatening her could turn him against those he is most loyal to, even to the point of him knowingly upsetting the balance of the world. Yes, Praxis loves her, almost more than anyone, but not more than the Queen. His loyalty towards her is too strong, and the Light Queen is the only person that could make him harm, or even kill, his Reverie.

◇ Capricorn : Although they're more like fraternal twins, Praxis tends to see Capricorn as a little brother, but even so he refuses to go easy on him. The idea of him having the kill Capricorn is pretty ludicrous though, as someone who enjoys building strong family-like bonds with people, the thought of having to kill one of the people who's been in his life since it started is pretty preposterous.

◇ Bubble Tea : Admittedly, it's one of his favorite things about the human world and he's starting to get really attached to the quirky beverage. Just the idea of acquiring a cup of it gives him child-like joy. He enjoys many of the different flavors and varieties, but likes green tea more than the rest.

◇ Dreams : Praxis doesn't have dreams of his own, but he enjoys the dreams of others. While he can use his ability to learn information on enemies, even to kill, he often uses it for no such reason. Instead he finds joy in just roaming the subconscious of others, usually never interfering with the person dreaming at all. The worlds he visits are intricate and interesting, making it bearable for him to stay conscious for twenty four hours, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year. That is, unless he is knocked out cold, but that's a rare enough occurrence. In fact, the wandering he does in other people's dreams probably keeps him sane. There is a reason why we become subconscious, after all.

◇ Knitted Clothes : Since arriving on Earth, Lethe has taken a liking to wearing knitted garments, especially sweaters and beanie-type hats. It's winter, it's cold, and these particular types of clothing is very warm and comfortable. He also enjoys wearing long scarves, mittens and gloves, so long as they're knitted. Though, he never seems to notice when he's wearing too many knitted objects of clothing, and sometimes looks as if he had just stumbled out of the Yarn Barn. He almost always wears one of the hats he's collected though, as he's subconscious about the appearance of his ears.

◇ Animals : He loves all animals; big and small, vicious or docile, reptilian or insect - he has a certain fondness for all of them, and they're drawn to him as well. He finds life unique, however it would be incorrect to say he's lover of life itself, as he has no problems with death. But he sees no reasons to interrupt the lives of animals, as they rarely effect the order and balance of the world, and that's partially why the act of killing them for consumption bothers him so much. The other reasons is because well, they're just so darn precious!

◇ Rain and Snow : Both forms of falling water is soothing to him. He enjoys listening to rain and being out in the snow, regardless of the cold. He doesn't mind being out in such weather, and actually prefers an overcast day to one with strong sunlight.


◆ Meat : He absolutely despises meat, won't go near the stuff. Just seeing it upsets his stomach and he'll probably criticizes people that eat it. Praxis understands eating other creatures for survival, but he doesn't understand why humans mass produce it through slaughter houses, condemning many animals to terrible and short lives. He finds it very upsetting, and doesn't even mention veal around him, he might cry.

◆ IPAF : If Praxis was to hate any living thing, it would be those in the organization known as IPAF. To him they're ignorant to the bigger picture, and they only continue to get in their way and threaten them. They're nosy, despicable, lying, poor excuses for human beings and he wants absolutely nothing to do with them. If they're going to declare war on them, then he's not going to hold back. Nor will he allow them to just do as they please and capture, torture, his fellow Fey. No matter what he will be sure they face justice for their actions, he just has to find the Queen first, and be sure not to be killed in the process...

◆ Vampires : To be blunt, they creep him out. They're not quite alive, and not quite dead either. To top it all off, they drink blood, and it just doesn't sit well with Praxis. He doesn't enjoy being around them at all, they always put him on edge. Honestly, they kind of scare him, and he tries to avoid interacting with them.

◆ Pollution and Destruction of Nature : Smog in the air, oil in the water, deforestation and litter - how could he not hate all that destroys what he loves? It's really what puts him on the fence on humanity. They create so many amazing things, yet they ruin just as much. He doesn't know what to feel about humans and the world they live in, but he does know how much he hates the destruction of Earth which has so many beautiful things on it that should be protected, not murdered. He does get upset about littering and is quick to call people out on it, almost to the point of starting fights. He also will avoid traveling on cars, buses, and so on. Also, please recycle.

◆ Crowds : The emotions of others can effect him, and the largest concentration of them in in crowded areas. He may be strong enough to keep them from causing him to break down or lose it, however, it is still taxing. Their emotions mingle in with one another and make not a lick of sense, he finds himself unable to think and becomes temperamental in an oven of loose emotions, ranging from the most positive to the most negative.

◆ Autumn Fey : It's no so much that he doesn't like the Autumn Fey themselves, but their abilities. Autumn Fey are the opposites of Spring Fey, they destroy and cause pain, doing little else. They bring death to plants and cause pain to the living, he finds nothing pleasant about those types of abilities, and dislikes it when they wither the plants he works so hard on to grow. In addition they tend to be lazy and unemphatic, both traits he isn't fond of, and can prove to be some of the most difficult creatures to deal with. However, there have been Autumn Fey that he could tolerate, even some he had gotten along with in the past. For the most part though, he just typically doesn't get along with them.

◆ Alcohol : There was a mistake where Praxis ended up drinking an interesting human made beverage. Never again.

◆ Denial : People often try to deny things, especially their emotions. In Praxis' case, he can see right through them, so them trying to deny what they feel is only counterproductive - as he can literally see what they're actually feeling. It's annoying when others try to drag things out by not accepting what they feel or when the refuse to talk about something maturely, and it only frustrates him further if they try and turn it into some sort of argument.

◆ Shoes : Lethe may wear a number of layers, but in the case of his feet, they are nearly always bare. Even when the ground is covered with snow he prefers not wearing any type of shoes, having an advantage of being a supernatural creature on his side to keep them from falling off. Humans have an annoying tradition of requiring each other to wear shoes all the time, and it really is just a bother to him. Though, because he wishes to avoid such pointless conflict, he assimilates and wears shoes that he can easily take off. You'll never see him wearing socks though, that would just be silly.



Another repeating night of peace, serenity, a time when their home wasn't split into chaos and order. He spent the night tucked under an array of cloth and fabric, the glow of his eyes and hair illuminating the room that was called his own. Fingers found the heart that pulsed beneath his skin, a muscle made out of deference that moved a river of blood filled with adherence. He was the descendant of darkness and light, yet even here, protected by the imperial castle walls, he felt his place was as a servant. Invisible bonds dug into his skin, leaving deep scars that would forever remind him of his purpose - The Queen. Who gave him the greatest gift of life from her soul, she would held herself with poise, ruling aside the King with a kind smile. Her words were his laws, her songs were his hymns, they always would be, and he was happy. How happy he was, to have his King, his Queen, his brother. It was bliss, a life spun from the threads of heaven, comfortable and warm.

These days, lost in the blur of passing years but not, never forgotten, were the days were Praxis still dreamed his own dream. Even then it was a rare occurrence, the image of a girl with a prism body. A girl that was translucent who had no color to herself, only the light that moved through her, paint bleeding through rainwater. In the presence of these dreams he was filled with joy, curiosity, and when they eluded him he only felt as if something was missing. The more he walked in the dreams of others, the more frequent this girl would appear to him, it


So begins...

Praxis Lethe's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias
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#, as written by Kuroe
Leau breathed out softly as she sat on the slanted roof of a rather ornate, large, three story building which she presumed to be what humans spoke of as "museums". She had never been to one herself, and didn't particularly care to.

She moved her head forward to look through the scope of the rifle she held, balanced on her knee. It resembled the IPAF issue sniper rifle, though somewhat more compact. It was also missing the reader which told her what was Fey and what was not. She could tell which was which, and didn't need a large piece of metal and who knew what else to tell her what she should shoot and what she shouldn't.
The rifle and its scope were themselves focused on a human sitting at a bench. She had no reason to do so, she merely wanted something to point the gun at. She had been waiting for the better part of four hours on top of this building, unmoving and staring at the scene in front of her. Not a single faery had passed the area, which she had chosen to stay for the day. She had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that one would be here, and her instinct wasn't usually wrong.

So she had waited. And waited. And now, it was... Leau stopped as a loud beep, followed by a voice filled her right ear.

“Leau. Tell me where you are, or so help me god, I will put a bullet in your head instead of your arm," the voice of her commander, Anastasia, hissed in her ear. Leau thought of the scar in her arm that had come of the bullet the woman had fired at her upon their first meeting. It had, of course, long since faded, though it still caused her pain from time to time. Anastasia continued. “I will then have someone come and collect you, and when you return, you and I will be having yet another little heart-to-heart discussion.”

"Yes, ma'am. I am hunting. I will return when the Fey is dead or captured," Leau said simply. She yanked out the earpiece almost instantaneously and, without a second thought, crushed it in her hand and looked through the scope again. She could not afford any more distractions. Just in time as well, as she caught a glimmer in the crowd. It was one of the Fey, not one she had seen before. The barrel of her gun moved swiftly to point at the Faery. It was glamoured, in the form of a human boy with messy brown hair, and perfectly symmetrical doll-like features. Much like her own form, really. But this concern was not in her head for more than a moment. It was a hunt now. There was no time to think such things of her prey. As a soft smile spread across her face, the pleasure of a kill, she moved her finger to the trigger. The gun stayed trained on the Faery's chest.

The world grew slow, silenced except for the beat of Leau's heart. Everything but her and the Faery faded away into a solid grey. A single click echoed out. A single click that heralded death, the snuffing out of one more life, whose existence she loathed with every small piece of her being.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau
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Praxis Lethe

Frosted water drifted through the air, painting a colored canvas in white and death. Each exhale came with a puff of smoke, visible in the air for mere moments before vanishing, only to be replaced by the next dump of carbon dioxide and oxygen from his lungs. Earth, it was frozen, his mouth and neck was covered in a knitted navy scarf that clashed with his gray, knitted sweater that had a pattern of pink feline creatures on it. Like the yarn made red beanie on top of his head and the thick brown pants that covered his legs, they acted as barriers against the cold.

Except for his feet, which were left bare, his shoes stuffed into a black bag that rested on his back. Feet that made prints in the snow covered city, moving him through the masses of people that went on with their day despite the notion that the end would soon be upon them. Humans were fascinating creatures, they could all die today yet so many would still be attending their business meetings, ordering frappuccinos and answering math problems from a thick, thin paged book. You could say he admired that about humans, it reminded him of himself, always putting ones duty first.

His lips moved, mouthing words and emitting sounds of elongated words to a popular tune he had heard the other day. "I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums." It was soothing, the sight of the snow falling, even if it was killing the world around him. Perhaps that it was irony that this world was to die in a blanket of pure white, innocent and beautiful, as if such a corrupt realm would be allowed to start over again."Oh what a shame that you came here with someone." Praxis had no idea what the song meant, not really, but he certainly did enjoy music. It was different, although interesting, he had become quite fond of these sorts of things, these very human things.

Those eyes of his surveyed the area before him, humans that expressed their feelings into the air in reds, blues, greens, yellows. He couldn't really open his eyes like this often, each time was like stepping into a pallet of soaked watercolors, leaking emotions everywhere. "So while you're here in my arms," It was always so noisy here too, it was hard to think, it was hard to keep himself together too. Yet he would manage, he was feeling weak, six months after their arrival, but he wouldn't give up. Lethe simply reminded himself of his duty, his purpose, to find and protect the Queen, to restore order. He couldn't let himself break down so easily, not now, it would be too soon for him to go out of commission.

Speaking of going out of commission; he was going to have an even more difficult time getting anything done with these pesky gun-loving IPAF members around. He winced in pain as a bullet dug into his right arm, it tore through the muscles, mutilating them, until it exited through the other side. A woman walking next to him screamed at the sight of torn clothes with blood seeping out in bright, angry red that was slowly turning blue as it grew thicker. He heard other people chime in, if he had looked back Praxis would have seen a man of about thirty standing in shock, horror, as he realized that there was a hole in his stomach. That's the thing about bullets, you never know where they're going to end up. Though, that particular shot would have nailed him in the heart, if the people of New York wasn't so pushy and shovey.

"Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young." Well, you win some, you lose some. Right now he was more concerned about getting out of this area and away from whoever was trying to kill him, be it a trigger happy maniac or someone who had seen through his glamour. He ran, skin hitting concrete and arms moving back and forth, with hands pulled into fists. People were still in a panic about the gun shot and it worked to his advantage, they crowded together or ran as well, lest they also get holes in their flesh. He ducked between the bodies and pulled at his magic, leaving traces of purple turned blood behind was bad enough, continue to bleed out would only be counter productive. As he made his escape he felt his muscles pull back together, stitching and weaving until they were whole again while his skin mended into one. He couldn't keep that up forever though, already his power was at such a short limit, he had to get out of here fast.

Blood rushed through his ears as he focused on stayed calm, he could already feel his nerves unraveling, and he tried to keep himself from panicking. He would be fine, he just had to escape, maybe lie low for awhile, and he rushed down a near by alleyway between a bookseller and a pizza parlor. Praxis paused halfway down the path, turning around, with his breathing labored and body full of rush, pumping adrenaline. The wound wasn't completely healed, though it appeared that way, it was still sore with yet to be repaired muscles behind the skin. He couldn't afford to waste his magic, not at all, the arm would slow him down but it would at least give him the ability to counterattack if he need to. Now, was he still being followed, or was he in the clear?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau
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#, as written by Kuroe

Leau's face remained completely passive as she saw the bullet travel through the stomach of a man and hit the faery in the shoulder. That was by no means an outcome she particularly desired, but it was not completely hopeless. The second she had made certain of the direction the Fey was running, she plucked the bag that held her weapons from the ground and started running, stuffing the rifle into it as she ran up the roof and slung it over her shoulder. In it she carried her sword, rifle, and whatever other weapon she might have need of on a mission.

As she reached the edge of the next building, this one with a flat topped roof, much easier to traverse, she clambered up and began to dash across it. As she hopped off and onto the next building, a somewhat shorter one, she kept her eye on the Faery as he ran, his shoulder bleeding profusely. If it were a closer distance, she would have pulled out a handgun and made a shot at him, but she doubted the bullet would make it to her target under these circumstances. Instead she kept running across the buildings, keeping an eye to her side the whole time.

She got her chance when the Faery ducked into an alley. She immediately stopped at the railing at the edge of the two story building she was on. A fire escape was directly below, and she hopped off and hit it with a clang. Turning, she ran down one flight of the stairs and leaped over the railing.

Leau's jump wasn't quite as she would have wanted it, and her foot clipped the railing, sending her tumbling downwards. As she tried to right herself in the air, her shoulder crashed against the first floor railing of the fire escape and she tumbled yet again in midair before hitting the ground hard on her left arm with a loud crack.

As she pulled herself to her feet, she winced. That was an annoyingly human mistake to make, and not one that she would normally make. Feeling her arm, she came it the conclusion that she would be unable to use the rifle again. Instead, she put her fingers around the grip of her handgun, dashing towards the Faerie, who was still in sight, luckily enough. She didn't care as cars screeched to a stop for her when she ran into the street and the air was filled with yelling. She was focused only on the Fey in front of her

She tugged the handgun free as she reached the sidewalk, pointing it ahead of her with her one good arm. Her hand was shaking, to her severe annoyance, but the pulled the trigger anyways. The iron laced bullet exited the chamber, flying towards her target... And missed. Pain shot back into her ribs as the recoil hit her and Leau resisted the urge to double over. A she hadn't noticed it before, but she had most likely cracked a few ribs on the fall down. She cursed her lack of flying ability and once again raised the gun to point it at the Fey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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The bellicose Fey had a will carved from titanium, everlasting animus that carried her injured body, creating imaginary splints around broken bones. A bullet flew past him, cutting through the air with ease, it's end unknown. Even if she had missed her target, it had been too close, only missing by a couple of inches to the right of his head. His breath shook, if she hadn't been damaged it'd be very likely that the iron would have implanted itself in his skull, cursing him with an instant death that was more applicable to wild animals. His eyes couldn't observe her anymore, they tore away as he legs burned, a hasty abscond between barren buildings of cold regret and incandescent sorrow. An exhale, breathing out the hidden smoke of sulfur emotions, twisting the atmosphere between the alley. The weight of fear bore down on the area, infecting those that inhabited it. Lethe's magic was at a low, but it didn't make him powerless, only cautious.

Weaving between bullets had his blood run faster, his body reacting with ease between the barrage, evading the oncoming storm of poisoned projectiles. He couldn't afford to let any more iron to taint the form that held him together, the effect of the first already impeding his movements. Ignoring the metallic taste rising in his throat, he jumped and pulled himself up a chain link fence that stood between the exit. Invisible wings aided him in the action, yet he still avoided flight, the threat of bringing an increase in attention towards him still being too great. Praxis paused at the top of the fence, attention being grabbed the beasts that took over the sky. It was a shame that they couldn't fly to anywhere warmer, but he was grateful for their presence, as only a gentle tug would force them to surrender to his will.

He spared a glance back to the child with cream hair, watching as the masses of gray birds swopped from above and towards her, their talons and beaks exposed. A foolish choice, as the impact of a stray bullet burned its way into his shoulder, becoming trapped in a tangle of muscle. The meeting between skin and iron pushed him off the wall of wire and onto the cement floor below, his body shaking due the to toxic invasion. He coughed, blood dripping over cracked, desert lips and hands curled against loose asphalt. He rolled onto his knees and lifted his body, pushing out pain and agony in favor of his escape. Winged creatures continued to arrive from above as his fingers dug into the wound, his glamour only flickering as he cut into his skin. Fingernails scrapped against the metal, the ache being only a scrape compared to previous miseries, and he tore the hindrance out.

Lethe's eyes flashed in hostility, a glowing white that leaked crimson anger into the air to mingle with the artificial dismay. It vanished once the lids of his eyes shrouded them, restoring his silk disguise to it's state of unmatched consistency. The echo of the bullet hitting the floor was the last thing he left in the tumultuous back street before he turned his back and sprinted away, out from between the bricks and into the open sidewalks and streets. He could still taste blood and allowed a small piece of magic to begin stitching back together the hole in his shoulder; only enough to prevent it from destroying his attempt to break away from the advances of the traitor. Images flashed through his head while he bolted down the city, not once bothering to apologize for interrupting the casual travels of human individuals, instead trying to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Lights blurred and painting of the Queen danced in his mind, words that screamed of survival burned into the back of his eyelids and coiled his actions until they became brash. A goal became his ectodermal tissue, filling him with motivation and strength, to see the restoration of the world and his home. A desire became his endothelial cells, the dream to see a dawn of peace and renewed alliances, an illusion that erased control and cogitation. His vision blurred, slanting the world and turning it upside down, draining blood to the roof of his mouth until it coated the white bones that were his teeth. Praxis' feet met the blend of aggregate, cement, and water again and again, pushing him past people and steamed store windows. He abandoned the bag on his back, the object only carried money and shoes, something he could acquire later. At the moment they had only proved to slow him down, and he had no time to waste, as he was running on borrowed time already.

This is where the sidewalk ends, and this is where Praxis barrels onto the street, eyes locked at the other side. A line of buildings, safety, and the bright, sneering pain that took over his body. It was the collision between mechanical transport and a flesh body, a car that rammed into his right side and sent him away from refuge and to the side of a frost covered road. Red was all that he could see, a color of fire that spread through his body, his still body that lied in a contorted heap. Cracked ribs and awry magic, fighting to piece together a pierced lung before it filled with dichromatic liquid. Breath, why couldn't he breath? Every inhale was a battle that that resulted in half-wins, leaving his form to shutter and shake. His mind was screaming, but no noise came from between his lips.

Skin was peeled from his right arm, ripped off in gruesome tears that decorated the ground with hues of purple and blue blood. Bones peaked out from ravaged muscle, his right humerus bone completely severed, only epimysiums held the arm together as one, barely keeping him from losing a limb. Stay conscious was the words repeated to him, blinking like neon signs as he fought to move, move and get out before it was too late. He couldn't though, his left arm tried to lift himself up, just resulting in unrecognizable tormet that ate away at his consciousness. Lethe tried to curse to himself, but it resulted in spewing blood from his mouth. The Fey, glamour still intact, fell back onto the ground, too injured to even save himself.

His face was in similar state of his arm, right-side skin brushed away from the concrete, leaking dots of color that drained into his scleras. Was this his end? The final moments of Praxis Lethe, one of the strongest Fey in existence? To die by the effects of iron and the attack of a human contraption - it was almost funny, it a pitiful way. He was too weak without the Queen, and it was beautiful how he was nothing without her, his power being drained to a low that turned him into an insult to Fey kind. His lips relaxed into a thin line, eyes closing as those algid dark curtains began to drape over his mind. He couldn't accept this, but he couldn't resist for long, and unconsciousness took him; silencing both the the world, and the pain, in a thick blanket of inadequacy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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"The F-"

Eff. Rorgen corrected instinctively. No, this was an appropriate time to say it. "-Fuck." His eyes widened, his pupils shrunk within yellow wolf-like irises.

"NOO!" He roared as he flung open the car's door, "Nooo. No-nonononooo." He kept chanting to himself as if if he said it enough times it'd somehow turn back time and make it never happened. If the situation wasn't so dire, it would have been amusing to a cruel enough individual, to see Rorgen in one of his rare fits of panic.

Upon stepping out, there was an already growing expression on his face that battled between shock, doubt and regretful fear. His clenched hands shaking, no, changing even more as he let go of the door and with every step he took. Adrenaline did some weird things to him.

You would think a veteran IPAF Agent would have seen more death in his life than to be fazed by one little car accident. But fey were one thing. They weren't human, they had no remorse or conscience -things an innocent person had, they couldn't even compare to.

But he started charging when he saw it. There was a body, the vehicle's headlights shone brightly upon the back of it. All encumbering anxiety washed away, whoever that was more important and if he could do anything to save it -he would not loose it to another moment's lapse. Rorgen regained control. When something large that hit his car and skidded across the street, inevitably, some people started screaming. Mostly those who have not heard the gunshots that led up to this. His mind flashed back to the orange mop of hair that splayed on his windscreen followed by pale skin, and a selfish thought popped into his head. Let it be a fucking vampire.

"HEY! KID! SPEAK TO ME!" He demanded as he knelt down, the man could have said anything really, anything to elicit a response. The car lights were still blinding and with a practiced hand he held the victim's throat and neck straight, keeping airflow unimpeded.

"Fuck." Rorgen looked up at Anastasia, hoping to see her dialing an ambulance.

As he looked back down, he could feel the slight twinge of movement under his thumb. The sight of jarting bones was alarming and he quickly slid his other larger hand under the boy's arm in case it slipped and tore the lesion even wider.

Discouragingly, Rorgen realized all he could do was stay still until he figured out a way to carry this mess without making it worse.




...But it was strange, for the long moments he held him, he felt no pulse. Yet Rorgen's own breath heaved heavily, contrast to the thin wisps that escapes the boy's barely parted lips. There was also this farmiliarity when he touched the youth. Like something in him wanted to break free.

In sudden retrospect, his gaze immediately turned away, just for a moment, looking at the surrounding mess that led a trail from the bumper to him.

Chromatic blood. Red in small puddles, purple through shades of blue as they got larger and larger. There it was.

"...We've got a live one." Loudly, so that Anastasia could hear it. Tender care was shrug just like his jacket, taking it off and hurling the apparel into the largest pool. Then dragging it across, spreading it into puddles of inconspicuous human-coloured blood.

He let go of the Fey's limbs uncaringly. Only concern left being not to leave any evidence behind and roughly turned the otherworlder on his back like a posable doll, pressing it's largest wound to his hard torso. Gladly marring his shirt in Fae blood in favour of them dripping in smaller drops while he carried it to the car.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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#, as written by Lenyx
What in the bloody hell--” Anastasia said as she matched Rorgen's movements and got out of the car. As she came around to the front of the car she watching Rorgen, before pulling out her phone and connected with IPAF Command Center.

“Yes Ma-”

“There has been an accident.” Anastasia stated flatly, seeing Rorgen looking back at her. “It seems we--”

"...We've got a live one." Rorgen said loudly as he tossed his jacket on to a puddle of blood.

Anastasia's eyes traveled down to the trail of blood puddles, dichromatic blood, Fey's blood. She watched as Rorgen dragged his jacket through the blood, mixing it to make it appear as if it was human's blood. “We have an injured Fey,” She eyed Rorgen as he walked past her carrying the unconscious Fey. “We're bringing it in.”

“Yes Ma'am. I will have a team ready and waiting for when you arrive.”

Anastasia ended the call and was about to head back to the car, when a new voice come through her earpiece.

"Ana. Ana. We'll have to explain things to the families of Team 102. Send a team of cleaners to lab 86B. Experiments 9, 12, 33, 216, 59, 18, 17 and 99 have been compromised." It was Kiser.

Anastasia stopped with her hand on the door handle. “What the hell do you mean they have been compromised?” She demanded. “Was it an attack? An accident? What in God's name is- Never mind, I'll put in the call. When you get back, come to my office immediately. I will talk to you more then.”

With that Anastasia ended the conversation, and called the Command Center back. “A team of cleaners is needed at lab 86B, experiments 9, 12, 33, 216, 59, 18, 17 and 99 have been compromised. Do it now.”

Anastasia shook her head as she opened the car door. The day from hell, Leau will have to wait. Anastasia's hand tightened its grip on the phone it held, as she pulled out her cigarette pack. Using one hand she slid out a cigarette and while holding it between her lips she fished out her lighter, and lit the cigarette. She took a long drag, she desperately wanted a glass of wine.

As Anastasia is about to get in the car she spots a familiar figure leaning against the allyway, who is not looking in the best of shapes. The cream colored hair that has a slight tint of orange... Leau...

Anastasia moved away from the open car door and stood in front of her guardian. “If it were not for the shape you are in at this very moment, I would slap you.” She looked down at Leau, concern written on her face. “What are your injuries Leau.”

Leau grimaced in pain as she looked up. "Ma'am. Dislocated shoulder." She gestured to her left arm, which was hanging limply at her side. "Broken ribs. Lacerations." She kept her voice steady and clear, despite the pain. In Anastasia's opinion, the Faery was lucky.

Anastasia gingerly touched Leau's face as she inspected the shallow cuts that blemished Leau's face. She noted there were also rips and tears in the white elegant button-down shirt, that Anastasia had recently purchased for Leau. Anastasia also noted the form fitting black trousers were also ruined, at least the black lolita boots survived the harsh treatment.

“Leau, I'm not going to lie to you. In a moment, you are going to wish I had just shot you in the head.”

In one quick and fluid motion, Anastasia seized Leau's left shoulder with one hand, and with the other she grabbed the same arm just above the elbow. With just enough force, Anastasia wrenched Leau's shoulder back in to place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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“We're bringing it in.”

The IPAF Operative nodded, acknowledging Anastasia's word to bring the captive Fey back to HQ.

Rorgen was about to open the door to the backseats when he heard a new message through her intercom, one of the perks of being him -especially on a quiet night when everyone has been scared off.

"Ana. Ana. We'll have to explain things to the families of Team 102. Send a team of cleaners to lab 86B. Experiments 9, 12, 33, 216, 59, 18, 17 and 99 have been compromised."

Comprosmised? That was Kiser wasn't it? The werelion rarely used such complicated words unless things were so bad he wanted to keep them hidden.

Pretending not to eavesdrop, he turned to look at the Fey in his hands. It's features, though scarred by injury were still almost perfect. Like a child, they were anything except. His grip tightened, fingers digging into it's unearthly soft flesh. If this one had anything to do with it ....but concluding there was nothing to be gained from treating it any rougher he set his mind on the job at hand, opening the doors and feeling for a small button on them. A concealed compartment soon revealed itself as it popped out of the doorframe, inside were a pair of iron manacles -made specially by the organisation for the Fey and their kind. And promptly hooked it onto the false child's ankles.

Setting their hostage upright in the back, he wandered to the front of the car, getting into the driver's seat. It didn't take long for him to notice Leau's return, Anastasia's guardian was not looking much better off than the one they chanced upon and when he saw the woman place her hand on the Type C Fey's shoulder -he knew what was about to happen and promptly looked away -giving them some semblance of privacy and Leau, a quiet dignity, even though it probably didn't matter.

"Must be your lucky day..." Rorgen's brows furrowed when he looked at the Fae's face through the rear mirror, dumping his blood soaked jacket by the foot peddles, as he waited for them to return to the car.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Iokul Frosti Character Portrait: Capricorn
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"Destroy everything!" Came the wail of the Secondborn, which sent a chill down the spines of the Fae nearest him, but only cause the King's eyes to narrow. "Something is not right," he whispered to himself, and began to lift the rampaging snowstorm. The building ahead of them was in ruins, but the cause of such an explosion was from one of his own being carried by Capricorn. Anger welled up inside of him, even changed his hair to a bright green, signifying how much control he had to exert over the mountainous rage within him. An outlet was needed, and, as a few moments had passed, it was answered by the arrival of only a dozen humans wearing IPAF uniforms.

A right hand went inside the snow spider silk, and pulled out a black card with the image of a smaller version of the ice titans from the Winter Courts. The creature would be enough, and, with a slash across his left palm, slammed it into the card. "Awaken, Yokutrun. Your master has need of your skills once more." The image on the card leaped out, and began to grow until its head was above the roof of the building they still occupied. "Destroy these humans. Change the landscape into a 'winter wonderland'," a sneer was used to emphasize his thoughts on the matter, and watched as the small titan roared its battle cry, then charged into the mass of humans. He cared little of how the creature would do its work, only that it did so in an effective manner that befitted the lords of their race.

The Black Card, an interesting little story, when one would considered such things. There were twelves of these such things, and can only be used by the Winter and Autumn Courts. He, himself, had eight of them, while Capricorn had three, but the last one had gone missing. The twelfth Black Card was actually a red card, but was given to Praxis Lethe. It was a fire sword, and was considered to rival both the King and Queen's magicks, but that was only a rumour, and one that was completely false. It only rivaled the Queen's, not his own, but it was one that only a Fae of the Spring Courts could use, and no other. He did not enjoy the thought that some errant human could have found it, and tried to use the blasted thing. All it needed was a drop of blood from a Fae, and it would flare into life. However, if they were not of Spring, then whoever would touch it, would, in fact, be burned alive.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by a creature that ran past the other humans, escaping into a small thicket of trees and bushes. With a single twitch of his left hand, he sent the snow raven after it, listening as it shrieked its otherworldly shriek when it caught sight of the human, and launching itself at it. Turning, he motioned the Autumn Fae to follow him, opening a portal back to their 'home away from home', and into the awaiting team of the research department. "Capricorn is bringing only one of our own back," his voice silenced their own, "I will expect a full report on the happenings after it has been tended to, understand?" All nodded, and he continued with, "I need another human brought to my chambers. My hunger is growing, and I will be needing it to satisfy me." With that, he turned to another sheet of ice, and stepped through.


The small female within the arms of Capricorn was a lot lighter than she appeared to be. Her entire form radiated with pain and sorrow. They had done things to her, that much was certain, and they will pay for their crimes in full. Thoughts of tearing them open whilst still breathing was almost enough to not hear a wolf's snarl, and a rush of air. Without turning, he stilled his form, and allowed the shadows within to boil quickly, then burst out in the shape of another howling wolf. It leaped up at the other, wrestling it to the ground. The shadowed wolf tore at the other, blocking every move it made, and swiping at it with its own tactics, but harder. The creature was a doppelganger, an incorporeal being that can, and will, destroy the one it mirrors, taking over its life completely. Best of all, it was winning. The thing had torn off one of the limbs, and was devouring it, absorbing it, making the limb its own. The shocked features, along with the stare, was its downfall. The shadowed wolf opened its jaws liked a snake would against a mouse, and swallowed the other whole.

The change was quick, but precise, and took only a few heart beats to finalize. The creature shook itself, spattering the white snow with bits and pieces of the shadows that clung to it. It grinned up at his maker, and said, "Master," in a hissing voice. More would have followed, if it was not for the fact that the King decided to unleash a minor ice titan onto the field. Its roar was enough to freeze one's blood, its breath was strong enough to freeze fire, and its strength was enough to keep the iron projectiles away from its core. The creature was a terror on the field, and only answered to the king. Of course, Iokul had once tried to allow all winter Fae use of the beasts, but after they had complained of their confusion, this had stopped.

Shaking his head to dislodge such thoughts, he gingerly gripped the back of his minion, and tossed it at a newly formed ice sheet, that doubled as a portal to their new home. Once inside, he was met with a swarm of saplings, who took the female out of his hands, leaving him to smash the portal into pieces. "Go find yourself some food," he told the minion, "Three doors to your right, down four flights of stairs, then look for the room marked with a black and blue X over the door. There, you will meet the others that are like yourself." He cared little to see if the beast followed his order, and, instead, walked towards the portal that went to the King's room.

Inside, he saw his 'father' feasting on the soul of a young woman. It used to disgust him whenever this had occurred, but he was now used to it. "My King, Iokul Frosti," he began with a low bow.

"Oh do get up," came a low growl, "You know I hate it when your prostrate yourself like that." A sound of glass hitting a brick wall made Capricorn look up, only to see that the body of the human female had shattered like glass against the far wall. It would soon begin to melt, though, but unlike most frozen flesh, the soulless flesh of the humans never leave a smell once the magick of the ice wore off, causing them to melt. "Now then. Talk, and don't spare me any details. You know how frustrating it can be when your underlings leave the important stuff out of everything."

As the favourite of the Dark King began to explain what he had seen, he began to see a look of disgust that marred the once perfect features of his skin. There was an ugliness there, one that will most likely spread, if they were not careful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raena Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Azriel De'mourn Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Layla

The skies were cruel. The young woman wondered for long moments as she watched the snowflakes tumble from the skies, unsure of their destination. The clouds had unclasped their seat belts, allowing their children to spill from their wombs and fill with an icy emptiness along the way. They would fall, fall and fall, not knowing of their fates until the very end when they shattered upon pavements or into the heated palms of mortals. She wondered as to why a parent would lead their children to their deaths and an unexplainable guilt slithered up her spine, into and beneath her skin.

"I don't know who you are.. All I know is you are going to die of cold if we don't warm you up, that body you have isn't made for extreme cold. Come with me inside, we can worry about figuring out who you are in there," said the man before her. The grey ice dug into her flesh, pushing past the thin material of her soaked dress of white. She pressed her back against the rough bricks behind her, observing the man's gold eyes with a curious contemplation. She felt no doubt, being as trustworthy as a newborn child who'd not yet learned to walk or hate.

"If you do not know who I am, why do you care for me?" She tilted her head to the side, standing gingerly and wobbling on her knees made of bones that felt more like shortbread. The cold surface behind held her upright as she leaned against it, her pale existence a mark of light in the darkness of the alley. Apricot lights painted strawberry blonde streaks in her long hair, crimson soaking into her soft lips and amber bleeding into their gold eyes. The sunset cast a mesmerising glow over the snow capped mounds of buildings, the beauty only interrupted by the heavy black coats of people bustling about. They were too busy with places to go and people to meet in preparation for tomorrow to live today.

Soft fingertips touched Azriel's cheek, dancing lightly along his immortal face and tracing the hard line of his jaw. The strange girl's eyes faded from one shade of gold to another, puzzlement drawing her brows lightly together as she struggled to recreate the beauty of his orbs. "You have strange eyes," she whispered, her accent familiar as if she were imitating his. Her voice was near dazzling, as if it'd be able to choke mortals and render them motionless with it's sound of thick honey and eerie winds of night.

The woman turned, each elegant movement as if choreographed. She drifted through the snow like a ghost, walking towards the building the Vampire had gestured towards. Pausing before the strange slab of wall built within a wall, the girl stared at what was the door with utter confusion. Why would one build a wall within a wall? She pressed her palm against the door, pushing at it but receiving no response in return. "What is this odd mechanism? How does one remove the wall?" she asked absentmindedly, poking and prodding the edges of the wall to no avail. She looked at the sign on the door that read 'Pull.' "Pull?" she echoed. She looked at the curved metal on the door, wondering if it was safe or if it was some trigger for a curse. Taking a breath of bravery, she nodded towards the Vampire as one soldier would another. Her long fingers curled around the handle of the door. She pulled.

There was a gust of warmth and a surprised gasp as the wall came undone. "What a peculiar gate!" she exclaimed. A tentative step was taken, then another and another. The warmth emitting from the inbuilt heaters was heavenly, and she quickly raced deeper into the building, clutching both the red cape and jacket to her body. A man on his journey downstairs watched the frail woman with hunger and malice. The clockworks of his mind were spinning rapidly as he fantasised about the things he could do to her and how he would achieve his goals.

When they'd entered the Vampire's humble abode, she gazed around like a small child who'd just discovered the existence of places outside of home. "You live in a box," she said, taking an unbalanced step forward. The walls were very flat and the ceilings were as well, with no sign of murals. Everything was very... Square. She spun on the balls of her feet, spinning around and around like a toddler learning to dance ballet. Yet, there was an almost inhuman grace to her clumsiness. She paused, looking at Azriel with a trust children reserved only for their mothers. "I am weary," she stated. She walked through the doors and into Azriel's bedroom, nodding at the bed within it in approval as if she'd just concluded it was the only normal thing in the entire place. She climbed onto the bed and crawled beneath the covers, tucking the thick blankets beneath her chin. After wiggling about for the most comfortable position, she shut her eyes and fell asleep.

ImageLight sang. Her voice carried none of the power it once did, having been dimmed to a flicker of candlelight. Rather than being powerfully haunting and deep, it was merely... Cute. That was, if one thought ghosts could sound cute. It was as if an ocean had transformed into a shallow - but lovely - stream after years of drought. Her long dress drifted along the grass made of cotton, that had been made from gold, emerald and sapphire. The rocks were translucent as if each were rare mountains of moonstone. Trees bowed before the High Queen, their branches lowered in respect. Despite the kaleidoscope of light dancing along the ivory walls of the enchanting Faerie Realms, a darkness seemed to loom overhead. The atmosphere was subdued, the world void of creatures and sound except for that of the singing Queen.

The stillness was the equivalent of a post-apocalyptal world within the Faerie Realms. No human-sized butterflies batted their crystal faceted wings against gossiping flowers, no obsidian streams cascaded into the skies and no stars gleamed in daylight. Order wandered, her presently amber eyes unseeing as she wandered amongst the lifeless. Her bare feet made no sound, their movements as seemingly stationary as the moonstone rocks they passed.

Freckles of snow tumbled from the skies.


"Which part of 'adapt to human technology' and 'keep your bloody tracker on' do you not understand, Leau?" Kiser growled, cracking his knuckles and his neck. "Did you hear a thing I said? Do you know what I think when IPAF agents don't respond to their calls, Unidentified Flying Ass?" he hissed. "I think they're dead. Dead, Leau. And you know what I think when I think you're dead? I think 'Well, damn. That's an extra fifty bucks to clean up her dead body parts.'" The Werelion slapped Leau across the back, a gesture that was meant to show all was forgiven but he still distrusted her, but instead - most likely - aggravated the Fey's wounds.

Kiser turned away from the Fey, brisk walking away from the IPAF agents behind him to tuck himself in a secluded corner. He pulled his personal phone from his jean's back pocket - as for his upper body, he was shirtless, that being nothing unusual - and dialled a familiar number. "Harold, my old man," Kiser said. Harold's wife had been Kiser's aunt, of sorts. She'd been a good friend of his mother's and a family friend. Family friends to Weres were as good as family and they protected those people with their very lives. That was both a strength and weakness when it came to Weres, they were incredibly loyal, especially to family. When Harold's wife and Kiser's aunt had died of a brain tumour, the Burntwood clan - yeah, don't laugh - had mourned for months. Harold was a bit of a kink in the head. It was as if he'd been a stuffed pillowcase and when his wife and son had passed away, the seams that held his stuffing together had come undone. Still, Harold was a good man and more importantly, did not like the Fey.

"I need a favour," he said without pause. "I need you to find out all you can about the Fey. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm in the IPAF but they're hiding things from us," he whispered before correcting himself. "From us. They keep the Fey they capture, Harold, and they put them in these suspicious laboratories. I mean, I've always known about them and they tell us it's for 'the study of how to defeat the Fey' but that sounds like a load of bull. Iron and/or decapitate. How simple is that? But, no, see, there was this creepy scythe-wielding Faerie and he smelled like power, Harold. He reeked of power. Not the normal immortal Vampire stink but I mean, he smelled weird. Different from the other Fey I've fought." Kiser was speaking fast and more than he normally did but the adrenaline pumping through his veins urged him to continue.

"That's where you come in. You're not with the IPAF, you have nothing better to do and you hate the Fey. We're next to the Grill House. That's 1991 Bronxdale Avenue. Tell me what you know. Call me, in a completely non-homosexual way. I'm just not into that, grandpa," Kiser joked before ending the call without waiting for Harold's reply. The Werelion walked towards the car, the icy winds throwing his hair about his face. The blizzard seemed to be getting worse and...

"Why, Rorgen. Why would you drive such a nice car in the middle of a blizzard." Kiser frowned at the limp figure in the backseat and at the colourful blood that spilled from the boy. Its perfection was irritating, as always. "That's going to be a sucker to clean." The Werelion slipped into the passenger seat beside his fellow Were, taking Rorgen's hand in his in the way Weres often greeted one another: by crushing each other's fingers. Kiser clenched his close friend's hand, a competition to see who could crack who's hand first. Kiser grinned, his teeth so white, it was nearly blinding. "At least it's not my car."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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0.00 INK

Rorgen's attention flinched towards the car doors as he heard it click, half expecting it to be Anastasia but when he saw who it was and who had grabbed his hand ...

"Same reason you drop your pants in the middle of a crowd." He retorted snydely, gripping back with vice-like strength as a sly grin seeped into his wolfish features. Challenge accepted. He could feel their bones crack loudly, then pop back into place again. The inside of the car sounded like the outside of a movie theatre. Both trying to maintain their most arrogant smile ever as they taunted each other with stares, as if the pain was somehow making it better.

The two had built a camraderie ever since they met and it was not just that they were both Weres, because in some ways they could not be more different from each other and yet there they were, trying to crush each other's hand as competition. But Kiser could whine about his car all the werelion wanted, Rorgen wasn't the one half-naked in his seat.

"You smell like death." He said, voice purposely overtoned with an enthusiastic growl, adding insult to injury as he pressed even harder. "What happened?"

Then he noticed Leau outside the window, her face showing emotion? But he didn't let go, not even for a second, Rorgen Avulstein hated to loose.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raena Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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His body lied at the back of a car; bloodied, bruised and broken. Stray magic continued to work at his wounds on instinct, back up generators to insure that he would not die so easily. The process was slow - melting skin, pulling muscles, even as several minutes past there was hardly any progress in improving his physical well being. If anything nothing but the bleeding had nearly been made to slow to a stop. Still, drops of red blood continued to drop from his body, his mouth, and into small pools of green and yellow.

Words passed around him, eyes viewing him as nothing more than a captured, enemy solider. None of this reached him, who's body was cold, with skin turning dark blue, his glamour fading barely enough to have his skin appear as if was being covered in hemorrhages. Shallow breathes hardly moved his chest, and if he were human, he would be on his death bad. However, his body still held a pulse, and life within. Praxis would live on, long enough to face the consequences of foolish actions, and to look into the faces of wolves.

There was no color, no rainbow water droplets, no whites and no blacks. There was only the pickling feeling of being numb, nothing to feel, nothing to see, and nothing to think. Unconsciousness wrapped around him, simultaneously lasting forever and not taking place at all. This would be one of the few moments where Praxis was not aware of his surroundings, letting time escape him without notice, rest falling upon his body without his mind continuing to turn away. However, this too shall pass, as he was never destined to repose for long. Soon the thick steel bars would erode away, being chipped by the voice of youth and innocence, reverberating against his soul until his eyes opened into the subconscious world.

He was home. A shuttering breath shook his frame when it dawned on him that it wasn't really his home, but a memory of it. Traces of familiar places in a make believe world, filled in by lingering thoughts and broken crayons. Even so, with this knowledge, he couldn't prevent his lips from stretching into a mournful smile. If only he had died and this was his resting place, instead it would be erased as well, and replaced with bitter reality. Lethe moved forward, stepping onto gemstone shaded plants, letting the voice of nectar lead him down the realm of another's wishes. There was no other life here, no traces of inhabitation, except for the footprints he left behind him. Fingers traced over the leaves, coming in sizes smaller than a pin head to larger than his own head, and eerie serenity was reflected in the orbs of his eyes.

In slow motion, white began to taint the world that was a recreation of his home. He stood, shoulders back, in his natural form. Dark shades of blue and teal soaked into his skin, the sight of chaos and parent souls. Hands with long, arching fingers cupped in front of him, capture the speckles that dare infiltrate the land around him. The snow was like dried paint; the dust from the ceiling of a dream, blowing in from the real world into a false one. His eyes closed, lashes long and glowing dim light. Oh, how the light inside of him was ever so dim. Nightmare's eyes had never been so dark before, even his hair had lost it's sheen, making him appear as if he was washed in dirty water. He figured that his lungs had been filled with this type of putrid water as well, so horribly polluted that any attempts to clean his slate would be in vain, and he wouldn't raise a finger with the idea of attempting to do so in mind.

A figure stepped away from the trees and appeared before him and his breathing ceased, he was not alone.
"My Queen.." His words were like shattering glass, loud against the rocks of moon spirits, yet broken and strained, hiding quiet turmoil within. Praxis could only blink, frozen in place, not unlike the world around him. She looked the same, she looked differed, she was the same face that graced the corners of his eyes, and yet she had the face of a stranger. This was the Queen, but it was not the Queen; a paradox that put a bitter taste in his mouth, the flavor of fear, worry and regret. Had she slipped from between his fingers, like grains of sand that could be picked up? Or was she water, that splattered against marble and evaporated into the air, to be forever lost to him? A shutter ran throughout his body, and his legs moved forward without his consent.

Yet he couldn't get close enough, couldn't reach towards her, couldn't let his fingers brush against her skin. Instead he was held back by chains, invisible but real, wreaking of hesitation and cowardice. Hands at his sides, eyes bearing into hers, seeking for shards of the Queen he knew. Nothing, there was nothing, and it dawned on him that even if she was gone, he wouldn't abandon her. The look of foreboding remained on his face, though now he wore a smile, lips twisted upwards thanks to diamond carved loyalty.

"Oh, my Queen." If they had to, they would start anew, because even if the Queen was born again he wouldn't leave her side. If she decided to abandon order and destroy the world, he would stand beside her, and rip apart space and time with her. Or, he paused, would he destroy her, to protect the image his eyes had seen the first time they opened, to protect the order that was embroidered into her name? No, he pushed the thought away, that was preposterous. "So we are just now meeting again? It's been too long." The woman standing three feet away from him may be a new face, but she was still the Queen, his Queen, right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raena Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Azriel De'mourn Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Layla

"Oh, my Queen."

Raindrops spilling from crimson skies to shatter into diamonds, water morphing into beautifully horrific goblins, emerald stars leaping from waterfalls of milk, dust gathering into a whirlwind of unicorns dancing widdershins, a creature with skin of starlight and sapphire -him. The images stumbled over one another, each racing towards the forefront of her mind, demanding attention. The High Queen gasped, her draw of air interrupting the melted sugar of her voice as the places came unbidden to her mind. Her clarity was not to last, however, as her lips melted into a guileless smile and her eyes softened into one of bewilderment.

"So we are just now meeting again? It's been too long," the blue-skinned boy said. He was not one she knew, was he? He danced along the edges of her memory like a familiar song one did not know the name of. Order circled the peculiar creature before her, stepping upon her toes in a soundless, spinning waltz. The boy's voice sounded as if it were supposed to be ordinary, but was not, instead being perfect in ways she could not explain and did not care to think of. It was as if she was a child who would only be willing to play with a toy for as long as it entertained her, which was not for long.

"We have met?" she asked, her gaze following her slim fingers as they trailed their way down the curves of his back. "Trapezius, infraspinatus, teres, latissimus dorsi," she stated the names of each muscle group she touched. The words seemed to have been spoken without thought, as if she were a machine that knew of facts but not of human emotions and was merely doing as a press of a button told her to do. The boy's skin did not feel like skin, rather like water or silk or stone or all and nothing. The minuscule bones of his wings tangled in a complex web of frailty, but somehow, the girl knew they were anything but frail, being capable of carrying more than this creature's weight.

"So perfectly flawed, so gruesome in your beauty. Do your lips curve into a kind smile or is it mischievous?" she echoed the words she'd once spoken before - when time had first begun - when she was whole, when she was the fearsome High Queen. Now the words were a sicking reminiscence of her once-greatness. Praxis' lips were unnaturally soft against her touch as she ran her fingers along his lower lip. His eyes were eerie, two ghosts in the midst of an empty night. Light seeped from his orbs, but she felt that they were dimmed, somewhat, as if he was only half of what he was meant to be.

And she spoke the words that would shatter the world. "Who are you?"

ImageThe landscape shifted, warping and evaporating around them as they stood still, until it held none of the serene calm it had moments prior. The trees glowed a threatening neon, scattering the darkness in a mocking semblance of light. Monstrous beasts stalked the woods around them, slithering along the thin branches of the trees. The Queen and her second were mere spots in the world she'd created in her mind.

"Who am I?" she whimpered, her irises a grey like fog and storm as the anxiety threw her rationale disarray. She clutched her breast, as if in doing so she would be able to reach into her chest and clench her beating heart and somehow end the suffocating agony of it all. "Where am I? Why am I here?" she asked and the beasts growled and howled, their limbs creeping forward, closer to the fear and torment they sniffed from the thick air.

"The Quueeeenn," they hissed. "Ssshe'sss awake. Play with usss, Order." Their mutated words were followed by tyrannical cackles. The Queen's eyes darted around in panic as she took a frightened step back, then another and another until she was between the trees. She gave the blue-skinned boy one last glance before she spun around and ran away, deep into the depths of the tangles of her lost mind.

"Where am I?" she whimpered in her sleep, twisting and turning and tangling herself in the sheets before throwing the soft blanket off of the bed. Beads of sweat slipped into her closed eyes, her lashes fluttering as she struggled with whatever it was she was dreaming of. Her face was warped in fear as she clutched the pillows, moaning and ripping at invisible creatures. She was panting, her fear almost palpable in the air.

"Help me, help me," she begged.

The branches slapped against her flesh, tearing at her body and shredding her dress. Her bare feet pounded against the dead leaves of the woods as she looked over her shoulder, her eyes wide with fear. Her exhalations could be seen in the air as she panted, shoving aside branches as she fought for escape. The dark creatures behind her chased relentlessly, their vengeful laughs stalking her as they did. It was a game of cat and mouse and she was the latter.


"You should learn to give up, Rorgen," Kiser joked, crushing his Were friend's hand, his grin refusing to falter as his bones did. Thankfully, as did Rorgen's. The Werewolf's fingers snapped and healed at a rapid pace, only to be broken once again.

"You smell like death," Rorgen said. "What happened?"

"Saw a lot of death," the Werelion said, refusing to end the 'handshake.' "Lab 86B was infiltrated by some UFA's." UFA was the way Kiser liked to refer to the Fey and what they should've been called all along: Unidentified Flying Asses. "A dozen of our people died," he said in a voice that was quieter than normal.

“Kiser," Leau said. Her superior raised a thick brow, finally letting go of his friend's hand. "Can you describe what this Fey with a scythe looked like…?”

"If you'd not destroyed your communicator, you would know," he said tersely but answered her question, anyway. "Deceivingly good looking," he said with a roll of his eyes. "Tall. 6'5" or thereabouts. Buff. Creepy." Kiser watched the Fey closely, observing her every fraction of movement and noting the scent of her. He could smell fear from a mile away and she certainly tasted afraid, which was odd, seeing as this was Leau he was sniffing. She'd spit death in the eye if she ever met him. "Why? You know him?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lenyx
"Lab 86B was infiltrated by some UFA's. A dozen of our people died,"

Anastasia stopped just behind Leau, feeling startled. She could not believe it, members of IPAF casually talking aloud about organization matters in the middle of the street where anyone could hear! She was about to reprimand Kiser when Leau's soft voice, causing Anastasia to stop beside the small Fey.

Anastasia watched Leau's face pale, she didn't think the Fey's skin could become paler than it already was. Something about Leau's entire being seemed to change to one Anastasia has never seen her like this. Ever.

“If you'd not destroyed your communicator, you would know, deceivingly good looking, tall. 6'5 or thereabouts. Buff. Creepy. Why? You know him?”

Anastasia slipped off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose while letting out a sigh. “This is not an appropriate place to even hint at IPAF related matters,” Anastasia took this moment to look directly in to Kiser's eyes. “And you. Of all people, should know that, so shut it till we are back at headquarters.”

Putting her glasses back on, Anastasia turned to Leau. “However, Kiser has a point, everyone is given a communicator for a reason. If you ever think of destroying another one again while I am talking to you, and I am subjected to the feedback…”

Opening the car door, Anastasia narrowed her eyes at Leau, “Your punishment will be severe. Get in. Now.” She hissed.

Anastasia looked back over her shoulder. “Kiser if you are coming with us, put on a god damn shirt already. While you are at it, move, you are sitting in the back. Do not forget I wish to talk with you when we get back to headquarters, Leau you will be there too.”

Then something occurred to Anastasia, Fey with a scythe...?

“Wait a minute.” She turned to face Leau, and raised an eyebrow. “Fey with a scythe? What are you talk--”

Anastasia replayed the past few minutes, analyzing everything she saw and heard in her mind. Kiser slapping Leau across the back, Kiser walking away from her and Leau, tucking himself in to a corner. Then Kiser walking towards the car, sliding a phone in to his pocket-- Anastasia realized that with this blizzard partially impairing her vision and the winds almost completely blocking out the average human's hearing ability, Anastasia was at a disadvantage. It seems she would always be disadvantaged when it came to Fae, Were-creatures and Vampires. They were physically stronger, with heightened five senses...

“Leau was eavesdropping...” Anastasia said the thought out loud. Whipping around and Anastasia put her hands on either side of the car door. She leaned down and in to the car, until she was nose-to-nose with Kiser. Something in Anastasia's gut told her Kiser was hiding something, from her, and she wanted to know why. She could not contain her anger, all her frustration. Anastasia's face lost any sign of composure, her lips twisting up in to a snarl.

“Of all the people to hide shit from, you choose me? Who was that on the phone Kiser? I thought we were on the same side. While I could care less about you, you do your job well. You show results.” Anastasia reached a hand in to the car, going for Kiser's throat. She wanted to strangle him. “What did you see in that lab? We both know there is something our superiors are not telling anyone. Not even me... And I... I am supposed to be the god damned leader!”

Anastasia felt herself fall and give in to a pent up anger, that had been accumulating since her father's death. “In the past six months I know as much as you do about the IPAF! My superiors talk down to me as if I am some... Some child! Leau is the only one who gave me answers to my questions! And though she looks down on me, I don't give a shit because at least she tells me what I want and need to know! Why the bloody hell do you think I keep her close to me at all cost? Why do you think I care more about her than I do you?” Her hand was so close to Kiser's neck, she could feel the heat from his body against her cold hand. “I'll tell you why! Because she is the only thing that has kept me alive while I am trying to find out what the IPAF superiors are keeping from me! Because I am the only one who can deal with Leau, I am the only one who has control of her!”

Anastasia took a deep breath, she was beginning to feel light headed from yelling so long without stopping. Her throat felt raw, but she wasn't done yet. “I spared her life when I had the upper hand, I made her my guard! She is my property, and if I die so does she! Everyone knows that without me Leau is a loose canon and they would put her down! Leau and I keep each other alive, but what do you do for me Kiser?”

Finally finished Anastasia was left breathing hard and heavy, her hand dropping away from Kiser's throat. “All you do is go shirtless every chance you get and talk about your bedroom.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Rorgen Avulstein
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Aha! Rorgen smiled as if to say, when Kiser let go of his hand, but victory felt empty and it was hard to feel real joy when there was news of comrades that lay dead. Still, he did not want to disappoint and kept the upward curve on his face -no matter how false it may have looked. His stare slowly lowered to his out-of-shape hand that came to rest on the steering wheel.

The atmosphere inside the vehicle was quiet, almost unusually so even with Leau divulging what she knew, or perhaps Anastasia did not notice this when she reached out and grabbed Kiser's neck.

And maybe it was the loud noise, the uncomfortable amount of people growing around him or the simple fact that the woman had her hands wrapped around Kiser's neck that prompted him to say. "Cut him some slack. He's just seen our friends die and Kiser would never betray you." Especially you, Anastasia.

The man seemed to be holding alot more words back. If it were anyone else wrapping their scrawny fingers around Kiser's neck, he would have done alot more to them too.

Then shortly after, he stopped short for a moment to reaffirm himself, that's right Duty came first. He closed his eyes for a short moment and gripped the vehicle tight, hoping they would realize on their own that they were in Right in the middle of what must have looked like a crime scene to the outside world. More than that, he focused his mind about taking revenge on this scythe-wielding bastard he heard so much about.

"C'mon," He mentioned back in his usual light-hearted tone, trying to ease the mood, "-I can't wait to start a 'killin already." turning the keys to restart the engine. "We can talk more on the way, alrite?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raena Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe
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The water did not soak into his skin nor did it dampen his hair. Instead the droplets rolled of his gemstone shoulders, shattering onto the ground beneath him. Eyelashes rose upwards, heart breaking into pieces like the rain, bursting in uncountable shards that he could never collect. He couldn't manage breathing, and no words were formed from spiderweb vocal cords as she traced his body with delicate fingers. She didn't remember him, had no knowledge that it was him that stayed by her side since she had created him. This woman was ignorant to the fact that would lay down and bleed out for her, and it cut into his skin. She didn't know that he was hers, and that nobody else held the keys to these shackles on his wings. He was the face of a stranger, hardly existing at all, a fleeting particle of dust in front of crystallized beauty.

Parted lips and shutter breath, the dream shifted, painted over in harsh acrylics by wistful artists. Monsters stalked them in the dead of the false night, eerie wind piercing through his eardrums and infecting him, becoming the marrow within his bones. Praxis wanted to fall, grieve for the loss of his Queen; his presumptions and theories correct and treacherous. There was no time for displays of sorrow though. Now he could fly away. If he wished he could abandon her and shake off the hold she once had around his neck, forcing noble fingernails that pressed gently around his neck to be no more. If he acted on these options, he could stand beside Aerunia instead, sacrificing himself and living for only her.

Eyes of predators blinked through the smog of his exhale. "Who am I?" Fear, it was carved into her brow. "Where am I? Why am I here?" Confusion, it was written in the pull of her lips. Those thoughts of his were foolish, he could never leave the Queen, without her he might as well waste away and become the dust in the air. She ran, legs taking her far away from the world of discord and malice, to vainly get away from her subconscious. She wasn't in her right mind, but he would help her, as he always did, and that would never change.

His wings glowed dimly in the dark, the nightmares not paying him any mind, for he wasn't of their world. The appendages on his back swayed in the cold wind, and moved. They did not pull him off the ground, instead they wrapped around him, covering his body in light and then shadows, shrouding his body as the area around him vanished into a new scene. This was a dream, he had no need to run after her. This universe centered around her, and without her in it, it would cease to exist. She was the candle flame, lightening up corridors, and those that were drowned in black became no more.

"My Queen." His voice was the whisper that interrupted the scene, wings spreading apart and glowing with brilliant, blinding light. Her light, the power and life she had given to him all of those countless years ago. His smile was bittersweet, facial language kind, and shoulders relaxed. "It's okay, you're safe now." He approached the terrified God, placing his hands on her shoulder, rubbing his fingers in ginger circles. "My name is Praxis Lethe, and you are Raena. I am here to help you see again." His hand covered those eyes, blocking out the villains that plagued her."I am your puppet, and you are a hypnotist, the master of all that is just. You only have to breath in what you had forgotten." His voice only grew quieter, hushed words brushing against the rims of her ears, standing frozen in a world of imagination.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raena Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Azriel De'mourn Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias
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#, as written by Layla

"What do you do for me Kiser?”

Well, well. Kiser would admit, Anastasia's fit was rather... Unexpected. Yet, strangely arousing. Leaning back against the car seat, Kiser propped his legs on the dashboard, rubbing his lower lip with his thumb and then pressing them against Anastasia's mouth. "Sorry about my disobedience and all that jazz. It's not like I'm a wild lion or anything," he said, pressing his lips together and failing in his attempt to not grin. "In my defence, I do a lot for you. Satisfying all your sexy needs 24/7," he said with a bark of laughter. God, Ana was fun to mess with.

"Cut him some slack. He's just seen our friends die and Kiser would never betray you," the Werewolf beside him said. Huh, Kiser thought. Coming to my defence? He didn't realise their brotherly bond extended so far; it was cute. "C'mon, I can't wait to start a 'killin already. We can talk more on the way, alrite?"

"God, more killing?" Kiser cracked his knuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "You'd think I'd seen enough death to last an hour." The Werelion lifted his arm, looking at the black and iron laid watch encircling his wrist. "Hour's up. Let's start killin'," he said, beaming at Rorgen. He loved the guy when he wasn't being a moral killjoy.

He stared at the roof of the car as Leau and Anastasia continued to talk and bicker, his long limbs combined with Rorgen's filling much of the vehicle. A certain line stood in contrast. "He goes by the name of Capricorn... He's the King's second in command."

"Wait, king? What king?" Kiser asked, sitting upright and staring intently at Leau. "Great, the Faeries have a monarchy now?"

"Leau... I'm sorry. But you are asking me to risk not only your life and mine, but Kiser's and everyone else associated with us. We can not hide this Fey from the IPAF, the risk is far to great." Hide things from the IPAF? Kiser frowned, wondering what Ana hid for surely, she hid things from them. Say something, Leau.

"Understood, Ma'am." That was it? 'Understood, ma'am?'

"We bett-" he began.

"The mail has been delivered," a familiar voice vibrated from his earpiece.

"Dunkelzahn," he called Zahn by her full name. "You're not dead," he mused. He had to admit, he was impressed. Zahn was difficult and her life could easily be named 'Taming of the Shrew,' okay, minus the taming, but she did her job well. "Great. We won't have lesbian body parts to clean up," he joked. He sucked at jokes. Kiser tapped his earpiece, adding Alistair and Jenson to the call. "Meet us in the IPAF headquarters. Ana's big bad office." Kiser slapped Rorgen's steering wheel, throwing Leau and Anastasia a look. "We're not exactly in the best place to talk."

A hooded figure stood in the shadows, his presence invisible to all.

Minutes later, the group of IPAF operatives stood behind Hotel Pennsylvania. The building loomed overhead, its old structure abnormal in the midst of contemporary, newer buildings; it was one of the few structures that remained untouched after the Technological Revolution of 1914. Kiser felt the bricks of the wall, running his coarse fingers along the bumpy surface. "There," he whispered to himself. He tapped on a brick thrice, the slightly paler, newer colour of it imperceptible unless one knew what to look for.

There was a stillness, followed by a soft ticking as if within the brick was an atomic bomb. The brick shifted backwards with a groan, leaving a scanner in its place. Kiser grinned, pressing his palm to the sleek glass just as two lasers beamed into his forest green eyes. "Authentication successful. Welcome, Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood," a computerised voice said. The scanner turned green before disappearing, the brick that was there taking its place. Kiser grinned at his comrades - he'd never get over IPAF's technology - as a section of the wall in the shape of a door moved backwards into the darkness, revealing an elevator with iron gates in its place. Kiser stepped in.

"Come on, we don't have all day," he said to the IPAF agents.

28.43 seconds was how long it took for the elevator to arrive at the IPAF headquarters deep underground. Agents bustled about, a few robots scattered about, running errands and processing information human, Were and Vampire minds could not. The iron furnishings and structures drenched the headquarters in a metallic scent. Men and women slapped both sides of their chests and then their foreheads in greeting as Anastasia passed them by. It was the worst salute in all of Earth's history, but it appeared IPAF's creator had run out of imagination. Kiser chuckled at the greeting, returning it with a mock salute.


ImageSoft hands grasped her shoulders, a hand caressed her hair, easing the pressure of the ceiling as it pressed down on her mind, tampering her light. She was no longer running and now, instead, the crumpled to the ground, her fingers tangling themselves with the leaves - the pillow. "My name is Praxis Lethe, and you are Raena," the mesmerising creature said. The dream shifted, the beasts evaporating into the depths of her mind, leaving a throne room in its place. A domed roof that seemed to be as high as the clouds was only overshadowed by a throne of glass, crystal and light. Silver sunlight streamed in from the opaque walls, scattering the light and creating a kaleidoscope of colours as it was fractured by the multi-faceted crystals that made the Throne of the High Queen.

"I am here to help you see again."

The strands that made Order's tattered dress began to unwind, replaced by a dress with cloth made of sapphire and amethyst liquid. Her eyes sieved through an endless stream of colours - some of Earth and others of the Faerie Realms - at the speed of light. Her white hair bled into silver as it grew, lengthening till it touched the floors made of crystal and clouds.

"I am your puppet, and you are a hypnotist, the master of all that is just. You only have to breathe in what you had forgotten." A blue shadow began to form before the throne, struggling to seep through her subconscious. Remember.

Raena awoke with a start, nearly smacking her head against Azriel's. She breathed heavily, her eyes darting around the room in search of... Something. She looked at Azriel, her eyes wide as she edged closer to him, pressing one palm to her chest and the other to his. "I dreamed," she whispered. "It was important." But she could not, for the life of her, remember it with any semblance of clarity. All she knew was- "I am Raena. You may refer to me as such, although 'My Queen' is preferred."

The world's creator crawled over Azriel to lean against his back between his legs, oblivious to her change of clothing and the lack of distance between her and the stranger. The Fey were not built to be uncomfortable with closeness and touch. "You will comb my hair," she demanded. Her eyes searched his room; she jumped off his bed without warning, racing towards the end of a blue shirt that was wedged between his closet doors. Raena threw the door open, snatching the shirt off its hanger and pressing it to her chest. Her long, ivory legs was clearly visible through Azriel's shirt as she jumped and ran on the spot. Praxis.

"We must find him," she said frantically, running towards the window and throwing open the curtains. The light stretched towards her, seeping into her skin as if it begging for her loving touch. Raena threw open the window, swing a slim leg over the frame as if to climb out. "We must go."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orpheus Character Portrait: Raena Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Azriel De'mourn
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#, as written by Layla

"Calm yourself, Raena," the man reasoned, his firm grip around her. Raena stuck out her lower lip and puffed out her cheeks, frowning unhappily as he continued to lecture her on her lack of orderly conduct. Somewhere along the second line, she'd pressed her palms to her ears and proceeded to shut her eyes and hum and lalalala. Gosh, he was no fun! Why did they have to take all these silly steps to do one simple task? She didn't understand and didn't want to. All she knew was - "I want my blue bunny!" she whined, crossing her arms over her chest and gruffly allowing Azriel to lift her down onto the ground, remaining perfectly still and begrudgingly unwilling as he did.

A few long moments passed before she stretched out her arms, reaching towards the Vampire as she tilted her head upwards as a spoiled and angry princess would. "You will carry me!" Raena wrapped her willowy arms around the man's neck, letting him tuck one arm under her knees and the other around her shoulders. "You are not amusing," she huffed as the kitchen came into view and she was set on her feet. "This is a ghastly room," she complained, roving the walls and its attached equipment with her eyes. She'd never been in a kitchen in all of her eternal life.

Raena circled the counter in the centre, arms crossed as she observed the rare mechanisms that decorated the shelves and tables that were... Attached to the wall? Raena looked at the gold-eyed creature over her shoulder, clasping her hands behind her back. His shirt hung loose over her slim frame, slipping over one shoulder to reveal soft ivory skin. "You are a Witch, of sorts? Is this your.... Cauldron?" she mused, running a finger along the rim of a cooking pot. "What is your name, CPR?" she asked, calling him by one of the first words she'd heard him speak.

She walked on the tips of her toes, looking as if she barely touched the ground. Raena stood before the refrigerator, examining the miniature 'door' closely. "Open," she commanded it. It remained closed. "Open," she repeated with a hint of frustration and puzzlement. Annoyed, she gripped the handle and pulled it hard towards her. A gust of cold wind tore at her skin as she yelped, jumping backwards onto the counter and crawling further back. "What sorcery is this?!" she exclaimed, gawking at the blobs within. After a few moments, she narrowed her eyes, inching closer to the refrigerator, lying in a frog-like position on the counter. The blobs were... "Food." Raena parted her lips in shock. "Your foods do not fly or glow! Are they unwell?"


Anastasia was amusing. As in, genuinely and absolutely amusing in an almost hilarious sort of way. "God, you're cute," he said under his breath, giving her a dashing smile. "Well, I know nothing that you don't tell me so see you tonight," he teased. "Ciao, guys." Kiser pressed two fingers to his forehead and jerked them outwards in a salute. Without a minute's pause in case someone tried to stop him, Kiser walked out, slapping Alistair on the back as he left.

When he was far enough from the group, he dropped the smirk, his face a mask of boredom and the lack of expression. God, keeping up the act was getting tiring. He had better things to do than hang around with NYC's IPAF operatives. He could've spent the time eating steaks and god, he didn't know, painting his nails. He walked down a maze of corridors to the containment facilities. He pressed his card to a scanner on a wall, there looked to be no doors but oh, there was. "Voice confirmation, please," an electronic voice spoke.

"I'm a sexy beast," Kiser said, chuckling at his own joke.

"Authentication verified. Welcome, Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood. Rank-"

"Yeah, yeah, that's enough. Let me in," he said, just as the wall slid open to reveal a hidden door. Kiser looked down both ends of the hallway before stepping in, the door behind him sliding shut. The hallway before him was brightly lit, both sides made entirely of glass. Kiser walked down the hall, paying the Fey that were within the rooms no head. Each Faerie was strapped in iron to what looked like an operating table, a dome of special glass covering their bodies. With their eerie beauty and frozen shut eyelids, it looked like some creepy adaption of Snow White. Their containers were filled with a transparent, thick liquid that would keep them unconscious and immobile but alive. It also healed all Fey wounds, something he supposed was a good thing.

This was the place he'd brought the Fey Rorgen and Leau had captured. "Room 600," he whispered to himself, standing before a glass door and observing the unconscious, blue skinned Fey within. A sensor picked up on Kiser's presence and a square of light appeared in the centre of the glass door. There was no sound as Kiser pressed his palm into the square of light and as the glass panel slid open without so much as disrupting the air around it. Kiser stepped into the room, the glass door closing behind him as all IPAF doors did to prevent unwanted infiltration of their facilities. Kiser strolled towards the glass case encompassing the blue Fey, tapping the password on a panel attached to its 'coffin'.


The glass dome slid open, sinking into the operating table as the liquid did, leaving the Fey exposed to the frigid air of the room. Needles were attached to its body, pumping Fey-tested sedatives into its veins, flooding its dichromatic blood. "Wakey, wakey, artichoke," Kiser whispered in the Fey's ear, blowing a gust of warm air into blue-boy's ear. "Howdy, mate. The name's Kiser and yours is...?" he began, pulling away from the Fey and pacing around the table it was strapped to. "Tell me all about this lovely monarchy of yours and that scythe wielding Capricorn, won't you? If you don't," Kiser paused. "I don't think you Fey are immune to electroshock, are you?" Kiser grinned. "Don't think all your other Fey friends were. And if that isn't enough, I've always wanted to try iron darts and Fey dartboards."


"Ah, push it! Push it good. Ah, push it! P-push it real good. Hey! Ow! Push it good!" Salt n' Pepper sang from the speakers of his iPhone 10. Bloody hell. Orpheus moaned, burying himself deeper into the mattress and the soft bodies of the two women whose names he could not remember and whose names he never would. Identities didn't matter, as far as he was concerned. All he cared about was the presence of appropriate body parts. Or not. He was always up for an unusual adventure.

Orpheus reached over the naked skin of a redheaded woman - an air hostess, if he'd remembered correctly - to fumble for his glowing iPhone. The room was incredibly dark which meant only one thing - either it was 3 freaking AM or the curtains had been drawn closed. Okay, that was two.

"Orpheus speaking, not speaking. Go away," he mumbled, pressing the phone to his ear. Every fraction of movement felt like another tear in his head, like someone was bowling with his brain. He didn't think he'd drunk that much last night, but then again, when did he not? He'd spent the past six months on Earth drunk and participating in questionable activities.

"We've found- " the raspy voice of a man who'd smoked one hundred too many cigarettes attempted to announce.

"Found what? Your manhood? Please, tell me more, tell me more. Does it have a car?" he sang mockingly as he crawled over the sprawled bodies.

"We've found Raena."

Orpheus stilled. "You are certain of this?" he asked, searching for his clothes amongst the scattered pieces of lingerie. There.

"Well, not really... But it looked like the woman you'd asked us to search for: white hair, freaky eyes, beyond beautiful. I saw her with my own eyes." Well, that wasn't very comforting. The man was ancient, like, practically 25.

"Where?" he asked, anyway. Orpheus pulled on his pants, hopping about as he held his phone between his head and his muscular shoulder.

"Upper New York Bay," came the reply. Orpheus tripped and fell onto the ground with a loud thump. "Uh, you okay, sir?" the voice asked on the other end. Orpheus groaned in reply, picking up his phone - which was surprisingly still in one piece - and rubbing his sore neck. Never, ever multitask with a hangover and a male body part. Bad, bad idea. Orpheus disconnected his phone, tucking it in the back pocket of his jeans as he stood, wobbling slightly. He found his black shirt discarded on a lamp and pulled it on, doing up the buttons. He doubted this was who he wished it to be; if she were alive, it would not be Winter. He knew, most certainly, that she would never let the world fall into such disarray if she were still... No, he didn't wish to think of it. He merely hoped to enjoy the last few months of his life before the world came to an end.

Minutes later, he found himself by the Upper New York Bay, scanning the crowds with little hope until he spotted a blur of... "Well, well, isn't this a surprise?" he mused, walking towards Yuki with a practiced smile. Orpheus bowed, taking the Winter Fey's hand in his and kissing the back of her palm. He raised his head, giving her a brief wink as he straightened himself. "Yuki, Yuki, quite contrary. How does your garden grow?" he teased, placing a hand on her lower back and edging her forward. "Walk with me," he said.

Orpheus was once a part of the Unseelie court, when the Queen had asked that he look after the 'disappointing Aerunia.' He'd spent many a millennium with the Unseelies and had grown rather fond of the beautiful Yuki, although, he was fond of everyone. As in, he liked to feel their skin against his and nothing more. He'd not spoken to another Fey in six months and now he acted as if he'd never disappeared. It appeared luck was with him today as not too far away was another familiar companion. "Tiggy." Orpheus beamed. Taking his hand from the curve of Yuki's spine, he took Tiggy's hand in his, kissing hers as he had Yuki's. "Ma fille la plus belle d'été," he said in his honeyed voice. My loveliest summer girl. He straightened himself, loosening his top button and running a hand through his flawless, strawberry blonde hair. He had two beautiful women of both Winter and Summer, oh, this would be fun.

"Now, where is our Queen?" he asked casually, throwing a nearby man who'd been staring at him a wink. Well, everyone was staring at him, or maybe them, seeing as they all looked to be heart-breakingly beautiful. But mostly him. Orpheus had been a 'favourite' of the Queen's when they'd been in the Faerie Realms. There were rumours of him sharing the Queen's bed, rumours he'd never bothered to deny. He had also been known as the 'Oracle of Darkness' or 'Orpheus the Calziel' as he'd been rumoured to be capable to conversing with the dead. Rumours, he also, had not denied.

Orpheus narrowed his eyes at the persimmon streaked sky; it must've been at least 5 in the evening now. "Guess the curtains were closed," he whispered to himself.


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Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe
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The only thing he had known for days is blackness, a darkness that shrouded his soul and devoured him whole. When his eyes finally opened, he still couldn't see the world in front of him. Instead the memories of his lost Queen clouded his vision, the simple image of her face and the feeling of her body between his arms had resuscitated him from his self-created purgatory. "There's still hope." His lips moved, yet didn't create any noise, only forming syllables that speaking couldn't bring justice to. Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes, and they shut again, sinking back into the void with only his fidelity. A foreign hand prodded his cheek, reality melting into his world, and he allowed it to drip in.

"I thought you would never wake up." An old voice commented, laced with a hint of humor, but barren of all kindness. His veins were extended by wires that brought fluids into his body; antibiotics, sedatives, and water. Praxis attempted to sit up, only to be held down, burning iron singeing his wrists and ankles. The lab coat man continued to speak, but he payed no mind to the things he was explaining to him. His arm was healed, everything was as it had been, without a scar to prove that he ever had been injured. A breath of relief shook his body, it would have been unfortunate for him to lose that limb.

With vertigo perception, Lethe tried to focus on the situation he was placed in. He was in the clutches of the IPAF, and it was clear that they had no good intentions. There were papers tacked to walls and stacked on desks, including interesting photographs of his body. He didn't feel sick from seeing the pictures of himself like this; his stomach cut open, skin peeled apart to reveal organs. He could see his hearts, the rainbow colors of his blood, his bones that protected his vitals - all in photos kept in place on the wall to his left. If he was able to look at himself, he was sure he would see black marks on his skin, to line out where they should cut him.

The room was cold, and the hospital gown and his weakened, drugged state wasn't aiding him in the process of gathering strength. Automatically his draining magic ability worked to keep his body temperature stable, along with attempting to fight off the drugs. Praxis chuckled, cutting off the old, though thousands of years younger than himself, man's chatter. "You're a clever bunch." He stated, voice light and airy, as if he wasn't being experimented on and dissected like he was nothing more than a common frog. None of this was accidental, they had aimed to disable him as much as possible, right down to the thermostat that was programmed to fill the room with cold air. His fingers and toes curled, the man stared at him with fascinated eyes, jotting down notes in neat, careful handwriting. Unfortunately for them, they weren't clever enough. "Are you afraid of dying?" Praxis questioned, quiet enough to almost be silenced by the song of graphite against paper.

He watched as the stranger looked up at him, pencil gripped tightly in arthritis hands. The man was balding, gray strands of hair over spotted skin. His face was wrinkled, with coal around his eyes from many sleepless nights and time spent working into the early morning. "I am." The scientist answered, standing up to walk towards him, checking the numbers on the machine he was attached to. "Good. That will keep you alive." Praxis mused, lips tugging into a slight smile, looking at fingers nails that were rough and cracked from negligence. He didn't say anything else as the man played the part of a man of his work; writing down his status into a chart, removing wires that were no longer needed, placing bandages over his new open wounds. Minutes passed, then hours, as the human worked, and Lethe wondered how long he had been here. It could of been only hours, or days, maybe a week? He hoped it hadn't been longer than that, there were people that needed him.

The irons bars were removed, and he put on the mask of a crippled solider, slouching his shoulders and moving in cautious movements while wearing a visage of pain. Hands helped him stand up, moving him over to a scale to weight him. He wasn't wearing his glamour, it must of faded, leaving his true form in place. He was dim though, there was hardly any light in his eyes, or in his hair. Praxis Lethe had truly turned into a shadow, black licorice arteries and oil blood. He was thinner than ever before, his knees and elbows knobby, arms and legs small enough to be surrounded by a single, large hand. This didn't erase his determination, it didn't evacuate the oxygen of faith from his lungs. "If you met me a long time ago, my answer would have been different." He told the man, looking at him out of his peripheral vision. "Now, I'm afraid of dying, too" Praxis admitted, and the atmosphere around them disappeared.

It wasn't cold, nor was it hot from passionate murder. He pulled the strings and the man fell on his knees, choking on nothing, withing away as his life was taken from him. Lethe wore a smile again as he knelled down and placed his hands on the man's shoulders, who was too weak to fight back. "Even like this, I'm stronger than your will to live." His voice was hushed, a prayer that begged for the scales to tip in his favor. When he inhaled, he took in the man's life force, his strength, filling him with the means to pick himself back up, if only temporary. His glamour returned in a mirror image of the man, wearing the face of the scientist before him, who's expression went aghast at seeing Praxis misappropriate his appearance, and then his eyes dulled.

The man's body slumped, and the Fey wearing his disguise stood, leaving the now skeletal man to lie on the titled floor. It was now that his smiled faltered, becoming a thin line of desolation. He straightened out his false lab coat, quickly reading over the papers left on white surfaces, storing information in his mind. The IPAF weren't as they seemed, and he couldn't say he was surprised, or bothered by this. It was only natural for humans to want to steal the attributes of his kind. The lesser beings couldn't stand being in the presence of those superior to them. In his eyes, it was an useless effort, albeit understandable. With sentences and numbers burned into his brain, Praxis left the room he had previously been kept in, and walked down the hallways in a skin that wasn't his own. While he was here, he might as well do what he can to get rid of this pesky intrusion. A spark of amusement flickered within him; perhaps he will give them mercy, a 'thank you' for keeping him from death


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Leau Character Portrait: Kiser Nathaniel Burntwood Character Portrait: Anastasia Varias Character Portrait: Alistair D. James Character Portrait: Jenson Xion
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#, as written by Layla
Ravenna ~ IPAF New York Headquarters

Life sucked.

No, Ravenna wasn't pessimistic in the least - God, people are annoying - she was merely realistic and all evidence supported the absolute dismal bleakness that was life. Her hair was so dark, it was as an oil slick might be if it were made of strands of silk, it swung across her shoulder blades as her fist knocked the punching bag backwards with a fury. The people - a majority of them men - looked at her curiously. Ravenna de Luca was well known, both as Italy's district leader, Gabriele de Luca's twin sister, but also as one of the most brutal trainers in all of IPAF and an even more brutal Fey huntress. She was beautiful, almost Fey-beautiful - almost - but so much so that one might mistaken her for a Faerie herself from afar. Well, a fool would be making a fatal mistake if he told her so or commented on her likeliness to the Fey.

Her fist mutilated the punching bag.

Well over two hours later, Ravenna rubbed at her damp hair - the only thing good about this place were the showers - the towel hanging around her shoulders. She was dressed in a tight-fitting, plain T and loose blue pants, her feet bare as they walked down the maze of hallways that made up the intricate network that was IPAF. People pressed themselves against walls as she passed, even the ones who were easily double her size and triple her weight. She'd requested a transfer from the IPAF headquarters beneath Italy not a week ago, her reasons, presumably, to avoid her brother.

Ravenna stopped.

She felt an odd man pass her by and she whirled around, her aqua eyes burning into his back as she tried to sense what was so wrong about him. He seemed to almost float above the floor, but he wasn't, his feet were where they should be, obeying the laws of gravity. She narrowed her eyes slight, pursing her lips. The man could not have been an intruder - IPAF's warning systems would've alarmed the entire world - and besides, he looked to be one of the Fey analysers. But he wasn't, she knew that, although she had no proof except the nagging in her gut and what proof was that, really? He couldn't have been Fey, either. More than 80% of IPAF was made of iron, a Fey would've crumbled to the ground by now. Whatever it was, she didn't like seeing his fishiness roaming about alive. Ravenna folded her face and body into a careful, loose mask of nonchalance.

"Doctor, doctor!" she called out, running towards the man in a false pre tense of girlish dimness. Surely, if he were truly a member of IPAF, he would ask her why she seemed so cheerful. Ravenna's coldness was notorious. "Doctor," she breathed a sigh of false relief, grabbing the man's wrist and resisting the urge to flinch. He felt... Weird. She kept the smile plastered to her face. "Thank god! Anastasia asked me to fetch you right this moment, she needs you to brief her on the condition of the Fey," she lied smoothly. Tugging at the man, she turned and dragged him willingly or not down a hallway filled with curious onlookers.

"Jenson, we might need that Fey girl's expertise. Lola, Looloo? Yeah, that one," she said quietly, clutching the doctor's wrist tighter unintentionally. She would take him to where Jenson was and nail him very securely to a wall. She meant, lock.

Yeah, right.

Dr. Freya Hirane ~ Laboratory 86B

It was dark.

Simple as that: dark. Dark and infinitely frightening. Who knew what lurked in the bleak, looming nothingness? Death? Freya whimpered, struggling with all her might not to cry. That in itself seemed to be an impossible feet. She'd been in the underground escape passage when the Fey came and ransacked the entire place, at least, that's what she'd gathered from the beastly sounds that had come to fill her senses. Not long after the cries for help and growls as beasts fought beasts - bless the Weres - were the sounds replaced by endless rounds of bullets and the crumbling of a structure. She'd rushing to the very end of the escape route, shivering as she covered her ears and prayed and hoped and waited expectantly for others to join her in the escape tunnels.

No one came.

She hadn't been able to open the heavy latch of the underground passageway and so she'd stayed there, too afraid to turn back and search for her fellow co-workers and guilty because of it. It was a blessing, that this route was sealed tight with fire-proof, debris-proof, monster-proof, Faerie-proof and god-knew-what-else-proof doors that might've shielded them from nuclear attacks. Why had she been there, one might ask. Well, that was a fair question. She might or might not have been chasing a robot.

Freya clutched it now, to her chest, her little robot friend by the name of Plue. Plue was an invention of hers, and a friend she held dear. He sometimes liked to wander and she wondered if he were psychic, to have led her here seconds before death came upon the others. Guilt bit at her consciousness.

Suddenly, there was a fall of rubble and a creek.


Kiser rolled up the sleeves of his leather jacket, cracking his knuckles and neck. Not that he needed to, of course. But it was always nice to receive extra points for drama. Kiser scraped the debris from the area Anastasia had gestured towards, he sniffed and smelled nothing in the air, but anything that might've survived this destruction would surely be sound-proof. Let's just hope living beings - that we're Fey - loomed beneath. Kiser dug his fingers into the edges of the relatively large, human-sized square he saw beneath the rubble and inhaled. With a grunt, he slowly pulled the heavy - indefinitely thick - square up and after a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead and his muscles bulged with the effort of it, the door finally came undone and he hurled it over his shoulder, casually aiming for Alistair. The piece he'd ripped from the stuck hinges of the ground was easily over thirty inches thick and damn, was that thing heavy. He was a Werelion and the alpha of his pack, at that. And-

"OH MY FREAKING GOD!" a young voice squealed, jumping from the literal hole she'd crawled out of and running at them with a speed almost inhuman for her little legs. Her long blonde hair danced behind her in a flurry, marred by dust. Kiser narrowed his eyes as the girl whizzed right past her and tackled Alistair to the ground. Well, well, he thought dimly.

Freya knew Alistair from college, as they'd both attended the same college, but she was younger, and had graduated earlier. She'd been the star of the class and she'd graduated with a medical degree before her 18th birthday. She was remarkable, to say the least. She was also very, very bubbly. She clutched Alistair furiously, clinging onto him and weeping into his shirt as if she hadn't seen another human being in a long while. Which, she probably hadn't. Freya wailed, repeating "Alistair, Alistair" through her tears. She was a small, loud thing, being barely over 5 feet and having the volume of a football coach.

"There, there," Kiser said gruffly, grabbing the young woman - who could not have been older than twenty - by the collar of her lab coat and dangling her in front of him. He squinted, swinging the wee thing around and turning his wrist so he could see her face. "You're not impressive at all," he said.

Freya puffed out her cheeks like an angry kitten, crossing her arms defiantly before her chest. "I am very impressive, thank you very much. In fact, I'm adorable, or so I'm told."

"You've been told wrong, kitten," he said, his point further proven when she hissed as a peeved cat would, baring her vicious little fangs at him. Kiser forced the smile away from his face, resisting the urge to tell her how cute she was. She reached out her arms, attempting to scratch Kiser's face off; he merely stretched out his arm and kept her far from his flawless head. "What's your name?"

She stuck up her nose, pursing her lips shut.

"Ah well, looks like she's no help to us, Ana. We'll just have to put her back in whatever hole she came from," he said with a shrug, making a show of dangling her and slowly lowering the girl into the hole she'd been in moments before.

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Freya! It's Freya! But that's Dr. Hirane to you," she said with a scowl.

Kiser burst into laughter, swinging the girl recklessly from his hand and igniting frightened squeals from the blonde bobble-head. "You? A doctor?" The girl nodded defiantly, struggling not to look like she was about to puke. "Really? Prove it," Kiser said.

"I will if you let me down," she replied.

"Orrrr," he purred. "You prove it to us and then I might consider letting you down. Freya grunted, reaching into her coat pocket and pulling out an ID card, waving it in front of the Werelion's face. The card read:

'International Fey Extraction Branch [IFEB]

Dr. Freya Hirane
Junior Assistant
D.O.B.: 05/09/2001
D.I.: 25/01/2018
C.O.O.: Australia'

Kiser's eyes narrowed, slightly, almost imperceptibly and he shook his head in a movement that was so small, most would not have seen it. But Freya did. Her eyes filled with confusion at first, and then realisation. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it at a stern stare from Kiser. She tucked her identification card back into her coat pocket and Kiser let her go, abruptly, so that she fell to the ground. She moaned, rubbing her sore backside and frowning at the ground. She wondered if she'd imagined it all and when she looked up to see the man's nonchalant face, she sighed, she'd imagined it, after all.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm ravenous," she complained. "OH MY GOD, CAR!" she gushed, gawking at Kiser's car and running towards it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raena Character Portrait: Praxis Lethe Character Portrait: Azriel De'mourn Character Portrait: Jenson Xion
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Jenson Xion

Jenson had taken to fiddling with the lock on the cabinet when the call came over the com for him. "Think she went out why?" He stepped lightly toward the door of the office to look out the window, he knew the source of the call was coming from someone who was supposed to be in the building. It only took him a few moments to spot her coming toward him dragging a... fae? His brow crinkled a little at the curious sight, he opened the door before stepping out and toward them "Whats with the brainy butterfly?" Having just met Leau, he figured it was just another fae that was on their side. His mechanical eyes saw through their glamour easily enough. The man's glamour didn't even show up to Jenson's eyes, which made him think the fae scientist didn't even have one on.

Jenson personally had no grudge against the Fae as a race, and as such had no issue working side by side with them. The only reason he worked for the IPAF was because they gave him his sight back. In truth he wasn't really sure what the point of hunting the Fae was. They didn't seem all that malicious to him. Most of the time from what he could tell from the reports he had read, they where either defending themselves or it was an accidental situation. Years ago Jenson had learned to read between the lines of bullshit that people put in reports and get an understanding of what actually happened. Occasionally he would find a spot where the Fae made an attack, but it was always against the IPAF, not the general public. Which to his mind made sense, they where attacking their aggressors not the people they represent. In his mind it was the IPAF that started the war, it didn't matter much to Jenson because he enjoyed two things in life now. Seeing and fighting. The IPAF gave him that with interest. So fight their silly war he would until he was given a good enough reason not to anymore.

He might not have reacted to the fae at all in that moment, but that was before the people around him began to gasp. In that fraction of a second his guns where in his hands, the people's reactions being all he needed to be cautious. Beading the fae he looked to Ravenna having yet to actually meet this girl he smirked "Looks like you found yourself a stray... what should we do with him?" His voice carried both humor and nonchalance as if the situation wasn't anywhere near as serious as it seemed to everyone around them. It was unclear weather he acted this way because he honestly didn't care what the result was or to defuse the people around them from panicking. Regardless the people around them seemed to loosen up a bit at the sight of the situation being 'undercontrol'

Azriel De'mourn

Azriel steered the vehicle in silence as he listened to her fairy tale. She seemed to be recounting a memory to him instead of telling a story. He let things be silent a moment after she finished her story, turning gently onto another road "Sounds to me like the Queen did what she had to for her people. I think her people would understand and love her for it. I think she did the right thing." His right hand reaches over and touches the top of her knee gently "One day she will wake up to find all her people waiting for her return. Maybe then she will realize just how much her sacrifice meant to everyone." His eyes never left the road but the gentle touch of his hand seemed to convey all the emotion that was needed. He pulled through a small one way alley before a voice came over a speaker. Azriel answered it with an odd list of foods only to be instructed to continue on his path. He pulled up to a window on the side of the building only to be handed food in exchange for paper. He places the bag with a salad topped with all the ingredients she asked for on the little divider between them. A little plastic fork waiting for her to use it to consume the odd collection of food. Azriel drove away from the building before he could be handed any form of change.

He continued on his way down the road, the girl wouldn't know this, but he was purposely driving a longer path to their destination to give her time to eat and allow her a little bit longer reprieve from the chaos of this world. This was the calmest he had seen her since they met and he wanted to let her enjoy her moment of peace as long as possible. Azriel had been trying to work out who this girl could be for a long while now, the problem being that she didn't seem to remember anything. He had a feeling she was someone higher up on the corporate ladder, the problem then becomes what company? It would be impossible to deduce without further information. Until then he would simply have to be patient with her. She would gain bits and pieces of her memory as they traveled together, each one being a clue for Azriel to add to the puzzle that was this girl. The thought of why he was helping her had seemed to fade entirely from his thoughts at this point. Simply accepting the phenomena as fact. It didn't seem to bother him however, being almost happy to help this girl in her time of need.