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How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation


Its been a long time since Hiccup and the gang have seen the back of a dragons head. They are now the grandparents to the next generation of Riders, but what if the next riders of Berk cant find a dragon to mount because they are becoming extinct

5,250 readers have visited How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation since AuroraDawn created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

how to train your dragon : movie



Its being many years since Hiccup and his friends have ridden a dragon. Their dragons are now gone. But now there is a new generation of dragon riders in Berk but will they get to ride? The people of Berk have now started once again to fear dragons and have bane the riders to go and find a dragon like their parents did before them. But another strange thing is happening the dragons are slowly disappearing, each year less and less dragon's visit the breeding grounds and this have Hiccup and the rest of the gang worried. They have now only seen the common dragons around but are all upset for none among them is the legendary Night fury. But the next generation of Riders doesnt quit. No night with the help of their grand parents they sneak out and head to Dragon Island where they will choose their Dragons.
That is were you come in, help your ride find the dragon meant for them, help them train it and defeat the evil thats causing the dragons extinction.



Night Fury:Taken
the rarest and most intelligent species of dragon there is.


-Intelligent: He is extremely intelligent and can almost completely understand everything said to him. He also seems to be able to command other dragons to an extent.

-Speed and Agility: He remains the fastest and most maneuverable of all the dragons in flight. The Art of How To Train Your Dragon book notes that he can fly over one hundred miles per hour.

-Senses: He also has been shown to have an uncannily good sense of hearing. This good sense of hearing plays into his ability to use sonar.

-Skilled Combatant: He is a very deadly oppent in battle.His large and powerful wings allow him to actually wrestle much larger dragons out of the air.

-Night Camouflage: He is extremely difficult to see at night due to his dark scales and blazing speed.

-Fire Blast: The Night Fury's fire is an acetylene oxygen flame burning off of a semi-solid mass. When it hits a target it explodes on impact. The explosion is made up of a purple gaseous ring and a huge ball of fire at the center. The burst of flame will explode even if it does not hit a target. A Night Fury's flame can also be sustained for long periods of time. Night Fury's fire burns hotter than the Deadly Nadder's. This is because acetylene and oxygen can burn at around 6,500 degrees fahrenheit (hot enough to melt graphite), while magnesium burns at around 5,600 degrees fahrenheit.

Plasma works almost like a cross betwene a liquid and a gas. Interestingly it can exist a many temperatures (not just extreme heat). Night Fury fire seems to carry this through.

-Saliva: incredible amount of healing properties. This could explain why dragons "lick their wounds".


Hideous Zippleback
large, two-headed dragon. It is sly and surprising, but certain noises can confuse it and cause it to entangle its heads.


-Poof and Spark: this is its form of fire. While one head creates the gas to ignite the flame the other head signals a spark to light it.

-Simple Combat: though not trained to its fullest have the makings of being a great fighter

-Double head bunt: the two circle you and hit you from both sides with its two heads.

-senses: hawk like eye sight and 360 degree vision


Deadly Nadder Taken
species of dragons, said to be one of the most beautiful. They are well known for their poisonous spines



-Deadly spines: can shot spines laced with poison

-Stun: flash its blue body can enemy stunning them for a short period of time

-Combat: Great fight, light on its feet

-senses: amazing sense of smell


Monstrous Nightmare Taken
one of the most aggressive, and stubborn breeds of dragon known to Vikings.



-Terror Roar: A deadly roar that can make people go deaf

-Tail Slash: Its spiky tail can cut threw steel

-Combat: amzing in combat, sneaky hunter

-senses: amazing hearing


is the toughest dragon in the dragon world and more than lives up to its looks on the battlefield.



-Boulder Tail: Break limbs with its tail


-Armor body plates: can't be cut threw with swords or any human weapon

-senses: amazing sense of smell


Dragon Riders:

Grandchild of:

Hiccup and Astrid: Taken

Snoutlout and Ruffnut: Taken

Tuffnut and Julia:

Fishlegs and Kassandar:

QuickDagger and Gina:Taken

Toggle Rules

1. Have fun
2. I am the game master here people you listen to me
3. Romance is encouraged
4. there have to be at least 3 girls and 2 boys
5. you may have only 1 character and dragon
6. No god modding
7. Anime only
8. Please post at least once a day or more
Character Sheet:

Age: (16-19)
Appearance: (small description and picture pls)
Crush: (who you like)
Tattoos, marks, scar, etc:
Dragon appearance:

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock
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Lilac woke up in the dead of night. Tonight was the night, her and the other soon to be Riders were going to sneak away from Berk and finally go find their Dragons. She flung her sheep skin blanket off and jumped off of her hard wooden cot, quickly braiding her long blonde hair and throwing the flowers that the elderly put in her hair away. She was the next chief of the village after her grandfather Hiccup stepped down so the elderly women think she should start acting like a lady and not a viking to attract a man. She huffed at the thought, she may be small and delicate like her grandfather was when he was young but she got her fiery spirit from her grandmother, Astrid. She quickly threw on a dark pair of shorts made from leather, a white wool knitted tank top, her leather satchel and her sheep skin belt which held her sword her father gave her when she was 5. Grabbing her quiver full of arrows and her bow when went to her window. Lilac never liked to wear shoes she usually walked around bare footed. Grabbing some rope she tied it to the chest that held her keepsakes then threw the other end out the window. Looking down she noted it was a perfect length only touching the ground slightly. Grinning happily she jumped out and slid down the rope landing softly on the ground. She brushed her self off and froze as she heard a voice

"And where do you think your going young lady?" the sound of her grandfather's voice made her quickly turn towards the cottage where her Hiccup and Astrid stood, arms crossed and patient faced.

"Umm well i.....I need to go, me and my friends are the next riders but the village have ban us from seeking out our dragons, they even over ruled your decision gramps what am i suppose to do? I am born a rider and i plan on being one no matter what anyone says, its what my parents would have wanted" Lilac says confidently crossing her arms across her chest. She was going and no one could stop her. But all her grandparents did was smile proudly at her and Hiccup took something big from behind his back.

Lilac went wide eyed as she saw it. It was his dragon's saddle, toothless saddle. Astrid held out a bag of food to Lilac, they were both proud of their grand daughter choosing the path they themselves would have.

"Oh grandpa" Lilac was shocked. He was giving her one of his most prized possession.

"I had to tweak it a bit because your Dragon probably wont have a busted tail so i took that part off, but baby girl i dont even know if it would fit your dragon cause this saddle was only meant for one type of dragon" he said sadly and Lilac knew what he was talking about.

It was meant for a Night Fury the rarest of the dragons. People dont even know if they are alive anymore with the disappearances of alot of dragons.

"It means alot to me anyway thank you" Lilac said happily and put the bag of food in her satchel then took the saddle. She hugged her grandparents then started on her way to the docks after saying goodbye. Thats where her and all her friends are meeting, their taking a boat to the Dragon's island. She arrived at the docks quickly, and checked to make sure no elder was around. Nope just her. Lilac looked down at the saddle and saw something tucked away in the side. She reached for it and almost dropped it in shock. It was Hiccups dragon guild of how to train your dragon.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger
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Caine waited until it was time to leave. He grabbed his sword and some food and ran out of his cottage. He lived right beside his grandparents but refused to live with them because they didnt want him to be a dragon riders. They hated Dragons.
He ran down to the docks where they were all suppose to meet and saw Lilac. She was setting up the boat so they could dock off right when everyone gets here.

"you need help?" he asked and she looked up at him. I came beside her and started helping her load the boat. Looking over his shoulder from time to time to check to see if anyone else was coming. They would have to ship off soon, before sunrise.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger Character Portrait: Nikolas Jorgenson
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Nik couldn't sleep. This night had come upon him so very fast. He lied in his bed, his fingers laced together behing his head. Nik couldn't remember what time they were supposed to meet. "Well. Its better to be early then late," He shrugged. Nik threw his blankets off of him and placed his feet slowly on to the ground. His grandparents' place was terrible creaky, so one false step and he could wake up his grandfather.

Nik grabbed his things quickly. A backpack with a bit of food, a spare shirt, and his throwing knives. He pulled his boots out from under the bed and slid them on to his feet, and put his leather jacket on over his wool shirt. Walking over to his nightstand, he picked up his waist pouch. In it, he had herbs for sickness, for humans and dragons alike. As well as a few things for wounds. He strapped it onto his waist and started tiptoeing downstairs.

As he reached the bottom floor, he saw the fire was still blazing brightly. That could only mean... "What are you doing up at this hour Nik? Not that I already don't know." His grandfather Snotlout said as he looked at Nik from the bottom of the stair. "I-Um-Just-... You can't stop me. I must go with the others," Nik replied trying to puff out his chest to look bigger, but he is nothing compaired to his grandfather. A huge smile came across Snotlout's face. Thought you could get it by me? Nice try. I was here to say goodbye, and give you a parting gift." Nik looked at his grandfather. Snotlout held out the piece of metal under his arm. Nik's jaws dropped. "This was my first helmet. Kept my head safe. As it will to yours. Now, give me a real Jorgenson goodbye." Snotlout put the hat on Nik's head. Nik smile as the two leaned over and bumped heads. They stood up adn laughed. "Thank you Grandfather. When I see you again, I will have a dragon with me!" Nik smiled as he ran off into the darkness towards the docks.

It didn't take very long for Nik to reach the docks. When he reached it, he could see two people there. He walked over, and flashed a smile. "Sorry if I'm late." He noticed Lilac looked shocked. "You ok there Lilac?" He asked her with a devilish grin. "You scared of something?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger Character Portrait: Nikolas Jorgenson
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"You both are so trouble some...thanx Caine for helping me with the boat and no Nic im not scared of anything and look my grandfather gave me his book of dragons! With this we are for sure to train some powerful dragons. Have you guys seen the others ee have to go before sunset and if they aint here well havr e to leave without them and they will have to take their own boat..hey Nic nice helmet your grandpa caught you to huh..them some sneeky people fir being so old well you guys better load up your stuff in the boat dawns almost here" Lilac said confidently. She threw her stuff into the boat then used a rope ti climb up the mass keeping look out for the others.
" nic can you get the extra masses from the back and Caine can you lift the anchor so we are ready to set sail when they arrive please?" lilac asked nicely thrn looked out in the town, everythings dark but from afar she could see the sun slowly rising.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger Character Portrait: Nikolas Jorgenson
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Nik blinked and looked down at the book that Lilac had. "Is that really the actual book of dragons? Thats pretty cool that Hiccup would give that to you," He responded with a smile.
Nik gave a light chuckle, "Ya, my grandpa caught me. But he was all for it! I'm just happy my grandmother wasn't up..." He ended silently knowing how his grandmother probably would have locked him in his room or something.
He then hopped from the dock onto the boat, and put his backpack down. He left his waist pouch on though, he rarely ever took it off, only to sleep.
Nodding, he followed Lilac's order to find the other masts. Walking towards the back area of the boat, he opened up a chest like container and found a few extra ones. "They're over here Lilac!" He called to her as he pulled one out and walked over to the main mast pole. He walked back to the mast chest and thought about how Lilac was a natural leader. Hmm... she must be very serious about this... He huffed out a deep breath as he carried the second one over to the girl.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger Character Portrait: Nikolas Jorgenson
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Caine nodded at Lilac's request and jumped into the boat. Grabbing the rope that tied the boat to the anchor he pulled using all his strentgh as he lifted the iron anchor about the size of a small doe into the boat.

He looked into the sky and saw that it was almost sunrise, people would be waking up soon.

"Lilac how long are the others going to be? we need to go soon" Caine indicated to the rising sun.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger Character Portrait: Nikolas Jorgenson
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"I dont know we may have to leave without them and im not blind Caine i can see that the sun is rising......Nik go put the small mass at port side then hand me the largest one and come up and help me set it, we wont be using it until we reached the mists that surround the island the more speed we have the better chance of surviving the rocks, Caine you keep look out" Lilac ordered then walked across a mass pole and started fixing the smaller masses that would get them there.
Her great grandfather the last chief of Berk had shown her all about boats and how to fight, many of the villagers thought of her as the next great leader because of her natural skills but Lilac didnt see it like that, she saw as being the next leader the things she could do for the village not what the village could do for her.

"We leave in 10 minutes men and if no on else shows up they will have to catch up or find their own way" Lilac finished up the smaller masses and now waited for Nik to give her the big one.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger Character Portrait: Nikolas Jorgenson
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Sorry double post


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock Character Portrait: Cain Dagger Character Portrait: Quicksilver Character Portrait: Nikolas Jorgenson
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"WAIT! i here dont leave!" Quicksilver hollered as he ran towards the boat.
Running quickly down the hill he tried to stop but failed as he went head first into the boat, his boat sticking high in the air.

Groaning he sat up and looked to see Lilac, Caine and Nik
"sorry i was late guys my grandparents caught me and had a quick 'chat' with me meaning they were saying if i didnt come back alive they were going to haunt me in my grave" Silver laughed and stood up. He saw Lilac on the top mass, her blonde hair braided and a serious look on her face.

"Hey there gorgeous you miss me?" Silver smirked and winked at Lilac.


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Lilac huffed at his attempt at flirting.
"You are hopeless you know that right Silver? stop flirting with me and help Caine keep a look out ok" Lilac growled. She never did like his flirting in annoyed her.

"Come on Nik hurry up" Lilac commanded

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock
Character Portrait: Quicksilver
Character Portrait: Cain Dagger


Character Portrait: Cain Dagger
Cain Dagger

"Piss me off and i will make your life a living hell"

Character Portrait: Quicksilver

"Shut it, and listen."

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock
Lilac Hanndock

"Lets Fly!!"


Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock
Lilac Hanndock

"Lets Fly!!"

Character Portrait: Quicksilver

"Shut it, and listen."

Character Portrait: Cain Dagger
Cain Dagger

"Piss me off and i will make your life a living hell"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cain Dagger
Cain Dagger

"Piss me off and i will make your life a living hell"

Character Portrait: Lilac Hanndock
Lilac Hanndock

"Lets Fly!!"

Character Portrait: Quicksilver

"Shut it, and listen."

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Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

Mai was wondering whether it was too late to join? If not, could I take the last remaining slot?

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

I probably won't be able to get my Character up for a while. So, you know, I guess just let the other person have the Monstrous Nightmare. It's okay, if there is a spot left when I have time to make a character then I'll join as whatever is left!

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

OMG i am so sorry and i will right away, could u make ur character soon though
srry i didnt look at the name of the creator when i looked at the character
my bad

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

Um, so someone else who didn't reserve the Monstrous Nightmare used it for their character. I knew I reserved it before their character was up too, so AuroraDawn, perhaps you can message them as the GM saying that the dragon they chose was already taken?

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

alrighty we just need one more character and we r go to go
hopefully someone submits soon or we just just start without tht character

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

Thanks for exepting my charrie! I look forward to starting!

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

May I please have the Deadly nadder? I think I'll have the grandchild of Snoutlout and Tuffnut then. Thanks! I'll have it up in a few hours. I'll make mine a guy.

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

Ok :) can u pls hav ur character sheet in soon thnx

Re: How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

I'll claim the Monstrous Nightmare :]

How To train Your Dragon: Next Generation

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