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HP : Dumbledore's Army, Still Recruiting



a part of HP : Dumbledore's Army, Still Recruiting, by Makenna Young.


Makenna Young holds sovereignty over Hogwarts, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

378 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

[this is a fanfic of jk rowlings harry potter]


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Hogwarts is a part of HP : Dumbledore's Army, Still Recruiting.

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Neville Longbottom [3] "I feel like I can spit fire!"
Ginny Weasley [3] "You don't exect me just to sit here and let it all happen, do you?"
Luna Lovegood [2] "Curious creatures we are, don't you think?"
Seamus Finnigan [0] "I can bring it down!"
Cho Chang [0] "Could this get any worse?"
Michael Corner [0] "You sure this is going to work?"

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Ginny let her mother help her push her trolley. A rough year this was going to be, with Snape as headmaster. And Ron gone... And Hermione gone... And all the other Muggleborns... And Harry... Ginny pushed the thoughts of him away. That wouldn't do, that wouldn't do at all. She hadn't cried yet, and she wasn't going to, of that she was determined. Well, maybe she cried a little, but who could blame her? On the other hand, she was excited to see her friends again, specifically Luna. It wasn't that her other friends weren't great, it was just that Luna had that wonderful quality about her that was calming in hard times, a trait so hard to find. Ginny barely noticed as they passed through the barrier to Platform 9 and 3/4, and her mother stayed quiet for her daughter's sake. Originally, Dad was going to come to see her off as well, but it was nearly impossible for him to get off work anymore, for whatever reason. Ginny stood in silence for a few moments before her mother tapped her on the shoulder. "Ginny, dear. It's time to go." Ginny glanced up at her mother out of the corner of her eye. "Of course, Mum." Molly pulled her daughter close for a hug, whispering in her ear. "Stay save, Ginevra. Don't go getting into trouble, we can't afford that." Ginny pulled away, adverting her gaze. "Of course, Mum," she repeated, walking towards the scarlet steam engine. Turning once she reached the doors, Ginny forced a weak smile, but she knew her mother wouldn't be fooled. "Bye, Mum. Love you." Tears welled in Molly Weasley's eyes as she replied softly. "I love you too." Ginny felt stares on the back of her head as she walked through the school train. Her face reddened, matching her hair almost exactly. Somehow she knew it was about her brother; word must have gotten around. Some of the stares could probably also be attributed to- Ginny grumbled under her breath. What was wrong with her? Ginny finally found an empty compartment, towards the train's rear. She slid inside with a sigh, shoving her luggage onto the luggage rack. This was going to be a long year.


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Character Portrait: Neville Longbottom Character Portrait: Ginny Weasley
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#, as written by Glory
Neville's grip on the bar tightened as he used it to step up onto the train. He stood there longer than he should have, and then with a heavy sigh released his grip and made his way through the train. It just wasn't the same anymore, like when they were kids. When kids picking on him were his biggest problem, and the worst threat he had to look forward to was some childish bullying from Draco. The world had chosen a bad time to get messed up.

He missed his friends, knowing that while he was surviving at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were out there making an impact; actually fighting the death eaters and foiling their plans. He have complete faith in Harry, as he had proven himself over and over again.

Even though he knew what kind of horrors awaited those outside of Hogwarts, at the moment he could only imagine his own reality. Once he stepped through the gates of Hogwarts--a place that once felt like home, but now felt more like a prison worse than Azkaban--he knew that it wasn't going to be easy ride. Honestly a few had questioned his choice to come back, but he knew it was where he'd be the most help: to the students, to his friends, and to Harry.

He slowly shuffled through the corridor of the train trying to find an empty compartment, or one with a friendly face. He passed a group of sneering Slytherins that bumped into his shoulder as he passed. Although he was no longer afraid of being bullied, it wasn't worth his time to deal with blockheads. As he traveled further into the train, he was delighted with the amount of greetings he received from fellow Slytherins and even acquaintances from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. It made him feel a little better knowing a friendly face still wouldn't be hard to find at Hogwarts.

Finally, he came to a compartment that he thought empty, but on further inspection was already occupied from a girl he knew: Ginny. Although they weren't perhaps the closest of friends, Neville liked to believe he shared a special bond with all other members of Dumbledore's Army, and her especially. After all, they did dance together. He tapped on the class before opening the door a tad.

"Hey Ginny, mind if I join you?" he asked innocently. "This train seems to get fuller every year."


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Ginny, lost in thought, turns at the sound of Neville's voice. She smiles softly, turning to face him, kicking back against the armrest. "I know what you mean. Annnd, I swear, the first years get shorter every year, too." She frowns at the sight of Dennis and Collin Creevy passing the compartment. "And that those two never grow." She laughs to herself. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Luna sat perched on a bench near the train, legs swinging, humming softly to a song that doesn't exist. Well, not in the views of others. But there's music in all of is, music others can't hear, she thought vaguely. Daddy had pretty much dropped her off and left her. She didn't really blame him, what with his sleeping issues of late. Honestly, she couldn't name the last time he slept for a full night. She associated it with nightmares, but he'd never admit it. The whistle blew. Luna rised to her feet as the train started moving. Standing along the rails, she casually reached out and grabbed a handle grip, pulling herself onto the school train as it moved out of the platform. She wandered the halls, looking for a familiar, friendly face. She was highly accostomed to the stares at this point; they didn't faze her. Well, they never really did. She stops short, catching a glimpse of red hair in the distance. Concidering, it had to be Ginny. And a boy sat across from her, who Luna recognized instantly. Speeding up only slightly, she crosses to the compartment, opening the door and sitting down next to Ginny without a word, only a friendly smile of hello.


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Character Portrait: Neville Longbottom Character Portrait: Luna Lovegood Character Portrait: Ginny Weasley
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#, as written by Glory
"it's nice to see you again, Luna," Neville greeted. "H-how have you been?"

The last part he started to his annoyance. He liked to think that as he matured and gained confidence in himself, the stuttering problem was slowly fading away. Compared to how it had been when he was younger, his voice was near perfect. However, in times of stress, the old stutter returned to display his reservation.

Reservation at the fact that a moment before he spoke, he consider ed all the had happened over the past few years, and how not okay Luna must have been. Of course, it was light-hearted enough to not be seen in a cynical light, so he held his breath and hoped his question wouldn't be returned by a blank stare that reaked of "...really?"


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Luna cocks her head slightly, studying the look on Neville's face. He's obviously uncomfortable, or stressed, she notes vaguely, before straightening (or as straight as she ever gets) back out and responding. "Quite alright, really. Bill and Fleur's wedding was the highlight of the summer, really." She frowns slightly, more in confusion than disappointment. "Daddy didn't seem to have built up much of a wanderlust this summer. It's a first," she admits, tone unwavering. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Ginny frowns at Luna slightly. She doesn't quite understand her happy-go-lucky friend, but she supposes she doesn't have to. At mention of her oldest brother's wedding, she stiffens slightly, recalling how it ended in such disaster. It was supposed to be a happy day, a day of love and reminises, but it turned into Hell in one second. All she says, though, is, "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it Luna." She pauses, feeling she should say something else. "You looked really nice in that dress. I'd never be able to wear yellow." As if in proof, a lock of vibrant red hair falls in her face. She irritably moves it aside, lowering her voice. "What of Snape? And the Muggleborn Registration? It's all unreal, like a bad fantasy."


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Character Portrait: Neville Longbottom Character Portrait: Luna Lovegood Character Portrait: Ginny Weasley
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#, as written by Glory
"I know, isn't it?" Neville said grimly. He thought he should add more, but just then the whistle on the train blared to life.

In a moment, the train began to lurch forward, but the once-exciting event seemed to be lackluster. Very few parents stood on the platform to see their children off; indeed to seemed that only worry, fear, and doubt could be seen on the faces who remained, most likely wondering if they were making a huge mistake sending their loved ones back to Hogwarts.

"Could you imagine being a first year at this time, all over again?" Neville sighed, shaking his head. "They're going to be introduced to the dark arts soon I'm afraid. What a time to be introduced to magic." He fondly remembered his first year. Though round, pudgy, and socially awkward, he had enjoyed his first year thoroughly. It seemed all happy-go-lucky compared to the dark forecast this year seem to have.


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((My sincere apologies. I didn't realize you posted.)) Ginny nods eagerly. "I know. It's simply ghastly, even compared to MY first year." She lets out a sharp, sour laugh. "The opening of the Chamber is nothing to this, nothing at all! I foresee a difficult year for us all, even if we do cooperate." She pauses, lost in thought. "I don't intend to cooperate," she says, more so to herself than anything. Luna gives a briefly extended smile of agreement. "But of course you don't," she says dreamily. "He took everything from you, You-Know-Who did. Ron, your friends, Harry, and even your father, in a way. And now he's after your school." Stunned by Luna's straight-forwardness, Ginny nods in agreement. "Exactly. And not just correct for me. That goes for most all of us on this train."