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Seto Lancette

"This world's going to burn." (Minor wip~)

0 · 1,005 views · located in Shinganshina District

a character in “Humanity's Pawns”, as played by Sorararun




This world is a shitty place, and I'm sure that it always will be.


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ImageImage♔ Full Name ♔: Seto Lancette | Formerly Ario Jenkins

♔ Nicknames ♔: Lance | Ari (Only his partner)

♔ Age ♔: 17

♔ Gender ♔: Male

♔ Military Branch ♔: He originally wanted to join the Military Police, but ended up joining the Survey Corps for a specific reason. He ranked 9th place among the others.

♔ Romantic Interest ♔: He doesn't quite show romance towards others, but its a bit obvious that he's attached to Lyra.

♔ Sexuality ♔: Bisexual

♔ Nationality ♔: His ancestry goes back to Britain, so he does, indeed, have an accent. His district is Trost.

♔ Face Claim ♔: Fuwa Mahiro | Zestuen No Tempest

ImageImageImage♔ Physical Description/Clothing Preference ♔: Seto has a well built structure compared to the average young man because of his training. He is incredibly strong, although it is not always seen by the naked eye, yet is light on his feet when the time comes to it. He stands to be 5 feet and 10 inches tall, still growing a little taller, and weighs a good 143 lbs. As for clothing, Seto has no preference in brand actually. He's very easy going when it comes to clothing, so whatever he wears is just daily wear outside of his uniform for the Survey Corps.

♔ Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features ♔: Seto has a pair of earrings on both of his ears, but has no birthmarks or tattoos. He does have various scars ranging from small to large and invisible to impossible-not-to-notice all over his body from training hard, seeing as he wanted to make it into the Military Police.

♔ Type of Weapon ♔: Pair of a hook sword linked by a chain at the hilt. This makes him incredibly vulnerable if he's cut and separated at the chain, but since the blades are hooked, it makes it much easier to penetrate a Titan's neck.

♔ Personality ♔: Outisde of battle, Seto is a very selfish person. There's almost not a single caring side to him int he least. He constantly wants what he wants. He's always demanding for things done his way. In some ways, he's like a spoiled child, because if he doesn't get what he wants, his way, things get messy. Its more like Seto sees himself as the superior to everyone, even those ranking higher than him because of his past experiences as a child that still haunt him and rule his ways. Yet, a secret and side to him that almost no one sees, Seto can be very considerate. He knows how much everyone fears Titans, including himself, and, surprisingly, is very good at keeping their spirits and hopes up. Only sometimes though.

Still, Seto is a person. Inside battle, he's confident, incredibly confident, but that's because he has this secret where he lets go of all his fears. Some people think its insane the way he speaks and moves in that time period, but as long as he gets the mission done without burdening anyone else, no one really complains. Unfortunately, it only lasts an extended time when his focus stays intact. An hour later, he may begin to slowly lose that prideful and battle-ready feeling and become less certain and grows scared again, just like any other human would be in the realm of Titans. Even after all those years, and hitting in the top ten, Seto still fears the Titans like any human should.

ImageImageImage♔ Likes ♔:
✓ Having this his way
✓ People who cooperate with him
✓ Control
✓ Order & Perfection (Its thought that he has OCD)
✓ Stormy Days
✓ Battle
✓ Pranks

♔ Dislikes ♔:
✗ Titans
✗ Seeing his comrades die
✗ Cats
✗ Disobedience
✗ Flaws
✗ Reading
✗ The world they live in
✗ Parents/Adults

♔ Talents ♔:
♛ Titan slaying
♛ Using his transformation abilities to his advantage
♛ Planning out attacks

♔ Flaws ♔:
♝ Perfectionist
♝ Selfish
♝ Horrid at using 3DDMG

♔ Fears♔:
☠ Dying
☠ Seeing his comrades die
☠ His mother
☠ Seeing his partner die
☠ Past memories

♔Secrets ♔:
✄ He switched to the Survey Corps instead of going to the Military Police because it was the last thing his corrupt mother wanted. It feared him into choosing to put his life on the line, even with his skills, because he still thinks she's watching him.
✄ He changed his name because of his dead parents.

ImageImageImageImage♔Bio ♔: Brief! We'll learn more about them during the rp! Plus, the more secrets, the better!

♔ Other ♔: *

So begins...

Seto Lancette's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sam Gunner Character Portrait: Earl Derrik Godfrey Character Portrait: Scar Bellerose Character Portrait: Maya Poveda Character Portrait: Seto Lancette Character Portrait: Garen Walkens
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Behind Wall Maria, and inside the Shiganshina District, is where the next attack was planned. Titans have already gone through the first wall and into the district known from long ago for its first attack from the Titans. How the wall opened, that's the mystery, but that mystery is one having to be saved for later because at the moment, the Shiganshina people have been evacuated to Wall Rose, praying that the Titans will not reach the next wall and kill everyone else, just like the others who were left behind.

But thats where our heroes come in.

Currently, all soldiers are gathering in their barracks, inside of the Shiganshina District, where most the Titans are located, getting ready for battle with their partners at their side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seto Lancette Character Portrait: Lyra d'Lune
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Seto began to ready his tanks at both his sides, filling them up with gas. While he often stayed in his weapon form, being the secondary weapon to his partner and childhood friend, Lyra, if anything happened suddenly and unexpectedly, he'd have to be ready to jump back into a regular physical state and get on the move to keep him and his partner from dying. Yeah, that was a thought he wasn't fond of.

There was a thundering noise outside and the barracks shifted a bit, subtle pieces of rock and dust leaking in from the ceiling on top of them. Various of the younger soldiers around his age began to cry and shake and yell, 'Of course they're afraid...' Seto thought while taking one of the large tanks of gas and attempting to attach it to his own with difficulty, 'We were all once like that too.' He paused in his struggling, then looked up and stared at two different types of people; the ones who showed fear, and others who's faces were stone cold, 'But the rest of us already shed enough tears and yelled enough from the top of our lungs when we saw those monsters the first time too. He went back to hooking up the tanks.

Just then, a flashback hit him in the head.


'Go and get me food.' He remembered a woman saying to him. Who was the woman, he couldn't remember, or perhaps, he chose not to remember. She grabbed tighter at little Seto's collar of his ragged and dusty clothes, 'Get me food. Now.'

'M-Mom...' Seto gulped as she reached for his neck. Right... yes, that's right. That was his mother. His first, actually, and cruelly insane mother, 'We're poor... we... we can't afford food...' He said timidly and the hand got a tight grip around his neck now, and he began to choke.

'Does it look like I fucking care? You brat! Go and get me my food, damn it!' His mother yelled. People passed by the torn family on the streets, but said nothing. They were just rats looking for leftovers dropped for them on the ground. Even the child, Seto, mattered not to the men and women and children who glanced at them with selfish eyes. His mother let go of his neck, shoving him backwards and sitting up from the sheets of cloth that was supposed to be a bed, 'You're useless.' She muttered and began to get up.

'M-Mom don't!' Seto approached his mom, despite being choked. Was it out of love? No. It was out of fear of the woman, 'You're going to hurt yourself, let me go and get it then-' Seto stood to steal something- anything that was edible for his sick and dying mother. He knew she was dying, yet the fear of that abuse he experienced from her lingered over him to do whatever she asked, even on her deathbed.

Once more, his mother grabbed him, this time by the hair, and pulled his ear close to her mouth as she whispered in his ear, 'I hope they kill you.'


There was a snap back to reality and Seto gasped for air as he had a hard time breathing for the moment the flashback played in his mind. He put his hand gently and stroked his neck gently, remembering that pain, "Titans are probably better than that..." He muttered agitatedly and finally began to take the gas into his 3D Maneuver Gear. He told himself that Titans were better than his mother, but what he was really focused on was worrying that- what if that happened during battle? What if, for some reason, he was using his gear with Lyra in her weapon form, and he'd experience a flashback. The both of them would be eaten and killed without doubt.

He sighed, trying to forget about this thought and looked around the barracks filled with other soldiers getting ready to face the war head on, and searched for one familiar face; his partner, "Lyra!" He called, seeing how he couldn't move. The battle would start soon, and he wanted to be ready early.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seto Lancette Character Portrait: Lyra d'Lune Character Portrait: Cassidy "Cass" Lachmann
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#, as written by Ever

ImageThey are...scared.. That was the only thought the doll-esque girl could conjure up, her expression one of vacancy, of stoical bearing for what was to come. Padding through the outskirts of the barracks within Shiganshina, there was an odd sense of surreality to the raven-haired soldier compared to that of the frantic bustling her peers exhibited, nerves high. In fact, one might even say the tension was to the point of suffocation that one would have to be robotic, inhuman, not to join in on the throng. Yet, Lyra wasn’t even remotely was just a nuisance paired with an oddity. Giving a quick sweep of crowd surrounding her, it was the same in every person’s gaze; fear and uncertainty. But then again.. I guess they have every reason to be As if on cue, vibrations of the approaching brutes rattled the grounds, windows on the nearby houses responding violently to the disturbance. Wasting little time in professing their feelings, choruses from her left rang with quiet yelps and suffocated sobs, from her right being sharp gasps and proclaims of ”Oh...g-god..!”. And yet, for what just occurred, Lyra wasn’t shaken..hell, she didn’t even seem bothered by the idea of those towers of flesh closing in on their location. Giving a finalized sigh and one last lingering glance at her peers, the Survey Corp member continued on with her leisurely walk, silently taking bids on who was going to hold out until sunset.

As she travelled closer and closer to the hearts of safety, that pressing atmosphere noticeably lessened, people far more less edgy..though still a far cry from joviality. Even more importantly, people here were far more interested in each other, in how another stood out. As if proving this line of thought to herself and comrades, Octavia made it a point to connect her crimson orb with every stare that was directed towards the medical gauze patch, towards her signature feature. Though, the true gall rested within the individual’s reactions once they were caught staring; some were flusteredly embarrassed and others just kept staring in a wide eyed stupor. Giving a shake of her head, the chin length tresses catching a slight movement from the air cushion below, another sigh was expelled in exasperation. Consumed with her disbelief and ongoing assessment of ‘humanity’s only hope’, it was needless to say that her attention to what was in front of her had long since deteriorated. As such, it was a mild shock to her system when another body collided with her own, the latter falling prey to gravity. Halting her footsteps, Lyra’s stance immediately went on a defensive annoyance at this girl’s carelessness, that scarlet gaze slightly narrowing in discontentment as it honed in on the offender. This girl…..she’s Cassidy Lachmann… Ranked 5th, Scouting Legion recited her inner conscious with perfect fluidity, her piercing stare trailing after the fleeing girl once the pathetic excuse of an apology was said. Not seeing the use in tracking her down and forcing the ash-haired girl to be more heartfelt, Tavia merely gave a small tsk and continued on with her stroll.

Nearing the center of the barracks, the section in which the cannisters on the 3D Gear were reloaded, it took the royal a few moments to recognize the quakes and how they were growing with exponential intensity. A frown playing on her rosebud mouth, Tavia unconsciously kicked her pace into a higher gear, a sudden thought of Seto flickering into her forefront attention. Seto…. I..I hope he is ok.. whispered that inner voice once more, only this time holding a palpable concern. Scanning the crowd in a mixture of anxiety and confusion, the weight of her time away from her partner now sinking in, Octavia could feel a pressure on her lungs to breathe. It was always like this whenever she was separated from Ari… she would go into a daze then awake to a nightmare. Damn it Seto...where are you!? As if feeling her telepathic calls, the golden haired male’s voice broke through her heart racing moment, his tone soothing her anxiety instantly. ”Lyra!” Rushing towards that voice, the soldier could only manage a small smile seeing him fully geared up, his eager attitude radiating off from his stature. ”Sorry...Seto.. I again. But I’m here now.” With her smile broadening in that familiar way, an expression only displayed whenever her best friend was near, Octavia glanced back over the tanks. Nodding at him to follow her, Lyra busied herself with refueling her cannisters, her feathery tone drifting out in casual conversation. ”So….are you excited for today..? Or are you worried..?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sam Gunner Character Portrait: Earl Derrik Godfrey Character Portrait: Scar Bellerose Character Portrait: Maya Poveda Character Portrait: Seto Lancette Character Portrait: Garen Walkens
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"What- Hold on a moment!" Earl nearly doubled over as he felt Hiro grab onto the back of his shirt, pulling him towards her and away from the general that had left the barracks. He groaned, annoyance filling his every feature as he stopped and did not turn back. Taking a deep breath, Earl shook his head as if shaking off a thought. I need her- she’s my partner. Can’t let her die or kill her just yet. But his crimson eyes said elsewise as he turned to look at the blue-haired girl, his eyes tired and pronounced with something close to hatred- but it was marred with something else, something close to a sort of caring, one that Earl had refused to recognize for a very long time. "You can't expect me to walk there, can't you? Come come," Before Earl could say anything, the girl had already partially transformed into a glaive without waiting for Earl’s reply to her beckons, causing another sigh to escape from Earl as he looked at her with weary eyes. "Well?" She held her hands out, as if beckoning Earl to pick her up- which she was doing, of course. Great. Not right now. But it was not like his partner would be able to hear his inner thoughts. "Unless, of course, you'd like to carry me, that's fine too. But I'm only carried princess style, for your information."

With that, Earl slapped his hand on her forehead hard and then kept his hand on her forehead, as if to push her to the ground. “Stop transforming, God damn it, you know I hate it when you reveal your weapon form to others.” Without a second word, Earl picked up the girl in the exact way he had always done since the first day they had been partnered together- in his arms, princess-style. Ignoring the whispering and eyes of the other trainees who had somehow had enough time to calm themselves down to gossip, Earl walked through the crowd and out of the barracks, his tanks already filled with gas and his weapon in his hands. “Don’t move- if you do I’ll toss you on the ground and leave you there.” He said angrily, his face annoyed as he glared down at Hiro through the corners of his eyes. Why did I have to get the useless partner! Earl thought, but there was no answer to his question. For some, the question was a no brainer: Hiro had ranked 7th in their regiment though she was held back by her legs. For Earl, the question was much more complex: take her ranking as the full scope of her powers or base it on the fact that she could be extremely annoying from time to time? It doesn’t matter now- giants! His mental reminder for himself sent shivers down Earl’s spine and a smirk to once again form on his face. “Keh!” He spat again on the ground, turning his head in a wide angle so as to avoid Hiro’s legs. Finally! The word had been raging inside his mind ever since they had been called to the barrack’s- and now they were to be the first on the frontlines due to their high ranks during graduation.

Earl eagerly stepped out of the disorderly barrack and into the nearly empty grounds. The sound of breaking buildings and havoc could be heard from the army academy grounds that Earl now stood on- with Hiro still tightly held in his arms. For some, this instilled fear; For Earl, it only increased the size of the smirk that had been on his face. However, as Earl stood with his head turned to a side, his eyes roamed towards the four figures that stood in the center of the grounds, their hands behind their backs, staring at the 40 trainees that slowly straggled out of the barracks. Quickly, he wiped the smile off of his face and walked over to the four figures, standing but two meters away from them, in the placement he had been given ever since those few years ago. First. Shared! Earl glared at his compatriots before standing at the farthest left spot, his teeth gnashing together though the lack of Scar Bellerose and her partner gave him a sense of tiny triumph. Tardiness equates to uselessness! He laughed out in his mind, directing the thoughts at Scar Bellerose, though she definitely would not be able to hear Earl’s thoughts.

“Just stay in my arms, don’t move.” Earl said, not looking at Hiro as he turned to look at the four figures- one female and three male- standing at the head of the relatively small group that now started to form in front of them. But they did not start debriefing the trainees yet- most of the top 20 and their partners were still stuck in the rowdy barracks, though Earl had no idea why they were trying to avoid the chance to go and fight the giants. “Come on…” He muttered unconsciously, glaring at the open barrack doors, waiting for other trainees to slowly stream out so that they could head straight for the invading giants without delay. A cough distracted Earl from his muttering, as a man- the general for the Survey Corps stepped forward, his eyes harsh as he glared at the gathering trainees.

“We cannot wait any longer, let the others come afterwards; we must go and provide assistance to the men already out there fighting the giants.” A loud sound of a building collapsing cut through what the man was saying, but he looked unperturbed. Finally! Earl’s mad cackle mingled with the loud, cacophonous noise of bricks and stones hitting the ground- but no one heard. They were all too busy controlling their own fears and wishes, too busy making sure that they stayed sane in this land of sheer madness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sam Gunner Character Portrait: Earl Derrik Godfrey Character Portrait: Scar Bellerose Character Portrait: Seto Lancette Character Portrait: Garen Walkens
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"I want those whom ranked top 20 in the 147th legion of the trainee class to stand forth along with their partners. We will need you immediately at the front line."

"Okay people! Let's go! Let's go!

Seto readied his tanks, but silently cursed. Where was she? His partner? Now that all the humans were gone along with Meisters, there were really only Weapons left. And if one had no partner to wield, it'd be useless to head out there alone, and would be distinguished as, basically, suicide. Weapons were powerless without their own Weapon, and Seto had come to realize that, which is why had had only been getting ready, but hadn't exactly run up to join the others when called, 'Where'd she go...' He sighed and ran his hand tiredly through his hair. After all, he didn't get much sleep before after being alerted that it was their time to finally show off their skills.

Most people would begin crying, writing their farewell notes, praying that god would save them, not that it would matter... But Seto was waiting for this moment. Perhaps not quite excited, but not scared or apathetic either. Just... looking forward to it. But then again, there was also her, who's words still stayed in his mind just before she died; 'I hope they kill you.' Her ghost still haunted him, even as an adult now. His mother's words and shadows never left his thoughts, even in the most dire moments. But maybe that's what kept him driven to not hold back in the battlefield.

”Sorry...Seto.. I again. But I’m here now.” Seto looked up from his thinking and saw Lyra, his partner, childish friend, and even someone he took interest in, smiling at him.

Seto let out a sigh filled with relief and stood up normally, as he was sitting down before, and said, "You took awhile.. It got me nervous for a second that you suddenly ran off or something. Well... I guess it doesn't really matter. You're here now and that's what matters."

”So….are you excited for today..? Or are you worried..?”

For a moment, there was a flash of his mother's dying and horrifying face and then Seto snapped back to reality, rubbing his forehead while in a daze. However, he tried not to show it too clearly when he said, with his normal voice, "Neither... actually. I mean, I guess I'm sort of looking forward to it, but then again-" He paused, then shook his head, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." Seto quickly ran a check on his gas tanks, almost looking a bit anxious, before looking back at Lyra, "You're ready right? We should get going then, everyone's lining up." He said and grabbed her hand before walking towards the line of the other soldiers, lining up with them just as they did.

Seto was a very confident young man, and stood tall next to the others, looking forwards with a stern expression, "You ready?" He whispered over to Lyra.

“We cannot wait any longer, let the others come afterwards; we must go and provide assistance to the men already out there fighting the giants.”

"Scratch that." Seto said, grabbing Lyra's hand once more, but then, and suddenly, shifting into a pair of dual hooked swords, "We're heading out now."