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Slyvester Garza

"Am lost, in paradise? no but I have nowhere else to be, nor to go."

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a character in “Hunt of the Bound”, as played by FiresOwnWeakness



Sylvester Garza





It's not the first time Slyvester has been called 'pretty', not handsome just 'pretty'. Standing at 5'6 and weighing about 180 pounds Slyvester obtains
black wavy hair, not yet shoulder length but not above his ears. Slyvester has enchanting almond shaped forest green eyes with dash of blue , a heart shaped head with thick full lips colored in a bright light shade of pleasant pink, thick dark eyebrows that always seem to deem curious. It's not a lie that he has big hands that always seem rather warm even in cold days, he also has sparse eyelashes, and his teeth are somewhat im prefect, and you'd know because he always seems to be smiling a tad bit, even in the worst of times, I believe he's a happy person.Slyvester prefers light clothing to dark, he often wears fitted clothes he prefers them to loose clothing. Overall Slyvester has a medium build, a fair complexion rather on the dark side but fair. Slyvester has a small nose and big thick fingers, he also looks rather healthy for a slave.

There are multiple sides to Slyvester, he can be cruel and cold and he can be charming and inviting, it happens to be which side you get most people get his charming and inviting side. Slyvester is pleasant and chatty, he sees the good in people when no one else can, he likes to listen at times but also likes to speak. Slyvester is sneaky and nosy he likes to put his nose where it doesn't belong but that doesn't mean he cannot be good friends with you, Slyvester has a temper, that he tries to control he can get viciously mad at times and it makes him do things he usually wouldn't do Slyvester is overall a happy person.

Slyvester has his fears, moderate average fears but indeed they are fears,
He's generally afraid of dying, he's afraid of heights, moderate like I said before but they are still fears.

Slyvester is a decent cleaner and cook although it takes a toll on his health he can do Physical labor very well. Very fast, often thinks of witty things to get him out of situation.

When he's nervous his words break apart and his ears flush red.
He cannot fight back.
He trusts too easily.

Origins: Already part of the house hold

Slyvester was born of royalty a small country, Kavita. His parents raised him to be loyal and fair to others, to not particapate in violence and such but when invaders from another country dashed into Kavita, it was hell in earth, nobody could protect themselves or family, Kavita was endless, the queen and king were brutally murder, but Slyvester doesn't know that he thinks that they are still out there, that was a couple years ago and Kavita is slowly getting back to normal or at least now having protection around it's firm grounds, Kavita is currently under new rule.


Roleplay Sample:
The day was cloudy and looked as if the heavens were about to poor they're waters.

The city of Kavita was under attack, being raded and it's people shipped away.

A swarm of people where running now, running across gunshots were heard and some dropped down, people where carried away and Slyvester was in the middle of the commotion, the child was old enough to know to run but young enough to stay and watch. Slyvester was watching confused in the warfare until clammy meaty hands wrapped around his mouth, he whelped, whining and crying until he could shed no more tears.

The man threw him into a carriage and begun to talk with some other man, they had the same rough appearance.
"This one could get some coins." said the one that captured him.

"He's still a child James, nobody buys children.'

"Well he can grow in the household, plus I believe he's royalty, all them fancy gold 'ecklaces and such."

The two men made there way into the cardiage and poor Slyvester was helplessly asleep.

"Ahh the lad be asleepin'."

"Better so I don't have my ears bleeding from his cries."

And they exploded with laughter, the laughs like shattered glass on marble floor wickedly painful.
The one called James laughed and said to his friend. "He's a keeper.' with a secretive grin.

So begins...

Slyvester Garza's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyvester  Garza Character Portrait: Angela Edwards
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Slyvester Garza

Slyvester flicked the sweat off his crinkled forehead and sighed as he carried bags of food towards the kitchen back and forth. Slyvester had just finished making the beds, ironing the mistress clothes and sweeping almost everywhere in the house. Slyvester reached the kitchen and dumped the extremely heavy bag of rice on the ground, his belly grumbled and Slyvester sighed taking a moment to breathe. "Slyvester." someone called and he flinched a bit but soon realized it was that nervous servant boy.

Slyvester breathed in and out a bit heavily and sighed relived that it wasn't who he had been expecting. . "Mistress would like for you to set the dining tables." she muttered out. "Okay." Slyvester nodded and walked towards the dining room, the dining room was a neat and elegant room made of pure and expensive oak wood , a wooden table sat in the middle and a cupboard filled with shiny glasses overlaid, a painting a woman and man made of over colored shapes.

Slyvester took out the clean plates that he could see his reflection on and elegantly placed 6 across the table to match the six chairs that were perfectly set up on the table, Slyvester could smell the food that someone was cooking and evidently the kitchen needed a scrub down so he guess he would be the one to do that to. Slyvester grumbled as he set the silver wear,

when he turned he saw a girl dark haired one walking around, Slyvester bit his lower lip, she seem so weak and fragile like she was about to die. Why would madame buy something so.. dead? was the words that popped to mind and then the bloodoath came to mind.. he still didn't know who was to be partaking.. he wondered what if the new girl was an offering- and he suddenly shook the thought out of his mind and finished setting the table, with scented cloths and everything.

Slyvester walked towards the small closet where they held the cleaning supplies and grabbed a mop and a bucket. He filled the bucket with water and carefully walked into the kitchen, sure not to spill any drop of water or else, you would guess that he was in a whole lot of trouble.

Slyvester frowned when he got into the kitchen the stains from the previous cooking prevailed and showed there tough side, Slyvester grabbed a mop and started scrubbing hard on the surface.

An hour later, it's barely cleaner than it was before. Slyvester sighed again something he just loved to do he sighed because he was unhappy recalling an unpleasant dream last night not to mention the rock hard bed that he slept on.

By the next hour Slyvester was done with that chore, exhausted but done for the day not a chance. Slyvester bumped into one of his friends Juno, he had this strange feeling that something wasn't right, Slyvester bit his lower lip watching Juno greet him a quick and fat 'hello' before walking swiftly away.

Slyvester went out side to sweep the platform, outside he spotted madame, she was sitting enjoying the hot breeze. Slyvester eyed her for a while before continuing to sweep and keep it clean. She was truly the devil, her whoel figure and attitude represent hell and this place was surely hell. Slyvester wondered if this was just a dream he kept pinching himself to wake up, but sadly this is more than a nightmare it's a twisted reality.

Slyvester looked at the perfect lawn, he remembered when he had to use a pair of rusty clippers to clip the whole lawn, Slyvester continued sweeping the pathway outside. Until the devil itself decided to speak, she called his name so forcefully but elegantly it could mean anything at most.

"Yes, Mistress Edwards." Slyvester responded his voice shaky his mind trying to think of the worst she could possibly due, he was already weak and his body breaking due to lack of food. Slyvester faced her and looked her in the eye and and waited, for her to respond in such fashion. The sun shine on Slyvester's head the drops of sweat rolling down his face, maybe it was nervousness or maybe it was the aching heat or maybe just maybe it was fear itself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyvester  Garza Character Portrait: Angela Edwards
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#, as written by Shané

Evening was fast approaching. The sun was slowly descending from it's place in the sky. Angela prayed that this years Bound would bring another plentiful year for Tarsha. So far it had done her well. Never had a Bound escaped the sacrifice in her household. A puzzled look cam over her features. On second thoughts, they never made it. She frowned slightly. This BloodOath had been going for years, surely one would have made it? She racked her brain for any memory of unsuccessful hunt, either by gossip or announcement. There was none. This stumped her for a bit, and she wondered how that were possible. Eventually she decided it must have been due to the gods and their favour on Tarsha. This returned her smile. Yes, Tarsha had been the world power for years. According to the priests, ever since the BloodOath was created.
She slowly roved around the garden enjoying that atmosphere and the peace. She would have to wait till the Hunt was over to get this quiet a night again. For the next month or so there would always be two slaves dying in the stockades to ensure prosperity for the new year. As she offered up one last prayer for another successful Hunt and consequently following year, she noticed Sylvester.
Her lips pursed. She'd had him set up the dining room to keep him near the kitchen, in order for him to be found quickly. It was a good thing she'd seen him now.
He looked up startled, but she ignored it.
"Your to go into the kitchen to serve tonight"
She then turned and walked into the house, not waiting for his reaction or reply. It didn't matter, he was a possession nothing more. As she stepped into the house, a chorus of bells echoed over the city coming from the cloister. The signal for the beginning of the feast. The Hunters would know that it meant they were to gather in the dining hall. She assumed Belle would bring the blonde slave, and from there Miss Edwards could send her into the kitchen to serve.
She passed the corridors, and after walking through the dining hall, made her way into the kitchen.
"All of you can leave, with the exception of Juno and the Syri" she announced harshly, waiting for them to place the food on the bench before leaving.
The Syri came out with two bottles, she quickly instructed them before going back to the dining hall. It was one thing she didn’t like about the BloodOath- having to feast with slaves. Yes they were the favoured ones, but they were slaves none the less. She would never forget the lesson her father had taught her. Slaves were only waiting to turn on their mistress and therefore had to be governed with an iron fist.
She checked that her box of supplies had been bought down. She'd need to give it to the hunters before the branding. She frowned. It was such a noisy job, and it also meant staying up to give her Hunters final advice before they left to Hunt. Oh well, she'd have to think of the perks. Removing the weak ones would certainly be good for her appearance.
She took her seat at the head of the table, waiting for her Hunters to arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyvester  Garza Character Portrait: Juno Lee Character Portrait: Arya Tundra
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"Your to go into the kitchen to serve tonight" The woman's voice echoed in his ears, Slyvester was about to muffled out a sentence but she had already walked away. Slyvester groaned placing the sweeping supplies away and heading back inside.

Slyvester opened the door and walked in his footsteps on the floor making a thud sound, Slyvester rushed to the dining room seeing Juno and the new girl standing before him Slyvester bit his lower lip, his stomach grumbled some more he was hungry.

"Hello" Slyvester muffled out. "You must be the new girl." He coughed out his eyes wary. He looked over at Juno and nodded at him.

Slyvester later stood there speechless watching through the window,though he wasn't looking at anything he was thinking life back home the warm sand on his feet the sweet fruits the endless trees. Slyvester got twisted in his past life and tears dripped from his eyes and on to the floor with a thud. Slyvester grunted wiping his tears from the ground and from his eyes.

Slyvester hid his face he didn't want Juno and the new girl to look at him, the shame was already enough, how did someone of royalty go from being top of the world to bottom of the food chain? Were his parents still looking? Slyvester thought staring at the new girl, she suddenly seems to awfully weak. Slyvester looked away the thought of scaring her came to mind and he fiddled his fingers together his lips pressed together, Slyvester was thinking endlessly about running away being free and not having to worry about the essence and random beating each day, not having to clean just relaxing and seeing his ma and pa once again.

Slyvester walked into the kitchen again, he looked at the floor and bit his lower lip and staggered out. "Do you need help with anything, am just standing here.." Slyvester ran his fingers through his hair.
