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Luscinia Abaven

A young noble girl, Bonded to a Harpy, who is trying to make amends for the mistakes of the past.

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a character in “Hunting Era {Reboot}”, as played by CrimsonFox


Luscinia Abaven,
and Kestrel of the Claw

+++| Name |+++
Luscinia Abaven

+++| Nickname(s) |+++
Lucy, “The Nightingale”

+++| Personality |+++
Luscinia (who more commonly goes by her nickname Lucy) was born and raised a noblewoman, meaning she learned to do/enjoy things that girls destined to be married off were supposed to do/enjoy. This meant she learned to read, write, sing, dance, sew, play a variety of instruments, perform basic first aid and a great number of other things. As such she is very proper and formal in the way that she speaks, acts and holds herself - constantly upholding a code of honor, she always has her chin held high. This outstanding sense of self-pride translates into her fighting as well as she is very in control of herself regardless of the situation. It's extremely difficult to rile her up as she's very calm and reserved (especially in the face of crowds). This does not, however, mean she it totally unfeeling. Quite the opposite, she enjoys having fun and is always up for a good laugh (don't be surprised to find she has a great sense of humor). Very kindhearted and friendly, she is always willing to offer a helping hand and feels that she is duty bound to protect humanity from corruption.
She's made it her mission to find and punish the evil ones in the world who hurt/use innocents for there own gain - especially if it is a Bonded duo committing such heinous acts. More than that though, she feels she is also committed to protect Bounded duos (and humans) who are innocent, yet being hunted down. It's difficult as she knows she will never be able to fully complete these goals, however she feels that by trying to do so she may make amends for allowing her fiancé to die in her place by the hands of the assassin and his Bond. Extremely close to her own Bond, Kestrel, they are like sisters and have known each other since Lucy was 8 years old. Though they don't necessarily share the same views, they work very well together and there is frequent laughter shared between them. Kestrel constantly nags for Lucy to find another man, but she merely smiles and shakes her head.
(Still a minor WIP)


+++| Physical Description |+++

Lucy is incredibly beautiful as she was once a noblewoman. Her hair falls to her waist, is a very dark brown (sometimes mistaken for black) and very soft - she always leaves it down so as to hide the tattoo on the back of her neck. This tattoo is the mark that appeared when she made the Bond with Kestrel and is about the size of an open hand; 6 wings centered around a sphere that balances on two spikes balanced on each other. Other than that she has no distinguishable or important marks on her body (scars, birthmarks, tattoos or otherwise). Her eyes are a darkened red and her skin is very fair. At 20 years old she stands at 5' 4" (so she's not short, but neither is she remarkably tall) and weights just over 100lbs with a B+ cup and very womanly curves. Though petite, she is far from weak and has spent many months training - while she has a disadvantage due to her small size, she's extremely quick and considerably strong (after all, she has to be able to wield that sword).

+++| Weapons / Armor (if any) |+++

The armor Lucy wears and sword she wields were made for and given to Lucy as a gift by her parents, mainly out of remorse for her loss as well as in support of her choosing to pursue another path (though she knows her mother likely would have rathered her seek to remarry instead). The feathers were also a gift; the soft white downy feathers shed by Kestrel, and they have magical properties that allow Lucy unfathomable speed (for a human, that is). Her fame has been growing and she had been giving the title "The Nightingale" - a brave warrior who seeks to bring justice to the evil of the world. She is often depicted with white wings, however that is an exaggeration - the wings represent Kestrel, her Bond, and not actual wings. The armor is usually kept in the bag Lucy carries with her along with a maroon dress with a white underskirt and a matching ribbon (for any formal events, her mother had insisted), and her sword is usually sheathed and slung over her shoulder. She usually only dawns her armor prior to a major battle or when actively tracking down a criminal. Other than that she wears her normal clothes (a black long sleeve top with white kerchief around the collar, a black plaited skirt that almost reaches her knees, and a long red scarf) and is rarely recognized when not in her armor.

+++| Name |+++
Kestrel (of the Claw)

+++| Nickname(s) |+++

+++| Personality |+++

| Physical Description |
Kestrel has two forms.

The second form is a far more human-like form that allows Kestrel to blend in with crowds of people. She is extremely beautiful, though has a strange aura around her of something unnatural (though it's not enough to make people second guess her true nature). She has long dark brown / reddish hair that's always rather messy (as if it's been wind blown) and sparkling golden eyes that could hold even the most steadfast human in a trace (though were you to look closely, there is a permanent appearance of a girl who has spent a long time crying as she has heavy bags under her eyes). Also built with generous curvature, Kestrel in her human form appears to be roughly 18 (though her age, while unknown, is certainly many many times more than that) and stands at about 5' 2" and weights about 80lbs (unnaturally light, even for such a small girl). Often she dresses in lacy or white satin, though its often also rather disheveled. Altogether she is unnaturally beautiful and innocent looking, so when in this form she uses that to her advantage.

The first form, which she vastly prefers to be in, is her Harpy form. In her Harpy form she stands roughly 6' 5" tall with a wingspan of 5' per wings (a grand total of 10'). Naturally Kestrel is very light which contributes to her flying and speed, and she is very slender with hourglass curves. Her entire body is covered with feathers, though her body is mainly has white feathers that progressively turn a darker brown color starting at the shoulders as they cover her wings and at her hips are the feathers lengthen to form her long tail. All of her feathers are very soft and Lucy has (with Kestrel's permission) used a few of the shed white downy feathers to make her armor). Though Kestrel's body is very womanly, her head is far less human; her mouth is a sharp yellow beak capable of tearing apart flesh and breaking bone with terrifying ease. Above her beak are two constantly watching golden eyes that have a hawk's intensity and never seem to miss a single detail of whats going on around her. On the top of her head are short dark brown feathers that point backwards (as if an intimation of hair) and she had two pointed ears on both sides of her head. Kestrel has a fondness for gold and wears two necklaces of gold around her neck as well as two gold bracelets around her left ankle - these were all gifts from Lucy, the necklaces and bracelets offered as a token of goodwill prior to the Bond.

+++| Weapons / Armor |+++ (if any)
Kestrel has no need for weapons as her speed and strength alone can conquer most any foes. Her talons are long and wickedly sharp, able to sink into prey and get a good grip on things up to the size/weight of a hippo. Her wings are powerful enough to lift this weight without much effort and she can fly up to speeds rivaling the Peregrine Falcon (over 242 mph), not to mention that a single strike could easily kill (or at least stun/severely injure) any prey - powerful enough to shatter glass and dent metal. Lastly, her break is like an owl's - able to break bone and tear meat from prey with ease. Her only weakness would be during her molting period where new feathers are coming in and she is unable to fly until the new set has grown in. During this time she'll often find a quiet place and make a nest; the entire process takes up to a week, tops. The only armor she wears are two bronze bracers around both her ankles; these were gifts from her tribe when she gained her title "Kestrel of the Claw", and are imbued with runes that allow advanced protection as well as healing. They are tarnished but very effective as she not over recovers from injuries very quickly, but very rarely gets injured.


++++++| History |++++++
Kestrel was one of four eggs that hatched and was the first to break the shell which contained her, making her the eldest. Of her siblings she was the first to fly, first to hunt (and make a successful kill) and the first to gain an official title - "Kestrel of the Claw", as it was said that off all the younglings her talons were the sharpest and most keen. When she reached maturity she was assigned by the high matriarch to be a defender and Kestrel proved herself to be, not only a skilled hunter, but a skilled fighter. However Kestrel developed a strange sense of fascination towards creatures known as "humans". The high matriarch, upon hearing this news, called for an audience with Kestrel and gave her permission to leave the nesting grounds and the flock in order to pursue her interest, as a reward for the valiant service she'd provided over the years. Thanking her deeply, Kestrel did exactly that and shortly afterwards she took up an interest in an 8 year old human child named "Lucy" who desperately desired a companion, and decided to fill that void. This is all the history that Kestrel has told Lucy as, when she tries to explain the chain of command of harpies, the girl gets hopelessly confused. However Kestrel knows most every detail of Lucy's past.


Luscinia was born to the noble Mavinae family, the younger of two daughters. She went by the name Lucy and was brought up like a proper young lady. However being raised in such a manor was very lonely as her sister was 8 years older than her and she rarely had the opportunity to play with other children her age. This loneliness is likely what intrigued Kestrel in the first place, and she came to Lucy days after her 8th birthday. Instead of being afraid of the Harpy, the child was fascinated and Kestrel visited her in secret many more times before agreeing to be Bonded together.
This new Bond was kept a secret from Lucy’s parents for a long time as she was afraid that exposure would bring shame to her family’s name and that her parents would try to get rid of Kestrel (in her city Bonds were generally looked at as potential criminals and scum). Lucy didn’t care about the risk though, because for once in her life she had someone she could call a friend. However when Lucy was 15 she met a boy by the name of Caelan who was a heir of the noble Abaven family. The two of them were allowed to spend time together (though neither of them knew why) and they quickly grew into steadfast friends, and from that friendship developed the beginnings of love.

Two years passed, Lucy was 17 and Caelan was 18, when Lucy revealed her Bond with Kestrel. She was terrified that he would flee in terror or attack, but he was equally fascinated and greeted Kestrel as a gentle would a lady (she was incredibly flattered), and swore he would keep their secret. He gave Kestrel the nickname “Kanara”, which meant “little bird” she was very vocal about her approval of him to Lucy. It was shortly after that event that the true reason they were allowed to spend so much time together was revealed – their families had arranged for them to be married when they both were of the age of 18. It was a strange revelation, but both of them were happy as by that time they had both fallen in love with the other.

With only 6 months until the wedding, Lucy was on cloud nine and Kestrel was equally as happy for her Bond and assumed the form of a handmaiden so she would constantly be beside Lucy and help prepare for the upcoming event. However there were those that were less than happy for the engaged pair, one of those people being another noble girl by the name of Juliana. She was in love with Caelan as well and was jealous of Lucy, so she convinced herself that Lucy had used some form of witch craft to captivate the young man’s heart. So suspicious was she that she sent one of her own handmaids to serve under Lucy and help prepare for the wedding and act as a double agent. It took four months before the maid finally brought back news. She’d noticed the Tattoo on the back of Lucy’s neck while helping do her hair and figured out that Lucy was Bonded to some kind of monster. Juli was furious now that her suspicions had been confirmed, and mulled over her hatred for the last two months before the wedding, formulating a wicked plan.

Luscinia’s big day came and she was glowing as she walked towards the alter in her wedding gown where the love of her life stood waiting. Everything was going smoothly and the pair was just exchanging their vows when suddenly the chapel doors swung open Juli, red in the face, began screaming about how Lucy was in fact a witch who’d formed a bond with a demon creature! Lucy was aghast but as people began to scream, Caelan stood up and declared that Lucy was Bonded to a Harpy and had been for years, but he loved her and did not think any less of her for having a companion. The crowd was still restless but eventually settled into agreement – it was the groom’s choice, and who were they to deny the wishes of the noble groom. However judging by the way Juli’s smug face fell, she was not satisfied with this answer and began to scream before declaring that if SHE could not have Caelan, NO ONE could!
As if on que the gorgeous stained glass window that was behind the almost-newly-wed couple shattered and in burst in a man riding on the back of an enormous rat. Juli had hired an assassin and his Bond to kill Lucy, but as she fell Caelan drew his sword and fought the assassin off. Caelan slew the assassin without too much difficulty but the Rat, upon seeing his friend/Master’s demise, flew into a rage and lunged at Caelan (ignoring Juli’s commands to attack Lucy). Caught off guard the Rat bit down on Caelan’s neck and flung him across the hall. Upon seeing her beloved fiancé thrown violently across the hall Lucy, who had thus far been silenced in terror, screamed and in through the window with an even louder screech of war came Kestrel in all her glory to battle the giant rat.

While Kestrel fought the Rat Lucy gathered her gown in her hands and ran to Caelan’s side, looking upon the blood gushing from his neck in horror. He coughed and reached up to wipe her tears (she’d not realized she’d been weeping), placing a hand on her cheek and whispering his apologies. As they shared their moment Lucy asked that they complete their vows, and as Caelan lay dying and his blood stained Lucy’s once white gown, they were married and she kissed his lips as he took his final breath before collapsing on his chest in anguish. Having slain the Rat, Kestrel approached her Bond with quiet mournful croons and knelt beside her, wrapping her wings around the sobbing girl and her lost love.

A week after her wedding, Lucy’s husband was buried and she spent the many miserable weeks following locked in her room and grieving with once Kestrel to keep her company. Imagine Lucy’s parent’s surprise when she emerged after her long isolation with Caelan’s sword and asked that she be taught to sword fight. Of course they agreed out of love and pity for their broken hearted daughter and they watched in awe as she excelled. She’d sworn to avenge her lost love by protecting the innocents and bringing the evil to justice – especially those who’d also made Bonded with creatures as she had. After a year of training both with Kestrel and with swordsmen, Lucy was ready to leave home and as a parting gift her parents gave her specially forged armor to protect her during battle.
A year has passed and Lucy has become somewhat famous, though she is known as “The Nightingale”, a maiden Bonded with a Harpy and a defender of innocents. When not wearing her armor, however, she is Lucy Abaven, a traveler constantly accompanied by a handmaiden with gold eyes.

+++| Theme Song |+++

"Keep Holding On"
by Avril Lavigne
You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No, I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through)

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late
This could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side, I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah


Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change
Nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly


Keep holding on
Keep holding on
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through

Face Claim is Ayano Tateyama

So begins...

Luscinia Abaven's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra
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Luscinia Abaven

It was a particularly gorgeous day today. The sky was a bright blue and white puffy clouds drifted lazily by. There was a slight breeze blowing through the trees that brought a piney scent as it ruffled Lucy's hair and shifted the red scarf that hung around her neck as she watched the sky. Kestrel was flying above her, reluctant to waste such a perfect day in the form of a normal human, so instead she kept watch over Lucy from the sky. Lucy did not mind this arrangement at all. In fact, she was somewhat grateful for the silence. Kestrel was somewhat of a loud mouth and, though Lucy appreciated the conversation, she felt that perhaps the beauty of today's weather was best enjoyed in quiet bliss.

The pair had been travelling for a few days now between towns, no particular destination in mind; merely looking and listening for a hint of someone who needed assistance. Lucy did have an end goal, however; a small village that rested on a cliff side. It was home to people who had Bonds (as she did) and somewhat of a shelter from the dangers of the world. There leader of the village was a woman known as Lyra who was able to summon the Dragon she'd Bonded with. Lucy had no need for a shelter as she could get along fine in the world, despite it's dangers, however she wanted to offer her aid to them. It would be nice to be able to talk with others who'd formed Bonds as she had. Through her travels, Lucy had meet very few Uniques, and even fewer of them were willing to have a casual conversation with her. They always seemed to be paranoid or on the run from something unknown.

The Unique village was still a few day's walk from where she was, but Lucy was on the road that would lead them there - and along the way there were a few villages she was able to seek food, shelter and work in. Speaking of, there was a village appearing a short way down the road and Lucy wouldn't help but to sigh softly in relief. Slung over her back was not only her sword in its sheath, but also the bag that carried her Nightingale armor (along with other clothing and supplies) - suffice to say, it was starting to get a bit heavy, and she'd be lying if she said that sitting down to eat and possibly having a bath that evening didn't appeal to her tired self.

Raising her right hand to the sky, Lucy made a series of signals - with Kestrel's incredible hawk-like vision, it was not hard for the message to her across: 'I am going in to the town. Will meet here again in 1 hour.' Kestrel circled once as an affirmative before soaring off, likely to find herself something to eat. Shifting the weight to her other shoulder, Lucy picked up the pace a little bit until she'd reached the entrance of the town. Things were busy; people rushing back and forth, vendors calling out their wares, children playing in the road and animals being lead from place to place. People hardly noticed the red eyed girl slip into the crowd as she made her way towards the welcoming open door of the inn, eager to find food and possibly work inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha
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#, as written by Hikami
The girl had gotten a few shops done now twenty more to go. The owners of the stores feeling pitiful for the girl put more things into her bag. She was obviously struggling to keep it even a centimeter off the ground. A few times she had bumped into a Hunter, she bowed her head in apology. Not like she was sorry or anything.

Looking the black hair girl felt something, she was not quite sure what though. Then red eyes past her, her head followed the red eyed girl. There was something about her, and was there something behind her hair. The black hair girl chose to ignore the feeling she still had a ton more things to get.

"Hunt them, hunt them down." Kids shout as they ran around playing their game. The girl wanted to yell at them for playing such a game. Last time though she got caught, they cannot wait another month to get the produce and herbs that cannot be grown by her isolated village.

Twin Bullets

Tasha and Ryuhwan were doing their patrol on this sunny day, things have been quiet. They and other hunters were getting restless as there have been no reports of Uniques were coming up. After spotting a black hair girl sitting on the city fountain they decided to follow her and to see if she would do anything suspicious.

Bored and positive it is a Unique they block her path. The girl placed her bags down full of produce and held up her hands. "You are acting very suspicious. What is all that for?" Ryuhwan asked with a cold heart. "I started an Inn." She smiled sweetly. The twin bullets did were not buying her story. There was something familiar about her. "Lyara." Tasha breathed out. Lyara's black hair changed to her natural brown, a dragon sat on her shoulder it's tail rest on her other side. "Aw~ busted, you are going to make Elder hit me in the head." Lyara commented with a smirk. "She can die." Ryuhwan shot his gun aimed at Lyara. Dodging the bullet she ran away.

The setting changes from Forest to City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn
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The bullet zipped through the air, embedding itself into the stone wall Lucius had planted himself upon. As soon as the gunshot rang out, a smile began growing upon his face, by the time the bullet had hit the wall, he was grinning like a madman. Finally pulling himself from the stone enclave he had been housed on, Lucius opened his eyes.

“About time something happened, I was growing tired of my usual games.”

Taking a quick glance at the sky, Lucius confirmed the time of day. The sky, while gorgeous, had already begun to give off it’s honeyed glow, and the amber orb had begun to take a more downward western path. Dusk was only just beginning though, and that only meant trouble for the black creature that stirred restlessly, hidden away in the shadows not far from Lucius.

Eyes falling back upon the plaza before him, he alighted upon the two hunters, gun still raised, smirking slightly as their eyes followed a girl who had just vanished down an adjacent street. Lucius only caught sight of her long-brown hair, an average trait, contrasting the unaverage dragon that had roosted upon her shoulders. It wasn't hard to follow her movements, as the plaza had already been emptied of pedestrians as they fled from the gunshot that had disturbed their peaceful, pitiful existence.

Lucius whistled, seemingly breaking the Hunters from their trance as they began to give chase to the girl.

‘This,’ He thought, ‘Was going to be fun.’

He calmly walked back into the shadowy corner where his companion lurked, invisibly amongst the darkness. He was in no hurry, why would he be? He knew where they were going, and he knew he could get there first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Hikami
"Lovely day for a run." Lyra told her perched dragon like she was not running at all. Another bullet whizzed by her head as she took a sharp turn into the more questionable area of town. "And to get shot at." She could not help but joke to her small dragon. Deeper she ran into darker area of town the streets were a little wet. With very little sun light getting through do to the buildings you would best hope that puddle you ran through was water and not gross things.

Finding a ladder she jumped onto to latching on the fourth bar, it was a little high for an average man's height. Shivers went throughout her body as she gripped the bar tighter. "Gross." She let under her breath, climbing up to the roof her dragon perched made a sweet hissing noise. "Unfortunately you are still a hatchling I cannot put you to battle yet." Lyra's words almost seemed to have depressed the little dragon. "But you can check and see if Sala grabbed the bags I dropped." Happily the little dragon shook it's black head and flew off, using it's magic abilities it disappeared.

The Twin Bullets only chased her so far before for stopping. "I am nor playing this game again." Ryuhwan growled as he looked for the possible path she took. "We need to hurry before she sets a trap." Tasha wiped his white hair out of his face as he looked with Ryuhwan. The something caught his eye. "There she went that way." Tasha pointed to the sky and ran in the direction the black dot came from, towards Lyra.

The setting changes from City to Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha
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Luscinia Abaven

Just as Lucy was about to enter the inn, she heard the sound of of a gun shot and whirled around just in time to see two guys sprinting after a girl with brown hair and a small dragon resting on her shoulder. Lucy's eyes widened slightly, 'Is that Lyra?' she wondered, trying to recall the stories she'd heard of the dragon summoner. Brown hair in a ponytail and green eyes weren't very helpful as there were plenty of people in the world who had those characteristics, however she had never met another who was able to summon dragons.

'That'd had to have been Lyra,' she concluded, ducking into the inn. It took no longer than a minute for her to find a place and change into her armor (do it enough times and eventually you can change seemingly instantaneously). In addition to her armor she wore a dark red cloak that enveloped her body and effectively hid the armor underneath. Once done with that she rushed outside. She didn't know who the two boys were, one with black hair and the other with white, however judging by the guns they both wielded and how they'd just attacked Lyra, Lucy could only assume that they were Hunters. Her eyes became cold and narrowed slightly, but she did not wish to fight them at this moment. She needed to find Lyra and see that she was okay. The armor she wore was a precaution in case the two hunters decided to attack her as well, and the cloak was to hide the armor that would otherwise identify her as The Nightingale.

Looking around the square there was a distinct lack of people, all the civilians obviously having fled from the sound of the gunshot. The two hunters had also disappeared, following Lyra who had run down an adjacent street in her effort to escape them. In fact, the only thing in the square, other than the fountain which bubbled and spurted blissfully, was a bag that appeared to be full of groceries. 'Wasn't Lyra carrying this?' Lucy wondered, going and picking the bag up, 'I'd never really envisioned a dragon summoner needing to go grocery shopping. But, regardless, I still must return it to her. Perhaps I can gain her favor and she'd be willing to lead me to the Unique village.'

People were starting to reenter the square, looking around timidly for whatever had made the gunshot sound. Casually, the cloaked girl began to whistle a simple tune, characterized by three loud high pitched whistles, before she began walking inconspicuously in the direction that the others had run in.

Meanwhile Kestrel had remained somewhat close to the village and had just caught an opossum. She wasn't terribly hungry but was pleased by the idea of a light snack like this one. She was halfway though her meal when, with her hawk-like hearing and eyesight, recognized the three whistles of Lucy's song and immediately took to the sky. One whistle was "Come to me", two was "Come to me quickly" and three was "Come to me quickly - there's danger". Soaring above the city Kestrel quickly spotted Lucy, moving calmly but with a sense of purpose down a somewhat small and underpopulated street that was taking her through the slums of the city. She had on the red cloak he often wore to cover her armor, meaning Lucy was indeed anticipating a fight, though with whom or why Kestrel did not know. Additionally, Kestrel did not know why Lucy was carrying a bag of groceries.

A short distance ahead of her was a young woman with brown hair and a small dragon on her shoulder who was running from two men (whose black and white hair reminder Kestrel of a Yin and Yang drawing Lucy had once shown her). The brown haired woman took a slight turn and proceeded to climb up a latter, perching on the roof of a rather run down looking building. She said something to the dragon on her shoulder and it took to the sky, moments later disappearing. However not before the two boys saw it, and began running in the direction it'd come from - towards the brown haired girl.

Kestrel swooped down, carefully not to nick her precious wings on anything, and hovered in front of Lucy (obviously reluctant to land in such a filthy place - she hated to get her feathers all dirty as they were her pride and joy, and cleaning them was a hassle). She told Lucy of what she saw and Lucy confirmed that the boys were hunting Lyra down, describing the scene in the square (and explaining why she was carrying a bag of groceries). "I saw an alternate route." Kestrel said, "If you hurry, you may be able to arrive when the boys do, if not before them - provided nothing slows you down." Lucy nodded and Kestrel took to the sky again, leading the girl through a series of alleyways. It was a race against time now; who would get to Lyra first? Lucy increased her pace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Gideon Halcaster Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn
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#, as written by Hikami
The little dragon hopped around in panic, the humans around him unaware of the little being there, the bags were not to be found and there is no scent of Sala. Just as the little one opened his eyes he was greeted by a small water made dragon. The two made conversation by numerous hisses and moans. The little black dragon found that he had beaten Sala there and that she could not have grabbed the bags. The water holding Sala's serpent shape broke splashing all over the stone street.

Lyra began running again after getting her breath back. Hopping over a building or two perpendicular to the forest she turned course. Instead of running away and towards what would seem her goal. Lyra was running where she came from. 'Just to mess with old friends.' Lyra thought as she jumped to the next building. Realizing she miss judged her jump she twisted landing on her shoulder hurting it. Gripping her arm she rolled over.

{I have yet to enter Rex, sorry}

A redhead leaned on the opened window smelling the drying paints from earlier works. "Find anything good?" Rex smiled. "I missed you coming back." Rex stood up and tightened his jacket. "You would not have happened to have seen anything I could use, did you?" He asked, as the healer of this cliff-side town he needs the herbs found.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha
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0.00 INK

Luscinia Abaven & Kestrel of the Claw

Lucy ran down a series of tight alleyways, following the path Kestrel was drawing for her in the sky. She was determine to find Lyra before those two guys did. After a few more twists and turns, Kestrel stopped directly overhead and hovered there for a moment. Lucy stopped as well, keeping her eyes on Kestrel. She knew her harpy companion was watching Lyra who must've changed course, mapping out a route Lucy could take in order to get to her fast. After a brief pause, Kestrel resumed flying and Lucy followed the given directions until she reached a two story build before diving from the sky and landing on the roof of the building.

Kestrel landed gracefully, her large wings allowing her to hover a moment before her taloned feet settled on the ground. She'd watched Lyra change direction and begin leaping from one rooftop to the next, but she'd miscalculated one and had to put all of her weight forward meaning that, though she'd barely made the jump, she'd landed on her shoulder and rolled. This seemed to have put her in severe pain as she'd not gotten up, instead continuing to lay there and hold her shoulder in pain.

Tucking her large, white-to-brown feathered wings behind her, Kestrel approached the spot where Lyra was laying (though was careful to remain out of her reach in case she responded aggressively). "Pardon me if this seems rude," the harpy said, her voice scratchy but not unkind or aggressive, "but you seem to have taken a rather nasty fall." Kestrel crooned, tilting her head slightly to get a better look at the girl. "You wouldn't happen to be Lyra, would you?"

Meanwhile, at the base of the building, Lucy knew Kestrel was on the roof though she could not see her. Looking around for a way to get up she spotted an old ladder and propped it up against the side of the building, climbing up it carefully. Once she reached the edge of the roof she peeked over it and saw Lyra, laying on the ground, while Kestrel stood looking down at her. Lyra seemed to be in pain judging by the way she was grimacing and holding her shoulder.

Quickly climbing onto the roof, Lucy hurried over to Lyra and set down the bag of groceries before kneeling down by her side. "Kestrel! What happened?" she asked seriously. "She was jumping from the rooftops, but underestimated the distance and landed on her shoulder." Kestrel responded in her peculiar scratchy voice, tilting her head to the other side now. Lucy nodded, glancing around the area cautiously. "Can you keep an eye out for those two hunters? We don't need any more trouble."

As Kestrel gave a nod and took to the sky again, Lucy turned her attention to Lyra. "My name it Lucy. I'm a Unique and that was my Bond, Kestrel. We were on our way to your village to see if we could offer our aid when we saw you being chased by those two guys. Can you move? Do you think it's dislocated, or just bruised?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

Lucius lifted his head from one end of the rooftop, spotting the downed dragon-summoner and some other girl bent over her. quickly pulling himself over the edge, he swung his feet to the roof, and stood up, dusting off his clothes.

“Good, good,” he passed the two figures on the roof, “With you out of the fray, I can unleash on these fools.” He gestured over the rooftop to the sound of fast-approaching footsteps.

“Also, while I’m not sure who your new caretaker is, I certainly hope she won’t attempt to stand in my way. I plan on indulging myself, maybe, satiate some of my hunger. For, what is a battle without bloodshed?” Lucius raised his hands, several cards spilling from his sleeves. The edge of the card’s glinted in the amber sunlight, indicating the sharpened blade that marbled the playing cards.

He gave a slight chuckle as he saw a large winged creature swoop downwards. “Oh, what a lovely pet, is she not? I assume that little-birdie belongs to one of you two? Nonetheless, I give my sincerest regards to the owner of the poor pidgeon.”

Lucius chuckled, delighted to see the look of shock on the cloaked-girl’s face. “I jest, I jest. I hope that a bird of prey will be nothing but an advantage during an encounter with either of the Hunters.”

Lucius stroked the building’s edge as if it brought back precious memories, “Well enough talk from me. My hunger grows, and according to the placement of the sun, and the sound of footsteps fast approaching the alley directly beneath us, it’s about time for a bloodbath.” He swung his legs over the edge, “Ta-ta!” and with that, Lucius dropped off the building’s edge into the less than loving arms of two hunters.

Lucius landed more or less on two feet, a large dopey grin plastering his face as the Harpy flew back into view, with two agitated Hunters giving chase. Taking in his surroundings, he had full advantage of the battle. The high buildings, narrow passages, and lowering sun, all combined to fill the alley with shadows. The shadows themselves seemed alive, as they twisted, melded and moved to form a large creature that stood directly between Lucius and the approaching threat.

[♠] [] [♣] []

Talia stretched, yawning at the golden sky. So far, her break away from the outer walls had been nothing other than peaceful. She had visited some of the shops, took a walk around the town gardens, and met up with an old friend from her past. In short, it was utterly boring. No attempted robberies, no fools trying burn the village down, no uniques, and nothing to shoot at.

The blood in Talia’s veins was lazy, and it drove her insane. She even considered leaping from the belltower just to liven things up a little. Unfortunately, she happened to bump into her aging mother while muttering aloud, and was scolded and chastised for even thinking such heinous thoughts. “Isn’t it enough you put your life in harms way trying to keep everyone safe from powers beyond our control that you could stand to be bored every once in awhile? And if you’re so bored, would it kill her to visit her dying mother at least once in a week? I don’t get to see enough of you as it is and I feel as though I’m going to lose you like Aya…”

Just the thought of her mother’s voice made her suppress an eyeroll and a shiver. Though, her mother had a point. She never did seem to come back to the family home; instead choosing to spend all of her time off practicing her shooting skills.’Though,’she thought, pulling a pistol from its holster, ‘when your skills are as good as mine, who needs practice?’ With that she pointed the gun at a faint glimmer in the air soaring above the village.

A gunshot broke the tranquility.

Confused, Talia checked her gun, making sure she hadn’t fired it. No, it still had all of it’s bullets, perhaps she missed the bird, no, she dismissed the thought. But there, above the village, a small hawk still flew, flying away from the source of the noise. No, not the noise, a larger bird perhaps? A second bird-like creature began to rise above the rooftops of the village, flying towards the gunshot.

Cracking a smile, Talia followed, hoping to see some action break out of the day.

Only a few minutes later, Talia stood, huffing in an alleyway, as she tried to recover her breath. She had lost sight of the bird-creature a while ago, leaving her running in the dark. Though, as her gasps began shorter and far-between, she began to hear running, two figures running, in the adjacent alley. Quickly rounding the corner, she saw a pair of Hunters disappear after the same bird-like thing from before. Judging by appearance, the two Hunters seemed to be Tasha and Ryuhwan. Talia broke into another grin, ‘if the twins were involved, this is sure to be interesting.’ She thought as she chased after them down the alley.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Hikami
Lyra had heard the scratching of claws on the concrete. She did not move, it was not a Hunter none of them was a Unique with bird likeness. Unless if it was a new Hunter, ha, she would have been caught or dead. Lyra's eyes widened she was not expecting to hear a voice. Rolling over, keeping off of her shoulder though, she saw a Harpy. Lyra smiled, "yup" was her reply.

Lyra was surprised by the new face right next to her, but smiled when she made the connection. "I was right." She whispered to herself before answering Lucy, as she had introduced herself. "No, idea." Lyra sat up, maybe against wishes, looking at Lucy, Lyra smiled. "My name is Lyra, your Harpy guessed right about me." She smiled as if nothing was wrong.

A little black dragon appeared above everyone, gliding down to Lyra. It was jumping around then finishing with a hiss. "You have no idea where the bags are." Lyra confirmed with the little dragon, he nodded his little black head. Lyra sighed and stroked it's head with her good hand. "Things always have a way to work for a Unique."

Lyra's head quickly snapped at a new greeting. Her eyes followed his every move, she knew he was not a Hunter but the way he was talking her brain got quickly fried. Maybe it was the day that she let it get fried she does not know. Her body moved on instinct as he jumped down. Only now she could hear the footsteps coming and stopping.

Ryuhwan and Tasha knew they had found the spot, they could hear voices of multiple people. 'Uniques always seem to find poor Lyra.' Tasha chuckled to himself, he stopped when he gained a glare from his black haired buddy. They stopped in their tracks as someone dropped to the ground and grinned like a madman. "It, it could not be." Tasha tried to reassure himself. "Take care of him while I-" Ryuhwan's words were cut short Lyra, who had went to the edge to watch, had kicked him in the face. "I will not let you summon." She stated as-of-a-matter-of-fact. "If we are going survive, yes." Ryuhwan kicked her legs out from under her, landing she quickly rolled into him knocking him over. Lyra ignored the pain in her arm as the two continued to throw punches and kicks at each other. Tasha continued to point his gun at the grinning man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn
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0.00 INK

Luscinia Abaven

A tiny black dragon appeared by Lyra's side and squeaked, "You have no idea where the bags are." Lyra said with a sigh as the dragon nodded, "Things always have a way to work for a Unique." Lucy set the grocery bag she'd brought along down in front of the small creature. "Perhaps this is what you're looking for?" she said with a smile, "I saw you drop it and thought perhaps you'd like it back." Nudging the bag a little closer to the dragon she added, "Here, perhaps it would be safest in your hands - er - claws."

“Good, good, with you out of the fray, I can unleash on these fools.” Came a deep voice and Lucy jerked her head up to see a man standing on the edge of the building. He had shaggy brown hair, a black leather jacket and a red shirt that she somehow got the feeling served to hide many blood stains. There was something off about it - his presence made the hairs on her arms stand on end. His dark eyes met Lucy's and the feeling intensified. “Also, while I’m not sure who your new caretaker is, I certainly hope she won’t attempt to stand in my way. I plan on indulging myself, maybe, satiate some of my hunger. For, what is a battle without bloodshed?”

Feeling rather alarmed she mentally called out for Kestrel and in an instant the harpy had landed next to Lucy, her wings open to their full length and her talons leaving scratch marks on the roof of the building. The new arrival looked bemused. “Oh, what a lovely pet, is she not? I assume that little-birdie belongs to one of you two? Nonetheless, I give my sincerest regards to the owner of the poor pigeon.” Lucy's expression must have been one of horror as she jumped to her feet, drawing her sword as Kestrel made a low, angry crooning noise. He chuckled darkly, “I jest, I jest. I hope that a bird of prey will be nothing but an advantage during an encounter with either of the Hunters.”

“Well enough talk from me. My hunger grows, and according to the placement of the sun, and the sound of footsteps fast approaching the alley directly beneath us, it’s about time for a bloodbath.” He swung his legs over the edge, and them flung himself off with a cheerful: “Ta-ta!” Lucy couldn't help but wonder what the hell had just happen, running over to the edge where she spotted a scene below. The mysterious man had landed directly in front of the two Hunters that had been chasing Lyra earlier, and around him... shadows. Something was happening in the shadows. They were moving of their own accord and melded into some kind of bear-sized creature.

Lucy turned towards Lyra but found she had disappeared. Kestrel inclined her head to the edge where, upon looking again, Lucy could see that Lyra had just engaged one of the two male Hunters. "It's never a dull day when you're a Unique, huh Kestrel?" she said, her voice containing a mixture of uncertainty and humor, but then she raised her own sword and jumped down, aiming the magnificent blade at the Hunter who'd just raised his gun at the shadow-man (who Lucy assumed was on Lyra's side). Kestrel perched on the edge of the building, watching keenly. When Lucy needed her help, Kestrel would come, however generally Lucy was bale to handle herself just fine.

The setting changes from Forest to City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

The Tantabus rolled through the shadows, degrading back into a smoky black breeze that swept behind the two hunters. Lucius casually reached into his pocket, pulling a deck of razor tipped cards from his jacket. Glancing up, he saw Scarlet-Cloak-Girl flying from the rooftop. She landed beside him, brandishing a sword and engaging the snow-haired hunter with not a moment of hesitation.
Lucius felt the Tantabus growl, a low snarling sound that seemed to echo like whisper through the night. The prey was surrounded. Looking up, the shadows had gathered back into The Tantabus, leaning over it’s new catch. The prey in question, immediately shifted their backs towards each other, prepared to counter anything that came at them.
The Tantabus reared, only to stop short. His form grew unstable, and he dropped back into the darkness of the streets, twisting and turning into emptiness like a serpent. Lucius’ eyes flew open, as he registered a sharp, twisting pain resonating from his shoulder. He smiled, and fell into a pool of blood.
”How untimely a demise this is.”

On the other end of the alleyway, a young girl stood, clutching a pistol.

Talia rounded the corner, finding herself standing before a large creature, at least several feet tall. It was as black as night, it’s only distinguishing feature the beady amber eyes, and it’s shape. It’s arms were long, and tipped with claws, while it’s legs were double-jointed. It’s head fell forwards in a slouch, leaving them staring down a presumably sharp-toothed maw. It seemed to be made of the shadows themselves, as she could see no distinguishable body within the smoke-like abomination.
Her pistol was in her hand. Pointed at the creature. A loose volley of lead exploded from the end of her gun, ripping tiny holes in the creature’s form. The holes acted like a column of air punched through fog, and grew with the ripples in the breeze, freezing the creature as it shook then dissipated.
She saw a boy, back behind her comrades, fall limply to the ground. Seizing the chance, she rushed forwards. Tasha and Ryuhwan looked dazed, but still they held their ground. Each held a gleaming silver pistol, pointed at the remaining uniques. With one down, the fight had reached a standstill. No one dared attack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Gideon Halcaster Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Hikami
Lyra's eyes widen, she knew that sound well and a fight was the last thing that needs to happen right now. Without taking her eyes off of the Hunters she stepped back to Lucy and the downed Unique. The silvered hair Hunter grinned a greedy grin. "We get a big pay day." He reloaded his gun with tranquilizers darts. "See you in hell." Tasha then fired his gun. Lyra did not flinch she had brought out another dragon made of stone he sat as high as the buildings next them. A loud growl can from the stone wall, he had taken the dart on the back. "Thank you." Lyra said to the dragon tickling one of the feet sticking out. The little black dragon joined Lyra's side as she walked over to the the jester like Unique and Lucy. "Get Tala and get those bags." She told the little dragon. Turning her attention to the boy on the ground she kneeled down to his side. "Can you move?" She asked him.

The Twin Bullets shot a few more darts at the rock wall with wings. "What you just standingthere for?" Ryuhwan barked at Talia. "Guard us." The two pulled back their sleeve showing a few incantation circles on their arm. After a few words spoken Hell Hounds came from the ground growling next to Tasha and Ryuhwan. "Get ready for a fight if you don't wanna die Talia, a cornered Unique is very dangerous." Tasha warned her.

Cliff-side home

Rex looked puzzled for a moment. "Not much?" He mumbled mostly to himself. "That side of the forest is normally flourishing with all sorts of herbs." Rex heaved a heavy sigh things were starting to dry up and he was running low on herbs needed to heal Uniques. "You would not have seen Lyra would?" He asked Gideon his hand at his chin. Childern ran past without a care in the world. How his wished to go back to days like that, but then again those were every hard days too.

The setting changes from City to Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

Luscinia Abaven

Lucy heard the gun fire and the sound of a body falling. Sparing a glance in the direction of the shadow man, Lucy couldn't tell if he was dead or alive but she could see the person that'd shot him. This girl had short white hair with a few tiny ponytails, silver eyes and a gun with a wisp of smoke rising from the mouth of the barrel. With shadow-man downed, they were equally numbered. The two hunters stood back to back. Lucy was facing the one with white hair whilst Lyra stood opposite to her, facing the brown haired one. The girl who'd just shot shadow-man stood vertically to the group in another alleyway and he'd crumpled to the ground in the space between the two hunters and the girl.

Everyone stood still deathly still, waiting for the other to make a move. Kestrel was perched on the building, looming above the group, obviously not yet noticed by the Hunters 'Kestrel, you'll need to grab shadow man and move him out of harm's way,' she spoke to her Bond through their mental link, 'then come to my aid. I'm fast enough to block these bullets, but a single slip up and I'll wind up as shadow-man.' Then to herself she thought, 'I hope he's alright...'

"We get a big pay day." said the hunter facing Lyra, loading his gun (but with what Lucy couldn't see), "See you in hell." Suddenly a stone dragon flew down from the rooftops and took what appeared to be a dart, though it had no effect on him. Lyra said something to the dragon, then turned her attention to the shadow-man, "Can you move?" "Don't worry about him, Lyra. Kestrel-" Lucy didn't get to finish her statement as Kestrel gave a screech and swooped down, grabbing the shadow-man in her talons (careful not to accidently hurt him) and then taking to the sky. Lucy smirked slightly as Kestrel rapidly moved out of range of the Hunter's guns. "She'll get him somewhere safe."

"What you just standing there for? Guard us!" one of the two male hunters barked at the female one, rudely. In a much less rude tone, the other hunter said to the huntress "Get ready for a fight if you don't wanna die Talia, a cornered Unique is very dangerous." Just then it occurred to Lucy; the white haired girl was Talia, a well known and feared Hunter. Many innocent Uniques and their Bonds had been unjustly slain by her hand, and Lucy's eyes narrowed. 'How dare she consider herself a protector of the people, when most of the 'criminals' she puts down are innocents merely being put to slaughter. I refuse to be one more tally mark under her name.'

Brandishing her sword she could feel her connection with Kestrel, which had diminished the further she got away, growing stronger again meaning that she was on her way back, having set the shadow-man down somewhere that had yet to be specified; focus on your opponents, Kestrel told her disdainfully. 'They're using tranquilizer darts instead of killing us outright. That give me a little bit of an advantage as darts are slower than bullets, but I can't take too much comfort in this fact. Even though Lyra is here with her dragons, there are still more guns being pointed at us than I'm confortable with.' Lucy thought as Kestrel came nearer, giving her a warning about the darts as her mind raced for an attack strategy, 'Perhaps... perhaps I can take one and use it against one of the Hunters. Then we could take them for ransom and interrogation, figure out what it'll take to negotiate a truce'

The setting changes from Forest to City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

Lucius peeked an eye open. The wind ruffled his hair and his clothes, drying out the darkening red stain that had ruined his clothes. Or, at least some of them, as the red shirt should recover with a simple dunk in a river. Sighing, he quickly checked his arm. A dull ache reached out to touch the rest of his muscles as he stretched. The dart had hit him, right in his shoulder. Still a small metal tip embedded in the clothes, probably. But either the adrenaline in his system had burned through the paralysis, or the dart was just terrible at dispersing its load.

The pressure of the talons gripping his other arm and shoulder brought him out of his thoughts. Maybe the dart did do something to him. He felt oddly introspective. Not that it mattered now. Down there, a group of Uniques were holding off at a group of Hunters, apparently some rather fierce ones as well, not the usual incompetent young-bloods who find it as an easy way to earn some coin. If the fight alone wasn't enough to encourage Lucius to recklessly charge back in, then the knowledge that he now had the element of surprise would.

Wriggling a bit, he glanced up. The harpy looked down at him, with a surprisingly human face.

"I appreciate the ride, but perhaps my part is best played on the ground."

Seconds later resulted with Lucius perched atop another building. The roof of this one was rather dirty, with several pools of collected rainwater from days gone by, and assorted bird droppings. Making a mental note not to breathe, he quickly checked his pockets.

Yep, definitely broken, his hand produced several shards of colored glass. Well, I suppose it could've been worse, I could've been shot and out of some good wine. Tossing the shards aside, Lucius smiled, noting the low hanging golden star in the sky. It was nearly night now, as tendrils of dusk had already begun to creep up in the east, shooting a nice deep purple into the amber and gold sky.

Lucius tore his eyes away from the heavens, reminding himself of the possible bloodbath somewhere below him. He quickly set about looking for the safest way down. Then he stopped himself. Laughed, and carelessly threw himself over the edge.

"What you just standing there for?"

"Get ready for a fight if you don't wanna die Talia, a cornered Unique is very dangerous."

Talia nodded, spotting the incantations stained on either's arm. It was no secret that some of the two twins were also Uniques. Why Talia trusted them, she never really questioned. They seemed to do their jobs well, and that was enough for her. Another lash out from one of the Uniques threatened to take her nose off. She clenched her teeth. She needed to stop thinking and start doing.

Rushing forwards, she dropped to a crouch, narrowly dodging another swipe from a sword. She lashed out with a kick, sending her attacker back a few steps. She pulled a knife from it's sheath and deflected another attack from the sword-girl. The force of the blow sent her recoiling back, and desperate to keep her head attached to her shoulder, she threw herself backwards at Lyra. She accomplished little, only smacking herself into a large, sturdy dragon that hadn't been there moments ago.

Seeing the sword-girl recover and begin to bear down on her again, Talia pointed he weapon at her, and fired. Between the cross-hairs of her gun, she could've sworn she'd seen her smirk.

The setting changes from City to Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Gideon Halcaster Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Hikami
Cliff-side home

"I was just wondering if you had seen her come back, but I guess not." Rex sighed, why must his childhood friend be so troubling. Wheels and running steps stopped his further thinking. "Rex!" One called as he run up to him, crouching some he caught some of his breath back. "We returned with the cart as soon as it came to the meet point, since Lyra was not there with us we went with the plan." Rex slapped his face and groaned. "Alright, just put everything where they belong." The brown haired Unique nodded and ran off. Rex gave a slight bow to excuse himself from the conversation with Gideon and ran off to find Elder.


Lyra watched as the Harpy gently and carefully grab the boy and fly him off. Lyra gave a quick glance to the roof of where she came from. The little dragon had done what she had asked him to do. A quick glance at Lucy told Lyra that she was boiling with rage and had grabbed her sword.

Lyra cringed her arm out, she had just missed grabbing Lucy. The dragon that was acting as a wall between the two groups gave a deep bellow moan. "I know, go ahead and rest." She pet the dragon to comfort him. "Please." She asked that dragon did not seem to make a noise. Falling to it's belly it hummed disappearing in a flash of light.

The twins did not flinch as they heard clinging metal, they were almost done with call their bond. The dragon moved but they did not budge, they could not budge if it was to work. Then a light shone. "Now!" They both yelled, their calling done. Two hounds one belonging to the other, ugly and mincing they stood ready. On the command they charged to the source of the light.

The light gone, revealing Lyra holding a staff with the hell hounds attached doing their best to drag her down. With a twist and a jerk she sent one hound back at Tasha. Stepping on the other and pulling the staff back the hound yelped in pain. Ryuhwan cringed in pain. "Not too bad." Lyra teased as she jumped over and kicked Ryuhwan in the chest knocking him back. "Who always beat you when we played?" She smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

Luscinia Abaven & Kestrel of the Claw

The white haired girl raised her gun and pointed it at Lucy, her finger steady on the trigger. 'Kestrel, don't fail me now,' she thought, eyes focused on the barrel of then gun, then the moment the girl's finger twitched on the trigger Lucy's right hand whipped upwards and - Lucy felt her fingers snagged the dart midfight, then without thinking she whipped it around and flung it back in the girl's direction. Then the moment the feathers left her fingers she lunged at the girl, sword up to deflect any more bullets. If she was lucky, the dart Lucy had reverted back to her would be enough of a distraction for her to knock the gun away. If not, then she would still be able to get close enough she could possibly knock her out with the flat of the blade. Lucy didn't want to kill anyone, but she wasn't going to let them kill her either.

Meanwhile Kestrel had returned to the scene, hovering above the battle, watching with her hawk-like eyes. Lucy could handle the girl and her darts, however the two male hunters seemed to be more than that - they were Uniques as well. It was puzzling as to why they were hunting down their own kind, but Kestrel kept this information to herself. Lucy needed to focus. Instead when Lyra was locked in combat with the two hunters themselves, Kestrel dove for the hounds. Reaching out with her sharp talons she pinned both of them down against the stone road by their necks so they couldn't ambush Lucy or Lyra. Then, spreading her massive wings and beating them furiously, Kestrel stirred up dust to make it significantly harder for the darts these hunters were using to travel in a straight path.

The setting changes from Forest to City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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0.00 INK

The moment Talia's dart shot from the gun, she felt the familiar emptiness. She was out of darts. She quickly dropped down and reloaded the weapon. Her movement, though slight as it was, saved her from the projectile made from her own ammunition. The dart whizzed over her head and embedded itself into the large stone behemoth behind her. Talia doubted it broke the scales, but she didn't have time for dragon-wound-inspecting. She hardly had time to react to the attacks being flung at her.

By the time Talia had glanced back upwards, the sword-flailing-girl was upon her. Talia vaulted to the side again, avoiding whatever awkward attack that had been thrown at her. But, as she was moving, her hand caught on something. Something hard. Talia felt the gun being wrenched from her grip. The pain of something pulling her weapon away spasmed through her hand, forcing her to let go as her forward momentum carried her away.

Talia gritted her teeth. She'd gotten that gun on her birthday. Not from her mother of course, she'd bought it herself, but the loss still stung. Her weapon, her lifeline, skittered away from her to some unseen dark corner of the street. Whoever she was fighting was smart. She had used Talia's own instinctive movement against her, and it felt like a slap in the face. She couldn't stand being so open. She wasn't a book, she wasn't readable. Time to use your head, she told herself, Gotta out-think 'em.

Her eyes quickly scanned everything nearby, as she reached for a knife - that wasn't there. Her eyes widened. Another look at the battlefield confirmed her fears. The Twins were having just as much trouble as she was. Uniques or not, they were practically cornered; Lyra's dragons were causing trouble nearly everywhere, and worst of all, the Harpy had pinned down the Hellish-looking canines that the Twins had tried to summon. A gust of wind blew throughout the street as the Harpy beat it's wings furiously, rendering what little control the Twins summoned with their guns useless.

Talia looked down at the blade in her hand, and looked back the the Harpy. Then she made a decision she was afraid would seal her fate. She threw the dagger. It sailed through the air, whipping around like a cruel windmill of pain, until it came into contact with the feathery backside of the Harpy. The blade sunk in, eliciting a scream from the creature.

I lose my fun, you lose yours.

Talia moved. Seemingly fluid, she dodged the furious attacks of her assailant, as she hastily threw herself into the dark corner where her gun was. She landed, hard, cold, and full of adrenaline. She quickly rolled over, gun in hand pointed straight at her newest adversary.

Your move...

Lucius found the alley he was looking for. Not hard, considering the copious amounts of roars, grunts, gunshots, and other assorted noises there was. The air was thick. Not with the usual smoke and smog of compressed homes, but with the smell of rage. It was a hellscape before his eyes; as swords and daggers clashed and as demons rose from the ground, only to be crushed by the hawk-like creature. It was like the gods of war and death were painting a mural, right in front of him.

A passing bullet pulled him from his thoughts. He smiled, and began his own little ritual from the shadows of the conflict.

On the battlefield, the shadows rippled and weaved once more. Darkness filled the air, and the void became whole. A scream of rage erupted from the black creature, newly formed again. The Tantabus was back. It set to work, the nearest creature to it being a previously trapped hellhound, teeth gnashing, eyes staring the darkness down with a look a cat gives a mouse. The inky void stared back, before rearing back a vicious claw, racking the creature into shreds. It howled, and perished, leaving behind a smoldering pile of embers.

The setting changes from City to Forest


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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Luscinia Abaven & Kestrel of the Claw

Kestrel's piercing shriek of pain made Lucy's heart skip a beat and she looked up at where her beloved companion hovered in the air. The knife had embedded itself in Kestrel's left thigh and Lucy watched in horror as the normally white feathers begun to turn red. She knew that the wound was superficial and, though painful, wasn't crippling. However as Lucy turned her red eyes back to the girl who had a gun pointed at Lucy's face, she couldn't help the rage that was amplifying within her. 'Calm yourself, Lucy. She wants you to get angry. An angry fighter is a careless fighter,' she thought, quelling the rage within her.

Raising her sword, her red eyes burrowed into the dull silver ones of the girl who had rolled across the ground to where her gun had been knocked aside, and now rested in a kneeling position with the gun pointed at Lucy. "That was extremely rude of you to hurt my friend like that, especially since I ought to be your target" Lucy said, her voice icy and unsettling as she slowly began walking towards the girl, never breaking eye contact with her blade raised to deflect any more darts. "I find it odd that you are all using tranquilizer darts instead of bullets, because this means that someone wants you to bring us to them alive. And if they're willing to go to that trouble, I suspect that means they'd be extremely unhappy if you were to fail."

The distraction of her voice seemed to be enough because Lucy was now within range and the girl had not yet fired. "Personally I'd rather not kill you either," she said, "however it seems that Kestrel has... a different opinion than I."

At that moment Kestrel, who had pulled the knife out of her thigh with her uninjured leg, whipped around and flung the knife at the white-hair assailant. It was moving fast enough that, had Kestrel not warned Lucy of her intention through their mental link, she would've have seen the knife until it had embedded itself deeply into the girl's leg. The harpy gave a screech that would've roughly translated to "Payback is a bitch, huh?" if anyone (aside from Lucy) was actually able to understand her.

With this distraction, Lucy suddenly lunged for the injured girl, hitting her with the flat of her blade and effectively knocking the girl out. Lucy quickly took the guns she's been wielding in case she woke up, however at the moment Lucy needed to focus on the other enemies. Looking up at the sky where Kestrel was hovering she called "Kestrel! Are you alright?" The harpy gave a screech in response and Lucy nodded an affirmative, raising her blade to the two Hunters that were left standing. "Alright. Let's finish this up and then we'll get your leg taken care of."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luscinia Abaven Character Portrait: Lyra Character Portrait: Twin Bullets; Ryuhwan & Tasha Character Portrait: Lucius Thorn Character Portrait: Talia Rose
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#, as written by Hikami
Tasha, cringed his hound was pinned by the Harpy. Ryuhwan had taken as wing went through the ally hard, firing would be pointless. The Twins could not do much, the hounds pain was their pain and with both pinned in painful ways so were the Twins. The silver girl's gun came near Lyra in the dark corner. Lyra could end the whole fight with the gun.

She rolled for the gun, but when her hand was not the one for it. Lyra pushed off the wall with her feet rolling backwards next to Lucy. A groan sound came from her other side, it was Tasha. His gun was in his holster.

Ryuhawn pushed up in pain his hound up with him. "I find it odd that you are all using tranquilizer darts instead of bullets, because this means that someone wants you to bring us to them alive. And if they're willing to go to that trouble, I suspect that means they'd be extremely unhappy if you were to fail." Lucy spoke boldly, she was not that far off the mark.

"That is an explanation best saved until our fight is over. Lets just hope it is I who gives it." Lyra spoke, a weird shadow had caught her attention by the corner of her eye. Just need to wait- A screech broke through the air, it was either the Harpy screeching coarse words or the female hunter yelling in pain. At least there are a few hunters who does not enjoy pain.

"May I have that gun?" Lyra whispered to Lucy hoping Ryuhwan does not hear.

Ryuhwan was distracted to even hear Lyra he was focused on the reappearancing blob of a shadow. He sent his hound after who had the bond with this thing, while himself went after the shadow. He switched from darts to bullets in one swift movement, foolish but he hoped that bullets would work as he shot a hole after a hole into the beast. The hound had jumped on the boy knocking him over with his head hitting the ground nocking him out.