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Valerie "China Doll" Legendre

0 · 471 views · located in Bedford Falls, South Carolina

a character in “I Know We'll Meet Again”, as played by Alise120



China Doll, The Baby, Blondie, Vale
Skin tone
Ivory pale
Above five-two
Other aspects of your appearance
Fatally beautiful and most stunning at the tender age of twenty, no one who is fairer and ethereal-like, graced so beautifully as Valerie did. Truly a work of lovely attraction, Valerie's delicate, yet angelic features made men and women, alike, be enchanted and mesmerized by her. Blessed beautifully by youth, her ivory, porcelain colored skin is almost near flawless to perfection. Her hair used to fall in platinum blonde ringlets down her back, flowing smoothly in freshly scented waves when she was a child, but now it's cut short in a tight curled look about her lower neck. Strangely miraculous, Valerie's eyes is of a lavender hue, hinting of platinum swirls that sparkle, mischievously, in the light. Bodily, although not bone skinny, it has a lithe silhouetted appearance to it from exercising and staying on a healthy regiment.

A button nose, dainty arched eyebrows, heart-shaped ears, profound chin, pale pink dewy lips, pearly white teeth, and rose hued cheeks add as accessories to her gorgeous, enticing facial profile. Height wise, Valerie is average; her personality, amazingly scary, made up in that department. Lastly, her weight....well it isn't "lady like" to gloat about her density in size as her mother would say. Born from a wealthy family, Valerie always naturally cherished raw-colored gems, diamonds, and pearls, she be adorned by jewelry on her neck, wrists, ankles, fingers and ears on special occasions. Valerie's favorite attire is always something elegant and refined, yet has a natural simplicity to it. Her signature shades are always black and white. She mostly, on a daily basis, wear's a white linen blouse with matching white sailor slacks and white tennis shoes.

The color pink and white
Thinking alone
Reading intensively
Drinking peppermint tea
Loud obnoxious people
Cold heartedness
Being in too-crowded places
The color green and orange
Me-time disturbed
Ginseng tea
Spiders crawling towards her (Yuck!)
Being called a "dumb blonde"
Her parents tightening their "grip' on her
Being called a "punk"
The sigh of blood (only if it is splattered)
Ending up alone as an "old maid"
Wiz kid
Racer of cars
Used to be gymnast
She can be naive at times (that's if she doesn't know what the situation is)
She can be hurt easily with a simple snide remark about her
She is very insecure inside
She isn't strong enough to overpower a man

Valerie can be hot-headed yet can be serene all at the same time with a femme fatale like disposition. Anyone who isn't a close loved one or friend, which were a few, is met with a cold, icy, and insensitive attitude that would shock anyone from having immediate positive thoughts about her. Valerie is also meticulous with people, glaring at the idea of having them in her personal space. If anyone wanted to be close to her, they would have to go through hell and back, breaking every nerve in their delicate state of minds just to have her smirk, amused viciously at their buffoonery for trying...too hard. Valerie isn't the type to be toyed with and would keep her guard up at any measure; her intelligence is too high for petty, childish games, ignoring anyone who playfully horsed around. Even though her outer appearance looked deceiving to any intellectual and/or any elite background, she would always have a broaden mind of higher learning. Feminine by nature, Valerie has a dainty air about her, having much etiquette and having enough fashion sense to keep her own wardrobe alive and bright.

But something is incredibly "soft" about her that only a potential soul-mate gets to witness. The loving side of Valerie is very rare for her to show and it would have to be someone who is rare for her to open up to.That's why most men would think of her as a cold-hearted and frigid lass who only thinks about herself. One guy in particular dubbed her "The Ice Queen" (Unfortunately after he said that he saw a wrath that totally "obliterated" him.... He was never the same again). The reason why she's like this is because she wants a meaningful relationship. The man will have to go through a series of 'mental tests' in order for the relationship to get solid and close. She may not show it, but she wants a close committed lasting relationship. If Valerie loves with fierce devotion, she hates with devastating malice. She is passionate with everything that is related to her. It is almost impossible for her to have neutral feelings, deep inside. Either she will deeply cherish or fiercely hate. If any of the feelings are not experienced, she will become completely indifferent towards it. Valerie, however, never let her feelings show; her expression always remaining neutral and solemn, betraying nothing.

Valerie can also be mysterious and secretive; therefore, as a friend, a trustee or a lover, you can share your secrets with her and she will keep them safely to her heart. In a nut-shell, outwardly, Valerie is often mistaken as being self-centered and cold, people automatically wanting to cringe and pull away from her. But, inwardly, she cares lot about her near and dear ones and sometimes may even go out-of-the-way to help and support them. To put her personality in a few mere words, she is very loyal, furiously passionate, dynamically complex, chilled and relaxed, strong-willed, effortlessly determined, a deep thinker intelligently, and pure of heart, mind, body and soul.

1. Mr. Noel Daniel Legendre (43)- A successful business man and entrepreneur.
2. Mrs. Lillian Eva Belmonte Legendre (38)- A successful fashion designer.
Are you returning to Bedford Falls?
Yes!- After moving to New York for about four years, pursing a successful singing/musician career, Valerie wanted to come back to her hometown which she grew up for nostalgia and vacationing reasons. Secretly though the reason for moving away was she wanted to get away from her parent's who wanted to force her in a marriage of convenience.
Thoughts on the war In Europe
Valerie despises the war and wish that it never commenced! But she has sung for the troops when she toured some parts of Europe, boosting their morale to fight on.


So begins...

Valerie "China Doll" Legendre's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre
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"Leave me alone!", a white blonde medium short curly haired young woman shouted to Mr. Noel Daniel Legendre, her father. He looked back at her and rolled his eyes, his arms tightly set on his broad chest, "I'm tired of you running away from what you really need to do! You know what I am talking about, young lady!", sternness in his voice, his authority resolute. Mrs. Lillian Eva Belmonte Legendre, her mother, budded in, "Noel, stop being so hard on her....", she then was cut off, "No mama, don't you dare stick up for me! I'm a grown woman!", the young woman cut in, causing her father to be even more infuriated.

"Don't you talk to your mother like that!"

"Stop screaming at her!"

"I'm tired of fighting with you, pa. I'm out of here!"

The young woman quickly walked out of the large manor, slamming the door behind her. Both her parents slightly jumped at the harshness she done with the door, "I'm tired of her nonsense, Lilly, I really am....", Noel commented, highly aggravated at his daughter. Lillian, on the other hand, stuck up for her, knowing that her daughter was grown enough to have a voice, "I'm tired of you two fighting.... She just came back from New York and you already picking one with her", she replied, putting her hand on his shoulder as the two watched their daughter, from the large bay window, fume down the large driveway, disappearing from sight.

A little later.....

The young woman sat in the town's large park, watching people walk by her. A tear almost came down her face but she successfully resisted the urge to let it fall. She was a fighter not a weakling! She didn't let anything get her down, standing strong and tall!.... That kind of attitude was what she got from her father. The both of them shared so many similarities that her mother called them "hardheaded twins". How ironic.... Oh! We forgot to introduce her name.... If we must, we shall.... It was the very beautiful and very talented Valerie "China Doll" Legendre.... The nickname dubbed by her musician buddies. The group was called Fourplay; the band playing solely smooth jazz. Their lead singer was none other then their "China Doll". They took New York and, ultimately, all of USA and war-torn Europe by storm, gaining massive recognition and fame. Even Cole Porter, himself, sampled one of their songs, The Way You Love Me, in one of his musicals hit Broadways as the theme song. This helped boost them into celeb status, now recording songs for a huge music company called Starlit Records. All of this was nice for Valerie but she needed a break from the glitzy glamour and fame, choosing her hometown as a getaway....

But her guess was thought wrong in choosing the choice as she was coldly greeted by her father and him not liking her as a famous singer. Throughout her first hours being home, the two fought head-to-head, trying to win over the other.... How petty was that! Not to mention, he wanted her to marry a man that she didn't love, that being the main reason why she moved away from home.... Let's not get into the "marriage of convenience" because it depressed her so much.... Valerie crossed her arms and continued to slouch against the wooden bench, her skirt sliding up her silky ivory thighs, involuntarily. A man passed by and whistled at her, now exposed, nicely shaped legs. Valerie quickly sat up in her seat, pulling the hem of her skirt down, "What the hell are you looking at, you perv!", she shouted causing everyone to stare at the man in disgust. All too quickly, the man walked away, embarrassed at Valerie's retort against him. That'll teach him! Speaking of her skirt, Valerie was dressed to the "nines": a cream white skirt suit, cream white diamond bow high heels, a matching hair pinned-to-the-side laced hat, and a matching diamond studded purse. Her platinum jewelry was tucked away inside her purse, not wanting to wear them at the moment.

Back to Valerie, her mind drifted to a close friend of her's that she secretly had feelings for: Austin.... They were really close, growing up together since she moved from New England to Bedford Falls, South Carolina when she was ten years old. He helped her adjust to the town and even stood up for her when she was bullied by some of the boys in school. To her personally, Austin was the closet person she had and confided into, no one else closed to her like that. Austin still had a lot of friends remaining close to them as well but Valerie wasn't that close to them, remaining as an acquaintance. It wasn't because she did't like them or thought that she was better then them, it was only because she had an underlying shyness towards them that she still couldn't shake off. She wasn't much for a large circle of friends, liking only one close friend, Austin, to accompany her life.

Out of the corner of her right eye, Valerie saw Evelyn, Alexander, Rosie, and....Austin talking to one another. Her cheeks, secretly, turned a light shade of pink as she quickly got up from her seat going out of their peripheral view. Valerie wasn't ready to face the group just yet, shying away to a nearby fountain. She hid behind it, watching them with a curious eye. They all still looked the same as she last remembered, noting only a few changes on their persons.... Old amours thoughts of Austin instantly came in her mind causing her to blush harder. Why was she thinking of him that way when he didn't care to think of her like she did? This really boggled her mind, thinking that she left all feelings for him behind when she left Bedford Falls.... But since she came back so did the feelings too.... "Why in the hell did I choose my hometown as a vacationing resort.... My father greeting me with a fight and now suppressed feelings for Austin resurfacing up.... What's next!?!?! Ugh! This is really killing me!", she thought aggravated, continuing to watch the group meet up, going over old times together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre Character Portrait: Rosie Foster
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Austin was surprised.

"You're dogs?" He wrinkled his nose. "Well of course I had to take them. They were just sitting in the car." He grinned at her. "And yeah. It's me, Ev."
He followed her gaze and let out a loud laugh.
"Well. if it isn't the whole group!" Austin handed the ropes to Evelyn before turning to greet Rosie with a warm bear hug.
"Gosh. Rosie. You've grown mighty pretty." He released her and patted Evelyn's shoulder. "Can't say the same for you, though." He winked to show he was kidding. Evelyn had certainly grown to be a very gorgeous woman. A huge difference from the lanky girl back then. It made him chuckle at how much all of them had seemed to change. Still chuckling, Austin turned to Alex.

"And you." Austin grinned. "How've you been?" It felt so great to back among his closest friends. At his university, he hadn't had any time for friends and socializing. It was just studying and studying all day long. He wasn't able to keep in touch with them and now that he was here with them, it made him realize just how much he had missed his friends. "It's so great to see all of you guys again."

The sun was bright, the breeze was cool... What a great day this was turning out to be. Maybe returning to Bedford Falls was the best thing he could have done. He felt lighter and happier than he had in weeks. Months even. Now all he had to do was see his mother, sister and Valerie. Then this day would be complete.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Jackson Character Portrait: Alexander Caine Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre Character Portrait: Rosie Foster Character Portrait: William "Bill" Williams
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Valerie then jumped slightly when a car horned, announcing to the others that it dropped someone off. Valerie narrowed her eyes a little until she saw another familiar face, Bill. He must of had came back from flying which he normally did mostly on a daily basis. This was now or never for Valerie so she came from behind the fountain, fixing herself and hair up, walking out of the large park.

The group continued to speak to one another until Valerie walked across the street, announcing herself, "Hey everyone! It's nice to see all of you again!", she surprisingly loud. She hoped that she didn't seem too eager or nervous, keeping her cool in check. "Good thing I know how to keep myself together....", she thought trying to keep her nervous attention off of Austin who was also among the group.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Macomber Character Portrait: Valerie "China Doll" Legendre
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Austin was just listening to the others talk. It felt really nice and it was just like old times again. He nodded at Alex. He was entirely right.

Then he saw a face that made him burst out into a bright smile.

"Val!" He walked up to her and opened his arms and hugged her tightly. She was gorgeous. The two had always been good friends. Then he pulled away, though he kept a casual arm around her small shoulders.

"Bridge jumping? I'm in." Austin turned to Valerie. "You up for it?"