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Amare Mortem

Demon for Scenario 3, "I will not harm anyone without reason so if you hurt my child, you will wish that you are in The Absolute"

0 · 439 views · located in Elysium, Hades, Earth

a character in “I Will Always Be Watching”, as played by Bashie L. Craft


Amare Daphne Mortem


Demon, Former Angel

Age 'died' at

Years been deceased


Unique Ability
Telekenetic and Telepathic, ability to control objects with her mind and to control humans' minds.


Never the troubled one, Amare was an intelligent, beautiful over-achiever who's life ended too soon. Born into a hard-working middle class family, Amare was an only child until she turned seven when her brother, Fortis was born. She swore to always protect him as he was born different with autism. They were close, always playing games with each other. She grew up in the suburbs with friends, working hard to achieve her dream of becoming a successful lawyer. She was the good girl, the perfect child and she was content. After she finished high school as the valedictorian and voted 'Most Likely To Succeed,', she got accepted to Law School where she studied Criminal Justice and got herself a gun. Her dreams were slowly turning into a reality.

Then on one fateful night, those dreams changed. Amare was shot straight through the heart by her own brother. Over the summer, she visited her family in their small suburb home for a few weeks. On the last night, Fortis wanted to play Cops and Burglars one last time. During the game, he grabbed her gun, not realizing that it was real. He ran out into the streets so she followed, trying to stop him. He believed they were still playing so he shot her with a bang. It hit her right in the heart and she fell. Realizing what he had done was real, Fortis ran to his sister begging her to live with her blood on his hands. "Don't hurt yourself, I'll always forgive you. I'll always love you," were the last words she said before she died on the side of the road, held by her brother in front of her childhood home. She died the same way she lived, as the center of attention.

To this day, her family is still alive and well but plagued by her death.

Sent to The Seraphim, her wishes were all granted but there was that hole in her heart, she knew her family was suffering so she couldn't be happy. She became an Angel to Elysium, did her orders well and hard as she waited for the day she could be with her family. Years had passed and Amare stayed in The Seraphim where she belonged, for one night she decided to follow her fellow angels to Earth. She hoped to see them once more. She got her wish, her father and mother were still together and visited her grave every Saturday night, the day she died. Her brother was following in her footsteps to become a lawyer and found himself a lady. While she felt that warming feeling, she could not help but wish she was there too with her family. That night with her fellow angels, she visited a local bar just to have a drink and met a man. She didn't know who he was but he was handsome, intelligent and a gentleman. They started talking about everything from politics to movies until one thing led to another....

She left in the morning, feeling guilty as he took a shower. She never saw him again and refused to. He didn't need to know who she really was. He believed she was a small suburban girl who was studying to become a lawyer. A few weeks later, she found herself pregnant. No one knew, she refused to tell anyone and hid. All she told was in her diary, almost like she was writing to her baby. She gave birth eight months later, born premature yet still perfect. She knew she couldn't take care of him, she was an angel, not even a mortal. When the mother and child were discharged from the hospital, she left the baby in the care of an orphanage, hoping her would be better off in a normal family with a normal life. The only thing she left was her diary and a note.

But Elysium knew what had been done and sent her off to become a demon to Hades in The Absolute. It was terrible, tortured with all those images and the only reason why she had not gone insane yet were her family. Years later, Hades called her to save her child. Her baby grew up and was in trouble so she accepted. She transferred herself to her old form and made herself the child's legal guardian. She portrayed the child's mother's younger sister called Daphne.

While she is a demon, her personality would say otherwise. Intelligent and graced with beauty, Amare is as strong-willed as anyone should be. She is caring and fearless, defending her family no matter what. She has what most demons don't, compassion and love. She will go to extreme lengths to take care of her family, even if she had to go to The Absolute. While she refuses violence of any kind, she will not even think about killing if they hurt her loved ones. She will not lie, honest and will never say an outright lie. Once joyous and friendly, that all changed once she got sent to The Absolute but does try to regain it back. Witty and clever, Amare has tactics up her sleeve and determined to get things her way.

So begins...

Amare Mortem's Story

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"Do you want ice-cream?" Amare asked her son, their hands were intwined as they walked across the street. Holding him, feeling him, being with him was making her feel loved again even if he didn't know. Even if she knew there was someone out to get him.

"Sure," Nolan nodded to his aunt, no, Daphne, "I want blueberry with chocolate chips and oreos," Daphne was his aunt but she told him not to call her that, just Daphne. He couldn't read her mind, maybe it was a family thing. They reached the ice-cream shop right next to an expensive clothing store. Nolan was going to find some seats while Amare was going in to get the ice-cream. "One blueberry with chocolate chips and oreos and one chocolate and vanilla with oreos," Amare ordered for them, "Make it two scoops each in a cup."

Meanwhile, Little Nolan found a seat outside in the shade. 'Daphne' adopted Nolan a few months ago, a joyous day for everyone even at the orphanage. When she set her eyes on him, just one small look, she fell in love. Nolan was a perfect name for him, a king. He had her hair, skin and eyes. He was her son, she was his aunt. To uphold the masquerade, she couldn't tell the truth but she would never say an outright lie.

In truth, Amare was sent to earth two months, three weeks, seven hours and twelve minutes ago. She counted every moment so she could cherish them, to make up for the eight long years she left him in that ophanage. She knew was coming for him, an angel. Once one of her own kind, to kill her son and she wasn't going to let that happen. If she couldn't read his mind, he was the non-human. The angel, the killer.

Nolan thought of her as his aunt, the answer to his mother's past. She told him she died, he hasn't seen the grave yet. He found a person who knew who he was. He could ask her anything and she had all the answers. He waited for Daphne, listening to everyone's thoughts. One was about cats, ice-creams or how to make babies. He was stupid what people were thinking but then he realized something.

There was a man watching him, and Nolan couldn't read his mind.

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Nolan heard the man's words clear as day. His large, icy blue eyes widen. How did he know he could read minds? He never told anyone, no one knew. How did he keep his thoughts away except for one that was directed right at him. Why was he talking about Daphne? The huge gust of wind shocked him, falling over his seat with other people. He knew he could move objects with his own mind, just small things like balls or ice-cream. When he tried hard enough, chairs and tables but the shock didn't make him think straight. He fell down and he had enough time to move the table before it would hit him.

The windows grumbled harshly, they would've shattered if Amare didn't stop them with her powers. Her mind was so powerful, she could crash two cars together with a small thought. Headaches were constant if she had overused her powers but that rarely happened. She could break mental walls but they would leave her in pain for days without the proper medication. She grabbed the two ice-creams, walking out brightly. But then she saw Nolan, sprawled on the floor and a table moving away from him just in the nick of time.

He used his powers. She knew he did, the table couldn't move away. So he developed her telekenetic ability too, she almost gave out a proud smile. Like Mother, Like Son. But the proud moment ended when she noticed a small, almost unnoticeable scrape on his cheek. "Nolan!" She rushed over to him, setting the ice-cream down and hurried to be by his side, "You're alright, aren't you s-" she stopped herself, she couldn't call him that yet. Not until he knew anyways. She touched the wound, it wasn't bleeding, would be gone in a a day or two but nevertheless, worry was a mother's trait."

Nolan didn't mind, his mind was still on the man. He was at the parking lot and he fell down due to the wind. "Do you who he is?" Nolan pointed at him, "There's something wrong about him." Amare wondered what Nolan was talking about, looking up and saw Nolan pointing at a man with a scar across his right cheek. Shock and fear ran through her veins, his mind was sealed. He was going to kill her precious boy. And she recognized him, Icarus. She had seen him occasionally during her time as an angel. He would be the one.

"I've never seen that man on earth," It wasn't an outright lie, she never did see him on Earth until this very moment. Hopefully, it would be the last. Locking her mind, she was ready to hurt him. With a small thought, she decided a car crash would do the trick. Just to prove if he was the angel. Focused, she moved one of the cars from its parking and drove it towards Icarus, faster and faster.

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Nothing could describe the feeling of fear and bravery that came to Amare like a bullet train. Icarus wagged a finger at her. He knew. His stunt pulled a crowd of people cheering after him but she couldn't think straight. He was out to get Nolan, her boy and she'd kill him if he even laid one finger on him. Nolan, on the other hand, was astounded. He couldn't believe what the man did. How did he do that?

"Are you alright?" Daphne asked as Nolan stood up. She brushed off any dirt on his clothes. Nolan took his ice-cream as Daphne held their hands together. "We're going home," she didn't even take her ice-cream. She rushed over to the subway, they'd use it to go to their small apartment in New York City. During the ride, Amare was stiff, she kept quiet and Nolan asked questions."I've never seen that man alive," she said which was true since she was dead when she saw him.

They got to their apartment, Amare fiddled with her keys before entering. It was small, two bedroom, one bathroom and the kitchen connected to the living room. She had to go to extreme lengths to get this apartment. She plopped her bag down on a chair as Nolan turned on the TV. What was she going to do? she asked herself as she watched Nolan. Tomorrow, Nolan had school so maybe she could find Icarus to propose some ideas. But she couldn't wait.

"Nolan, I'm going out soon," Daphne called out to him so he turned to look at her. He nodded. He knew she needed some time on her own with friends. Everyone had friends except him. Besides, he needed to read the diary. "I'll ask Mrs. Fulcher to babysit you again." Mrs. Fulcher was the crazy cat lady next door who would sleep in front of the TV until he woke her up.

"I'll just go get changed," Amare walked into her bedroom, changing into a much outfit.

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Dressed in all black, Amare hurried down the stairs and casually waved at anyone who greeted her. One she knew no one was watching, she ran. Being a demon had its perks. While keeping her abilities, she was stronger, faster and had nothing to lose. All she knew was that she needed to find Icarus and keep Nolan safe. She turned her head, searching for Icarus as she dug the streets of New York. At Central Park, she felt him. She couldn't describe it but she knew he was there.

Her low-heeled shoes clacked against the pavement and her jacket brushed against her shirt, she saw a man reading a book and she knew it was him. "Icarus," she called out, her voice was calm yet bold and filled with rage, "Get out and stay away," she warned him. He had to know not to cross her path.

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Character Portrait: Amare Mortem Character Portrait: Icarus Moretti
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Amare kept her game face, not fearing the infamous angel in front of her. Saying she would cross oceans to be with her son was simply a small grain. "I'll take my chances on the latter," She growled at Icarus, warning him not to strike her unless he wanted to see The Absolute. "I swear on everything you and I care for, you will not even lay a finger on Nolan or you will experience death twice." In all her tranquil anger, a lamp post's light bulb explode and it's pole began to beg.

"You aren't the only one with powers here," She knew better than to cross him yet, she knew she shouldn't pick a fight with him but she also knew that she was just as strong and fast as he was. And best part, she had wit to help her. They were a few inches apart, her hazel eyes turned blue for half a second. She moved two steps back and got into a fighting pose.

"If you want to fight," She hated to fight without reason but her son's life was on the line. "Then Fight,"

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Character Portrait: Amare Mortem Character Portrait: Icarus Moretti
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"I can tell," Amare managed to say despite his grip on her. She wondered where that sword came from but she wasn't focused on that yet, "You can't kill me, we're both dead." she gripped her fingers over his wrists as if to brace herself. She had her powers, she couldn't control the minds of anything non-mortal but she had other options.

With her mind, the sword flung away from Icarus' hand and threw itself into a rock. "Your very own sword in stone, she muttered before clswing his hand and kicking him in the groin.