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Jamie Raye Fletcher

Male demon for either Scenario 1 or 2.

0 · 471 views · located in Elysium, Hades, Earth

a character in “I Will Always Be Watching”, as played by Zombicide93


[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Jamie Raye Fletcher[/color]
Human formImage
Demon form (plus wings)Image
[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Scenario[/color]
Preferably Scenario 1..if that's taken, then scenario 2.

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Race[/color]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Age 'died' at[/color]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Years been deceased[/color]
10 years

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Height[/color]
5' 8''

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Unique Ability[/color]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Gender[/color]

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Bio/History[/color]
Jamie was a very troubled young man, bullied since elementary, and living at home with an alcoholic father. No place was safe for young Jamie, no place offered sanctuary, so rather than lay down and die, Jamie became both mentally and physically stronger. Eventually Jamie began to lash out, getting into fights with the students who had bullied him before, stealing, and doing drugs, and so began his spiral. One after the other, the kids who had tormented Jamie all his life began to disappear, but no one thought Jamie, who was one of many troubled teens, could've done it. Then one day, Jamie got into an argument with his drunken dad, who then proceeded to strike him as he had done when Jamie was a kid. Jamie no longer a weak and timid child, fought back, overpowered his father, and caught in a rage, beat him to death. Finally seeing how much he had fallen and drowning in guilt, Jamie, rather than go to prison, wrote a suicide note in which he confessed to the murder of the three students who had disappeared two years earlier, called 911, and before they got there, hung himself in his fathers living room. Jamie would remember nothing but agony for the next 10 years he spent in Hell, paying for his sins until finally, he was given a chance to escape his endless torment.

[color=#YOUR HEX CODE]Personality[/color]
At one time, Jamie was timid and very sensitive, but his difficult life created a hard, cold twisted monster, consumed by grief. The ten years he spent in constant torture in Hades shattered his mind, and rebuilt it, though cracked and damaged, it's stronger than ever. But who knows, underneath, the corruption and pain, there might still be a shred of humanity and compassion left....

So begins...

Jamie Raye Fletcher's Story

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Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Erza was in the park buying time like always. She had been to debate club and cheer leading practice but they ended at 6 not enough time for her to be safe from the slaps and punches her adopted mother would use at her disposal. She knew at 8PM her adobted mother would be drunk enough to only hit her a couple of times so she would wait until then. She was on the park bench it was only 7. She was in a book called Hush, Hush. It was one of her Favorites along with the Fallen series of corse. Both were about girls who fall in love with fallen angels and go on these cool adventures with the fallen angels that loved them. The girls were treated so sweetly. The book was highly ironic to her though. Why would demons be nice to any human? From what she knew or read of them. Demons wouldn't be nice to females or any human for that matter. They would prob die before that happened. In truth she halfway thought her her mother was a demon. I mean demons were put on this earth to make others suffer continually without any hopes of peace. They were made to cause horrible pain, right? That was what her mother did. Just made everything hell. Made everyone's life hell. Her mother ruined life's and enjoyed it too. She would be damned if she let another person close enough to hurt like that. The books were wrong, But she couldn't help but love them anyways. She was at the part where Nora was in Victoria Secret with her friend who was about to be attacked by another fallen angel. She didn't wish to be the two girls in these stories because she already knew. No one could save her. She was stuck living a hell of a life with a father who didn't deserve such a horrid wife. He was her adopted father but she didn't care he was her daddy and she knew There was no prince for her. No smiling, no love, no happiness. Hell she didn't even know what happiness felt like. She couldn't even remember a time when she was happy. She was still in her red and black cheer leading skirt and matching cheer leading halter top with K.O on it. Her backpack was resting against the bench it was black has red roses and skulls on it her pom poms were inside the backpack along with her already finished homework and her textbooks. Her drawing pad was on top of the backpack and it had a picture she had been working on. It was the man that she kept dreaming about every night sense June of last year. On her 17th birthday no less. He was handsome and in the dreams he was good to her. She drew herself with him. Her arms around him, embracing him in a kiss. She was good at drawing and she could easily draw features perfectly. The picture mirrored her and it mirrored the strange man that invaded her dreams. Her dark red hair was up in pigtails Her eyes were baby blue at the moment but they would change later they always did. She had a birthmark in the shape of a pixie running it sorta looked like the Pokemon Celebi running in a anime way it was blue at the moment but it changed red sometimes. Which she didn't really think was normal. She was into her book now. Her mind picturing the events. She was laying down on the park bench, the book, inches from her face. It was just starting to get dark. She looked at her watch 7:15. She sighed. 45 minutes left... She thought and read on.

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Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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The flames licked at his chained body, each time one of the tendrils touched his skin, agony bloomed along with the blisters that formed on his skin, only to heal just as quick as they had come, and then the process repeated all over again. Jamie didn't care, he hadn't cared in a long time, hell, he didn't even know how long a "long-time" was. He had spent what felt like an eternity in this pit of agony, chained and tortured with a variety of different methods, each one had taken Jamie to a different level of pain he didn't know existed, and given his past life, that was saying a lot.
In order to keep a hold of his sanity, Jamie turned that pain into anger, learning block it out, and learning even quicker that crying out in pain just made your situation even worse. He suffered in silence.
Amidst the screaming of billions of souls in the barren landscape, pockmarked with pits like the one he was chained in, as they suffered a fate resembling his own, Jamie heard a heavy beat, a deep muffled thumping noise, and it was growing closer. He opened his eyes, and if it wasn't for his present situation, he might have actually been frightened.
Before him was a large demon he had seen many times, sometimes this one had partaken personally in Jamie's torment, but now he simply stopped in front of the human-turned-demon and after a moment, gave a grin that made Jamie's skin crawl.
I am Orcus, the Arch-demon of the Dead...and I have a proposition for you, Dah'mier. Orcus said, calling Jamie by his Demon name.
The other lesser demons under my control are not competent enough to handle this requires self-control, and intelligence which they all lack He continued.
You see, there is only so much you can do with a soul, and unfortunately my...playmate was disposed of.., Orcus said, tapping a elongated, twisted finger against his chin as his crimson eyes averted upward, as if remembering something he seemed to enjoy, and then he gave a another sickening smile.
Ah, proposition...You see, I am in need of another, but the problem is, I can't take someone who dies, seeing as only their incorporeal soul is sent here, not their body. I need you to go Earth and find a certain girl for me, a simple task. Orcus explained, turning his back to Jamie. Her name is Erza Knightwalker, He finally said, waving a hand through the air, creating an image wreathed in flame of a very attractive red-headed young woman.
Don't ask why I want her in particular, we'll just say I'm picky. He said with a sadistic grin. Now, in order for you to enter the physical world, you will need a body, and fortunately for you I am capable of creating one for you. You will be capable of shifting between your Demon form and Human form, but only at, what is your answer? Spend eternity here in torment? Or bring me back this girl and be rewarded accordingly? It's your choice.
To Jamie it wasn't even a choice, he finally had a way to escape from this agony and even win favor with an Arch-demon.
"I will bring you the girl, My lord", Jamie croaked.
Orcus grinned his needle-toothed grin and suddenly the fires surrounding Jamie roared high, covering his vision and causing searing agony, but before his vision gave out Jamie heard Orcus's gravelly voice in his head once more.
I am patient, so enjoy your new life, but do not attempt to cheat me or I will hunt you down and flay you personally.
Then there was blackness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Erza felt a weird surge of energy shift through her body. She didn't understand what it was but she blushed when it went through her body. She sat up and looked around to see what had caused it. She saw a man and...Was that smoke coming off his body? Holy mother of- She quickly ran to him. "Sir Sir! A-Are you alright?" She asked with her british accented silvery(light, clear and pleasant) lullaby-like voice. Her eyes were now purple. She turned him over gently and slowly as to not hurt him more. She looked at him in surprise this was the man she had been dreaming about for over a year now. A look of confusion crossed her face but it soon faded as she got her perspectives in order. She put her ear up to his heart. It was beating. She could see he was breathing. She then went to check his temp but when her hand got close she was burned. She quickly took her hand back. "That's not normal..." She admitted but tried to help him anyways. She ran back to her bag throwing the drawing pad with the picture of him and her gently on the bench she looked at it and quickly turned the page to one of her and him turned the opposite way of each other and making a heart with there hands while not facing each other. In the picture she was looking up and he was looking down. She grabbed her bottled ice water that she used for practice and She went back to his side kneeling beside him. She waited to see if the man woke up if he didnt then she would make him drink it somehow. Which she didn't quite know how she would.

( If you want me to edit it Zombicide just tell me. )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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The immense pain subsided, but in it's place was a dull throbbing sensation in all four of his limbs as his new heart started to beat. Weakly he raised his hand up to his face, noticing the long, gray sleeves on his arms. He raised his head up slowly and unsteadily, his muscles feeling lethargic and his limbs heavy. The first thing he noticed was the thin trail of smoke rising from his clothes, the second thing was the beautiful redhead running towards him, shouting something as she approached. Through the grogginess in his head, Jamie knew she held some importance to him, but he couldn't quite grasp why.
Suddenly, the exhaustion turned to sleepiness, and he drifted off into blackness once more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Erza wouldn't leave his side. She knew her mother wouldnt care if she was out all night and she knew she'd explain things to her father tomorrow. The only time she left was to bring her backpack over to where he lay. She stayed there unsure. She didn't have a cell so calling for help was not a option she would stay here and wait. She stayed awake for as long as she could. She kept nodding off but fighting to stay awake. She ended up falling asleep on him chest by accident. The drawing pad on the grass beside them with the picture on it and her back by her side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Jamie awoke staring up at black sky, and the uncomfortable feeling of something pressing down on his chest. He moved his eyes down, and they grew wide as he realized a woman was laying partially on him, her head resting on the chest of the gray hoodie he was wearing. He was confused at first, and then he remembered what had happened, and felt several emotions he hadn't felt in a long time, some he hadn't even felt in his past life, a mixture of joy, and excitement, then anger and depression as he remembered his time on Earth was limited until he brought the girl back to Orcus.
The girl...Orcus! Jamie brushed the girls red hair out of her face to get a better look at her, and felt his new heart began pounding as he realized this was the girl he was sent to find, Erza Knightwalker.
Damnit! I had only spent a few moments, moments I don't even remember back in this world! Jamie closed his eyes against the panic welling inside of him, taking a deep breath and trying to relax.
Jamie made his decision. He would enjoy his time here, and if Orcus attempted to contact him, he would simply say he had not found the girl yet, and hope he could fool the Arch-demon.
Now for the girl. Jamie looked down at her pretty face as she slowly took in and exhaled breaths. Jamie became lost in her face, studying every part of it, wondering what her eyes looked like, how her voice sounded, god it had been so long since he had talked to someone, since he had heard a voice make any noise besides a tormented scream. He then found himself wondering how her skin would feel under his hands, how her lips would feel against his own, just this simple contact of her head being on his chest was intoxicating, and whether it was because of her, or the simple fact that Jamie hadn't come into contact with another human in 10 years, he didn't know but it was almost unbearable.
Finally Jamie broke away from the trance she had put him in, and decided it was time to wake her up, and unfortunately, do some acting so she would help him, and which by now he had assumed she was trying to do before she fell asleep on him. He shifted on the ground, and acted as though he was going to try and sit up, jostling her head and hopefully waking her up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Erza woke up. She picked her head up. "Oh forgive me. I must have...well sorry." She said with her silvery(light, pleasant clear) British accented soothing voice . Her eyes were purple still and she looked at him. Her birthmark changed red at that moment. Her heart skipped a beat she looked around she picked up her drawing pad to put it away in her backpack quickly so he wouldn't see what she drew. "Here." She said smiling as she handed him the water. "It should cool you down." She said to him. She was blushing and her heart rate had picked up a faster beat. She looked into his eyes and got lost in them. God his eyes were so beautiful. Heck every part of him was perfect. "Are you feeling any better?" She asked him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Jamie was beginning to notice a red tint touching Erza's cheeks.
"In all honesty, I don't know", Jamie replied, rubbing his eyes. "I'm not even sure what happened. I was walking down the alleyway and then I blacked out.", he finished the lie, giving his best to make it seem truthful.
"Everything hurts, I'm hungry, thirsty and tired..and I feel like my skin was lit on fire". He told her. "And I don't remember anything prior to waking up here, besides my name". Jamie attempted to get up, but this time he didn't have to fake weakness , his body was still sore and stiff, and as he attempted to sit up, his back spasmed and he fell back to the ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Erza looked at him. "Just wait here. There's a store across the street. I'll get you something to eat. I'm kinda hungry too. I'll get you some orange juice. I mean the vitamin C it should help you feel better." She said. She quickly took off hoping her skirt didn't fly up when she dashed away. She got two packages of Ramen Noodles. It was technically soup right? She thought. She bought them both and then made them at the shop with the shop keeps permission of corse. After she made them she took the bag with the orange juice and Peace Tea in it. She walked to him carefully as to not spill the soups. She put the soups down. "Do you think you can sit up to eat?" She asked him. She knew if he couldn't then she would gently rest his head on her lap and feed him the soup. The thought almost made her giggle. But she kept her cool though she was now blushing again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erza Knightwalker Character Portrait: Jamie Raye Fletcher
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Erza helped him eat. She blushed as he looked into his eyes. She knew why he was here. The dreams showed her it all. He was a demon sent to retrieve her and take her to hell where awful things would happen. But she knew why and in truth she really could careless what he chose for her. She would gladly follow him to hell if he chose it. Intruth she already had a thing for him just by the dreams she had. She wondered for a second if that made her demented but shook it off. Her mother would kill her literally if she knew about him not to protect her nope but because he made her happy and have a bit of hope as twisted as it sounded she would walk into hell and do whatever the demon commanded her to do if it meant getting away from this life. He cleared his throat and she snapped out of her reserve. She wondered if she should tell him that she was fully aware of everything but decided against it. That talk was for another day.