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Jack' O Frost

"I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow, I'm Mister Icicle, I'm Mister Ten Below, Friends call me Snow Miser, What ever I touch, Turns to snow in my clutch, I'm too much!"

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a character in “Imaginary: Dreamers of the Otherworld”, as played by TheCrimsonLady



Full Name:
Jack O' Frost
Nicknames: (Anything else they might go by.)
Snow Miser -By his dreamer-
Prince Chill
Jack is a pale skinned, blue and white haired humanoid Imaginary, His Dreamer would often imagine him in human clothing and the style just sort of stuck.
Before losing his Dreamer,s his hair was a brilliant blue but over time, in the chill of loneliness, his hair began to slowly turn white, as well as his ice blue eyes turn red.
In the Beginning, Jack was a playful mischievous Imaginary, He'd often convince his Dreamer to play pranks, do things they know they weren't suppose to and make all around mischief. But nothing to do any real harm. He loved making his Dreamer laugh, even in the wee hours of the morning. He is boisterous and somewhat abrasive, not really caring for opinions save for his Dreamer's.
He would dance around telling jokes, playing music, all for the happiness of his Dreamer.
Once his dreamer forgot, His mischief grew more twisted, his playfulness, became demented and cruel. He has also developed a manipulative, flirtatiousness as well. This is still a small shred of what he used to be but it is slowly disappearing.
Cyrokensis- The ability to control/manipulate ice, snow and frost.
Intense Heat- For Obvious Reasons

Brief History:
WIP (will discuss with Dreamer)

Cyratana, Once a beautiful kingdom created out of ice and stone now is a broken down, crumpling ruin of a once thriving ice utopia


So begins...

Jack' O Frost's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Basil the Beast Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk Character Portrait: Cadriel the Dove Character Portrait: Rain
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On the highest floor of the clock tower, Kimchi sat steadily breathing by the barred door.
"tic tic tic tic tic tic." Kimchi repeated until a familiar tome struck through the tower. She tried to keep from smiling as she counted them off. One by one, different parts of the tower resonated in the same warming tones. Kimchi drank in each one until the final one stopped vibrating.

"Nine tomes! Nine o' clock! On this Monday." Kimchi fluttered over to the framed calendar page hanged carefully next to her makeshift nest. Surrounded by a carefully drawn circle was today's date; the day that her and Helena decided to finally gather back the other kids. According to plan, Helena had started approximately thirty minutes ago. Meanwhile Kimchi would out and prepare the imaginaries for the reunion. Kimchi froze as she realized her excitement was wasting precious seconds.

"Maintenance check. No time for malfunctions today." Kimchi hurried through her normal morning routine of polishing and oiling, but spent the saved seconds inspecting every gear in the clock tower. Twice. Kimchi counted the tics on the base gear, and stopped it 3 times before being satisfied that it was on tempo. Before flying away, Kimchi closed her eyes once more just to be sure. tic tic tic tic tic tic "Perfect." Kimchi smiled flying up to her closet.

Kimchi landed with a thud and quickly scurried to the pile of supplies she had prepared the previous night. As she walked she checked the clock on her wing. On schedule, as usual. Kimchi looked over the pile at her feet. Laid out on a plaid blanket, was a oil can, a metronome, a scrap book and a scrawled out land schedule. Kimchi ear twitched. Surely she planned to pack more than that. Kimchi compiled a quick list of supplies before scouring around the orderly room to find them. She had planned extensively for this ever since the first time Helena suggested getting the gang back together. She had planned right down to which imaginary she would visit first. She threw a scarf around herself. She would visit basil last for safety reasons and while she would love to visit Caddie next. Kim paused a moment before throwing some custom fitted snow-tires over her back. Caddie could be...unpredicatable especially If E got involved. And there was no way she could plan for visiting Rain. Rain had a way of dismantling even her most carefully laid plans. Some part of her longed to see each of them, but still Kimchi shivered at the thought how she would eventually have to face them. No she would visit Jack first. Experience would tell that he was the most reasonable of her friends. If anything he would be helpful in helping her persuade the others. Or protecting her from them.

"No no no." Kimchi darted toward her bag to distract herself from the dark thought. She bundled up the blanket and shortly admired her bindle. Her friends were corrupted admittedly, but not dangerous. On her way out of the room she passed her sword. A long, double edged minute hand with a donut handle. Jet black, pristine, and (despite her meticulous cleaning) telling of the last time she used it. Today was a day to be prepared , she reason shoving the blade carefully into the bindle. She flew up to the top of the tower and undid the top hatch.

She could see almost every realm from up here. This is really happening. she thought her happiness and enthusiasm returning.
"Don't worry everyone! The kids are coming," She took off and began flying toward Cyratana's castle. "And I am too!" She yelled back over her shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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"I'M SO BOORRREEEDD!!" shouted Prince Chill as he sat in his icy throne., a large icicle fell at the sound of his voice.

He huffed, sitting lazily on in his throne, a leg laying over the arm of the throne, his hand holding his resting chin.

"My Lord, the castle is already falling to ruin, Perhaps, you should keep your voice down." said a wrinkly old blue skinned rabbit dressed in a petticoat. "I'll do as I PLEEEAAASSEE!!" Jack shouted again and another large icicle fell and shattered on the ground.

"I am bored, there's nothing for me to do, What's a King without a Kingdom." He asked with a sigh. "I wasn't always so bored, what changed?" He asked the rabbit.

"You used to be nicer..." The rabbit whispered only to have a snowball hit him in the side of the head.

"I heard that." Jack groaned.

"Well you were." the rabbit said. Jack rolled his eyes. "No, there was something...." He frowned. " Oh! Who was the lad I used to pow around with, Oh he was fun, we fought and danced. He laughed at all my jokes," Jack stood on his throne, play fencing with the shadow.

"What was his name?" Jack asked the rabbit still standing on his throne.

The rabbit sighed, "I don't know, Mylord."

"Oh Blast, He was so much fun, What was his NAME?!" He shouted into the sky, ringing the ice and causing more icicles to fall. Jack and the Rabbit dodged falling ice for a moment and Jack sat back in his throne.

"What was his name?"

It was then that fluttering wings could be heard from not far from the throne room which was nearest the entrance of the castle.

Jack looked down at the rabbit who shrugged.

Jack then stood, his booted feet padded in the light snow the covered the smooth but icy rocks beneath him, white hair flow behind him, though it once was blue, pale pink eyes narrowed at the door as he shoved the large doors open, allowing the cold wind from the outside whip around him, frost touching his ice white skin.

He rose a hand over his eyes as he looked out at the sky.

"Kimichi....What does she want...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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"Hey Jack! How's the weather?" Kimchi considered the joke as she said it. "No he wouldn't possibly laugh at that." She raised her voice to be heard over the wind and her own rhythmic flapping.

The weather was particularly nice for flying. She had planned to walk part of the way but the castle's surroundings were more rocky than they were during her last visit. The plan could be amended if it saved her time.

"What're you doing Jack? Just chilling?" Kimchi groaned at her own joke. So opening with a joke didn't seem like it would work. She had of course planned what she was going to say. Surely, right after ..... Her flapping skipped a beat and she had to flap twice in the next to keep from plummeting. How had she forgotten something so important! Her persuasiveness was essential to the plan! Perhaps she could just turn back and plan for later? But she was already on course and today was the day she and Helena had agreed upon. What would Helena say? She'd tell her to Wing it. Right. She had wings, she could do that. She could feel herself ticking faster in disbelief.

Kimchi shook her head. Stay calm. ti ti ti ti ti ti tic tic tic. She smiled at the return to rhythm. Now, Helena would say- Helena did say that she should remind them of the past. She had the scrapbook and her memories. It wouldn't be hard. She breathed out a sigh of relief. She was back on rhythm. Kimchi squinted. A short distance away she saw a door to the castle open and Jack stand outside. She smiled and quickened her pace. He's being welcoming. This will be easy. she thought as she flew faster toward the now open door.

A couple of minutes later, she flapped faster and landed on a rock a short distance away from Jack. She looked down and dug her talons into the rock to keep from slipping on the snow.
"Hey Jack, just dropping in. Dropping like the temperature." Kimchi said as she looked up and smiled. Gosh so bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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"Hey Jack, just dropping in. Dropping like the temperature."

Jack's brow, which was originally set in high, dropped low. "If you are going to use puns, Kimichi, atleast make them good ones..."Jack tutted, as if he were addressing a small child.

"Like, if it were me, I would have said something like, like..."Jack twirled his hand, near his head, a thoughtful look on his plae face. "Oh like, The wind is so cold up here, it really blows." He said and laughed unnecessarily hard at his joke, Rabbit rolled his eyes at Jack's pun.

"That as no better then hers...." the rabbit grumbled only to have snow kicked in his direction, while the rabbit brush the snow from his face, Jack looked back at Kimichi,

"What is it that you want, Kimichi? I can't imagine you came all the way here, just to tell me that little joke of yours? Hmm?" He asked, before smiling brightly.

"I know, you've come to pledge fealty to Prince Chill!" He chimed, grinning proudly.

(Sorry it's so short, it'll get longer, promise)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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"The wind is so cold up here, it really blows." Jack laughed probably more than his joke warranted.
"Right that is better." She mumbled under her breath with only slight aversion of her eyes.

Okay conversation has started. Time to wing it. She knew what she needed to say, now all she had to do was say it. Come with me, were going to see our dreamers again! Without being too blunt about it! Kimchi breathed a mental sigh. Find a subtle way to tell him why you're here.

"What is it that you want, Kimichi? I can't imagine you came all the way here, just to tell me that little joke of yours? Hmm?" asked Jack.

That's it! That's exactly what you're waiting for! Kimchi almost slipped off her rock in excitement as she started to approach.
"Thank goodness, you asked. I wasn't sure how-" Kimchi started.

"I know, you've come to pledge fealty to Prince Chill!"

Kimchi paused midstep. tictictictictictic. She almost had it. All she had to do was respond! She was standing mouth agape on one foot. No no. She was trying to plan this. I am winging it. One flap at a time. She cleared her throat and put her foot down. Her clock jerked back into motion.

"No not really. Crytana's a bit too," She tapped a talon as she searched for the word. I can't do to offend him. "Unpredictable, for my taste." A metaphorical light bulb went off in her head.

"But you know who would be willing to swear fealty?"
A 3 second pause for effect.

3 seconds could be a long time for someone who appreciated time like Kimchi. For example now she considered the hundreds of possibilities that could result from what she was to say next. Anger, sadness, despair, rage and many other emotional responses she wasn't prepared to deal with. Good thing she was winging it.

"Your dreamer!" She jutted out her wings to frame her enthusiastic smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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"No not really. Crytana's a bit too," Jack arched a single white brow, while Rabbit beside him tensed. Jack's bad temper matched the winter. It was cold, violent, deadly, even if he wasn't consciously aware of it. The mechanical bird tapped her head with a talon. "Unpredictable, for my taste." She said and Jack shrugged, while Rabbit relaxed.

"But you know who would be willing to swear fealty?"
Both Jack and Rabbit looked at her then, with a matching expression.

"Oh?"Jack mused. He called himself Prince Chill, but it was rare that anyone treated him like royalty, anymore beyond Rabbit, but that was only because Rabbit lived in Crytana, not alot of things did these days, so this was something he hadn't expected. Someone actually wanted to pledge their loyalty to him, now. That was an exciting concept.

"Your dreamer!" Kimichi exclaimed, her wings exalted proudly.

Jack's expression dropped. His dreamer....
While he missed him, and wished it to be true. He knew it was. His dreamer forgot about him, left him alone and bored. Jack hated to be bored, his dreamer knew that.

In rebellion, Jack tried to forget about him, but, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't, not entirely. Jack had friends like Kimchi because of his dreamer.... All he managed to forget, was his name.

"You insult me, Kimichi...."Jack said darkly, the wind atop the mountain castle, whipping around them more violently now.

"Dreamers have forgotten about us, they do not care about us, and the last thing any one of them would do is, pledge fealty..." He said and turned his back to her, so not to show that it actually saddened him. Rabbit's little pink nose twitched, big blue eyes were sadly looking up at him.

"Oh Prince, Chill...."Rabbit said and Jack turned his head. Rabbit knew better than anyone, Jack was still a child, mentally about the same age as he dreamer had been, he didn't look it, but in his heart, he was still like a child, sad and alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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Kimchi held her pose as she tried to read his changed expression. He's not angry, thank goodness. But he's certainly not happy anymore either. If she had to place it, it was somewhere between discomfort and sadness. Kimchi dropped her wings back to her side and steeled herself with past memories. Back when the kids dreamers came every day, she spent as much time as possible fighting any sadness they could have been feeling. Between her jokes and goofy antics, she seldom allowed sadness to persist for long. Very subtly she puffed up her chest. She could deal with sadness.

"You insult me, Kimichi...." said Jack coldly. As she was about to respond that she didn't intend to be insulting, the wind started to pick up. Its temperature was mostly lost on her but she dug in her feet to keep her light frame from lifting off unintentionally. She pressed her wings tighter to her sides, despite the wind silently beckoning her to fly. She lowered her head into her chest to insure her scarf didn't blow off. As much as she could though she tried not to move too drastically under Jack's gaze.

"Dreamers have forgotten about us, they do not care about us, and the last thing any one of them would do is, pledge fealty..." said Jack as he turned away from her.

"Oh, but you're wrong. Helena has-" Kimchi cut herself off before she continued. Her friends didn't always act the best at the mention of Kimchi's dreamer. The question of why Helena kept coming back when the others stayed away for so long was commonly thrown at Kimchi by her friends. She couldn't help but agree with the quandary, but Helena had never been clear in her answers. Because she loved me more was hardly an answer she could pass on to her friends. Helena was special and Kimchi didn't want to imagine herself if Helena had left her like the others.

Kimchi had been practicing her act over the past few days as she tried to prepare for when everyone was back. Her wheels were oiled for dancing and her music box was prime for playing. Kimchi craned her head to see the rabbit's expression. Perhaps her music box wasn't the kind cheering Jack needed. Turning her back to jack she took her scrapbook from her bindle before carefully retying it. She laid the whole bindle down before turning back to the task at hand.

Kimchi carefully picked her way over stones to stand beside Jack.
"Jack," she said, looking up to him before nudging him somewhat affectionately as she remembered a fun detail. "Snow miser." She looked up at his forlorn face. Not joking time, comfort time.
She continued more softly. "I can't imagine what these past few years have been like for you. I can only imagine what's it like to have been (glances toward rabbit) mostly alone." Alright stop reminding him of sadness. Kimchi revealed the scrapbook and placed it at Jack's feet. she held it closed with a toe before the wind could rip at the pages and loose images.
"Things used to be better... for all of us," she assured. Now to reveal the plan. " I know that and your dreamer knows that too."

"Which is why Helena and I have come up up with a plan." She said puffing up with a mischievous smile.


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Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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"Oh, but you're wrong. Helena has-" Kimichi wisely stopped herself but Jack still cut his eyes in her direction. Kimichi was lucky enough to have her dreamer still remember her. He and the other's weren't so lucky.
Kimichi ticked toward him, and nudged him playfully. "Snow miser." She looked up at him, a small grin tugged at the corner of his pale lips. "I can't imagine what these past few years have been like for you. I can only imagine what's it like to have been-- mostly alone." She said and that did nothing for Jack's mood. He and his dreamer used to have so much fun together, sword fighting in the trees of Whim, snow ball fights in Cryatana, or simply sitting, Jack telling him wild tales of his imaginary adventures, while the boy sketched them all down in his little book.

Kimichi then set down a book, a scrapbook to be precise and Jack arched a silver brow. "Things used to be better... for all of us," she assured him and Jack clicked his teeth, easy for her to say, she still had her dreamer. " I know that and your dreamer knows that too." She said and Jack turned to her fully then, his arms still folding, and incredulous look on his face.

"Which is why Helena and I have come up up with a plan. Kimichi said and the ticking toy looked proud. Jack picked up the book, he calmed the winds so not to blow the pages away, and began thumbing through them. His fingers smooth over a few images of days gone and his heart ached. He wanted it back.

"You've piqued my interest, My Lady of Klockwerk, Tell me more about this plan..." He said. He wanted to see his dreamer, he didn't want to be bored again.

"and what I can do to help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack' O Frost Character Portrait: Kimchi Klockwerk
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"You've piqued my interest, My Lady of Klockwerk, Tell me more about this plan and what I can do to help. "
Had Kimchi been a real bird with real blood, most of it might have flushed to her cheeks as she blushed. While her work in the clock tower was very important -to her anyway-, it was hardly worthy of such a moniker. Instead her only response was the shuffling of her wings as she straightened and prepared to deliver her side of the plan. She was done winging it, thank goodness. Everything else she had to say had been carefully selected beforehand. She took a quick peek at her clock. 9:37. She was still making good time.

"Well to put it simply. The plan is for me to gather all of our friends from this world together at the clock tower while Helena gathers all of the dreamers to meet us there. Then we all sit, talk, party, become friends again, and most importantly party." Kimchi explained coolly. Kimchi explained it calmly. Kimchi explained it as if it would be much easier than she actually assumed it to be. During their planning period, Kimchi was very adamant in pointing out the different holes she noticed in the plan before Helena finally decided that Kimchi should probably handle most of the scheming. Which she did through much consideration and scheduling to a point where she believed everything could be accounted for. People always proved to be variables though.

"Now I'm so glad you've offered your help because I need it." Kimchi responded, smiling awkwardly. Kimchi turned and paced away from Jack.
"Now there's a couple of ways I can imagine us proceeding from here. Option 1, we both go and inform slash persuade Basil on the plan." She stopped and turned to make sure Jack was following her train of thought.
"You know how Basil can be nowadays. Insan-...Protective over his territory. Not to mention the danger of the territory itself," She cast a knowing glance toward the ground before turning again. "That said we are probably best off not entering the territory alone."

Kimchi picked her way across a rock before turning back to Jack. Still looking toward her feet she continued pacing.
"Option 2 is that we split up and meet Rain and Caddie on our own before going to meet basil as one big happy family. I don't know how easy it'll be to find basil if he doesn't want to be found, so searching as a big group may be better." Kimchi looked up as she exited that train of thought. She had stopped pacing only a short distance from Jack, and started trying to read his reaction. Option 3 was that he ignored the first two options and decided to wait at the clock tower. While she'd made plans to accommodate that choice, she decided to leave that out of her list.

Kimchi blinked as she finished her rehearsed spiel. She felt that she had explained it to the best of her ability, but she knew that she already knew she understood.
"Any questions?"