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Sabrina Valiant

"Beauty is how you feel on the inside and it reflects in your eyes."

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a character in “Imaginary: Dreamers of the Otherworld”, originally authored by BurningDark, as played by RolePlayGateway




{Full Name}
Sabrina Aphrodite Valiant

"Nothing too embarrassing, and I guess it's pretty enough."


Rina {"It's kind of a sentimental thing. My friends when I was little called me Rina."}

Princess {"My dad calls me this- But don't all dads?"}

Aphrodite {"Goddess of Beauty-My middle name is okay."}

"I've been called lots of things, and not all of them nice."

February Fourteenth

"Yes, I have gotten numerous cheesy Valentines cards for my birthday."


"Between driving and being an adult."

Canadian {45%} Russian {13%} Norwegian {42%}

"Have I been to any of these places? Just Canada."


"Nothing wrong with love."

{"Those who are heartless, once cared too much." }


5' 7"

90 lbs.

οΌ₯ο½™ο½… οΌ£ο½ο½Œο½ο½’
Silvery Grey

Hair οΌ£ο½ο½Œο½ο½’
Light Golden Blonde

2ody οΌ’ο½•ο½‰ο½Œο½„
Hourglass figure with muscled, slim limbs.

{O V E R A L L || A P P E A R A N C E}
Sabrina has been the 'pretty girl' for a long time. With an hourglass figure that was defined before most other girls', Sabrina became swept up in maintaining her appearance. With a crystal-clear complexion and tanned skin, she takes great pride in her acne-free features. She puts lots of effort into her golden, curled hair and darker eyebrows. With long lashes, high cheekbones, a doll nose, and full lips, Sabrina uses makeup to her best advantage and always puts effort into her outfit- even if it's just an oversized sweatshirt and messy bun, you can bet that bun was meticulously pulled up and certain strands were pulled for the messy effect. She runs in the mornings before school, and when she has free time, visits the gym. She has certain dieting standards, and while chocolate was once a heavenly sweet, Sabrina hasn't touched one piece in years. Due to her modeling career taking off when she was in eighth grade, Sabrina is very experienced in the pains and effort it takes to keep up such a flawless appearance.

{"Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old." }
-Franz Kafka



|β™•|| Peaches ||β™•|:Having lived on healthy food for the past three or four years, Sabrina has found that she really enjoys peaches.|

|β™•|| Compliments ||β™•|:Who doesn't like flattery? Sabrina loves when people genuinely compliment her hard work- her appearance, usually.|

|β™•|| Animals ||β™•|:She rarely gets to be around them anymore unless they're in a photoshoot, but she genuinely adores animals of all kinds.|

|β™•|| Horror Movies ||β™•|:Sabrina loves the adrenaline rush of a good jumpscare. She watched lots of horror movies as a little kid and even now.|

|β™•|| Gossip ||β™•|:Her life is exciting- but so are other peoples'. Well, not everyone, but good gossip is always welcome and wanted to Sabrina.|


|β™•|| Others' Problems ||β™•|:Sabrina is busy enough with her own life, let alone other people's mess. Keep her out./i]|

|β™•|| Cranberries ||β™•|:[i]The nastiest thing in the world of dieting, Sabrina despises cranberries.

|β™•|| Delinquents ||β™•|:She's no Goody-Two-Shoes herself, but criminals are just despicable. Especially those she knows.|

|β™•|| Grape Candy ||β™•|:Well, she can't have candy at all, but grape stuff is especially nasty. It tastes like grape medicine, which is also gross.|

|β™•|| Gym Class ||β™•|:She loves being active, but gym is just smelly and nobody participates anyways. It's a useless class she can't escape.|


|β™•|| High Pain Tolerance ||β™•|:Being poked, prodded, burned, and walking in high heels has granted Sabrina a pain tolerance rivaling a rock.|

|β™•|| Compassionate ||β™•|:While Sabrina never bothers with kindness towards others, she is very compassionate and loving.|

|β™•|| Animals ||β™•|:Since she's so busy staying clean and pristine, Sabrina never is around animals- but she is very good with them.|

|β™•|| Lying ||β™•|:Makeup is a form of lying, some would say- but Sabrina can convince just about anybody of anything.|


|β™•|| Self-Conscious ||β™•|:Even one hater can make Sabrina question her beauty- even though she knows they're lying, she can't help it.|

|β™•|| Aloof ||β™•|:She's a bit distant from even her friends, though she's always on top of the latest juicy gossip. She has a posse, not friends.|

|β™•|| Opinionated ||β™•|:While this isn't always bad, Sabrina does get in trouble for making her dislikes known- like homework and overalls.|

|β™•|| Unforgiving ||β™•|:She can hold a grudge like nobody's business. She'll often even hostilely lash out at her past enemies.|


|β™•|| Her Cover Being Blown ||β™•|:Sabrina fears being sucked back into the Otherworld- Not because of nightmares or any evil spirits, but because it would shatter her perfect image.|

|β™•|| Basements ||β™•|:A ridiculous fear from too many horror movies, Sabrina is still wary of the deep dark below.|

|β™•|| Nightmares ||β™•|:With her recent bad dreams, Sabrina wakes up terrified more often than she likes to admit. Her Imaginary isn't real... right?|

{β€œSometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down." }
-Banana Yoshimoto



Sabrina grew up in a rich family, and her childhood consisted of pageants and escaping to the Otherworld. Her home wasn't bad, she was just always pushed and pulled into frilly dresses and extravagant makeup. Sabrina loved going to the Otherworld because she could finally be free of the dress-up contests and be herself- the kind and compassionate girl she started losing as she entered the world of real modeling and not just pageants. She dreamed up her Imaginary, Basil, and gave him powers of shapeshifting partially because of her subconscious wish to be able to change how she looked whenever she needed, and partially because shapeshifting is super cool.

As she entered middle school and started puberty, she was occasionally teased because of her mature figure. She drifted away from her friends when she really needed them most, and spent quite a bit of time alone and depressed. Her visits to the Otherworld dropped almost entirely, and Sabrina finally was transferred to a private school when her parents got reports from an anonymous student at her school. She spent her middle school years in a private school where she was more focused on her studies and began losing her true personality because of her lack of friends and social life.

High school was a complete turnaround. Her hourglass figure was something to be admired, not ridiculed, and she instantly shot to the top of the popularity chain. One of the most desired and popular girls in school, Sabrina was discovered by a modeling agent as a freshman. By her sophomore year, she'd almost completely forgotten about the Otherworld- Until Helena started trying to contact her again. Brushing the odd girl off at first, Sabrina became more unsettled as Helena continued- and the nightmares she'd started having got worse. Sabrina refuses to believe that those are connected, and tries to uphold her reputation and keep the Otherworld from her mind.

Face Claim: Ginny Gardner

Dialogue Colour: || #d4a00e ||

So begins...

Sabrina Valiant's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina Valiant Character Portrait: Nathan Synn Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Sabrina watched her door open in the mirror, where she had most of her attention focused on her makeup. Carefully applying mascara to her long lashes, the girl blinked a few times to make sure her makeup was perfect, and then turned to the figure in the door. "Good morning, mum. Is something the matter?" Sabrina always spoke very politely to her mom, partially because it was mostly natural, and partly because her mom bought her everything and a rude outburst would be quite the unfortunate drop in budget for clothes and makeup. Which, she reminded herself, needed to be replenished- she'd used quite a bit of concealer trying to cover up her sleepless, nightmarish nights lately. "Oh, no dear. I just asked the phone company to please block this Helena who keeps calling our house." Sabrina nearly dropped her mascara. "Helena Norrevinter? She's been calling us?"

Sabrina gulped down a lump in her throat. Her childhood friend, now a creepy, reclusive teenager who constantly carried around a toy from when they were little. She had a sneaking suspicion that Helena was behind the nightmares. The redhead bothered her enough during the day, and her 'Otherworld' haunted her at night. Images of a creature wrapped in bones and twine gruesomely followed her dreams and though there was something familiar about the monster, Sabrina could never place it before she woke. Thankfully. She'd hate to know the beast who haunted her.

Standing up, Sabrina regained her straight face and gathered her tattered nerves. Her mother handed her a letter from her company, and after a hug, left Sabrina alone with her thoughts and a letter. Opening the document like it was an explosive, she read the lines of text quickly. A photoshoot on Thursday. New models, new hairstylist. Placing the fancy parchment onto her desk, Sabrina picked up her messenger bag for school, neatly packed her homework, and took the elevator just outside her door down to the foyer. Walking out into the driveway, she stepped into the white limo belonging to her family. Today she needed something extra special to calm her nerves. Starting the car, Sabrina ran through today's schedule. A project due- done. One test- studied for when she couldn't get any sleep. Driving through Starbucks, she picked up a small coffee for the caffeine. Normally, she wasn't allowed to get coffee for her teeth, but today, she was nearly falling asleep at the wheel.

As she pulled into the parking lot, she drank the rest of the coffee and unwrapped a piece of peppermint gum. Popping it in her mouth and putting the wrapper into the empty cup, she shouldered her bag and walked into school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina Valiant Character Portrait: River Morris Character Portrait: Nathan Synn Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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"Pre-Cal at 3, Ballet from 4-7, Dinner at 8, Meds at 8: 30, Homework at 9, Bed at 10" River recited her schedule in her head, and a few times out loud to keep in memorized, her morning medication sometimes made her forgetful.

Her life since the incident had been planned out to the minute. School, Dance, Home, Bed. That was all she did. She had no friends, not anymore, not like she used to.

As she walked down the hall, her books clutched to her chest like it was the only thing keeping her tethered to this world, her dark stringy hair hanging down over her face, her head down watching her feet mostly, she recalled a time when she was different, better, sane.

They said she was kidnapped, taken away for three days and it must have been so horrible that her mind turned the ordeal into a fun, fantastical place she called Whims. She was so convinced that, that's where she was, that they placed her in a home, institutionalized her, put her on drugs that for a long time she didn't feel like she needed, but now she dependent on them. Then the thoughts of the rainbow haired girl entered her thoughts.

She had friends before, she saw them as she strode down the hall, they were there, or at least she thought they were there, the only person who still believed was Helena, but people thought she needed to be on the same drugs River was on as well. Helena was the only one to believe her, back her up, but River's parents decided that, she wasn't allowed to speak to Helena, for fear of a relapse.

River always liked Helena.

Then there was Nathan, he was always nice, a wonderful artist, they believed that it was partially his art that fueled River's fantasy, she wasn't really allowed to speak with him either, beyond the occasionally hello, and then there was Sabrina, who was as normal as they come, sure she had an imaginary friend as a child but she grew out of it, like any normal child would. Her parents liked Sabrina but she was always busy, and so was River, since she came back home, she didn't have time for friends and things like that. She had to stay focus.

She made her way to her locker and began switching out books and notebooks, reciting her schedule a few more times, thought she cast a few longing looks toward her old friends

She missed them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina Valiant Character Portrait: River Morris Character Portrait: Nathan Synn Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Cadriel the Dove
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Lena walked in through the corridor, with her shapeless sweater and untidy hair, bag slung over her shoulder and deliberately left open so as to allow the little avian toy to 'see' out. She looked over to catch sight of a few of her "targets" some of the people she was going to reclaim for Otherworld.

She took a very worn out looking book from her bag and turned her attention to that, deciding not to dwell too much on the whole thing right then, not in the least because she felt a tiny little grudge in spite of herself.

The redhead was quite intelligent, but her grades rarely seemed to reflect it. She tended to coast along on passable but not exceptional by any stretch. Creative writing was something she tended to score well in, but her readings were outlandish enough to draw the derision of most of her classmates.

Not that nearly any other aspect of Helena didn't already draw derision.

As she was juggling her books, the girl could hear a few giggles from behind her, as a couple of other students stood against the opposite wall, whispering and making pointed looks in her direction.

And, like always, Helena shrugged it off. You had to make sacrifices, after all. And, soon it was going to change. They would come back. She believed it. She had to.

Lena was walking past the lockers when she caught sight of River, standing there getting out some books. In some awkward effort to appear personable, the young redhead lifted her hand and waved, a little more enthusiastically than perhaps was needed.

On an edge of Otherworld where the trees began to die away to rocks and waste and the sky became streaked with oranges and reds, stood the border of the Mechanized Minster, home of the angel Cadriel....or at least whatever that creature might have become.

On the horizon was the cathedral, dark and towering. Before it stood a chaotic sprawl of smokestacks and blast furnaces bathed in a red, demonic glow. The workers, mechanical figures with bird-like heads, guided the molten metal from the base of the furnace into molds, under the grim, sightless gaze of the statues and grotesques now perches precariously amongst the twisted iron.

For all the hellish light and noise outside, within the Cathedral it was dark and cold, the stone walls rising high up into a smoky gloom near the roof. Some light peaked in through the breaks in the stained glass windows, but it seemed to do little to permeate it over all. The place seemed to absorb the light that touched it.

The wing of the owl hung from the frame by some copper wire and hooks. The Angel crouched before it, staring at it and looking between that and the twisted amalgamation hung from the ceiling. It didn't look right. How very frustrating. E hopped down from her perch and walked across the stone flags, watched nervously by the Gargoyles. These creatures, flawed results of her own attempts to craft working wings, were hideous-looking chimeras of flesh and machinery, once Otherworld residents before taken away by Cadriel's mechanical men. Now they stood bound to the Angel's will, and as such were also permanently subject to her unpredictable whims.

"It's wrong. Again." she muttered irritably.

"Madam, you summoned me?"

Her gaze snapped round to the long walkway from the main door, catching sight of the bloom of fiery light of the Sentinel's eyes in her periphery. The strange, spindly, equine thing stood as tall as at least two of her, its pike even greater in height, though upon being certain it had garnered her full attention, it bent forwards in a rather theatrical bow.
"I believe I have an appointment with someone that your....counterpart wanted to arrange."

Her hollow grey eyes regarded the thing was puzzlement for a long moment before something seemed to click.
"Yes. Yes...I..I think I know.."
She scrambled over to the far wall, where an envelope had been deftly pinned straight though the flag by a rusted splinter of metal. Gingerly Cadriel pulled it free, and held it out to the thing, which delicately opened it up, nodded, and strolled back towards the exit.

Cadriel, for her part, had no interest or curiosity in regards to what it said, even if, in a technical sense, she was the one who wrote it. She lost time, and things would happen. The less she had to do with it, the easier things tended to be overall. She wouldn't imagine she would do anything particularly untoward anyway...and she had far too much to do.

The Sentinel meanwhile, walked with purpose along the cracked roadway with the letter in its hand, mulling over the details on e more time.


It's time to send a message.
I've made some very special arrangements for you.
When you get this make your way to the Stormtrap Flats as quickly as you can.
You will find someone there that I know you've been very keen to spend some time with.

Love, E.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina Valiant Character Portrait: Aaron Bradbury Character Portrait: River Morris Character Portrait: Nathan Synn Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Rain
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"I'm walkin' on sunshine, oooh," a bright, cheery voice sang. "I'm walkin' on sunshine, and don't it feel good!" Rain was skipping along, singing at the top of her lungs. Where had she heard this song before? She kept singing, the question bouncing around in her head as she turned a corner and bumped into someone. She abruptly stopped singing, staring down at whatever creature had blocked her path. It was a small dog-like creature, but it's fur was bright blue. She smiled a bit. More creatures had inhabited her realm after her Dreamer had called it empty. Her smile dropped, now glaring at the creature in front of her. She remembered where the song had come from now. Her dreamer's world.

"River," she hissed the name, not in anger but as if saying it actually hurt her. Ever since the girl had stopped talking to her, nothing was right. Sending the dog a glare, she picked it up by the scruff of its neck and carried it to the edge of the hovering land. Her world had once seemed whole, but now was cracking and broken. Cliffs were everywhere, dropping off into nothingness. She didn't even know what was at the end of the nothing, if there was an end. The dog whimpered in her grip. Rain blinked, looking at the poor creature and the cliff, for a moment feeling horrified at her previous action. She had been about to toss the thing off. Why?

Startled, she took a step back, before remembering that the creature only existed because of River. And River was gone. How dare it stay when the reason for its existence had abandoned it? In a split second, the cold deadliness in Rain's eyes was back as she swung her arm and tossed the thing off into the abyss.

"Sayonara!" she yelled, her voice happy as every despite the coldness in her eyes. Feeling pleased, Rain wiped her hands off on her pants and went back to strolling through her land. She was bored now. Boredom wasn't right. Frowning, she tilted her head, looking around. Oh, I know! she thought, eyes widening. I can sing a song! That's always fun.
Without a second thought, Rain began to sing again, completely forgetting her actions in the past few minutes. "I'm walkin' on sunshine, oooh!"

Being at school on time wasn't really something he did anymore. So now, standing in the hallway, he wasn't sure what to do. Locker. That's where people usually go. He started to walk to where his locker was, before realizing he didn't remember what number it was. Even if he could just spot it by memory, he had no idea what the combination was. He hadn't used his locker all year.

"Wonderful..." he muttered, standing off to the side and out of the way of the mass of students roaming the halls. He still felt awkward. He considered just walking back out the way he came, but what good would that do? Sighing, he wandered off, trying to find something to occupy his time. When did classes start? There were a lot of students now, so it had to be soon. Hugging the wall, Nathan made his way to the school library. As expected, no one was there. Nathan actually sighed in relief after settling in a chair in the corner of the library, hiding away from the world. The librarian was no where in sight, and he'd rather keep it that way. While he was sure as hell used to being scolded, he liked to avoid it when possible.

Nathan leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He wasn't even sure what he was doing anymore. He felt constantly numb and bored, yet did nothing to change it. It was like having a war inside him, one side demanding he do something and the other stopping him from even trying. Why was he even doing this anymore?

His thoughts drifted to his old group of friends, and how much they'd changed. He kind of missed them. No, he really missed them. But for some reason he couldn't bring himself to talk to them. Things felt different now than when he was younger. Nathan knew why, but he didn't want to think about it. Instead he wondered where the others were, what they might be doing. Sabrina was probably surrounded by people who adored her. Helena and River probably kept to themselves, like he did. He felt kind of bad for them though. While for the most part he had inflicted his solitude on himself, he was pretty sure that wasn't the case for them. Then there was Aaron, who seemed to be as goofy and bold as he used to be. Though Nathan did notice something was off with him whenever he saw him.

Frowning, Nathan realized he'd been paying a lot more attention to his old friends than he realized. He thought he'd ignored them completely, cutting them out of his life. But some part of him must still be attached, because he seemed to remember little things about them that he noticed without even realizing it.

Suddenly the bell rang, causing Nathan to look up from his slouched position and get up. For once, he was going to go to class on time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina Valiant Character Portrait: Aaron Bradbury Character Portrait: River Morris Character Portrait: Nathan Synn Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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River noticed Helena's excited wave, and a small barely visible smile touched her lips. Her hand rose up but then she stopped herself. She wasn't allowed to speak to Helena. She had to put away all things childish. River's hand dropped and she turned away as the bell rang.

Schizoid." laughed a group of kids, after they knocked River's books from her hands as she was making her way towards class. The tiny girl only reached down gathering her books in a neat pile as they teased her some more. "I heard she went nuts and killed a bunch of people, but couldn't remember any of it that's why they let her go." said a blonde girl with too much make up. "I heard she was kidnapped and killed the guy that did it." said boy with enough product in his hair to fill a hole in a dam.

River tried to ignore them as she gathered her books, clutching them closely to her chest. With her head down she tried to walk by them but they blocked her path.
"Hey, are you bulimic? You are skinny." said another girl, pinching River's arm.
River winced. "Please stop." She said quietly as she tried to maneuver out of the way.
"What's that, Psycho?" said the boy, pushing her back against her locker.
"Is that what the mental hospital gave you to wear?" said the blonde girl. "Because you must be crazy to wear something like that?" They all laughed.
River was dressed in a cream knit dress, that hung just below her knees, a long pink tank top underneath and her favorite brown riding boots. River was really skinny but not due to lack of eating, she just was. "Excuse me, I have to get to class." she whispered as another girl grabbed her hair. "Ew, Why is your hair all stringy, two words, Shampoo and Conditioner." They all laughed again. River pulled her head away, getting fidgety. An anxiety attack was well on it's way. She reached in to the messenger bag she wore and fumbled for her medication. "Oh, Psycho needs her meds!" Said another boy, bleach blonde. He snatched her bag from her and dug inside, finding the medication bottle. "Whoa, I can't even pronounced this." He laughed, the blonde girl grabbed the bottle from her. River started to panic. "I need those, please give them back!" she cried, tears and sweat brimming her eyes and moistening her cheeks. "If you can catch them!" The blonde girl shouted, and the began playing 'hot potato' with her medication. River whimpered, trying to catch the bottle, but to no avail. She didn't have time for this, this would throw her schedule off severely.