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a character in “Imaginary: The Dreamers of Otherworld”, as played by VitaminHeart


Full Name: Cadriel the Dove

Nicknames: Caddie, E, The Fallen,

Description: Image

Cadriel, once a rather impressive figure. She'd always had late grey hair and eyes, but her stature was set off with an enormous pair of wings like those belonging to a pigeon. Now however she stands a shadow of her former self, pallid and ghoulish with dark rings round her eyes, and blood-stained, filthy bandages wrapped round her body. Her wings are gone also, and her teeth are sharp.


Caddie - The 'true' persona, haring back to how she once behaved, albeit a more timid and disjointed version. Caddie is a rather timid individual, someone who tries her best to avoid upsetting those around her. She has quite a low opinion of herself, and is rather desperate for approval.. She wishes to fit in with those around her, though fears that her presence may not be welcome.

While she is not an individual who complains or openly angsts about her background, the results of where Caddie came from are obvious enough. She is a little on the unstable side. Emotionally she is quite immature and she struggles to understand other people. Beyond that she had some rather...disturbing behaviour that she still retains from her time there. Caddie sees self-mutilation as a method of apology, and thinks nothing about slicing her arm with a box cutter as a method of demonstrating that she is sorry for something, as if worried the consequences may be worse. She remembers and forgets things, seemingly at random, and has struggled more with it in recent months, finding herself forgetting things she really should retain, and remembering things that make very little sense.

E - E was engineered to be a psychopath. Her persona was born out of a reaction to the abuse her creator suffered. She is, as a result, mostly unemotional and unempathetic. She does not become angry, and she does not become frightened or unhappy. Very few things move her or provoke much reaction. She is a creature that has little interest in anything aside from gratification...which to her her, is acts of dire cruelty and violence. E loves carnage and death, delighting in it and actively seeking out ways to create it. If humanoid targets are not available, she'll default to animals, and has a large collection of dead forest creatures.

Despite these massively sadistic tendencies, E is far from a mindless animal. She is highly intellgent, analytical, and regards her behaviour critically and in an almost detached fashion. She is very frank and open about what she is, and has no shame regarding it. She is entirely capable of holding conversations and discussing matters with others, though she has little concern for authority. She generally behaves herself either on the basis that the knows the person is with could best her in a fight and cause serious damage, or on the basis that upsetting someone could upset Caddie.

Caddie is one of the few people that can provoke any sort of empathy in E. Because they share one mind, when she is unhappy E can pick up on it, and it tends to bother her. It was something E initially saw as an annoyance, but she has grown to be quite protective of her other half. E's possibly one redeeming feature is that she has a somewhat twisted sense of 'fairness' that results in a vehement hatred of those who take advantage of those weaker than themselves. Abusers, rapists and the like disgust her. As a being that lives for the thrill of the chase, she is repulsed by those who inflict brutality on those who cannot strike back.

-Light Weight - Cadriel, while she can't fly any longer, is extremely light, and can jump, climb and balance very very easily.

- Altered body.
The majority of her bones and muscles are constructed of synthetic tissues which is considerably more efficient than ordinary bone or muscle. She is surprisingly strong despite her size and can break bones with her grip , though how light she is can work against her as far as combat is concerned. The muscles and bones appear to bond together when damaged, mimicking natural healing, however the money frequently they're broken the weaker the bond.

She is incredibly light, something that allows her to perform acrobatic feats with little difficulty. She can climb with the skill of a spider-monkey and seems more and home halfway up a wall than on the ground. Other alterations are evident in how she functions. E never sleeps, and Caddie doesn't sleep often, and doing so doesn't appear to adversely effect either of them. She appears to be able to tolerate large amounts of bloodloss, and appear to have an very impressive tolerance to traumatic injury, something that allowed her to survive the traumatic nature of her changing.


-Hollow bones. - Like a bird, her bones are hollow and easily damaged.

-E has no concept of fear, and feels no pain. In many ways, this is useful to her...however it means she is liable to put herself at risk. She can over-stretch herself, and get into fights that are not advisable.

-While E cannot feel pain, sudden trauma can cause the personas to swap, jolting Caddie back into the forefront. While E appears to be aware of what Caddie does while in control, Caddie has no memory of what E does, and the resulting amnesia leaves her ill-equipped to defend herself.

- After the changes inflicted, she is covered in scars and stitches that have never properly healed. It can be assumed that they must hurt, but Caddie has not appeared to mention it. The stitches becoming caught could theoretically cause a great deal of damage, and they have degraded over the years, becoming quite easily broken.

Brief History:

Cadriel was brought into existence as a companion, and Caddie took to them most immediately. She was a gentle imaginary for the most part, and liked to fly around, perch on the gargoyles, and feed the pigeons. Serving as a creating muse, the angel was a stone carver, creating numerous sculptures in the Minster. While quite an innocent Imaginary, she had always done her best to protect River, but the close link she had with had ultimately been her downfall.

When River got 'treated', Cadriel had started becoming hurt. Wounds opened up on her skin and her feathers came out in clumps. She'd felt too sick and weak, unable to answer and aid her friend, which in turn brought her existance further into question. Then came the day when her creator stopped believing in her existence, and her wings had physically been torn off her shoulders, in a bloody, grisly mess.

Turned into a ghoulish, half-dead version of what she;d one been, suffering injury for someone who'd denied her, Cadriel began to change. Her persona became divided, and the real started to change. Her newer, nastier persona set about trying to get her wings back, through studying the anatomy of fight, killing and dissecting the doves, before moving onto anything it could find in order to experiment with. Its machine creations were means for it to collect more for its work....however with talk of its fellows taking their own creators back, it's thoughts turned to what it might gain from finding her creator once more.


The Mechanized Minster

A vast city comprizing both gothic architecture and industrial monstrosities, the rust and gears and furnaces and smoke stacks acting as matter of corruption. They had begun to creep in as time passed. These manufacture the iron abominations that act as soldiers in the Otherworld. It makes it a fairly notable territory.



So begins...

Cadriel's Story


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Red light filtered through the vaulted windows of the chancel, through the welded bars over the gothic architecture, causing stripes of crimson on the flags, marked as they were, inexpertly with rivets and struts.

The wing of the owl hung from the frame by some copper wire and hooks against. The Angel crouched before it, staring at it and looking between that and the twisted amalgamation hung from the ceiling, a composite of metal and bones and gappy, stitched hides. It didn't look right. How very frustrating. Cadriel hopped down from her perch and walked across the stone flags, watched nervously by the Gargoyles. These creatures, flawed results of her own attempts to craft working wings, were hideous-looking chimeras of flesh and machinery, once Otherworld residents before taken away by Cadriel's mechanical men. Now they stood bound to the Angel's will, and as such were also permanently subject to her unpredictable whims.

And those whims were VERY unpredictable.

Some days she might be caring and compassionate, doing her best to try and fix them and fussing over the creatures, filled with a need to takecare of them, other days she was a spiteful, cruel sadist who would happily see them harmed for her own amusement. It meant that even those at the very top of her mockery of a court were constantly afraid of her.

"Where...where has my horsie gone?" she asked thoughtfully, before extending a bandaged, bloodied hand pointing towards one, a sort of hunched bird-rabbit dressed in a smock.

"Th-the Sentinel went out mi-milady." the abomination stammered, the stitches tugging the corners of its mouth.
"Looking for the red lady. The last dreamer th-"

"Don't speak of her here!" Cadriel interrupted, seizing hold of the creature's muzzle and jamming it shut with an ironlike grip.
"I don't want to know about Xander's little relic. I don't want you to speak of ANY of them. The Dreamers are gone and shall stay that way. Soon the red one and her little toothpick will end up skewered on horsie's pike and we won't have to hear about them anymore..."

She relinquished her grip abruptly and hopped up onto the ledge of the nearest window, the scorching wind that blew up from the furnaces pushing the limp strands of her hair back from her white face as she cast her gaze out beyond the Minster, and toward the wasteland beyond.

She grinned, darkly.
"When they're all dead none of us will have to hear about them anymore..."