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Helena Norrevinter

"Someone told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn."

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a character in “Imaginary: The Dreamers of Otherworld”, as played by VitaminHeart



Full Name: Helena Alys Norrevinter

Nicknames: Lena, Ginger, Gingie, Red, Helcat, Weird Girl

Description: Helena is a young woman who does not appear very dangerous at a glimpse. The opposite in fact. While her family often ended up quite tall and statuesque, Helena turned out an unintimidating 5'3. Her build is slim, with light curves on the hips and chest rather than any defined muscle and her face is heart-shaped and girlish, with a set of wide, blue-grey eyes.She has a mop of untidy, red hair, which falls for her lower back. She has very pale skin that is quite prone to burning.

Unorthodox would be the polite way to describe Hel....weird would be the less polite way. She appears a bit peculiar. Many say that Helena seems to live in a world of her own, and in a way that could be said to be true. Helena does not view the world like others do, and her reactions are often seen as inappropriate by those around her.

Her behaviour is often thought of as weird, though does seem to follow some sort of logicâ€Ļin Helena’s mind at any rateâ€Ļit just tends not to be a level of logic that anyone else has ever encountered before. While it might not initially be clear, she is painfully shy and awkward around people, mainly due to an acute awareness of how people view her. This tendency to assume others think the worst of her often makes her seem rather aloof. Getting past the initial strangeness of the young woman, she is a pleasant, highly intelligent individual. She appreciates the friendship of others, even if it’s not always openly visible, and is very dedicated to those that she is close to.

She tends to let her mind wander frequently, and doesn’t often commit to things, her actions and her appearance often making people assume that she is rather weak-minded, or even suffering from mental illness. This is not true. Her outward delicacy hides a fire or great proportions. She pursues things with a dogged determination that can be both impressive and unnerving.

Unlike her mother, Helena is not too easily moved into fighting. She tends to put up with a great deal before losing her temper. That being said, when pushed too far, Hel’s temper is completely explosive, and usually results in something getting brokenâ€Ļ.hopefully something inanimate.

Reading - Helena can usually be found with a book if she's got nothing else on. Her favourite novels are the Gormenghast Trilogy,
Old Curio - She used to collect old, obscure items and fill her room with them. She still takes a great deal of joy in such things.
Chocolate - Something Helena still has a soft spot for.
Cartoons - She always used to love cartoons. Even as an adult such things remind her of a simpler time before life got hard and complex.

Wearing shoes - She wears them when it is required of her, but mostly likes to be in bare feet.
Crowds - Being around people in large numbers makes Helena feel agitated, and she avoids it if she can.
Selfish Individuals - She dislikes those who disregard all else for their own desires.
Being insulted over her behaviour. - Being called 'weird' tends to strike a nerve pretty badly.
Attention - Helena doesn't like being in the limelight much at all.


- Helena is an impressive artist and can recreate things from memory very vividly.

-She is comparatively strong for her size and build.

-Helena still has a connection to Otherworld and her Imaginary. This allows her to both use abilities, and navigate the landscape easily.

-Lena wields the Vorpal Blade, which can destroy imaginary life-forms.

- Due to some injuries received at an early age, Helena has some long-term damage that can hamper her performance. She has restricted movement in her left shoulder, and has several metal pins and plates in her bones in various places. Those that know Helena can take advantage of these weak spots to incapacitate the girl quite easily.

- Helena's link to Otherworld is still strong, and while that gives her many advantages, not in the least having her Imaginary still on her side, it also means she is effected by its corruption, and its degeneration is threatening to begin effecting her actions also. It is possible that she could become influenced by the monsters.

Brief History:

Lena had always been a pretty...peculiar child. Even from an early age she'd always been invested in pretending, and it was at the age of only three that her cousin gave her one of her old toys, a creepy looking stuffed toy missing an eye. While her parents had found the thing a little too horror movie, the girl became incredibly attached.

The toy was to become her friend, who acted as her guardian. She was one of the first in the group to start coming up with Otherworld, and was probably one of the most absorbed in it. As time passed and some of the others tried their best to turn to other things she kept trying to pull them back....and then something happened. Helena suffered an accident and was seriously hurt. She was gone from the neighbourhood for months, and when she returned, she seemed still fixated on Otherworld to a point that people began to find her strange and aggravating.

By the tie she reached seventeen, Helena is rather a social pariah. She doesn;t appear to have any friends, and spends nearly all her time alone..well...not exactly alone. She still carries the toy wherever she goes. Dismissed as a freak by most students, Helena rarely has contact with her former friends. She plans to change that.

So begins...

Helena Norrevinter's Story


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Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Helena planted her feet, the divided toes of her boots sliding across the marshy ground as she held the blade up as a guard across her chest.

Something slithered around in the fog, just out of sight, undulating slate coloured coils coated in a layer of slime. It attempted to shift behind her, and with a sudden lunged shot forwards, two pairs of eyes and snapping jaws making for one of her legs.

The blade sliced downwards impacting at the top of its neck, slicing through scales and bone, causing it to shriek and convulse, wriggling around the blade in a disgusting arc that threw bits into her face and made her cringe. Only as the thrashing ceased and the water began to tint an unnatural hue did she place a foot on top of it and tear her sword free.

Clearing the blade off with a cloth she returned it to the covering on her back, and continued to walk. After continuing for some way, her senses wired up for any sort of sound or motion in the mists, she hit a patch of moss. Her foot slipped and she collapsed forward into a pool of deep water. Helena splashed, coughed, reaching out to try and find a handhold but she was being pulled downward, something catching her foot.

Dammit dammit dammit.

Someone was calling. A noise in the distance. Getting closer-

"Helena! It's eight thirty, get a move on!"

The young woman pulled her head up from the pillow, falling onto her back and giving a truncated groan, her bright red hair spread round her like the tentacles of some beached see creature. She remained there for a moment, trying to acclimatize to the bed over the dark marsh-ground, before looking over at the small, stuffed toy next to her, a very old stuffed wolf plush, most of its white fur worn down with contact, one eye blue, the other replaced by a red button.
-"Today is the day." she told it.
-"Today we're going to get them, right? It cannot carry on."

Her room was untidy at best. Books strewn across the floor and on a borken shelf at one wall. Stuffed animals all over the place, and heaps of drawings, maps, notes and assorted material relating to...her work.

Pulling herself to her feet, Helena Norrevinter stumbled out into the bathroom, showering off the imaginary mud and snake-slime from her body, before returning to dry her hair off and get some clothes. An aubergine skirt, indigo leggings, sheepskin boots, and an over-sized sweater of an indisputable level of ugliness were pulled on, and a messenger bag was fished out of a pile of stuff, allowing a small hollow for her toy to sit in with its head out.

Ready to face the day. As much as she faced real world days.

Twenty minutes later, thanks to a ride from her mother, She made her way through the front gate of the school, with bad, toy, and a blank expression. She spent a lot of time at school staring into space. Mostly, planning. Trying to set out the moves for the next night. Wondering where she might get dropped. At least she had woken up before drowning in the marsh. But she knew eventually she was not going to be able to rely on that. They wanted to trap them there... and it was going to be Helena who got that before any of them. So...

"We have to get them back." the young woman mused as she walked.
"Reunite the group. They can turn things back."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Location: Malum Silvarum"

The sun forever rose higher into the sky, the giant energy source pulsating, pushing and pulling through the atmosphere. As Xander washed behind his ears and scrubbed away the dirt, his ears perked up slowly to a rustle in the bushes. Setting his spear down against a tree, he got down, chest to the ground and ears pointed.

Rustle rustle... The bushes only a few feet ahead flickered this way and that.

It was time for breakfast...

A sharp grin overrides Xander's face as his eyes flickered to a pure white, his spine bending, curling forward, as he shifted into his wolf form. His paws glided across the grass as he slipped towards the bushes...


As Xander was pulled closer towards the sounds, he paused for a moment, his eyes trailing ahead, and a scent hitting his nose.


Xander's eyes widened as two centaurs, armed in plated silver rushed out of the bushes, bow and arrows at the ready.

"Surrender now, and we won't hurt you," The first one spoke, his hoof denting into the ground with rage, "Run, and we have every reason to shoot you where you're standing, mutt." His iris eyes bore into Xander's soul and a snarl ripped from Xander's throat, no way was he giving in now. Lena wouldn't, why should he?

Spinning on his heel, Xander darted back towards the stream, arrows flying past his head as he zipped through the trees. As he neared the river, he curled his back legs and launched himself over to the other side of the river bank and quickly staked out underneath some bushes for a moment.

Closing his eyes, he began to see a light filling his closed eyelids, his energies around him pulsating, his body becoming a vessel, allowing the land's energies to pass through him at a high frequency. His silver body began to vibrate immensely and suddenly his energies split into five different power sources, all forming into silver wolves, replicating his exact structure.

"MOVE!" He howled to the spirits, as he heard the Centaur's hooves pounding against the ground and the replicas split off into every direction, as Xander continued to hide in the bushes, concentrating his energies.

Hearing the Centaur's hooves track off in another direction, Xander waited...

He wasn't sure for how long, but he continued to concentrate as their scents faded out.

Shifting back into a human, Xander stays crouched to the ground, slipping into the river and passing over to the other side once more, grabbing his spear.

He continued to crawl back towards his cave, so he could hide out for a bit.

I wish Lena were here... Xander sighs quietly as he continued to slowly make his way back, trying to be quiet as he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Lena slipped through the school, through a side entrance to avoid th kids that hung round the entrance and liked to try and stick gum in her hair if she got in arm's length. The short-set young woman made her way to english class immediately. It wasn't as if she really had friends to catch up with. She had, for as long as she could remember, been some form of social pariah, picked last for any team going, generally at a loss when students were asked to find a partner and usually placed with someone who accepted very grudgingly and interacted the minimal possible, and those were the people that didn't really strongly dislike her.

Helena Norrevintr sat in her seat over near the wall, the seat next to it unoccupied, with her book in front of her and the ratty old toy pulled close beneath the curve of her ribcage.

She shifted the battered looking chunk of old copypaper, held together with duct tape and bulldog clips at the time. Plenty of people had tried to grab it off her as a means to upset her, but while she often came across as a bit clumsy in her hideous multicoloured sweater so was surprisingly fast. No-one had managed to get hold of the ratty notebook.

And it was just as well from Helena's point of view.

The book was her Field Guide. Of sorts. It contained all the notes she'd made on the corrupted Otherworld. Diagrams, maps, lists. Sketches of the creatures and plants, what could help you and what could tear you to pieces, from years of personal experience. It was downright necessary, when so much of the OW was based around obscure rules and childish logic. It'd saved her more times than she could count. She could give them copies of this to help matters along.

Just then, she caugh sight of someone familiar, and turned a little. There were a few other people in the room, toward the front, but Lena spoke up...fairly loudly.

"Hey...Wilow!" the girl called.
"I need to talk to you. About Otherworld. I need you and the others to come back."


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Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Wilow opened her eyes again and sighed as she faintly heard someone call her name over the guitar riff of Natives by blink-182. She removed one bud just in time to hear 'I need to talk to you. About Otherworld. I need you and the others to come back.'

Willow froze. Her breath hitched in her throat, she didn't blink. She was rigid, her mind almost becoming flooded with memories. No matter how much she had trained herself not to 'see' in her mind, the image was vivid -- images and memories, flashing and swirling together in one dark wave suddenly approaching from the blackness of the back of her mind, crashing in, seeming unstoppable. Wilow was completely idle, still in fear. She had to do something. The wave was approaching, coming closer, and she couldn't let that happen. It swirled in a tsunami, dangerously close to its destination when it was suddenly stopped by an invisible force that only Wilow could imagine. It slammed against the tidal, pushing it back with so much force that Wilow brought a hand up to her forehead slowly. The memories retreated, and she blinked. She had saved herself from something even she didn't know of. Wil took a breath before straightening up and turning to who just called her.

It was Helena Norrevinter, one of the other Dreamers. By the look of her compared to the others, she was the only one of the six that had kept her imagination. And now it seemed like she believed that the others, Wilow included, still had theirs.

How unfortunately wrong she was.

Wilow glanced around to see the other teens in the room turned in their seats, staring at the two like they'd gone mad. She turned back to Helena, feeling her green eyes sink back into their stoic focus, and spoke softly.

'I don't think you really do need anyone for anything. I'm not going back anywhere,' that was definitely true, 'and that... place...' Wil couldn't even bring herself to say the name, it was buried too deep to be brought back up right now, 'There's nothing about the.... the place that needs to be talked about.' Inwardly, Wilow let out a deep breath. That was the closest she's gotten to talking about the Otherworld since... the accident.

And she'd rather not do it again. Wil leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, but she didn't put that earbud back in. She didn't know why... but she didn't.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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As usual, Joe was late to school. Dealing drugs was a time consuming business at times. Once you built up your reputation, you needed to stand in the same place every day at regular periods of time. If you weren't there when one of your customers was craving a fix, then they would be easily picked up by a rival drug dealer. Personally, Joe dealt drugs near the back of the high school building an hour before school started, but today, a few of his usual customers were late so he was obliged to wait for them. Not that he minded too much. The smoke from his own (hand-rolled) cigarette kept him warm and cheerful.

Thus, Joe walked through the halls, smelling of cannabis and back alleys with a slight grin on his face. That grin, however, was wiped away as he heard a conversation between two familiar people. He raised an eyebrow at the two redheads, Willow and Helena. He felt a twinge of pity for the latter. He and the others had all grown up. She hadn't.

"Helena, please keep talk of our old game to a minimum here. You don't need to visit the school counselor again."

Anyone else would sound like they were mocking her, but this was absent from Joe's tone. He may say cruel things on occassion, but never to his former friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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"It does... things are getting bad. They weren't good before but it's getting far worse. You need to come back. All of you do. I'm telling you now seeing as I have no idea how long I'll be around..." the girl tried to explain to her former friend, only to look round as she heard a familiar voice.

Helena got picked on an awful lot by students who disliked her. Joe Hopkins was probably the reason it was not more prevalent though. People often thought of him as some hardcore criminal, and the fact that he didn't like people messing with her meant that people did tend to tone it down more than they would have liked.

She gave a laugh at his remark, as Hel was wont to do in situations that by no means warranted it, demonstrating her lack of concern about the prospect of yet another session sat before the counselor whilst they tried to work out why she was fundamentally broken to everyone else's standard.

Though one of the crucial troubles was they could not actually think of any particular reason behind it. It was not as if Helena had some bad family life or scarring event. She had a decent, supportive family. They were wealthy, as the family on her mom's side headed up a large company, and the two retained steady jobs and had always treated her extremely well. Her father was quite doting on his daughter, and would allow her to get away with most things, and it was possibly down to his nfluence that her less laidback mother had not pushed things too much.

The only thing that was really notable was her accident a few years back that had been the catalyst for the end of their games as it had seen her gone for such a long time. She'd never really talked about it to the others about, not in the least because by the time she had come back things had fallen apart, and so the details had been lost to most people. In a sense that was cited as the reason she brhaved as she did. Lena didn't seem to agree.

"That...that doesn't really matter...not compared to what's happening at the moment..."" she replied.
"Things are all wrong and everything is doing its best to tear me apart. I was dealing with a swamp hydra all night last night..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Joseph was at his locker gathering his some of his books for his next few classes. He grabbed his notebooks, his calculater and anything else he might need for his next few classes. He stood there for a moment making sure he had all of his math notes in one orgainized place. He had a free period next and a math test later today so he figured he'd study for a little befor the test. Not that he really needed to he knew most of the material inside and out, and he was confident he'd ace the test, but he didn't really have anyone to talk to, he didn't have many friends anymore and those he did speak to hardly heard more than a sentence from him.To him Studing during his free period was preferable to talking to people he barely knew anyway. As soonas he had all of his books he quietly closed his locker and made his way down the hall as silently as possible.

As he made his way down the hallway he noticed a slight smell of cannibis coming from one of the English classrooms. It wasn't an uncommon smell here and normally Joe would have walked straight by it with nary a thought, however as he was walking he heard a familier voice utter something strange about a swamp hydra. It could only be Helena, no one else would utter something so strange outloud.

As he moved closer toward the voice he noticed it was indeed Helena. However she wasn't alone. She was with Willow and Joey. He couldn't believe it and for a moment a look of total confusion crossed his face, though he made sure to quickly do away with it. Most of his old friends barely talked to each other, if at all, and yet here were three of them together. He contemplated going over and saying hello, as Joe himself has hardly uttered a word to any of his old friends in years, but he stopped himself just as he was about to walk over. Joe has never really felt comfortable speaking with many people in school, and everyone has changed so much over the years. everyone except Helena that is, she seemed to remain the same imaginative young girl she used to be. Willow however much like himself withdrew from other people, and Joey had become something of a punk over the years.

Still he felt he should go over and say something, it had been so long after all and it would be nice to rekindle old friendships. Many times before had he seen his old friends about in the halls and felt the same need to speak to them however he had always stopped himself, but now that three of them were together it seemed like a perfect chance. So he surprised himself and walked over to them.

"What's this about a swamp hydra, Helena?" He said as confidently as he could without sounding to nervous. It felt odd speaking to them again, and despite his calm face Joe found himself feeling quite nervous.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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Wilow watched as the scene before her developed into just what she had been avoiding for the past ten years. Suddenly three other Dreamers were standing in front of her, looking calm and just dandy, chatting away about Swamp Hydras -- she only vaguely remembered them -- like it was a normal day. The three of them seemed calm with each other, not the least bit bothered with talking about something that happened ten years ago.

Yet it was horrifying to Wilow.

She didn't even want to get the chance to hear anything else -- she already felt like she was going to be sick from it -- her leg was bouncing up and down to try and distract her, and all she wanted to so was curl up in a ball and block out everything going on around her. She didn't even hear herself muttering, 'not the hydras, not the Otherworld, not any of it...' for if she did she would have broken down on the spot.

Wilow couldn't bear listening to it anymore. Too uncomfortable to think about it, wanting to retreat to her quiet self, she quickly plugged her earbud back in, turned it up full blast, avoiding any of the other's eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack O' Frost Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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It was like a reunion or something, the way Joe, Helena, and Wilow were together again with Helana talking about Otherworld like they were still children. He sighed. She couldn't keep doing this. Sooner or later, she would have to grow up. He clenched his fist. He looked at Wilow's frown and Joe's earnest expression. He felt bad for saying this, but he had to.

"Otherworld isn't real, Helena. It's just imaginary. It all was. I stopped believing in it when I needed my imaginary friend the most and, guess what? He wasn't there. He never was there. If they are real, where are they?" he asked as calmly as he could.

No. Jack wasn't there.


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Character Portrait: The Doll Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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As Xander laid down on the rock, he began to drift off slowly as each breath became deeper and deeper. Letting out a yawn, the boy rests his arm across his eyes, blocking the sun. Sacred geometric shapes began to fill his vision as he began to lean in closer to a meditative state. He could feel the earth vibrating underneath him, every life force teeming through the forest... Most things were not peaceful like they used to be, the forest was unsettled in energies, the chaos had led to it's own destructive path. Xander did what he could normally to keep things up and running on a more positive energy level, but Otherworld had taken it's turn for the worst. And everyone around him was falling into the madness.

Of course, it drove Xander nuts, all of his old friends now buried in a deep pit of depression that raged on like a sea during a storm...But the boy knew that Lena would try to talk to the other Imagineers about rerouting Otherworld to a better place... If they would only open their ears and listen...

As Xander slowly got lost in thought, something threw him out of his calm state.

The sound of music seemed to fill the air, and Xander's ears perked up, his eyes flickered open. Sitting up on the rock, he turned his head to the right, then to the left, trying to decipher where it was coming from...

The only time he had heard music in the forest was due to ...

His eyes widened...

Lady? .. The doll... could she be back?

Xander crouched down on the rock, letting out a growl, she wasn't alone... Something else was following her... He could feel it rumbling the forest floor... What was it though...And what was Lady doing here anyway? Xander's curiosity made him edgy as thoughts flew through his mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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(Sorry I've been slow! D8)

"They are real, they're just not in this world, you know how it works." Helena replied, regarding Joe as it it were the most obvious thing in the world, before the question regarding hydras seemed to spur her into action, and she reached round in her book of papers.

She renched it open and set it on a page, a detailed sketch of a reptile, a creature dripping with slime and weeds, dark eyes and sharp fangs on three wedge heads.

"Swamp hydras. They've been breeding in huge numbers in thw Maudlin Marshes and started attacking travellers so....I've had to try and do something about it. They're a lot more agressive now though. They used to be quite cautious....but now they'll attack..on sight. It was a close one quite a few times. That's why I really need help with these things. Xander can only help me so much and..."

She trailed off for a moment, glancing back over her shoulder, as if keeping check. What stood behind her was nothing but a featureless wall of the room, but she seemed to be checking in great detail as if there was far more to keep an eye on.

"So, should I make some copies of the field guide? That should fill you all in on what you missed."