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Joseph Pierce

Think before you act.

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a character in “Imaginary: The Dreamers of Otherworld”, originally authored by Blueshadow, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Joseph Sebastian Pierce

Nicknames: Joe, Joey, foureyes,loser,nerd

Description: Joseph is typical nerdy looking youth. Standing at 5'5 and sporting a rather small and frail build while holding very little upper body strength. He has short very unkempt black hair and wears a pair of small, clear and rather nerdy looking glasses. His face is rather plan with little to no notable features, and his eyes are simple shade brown. .

Personality:On the surface Joe is a very reserved, and shy individual who rarely speaks unless spoken to. Most people would say he has a rather bland personality as he rarely speaks and he mostly just blends into his surroundings minding his own business, though this doesn't stop everyone from antagonizing him. In public he is reserved and calm to the point of almost seeming cold or emotionless towards others.
Once you get underneath his shy and reserved surface Joe is actually quite a vibrant individual. Once you get to know him you'll find that he's a more sensitive than his reserved demeanor might suggest though he wouldn't like to admit it. He's a very reasonable and understanding person who detests conflict and tries to avoid it at all costs.
Likes:Reading, chess, video games
Dislikes:Crowds, conflict, manual labor

Skills:-Joe is a very calm individual, keeping his cool in intense and stressful situations.
-He has a very keen intellect and prefers to think his way out of tough situations
-Though he lacks anything resembling strength Joe is faster than appearances might suggest and has very sharp reflexes.

Weaknesses:-He is very weak and has almost no upper body strength making him all but useless in physical confrontations.
-He's claustrophobic and hates small spaces, small spaces are one of the few things that can make Joe break his calm demenaor. Getting him into small spaces is the easiest way to incapacitate him.

Brief History:
While Joe wasn't always the most talkative child, he was far more outgoing when he was younger. In fact he was extremely vibrant and active, almost the complete opposite of the Joe most people are familiar with. He would always fondly play with his friends in Otherworld. Later on in life however Joe was out somewhere with his mother when a some driver lost control of his car. His mother instantly pushed Joe out of the way and getting hit herself. After that his father seemed to blame Joe for the loss of his mother and grew colder towards Joe sometimes bordering on abuse.

After his mother's death he became more reserved and shy often shutting himself away from his friends and family. Eventually separating from his friends entirely and completely forgetting about Otherworld. Nowadays Joe is almost completely quiet and shy, and other than being branded a nerd by others and the occasional bully antagonizing him, he is almost entirely invisible by others. Not that he really wants to be however as he has often wanted to rekindle his friendship with the other Dreamers, but his shyness along with the changes his friends underwent always keep him from actually doing so.

So begins...

Joseph Pierce's Story


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Character Portrait: Phoenix Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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Cielo Abierto


Dawn was approaching upon the sky, the time to rise was now. Phoenix spreads the curtains of her bedroom window, staring out at the black sky ahead of her. Smoldering black eyes flicker onto upon the clouds, another day... coming...and going, slipping between her fingers as she waited.

Green was an envious color, it seemed to sink into her skin. Envy of how Joe could just forget... Phoenix wished there was a day that went by without Joe crossing her mind. Their friendship used to be wonderful, he would visit her every day, watching her play across the sky, dancing on light waves...

With a growl, she opens the long, glass doors to her porch, the white curtains billowing from the gust of wind the doors had created. With a deep breath, she stood up on the ledge of the porch, spreading her arms out wide, a solar flare bursting from inside her soul as a white light appears around her, revealing the form of the Phoenix.

Flapping her wings, feeling the heat of the air pulsating beneath her, she rises up into the sky, light dancing across her orange and yellow body. As Phoenix reaches her peak in the sky, she parts the clouds and a large burst of heat pulsated from her body. An extreme amount of light left her body and she let the orb rise in the sky, resting it between two large clouds. This would be the heat source for the day; Leaving her orb, she circles down towards her castle again, ready to face another day in Otherworld.


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Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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Joe stared intently at the pages of his book absorbing every word upon the page. His focus was centered entirely on the book within his hands, paying it his undivided attention. His attention however was cleanly shattered as a peircing ringing sound started to come from his alarm clock. With a steady gaze and a quick hand he silenced the clock and looked at the time. The clock read 8:30 and he had already been up for about an hour now and had taken care of all his daily morning activities. He had taken his morning shower, gathered up his things for the day, and made an attempt go tame his unkempt hair to no avail, his dark black hair as much a mess as usual. With his morning rituals completed he headed towards the door ready to start the day.

As as he walked he caught the gaze of his father, a cold nasty glare."Fix your hair you look like a mess." Joe looked at him as calmly as possible his face never betraying his calm demeanor. But oh how he hated the man. His father a neglectful and distant man, who's cold tone and nasty looks clearly indicated his feeling of anger and disappointment towards his son. But Joe would never let his father see just how much he hated him. Joe replied in an even tone." Thanks for the concern but it's fine. I really don't have time to fix it anyway." With that he turned away, not bothering to wait for a response and walked out the door towards school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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Wilow watched as the scene before her developed into just what she had been avoiding for the past ten years. Suddenly three other Dreamers were standing in front of her, looking calm and just dandy, chatting away about Swamp Hydras -- she only vaguely remembered them -- like it was a normal day. The three of them seemed calm with each other, not the least bit bothered with talking about something that happened ten years ago.

Yet it was horrifying to Wilow.

She didn't even want to get the chance to hear anything else -- she already felt like she was going to be sick from it -- her leg was bouncing up and down to try and distract her, and all she wanted to so was curl up in a ball and block out everything going on around her. She didn't even hear herself muttering, 'not the hydras, not the Otherworld, not any of it...' for if she did she would have broken down on the spot.

Wilow couldn't bear listening to it anymore. Too uncomfortable to think about it, wanting to retreat to her quiet self, she quickly plugged her earbud back in, turned it up full blast, avoiding any of the other's eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack O' Frost Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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It was like a reunion or something, the way Joe, Helena, and Wilow were together again with Helana talking about Otherworld like they were still children. He sighed. She couldn't keep doing this. Sooner or later, she would have to grow up. He clenched his fist. He looked at Wilow's frown and Joe's earnest expression. He felt bad for saying this, but he had to.

"Otherworld isn't real, Helena. It's just imaginary. It all was. I stopped believing in it when I needed my imaginary friend the most and, guess what? He wasn't there. He never was there. If they are real, where are they?" he asked as calmly as he could.

No. Jack wasn't there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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(Sorry I've been slow! D8)

"They are real, they're just not in this world, you know how it works." Helena replied, regarding Joe as it it were the most obvious thing in the world, before the question regarding hydras seemed to spur her into action, and she reached round in her book of papers.

She renched it open and set it on a page, a detailed sketch of a reptile, a creature dripping with slime and weeds, dark eyes and sharp fangs on three wedge heads.

"Swamp hydras. They've been breeding in huge numbers in thw Maudlin Marshes and started attacking travellers so....I've had to try and do something about it. They're a lot more agressive now though. They used to be quite cautious....but now they'll attack..on sight. It was a close one quite a few times. That's why I really need help with these things. Xander can only help me so much and..."

She trailed off for a moment, glancing back over her shoulder, as if keeping check. What stood behind her was nothing but a featureless wall of the room, but she seemed to be checking in great detail as if there was far more to keep an eye on.

"So, should I make some copies of the field guide? That should fill you all in on what you missed."