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Wilow Huntington

'People say that bad memories cause you the most pain. But it's the good ones that drive you insane.'

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a character in “Imaginary: The Dreamers of Otherworld”, as played by CompletelyCreative



Full Name:
Wilow Huntington
Wil, Wily, Hunter

Wilow isn't someone who's big in size. With a petit 5'1" frame, Wil has a small outline and sharp features. Although her current personality says otherwise, she gives off a look of color, with dyed red-orange hair and piercing green eyes. When she knew the other Dreamers she had glowing blonde hair, but dyed it when she was 15. Although her father was strong and broad, she inherited her looks from her mother, who had a gentler, lighter manner.

When Wil looks at someone, she sends a spark of focus at them, like a laser beam. Some people have said, due to her focus on everything, that she is a super-genius, and others have said that she just takes highs on Adderall. However, she is often simply thinking about things that others don't seem to notice. However, this does not pull away from her piercing and cat-like looks.

When Wil was little, she was the funny one. She laughed at anything and everything, and in turn made others laugh. She loved to make others laugh and always looked at everything with music, light and color. She was always the one in the group the others would yell at to 'turn down her music,' and she was always the one who didn't care to hear them, for she was always singing along to her hymns and dancing with her Imaginary.

However, she's turned the opposite of that girl. Due to past events, she rarely laughs, and it seems the most her mouth stretches is when she gives a whisper of a smile. Will is no longer the nice, bubbly girl, but a sardonic, sicker-humored girl, only seeming to talk when she is asked a question or is provoked. She can be provoked through different things, ranging from insults to mentioning the past. When her memories are brought up, Wilow can be snappy, insulting and unafraid to show a darker side of her to others.

Yet Wil is smart. Without her humorous ways 'blocking her view,' she thinks with silence and uses sense rather than instincts to make decisions. When asked to solve a riddle or puzzle or problem, she can always find loopholes and ways to get out of predicaments. But, she doesn't voice her thoughts like she used to, and keeps to herself.

Writing and Reading
Although Wil has attempted to block her mind from the Otherworld, she still finds a sense of adventure and memory through fictional stories she reads and writes.
Rock Music
Wil herself has stopped making noise, but she still finds home in loud guitar riffs and deep bass lines.
Whenever Wil is making noise (other than talking), it'll be through the fast air blowing through her lips, creating a tune.

One thing Wilow tries to avoid is thinking about the past she used to live.
Fall means it's getting colder and darker. No matter how much Wilow changes, that is something she cannot stand.

Wilow is a virtuoso, and can play many instruments naturally.
With years of silent practice, Willow is skilled in skulking and getting into places without being seen.
Wilow is hard to move when she has made a decision. This, with it's positives, can also be a weakness.

Mind Vulnerability
Wilow knows that she is sensitive in some areas of her mentality, such as her memories. But she doesn't know that there is a possibility for those spots to be reached into and ripped. This can cause splitting physical and emotional pain to her, putting her at an unknown fault.

Brief History:
When Wilow was a young girl, she was happy. Laughing, bubbly, bright and colorful. She had a big imagination full of loud music that she voiced proudly, with humor that she never hesitated to share with any one. She loved to think of a place she could go in her dreams, full of music and color, where she could escape to. This eventually evolved into her Dream realm in the Otherworld.

She dreamt and laughed and sang like this for most of her childhood, until there was a train accident when she was 11. There were 7 fatalities, and her parents counted for two of them. Suddenly, sitting in front of her friends and her Imaginary, she felt alone in the world. Wil was dropped into a small local orphanage after that. She became cold and drew away from the Otherworld, sending her Imaginary away and avoiding the other Dreamers as best as she could. Over time, she sank into depression, and became isolated into her own mind, bombarded by powerful memories of her parents, the Dreamers and the Otherworld. Her laugh no longer rang, and her light was almost extinguished. At her darkest stage, Wilow decided to try to completely block herself from her memories. She tried her best to abandon her childhood, leave her Realm and the Imaginary in it. She started picking herself up with reading and music, distracting her from the world she had created. However, reading still kept a sense of fiction in her mind, and in the back of her brain, locked up and shut in are all of the memories that she has tried so hard to get rid of.

So begins...

Wilow Huntington's Story


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Wilow Huntington shrugged her bag on her shoulder, pushing past numerous people in the hallway. Keeping her eyes glued to the floor, she turned her iPod up louder, blocking out the laughter and happiness of a passing group throwing something around. It was a silly thing, happiness. Such a naive thing to feel, lifting your spirits up, playing around like that in life without a care in the world. Wilow sighed. If only they knew what life would do to them in the end. Of course, though, it wasn't nearly Wil's end; but it sure felt like it.

Wil yawned and changed her iPod to a more energetic song -- When Your Heart Stops Beating by +44. Last night a new baby got taken in, and it would not. Stop. Crying. In turn, it woke the other three babies in the home up. By Midnight, everyone was awake, and with the caretakers, 'Nan' and 'Pap', being 70-years-old and needing their sleep, the two oldest children were trusted in getting the kids back to sleep. The oldest of course included Tom, 18, and Wilow, 17. So Wilow and Tom spent hours trying to coo the children back to sleep, ending up with them going back to sleep at 5:30 in the morning, allowing Wilow only a two and a half hour's sleep. Today she had a Math and Science test as well... Wil no longer had time for imagination.

Wilow walked into her English class and took a seat in the back, away from everyone else. Looking at the clock and discovering she had 15+ minutes until class started, she started contemplating the thought of having a little nap before having to read either Of Mice and Men or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, both of which she could swear she's read earlier. She leaned back, turning her music up, and closed her eyes.


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Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Lena slipped through the school, through a side entrance to avoid th kids that hung round the entrance and liked to try and stick gum in her hair if she got in arm's length. The short-set young woman made her way to english class immediately. It wasn't as if she really had friends to catch up with. She had, for as long as she could remember, been some form of social pariah, picked last for any team going, generally at a loss when students were asked to find a partner and usually placed with someone who accepted very grudgingly and interacted the minimal possible, and those were the people that didn't really strongly dislike her.

Helena Norrevintr sat in her seat over near the wall, the seat next to it unoccupied, with her book in front of her and the ratty old toy pulled close beneath the curve of her ribcage.

She shifted the battered looking chunk of old copypaper, held together with duct tape and bulldog clips at the time. Plenty of people had tried to grab it off her as a means to upset her, but while she often came across as a bit clumsy in her hideous multicoloured sweater so was surprisingly fast. No-one had managed to get hold of the ratty notebook.

And it was just as well from Helena's point of view.

The book was her Field Guide. Of sorts. It contained all the notes she'd made on the corrupted Otherworld. Diagrams, maps, lists. Sketches of the creatures and plants, what could help you and what could tear you to pieces, from years of personal experience. It was downright necessary, when so much of the OW was based around obscure rules and childish logic. It'd saved her more times than she could count. She could give them copies of this to help matters along.

Just then, she caugh sight of someone familiar, and turned a little. There were a few other people in the room, toward the front, but Lena spoke up...fairly loudly.

"Hey...Wilow!" the girl called.
"I need to talk to you. About Otherworld. I need you and the others to come back."


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Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Wilow opened her eyes again and sighed as she faintly heard someone call her name over the guitar riff of Natives by blink-182. She removed one bud just in time to hear 'I need to talk to you. About Otherworld. I need you and the others to come back.'

Willow froze. Her breath hitched in her throat, she didn't blink. She was rigid, her mind almost becoming flooded with memories. No matter how much she had trained herself not to 'see' in her mind, the image was vivid -- images and memories, flashing and swirling together in one dark wave suddenly approaching from the blackness of the back of her mind, crashing in, seeming unstoppable. Wilow was completely idle, still in fear. She had to do something. The wave was approaching, coming closer, and she couldn't let that happen. It swirled in a tsunami, dangerously close to its destination when it was suddenly stopped by an invisible force that only Wilow could imagine. It slammed against the tidal, pushing it back with so much force that Wilow brought a hand up to her forehead slowly. The memories retreated, and she blinked. She had saved herself from something even she didn't know of. Wil took a breath before straightening up and turning to who just called her.

It was Helena Norrevinter, one of the other Dreamers. By the look of her compared to the others, she was the only one of the six that had kept her imagination. And now it seemed like she believed that the others, Wilow included, still had theirs.

How unfortunately wrong she was.

Wilow glanced around to see the other teens in the room turned in their seats, staring at the two like they'd gone mad. She turned back to Helena, feeling her green eyes sink back into their stoic focus, and spoke softly.

'I don't think you really do need anyone for anything. I'm not going back anywhere,' that was definitely true, 'and that... place...' Wil couldn't even bring herself to say the name, it was buried too deep to be brought back up right now, 'There's nothing about the.... the place that needs to be talked about.' Inwardly, Wilow let out a deep breath. That was the closest she's gotten to talking about the Otherworld since... the accident.

And she'd rather not do it again. Wil leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, but she didn't put that earbud back in. She didn't know why... but she didn't.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins
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As usual, Joe was late to school. Dealing drugs was a time consuming business at times. Once you built up your reputation, you needed to stand in the same place every day at regular periods of time. If you weren't there when one of your customers was craving a fix, then they would be easily picked up by a rival drug dealer. Personally, Joe dealt drugs near the back of the high school building an hour before school started, but today, a few of his usual customers were late so he was obliged to wait for them. Not that he minded too much. The smoke from his own (hand-rolled) cigarette kept him warm and cheerful.

Thus, Joe walked through the halls, smelling of cannabis and back alleys with a slight grin on his face. That grin, however, was wiped away as he heard a conversation between two familiar people. He raised an eyebrow at the two redheads, Willow and Helena. He felt a twinge of pity for the latter. He and the others had all grown up. She hadn't.

"Helena, please keep talk of our old game to a minimum here. You don't need to visit the school counselor again."

Anyone else would sound like they were mocking her, but this was absent from Joe's tone. He may say cruel things on occassion, but never to his former friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins
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"It does... things are getting bad. They weren't good before but it's getting far worse. You need to come back. All of you do. I'm telling you now seeing as I have no idea how long I'll be around..." the girl tried to explain to her former friend, only to look round as she heard a familiar voice.

Helena got picked on an awful lot by students who disliked her. Joe Hopkins was probably the reason it was not more prevalent though. People often thought of him as some hardcore criminal, and the fact that he didn't like people messing with her meant that people did tend to tone it down more than they would have liked.

She gave a laugh at his remark, as Hel was wont to do in situations that by no means warranted it, demonstrating her lack of concern about the prospect of yet another session sat before the counselor whilst they tried to work out why she was fundamentally broken to everyone else's standard.

Though one of the crucial troubles was they could not actually think of any particular reason behind it. It was not as if Helena had some bad family life or scarring event. She had a decent, supportive family. They were wealthy, as the family on her mom's side headed up a large company, and the two retained steady jobs and had always treated her extremely well. Her father was quite doting on his daughter, and would allow her to get away with most things, and it was possibly down to his nfluence that her less laidback mother had not pushed things too much.

The only thing that was really notable was her accident a few years back that had been the catalyst for the end of their games as it had seen her gone for such a long time. She'd never really talked about it to the others about, not in the least because by the time she had come back things had fallen apart, and so the details had been lost to most people. In a sense that was cited as the reason she brhaved as she did. Lena didn't seem to agree.

"That...that doesn't really matter...not compared to what's happening at the moment..."" she replied.
"Things are all wrong and everything is doing its best to tear me apart. I was dealing with a swamp hydra all night last night..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins
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Joseph was at his locker gathering his some of his books for his next few classes. He grabbed his notebooks, his calculater and anything else he might need for his next few classes. He stood there for a moment making sure he had all of his math notes in one orgainized place. He had a free period next and a math test later today so he figured he'd study for a little befor the test. Not that he really needed to he knew most of the material inside and out, and he was confident he'd ace the test, but he didn't really have anyone to talk to, he didn't have many friends anymore and those he did speak to hardly heard more than a sentence from him.To him Studing during his free period was preferable to talking to people he barely knew anyway. As soonas he had all of his books he quietly closed his locker and made his way down the hall as silently as possible.

As he made his way down the hallway he noticed a slight smell of cannibis coming from one of the English classrooms. It wasn't an uncommon smell here and normally Joe would have walked straight by it with nary a thought, however as he was walking he heard a familier voice utter something strange about a swamp hydra. It could only be Helena, no one else would utter something so strange outloud.

As he moved closer toward the voice he noticed it was indeed Helena. However she wasn't alone. She was with Willow and Joey. He couldn't believe it and for a moment a look of total confusion crossed his face, though he made sure to quickly do away with it. Most of his old friends barely talked to each other, if at all, and yet here were three of them together. He contemplated going over and saying hello, as Joe himself has hardly uttered a word to any of his old friends in years, but he stopped himself just as he was about to walk over. Joe has never really felt comfortable speaking with many people in school, and everyone has changed so much over the years. everyone except Helena that is, she seemed to remain the same imaginative young girl she used to be. Willow however much like himself withdrew from other people, and Joey had become something of a punk over the years.

Still he felt he should go over and say something, it had been so long after all and it would be nice to rekindle old friendships. Many times before had he seen his old friends about in the halls and felt the same need to speak to them however he had always stopped himself, but now that three of them were together it seemed like a perfect chance. So he surprised himself and walked over to them.

"What's this about a swamp hydra, Helena?" He said as confidently as he could without sounding to nervous. It felt odd speaking to them again, and despite his calm face Joe found himself feeling quite nervous.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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Wilow watched as the scene before her developed into just what she had been avoiding for the past ten years. Suddenly three other Dreamers were standing in front of her, looking calm and just dandy, chatting away about Swamp Hydras -- she only vaguely remembered them -- like it was a normal day. The three of them seemed calm with each other, not the least bit bothered with talking about something that happened ten years ago.

Yet it was horrifying to Wilow.

She didn't even want to get the chance to hear anything else -- she already felt like she was going to be sick from it -- her leg was bouncing up and down to try and distract her, and all she wanted to so was curl up in a ball and block out everything going on around her. She didn't even hear herself muttering, 'not the hydras, not the Otherworld, not any of it...' for if she did she would have broken down on the spot.

Wilow couldn't bear listening to it anymore. Too uncomfortable to think about it, wanting to retreat to her quiet self, she quickly plugged her earbud back in, turned it up full blast, avoiding any of the other's eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack O' Frost Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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It was like a reunion or something, the way Joe, Helena, and Wilow were together again with Helana talking about Otherworld like they were still children. He sighed. She couldn't keep doing this. Sooner or later, she would have to grow up. He clenched his fist. He looked at Wilow's frown and Joe's earnest expression. He felt bad for saying this, but he had to.

"Otherworld isn't real, Helena. It's just imaginary. It all was. I stopped believing in it when I needed my imaginary friend the most and, guess what? He wasn't there. He never was there. If they are real, where are they?" he asked as calmly as he could.

No. Jack wasn't there.


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Character Portrait: The Doll Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Xander Hallow
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#, as written by Igari


She had been swinging back and forth between the trees for several minutes before something caused her to stop. Her ball joints gave a little springing noise as she halted her movement, narrowing her eyes to survey the scene below her. Something was definitely off--usually the beasts that roamed her realm did not migrate quite as fast as she did. And she had an advantage, she was not encumbered by the forest or the various obstacles that rested upon the ground. Whatever was on the ground was moving just as fast as she, and that was a rather frightening prospect to even think on.

She shivered, lacing her arms around a branch as lowered her head slightly in the ground's direction. Closer but still many meters above the forest floor--just safe enough to get a better look at the situation. There was definitely something below her, she could hear it ruffling through the branches. It sounded as if it were searching for something, maybe someone. Whatever it was, it made her uncomfortable and nervous to consider. What if it was... following her? This new thought brought with it a wave of nausea. No no no, she didn't want to be followed, she just wanted to be... left to her peace. The smallest part of her perked up at the thought that maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a hostile entity. Maybe it was her mistress, finally returning after so long. But that thought was ridiculous, there was just no way it could be.

Still her heart encouraged her to test it. Just to be sure. Just to get an affirmative. And as much as she disliked what she felt inclined to do, her fingers fluttered into her small bag, pulling out the violin she always kept on her person. If it was... her creator, then the woman would respond. And she had to be sure, she had to... she just had to double-check. It would set her mind at ease.

She tilted her head to the side to hold her violin against her shoulder, placing a thin bow atop the strings. And with a deep sigh, she began to play a sweet sonata, the notes coming across smooth with an edge of melancholy. She had only been playing for a few moments when she heard a voice from below her. She paused, ready to resume, when a laugh reached her ears, followed by a voice she did not recognize.

"I knew you were nearby... and now your music has led me straight to you." Her heart came to a perfect jolting stop in her chest, her fingers growing lax. She nearly dropped her violin, well, the keyword here being nearly. Fortunately, her grip succeeded and her reflexes kicked in. She grasped it and readjusted it underneath her arm. But now she had a new situation on her hands--a new situation that she didn't quite... know how to deal with. This creature was not her mistress. And it was threatening, its' presence had already left her feeling icky. Ohh, why hadn't she just kept moving? Even when the woman wasn't here, her dreamer was still getting her into trouble!

The creature didn't make another sound but it was looking upwards now--it's gaze just meters off from where she was secluded in the branches. She had to make a move. She couldn't just stay here as if she were waiting to be hunted. Escape was going to be her best ally, she wasn't exactly in a fighting spirit... she left that kind of violence for... the imitation. She shook her head--no, she didn't have a reason to bring that out at all. She could get out of her safe! The Lady positioned her violin against her skin once more and began to play her silky notes, but this time with a different purpose.

Mana flowed from her fingertips, the ethereal notes swirling about her before swooping to do her bidding. A nearby vine unfurled and she stepped on to it, commanding the plants to form a bridge of leaves to support her weight. It was taking her a lot of courage to keep playing, evenly at that--since she was pretty sure that the creature was probably staring right at her. Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down!.

A roar from below her caused her to start playing faster, this was no leisurely stroll. She had to move, fast. Her notes picked up in pace, growing staccato, uneven forte, and the objects around her were responding in turn. The vines wrapped around her tiny body to support her as she ran across her growing leaf bridge. She didn't want to fight, not right now--but there was only one person she knew that would be able to help her out of this situation. And she hadn't seen him in such a long time--would he even be willing to assist her?

Of course, Xander was the only one out of all the imaginaries that was more or less the same. And sometimes she still saw him, from a distance. His realm was parallel to hers, after all, and the barrier of where his realm began and hers did was somewhat blurred. Yes, she knew how to cross into his part of these thick woods--he was all she could think about. In the time before, she had looked up to him, he had been the big, furry protector in her eyes. And riding on his back (sometimes) hadn't been so bad either. She felt a bit of hesitation rise in her chest. Would he remember her as fondly as she did him? How would she even react upon seeing him again when it had been so...?

No time for that, no time for that at all.

She forced herself to keep playing, she knew where his favorite cave was. Now she could only hope that he'd be there when she arrived. Hopefully he wouldn't be too angry at the unwanted guest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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(Sorry I've been slow! D8)

"They are real, they're just not in this world, you know how it works." Helena replied, regarding Joe as it it were the most obvious thing in the world, before the question regarding hydras seemed to spur her into action, and she reached round in her book of papers.

She renched it open and set it on a page, a detailed sketch of a reptile, a creature dripping with slime and weeds, dark eyes and sharp fangs on three wedge heads.

"Swamp hydras. They've been breeding in huge numbers in thw Maudlin Marshes and started attacking travellers so....I've had to try and do something about it. They're a lot more agressive now though. They used to be quite cautious....but now they'll attack..on sight. It was a close one quite a few times. That's why I really need help with these things. Xander can only help me so much and..."

She trailed off for a moment, glancing back over her shoulder, as if keeping check. What stood behind her was nothing but a featureless wall of the room, but she seemed to be checking in great detail as if there was far more to keep an eye on.

"So, should I make some copies of the field guide? That should fill you all in on what you missed."