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Xander Hallow

We fight for truth, love and justice, stand in our way and we'll tear you down.

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a character in “Imaginary: The Dreamers of Otherworld”, as played by ChaosxChild13



Alexander Hallow

Nicknames: Xander

Xander is half boy, half wolf, his creator decided that he would have the spirit of the wolf, yet the physical shape of a man.

Before the Change:
  • Resourceful: Xander was extremely crafty, he loved to build things and create. He was great at creating shelters in the forest for him to sleep in, and he loved to make his own clothing and his own homeopathic remedies by using the herbs of the forest to create potions, poisons, and pastes for protecting cuts.
  • Appreciative: Xander was very spiritually in tune and believed all his power derives from mother nature. He appreciated everything from the earth and gave back as much as he took from the land.
  • Faithful : Xander was extremely loyal, much like a wolf to his pack. When he said something he meant it, and when he believed something, he believed it.
  • A deep thinker


After the Change:
Since Helena was more in tune with Otherworld, Xander did not change much. The only thing that altered was his sense of right and wrong, he became more territorial and protective, and a bit more ruthless, but Helena always is there to talk him back down from his animalistic rampages.

  • Spiritual projection and Spiritual Replication: Using his aura and energies, Xander can create many spiritual replications of himself to throw off his opponent during combat.
  • Shapeshifting: the ability to shift into a large, five foot, seven inches, silver wolf. He can do this on command.
  • Enhanced Reflexes and Speed: The ability to move at a fast rate, and have quick reaction times.

  • Although incredibly strong and fast, Xander is still mortal, he can still become bruised, beaten, scarred and killed even.
  • Like werewolves, Xander can be killed, and wounded by silver. If it is a small amount, his skin will become irritated, red and blotchy; after only a few minutes of touching silver his skin will begin to bubble and pop. If he has too much silver, he can be killed.
  • Xander is all physical strength with little thought behind his game plan, if he is against a more perceptive opponent, he could be counter-attacked quickly.
  • Since Xander has the Wolf, he becomes lonely quite quickly because wolves are family-oriented animals. He is often alone, and fighting his own battles.

Brief History:
The past ten years, Xander has been nothing but dedicated to Lena's side. He has fought with her battle after battle, tried to help her make plans, and help the Otherworld creatures come back to their roots. Lena's goals, are his, and he has consistently stood by her through thick and thin, every bad decision, and every good decision. He doesn't doubt Lena because he's never had to.

The forest realm once named "Sanctuary", now he has changed it to "Malum Silvarum" which means "Evil Forest" in Latin.

So begins...

Xander Hallow's Story


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Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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Location: Malum Silvarum"

The sun forever rose higher into the sky, the giant energy source pulsating, pushing and pulling through the atmosphere. As Xander washed behind his ears and scrubbed away the dirt, his ears perked up slowly to a rustle in the bushes. Setting his spear down against a tree, he got down, chest to the ground and ears pointed.

Rustle rustle... The bushes only a few feet ahead flickered this way and that.

It was time for breakfast...

A sharp grin overrides Xander's face as his eyes flickered to a pure white, his spine bending, curling forward, as he shifted into his wolf form. His paws glided across the grass as he slipped towards the bushes...


As Xander was pulled closer towards the sounds, he paused for a moment, his eyes trailing ahead, and a scent hitting his nose.


Xander's eyes widened as two centaurs, armed in plated silver rushed out of the bushes, bow and arrows at the ready.

"Surrender now, and we won't hurt you," The first one spoke, his hoof denting into the ground with rage, "Run, and we have every reason to shoot you where you're standing, mutt." His iris eyes bore into Xander's soul and a snarl ripped from Xander's throat, no way was he giving in now. Lena wouldn't, why should he?

Spinning on his heel, Xander darted back towards the stream, arrows flying past his head as he zipped through the trees. As he neared the river, he curled his back legs and launched himself over to the other side of the river bank and quickly staked out underneath some bushes for a moment.

Closing his eyes, he began to see a light filling his closed eyelids, his energies around him pulsating, his body becoming a vessel, allowing the land's energies to pass through him at a high frequency. His silver body began to vibrate immensely and suddenly his energies split into five different power sources, all forming into silver wolves, replicating his exact structure.

"MOVE!" He howled to the spirits, as he heard the Centaur's hooves pounding against the ground and the replicas split off into every direction, as Xander continued to hide in the bushes, concentrating his energies.

Hearing the Centaur's hooves track off in another direction, Xander waited...

He wasn't sure for how long, but he continued to concentrate as their scents faded out.

Shifting back into a human, Xander stays crouched to the ground, slipping into the river and passing over to the other side once more, grabbing his spear.

He continued to crawl back towards his cave, so he could hide out for a bit.

I wish Lena were here... Xander sighs quietly as he continued to slowly make his way back, trying to be quiet as he could.


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Character Portrait: Xander Hallow
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Xander continued to creep through the trees, as not to cause any sudden movements that might give away his position. His goal was to be stealthy, quiet, and controlled.

Looking to his right, he saw the dirt path in which he had to follow to get home; As the sun seemed to burn brighter as it rose into the sky, Xander could feel it's pulsating rays bouncing off the dead roots of the trees.

Keeping a watchful eye out in front of him, he hauled back towards his cave and there he sat, curled up inside, attempting to listen for unfamiliar sounds.

Surely Lena would be here soon, time seemed to pass differently between their two realms... Sometimes there would be days without seeing her, other times it would be weeks... The separation from his friend made him unsettled.

Xander closed his eyes, his heavy breathing began to cease slowly. Sleep was never easy for the Wolf, he always found himself restlessly tossing and turning during the night, and waking to the sunrise. The negative energies through the forest made him on edge. The trees had been speaking in hushed rustles, worry shaking the dead leaves right off their frail branches...

Sitting up in his cave after ten minutes of being restless, he removed the blanket from around his body and crawled out slowly. His eyes fixated on the land in front of him. The division of the land was becoming more and more noticeable as the minutes ticked by in Xander's head. What used to be lush, green forestry, was now a dull brown; everything was limp, dried up. Other parts of the woods though were teeming with life, feeding off the intoxicated vibrations that had now tainted Underworld...

Xander growled, spitting on the ground as he rested down upon a rock, in hope to get some peace of mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Doll Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Xander Hallow
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#, as written by Igari


She had been swinging back and forth between the trees for several minutes before something caused her to stop. Her ball joints gave a little springing noise as she halted her movement, narrowing her eyes to survey the scene below her. Something was definitely off--usually the beasts that roamed her realm did not migrate quite as fast as she did. And she had an advantage, she was not encumbered by the forest or the various obstacles that rested upon the ground. Whatever was on the ground was moving just as fast as she, and that was a rather frightening prospect to even think on.

She shivered, lacing her arms around a branch as lowered her head slightly in the ground's direction. Closer but still many meters above the forest floor--just safe enough to get a better look at the situation. There was definitely something below her, she could hear it ruffling through the branches. It sounded as if it were searching for something, maybe someone. Whatever it was, it made her uncomfortable and nervous to consider. What if it was... following her? This new thought brought with it a wave of nausea. No no no, she didn't want to be followed, she just wanted to be... left to her peace. The smallest part of her perked up at the thought that maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a hostile entity. Maybe it was her mistress, finally returning after so long. But that thought was ridiculous, there was just no way it could be.

Still her heart encouraged her to test it. Just to be sure. Just to get an affirmative. And as much as she disliked what she felt inclined to do, her fingers fluttered into her small bag, pulling out the violin she always kept on her person. If it was... her creator, then the woman would respond. And she had to be sure, she had to... she just had to double-check. It would set her mind at ease.

She tilted her head to the side to hold her violin against her shoulder, placing a thin bow atop the strings. And with a deep sigh, she began to play a sweet sonata, the notes coming across smooth with an edge of melancholy. She had only been playing for a few moments when she heard a voice from below her. She paused, ready to resume, when a laugh reached her ears, followed by a voice she did not recognize.

"I knew you were nearby... and now your music has led me straight to you." Her heart came to a perfect jolting stop in her chest, her fingers growing lax. She nearly dropped her violin, well, the keyword here being nearly. Fortunately, her grip succeeded and her reflexes kicked in. She grasped it and readjusted it underneath her arm. But now she had a new situation on her hands--a new situation that she didn't quite... know how to deal with. This creature was not her mistress. And it was threatening, its' presence had already left her feeling icky. Ohh, why hadn't she just kept moving? Even when the woman wasn't here, her dreamer was still getting her into trouble!

The creature didn't make another sound but it was looking upwards now--it's gaze just meters off from where she was secluded in the branches. She had to make a move. She couldn't just stay here as if she were waiting to be hunted. Escape was going to be her best ally, she wasn't exactly in a fighting spirit... she left that kind of violence for... the imitation. She shook her head--no, she didn't have a reason to bring that out at all. She could get out of her safe! The Lady positioned her violin against her skin once more and began to play her silky notes, but this time with a different purpose.

Mana flowed from her fingertips, the ethereal notes swirling about her before swooping to do her bidding. A nearby vine unfurled and she stepped on to it, commanding the plants to form a bridge of leaves to support her weight. It was taking her a lot of courage to keep playing, evenly at that--since she was pretty sure that the creature was probably staring right at her. Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down!.

A roar from below her caused her to start playing faster, this was no leisurely stroll. She had to move, fast. Her notes picked up in pace, growing staccato, uneven forte, and the objects around her were responding in turn. The vines wrapped around her tiny body to support her as she ran across her growing leaf bridge. She didn't want to fight, not right now--but there was only one person she knew that would be able to help her out of this situation. And she hadn't seen him in such a long time--would he even be willing to assist her?

Of course, Xander was the only one out of all the imaginaries that was more or less the same. And sometimes she still saw him, from a distance. His realm was parallel to hers, after all, and the barrier of where his realm began and hers did was somewhat blurred. Yes, she knew how to cross into his part of these thick woods--he was all she could think about. In the time before, she had looked up to him, he had been the big, furry protector in her eyes. And riding on his back (sometimes) hadn't been so bad either. She felt a bit of hesitation rise in her chest. Would he remember her as fondly as she did him? How would she even react upon seeing him again when it had been so...?

No time for that, no time for that at all.

She forced herself to keep playing, she knew where his favorite cave was. Now she could only hope that he'd be there when she arrived. Hopefully he wouldn't be too angry at the unwanted guest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Doll Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter
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As Xander laid down on the rock, he began to drift off slowly as each breath became deeper and deeper. Letting out a yawn, the boy rests his arm across his eyes, blocking the sun. Sacred geometric shapes began to fill his vision as he began to lean in closer to a meditative state. He could feel the earth vibrating underneath him, every life force teeming through the forest... Most things were not peaceful like they used to be, the forest was unsettled in energies, the chaos had led to it's own destructive path. Xander did what he could normally to keep things up and running on a more positive energy level, but Otherworld had taken it's turn for the worst. And everyone around him was falling into the madness.

Of course, it drove Xander nuts, all of his old friends now buried in a deep pit of depression that raged on like a sea during a storm...But the boy knew that Lena would try to talk to the other Imagineers about rerouting Otherworld to a better place... If they would only open their ears and listen...

As Xander slowly got lost in thought, something threw him out of his calm state.

The sound of music seemed to fill the air, and Xander's ears perked up, his eyes flickered open. Sitting up on the rock, he turned his head to the right, then to the left, trying to decipher where it was coming from...

The only time he had heard music in the forest was due to ...

His eyes widened...

Lady? .. The doll... could she be back?

Xander crouched down on the rock, letting out a growl, she wasn't alone... Something else was following her... He could feel it rumbling the forest floor... What was it though...And what was Lady doing here anyway? Xander's curiosity made him edgy as thoughts flew through his mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wilow Huntington Character Portrait: Xander Hallow Character Portrait: Helena Norrevinter Character Portrait: Joseph Hopkins Character Portrait: Joseph Pierce
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(Sorry I've been slow! D8)

"They are real, they're just not in this world, you know how it works." Helena replied, regarding Joe as it it were the most obvious thing in the world, before the question regarding hydras seemed to spur her into action, and she reached round in her book of papers.

She renched it open and set it on a page, a detailed sketch of a reptile, a creature dripping with slime and weeds, dark eyes and sharp fangs on three wedge heads.

"Swamp hydras. They've been breeding in huge numbers in thw Maudlin Marshes and started attacking travellers so....I've had to try and do something about it. They're a lot more agressive now though. They used to be quite cautious....but now they'll attack..on sight. It was a close one quite a few times. That's why I really need help with these things. Xander can only help me so much and..."

She trailed off for a moment, glancing back over her shoulder, as if keeping check. What stood behind her was nothing but a featureless wall of the room, but she seemed to be checking in great detail as if there was far more to keep an eye on.

"So, should I make some copies of the field guide? That should fill you all in on what you missed."