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Maggie Vitalis

Daughter of Athena

0 · 942 views · located in Aeaea, Greece

a character in “In Demigods We Trust”, as played by CaptainHooligan


Arabella ✧ Outlines ✦ The Young & The Hopeless ✧ Renegades ✦ Death Valley ✧ Handle This
{"Wisdom is the daughter of experience."}
-Leonardo Da Vinci

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| N A M E |
Magnolia Raven Vitalis
| N I C K N A M E |
Ah, Maggie's favorite pastime. The demigod has a knack for dealing out all sort of nicknames, Honey, Sugar, Kid, Dude..etc, it comes with the whole southern hospitality thing. But, for the most part she doesn't have that many nicknames for herself. She tries to strictly goes by Maggie, no one really knows her name is Magnolia - though some people call her Mags,Raven or sometimes Scout which is a nickname she received in her archery classes.
| A G E |
| G E N D E R |
| P A R E N T |
| B I R T H D A T E |
November 27; ♐
| E T H N I C I T Y |
"At least 60% sarcasm and probably a steady 28% sass."
Greek, Canadian
| S E X U A L I T Y |
Sapiosexual - She finds intelligence the most attractive.

{"Unless you're ashamed of yourself now and then, you're not honest."}
- William Faulkner

| H E I G H T |
Five foot five inches - 5'5"
| W E I G H T |
One Hundred and twenty-three - 123 lb.
| E Y E C O L O R |
| H A I R C O L O R |
Sable Brown
| A P P E A R A N C E |
Mags typically catches most people's wandering eye, easily capturing their attention. Maggie practically radiates attitude, even if she's simply standing there; one hip cocked to the side, hands on her hip, and her head cocked to the side as if she’s judging you. She walks with a swift pride that hardly goes unnoticed. She makes no effort to hide her "authority," being a demigod and all. Her hair is a bit uncontrollable, unpredictable; her brown hair is naturally wavy, yet with it being a combination of braids, knots, beads, and a few stray feathers it may come across a bit curly. Due to this the length is unconfirmed, sometimes it falls just below her breast, other times it's down to the middle of her back - she finds no need in styling it with the exceptions of braids, beads and feathers. So naturally, it has its days of the full on messy, tossed away look. This unruly hair sweeps to the left, most of it finds home all bundled on her left shoulder.
Framed by is Maggie’s brown hair is her smooth face. The Greek in her granted her with flawless olive skin. Her facial features are very defined. She has high curved cheekbones, a sharp jawline, a full mouth, almost too-big eyes framed by long, full lashes, and a well-rounded nose. Her eyes are nothing spectacular, just a deep shade of blue with some green mixed in Her face is usually dawned with a sly look, like she’s up to something. Nine times out of ten, she is. Her brows are usually furrowed and her eyes wide with excitement. She has several β€œsignature” looks. Her smirk, her grimace, her innocent look, her confused look, her scowl, and her disgusted face. Mags is proud of her set of perfectly white teeth, with long canines to match.
As for her physical shape, it’s soft and curved, very deceiving to the venom within. She may have a soft shape, but don’t be surprised if you catch a glimpse of her lean, slim muscle when she moves or is doing some strenuous activity. She has a small waist and wide hips, and to her discomfort, sturdy thighs. Her appearance is lithe and a simple distraction to the fact that she is part of the goddess Athena, and she isn’t afraid to exert her wonder-woman like nature.
For style, Maggie is rather punk-rock. Though if it's laundry day then "If it fits, I'll wear it." She’s typically seen wearing sweatshirts, loose hanging tank tops , old band tees, flannels, skinnys or shorts. She has a collection of vans and converses, their colors mostly black. They're her favorite accessory to wear along with her "war paint" that she wears to combat practice. It's normally just black around her eyes that comes down to her jaw - she likes looking the part.
| O D D I T I E S |
Maggie has a thick southern accent, growing up in Alabama has given her a distinct voice. A voice that isn’t as nearly as soft as you would expect. Her voice is bit husky, almost challenging..usually challenging. It’s the voice of reason, the voice of control. Yet, this voice is soaked in that nice Alabamian accent. Sometimes she'll get ahead of herself and stumble over a few words or pronounce one wrong, luckily she's known to just laugh it off.
Scout has her fair share of scars. The most dominant one isn't from a fight though, there is a long, jagged scar runs across her left forearm. When she was fourteen, she was playing with the family cattle dog, not paying attention as she chased Indy. Janie didn't want to run into the electric fence so she slid under it, but the barbed-wire below caught her arm. She had to get eighteen stitches, it was a proud moment for her. The other scars aren't noticeable.
There isn't really a day Mags isn't without a cut, scrape, or bruise. She's known for getting a little too tough with play fighting and messing around, roughing up a few classmates.
As for tattoos she has one very large one which covers her whole left arm, she's very proud of her tattoo sleeve (which took over two years to complete). The sleeve is composed of many different types of flowers from which she remembers from her grandparent's garden.

{"I don't think of myself as a rebel; I just say what I think."}
-Marjane Satrapi

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
Adventurous✦ Free-Spirited ✧ Witty ✦ Nosy ✧ Sociable ✦ Uninhibited
Maggie is a hard one to figure out due to her spontaneity. Equipped with a brilliant imagination and natural intelligence. When she was little she was never one for school, the teacher always became angry with the small brunette due to her inattentiveness, so she'd call on her hoping for some satisfaction in embarrassing the young girl when she got the answer wrong, but the little one never did. Often the class clown, she's now a Muse. Maggie is an inspiringly lively and quick-witted girl. With a tailor-maid humor, she has a tendency to get a laugh out of anyone. Excellent ability for vocalizing, the demigod is a consummate conversationalist.
Sadly the electric, focused, intuitive, and wholly creative girl comes with a bit of a habit of being too loud. A real live-wire, her endless energy is palpable. Her curiosity is known to get the best of her and she's known to be nosy. Asking questions is her favorite past time, anything to learn about people, she loves gossip and can be found in the middle of large groups talking vigorously. Don't let that fool you though, she can keep a secret and she's one of the more trustworthy of the academy.
A natural motivator, Maggie's confidence and enthusiasm is easily infectious and she knows this talent of her is contributed to the fact her mother is Athena. Often very perceptive and intuitive, she makes a good friend, and can be very attentive; in a nurturing environment she is sensitive, sympathetic, courageous, and honest. She is real and honest, she doesn't try to sugar-coat things, but she doesn't like having to hurt anyone's feelings so she usually simply listens, totally empathic and understanding. If they ask for her opinion through she is brutally honest, but she makes sure they know she is there for them. She's there for anyone who needs her support. She wants to be that backbone.
But left to her own Maggie becomes very dog-like: and becomes jealous, rude, impatient, vulgar, and bitter - all traits she developed from her father. There are moments where Mags just shuts down and becomes completely opposite. The girl was cut short when it came to level-headedness, she comes with a short fuse.

{"I know."}
-Hans Solo

| P O W E R S |
✧Enhanced Intelligence - She could easily ace classes without studying, but she quiet enjoys studying and learning. Her ability to learn and absorb a subject easily is one of her favorites.
✧Photographic Memory - She remembers mapped out plans and how a strategy was written perfectly, but if it's something simple; like where she placed her last hairband, forget it.
✧Enhanced Combat - This is Maggie's strongest ability, she is one of the top females in the academy.
| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Magnetic Personality - She's well liked by practically the entire academy.
✧Willpower - She'll go against her instincts if it means helping. She knows no limits when it comes to the people she cares about well-being. Once she puts her mind to something, it'll get done or she'll die trying. Procrastination isn't in this girl's dictionary. She'll bravely go against any foe.
✦Honor - Mag's is equipped with a strong moral compass, one that keeps her humble and compassionate.
✧Confident - She's believes very strongly in herself, if she puts her head to something it will get down.
✦Respectful - Polite and mannerly, maybe it's the southern hospitality but this girl knows how to be respectful and to gain respect.
✧Devoted - She has a very loving loyalty.
| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Short Temper - Unlike her mother, Maggie has no self-control when it comes to anger. She's willing to fight about just about anything.
✧Narcissism - She can be extremely selfish and craves the admiration of her peers as well as her professors. She sees it as a duty to focus on her own betterment.
✦Compassion - Her biggest weakness, she's a sucker for a pity party. She's been fooled by a few, they don't get into her head, but instead get into her heart. That's one of the reasons she has a sleeve tattoo; to cover the scar she received from letting her guard down.
✧Mimicking - Mags learned at a young age that if you mirror the way a person acts, they're more likely to put their guard down. She can be very deceptive and cunning to make the outcome more beneficial for herself. This leads to a lot of people calling her two-faced and not trusting her.
✦Blind Obedience - Blindly follows those in authority without regard to the authority's fallibility or morality, simply believes it is right to do what you're told to do by a authoritative figure.
✦Impulsive - She is never one to sit back and think about a plan and make sure it's right. She makes a plan and then jumps into it head first.

{"I don't do well with snakes and I can't dance."}
-Robin Williams

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| H O B B I E S |
✦Collects Flowers - Maggie presses each flower into a journal her grandmother gave her.
✧Skateboards - A skill she picked up from her older brothers.
✦Cloud Watching - She has a fascination with them and really enjoys having music to accompany.
| H A B I T S |
✧Minor Speech Impediment - This leads to her stumbling over words and stuttering, which is very frustrating for her.
✦Speaks Out of the Corner of Her Mouth - It looks like she's always smirking when talking.
✧Sticks Out Her Tongue When Concentrating - "It helps, I swear!"

| L I K E S |
✦Archery - She's actually one of the worst when it comes to shooting at targets from a simple set up, but if you put her in a situation where she needs to shoot a moving target from far away, then she's your girl.
✧Cheesy Jokes, Puns, and Pizza - "Anything with cheese, really."
✦Challenges - She's up for anything, especially dares and brawls.
✧Throwing People the Birdie - "Hell yeah."
✦Indiana Jones - She's been known to listen to the theme song on the way to class..

| D I S L I K E S |
✦Elevators - "A tiny enclosed space with the possibility of dropping or getting stuck at very risky heights? It's a no from me."
✧Needing Help - Stubborn doesn't even begin to describe what she's like when someone tries to help.
✦The Gods - She doesn't like the power they have over people, and she'll be damned if she'll let them have power over her.
✧Interruptions - They break her concentration which leads to her wanting to break something other than concentration.
✦Loneliness - Very dog-like when it comes to this, she doesn't like being left.

| G O A L S |
✦Breech the Tower - 'In the middle of the academy stands a grand tower that seemingly shoots up from the ground, as it appears older than the academy itself, and made of different materials. It appears as if the academy was built around it. All students, and faculty as well are forbidden from entering the tower. The punishment is harsh for those that enter without permission from the Gods. What is known that the Gods, and Goddesses frequently come and go from there.' The curiosity has gotten the best of Maggie and she needs to know what's in there.
✧Visit Australia - She's always wanted to go, especially after all her father's stories of the down under.
✦To Go Home - Maggie is one of the few who doesn't want to be at the academy. She wants out - and she'll do anything to get her freedom back.

| F E A R S |
✧Ophidiophobia - "Medusa is someone I don't want, need, or plan on meeting."
✦Hospitals - "Something about them give me the heebie jeebies ."
✧Fire - She tries to avoid it at all costs, not really explaining why.

{"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage."}
-Indiana Jones

| B I R T H P L A C E |
Patras, Greece
| H I S T O R Y |
At least two paragraphs, the longer the better!
| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Henry Vitalis|Father|FC: Dermot Mulroney|Age: 52
Sue-Ellen Vitalis|Grandmother|FC: Judi Dench|Age:78
Thomas Sullivan|Step-Brother|FC: Bobby Morley|Age:21
Lucas Reed|Step-Brother|FC: Chace Crawford|Age:27
Austin Jones|Step-Brother|FC: Alex Pettyfer|Age:25
Rebecca Vitalis|Step-Mom|FC: | Age: 46

{"A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown."}
-Tom Hanks

| F C |
Marie Avgeropoulos
| C O L O R |
| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |
CaptainHooligan, at your service. Y'all can call me Cap or Jess :)

So begins...

Maggie Vitalis's Story