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Eleana Damian

"I believe that people are inherently good and that the darkest ones a're merely using clouds to hide their sunlight."

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a character in “In Light of Us”, as played by CrimsonFox


| Eleana Damian |

| Meaning |
Daughter of the Sun / Fated

| Nickname(s) |

| Role |
Female Sun Twin (Older)

| Clan |
Possideo Clan

| Quote |

| Appearance |
Eleana is by any standards exceptionally beautiful. She has long, blonde hair and captivating blue eyes, along with full pale-pink lips that are almost always turned up into a brilliantly white smile. Her body is extremely attractive as well with a toned body, hourglass curves and full C-cups. Her skin is fair but she can tan with ease (one of the reasons she's a fan of the beach). Overall she's very attractive and has had no shortage of guys express this opinion to her.
Elle and Ana have complimenting tattoos on the side of their ribcage, Elle has a sun with the words "You see all of my light" on her side underneath the sun, while Anastasia has "You love all my dark" underneath her moon.

| Picture |

| Age |
17 (Older Twin)

| Height |
5' 4"

| Weight |


| Personality |
At a glance Eleana seems like a perfectly normal teenage girl. She's very friendly, always looking to make others smile and (having a great sense of humor) laughter comes easily to her, so she has a talent for diffusing tense situations. It is her genuine belief that people are inherently "good" and this leads her to see/draw out the good in people, where she means to or not. She's rarely seen without a smile and has never had any problems socializing, always making a special effort to befriend the outcast and make them feel more comfortable. Usually whenever her younger sister socializes it's because Eleana convinced her to join in on the fun.

Eleana is always up for trying something new and exciting so she has a tendency to throw caution to the wind meaning that she is usually very trusting of people. However this is not to say that she is reckless; if something poses a threat to her or her sister, Eleana becomes extremely cautious (or suspicious, if the potential threat is a person). She holds herself responsible for her sister's happiness and general well being which means that whenever her sister does something reckless or on a whim (which happens more often than Eleana would like for it to) it is usually Eleana who ends up frantic (though Anastasia has gotten better about being more careful, even if only for her sister's sake).

While Eleana worries about Ana's recklessness, she is most worried about her sister's tendency to bottle up her emotions - this also confuses her because Eleana has never really hesitated to express how she was feeling. Truthfully it ought to be easy for Eleana to have many close friends and perhaps even a serious lover, but her loyalty to her sister prevents this from happening as she would give up everything for Anastasia without a second thought. They are extremely close and Eleana knows all of Anastasia's deepest fears / secrets, just as Ana knows hers - they can read each other like open books to the degree that they've been asked if they were in fact identical twins many times before.

Deep down inside Eleana has fantasized about finding love someday, however her major dilemma with that is Anastasia; Eleana could never live with herself if she knew that, while she was happy with the love of her life, Anastasia was feeling alone and betrayed. So in Eleana's happy daydreams she's decided that the perfect solution for this is that they find and fall in love with another set of twins! ....Yes it's a terribly childish daydream and she knows this, but still it'd be nice.



| Likes |
β™₯ Music - a lover of singing and dancing, music is a source of comfort and can make Eleana the life of the party
β™₯ Daytime - there's nothing more beautiful that the perfect day in Eleana's mind
β™₯ The Beach - by far the best place to spend one's free time, she also love to surf and swim
β™₯ Being Social - Eleana can keep a conversation alive like no others and is very friendly (though typically doesn't let people get closer to her than this)
β™₯ Animals [/size] - she's always had a deep love of animals and has more often than not had the deep desire to become one herself

| Dislikes |
✦The Cold - snow and iceskating is fun but Eleana would much rather have a cup of hot chocolate by the fire
✦Mean People - being yelled at or scolded tends to upset her and she hates people who're mean to her or her sister
✦Small, Tight Spaces - she'd much rather be in a wide open field rather than a closet as it makes her feel trapped
✦Complete Darkness - not to be confused with nighttime (which has stars and the moon); she just likes being able to see
✦Liars - almost nothing can break her trust faster than being lied to



| Abilities |
Being of the Possideo Clan, Eleana has the ability to shape shift into animals, people and even other demons. In addition to that they have the ability to possess the bodies of humans. Because She's had no formal training Eleana can't yet do any of this on a whim, though occassionally she'll experiance an influx of power and randomly do any one of these things. Eventually she'll learn to wield her powers and her favorite animal forms will be those of a horse, a barn owl, a desert fox, a lioness, a crocodile and a raccoon (all with a blonde/gold color scheme).
On a separate note, Eleana has always been a fan of singing/dancing. Anastasia has walking in on her sister singing into a hairbrush while dancing around the bathroom countless times and the only time she's ever shy about her passion is whenever she's asked about her own music. She has a song writing journal and plays the guitar and the piano (though not nearly as well as her sister can). Asking her about any of this will cause her get all bashful - she only ever freely shares her music with her sister, who is usually helping play piano and/or do back up vocals.

| Fears |
⌘ Eleana fears nothing more than the idea of loosing Anastasia. The very thought of Anastasia dying can bring Eleana to tears. Elena feels that, as long as she's okay and they're together, then she's unstoppable. She loves her sister more than she's ever loved anyone else, including herself, and she holds herself personally responsible for the care and overall happiness of her younger sister. Eleana would sacrifice anything to ensure that her little sister was happy, healthy and alive. Even the smallest afflictions to Ana, like paper cuts or the common cold, can make Elle worry herself sick. Were Anastasia ever to be seriously injured or killed, Eleana would be devastated and totally lose herself to grief (spiraling into depression and possibly even considering suicide just so she could be with her sister again).

| History |
Eleana has tried to live a happy, healthy life but being a foster child this was a difficult task. It was easy enough to charm whomever she and Anastasia were living with but she has never felt the feeling of true belonging. Each new foster family provided a house, not a home. Eleana did research on her and Ana's mother, who had died when they were born, in an attempt to find any remaining family however her searching turned up unsuccessful. It was at this point in her short life that she decided, since they didn't really seem to be a family, Eleana and Anastasia would simply have to be their own family.

This wasn't easy for either of them, but especially for Eleana - mostly because her little sister was so reckless. Eleana spent more time than she'd care to admit running to the hospital immediately after school to see her sister and spend the night so she could keep Anastasia company. They continued to move from foster home to foster home with the only constant being each other, causing them to steadily grow closer.

Now this was not to say that they never had their tiffs. Anastasia had a tendency to randomly disappear and cause Eleana to go into a full blown panic. The worse time this happened being about 2 years ago when they'd just moved to Maine and she'd decided to go on a 3 day camping trip without warning - Eleana had be furious and not spoken to Ana for 3 days afterwards, but eventually broke down and confessed how absolutely terrified she was of the idea that Ana had been kidnapped or something. Ever since she'd been much better about telling her sister where she was going beforehand, and the two girls decided to make the investment and purchase cellphones shortly thereafter.

| Theme Song |
[url]Song Title[/url] - Artist

Face Claim: Indiana Rose Evans
Hex Code: #00BFFF

So begins...

Eleana Damian's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Airy






One can only listen to the story of how Mary-Lou might be pregnant with Derrick's child so many times -- and by the fifth retelling, Anastasia had hit her limit.

She hadn't had much to contribute to those conversations anyways, having little to no opinion on the matter. This was the same with almost all conversations she had with her peers. She was intent with just listening as she was intrigued by the minor details that shifted within the same story by different people’s perspectives and exaggerated additions. However, with this particular story, it finally got to the point where it partially disturbed Anastasia; The amount of people so invested is miraculous and mind-boggling to her. If Mary-Lou is pregnant, it is no one's business but her own. No one should have such a strong opinion on something that doesn't affect them directly. If Mary-Lou is pregnant, she'd need the support of those around her, not acquaintances who would talk behind her back because it seemed like a 'juicy' topic. Then again, this story is probably just a terrible humour that will grow into something even more preposterous than it already is.

"I heard that the baby was conceived in the high school bathroom, "carried on Megan, "the bathroom of all places! How weird is that? " Megan seemed to have finally finished her little spiel to the small group of six, which included Anastasia as well as her fraternal twin Eleana, clustered within a corner of the loud and cramped living room. Some people nodded in agreement on how weird it was, and Anastasia couldn't help but study their faces. She had been quiet this whole time, simply absorbing and listening as she does. She probably hadn't said more than ten words, other than giving small greetings, the whole time she'd been at the house party her sister dragged her too. It was odd to see that people so readily accepted the story Megan dispensed. Mary-Lou had always been a bright and cautious girl. Fraternizing in the high school bathroom was an unlikely thing for anyone to attempt, but to think Mary-Lou would do it, the idea was practically impossible. Anastasia had formed an opinion she wanted to get across, and so she spoke her mind. "I don't believe there's ever been a moment the bathrooms haven't been occupied by two or more people at a time. That would make it quite hard to 'conceive' in such a short time. It is also unlikely that Mary-Lou would be giving you this information herself; this is all probably just some rumour," Anastasia spoke quite softly. Her tone was not harsh or judgemental, just factual. It was simply her opinion. She'd also hoped with this, maybe some of the rumours would cease and Mary-Lou wouldn't be as hurt by them. She could only imagine what she must be feeling with these wild stories running around. That is if she's even heard them yet. Carrying on, Anastasia added, "however, if Mary-Lou is pregnant, it's her business and hers alone. It really shouldn't affect anyone else, and shouldn't involve anyone else other than those who want to be there for her as a helping hand." She could see the collected astonished stares from her unexpected outspokenness. She hadn't been rude, so it wasn't a look of anger, it was more a look of surprise. Anastasia didn't need to elaborate anymore, so instead of sticking around, she turned towards her sister and rested her hand on her upper arm, saying, "I'm going to go outside for a bit, get some fresh air." Anastasia flashed a small smile to Eleana and the others,. As a side note to her sister, she added, "be safe, before easily slipping through the small crowds of people with the odd grace she'd always had.

Intending to cut through the kitchen and go out the door that led to the backyard and patio area, Anastasia ended up getting sidetracked as one of her classmates who she shared an English class with stopped her at the threshold, with what she presumed to be beer sloshing over the edges of the red solo cup he held in his hand. β€œAna!” he hollered, somehow managing to slur such a short name. The boy in front of her, who she believed was named Dominic, looked like he was trying to flash her a dazzling smile. It would have been more charming if it wasn’t shrouded by a drunken veil. Placing his free hand on her arm, he stated, β€œyou know, I always thought you had the prettiest eyes, they’re like this weird mix of intensity and softness. I don’t even care that you’re a little odd! ” Anastasia couldn’t help but give a tiny smile. She was grateful for the comment, but his little tidbit at the end was kind of amusing. β€œWell, thank you Dominic,” she said, moving slightly over so his hand would drop off her arm. Glancing down at her feet as she saw a ping pong ball roll towards her that went astray from the game of beer bong at the table near her, she picked it up and tossed it back over to the table, hearing various thank yous in reply. She couldn’t help but notice the car keys sticking of of Dominic’s pocket as she bent back up. ”Say,” she questioned, glancing back at the drunk boy in front of her. ”How are you getting home, do you have someone to drive you?” She would offer her own services if either Eleana or herself had a car, but they had walked over since their foster home was only two blocks away. Dominic went red in the face, looking like a boy who got caught planning to put his hand in the cookie jar. β€œUh, no not exactly. I drive myself here but I don’t live that far awa-” Anastasia cut him off as she grabbed his wrist and maneuvered him over to the next room. She presumed it was the dining room, though the host must have moved the table to a secondary location. Looking around for a familiar face she finally found one and, with Dominic in tow, went over to Jack. Tapping the much taller boy on the shoulder, he turned around with a shocked look on his face. β€œ Hey, Jack,” Anastasia smiled, β€œwould you mind driving Dominic home when you leave? He’s had too much to drink and can’t get himself home.” Turning back around to Dominic, she dropped his wrist, and in a swift movement, snatched his keys that were hanging out of his pocket. Handing them to Jack, she added, β€œ make sure to give them these when he’s safe at home.” she was sure there would be a bus he could take back over here the morning after to pick up his car sober.

Jack was one of the only people at the school who Anastasia could call a friend and not a mere acquaintance. They weren’t super close by any means, but they were friendly and conversed regularly. She’d met him when he’d transferred in to the high school just after she and Eleana had. He was sitting in chemistry class when someone accidently cut themselves with a scalpel, causing a pretty bloody mess. Jack had run out of the room causing even more of a ruckus, and on a whim, Anastasia followed him to try and calm him down and see if he needed to talk. In the end, he told her that he was also a foster kid who got put into the system after his father went to jail for driving drunk, with both his mother and himself in the car. His mother died and he still vividly remembered the carnage, so anytime he saw blood he went into panic mode. She could trust that he could get Dominic home alright, as she knew he wasn’t a drinker.

β€œUh, yeah, yeah of course,” he stammered, fumbling a bit as he took the keys from her and put them into his own pocket. β€œI thought you said you weren’t coming tonight Stasia,” Jack questioned, as Dominic shuffled back and forth on his feet a little awkwardly. β€œ Oh, yeah I wasn’t planning on it but Eleana convinced me,” she explained, β€œ anyways, thank you for doing this. I’ll see you on Monday,” she smiled. Jack just nodded, β€œno problem at all,” he said smiling back. Giving her a small wave as Anastasia slipped through the crowd again, she finally found herself back in the kitchen and moving out the door to the backyard.

The host’s backyard was big -- almost as big as his house was. However, most of the space was taken up by the pool and conjoining pool house. Not many people were outside, mostly just dwindlers who stepped out to smoke or tiny groups of people wanting to get out of the stuffy home. Anastasia wrapped her arms around herself as a cool wind breeze mixed with the scent of the pools chlorine hit her. She regretted not putting on a light jacket with her outfit, but then again, the cold never bothered her too much. Making her way over to study the flat-roofed pool house, she took notice of the steel ladder leaned against it. From what she could tell, the pool house was mostly just used for extra storage and a place to leave tools. Looking around, Anastasia couldn’t see anyone too near her vicinity, so she decided to climb up the later and go sit on the roof.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian
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Eleana Damian

"I heard that the baby was conceived in the high school bathroom," Megan whispered as if this was class A confidential news. "the bathroom of all places! How weird is that?"

Eleana glanced around at the group she was in; Megan, Elise, Hannah, Sam, herself and Anastasia who she'd convinced to join her at this house party, though by the look on her face this conversation had long ago bored her. Around them was the rest of the party going on - music, pizza, beer pong (which Eleana had never played nor was she particularly interested in playing) and lots of moving bodies. As glass shattered in the kitchen Eleana felt a little bad for John, whose parents would be coming home late tomorrow evening, knowing that by the end of this he'd have a lot of cleaning up to do. Perhaps she'd be able to stay and help him out once people started going home...

Eleana's attention returned to the conversation at hand as her twin sister piped up. "I don't believe there's ever been a moment the bathrooms haven't been occupied by two or more people at a time. That would make it quite hard to 'conceive' in such a short time. It is also unlikely that Mary-Lou would be giving you this information herself; this is all probably just some rumor," Anastasia said matter-of-factually and Eleana nodded her head in agreement. Mary-Lou had come from a fairly conservative family (hence the name) and, though she of course had a crush on a guy cute guys in the school, she'd never actually had a boyfriend before. She put her schoolwork above most everything except the student council comity, so the story that she was now pregnant after a rendezvous in the bathroom was pretty ridiculous.

"However, if Mary-Lou is pregnant, it's her business and hers alone. It really shouldn't affect anyone else, and shouldn't involve anyone else other than those who want to be there for her as a helping hand." The other girls in the group seemed ataken back, though Eleana wasn't at all surprised by her sister's comment. It hadn't been said rudely, though it was the truth and the truth often seemed rather harsh. However Anastasia had never exactly been one to sweet-talk her way around facts; she wasn't being tactless, she was just being honest. "I'm going to go outside for a bit, get some fresh air." Anastasia flashed a small smile to Eleana and the others, one that only Eleana returned, then added "be safe!" Before vanishing into the crowd of people.

Eleana sighed softly, watching her sister go. "Um, Eleana, not to seem rude or anything but your sister..." Megan trailed off, annoyance in her voice. "Is right." Eleana filled in, turning to the girls and smiling. "She's absolutely right. Honestly I doubt Mary isn't a virgin, much less that she's pregnant. Have you seen her? She's like the head of our class, and furthermore she's as thin as a toothpick." The girls glanced down at their heels, the wheels in there heads turning as Eleana said this. "But even if she is pregnant, which I doubt she is, then we should be supportive of her - not talking about her behind her back." Even Megan slowly nodded at this, each girl murmuring apologies. Eleana smiled brightly, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go find my sister before she climbs on the roof or something." she giggled, earning giggles from the group before she too started navigating through the crowd.

Naturally Anastasia was nowhere to be found (she had this amazing ability to just up and vanish, much to her older sister's dismay). However if Eleana had to fathom a guess, it would be out and up, so she made her way through the crowd and out the large glass panel doors into the backyard. It was a bit cool outside and, though Eleana was dressed well enough, she pulled her scarf a little bit tighter, her eyes scanning the area. Sure enough there was Anastia, perched on the roof of the pool shed, and Eleana sighed softly. This was a pretty clear sign that Anastasia was about ready to go - even if only to get away from the loud, sweaty atmosphere of the party.

Slipping off her flats, Eleana climbed the steel latter and sat beside her sister. "Heya," she said with a small smile, gently tilting her head so that it rested on Anastasia's shoulder, "You about ready to go, sis?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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Dialogue Color : #bb0033
Thought Color : #E33638
Face Claim : Chace Crawford
Human || Killers
Played By : ηŒ«γƒγƒ
C A L E B . M A Y A L L
Caleb tapped his foot on the floor of his brothers hummer. He was close to exploding with excitement. He was ready to meet his missing piece. He wanted to feel complete for the first time in his whole life. They were so close to the foster home that a smile began to creep onto his face, until his brother made an immediate left into a Hardee's parking lot. Caleb turned his head towards his brother with a death glare. "Broβ€”" Before he could let out any profanity his brother tossed him the car keys.

"You can go to the foster place if you want, I'll meet you up there in a bit." Caleb didn't hesitate in the slightest. Although he had found it odd that his brother would let him drive his precious vehicle. Quickly he inserted the keys back in the ignition and drove off towards the foster home. Cal absolutely adored food, however he was resisting as his anticipation was far too much to bear.

When he finally arrived at the home he drove the car into the home's parking lot and gently adjusted the car into the tight spots provided. He was finally here. The beat of his heart reverberated throughout his whole body. His ear drums were ringing. He let himself out of the car to only be met with the cold. Thankfully, he had bundled up completely due to his great dislike of the cold. He had thrown on a pair of dark blue jeans and topped off his white collared shirt with a cozy black sweater. It was a bit cutesy for his typical style, but he knew the ladies would like it.

After locking the hummer he pocketed the keys. He was suddenly frozen in place by his nerves. Caleb had been completely fine until he was only ten steps away from meeting the girls. He didn't know if his counterpart would like him, or believe all the nonsense he was about to tell her. It was an odd situation no doubt. Also, it was already pretty late and there was a chance that the foster home wasn't even open. He nibbled on the inside of his cheek before finally gathering the nerve to walk up to the front door. He hesitated before knocking on the cherry wood door, but decided he couldn't wait for his brother. He knocked lightly just in case there were younger children attempting to sleep.

The door slowly opened to reveal a confused and kind looking lady. "Umm, hello? May I ask what your business is here at such a late hour?" Caleb gave a goofy grin just to look more friendly, "Well you see I was looking for Eleana and Anastasia Damian. They are really good friends of mine and I was looking to take them to a movie." He began to sweat. Wow Caleb! Greatest excuse I've ever heard. You probably look like a total ass. The lady gave a smile back and replied,"I'm sorry they aren't here right now. Maybe check back tomorrow? Now I have to get back to the children, have a good night." The woman then politely shut the door. Shit. Caleb sighed. He didn't want to persist because that would look awfully weird and she clearly didn't want to tell him where they were in case he was an actual creeper.

Caleb walked back to the hummer and sat on the bumper. He badly wanted to punch something. They were so close, and now it looked like they were going to have to wait another twelve hours. It wasn't all bad, but he had really got his hopes up. He sat there waiting for Hunter to return so he could deliver the bad news. At this point Caleb just wanted to sleep away the twelve hours so they would go by faster. He had desperately hoped that Hunter would just take him back to the hotel or at least somewhere else where he could be distracted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian
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#, as written by Airy






Anastasia lied on her back, trying her best to cozy herself up so the hard roof didn't make her too uncomfortable. Closing her eyes, she tried to block out the sounds of the world. No more coughs or chatter from the people below, no distant vehicles, no loud thumping of the music in the house. Opening her bright eyes back up, it was only her, the moon, the stars, and her thoughts.

She treasured the little moments she was alone. Her life often seemed too chaotic for her liking, constantly moving, meeting new people, and having to say goodbye after a short time. It was nice to just stop for awhile, be in the moment -- everything in stasis. As a kid she was a lot more open to gaining friends, not just acquaintances and people she 'just' talked to like now, but it got too hard. She didn’t know how long she was going to be there for them, and it not only hurt her but the others involved. Then again, social media was still pretty recent so she was sure she could connect with people still that way, but she didn’t like having her identity online. She didn’t quite understand technology anyways, she preferred to be off the grid. Anastasia didn’t like seeing people sad, so it was best to just make connections that seemed important or inevitable. The connection to her friend Jack was inevitable. He had confided in her, she in him, and there was no way to get rid of that bond. The connection she had to her sister was important. She was the only family she had, and Anastasia never felt truly alone with her by her side. She felt bad sometimes, though. She was pretty sure her sister was being held back by her, as Eleana didn’t want to leave her on her own. She wanted to tell her that it wasn’t true, that Anastasia would only be there to support her, but she didn’t know quite how to bring it up. She didn’t know hot to explain that being alone was okay with her, she didn’t want her sister to feel guilty or sad, all she wished for was her happiness.

A scuffling of the ladder beside her made Anastasia snap out of her little trace, and she sat back up to watch as her sister climbed up on the roof with her. It wasn’t all that surprising that she had found her, but Anastasia still gave a small laugh and a wide smile towards Eleana. β€œHey,” she replied back softly, as he sister leaned her head on her shoulder. Anastasia tilted her own head so it rested on top of hers, replying to her question, β€œI’m okay to go whenever, don’t leave on account of me.” she commented, moving her head back up to look at the people below her. Still, no one seemed to know of her and her sister’s raised presence. β€œI’m sorry about what I said to your friends, I realized I could have worded it a bit more-β€œ She paused for a moment, trying to figure out the right word. β€œBreezy?” she finished it off, feeling like it might be the right descriptive word. β€œI think I want to bake Mary Lou cookies. I don’t know if she heard the rumour yet, but I’m sure it’s going to go around the school. I know cookies won’t soften it, but it will let her know someone’s supporting her whether it’s true or not.” Cookies seemed liek a safe bet, most people liked cookies. They had a very warm connotation. Rethinking for a moment, she added, β€œI should probably put a note on them explaining their not β€˜congrats you’re pregnant’ cookies. Just a hello, I'm on your side. I really don’t think she's pregnant.”

Standing up on the roof, Anastasia slipped a bit, but caught herself with a small, breath of relief. Saying a small β€œoops,” she offered her sister a hand in order to help her up.

Smiling a bit, she quirked an eyebrow and teasingly asked, β€œdo you think if I jumped off the roof I could land in the pool?” She didn’t mean it literally though. Well, maybe. If her sister said she thought it was, she trusted that opinion and she just might do it for the experience.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Airy






Anastasia pretended to give a sad pout as her sister said,Β "there is no way I'm going to let you jump into the pool from the roof of this shed...", so she went to go down the roof, but turned around once more with a pleasantly surprised laugh as Eleana hollered in continuation, "....before I do!"

Making her way back to the edge of the roof, Anastasia couldn’t help but smile and laugh happily. She was shocked her sister did this, and she would make sure that this was a memory she’d never forget. There were only a couple of those and she was pretty sure Elena was in every single one. Slipping her shoes off, she dropped them so they would land on the pavement below. In reply to her sister’s yelling of "C'mon Sis! Betcha can't make a bigger splash than I did~", Anastasia grinned exuberantly, calling back, β€œEleana, you’ve become positively insane!” before doing the same as she had, leaping off the pool house’s roof and into the pool below. Landing with a splash, she couldn’t exactly tell if it had been bigger than her sisters, but she didn’t exactly care either. Popping her head back up to the surface, she brushed the wet blonde hair out of her eyes as it clung to her face, and laughed joyously while swimming over to her sister.

The buzz her sister had created with her leap of faith doubled once Anastasia did the same. It seemed to look like a few more people wanted to join in on the wildness of the situation, and Anastasia, although finding what she and Elena just did fun and adrenaline pumping, didn’t want to stay if more people would come along. Three or more is most defiantly a crowd, especially if it was a crowd of people Anastasia wasn’t comfortable with. Splashing some water at her sister’s face once she swam over to her, she said with a small giggle, β€œwe might want to leave now while we can,” before giving one final splash in her sister’s direction, and making her way over to the pools edge. Propping herself up, she easily lifted her petite frame out, but a sudden gust of cool wind almost made her want to go back in. She hadn’t exactly thought this through. She and her sister would probably be freezing their butt’s off all the way back home.

Moving over to where she dropped her shoes, she slipped them back on and quickly scurried over and retrieved her sister’s scarf and shoes for her as well and bringing them over to her. By this time, many people had made their way into the back yard, one being her friend Jack who was giving both Eleana and herself a look of pure confused shock. Anastasia just gave him a small wave and smile. Turning away, she felt a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach. She usually never got nervous in crowds, but more or less just… uncomfortable. Anastasia felt it was a bit odd. After removing the elastic hairband from her wrist and putting her wet hair up in a messy ponytail, she looked towards her sister, she spoke in her soft tone once more, β€œlet’s go home, I’m sure it’d be a good idea to dry off before we get sick from the cold," before moving towards to back gate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color : #bb0033
Thought Color : #E33638
Face Claim : Chace Crawford
Seasons (feat. Yuuwii & Weiwen) || Alan Crown
Played By : ηŒ«γƒγƒ
C A L E B . M A Y A L L
With his short attention span, Caleb was already bored while waiting in the car. He pulled out his phone, unlocked it, and checked his missed calls. He had three all from the same number. Definitely someone back home. He then put his phone up to his ear to listen to the one voicemail left in his inbox.

A dark raspy voice spoke up from the silence, "Return our calls. We need to talk, things have changed." Then the voicemail went silent again. Caleb shrugged, must be one of the elders. It can wait. Might as well just get the girls back home first. He then went to his messages to find one from a girl he met at the hotel. They were in the elevator together, and she was definitely attractive, so Caleb couldn't help himself. Plus she was an older girl, which is gold to Caleb. She had sent a picture of her and her friend at the hotel bar. "Hey Hunter, if this party blows we can meet up with these two girls at the hotel. They're both super cuuuuuuute." He looked over to his brother while he was driving and gave him a playful poke. No reaction. Absolutely none. Which Caleb shouldn't be surprised as his brother tended to be stoic and anti-women, in Caleb's mind at least.

”I think it’s safe to say this is the place.”

Hunter then pulled onto the lawn of the house with a few of the other cars. Caleb chuckled, "Man you really need to tell me your whole deal with parking on the street some day." He hopped out of the car to fix his hair and adjust his clothes to the perfect most attractive positions, so Caleb calls them. Suddenly he was struck with this sick feeling in his stomach. A feeling he had never felt before. It was a mixture of the butterflies you get when having your first kiss and that of food poisoning sickness. He turned to Hunter seeing if anything had changed only to notice him staring at the open fence to the backyard. Caleb waved his hand in front of his bothers face but there was no budge. He retracted his hand only to look over at the fence himself.

”They’re here.”

"What? You feel it too? Is that what this is?" The sensation was only worsening by every passing moment. He had never felt anything like this before. He wanted to vomit. "Yo I really don't feel so good. What do we do? Do we just go in and grab them from the party?' He tensed up, attempting to ignore the odd feeling in his stomach. At this point he just wanted to leave to avoid the pain he felt, but he knew he was so close. Thoughts began running through his mind again and he returned to his original nervous state. He didn't want to do it. For some reason he just couldn't build up enough nerve.

After looking at his brother once again for consultation, he decided to take action. He began walking towards the open fence. Upon reaching the entrance he leaned on one of the wooden posts creating half of the gate. There were people crowding around the pool. His eyes automatically began surveying the crowd for the girls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

~~~ Eleana Daimon ~~~

Eleana was having too much fun to recognize the unsettling feeling in her stomach. Had she stopped to pay attention to it she'd have realized that this feeling was similar to that of excitement and fear; quite foreboding. However she was splashing water at her sister and didn't even realize the anxious bundle of nerves that'd settled in her stomach.

As others started jumping in, Eleana saw her sister pull herself up onto the edge of the pool and swam over to her. "Let’s go home, I’m sure it’d be a good idea to dry off before we get sick from the cold," Anastasia said as she put her hair in a ponytail and stood. Eleana's eyes moved to the pool partiers who were now tossing around an inflatable ball and splashing, feeling a sense of longing. Truthfully she kind of wanted to stay, but her sister was right. A cool wind make Eleana shiver and she knew that it was time for them to go. "Yeah, you're right." she said, also pulling herself out of the water and taking her scarf and shoes from her sister. "Oh, hang on, I left my bag over there too."

Approaching the pool shed where her accessory lay, she noticed that inside were stacks of towels and she took two large ones before returning to where Anastasia was waiting for her. "Here, these'll help ward off the cold." she said, handing one to her sister before wrapping one around her own body, "I'll give them back to Jess after school on Monday - I'm sure he won't mind if we use them in the meantime."

After making sure that her sister's towel was snug around her body, Eleana put a gentle protective arm over her sister's shoulders. "You know, it's really late and I don't think it's such a good idea for use to walk home. Especially not when it's windy and we're both soaking wet. Should I ask somebody to give us a ride?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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#, as written by Airy






Taking the towel gratefully from her sister, Anastasia gave a small nod of appreciation and thanks before she began to wipe off her bare damp legs. She decided to bake the towel's owner cookies as well while she was at it.

After that, Anastasia wrapped her towel around herself comfortably before her sister slung an arm over her shoulders, saying, "you know, it's really late and I don't think it's such a good idea for use to walk home. Especially not when it's windy and we're both soaking wet. Should I ask somebody to give us a ride?" Anastasia thought for a moment. She was right, it was late, but she didn't particularly think anything bad was going to happen just walking a short couple of blocks away. It was a safe enough neighbourhood, always had been. But of course, there was a bunch of drunk kids probably around the place. They'd have a hard enough time just walking out of the front yard onto the street.

β€œOkay, you’re right. See if you can find someone, though, I’m not sure they’ll be many sober people. I’ll try and see if Jack can give us a quick lift if you can’t find anyone.” She didn’t really want to bother him anymore, but if her sister felt more comfortable getting a ride home, she couldn’t help but ask him. Looking past her sister to where Jack stood before in the backyard, she couldn’t see him anymore. β€œMeet me in the front yard okay? I’ll try and give him a phone call. Let me know if you can get someone else or if you spot him.” Smiling, she patted her sister lightly on the arm, before slipping away. Unwrapping the towel from herself, her clothes still very wet and clinging to her body, Anastasia brought the beach towel up to cover her face, trying to pat it dry. Turns out it was a bad idea to do that in a backyard full of people, because almost immediately she ran right smack into someone. Moving the towel away from her face, she showed a clearly shocked expression and looked up at the blonde haired boy who had just entered through the back gate and was leaning against the post. For some reason, he seemed almost… familiar? No, not that, she thought. He just seemed different, someone that although apart of the crowd, stood out to her in some odd way. β€œI’m so sorry,” Anastasia squeaked, her blue eyes wide. β€œI wasn’t looking where I was walking, please excuse me,” she continued on, lowering the tone of her voice to the softness it usually carried. Giving a slight apologetic smile, she slipped by the boy, daring to give a single curious and apprehensive glance back, before moving into the front yard.

If the back yard had been nearly barren before, the front yard would have been considered a ghost town. Maybe three people loitered around, but she didn’t get a good look at their faces. For some reason her nerves were getting more and more intense. It was a weird thing, and it was throwing her off. Standing in the middle of the yard, she slung the towel over her arm before pulling her phone out of the skirts pocket. Turns out, she had forgot to take it out when she jumped in the pool, so now it had some pretty bad water damage. It wouldn’t even turn on. With a small shrug to herself, she thought it was unfortunate, but not the end of the world. She would just have to wait for her sister patiently; Eleana would probably run into Jack if she went inside anyways.

Moving over to sit on the door stoop that had five steps leading up to it, she put the towel over her legs almost like a blanket. The night was only getting cooler as the night progressed, and Anastasia was getting a little tired herself. She liked the night though -- to stay up late was never a hard thing for her to achieve, but getting up? That was the struggle.

Staring up at the dark sky, the stars weren’t bright at all, to her slight disappointment. The florescent street lights seemed to block them out of vision. It was nearly a full moon though, only a couple of more days, so that was as bright as ever. Smiling silently to herself, she glanced back down, but an odd coloured vehicle caught her attention. She’d never seen a lime green hummer before, especially not in this town. Not anyone she knew owned it, she would have noticed it in the school parking lot. What was even more peculiar to her however was the blonde boy leaning against the vehicle. Nothing was strange about him in the traditional sense. Yes, he was handsome by any standard, but that wasn’t what made Anastasia feel odd about him. He gave off the same vibe, except on an even higher scale, of the boy she’d bumped into earlier. Hell, he kind of even looked like him a bit. Did she know him? She didn’t think she did, she tended to remember faces fairly well. Standing up from the stoop, she had an impulse to go over and ask him who he was, but the nerves in her stomach where making her apprehensive, as her instincts also told her to run inside and get Eleana, leaving as quickly as they could. Glancing around the dark night, she couldn’t exactly decide what to do next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬Image Image
Dialogue Color : #bb0033
Thought Color : #E33638
Face Claim : Chace Crawford
Swiggity || IZECOLD
Played By : ηŒ«γƒγƒ
C A L E B . M A Y A L L
While surveying the crowd he noticed his eyes being drawn to the pool. Emerging from the pristine water were two girls. Two girls who looked to be sisters. His heart began to beat fast and he was short of breath. It almost felt as if both his heart and lungs were to explode. His eyes fixated on one of the girls specifically. She had beautiful clear skin, sky blue eyes, and wavy gold locks that perfectly framed her face. She was gorgeous.

Caleb's face became red as he imagined not so appropriate things about this girl. Her clothes were wet and sticking firmly to her body. Both girls had jumped into the pool with their clothes on so he had noticed and now they were wrapping up in towels. Then after talking the two girls split off from each other. Caleb watched the girl he was focused on walk away and was to busy to notice the other sister until he finally was bumped into.

β€œI’m so sorry.” Caleb lowered his eyes to see the other sister. She was a small petite girl, very adorable.

β€œI wasn’t looking where I was walking, please excuse me,” Before he could say anything she trotted away. Caleb's eyes darted over to his brother who was still leaning against his car. Hunter was staring at the girl who had just bumped into him. That was surely Anastasia. It had to be. Which meant that the other girl was Eleana... Cal's eyes darted back over to where the girl had been standing, but she was gone. Immediately, almost as if it was an instinct, Caleb bolted towards the house.

Now there's a common rule for those who are around pools and or are pool owners. No running. Caleb had thus made a fatal mistake. Out of nowhere a large puddle appeared under Caleb's step causing his feet to lose grip. As if it was a staged scene, Caleb went flying into the pool, knocking his head on the hard concrete edge. Before going completely unconscious, a wave a pain flowed through his whole being. Not only had he hated water, but his head was just slammed against the ground. Plus his expensive sweater was now ruined.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

~~~ Eleana Daimon ~~~
As Eleana walked into John's house she was able to look around and see the mess the party goers had made and felt a twing of pity for him. However she felt something much stronger than that twing of pity which she couldn't exactly place. It was... it was like excitement. And fear. And it felt like it was getting harder for her to breath (though she was breathing just fine). What was going on? Sure she'd just jumped into the pool and was totally soaked, but as she tugged the towel around her shoulders closer she knew that this wasn't it. Maybe it was because it was getting dark. Eleana had never been a huge fan of the dark and was admittedly a little sleepy, but again that wasn't the answer.

Shaking her head slightly Eleana tried to refocus on her actually purpose for coming inside; see if she could find someone willing to drive her and her sister home. It was somewhat empty realized that most everyone was outside either splashing in the pool or just talking / watching the swimmers, and that she'd have much better luck finding a ride for her sister and herself if she were to follow them all outside again.

Suddenly there were some shrill screams and Eleana jumped, the nerves that had her feeling somewhat wary before now had her completely on edge. She ran back outside to where the screams seemed to have some from but was unable to see what had happened due to the crowd of people. Driven by a focus she could not explain, she shoved her way through the people and finally saw what all the commotion was about.

There was a man.

No, an angel.

With short light brown hair and gorgeous green eyes, Eleana could possibly be convinced that this was God Himself. His skin had an olive tone to it and she could see that he was fairly well built, even with a black sweater on over his torso in addition to white undershirt and some dark blue jeans. He was by far the most handsome guy Eleana had ever laid eyes on and she was frozen for a moment or two before another shrill squeal of "Oh my God he's bleeding!" snapped her out of it.

Having gone catatonic for a few moments due to the sudden overwhelming attractive to this stranger, Eleana had completely missed the fact that he was at the bottom of the pool and the water around his head was tinted pink.

Without thinking the towel around her shoulders fluttered to the ground as Eleana shoved past the people in front of her, who were apparently too stunned to act, with a strangled cry of "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!!" before she dove head first into the pool. Eleana wasn't an official life guard or anything but she loved to swim and found that she was usually the one who kept on eye on the younger kids (*cough*Anastasia*cough*) in case something went wrong.

Plunging into the pool Eleana swam to the bottom, grabbing a firm hold on the handsome stranger's clothes before pulling him up to the surface again. Breaking the surface of the water she was thankful for the number of hands who reached in and pulled the two of them out of the pool and up onto the side again. Wiping water from her eyes Eleana looked around for the handsome stranger who'd been pulled up separately, and felt another cold wave of fear sweep over her as she saw a guy (Darrel from her math class) kneeling over him as say "He's not breathing!" Another girl's voice cried out in response, "Somebody call an ambulance!" followed by "Does anyone know CPR?"

Eleana stumbled over, all but collapsing by the handsome stranger's side. 'Why does he seem so familiar?' the thought passed through her mind as she did a few chest compression before gently opening his airway, leaning down and pressing her lips against his, 'Why do I feel so compelled to be near him?' And after a few more breathes and chest compressions she felt his body twitch, drawing back as he started coughing up water. "Hey! Someone get me a towel and an icepack! Hurry!" she shouted to the crowd that'd gathered around, a few people turned and ran inside to do as Eleana had asked as she herself turned her attention.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked breathlessly, utter relief sweeping through her as he sat up and coughed up water. She was still kneeling by his side and pushed her dripping blonde hair out of her face before she started patting his back comfortingly, and was rather surprised to find; 'He's incredibly warm...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

Hunter had unconsciously stepped closer to the petite blonde as he waited for her to respond. It would quickly occur to him that being so close might be intimidating, but he couldn't help himself.
If it wasn't for several people screaming in the backyard Hunter probably would have cupped the girl's chin in his hand, but as soon as the said screams began he had a distinct pull on his soul that snapped him back into reality - he knew his brother needed him.
"Caleb!" he'd say, before turning from the girl and running towards the open gate. Hunter had to push through a group of people before he was able to fully see his brother, drenched from head to toe and out cold on the ground beside the pool.
"What happened!?" he yelled as he rushed to his brother's side. There were a few people crowding around Caleb and he'd push them all away but the one performing CPR, a slender blonde with bright blue eyes and a noticeable similarity to the girl he had just pulled himself away from. He knew they had found the girls, but in the moment he didn't care, he was more concerned with his brother's condition. Thankfully the CPR worked, and as soon as Caleb started to cough up water Hunter would lift him up a bit from the back to help clear his airway, and only after he was sure his brother was breathing okay would he lift him up from the ground and put him in a chair off to the side of the crowd of partygoers, who slowly but surely were making Hunter uncomfortable.
"What the hell man, can't you swim?" he'd whisper to his brother, lightly pushing him in the shoulder. The last thing Hunter wanted to be was the center of attention but at the moment both him and his brother were just that - the center of everyone’s attention, so he'd say the first thing he could think of to get people to back away from them.
"He needs space."
His voice was firm but low, and only a few people moved back - which annoyed Hunter to no end, so he'd repeat himself but this time yell, with a look on his face that could kill. Second time's the charm indeed, for nearly everyone moved away from them and either moved back inside or to the other side of the pool to partake in their own fun in the pool.
Hunter would look back towards his brother once everyone had moved away and sigh, before sitting in a chair across from him. "I can't take you anywhere." he'd say sarcastically as he leaned back. It was only then, after he knew his brother was save, that he'd let his mind drift back to the reason they had came here. Hunter looked around for the girl he had approached on the front lawn, but he'd instead spot the girl who had been by his brother's side performing CPR. While the pull between him and her wasn’t nearly as strong as the pull between him and the girl on the front yard it was still there, and as he stared at her he realized their long journey was over, they had found their missing halves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Airy






Anastasia got up from where she sat on the porch and couldn't help but dart her eyes over to the boy once more. She honestly just wanted to walk up to him and study his every feature. This fascination only after having taking one glimpse of him was utterly perplexing her. She'd never felt this before. This feeling far stretched any normal attraction she could have to a person. It wasn't his handsome appearance that was drawing her in or the odd mysterious cold air that radiated off of him that tantalized her curiosity, it was something much more. Something intense, something she couldn't even describe. It was almost like she could sense everything he was her whole being; she was so sensitive to his presence. She knew how many steps it would take just to reach out with her arm and touch his face. She could even sense the space between them getting closer by the millimeter as he walked up to her, staring at her with the same face she assumed she was giving him.

As he stuttered a sorry and seemingly snapping out of whatever daze he was in, she couldn't help but stay in her almost traced and mystified state. His voice was definitely not familiar, knowing very well she'd never heard it before. She was so certain she'd never met him once before in her life, but at this point, it seemed impossible that she never had at the same time. Her head was flying in a thousand different directions, and she couldn't even say a word when he asked for her name. It was like she had lost the ability to talk. She just took on an almost defensive stance, not knowing what else to do. She didn't want to run, she wanted to stay by him, but that freaked her out more. Why was she being like this?

As he took a step forward, she couldn't help but do it too. Yet, that small tug of whatever was pulling them towards each other quickly snapped, and she came back down to earth as yells and screams came from the back yard. Stepping back, she ran into the backyard trailing behind the blonde haired boy, fearing the worst. She hoped to god it wasn't Eleana.

Slowing down as she took in the scene, she let herself release a small breath of relief. It wasn't Eleana, but the boy she had run into only minutes ago. The boy she had been staring at seemed to know him well, considering his concerned face and worry. She thought she could almost feel his relief as he saw him snap his eyes open. Now that she recalled, she remembered him calling out the name 'Caleb.' So that must be his name at least.

Stepping forward a bit from where she was standing back taking everything in, Anastasia went straight into her concerned mode for the one injured and she was about to kick the people out of the backyard before the boy she felt so drawn too did it instead. Smiling a bit at that, she decided to do something else instead. Rushing back over to the pool shed, slipping by easily, she grabbed three extra towels before moving over to the group that still sort of loitered outside splashing in the dissipating red tinted pool. "Hey, I think there's a beer pong tournament inside again. The winner get's five hundred bucks I think?" Anastasia smiled lightly, trying her best to be convincing. She hated lying, and she was terrible at it.. However, the drunk kids didn't seem to really know the difference of her blatant lie, so they easily cleared out, quickly scrambling out of the pool. She was concerned someone was going to slip and fall again.

Walking back over to the three, she quickly wrapped a towel around her soaking wet sister, rubbing her slightly on the back. Eleana was shaken up, and as much as Anastasia wanted to deal with that first off, she couldn't help but notice that even if the boy was conscious, there was a definite gash in his forehead.

Letting herself drift over slightly to the boy who sat himself down in the chair, she gently tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Uhm," she started saying a little quietly, a little shocked at the feeling that surged through her fingertips from where she touched him. Odd. Fumbling a bit to readjust her grip on the two towels in her hand, she spoke again still a little flustered, "Sorry about earlier, the staring, I mean," Quickly shaking her head a bit feeling distracted by his presence, she cleared her throat and asked, "[color=#a084aa]Is he your friend? Or family maybe?" Thinking of how close the two looked like one another, it wouldn't be a stretch to think they'd be brothers or even cousins.Letting her eyes shift back to the bleeding boy, she quickly looked back over to the boy in the chair and said and said a little rushed, "you might need to take him to get stitches and get checked for a concussion," before moving back to the other blonde. Passing him one towel so he could dry off, with a small smile, she said softly and apologetically, "I'm just going to take a look at your head, I'm really sorry if it hurts." Pressing the third and final towel she had in her hand on the wound as gently as she could, she removed it and lightly touched his forehead around the wound, making sure not to touch it directly so as not to infect it. That weird tingling surge in her fingers she'd felt moment ago when she'd gently touched the others boys shoulder persisted again, but she barely noticed it through her focused manner.

The wound was swelling fast, and it looked red, angry and deep. Having gotten plenty gashes in her lifetime, there was no doubt he'd need some stitches on that sucker. Putting the towel back on the forehead as the blood hadn't stopped, she turned back around to look at the boy she was still so sensitive too. "Do you think you could bring him in your car, or do you think we need an ambulance?" Turning back, she glanced up at her worried sister and gave a kind and encouraging smile. She looked like she wanted to help. "Eleana, can you keep the pressure on the wound?" She questioned, removing the towel once more in order to pass it to her. Taking a final glance at the wound, before she let Eleana take over, she couldn't help but noticeably widen her eyes. The wound was fine. Well, not fine. There was still a pretty good cut there, but it wasn't bleeding nearly as bad, nor did it look as deep. "What-" she murmured to herself. Did she imagine how bad it was before? Standing up from where she had crouched on the ground, she gazed at the cut curiously, saying, "maybe you don't need stitches after all."

Anastasia must have been more tired than she thought she was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬Image Image
Dialogue Color : #bb0033
Thought Color : #E33638
Face Claim : Chace Crawford
Tear In My Heart || Twenty One Pilots
Played By : ηŒ«γƒγƒ
C A L E B . M A Y A L L
An angel descended from the heavens before him. She was a beautiful specimen. She looked exactly like Eleana, the twin. Caleb's heart began to beat hard as she came closer to him. She was getting awfully close, but Caleb couldn't move, not that he wanted to. Then with a swift movement, she pressed her lips against his, and Caleb felt an overwhelming warmth. They began kissing passionately until out of nowhere, she began to drift away from him. He tried to run towards her, since he obviously wasn't finished, but his feet were firmly planted to the ground. Then after the angel finally disappeared, the room went black. All the creamy clouds and orange light vanished.

Water began exiting out of his lungs in a hoarse cough. He shot up into a sitting position, trying to regain his composure. His head ached, and his body was overwhelmingly hot. He was warm enough to want to jump back in the pool again. As the black began to exit from his eyes, he could clearly see again. In front of him was Eleana. His cheeks began to grow red after the naughty dream he just had with her in it.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Caleb nodded slowly, attempting to not pass out from the pain he had within his head. He reached a hand up to his forehead to feel a gash oozing with blood. Now, Caleb wasn't the best with blood so this wasn't the best situation for him. His face went pale and his stomach began to gurgle as if he was about to vomit. However, he didn't want to vomit in the presence of such a beautiful girl and instead swallowed the lump inside his throat.

Suddenly Hunter appeared and Caleb shuddered. Oh god... He's gonna do me in. I fucked up.

"What the hell man, can't you swim?"

He remained silent as Hunter had already left to yell at people to give him space. Finally Anastasia came on to the scene. She conversed with Hunter until she came over to Caleb in order to examine the wound.

Stitches? That was no good. Caleb and Hunter couldn't go to a hospital here, they weren't even on file. Technically they were illegally in the country. When Anastasia placed a hand on his forehead a warmth began to surge through him. The spot where the gash was began to tingle and itch and it almost felt as if it was.... closing? Anastasia's eyes got wide. "What... What is it, did it get worse?" To Caleb's surprise, it was actually the opposite. When he dragged his fingers along the gash, it had completely closed. No more blood except the blood that had already gotten on to the rest of his forehead. His eyes looked puzzled, "What the hell? What did you do?" Then it suddenly hit him. This was their powers.

Caleb's body felt like it was on fire. He really couldn't handle it anymore. He popped up onto his feet, as if nothing had happened, and rushed over to Caleb. "Hey man... Look I'm sorry, but we really need to go back to the hotel. I think I have a fever or something, I really don't feel well. You can bring them with us, I don't care. I just need to take a cold shower or something. I sure as hell don't want to get back into that pool."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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"What the hell? What did you do?" Caleb yelled out as the gash on his head seemingly vanished from the mere touch of the girl's fingers. It was immediately obvious to Hunter what had happened and he knew this was the beginning of their trek down the unpredictable and bumpy road of learning to properly use and control their powers, and while Hunter and Caleb had been prepared in a sense by the elders warning them of this day it was going to be a completely new, and possibly frightening, experience for Eleana and Anastasia.
"She healed you genius"
Hunter knew the girls were probably confused, and cavalierly mentioning the fact that his brother was "healed" probably did nothing but throw them off more.

"Hey man... Look I'm sorry, but we really need to go back to the hotel. I think I have a fever or something, I really don't feel well. You can bring them with us, I don't care. I just need to take a cold shower or something. I sure as hell don't want to get back into that pool"
Caleb was clearly wanting leave and as Hunter listened to his brother go on he'd sigh. His twin was leaving him the task of convincing the girls to come with them and the thought of doing that made him want to pick Caleb up by the back of his jacket, throw him back towards the two girls, and force him to talk, but instead Hunter simply walked away from his brother and approached the girls.
"Thanks" was the first thing he'd think to say as he looked at who he knew was Anastasia even though she had yet to tell him her name. He'd eventually let his gaze drift over to Eleana and thank her as well before unconsciously scratching the back of his head. He wasn't really sure how to get them to come with him and his brother and figured telling them the truth so abruptly would only push them further away, so instead he said the first thing that popped in his head.
"Uh, are you guys hungry? There's this um, decent restaurant in the lobby of our hotel and I guess we could eat there while he..."

Hunter let his voice trail off as he looked back at his brother for a moment. "...takes a shower or whatever."
Caleb was better suited for this kind of thing but Hunter had tried his best to convince them without his brother's help.
"Or we can take you home, either way I think we're leaving."
Hunter pulled his keys out his pocket and stared at the twins for a few seconds more before turning away and making his way over towards Caleb, who he'd help hold up by his arm.
"Come on Sir. Klutz."

As Hunter was helping his brother to his car he wasn't sure if the girls were following behind them or not, and he had to continuously fight the urge to look behind him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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~~~ Eleana Daimon ~~~

Eleana was totally obvious to Anastasia and another stranger as they told off the crowd and people shuffled away from the scene slowly, content that the action was now over. "Do you think you could bring him in your car, or do you think we need an ambulance? Eleana, can you keep the pressure on the wound?" Anastasia asked and Eleana nodded as she removed the towel, however froze as she saw her sister's eyes get wide. "What is it?" she asked, feeling mild panick again settle in her stomach, but as Anastasia removed the towel this fear was replaced by surprise as she saw that the wound was nearly gone. "Maybe you don't need stitches after all." Anastasia said, confusion in her voice that echoed Eleana's own concerns.

"What the hell man? Can't you swim?" came the panicked, angry voice of another guy and Eleana looked up to see and second handsome stranger (whom she'd not noticed before) standing there. There was a strange pull towards him she felt, however it was not nearly as powerful as the one she felt towards the first guy, who began to respond. "Hey man... Look I'm sorry, but we really need to go back to the hotel. I think I have a fever or something, I really don't feel well. You can bring them with us, I don't care. I just need to take a cold shower or something. I sure as hell don't want to get back into that pool."

'What just happened?' she wondered, looking between the three of them. Anastasia had a look on her face that Eleana had never seen before and wasn't sure what to make of it, though she had a feeling it was relatively similar to the one on her own face. 'What is going on? Did- Did Anastasia just heal him or something? I know I didn't just imagine that injury on his forehead.' Her eyes turned to the two guys. 'They've got to be brothers or something. But that doesn't explain why... why I feel so... drawn to the two of them. Especially him... What is going on?'

Her thoughts were interrupted by one of the guy's who offered a word of thanks before continuing, "Uh, are you guys hungry? There's this um, decent restaurant in the lobby of our hotel and I guess we could eat there while he takes a shower or whatever. Or we can take you home, either way I think we're leaving." he said rather nonchalantly as he helped the other guy up to his feet. "A-Actually, if you wouldn't mind dropping us off at home, that'd be fantastic." Eleana said, relief in her voice as her hand found her sister's and squeezed it tightly. Whether this relief was because she and Anastasia wouldn't have to walk home soaked to the bone on a cold night, or because this meant she'd have a little more time to spend with this handsome stranger (whose name seemed to be "Sir Klutz", according to the person who appeared to be his brother) she would never tell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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#, as written by Airy






Anastasia was a little stunned by the boys questioning of "What the hell? What did you do?" that she literally took a tiny step back and her eyes widened in the slightest. Honestly, it wasn't because of his own confused tone or the sort of accusatory words, but mostly because she didn't believe she could possibly have done anything. She had only touched the wound; she could still feel a little bit of the unsettling blood on her fingertips.

Soon enough, however, the boy popped back up and went over to the other guy, stating that he just wanted to go home and that they could bring the girls with them. She also took note of the fact he'd said hotel. So that further proved her suspicions that they didn't live in town, nor moved there. They were simply visiting. Why the hell then, did they still seem so familiar to her?

Turning around to stare at the boy she was oh-so-drawn too, she slightly gaped at his statement of "She healed you genius." She most certainly did not heal him, though, she was very happy it wasn't as serious as she first assumed. The most logical explanation probably was that he most likely had thin blood due to some condition or medication that caused a small cut to bleed much more profusely than it should have. The excess blood probably made Anastasia believe it was more deep of a cut then it truly was.

Awkwardly looking down at his thanks, she wanted to say that there was no need for it considering she hadn't been very helpful, but instead she decided to just say a small "I'm just glad it's okay."

She considered his offer for a few moments before she was surprised by the sudden squeeze of her sister’s hand. Anastasia clasped both her hands over hers in return, and as the boys walked away, her eyes never left them until they were out of sight. Turning her head quickly to look at her sister, she sputtered out "I think we should go to the hotel." She quickly realized that she probably needed to explain, so she cleared her throat and continued β€œI’ts fine if you want to go home, but I think I’m going to go. There’s something odd about them and I want to find out what; besides, I’m almost certain that one boy has a concussion and I don’t think It’s safe if just one person is looking out for him.” All of these were true. Despite her impulse telling her to run, go home and not even get into the bright coloured hummer, there was that other part of her that was just too curious and needed answers to the very new feelings she had acquired. From her sister’s reactions and face before hand, it seemed like it was safe to assume she felt the same sort of feelings as well to at least one, or both, of the guys.

Why had those guys even come to the party in the first place? It almost seemed like they were looking for someone. They obviously weren’t from around here and she safely assumed they didn’t know anyone at the party since they hadn’t talked to anyone but Anastasia and her sister. She couldn’t believe they were looking for them, but then again, they did seem to recognize them as well.

God, Anastasia didn’t know what to think, and it was bothering her too much.

Smiling at her sister, trying to seem convincing, she said β€œWe can leave at anytime, we can call a taxi, or I’m sure crash at one of your friends. I don’t think the foster home is going to be overly thrilled we’re walking in so late anyway. ” Still holding onto her sister’s hand, she gently pulled her along with her to the front yard, but before she got into the truck, she called out to the boys, β€œI’m sorry, me and my sister never got your names?” Maybe if she heard them, some past memory of them would pop into her head and solve all her questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬Image Image
Dialogue Color : #bb0033
Thought Color : #E33638
Face Claim : Chace Crawford
Finally (feat. Joshua Serwin) || Olwik
Played By : ηŒ«γƒγƒ
C A L E B . M A Y A L L
So hot.

It was unbearable. It was as if his body wanted to catch on fire.

Well it was surely confirmed that these girls were the twins, Hunter surely knew as he claimed Anastasia healed him. Hunter then, with a glare in his eye, walked over to the girls to somehow convince them to drive in a car with two guys they had never met. Caleb's head was pounding. Despite the gash being healed, he still felt the pain, which meant it must be internal. How could I be so careless? He let out a groan and steadied himself by placing his hands on the pool chair.

"A-Actually, if you wouldn't mind dropping us off at home, that'd be fantastic."

Calebs heart sank, for some reason he was really hoping Eleana would come along, but what could he expect, he didn't even thank her. Crap! He then walked over to stand next to his brother. "I'm so sorry. I never said thank you to either of you. Thank you so much, I would've surely been a goner without you two. And who knew a girls kisses could be like medicine." Caleb winked at Eleana jokingly then realized how inappropriate it was given the situation. "Sorry for that..." He then stumbled back over to the chair and sat down embarrassed.

After a few moments passed, Hunter walked over to him. Caleb looked up and took his offer of help to the car. "Hey man. I'm sorry. I got too excited. I mean look at her, how could I not run after that angel? I just hope they come with."

Once they reached the car Caleb heard what sounded to be Anastasia's voice calling from behind.

β€œI’m sorry, me and my sister never got your names?”

Caleb knowing about Hunter's social anxiety answered for the both of them. "Well, glad you asked! My name is Caleb Mayall, and this is my handsome brother Hunter. You can call me Cal though if you feel so inclined, and him 'Lady Killer'." He swung his arm across Hunter's shoulders playfully. Then, not wanting to be creepy by already knowing their names, Caleb returned the question. "How bout you ladies?" He hadn't quite noticed, but sweat droplets began to form on his forehead and well, his whole body really. The heat had really started causing a problem. He pushed away from his brother, attempting to avoid any further friction and rested on the cold metal of the hummer.

Caleb's gaze fell on Eleana. She looked very uneasy and he began to worry that they would have to depart and leave her at home. First impressions really were everything, and Caleb and Hunter's were very suspicious.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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(OOC: Sorry for the delay, had a busy few days between taking my mom to the ER, dealing with repo guys trying to take our car, and roomie spraining her ankle and needing help with everything.)

Hunter just let his brother talk when he began apologizing, he didn't respond but the expression on his face would relax.

β€œI’m sorry, me and my sister never got your names?” Anastasia suddenly asked. Thankfully Caleb spoke up so he didn't need to, but Hunter's relief would quickly morph into a feeling of regret when his brother told the twins he was a "lady killer."
"Guess that is what I get for letting you answer for me."
Hunter muttered to himself before closing his door and starting up the engine. He'd wait for the girls to decide to get in or not before backing out of the front yard and onto the road again.

The ride back to the hotel took little more than thirty minutes, and the entire time Hunter couldn't help but consistently glance back at Anastasia and Elena in his rear-view mirror - so much so that he almost ran a couple of red lights along the way.
Once the hotel came into view and they were further into downtown the traffic would pick up, but Hunter still kept up his pace and within five minutes they'd pull into the luxury hotel's parking lot. The hotel was more luxury than the twins needed and much more than anyone would expect them to have, but with the elder's footing the bill they might as well enjoy 5-star comforts.
Hunter brought the vehicle around the side of the hotel a few yards away from a side entrance door and then shut the engine off. He lingered in the driver's seat for a few seconds, taking in everything that had just happened and the fact that they finally had the twins in the car, before unbuckling himself and hopping out the car.
"There's a restaurant the left. Order drinks or whatever and charge it to Penthouse Suite 2, we'll be back"

Hunter knew his brother didn't wanna let them slip through their fingers, and if Hunter was honest with himself neither did he, but he wanted to talk to his brother in their room first, so after his brother got out of the car he'd learn over and whisper low enough that only Caleb would hear him.
"Don't bitch, we need to talk upstairs first...I don't think they're going anywhere."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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(I'm so sorry for my absence everyone - over spring break my aunt was hit by a car and it's been an extremely stressful week as she's been in and out of the ICU. Thank you for your patience as I finally get back in the swing of things.)

~~~ Eleana Daimon ~~~
"I'm so sorry. I never said thank you to either of you. Thank you so much, I would've surely been a goner without you two. And who knew a girls kisses could be like medicine." said the attractive stranger and Eleana felt her face heat up as he winked at her, feeling butterflies in her stomach. However she tried (and likely failed) to hide this elation as he seemed to somber up, perhaps realizing that now was not exactly the time. "Sorry for that..." "No, please, there's no need to apologize."she said with a faint smile, "I'm just thankful I was nearby. It didn't seem like anyone else knew what to do, or were sober enough to do it."

As he walked off to talk to his brother, Eleana turned to her sister again. "I think we should go to the hotel." Anastasia said and Eleana felt a cold wave wash over her. "It's fine if you want to go home, but I think I’m going to go. There’s something odd about them and I want to find out what; besides, I’m almost certain that one boy has a concussion and I don’t think It’s safe if just one person is looking out for him.” Anastasia said and Eleana felt her heart nearly stop. There was absolutely no way she was going to let her sister go to a hotel with two strangers that they'd just met all by herself. However she knew very well that she wouldn't be able to persuade her sister otherwise when she'd clearly made up her mind. This left only one option: Eleana had to come along.

As if sensing her discomfort Anastasia added, β€œWe can leave at anytime, we can call a taxi, or I’m sure crash at one of your friends. I don’t think the foster home is going to be overly thrilled we’re walking in so late anyway." which helped release some of the tension that'd tightened her chest and Eleana offered a meek smile as her sister squeezed her hand gently. "Well... okay, I guess. As long as we can leave whenever we want. It's still the weekend after all so it's not like we have anything to do." she said, letting herself be pulled along by her sister and getting into the car after Anastasia who (almost as an after thought) said, β€œI’m sorry, me and my sister never got your names?”

"Well, glad you asked! My name is Caleb Mayall, and this is my handsome brother Hunter. You can call me Cal though if you feel so inclined, and him 'Lady Killer'." said Caleb, and Eleana felt a small shiver run through her body. She now had a name for the angel she'd saved, whose lips were so soft and body so warm, eyes so beautiful and face so handsome....

Eleana snapped out of her momentary stupor and a blush spread across her cheeks as she realized what had just been running through her head, refocusing as the ang- er - Caleb, asked for her and her sister's names as Hunter got in the front seat of the car, backing out into the road and driving off. "I'm Eleana Daimon, and this is my twin sister Anastasia." Eleana said and glanced across the back seat at her sister, taking notice of her damp clothes and half dry hair, before realizing that she herself was still rather soaked (and cold at that) having jumped in a second time to save Caleb. Upon this realization she suddenly felt the chill, putting her scarf around her shoulders and turning the AC vents away from her subtly in an attempt not to get any colder. She was really not a fan of the cold - it seemed to seep into your bones and freeze you from the inside out. She was much more inclined to a sunny beach or something of the like.

The ride to the hotel was about 30 minutes of strangely comfortable silence with occasional small talk, before they pulling up at a luxury hotel. Eleana's eyes got wide as she gazed at the building, never having stayed somewhere so fancy, and she got out of the car soundlessly in awe. "There's a restaurant the left. Order drinks or whatever and charge it to Penthouse Suite 2, we'll be back." Hunter said, then murmured something to his brother before they both turned away.

Eleana turned to Anastasia. "You don't figure they'd have a gift store or something inside, do you? I'm freezing but having nothing to wear other than these wet clothes." she said quietly, tugging the now damp scarf around her shoulders as if that'd help warm her up any.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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#, as written by Airy





(It's quite alright, no need to apologize!
I'm very sorry to hear about your aunt and
mother. I also hope your roomate is okay.
Feel free to message me at anytime if any
of you need to vent or talk!)


As the boy named Caleb introduced him and his brother, who she now knew as Hunter, Anastasia looked down at her feet and gave a small silent laugh to herself at the nickname his brother used for him, covering her mouth in attempts to make it look like a cough. She didn't particularly think she'd call the boy 'Lady Killer' herself, but from his handsome looks she wouldn't doubt that people, other then his brother, had ever called him it to his face either.

Hunter seemed a little more introverted then his clearly more extroverted brother who was using any chance he got to eye and charmingly flirt with her sister. It was obvious her sister was interested, and he seemed like a nice enough guy, but Anastasia still wanted to be careful about the whole situation, no matter how much her instincts told her to trust them, more particularly the introverted one of the brother duo, but then flee at the same time.

As her sister was the one to introduce the two as they climbed into the car, Anastasia stayed silent, trying her best to keep her eyes staring out the window, trying her hardest to ignore how cold she was and how utterly nervous and distracted she felt. Of course at times during the thirty-minute car ride Anastasia took the time to glance over at her even more cold-stricken sister and Hunter, who's eye she caught once or twice before quickly averting them away, but she more or less kept track of any notable scenery outside that she could easily use in order to find her way back to where they had gotten before. It wasn't so much memorizing scenery in case of emergency, it was more or less just a habit for her. There was nothing else to do anyways.

As they pulled into the lot of a rather expensive looking hotel, Anastasia couldn't help but widen her blue eyes in a little bit of surprise. So between the expensive looking hummer and the hotel, and the fact she said they could charge whatever to the penthouse suite, it was safe to assume the brothers came from some sort of money. It wasn't a big deal or anything, but it was odd. Both her and Eleana never had come from money, hell, they never really came from anything to begin with. Anastasia worked a job at a local cafΓ© that doubled as a used bookstore, and all their deceased mother’s money had gone into them into an account, but it was never much money; just enough that they never felt like they had to burden others. The boy’s life seemed to be quite the contrast to their own.

Anastasia was about to say something to Hunter about how she’d be perfectly fine paying, but her sister asked her, β€œyou don't figure they'd have a gift store or something inside, do you? I'm freezing but having nothing to wear other than these wet clothes," before Anastasia could utter any reluctances to the boy. Finally breaking her eyes away from Hunter, she peered at her sister and gave a small smile, answering, β€œif there’s not, I’m sure the hotel will be kind enough to let us borrow something.” Anastasia herself, who never was truly bothered by the cold, was now shivering on occasion due to her still not dry clothing.

Making her way in to the hotel's side entrance, Anastasia immediately stopped in her tracks, fully taking into view the modern surroundings. She quickly shook her head however and looked to see Eleana’s reaction. She didn’t want to stand there looking too baffled and shell-shocked from the pretty setting, however, since they didn’t have time to gawk, no matter how much Anastasia may have wanted to aimlessly wander around. Looking over at the left, she saw the restaurant, and made a mental note as to its location, before walking around the corner to the information desk. The woman wearing the deep blue pants suit gave her and Eleana a quick once over, and while she notably took pause as their wet appearance, still asked with a kind smile, β€œHello, What can I do for you?” Anastasia smiled back. β€œHello, do you perhaps have a gift store or some place that we can purchase a sweater? We had a rather unfortunate situation with a pool tonight,” she explained softly, glancing slightly over at her sister. Really, the situation at first wasn’t unfortunate at all. They’d jumped into the pool on purpose. However, her sister’s second time wasn’t necessary welcome-- that time was under a rather unfortunate and bloody circumstance.

The lady pointed around the corner, offering, β€œthere’s a small shop right around the corner currently It’s not open-β€œ the woman paused for a moment before snapping her fingers at the man working beside her before continuing, β€œbut Matthew here would be happy to open it up for you considering your circumstance.” The man nodded, before generically smiling at both Anastasia and Eleana, stating, β€œof course, follow me” before moving from behind the help desk and around the corner to where the presumed gift store was.