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Grace Barnelle

"I so want to slice you up."

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a character in “In Love and Mafia”, originally authored by Polarisbear12, as played by RolePlayGateway


♩ Grace Barnelle ♩

Monster | Skillet
♠Image Song
Whispering | Alex Clare



Raptor ||Despite her appearance Grace is a very vicious person. Hence the nickname people have given her, one most people fear.
Gracie ||Only those truly close to her have been able to get away with calling her that.
♠Love Interest
♠Face Claim
Hikage||Senran Kagura

♩ Appearance ♩

Slender ||Toned||Curvy
♠Hair Color
♠Eye Color
Grace despite of her violent nature has very few scars and refuses to add piercings to her two-piece collect. The more notable scars are the few cuts on her arms from fights and a few more around her abdomen and thighs. And speaking of her two piece collection of snake tattoos, one is on her left breast while the other resting on her left hip.
As per say of any woman Grace is the kind most girls her age strive to become and will go to any means in accomplishing that. She is of decent height with a toned body that is more or less flawless save for the scars that pop up here and there. With her usual feral or furtive eyes most people either fear her or see her as weak.
♠Preferred Clothing
Grace usually wears torn up blue jeans that accentuate her curves accompanied by shirts with only one sleeve with a low cut neckline. When on the job she is never seen without her leather constricts that hold about 24 knives or six on each limb. Sometimes she will even wear her school uniforms or maid outfits if she's too lazy to change into her work clothes when coming from school or working at a restaurant. The one thing you will see that is common in her outfits are frills and knives. Most of her shirts or dresses have frills that often hide the knives she never goes without. When attending school, Grace does indeed wear the schools uniform but she doesn’t follow the regulations on how to wear it. Meaning she’ll leave the top two buttons undone, the tie loose and she doesn’t really care much for tucking in her shirt.


Tongue|| Grace has the habit of sticking her tongue out whenever she's on the job or is concentrating on something; often revealing a long pink tongue that reminds people of a snake. She has even gone so far as to lick her one of her many blades whether or not it was bloodied.
Feral Behavior|| Often times in a fight Grace will act more like an animal than a human.
Singing||Grace loves the song Amazing Grace since her father was the one to introduce the song to her. You will usually hear Grace sing the song on a job or simply to pass time often sounding eerie doing so.
Expert Knife Fighter|| Grace is an expert on knives and their many uses as it is her favorite weapon to use in a fight. Hardly ever missing and quick to draw Grace is known for her skill with them and is able to apply this skill to similar items.
Parkour|| Life as a thief Grace had to learn the ways of the world and hoe to make a quick escape
Unconventional Weapons || Grace has the ability to turn just about anything sharp and hand-held into a weapon. Be it a fork, a key or even a cup. Anything can be turned into a weapon and is seen as a weapon.
Spicy foods||Guns||Weak People||When she can't use her knives||Arrogance
Knife Collecting|| If you were to go in her room the first thing you will notice are the countless knives that are lined along her walls and are hidden all over the place just for her to use and she is constantly cleaning them even if she hasn’t used them in action.
Darts||Grace loves darts and is pretty damn good at it.
To be honest Grace doesn’t have any phobia’s to speak of that or she’s just really good at hiding them.
Grace comes across as cold and somewhat stoic. Rarely showing emotion besides amusement or anger it’s rather difficult for people to read her. The entire world could go boom all around Grace, and she wouldn’t really respond to it emotionally. Grace can talk and acknowledge the world, but she doesn’t really seem to “feel” anything about it nor does she try. She doesn’t really get mad, sad, jealous or scared. It’s comparable to say that she doesn’t really care about the consequences of anything she does.

That’s not to say that Grace isn’t capable of smiling, she seems to take a certain delight in telling people how they are about to suffer because of her hinting at a sadistic side to her. While she may not use emotions, she certainly knows how people react to certain situations and thus makes preparations based on the emotion that someone is exhibiting. There are some emotions that she doesn’t understand, though it seems that when someone is willing to die for the way they feel; she finds interest in the emotion and might research it in a subtle way.

Grace is usually calm and collected when she fights. However her facial expressions often say otherwise. Such as when her tongue pokes out the corner of her mouth or when she licks her blades. It often means she’s enjoying herself and she takes pleasure in seeing peoples pain. However this all changes when she catches the sight of her own blood driving Grace into a frenzy to dominate the one who managed to get the best of her. Nor does she care to talk much as Grace likes to talk with her knives. When she does it’s usually in a singy-song voice almost sounding sarcastic.


♠Relationship Status
Grace has no family that anyone knows of. She tries to keep such information to herself
♠Personal History
Grace grew up in a renowned orphanage that schooled the children there. Once Grace was old enough a man came by and took her under his wing. This man went by the name of Gerald Barnelle a veteran of war. Unlike most fathers he didn’t love Grace or shower her with affection no instead he taught her how to care for herself and wasn’t one to show mercy or go easy on you just because you were a girl.

So Grace lived every day with a single goal; that goal being to kill her “father”. In that time Grace lost any concept or understanding of emotion becoming more of an animal than a young innocent girl. When she turned 15 Grace finally managed to fulfill her goal and her father’s wishes, to end his life without any hesitation. While dying in her arms he finally praised Grace in her abilities and told her to go back into the world, to the mafia. And it was during those last few weeks with him, that he began to introduce her to the underground world of the mafia.

Once his last breathe left his body Grace began to cry silent tears and buried his body that same night. Grace went about her normal routine and for a few days kept doing the same thing over and over again waiting for her father to have a duel with her. After a week had passed after his death a group of ruffians came to visit her after hearing about a strange girl who lived there. Sadly none of them came back out that night but Grace finally ventured outside her home. At the age of only 15, Grace went in search of her father’s mafia group.

And upon finding them, she killed their stand-in leader and declared herself the leader. Of course there was an uproar of having such a young and foolish girl as their leader but Grace silenced any opposition that was set against her. Even to this day Grace is a woman to be feared and is set on a path of bloodshed. Grace is set on revenge for the men who were killed by the monster of a man, the so called “Fire Eyes” who has been going about killing any mafia/gang group he comes across.

♩ ]OTHER ♩

Grace is thinking of dropping out of school as it has become quite boring as of late. The only reason she still attends is because one of her closest advisors recommended that she did.


So begins...

Grace Barnelle's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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School, where people learn about topics that may or may not affect them. Some take an interest in what they learn, some do not. Baghodat was one of those people that took an interest. In fact, he aced the vast majority of his classes, so far. His grades were so great, he has been nominated for every homecoming court election, as well as the court elections for winter homecoming. So far, he was the Prince for his class in his Freshman and Sophomore years fro both Homecoming and Winter Homecoming, and is now a favorite to be Junior Class Prince for Homecoming. His grades and spotless record in regards to behavior in school qualified him for every class officer election, so far. He could have been Class President for his class three consecutive years, even, given how popular he is despite his lack of social finesse. However, his Freshman Year, he settled for Freshman Class Secretary to get a feel for the whole thing, then he was the Sophomore Class President, and now, he is the Junior Class President.

Meetings were weekly to discuss what to do for events where the classes compete. Today, though, there was no such meeting. Instead, this was the day for the weekly martial arts club meeting. One of the club members challenged Baghodat to a one-on-one match to see who can knock the other down to the ground or throw him out of bounds, to which he silently agreed. Grace was there, too, whom is known in school to be quite a troublemaker. Of course, Baghodat was not like the others; he did not see Grace as just some nuisance. Then again, his thoughts on her were rather unclear, at the moment. He regardless focused on the task at hand and managed to use the opponent's strength against him after evading attacks and making swift ones, himself. This caught the person off balance long enough for Baghodat to make the final blow with a leap kick that threw the opposing boy out of bounds, straight towards the wall.

Baghodat then, as the other club members clapped in applause, helped his defeated opponent up to his feet while saying, "You okay?"

The beaten opponent caught his breath as he responded, "I'll... be fine... just need some rest..."

This was only a planned-out test, however: Grace had been trying to pinpoint whether the Solo Rogue had any connections to anyone. If so, then the gang she led believed that could help pinpoint where Aodha set up his base of operations in town. The person Baghodat defeated walked up to Grace and whispered, "No doubts about it, boss: Baghodat's style is a non-lethal version of the one the Solo Rogue applies in combat, as seen in the camera recordings."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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As always Grace skipped class heading for her usual spot in the school, the school’s rooftop. Most of the time she’ll be accompanied by a guard but today was one of the days she managed to get rid of them. Normally they’d stay close to her to make sure nothing happened to their leader. Opening the door onto the roof she jumped up onto the stairway’s door, it was a box like thing meant to cover the stairway from the elements. But for today, well not just today usually every day, it was her place of sanctuary for the time being.

For the most part one couldn’t really be considered sanctuary since other people would interrupt the peace and quiet with their shady acts, acts that they don’t want others to see. And today was just one of those days not that Grace cared too much, rather it was quite interesting. The couple were so entranced in the activity they were doing neither of them noticed the tops of the knees that belonged to the biggest troublemaker in the school, Grace Barnelle. Folding her hands behind her head, Grace closed her eyes as she listened in on the two love birds. Not that there was much to listen to. All she could hear were moans and squelching noise from the two.

If it weren’t for the fact that Grace wasn’t really interested I that sort of stuff, she would have joined in on the infamous activity going down below her. Sighing Grace rolled onto her stomach and peeked over the edge, earning her a raised brow and the roll of her amber eyes. Releasing a sigh Grace waited for just the right moment when the two were distracted the most and slowly opened the door to the stairway. Grace made sure to do it slowly so as not to alert the couple and without a moments haste swung down low and right into the cool stairway. The door closed behind her making a soft clicking sound as the locking mechanism did its job.

Grace landed in a crouched position and looked over her shoulder briefly just in time for the best part of the couples activity. Rolling her eyes with a smirk, Grace was glad that didn’t happen every day. Some days it would be a group of boys bullying one of the weaker ones or some yankee trying to act cool with a cigarette in his mouth, or just some the usual group of gals and guys hanging out during lunch time. She’d very much prefer witnessing a fight than the first few scenarios. Every once in a while Grace herself would join in the fights that occurred below her. Biting the edge of her thumb, Grace walked down the stairs and subconsciously stuffed her hand into a pocket that wasn’t there. This is why I dislike these school uniforms, no pockets .

Once she reached the more student occupied levels, Grace was immediately met by the sounds of people passing in the hallways as they left the school for the day or went off to their little clubrooms for whatever purpose they held. Grace headed towards the martial arts clubrooms where one of her boys was about to challenge one of the top fighters in their class, Baghodat who was also their junior class president. She stood in the back of the crowd of girls that often swarmed the place trying to get a look at their class president or their senior in some cases. A look of detachment to the whole situation around her, yet her eyes held a ferocious look in them.

Watching the fight she was unamused since she already knew the outcome. Soon enough she was proved right when Baghodat laid the final blow with a leap kick, the distance her boy was sent flying wasn’t all that surprising. Grace leaned against the back wall with her arms folded, closest to the entrance so when her boy walked by her and whispered to her, "No doubts about it, boss: Baghodat's style is a non-lethal version of the one the Solo Rogue applies in combat, as seen in the camera recordings."

Her eyes narrowed just the slightest at the mention of that bastard’s name. “Interesting, looks like we’ll need to pay him a visit. I want you to gather the best and rough him up just a tad bit before he leaves school grounds. Remember he has an image to keep up and we don’t want to alert him of our activities.” The boy nodded and walked away, while Grace stood where she was her eyes on Baghodat. However every time they made eye contact she would look away with only a furtive glance at him on occasion. Hugging her side, her thumb back against her lips, something flashed in her fingers as her tongue stuck out and licked it. All the while she was looking at Baghodat, with that show ending; Grace turned her back to him. With a glance over her shoulder at him once more, Grace allowed the small pocket knife in her hand to be seen as it traced a line in the wall to her right.

Hopefully with that being done, he’ll get curious and maybe follow after her. Besides what kind of president would he be if he couldn’t even confront a girl who held a knife? Looking forwards once more, Grace walked around the school in a rather confusing pattern to keep him on his toes. That and too make sure most of the other students were gone and wouldn’t tattle on the fight that would soon occur. Finally after a while she entered one of the many courtyards within the school; already the sun was setting casting a pale light across the courtyard. However Grace was nowhere to be seen but only if Baghodat followed her would he be ambushed by the group of rascals Grace led.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Baghodat was about to head on over to the class officer rooms when he noticed Grace using her knife to trace the wall to the right. Why would she do such a thing, and in plain sight? He decided to follow her to figure it out and try to confiscate the weapon. Next thing he knew, however, Grace went in random directions. It would appear she had no clear destination. He had to keep alert in order to keep on her trail. Fortunately, he had been able to determine she went to a courtyard and took a guess as to which one.

The sun was setting, and Baghodat knew Aodha would be upset if he was any later. However, he had a job to do, so he entered the courtyard. Then, it happened, an ambush came his way. Since he was caught completely off guard, he received a punch to his forehead. This snapped him into full attention as he listened for the next move. It came from behind him, an attempted kick to the head. Baghodat countered by ducking as he spun, then dealing an uppercut right to the chin.

Baghodat next back flipped three times to get out of reach, only to have two more troublemakers on either side of him. The Junior Class President Was able to fend them off, if only barely. These classmates he faced must have had extensive training. Something felt odd, though. The way the other boys in the courtyard fought was rather rustic and unrefined, as if they were street fighters. It was nothing like in the martial arts club.

He soon enough managed to defeat the group after receiving plenty of bruises. Thankfully, he received no serious injury he could not handle, though he was aching everywhere. Aodha's going to kill me... Baghodat realized he still had a task to perform.

Looking around the courtyard, he called out, "Hello? Grace? You here? You shouldn't be carrying weapons!" No answer, thus he resorted to simply listening for her. It was a simple trick his cousin taught him. Remaining stationary and opening up his senses, he managed to pick up a few sounds and followed them. Since the courtyard was enclosed and the only door leading into the building from there was nearby, he wasted no time in beating her to it with a soft grin. "Hi, Grace. Now, about that knife."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Grace watched from the shadows staying stock still. She watched in amusement as the fight became one sided. The green haired girl would have liked for it to have lasted a bit longer but her hopes were dashed when Baghodat finally beat all of the men she had sent. Che, how crude I told him to get the best not those weak little bastards. A frown formed on her lips as her amber orbs flickered to the far side of the courtyard.

What she saw was the only door leading out of the courtyard, the same door she used to get inside. Slowly very slowly, Grace got into a crouched position ready to make a run for it. Seeing a moment of possibility, Grace sprinted as slowly and quietly as she could. Even if she was pretty nimble on her feet it seemed her class president beat her to the door.

A soft smile on his lips Baghodat spoke teasing words, "Hi, Grace. Now, about that knife." Grace stood off to the side in that same crouched position as before. Her amber eyes locked on Baghodat’s slowly disappearing form. Staring at him Grace straightened; turning her body to the side she had one hand on her hip while the other rested in front of her. A stoic expression on her face, Grace raised the arm in front of her and flicked her wrist. The movement was smooth and quite quick hinting at years of training.

The sound of a thump resounded throughout the courtyard as the knife Baghodat mentioned embedded itself into the wall right beside the young man’s face. The knife was quite close to his skin, a centimeter closer and it would have cut Baghodat. It did however cut a few locks of his hair but Grace knew it wouldn’t be noticed. “That one?” the smallest smile appeared on her lips as she repositioned herself back into a standing position.

“I’d say hello but I’m not the greeting type. I was hoping you’d entertain me a little more but I can see that won’t be possible any more. If you wish to poke the tiger in the belly, don’t send in monkeys to do it.” Grace took a few steps forwards, stopping a few feet in front of Baghodat. She had made sure that the distance was large enough to give her reaction time if he tried to make a move on her but enough so she could use her own weapons without losing the force behind them.

Grace began to unbutton the top of her uniform but stopped at the fourth button. Reaching into her cleavage Grace pulled out a knife, somewhat larger than the one she had thrown earlier. “You know never have I met yet to meet anyone who was able to beat my top fighters let alone single handedly until today. The day I sent them after you which means they would have never been able to stand up to him. So I’ll thank you for saving their lives even if you didn’t mean to.” All the while she was talking; Grace buttoned her shirt to how it was before with the top two unbuttoned. Balancing the knife on the tip of her finger Grace smiled at Baghodat, “So I have a question for you where’d you learn to fight like that.”

Suddenly Grace rushed forwards knife in hand, whether he managed to dodge her or not matter little to her. Passing him she spun on her heel and kicked at Baghodat who ducked. Lets enjoy ourselves a little bet eh Grace? He then swung his leg out in hopes of tripping her before she could steady herself. Of course he managed to trip her and Grace fell onto her back. Instead of staying down Grace merely jumped back on her feet and rushed forwards.

But she didn’t get particularly far when she felt the swift wind of his punch that stopped right at her chin. He smiled with triumph in his face but so did Grace. Moving her hand back and forth she tapped the space between his legs, her knife was pointed upwards. “Looks like neither of us win, unless you don’t care to lose your little treasure trove of jewels?” she said with a smirk on her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Baghodat did not understand a word she said regarding her mention of a person she was after. When the fight finally ended she asked if he was okay with losing a little treasure trove of jewels. "What on earth are you talking about?" Staying in the position he was in, he pulled out a photo to look at it. "As for where I learned how to fend off assailants, my cousin, Aodha, taught me. This was before our whole family was massacred during a Bible Study, three years ago. Back before that happened, Aodha was as kind as could be, and plenty mischievous. We would pick on each other often and do all sorts of things. However, since that massacre, which he was there to witness due to heading to that place to pick up his brother, he has become depressed. Even to this day, he finds it hard to cope with the loss. Nobody even knows why the group of thugs killed everyone, even the children, that attended the Bible Study. I'd sometimes hear him ranting at night at how he was not strong enough to protect everybody. Since that fateful night our entire family died, he has been my guardian. This photo was taken a year before it all happened."

Once Baghodat flipped the photo around to show her, it featured a happy Baghodat and Aodha roughhousing in a relative's swimming pool while some of the female cousins looked on with laughter. The particular moment captured by the photo was where Aodha had Baghodat in a noogie, both of them having the most mischievous of grins.

"If only there was a way I could help him emotionally. None of our relatives would want him to be so upset for the rest of his life. If he is entertaining thoughts of revenge, following through on that would disgrace everyone's memory. Not to mention, he would be in serious danger. I don't want that for him."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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"What on earth are you talking about?" Baghodat’s choice of words annoyed her a bit. Watching him through narrowed eyes Grace listed to his long monologue, one she did not really care to hear about. In truth she too was confused on what he had just told her. The boy before began to change emotionally, telling her of how his entire family got slaughter by some gang and his cousin being the one to find it all. Grace almost felt sorry for his family situation but never really having family ties like his own before she wasn’t the type to feel empathy for another person.

Grace stared at the picture with a stoic expression, unsure as to what sort of face she should make upon hearing Baghodats sad little story. Thinking over all the possibilities she knew that there was a slight possibility that Baghodats cousin was the one she was after. Interesting, let’s see how this will play out. With that thought in mind, Grace returned her knife back to its sanctuary of soft warmth. All the while Grace watched Baghodats changing expressions, storing them for later use. “That’s quite the sad story Mr. President. But why tell me?” titling her head to the side, Grace gave him a scrutinizing look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith Character Portrait: Aodha Barhydt
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Baghodat turned his gaze sideways. "I don't know. This is the first time I mentioned any of it." His heart was subconsciously beating faster. He did not notice that, however, not until he and Grace finally broke off their forms and he started his stroll back home. Why is my heart pounding? Could it be...? He blushed at the thought of it. No, no. For what reason would that be possible? I mean, I know little about her, other than she tends to cause trouble at school. Come to think of it, why was she trying to kill me, or was that a test of my abilities?

His mind went off to plenty of possibilities, some of them nonsensical. Perhaps, it was exhaustion from the fighting. Finally, he made it back home, and, as expected, Aodha reacted with a stern look. "How did you get all banged up?"

Baghodat replied calmly with, "I was kind of ambushed after following someone who had a couple knives on school grounds."

"What do you mean, 'kind of'?" Aodha narrowed his eyes at the mention of someone with a couple knives. If his suspicions were correct, it was that Barnelle girl whose father was responsible for the deaths of everyone in that Bible Study from three years ago.

"Well..." Baghodat could not quite explain it.

Aodha rolled his eyes. "Never mind. Let's just get you treated."


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Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Awaiting his answer, Grace's gaze flicked to the sky noticing how dark it had become. It's getting late. Focusing her attention back to Baghodat she noticed how he looked away from when he gave her his answer, "I don't know. This is the first time I mentioned any of it. His answer sounded pathetic in her ears, an answer that wasn't worth her time spent. However the fact that he had no qualms to confront her, to even tell her his whole life story piqued her interest.

Grace left alone with the silence, watching as he left her eye sight. Releasing a sigh she hadn’t realized was there, Grace headed over to the quietly groaning bodies of her men. Standing over them she looked down at them. Even in the dark you could see the displeased expression on her face. Her hands still at her sides, suddenly she pulled back her leg and kicked the man in front of her in the gut.

All that was heard was an "Oof" as Grace walked past them but stopped just within hearing, "Disappoint me again and it won't just be a kick to your gut." Her voice was cold and full of malic; it was never wise to cross Grace. Walking off the school grounds she stopped just outside the entrance to the school as a black car pulled up. A man in a suit stepped out and opened the back door on her side. Stepping in he closed the door for her but Grace rolled the window down. Looking straight ahead Grace peeked at him from the corner of her eye, "They’re in the left side courtyard. Bring them home and treat their wounds." Grace's answer was blunt yet thoughtful.

In response he nodded and Grace rolled up her window as the car moved forwards to their destination. For Grace she couldn't really call the place she arrived at home, not really. It was just a stand in base to come off as a normal 16 year old. The rest of her gang either stayed at their real base, a rundown factory, or at their own homes. Grace had her own place to stay at and she made sure none of her men were ever there for long.

Looking up at her home, it was a simple two-story house with a gate and walls surrounding its small premises. Walking inside Grace took off her shoes and set her things down on the kitchen table. Grace went into the kitchen and started setting out ingredients for her dinner. Soon enough after about an hour Grace was sitting down at the kitchen table eating her food quietly. It was always like that, her home was usually empty of people and she always ate alone. Not that she cared much however today the silence was stifling so Grace turned the TV on.

Flipping through the channels Grace stopped on the news channel. Although they weren't saying anything of interest but Grace didn't care so long as the silence was filled. After finishing dinner Grace went upstairs took a bath and then went back down to get her things to take to her room. Sitting down at the small coffee table by her bed Grace got to work on her homework. Even though she didn’t finish it Grace went to bed anyway. It took her awhile though, a little longer than usual to be honest, which Grace found odd.

Staring up at ceiling she imagined what it would be like to lose all the family you ever had. But you did. Except it was by your own hand, turning to her Grace pulled her hand out from underneath her covers and looked at it. Frowning at her hand Grace remembered the day she killed her father quite clearly almost like it had happened yesterday. Laying back on her backside she glanced over at her clock and realized just how late it had gotten, “I should get to sleep” closing her eyes Grace eventually fell asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith Character Portrait: Aodha Barhydt
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It was morning, time to prepare for another day of school. Baghodat received medical attention and was told not to head to the martial arts club that day, since his bruises needed to heal before he could commence with any more combat. Baghodat was not against that idea, since he was sore all over. He ate one of his favorite Iranian dishes (one which his mother would make for him when she was alive) before grabbing his things, including his homework that was all finished, and walked to school despite Aodha's protests.

Along the way to school, Baghodat thought more on what happened with Grace. He just could not take her off his mind for longer than ten minutes. Something was confusing him about what happened the evening before. Nothing added up to him.

The door bell rang, and he listened to the French teacher's instructions. While taking notes, he did his best to block out his thoughts on Grace. It was no easy task for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Having been dropped off at school, Grace always made sure the car wasn’t in view of the school. Simply put Grace didn’t want people to be aware of her status as a mafia leader or for anyone to start questioning her life at home. She skipped class as usual but made sure to go at least one of them before lunch. Once the bell rang for lunch she stood up and walked to one of her usual spots.

Similar to her spot on the rooftop this one was secluded but there was space for a group of people to hang out at. And just like her rooftop spot people had the tendency to go here to commit acts they’d like to keep private. At first it started out with Grace walking alone but little by little other people began to follow her but eventually disappeared. Grace was well aware of where they’d be as it wasn’t unusual for this to happen so she wasn’t surprised to find some of her boys (and girls) waiting for her to arrive at their eating spot.

Grace sat down and crossed her legs as someone handed her a lunch. Unlike most other groups, Grace’s socialized but none actually talked to Grace one on one. They were merely there to protect her, so Grace preferred to eat lunch alone. Not long into the lunch hour, a young man showed up. A man Grace had been thinking about not too long ago, it was none other than Baghodat.

All her men stopped what they were doing, some stood up brandishing some sort of weapon in their hands while others simply went to stand by Grace. “I’m not here to fight. I just want to talk.” putting his hands up in a gesture of peace. Grace watched him carefully a smile playing on her lips. “Then let him talk.” Leaning forwards, Grace folded her hands in front of her waiting for him to start. However his expression said otherwise, sighing she looked up at those beside her and waved her hand at them, “Go. Leave us be for now.”

Seeing some of them give her a question look while others dared to voice their thoughts, Grace glared at them. “Leave now. And don’t stand by idle. Go back to your own classes.” although some were still showing their disagreement they left Grace and Baghodat alone. Leaning back Grace beckoned him over. Ignoring anything he was saying to her, the moment he got close enough she grabbed his wrist and pulled him down to her level. In that same moment she sat up and kissed him.

Whether Baghodat was the one to push her away or Grace simply released him it didn’t matter. Grace smiled at Baghodat her fingers touching her lips. “I’ve always wanted to see what that was like, to kiss someone that is. You’re quite the interesting fellow you know that. I like you.” Her words were dreadfully blunt but then her demeanor changed completely, exchanging itself for something closer towards her true self. “Is that what you wanted to hear Mr. President? To justify me kissing you. I wonder, did you like it most men like it when a girl kisses them. But you don’t seem like the type to though. Considering who you are and how you are I’m sure that wasn’t your first kiss. If so then I most certainly won’t apologize for taking your first kiss.”


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Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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During lunch, Baghodat could not hold back the thoughts about Grace much, so instead of finishing his lunch, he decided to look around for anywhere Grace could go. There were several options, so he took a guess. That guess turned out correct. What he probably should have expected was for people to be with her, some of them armed. He held up his hands in protest and told them she just wanted to talk.

Grace beckoned her to come closer, to which he complied while stating, "Something's just not adding up about y--." Before he could complete his sentence, Grace grabbed him and kissed him. It left him surprised, confused, and blushing neon red, yet for some reason, he enjoyed it. That was saying something, since he often came off as asexual. In most cases, it was nearly impossible for even an attractive girl to arouse him or otherwise win him over.

When Grace released him, she smiled while touching her lips with her fingers. “I’ve always wanted to see what that was like, to kiss someone that is. You’re quite the interesting fellow you know that. I like you.” Her words were dreadfully blunt but then her demeanor changed completely, exchanging itself for something closer towards her true self. “Is that what you wanted to hear Mr. President? To justify me kissing you. I wonder, did you like it most men like it when a girl kisses them. But you don’t seem like the type to though. Considering who you are and how you are I’m sure that wasn’t your first kiss. If so then I most certainly won’t apologize for taking your first kiss.”

Baghodat's blush mostly went away. "That... was my first kiss." His eyes turned sideways. "Although, that was not what I came here for. Something about yesterday just doesn't add up for me. The tracing of the wall with the knife, the ambush, none of that made sense. I am at a loss as to the reason."


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Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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She giggled like a little girl, which was unusual for Grace to do. Seeing his blush come and go if ever so slightly, Grace enjoyed every moment of it. Of seeing the embarrassment on Baghodat’s face. "That... was my first kiss." Grace noticed he looked away and she couldn’t help but think further on his reaction and words. Hmm how silly of me to get a kick out of his embarrassment. In fact he looks sort of cute with that look on his face. What in god’s name is wrong with me?
"Although, that was not what I came here for. Something about yesterday just doesn't add up for me. The tracing of the wall with the knife, the ambush, none of that made sense. I am at a loss as to the reason."

Grace simply looked about as he spoke. In fact Grace was already aware of why he came. Well it was more of a gut-feeling that arose the moment he decided to drop on by. Now that he proved her gut-feeling correct, she had an answer all prettied up for him. “ Oh really? Something about you saying that doesn’t really surprise me.” Grace smirked at him as if she were superior to him, which in certain ways she was actually. Suddenly standing up, she was close to his face. Amber orbs searching his face for any sort of emotion that may have conveyed weakness.

With a flick of her wrist a knife slid into her hand and she traced his jawline with it. “It was this knife correct. I’m sure you remember it from yesterday. It took me a good three hours sharpening and cleaning its edge.” Stepping back away from him Grace flipped the knife in her hand so she held the blades edge and gave it to Baghodat. “The rest of your wonderings, well let’s just say now isn’t a good time or place to speak of private matters. Meet me at the gate once everyone has left the school grounds. I’ll tell you more on the way.”

As she gave Baghodat instructions she left him in the courtyard. Not bothering to take back her prized knife. A smile on her face Grace couldn’t wait until the end of the day to take Baghodat to a special place. Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of the car. A playful expression crossed her face, one that was unusual and caught the attention of some who passed her by in the halls.


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Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Baghodat was not at all satisfied with her answer. First, Grace steals his first kiss and pretends to like him, then uses her knife to trace his jawline, and now she is going shady on him? This is ridiculous! He held onto the kife and kept it where nodbody would see it. He was not about to be expelled because of her.

When it finally came time, he waited until the coast was clear prior to walking over to the gate. This time, there was no ambush. He could not help but think Grace's proposition was a trap. At the gate, he saw her. He hade to admit, she was beautiful. Normally, he would not come close to attraction, yet this was different, somehow. In a strange way, he also admired how she could take care of herself when push came to shove. Was there more?

It mattered not, whatever feelings there were, she did not return them. Besides, she targeted him for a reason. Something was up, and he wanted to know what it was. The conflicting thoughts caused confusion and frustration for him, both of which showed on his face. "All right, I'm here as instructed, now you uphold your end of the bargain."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Her slender frame leaned against the gate in a casual manner. With her arms folded across her chest accompanied by a face devoid of emotion, Grace made it so no one really wanted to approach her. Of course there was only one man who would at this moment and she saw him out of the corner of her eye. Grace watched as Baghodat walked towards her, a smirk planted itself across her face upon seeing him as both confusion and frustration fought for dominance on his handsome face.

“All right, I'm here as instructed, now you uphold your end of the bargain."

Standing up straight, Grace began to walk away from him but made sure she was still facing his direction. “You see to be having trouble, is there something wrong?” she ignored his last few words. You’ll hear my end soon enough but first. Turning her back to him, Grace folded her hands behind her back and started on her way to her home. Earlier, while she had been waiting for Baghodat to show up she had sent her men on an errand that would hopefully keep them away from her. Grace walked slowly but she made sure her back was always towards Baghodat. That is until they reached her street and finally when they stood in front of her home.

“Well here we are my home.” Opening the gate, Grace unlocked the door and stepped inside. She did her usual routine of taking her shoes off and dropping her back on the kitchen table. “In case you were wondering I live alone. I made it clear to my subordinates that they were to never venture into this house unless for a very good reason. It gets tiresome after a while of having body guards or even escorts within your own home.” Walking around, Grace motioned for Baghodat to stay where he was while she went upstairs. After a few minutes had passed, long enough for Baghodat to look around if he felt like it, Grace came down the stairs in a loose t-shirt and shorts and went to the kitchen.

Once inside she began to pull dishes out along with various ingredients. “What do you like to eat Mr. President? I’m guessing you’ll be staying for dinner correct? Any ways now that we’re alone you can ask all the questions you want.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Baghodat remained silent when Grace asked if something was the matter. For one, he felt she should have known. The other, H simply was just irritated. He did not even say anything once at the house. He simply waited for her where she wanted him to before she came back. Of course, he moved his eyes around to see what he could. He had to admit, what he was lovely. It did not change his mood, however.

In the kitchen, Baghodat answered her query with, "Most anything. And, I guess I must." He sat down and thought for a moment on what to say next. Finally, he decided to go straight to the point. "All right, I need to know this, now that it is just us: Why was I ambushed? What possible motive could you have?"

He next added, [color=blue]"You can't possibly believe I have some connection to whoever it is you mentioned, yesterday. Aodha and I are not even involved in a gang. What possible reason could there be for either of us commiting a crime?"[/color

At this point, Baghodat became conflicted. For one, he felt Grace was attractive, plus her cleverness did leave him attracted to her. On the other hand, what she did was unacceptable. He required an explanation. If it were unsatisfactory, he would not stay in the house for long.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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"Most anything. And, I guess I must." Placing one hand on her hip, she looked at him with a raised brow. "Most anything you say, well that leaves a lot to consider. I think I'll make some rice and seasoned meat." Turning back to the counter, Grace took out some pieces of meat and began to chop it up into smaller pieces, she would eventually move onto other ingredients that she would later put into a pan.

After a short period of silence, Baghodat finally spoke up. "All right, I need to know this, now that it is just us: Why was I ambushed? What possible motive could you have?" Grace lifted up her head slightly but then dropped it. She let time pass in between his question and her answer."You can't possibly believe I have some connection to whoever it is you mentioned, yesterday. Aodha and I are not even involved in a gang. What possible reason could there be for either of us committing a crime?"

Her head snapped up upon hearing the name Aodha, but she relaxed a bit. "Oh I don't believe you are, it never crossed my mind. It was something of a lie, since she didn't voice her suspicion concerning this Aodha. "There was a little girl who was raised from day one to kill the very man who took her under his wing. After a couple years learning from him she fulfilled her purpose in life. However you see having spent most of life living up til that moment what else had she to live for. But it wasn’t until his last breathe did the girl understand what he had asked of her, to go out into the world and take over his gang. The girl did just that, she found her father’s gang proclaiming herself leader while killing any who opposed her.”

At this point, Grace was cutting at the food with more aggression. She paused long enough to look over at Baghodat knife in her hand, “That very girl stands before you.” She gave him a smile but with the atmosphere of the room it came off incredibly creepy. Leaning her hip against the counter top Grace finally answered his question, “But you see soon after I took over, my men started to get picked off one by one until only the strongest and those who were smart enough were alive. A man by the name of “Fire Eyes” has been going about killing anyone involved with the mafia, and I plan to find him and tear him apart limb from limb so he can feel what it’s like to be killed by the very people he despises.” A cruel and evil look settled on her face, the air coming off her was thick with bloodlust.

She turned back to the food and put them into small bowls and walked towards Baghobat. “Well the foods done so lets eat.” Setting the bowls done, Grace herself sat down and began to eat after saying her thanks. “It’s your fighting style. The way you fight is almost the exact copy of “Fire Eyes” and I want to know why. Just so you know if you happen to be this “Fire Eyes” don’t expect to leave this house with your body intact.” She gave him a malicious smile across the table and continued to eat her food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Baghodat was observant enough to realize Grace was putting up a mask. He was a master of fake faces. He saw her smile turn more malicious with each moment that passed. He could tell by the way she cut up the food that she held a deep grudge against someone. A grudge she would not easily let go, anytime soon. Just witnessing all that gave him the impression things could get bloody. Irritation gave way to an inner rage, added to the conflict within his mind.

Hearing her story about her father left him shocked for a moment, yet that exact shock subsided once she finally got to the point. Fire Eyes? She can't be serious! It's just an urban legend, isn't it? Baghodat only ate a portion of the food prior to the young woman mentioned his fighting style, then threatened him.

That set him off the deep end, as he formed his hands into fists, slammed them onto the table while standing up, then verbally let out his rage. "Are you joking, or do you really believe that urban legend? As for your question, in case you forgot what I already told you, I learned how to fight from my cousin! If you think he is to blame for whatever harm was inflicted on your posse, you're crazy! There is no way he could be doing all that at night! Going solo as you described this "Fire Eyes" is suicide! That guy is a myth, an urban legend!"

Baghodat was about to leave the kitchen before his secret crush for the girl he just ranted towards caused him to stop and try to think. However, his confusion merely resulted in him ranting in Farsi (the most widely spoken Iranian language) to nobody in particular, pacing back in forth in frustration. Finally, he turned towards her and harshly asked, "Are you really being serious about this? Or are you just playing with my emotions?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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She set her utensils down on the table in silence. Almost like his verbal rage didn't bother her, which in a way it didn't. Grace was used to this sort of reaction. When she had proclaimed herself leader everyone was in an uproar and they voiced their outrage verbally and physically. A keen smile settled on her lips before turning cold. Leaning on her elbow Grace began to play with the steak knife as if she was bored, "Are you done?" After speaking in some language he spoke again however it was in a harsh tone.

"As much as I enjoy playing with you Baghodat, I'm not speaking lies. Do you really think I'd bring you all the way to my home, cook you a meal, only to play with your emotions? You’re the first person other than me to have ever set foot in this house. And you’re right I am crazy.” she said with a cruel smile on her face as she pointed the edge of the knife against her throat. Standing up so she was level with his face, “And just so you know, my posse has the largest presence around here now that Fire Eye’s has been taking people out. I’m sure you can figure out why. The only real reason I want to catch him is because I want to test him myself. If you haven’t realized already I enjoy fighting strong opponents and one of them just happened to be you yesterday. “

Stepping back Grace started to clear up the table regardless if Baghodat finished his meal. Once they were in the sink she turned her attention back to her guest. “Now I’ll give you two options. Stay the night and we can talk more, or go home to your cousin and forget all of this ever happened. If you decide to go with the latter I won’t ever bother you again and I’ll tell my boys to keep their distance from you. So what’s it going to be Mr. President?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Baghodat listened to what Grace was saying, yet he still had some disbelief inside him. Realistically, at least to him, a sole person, no matter how skilled, was no match for an entire group coming at him or her. They could simply surround him or her and all attack at once, then it would be all over. That was how Baghodat understood it. If those guys that conducted the ambush had smartened up and used that tactic, instead of attacking individually, he would not have stood a chance. It was not as if it was a dogfight in World War I.

Upon hearing Grace merely wanted the challenge, the Junior Class President was shocked inwardly. Testing a person by fighting them to the death? It was madness! How could she reap joy from such a thing? Although, he was a bit flattered to hear he was tough, even though he was merely fighting back to prevent serious injury, or worse.

Grace offered him a chance to stay the night and talk some more, which was tempting. The other option would have worked, as well, albeit he was not sure he would have liked the idea of being ignored by her. By now, he realized he had a certain fondness of the girl, a romantic interest in her. That in of itself was odd. Of course, there was also the possibility that the vigilante could be turned in to the authorities, whoever he is.

After some deep thought, he decided, "All right. I can do the first option. I have the basic stuff with me, anyway."


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Character Portrait: Grace Barnelle Character Portrait: Baghodat Smith
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Waiting for his answer Grace watched him through narrowed eyes. She didn’t care much whether he said yes or no, although she would be disappointed at no longer being able to assess his skills as a fighter. Propping her chin on the palm of her hand, Grace sat up a bit straighter when he did finally answer. “Good, well it’s getting late so I guess I’ll show you to the bath.” Standing up she lead Baghodat upstairs to where the bath was. “Well here you go, I’ll get you some towels. Not bothering the wait for any sort of reply she left him standing there in front of the bathroom while she got a few towels.

After letting him wait a few minutes, she padded down the hallway, a towel in each arm, and handed them to him. “I’ll be in my room, yours is just across the hall from mine, so knock if you need anything else.” With that she went to her room ad began to prepare for bed. Putting her things away, Grace sat on the edge of her bed before lying down to think. However that proved to be pointless as not long after she was fast asleep. She had left the light on but that didn’t bother her too much and her door was slightly ajar due to her not caring too much if it was closed or not.