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Tessa Urio

"Dear boys, If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you!"

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a character in “In Skylar Street”, as played by KayEyeEmm


Full Name: Tessa Lynn Urio
Age: 17, almost 18
Job/School Level: Senior
Personality: Tessa is a bold and outgoing girl. She speaks her mind and never lets anyone bring her down. She tends to drink when she's upset. Shes likes to party and she loves to flirt. She usually only flirts with one guy at a time, so she doesn't look like a slut. Honestly, she craves a guy's attention. More honestly, she wants Aaron's attention. She has a major crush on him and has since she met him. She tries to keep his attention, but it's not easy with her brother always around. Boys will be boys, huh?
History: "Well hello there little girl. What's your name?"
"Eliza" the 3 year old said. She was innocnet and perfect in every way.
"I'm Tessa. Would you like to come to my house to play Eliza?" My smile was sincere.
"Sure!" The young girl was overjoyed. That was the last time Eliza was seen. She is mine now. All mine.

Tessa kidnapped Eliza, not to kill her, not for money, but to be a mother. She can't have kids, and so desperately loves them.

So begins...

Tessa Urio's Story

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Tessa had awoke to find the young Eliza playing with a hair brush. "Watchya got there sweetie?" Tessa had told the darling little girl that her mother had left and would never come back, that she wanted Tes to be her mother. That was a year ago. Eliza believed every word. "A brush. Can you brush my hair?" She said in her innocent, young voice. "Of course angel." The girl ran to the bedside and sat criss cross on the floor, her back to Tes as she brushed her hair. She sung a little song, like she had for the past year. "Darling, you're hiding in the closet once again. Start smiling. I know you're trying real hard not to turn your head away. Pretty darling, face tomorrow. Tomorrow's not yesterday." The little girl hummed along. "I have to go now darling. Stay here and play. Don't go outside. Don't look out the windows." The girl's appearance had changed drastically since she went missing, but she still wanted to be safe. "Yes mommy." Tes grabbed her bag and left the house, headed toward the treehouse.

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Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth noticed Tessa walk over to the hill just before she closed her door. Everytime she saw Aaron, Tessa and Travis from her bedroom window, she always had the small tingle of fear down in her gut that they would actually find Amelia Urio under the ground. It had been years though and every time they had come close she always had the time to hide it again before they noticed. When they were younger, they would all play together. Her, Tessa, Aaron, Travis. They were quite good friends untill she couldn't bare to look at Travis or Tessa anymore. She looked so much like her mother, Tessa did. Then again, Tessa spent a lot of time at home now and Aaron was too pre-occupied being Mr. Popular. Not that she held a grudge or anything, just she didn't agree with it. The only one who seemed to be true to themselves was Travis.

She was about to put the curtain back to normal, hiding her her bedroom window, then Tessa looked directly at her. Elizabeth waved polietly, then quickly setting the curtain down and sitting on her bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio
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Fire had been the only thing on Aaron's mind who still stood standing looking at the building. In his mind he knew he had to burn it and it had to burn now, but just then he felt something vibrate in his pocket. He was snapped out of his trance and he started to think more logically, deciding not to burn the apartment building until precautions had been set. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket to see he received a text message from Tes asking him to come hang at the treehouse. Of course Aaron would go because these were some of his closest friends, but in order to keep his cool kid appearance he decided not to text back and just show up.

Aaron began walking to the treehouse, looking back at the apartment building. It was true, Aaron had fallen in love...with a building. Arriving in front of the treehouse, Aaron looked up at it and let out a big "Watzaaaaaap!". Aaron was trying to bring that catchphrase back into style currently.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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The nerd catch phrase of her only real friend rang thru the air. Tes walked to the window of the treehouse. "You big dork!" She laughed and waved him up. "Whatchya waiting for? Get up here!" She was so glad he was here. More importantly, her brother was not. First time in months! Guys are so territorial. "So what's up Farihen?"

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Aaron smiled as he climbed up to the treehouse, he was glad to see a friend. Hanging out with his friends was the only thing that kept him busy enough to stop thinking about fire all the time. After all, Aaron always was carrying his lighter.

"So what's up Farihen?"
"Eww you know I hate it when you call me that, Urio" he said with a sarcastic disgusted looking face but smirking afterwards. Aaron stuck out his fist to Tes and proceeded to say "Pound it...". Aaron kept looking at his fist and then back at Tes wide-eyed in a funny way, waiting for her reaction. Tes was a close friend to Aaron and because of that he treated her like one of the guys at times.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Tes looked at his fist. "Pound it? Who do you think I am? My brother? News flash! I'm a girl! We hug!" Tessa loved her sarcastic fights with Aaron. She pushed his fist down and held her arms open. "ORRR is Mr. Wanna-Bring-The-70's-Back too manly for a hug from his cute friend?" Yep, gotta love sarcasm.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Aaron noted that Tes had gotten a lot better at antagonizing him, it wasn;t something that bothered him at all, he actually liked it. Aaron holding back his laughter from Tes' comment opened his arms and gave Tes a hug like she had wanted except it was a bear hug that squeezed Tes tightly. "Aww what's the matter? Did the big girl feel lonely and text Aaron to come here for a wittle ol hug" Aaron teased Tes in a mocking voice while still hugging her.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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This was the absolute best day so far! Thank you whatever magical force that pulled my brother away and pushed Aaron here! "Maybe. Or maybe I had no one to help me get rid of this." Tes pulled out a bottle of alcohol. Guys loved getting drunk. Hopefully Aaron did too. And maybe, just maybe, she could continue her good day. "Wanna sip?"

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Aaron raised his eyebrow up at Tes when she pulled out the booze. Sure he was pretty popular but unlike the stereotype Aaron had abstained from drinking and smoking, his only addiction was of course burning things. However today was different, he'd almost been caught burning down a house. His escape had caused rouse for celebration and if by some chance he did get caught he wanted to at least have the experience of drinking before he did. He was also suprised Tes had a bottle on hand, he'd never seen her drink before, so he was curious.

"Sure why the hell not" Aaron said as he smiled at Tes as he prepared himself mentally for his first drink of alcohol. He had no idea what it would feel like and hoped it would be as glorified as everyone said it was.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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"In case you haven't had this kind before, it's alittle bitter and sour at first, but it's got a sweet aftertaste. Most guys say its a girly drink, but I dont care cause I like it." She took a sip and handed the bottle to Aaron. Tes was alittle nervous, she was an open drunk. She wouldn't tell about Eliza, but she would pour her heart and soul into any question. "How's it taste?" She asked after he finally took a sip.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Aaron dove headfirst into this experience, he took the bottle and took a huge gulp and handed it over back to Tes. He's never drunk before, so if he was going to do it he was going to go all in. Unfortunately he didn't like the taste at all, it burned the inside of his mouth and Aaron wan't expecting it. He didn't want to show Tes he didn't like the taste because she'd been so nice as to offer him some in the first place. "Yeah it's pretty good, it burns a bit. I never had any booze before" he admitted to Tes in a non-chalant way

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Tessa took a few more big sips. "So Mr. Cool hasn't let fame go to his head? I can respect that. I only started after mom vanished. I cant help but feel like it's my fault." She had never told anyone that before. The alcohol was already stating to take effect. If she had the whole bottle, she would be teeling every thought that has ever crossed her mind. "So ya don't like it? Sorry." She felt bad that his first drink was ruined.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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"It's not your fault Tes, you didn't do anything. If you want to drink go ahead and drink, there's nothing wrong with that" Aaron said as he had already gotten tipsy. It had turned out that Aaron was a lightweight. "I had no idea though Tes. Hey if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here." Aaron said as he placed his hand on top of Tessa's. "And the booze is a bit strong, but I guess it's one of those things that I have to get used to, right?" Aaron asked with an unsure look on his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Half the bottle was gone, and Tes was at the point where things like Aaron putting his hand on hers made her say stupid stuff. "Ya know? You're really cute." Like that. "The whole cool dude thing, It's sexy." She smiled and set the bottle on the treehouse floor. Oh boy. She couldn't keep her mouth shut. Atleast she was talking about her feelings for Aaron and not about her ''borrowed'' daughter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio
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"I know right!" she answered her brother, then the door opened. "Hey dad. Hey company." Tes said without even looking their way. She was watching something on tv. It was a music video to a new song by her favorite band. Tes finally stood up to face her company after the video ended. "Mrs. Nancy?" What was the world history teacher doing in her house? The look on her brother's face told Tes he was equally suprised.

"Hello Tessa, Travis." Tes was in her class with her brother, so knowing both of their names wasn't unusual, but something about the way she said his name made Tes wonder if something was up.

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Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio
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Travis was a little nervous, Mrs. Nancy Dehlers was here. In his house with her husband, Frank Dehlers who apparently worked alongside his father. He wasn't sure, but things probably were going to get awkward at the dinner table. Mr. Urio seemed to be a in a joyful mood as he pulled out a vintage wine bottle and wine glasses and began pouring the contents into the glasses. "Here you are Frank, and here you go Nancy." Mr. Urio smiled as he gave them their glasses. Travis didn't miss the small sly looks Nancy threw in his direction as she sipped from her wine glass. Mr. Urio turned to the twins, "Why don't you make yourselves useful and set the table for out guest." He smiled and motioned for both Travis and Tessa to set the dinner table. Travis hastily nodded, eager to get away from the adults and not having to possibly converse with Nancy face to face.

"Oh man, oh man, oh man." He was silently repeating to himself as his hands were shaking as he was grabbing silverware out of the drawer while his twin went to get plates, "Dinner's going to be awful." He moaned.

"Dinner is going to be wonderful!" Mr. Urio said out loud from the living room.

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Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio
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Tes just stood there, staring. "Tessa now." her dad said firmly. She slowly turned to the kitchen to grab plates. Travis was mumbling to himself. Something was wrong. "Hey bro, are you...are you ok?" She went over to him, balancing the plates in one hand, and put her hand on his shoulder.

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Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio
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He jumped a little bit when he felt Tessa's hand on his shoulder and turned to look at her, "No nothing's wrong. Why would there anything be wrong? Come on let's set the table." He gave a reassuring smile as he made to set the table, putting the silverware in their correct spots, just the way their father liked it. A minute later Mr. Dehlers came walking in, "Well well, these are the two twins that give my wife a hard time in her class." He smiled and gave a joyful laugh, probably cheerful from the wine. "Travis, she says you're one of the best students she's had in her class. 'Oh he works so hard' she would say." With another laugh the husband went back to the living room.

"Yeah haha.....ahhhhh shit.." He chuckled then finished in a tiny whisper.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio
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Travis said it was ok, but he seemed jumpy and stressed, and he wasnt even the drunk one. She wasn't hungry, she wanted to be at the treehouse with Aaron, not here playing house wiith her history teacher. "Dad, I already ate. Can I maybe skip this dinner?" Tes asked as she placed the plates on the table. "When did you eat?" He looked slightly upset. "About 15 minutes ago." she lied. "Fine, go." He believed it. Tes ran back upstairs, relocked her room, put the key on her necklace, and left the house. She ran back to the treehouse and noticed Aaron was gone. Maybe he went home. She sent him a text.

To: Aaron
"Hey I got outta the dinner. Did you go home?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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Aaron who had not taken many inebriated steps away from treehouse was only about a block away when he got the text. Even still tipsy Aaron knew to play it cool and he didn't text back as usual. He came back down the block seeing Tessa. "Watzaaaaap?!" he shouted from where he was now standing across the street. Aaron didn't really feel like going home because he was often bored there. He walked towards the treehouse nearly tripping over the curb when he crossed the street.