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Alexander Schulz

I'm just kind of bored now....

0 · 1,457 views · located in Violet Blues

a character in “In Violet Blues”, as played by AsilverSnowleopard




LOLโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โ—Š โ—Š โ—Š

      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ FULL NAME: ..................Alexander Schulz
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ AGE APPEARANCE: ......Twenty
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ ACTUAL AGEโ‹ฎ ...............Ninety-seven
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ ETHNICITYโ‹ฎ .................. German
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ RACEโ‹ฎ ............................ Vampire
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ GENDERโ‹ฎ ....................... Male
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ SEXUALITYโ‹ฎ ..................Pan-sexual

      ๏น™ โ™” ๏นš

      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ EYE COLORโ‹ฎ ................. Hazel
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ HAIR COLORโ‹ฎ ................Dirty blond
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ HEIGHTโ‹ฎ ........................ 6"4
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ WEIGHTโ‹ฎ ....................... 177 lbs


Image๏ผฐ๏ผฅ๏ผฒ๏ผณ๏ผฏ๏ผฎ๏ผก๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผน โœ

Alexander is flirtatious. At least, that's the first thing everyone's going to say about him when they meet him. But the more anyone gets to know him, the more they realize that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks. Without a sense of dignity, he'll lie, cheat, steal, and he used to be willing to murder. His brother's sense of justice influenced him not to. He only murders out of self defense, but he doesn't actually care.
But otherwise, he'll smile and laugh, and make sure you're happy. He'll flirt with everything with two legs, and might think about banging anything with two legs, and most likely will bang everything with two legs. He indulges in his own pleasures. He smokes and drinks.
The only thing, the only one person he actually cares about is his older brother. Though he became independent of him due to an argument, Alexander still cares. he still loves him. So he will reluctantly help in such a case.


xx โ˜†๏น—๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฅ๏ผณ
His brother - This one is top tier. He loves his brother like he loves his arms. They're there, always.
Drinking - Vampires can get drunk, or tipsy too. The best part of it all is that he can't get hangovers, nor can he die from alcohol poisoning.
Reading - Not much else to do when you've got forever to live, and he's come to enjoy books much more than he used to as a child.
Music - There's a lot of it, and it's always coming out, and it's always new, so it's always interesting.

xx โ˜…๏น—๏ผค๏ผฉ๏ผณ๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฅ๏ผณ
Any form of authority - Alexander has had plenty enough issues with authority, from Hitler, all the way down to the American Government.
Discrimination - Often, in the past, certain groups were discriminated upon. He was once one of the groups. Yes, he dislikes it. But back when he drank human blood, he used it to his advantage.
Unnecessary drama - Nothing will get on his nerves more than crying. It's by far too dramatic for his taste.
Lack of depth - Self exclamatory, he won't talk about the weather. He's not happy at all when he's talking about the weather. In fact, he hates the type of person that brings up the weather.


xXXXxXXXXxXXXXXXxXXXXXXXXXXX โœ ๏ผฑ๏ผต๏ผฉ๏ผฒ๏ผซ๏ผณ | ๏ผจ๏ผก๏ผข๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผณ

`โ—‡ Smoking ; He isn't sure if he's actually addicted or not, but before he was dead he smoked. Once he was dead the comfort of a cigarette never seemed to leave.

xXXXxXXXxxXXXXXXXXXXXX โœ๏ผด๏ผก๏ผฌ๏ผฅ๏ผฎ๏ผด๏ผณ | ๏ผณ๏ผด๏ผฒ๏ผฅ๏ผฎ๏ผง๏ผด๏ผจ๏ผณ

`โ—‡ Reading ; He can memorize information pretty quickly.
`โ—‡ Lying ; Best poker face
`โ—‡ Tracking down scents ; Better, or more efficiently than a dog. He also has a very good memory for scents.
`โ—‡ Annoying his brother ; It's just so easy.

xXXXXxXxXXXxXXXXXXxXXXX โœ๏ผฆ๏ผฌ๏ผก๏ผท๏ผณ | ๏ผท๏ผฅ๏ผก๏ผซ๏ผฎ๏ผฅ๏ผณ๏ผณ๏ผฅ๏ผณ

]`โ—‡ Doesn't trust anyone ; Pretty self exclamatory, he just can't trust anyone outside his brother. And if his brother got the information from elsewhere, then he doesn't trust his brother's words either.
`โ—‡ Animals hate him ; They go crazy. It's absolutely insane. Maybe it's cause he's a vampire, but he hasn't seen it happen to any other vampires. They'll growl and bite, even though Alex actually used to love dogs.
`โ—‡ Can't form relationships ; Most people are uninteresting to him. Any real relationships he forms is broken off quickly, due to his own inhuman nature.
`โ—‡ No good moral judgement ; When he's done something wrong, it's hard to tell. This is part of the cause of the above weakness.


`โ—‡ Losing his brother ; Alexander is very attached to Mattias, and if Mattias ever leaves willingly (like not so long ago), he'll try and fix whatever is wrong.
`โ—‡ All his crimes will come back to him ; Yep, you heard it right. Alexander is afraid of hell. He's afraid of all the sins crawling on his back.
`โ—‡ Seclusion ; Despite how aloof he is, he still likes a tiny bit of social interaction once in a while. If it were to stop forever, he wouldn't be able to stand the boredom.


xxxxAlexander was born in a small town in Germany where his parents were activists in protesting the unfair treatment caused by the Treaty of Versailles. After World War I, an incredible amount of inflation was happening. Meanwhile, in America, World War I pulled it out of a depression. His parents were thinking about sending the brothers to their Uncle Al, who had a home in Violet Blues, a tiny town in Louisiana.
1924: 5 years oldImage
xxxxAlex and his brother, Mattias, were extrordinarily close. They often sat by the dying light of the fire, warming their hands, and whispering exciting stories about America. "Everyone in America is rich," they were told. And they believed it. As they grew up, the thought of America grew more and more distant as their parents were out, more and more, trying to gather enough currancy to buy bread. Eventually, little to their knowledge, their parents gave up and started protesting with the rest of the crowd. They burnt marks in the middle of the street, screaming for fair treatment.
1927: 9 years old
xxxxAlex took to stealing immediately. There wasn't anyone who was particularly rich, but when he walked into a bakery or a grocery store, he would crouch down on the ground and hide a single can of beans or a piece of bread underneath his clothes. When he got home, his parents were still gone. "Matt, look at what I've found," Alex would always whisper, taking out the food.
xxxxMatt would protest, "It's wrong, Alex, it's wrong!" But his stomach couldn't lie. Alex split the bread in half and they ate like starving dogs. The two brothers survived with stolen food and odd jobs for quite a long time.
1934: 15 years old
xxxxAdolf Hitler became President of Germany. The last president died of natural causes, causing the chancellour to come to power. Immediately, he began working on the German economy. The two brothers found good paying jobs, after struggling for so long. Their parents were in major support of Hitler, and went to every political rally there was. Germany, with its factory workers, began producing guns and bombs. The Schulz brothers were right in the middle of it all.
1937: 18 years oldImage
xxxxAlexander followed his brother's footsteps and moved out of the house. His parents were pleased that young people were getting jobs and surviving now in the once terrible economy. Alex was seriously considering becoming a Nazi camp police, but decided against it since he knew how much his older brother hated the Nazis.
xxxxAlex didn't give a shit, he just wanted to survive. But he still loved his brother through all of the ups and downs of the economy.
1938: 19 years old
xxxxAlex discovered his own sexuality. He found that he didn't care if it was Lucille or her brother. When a fellow factory worker started hitting on him, he wasn't quite sure how to respond. It was a man, Ferdinand. He was four years older than Alex, and quite handsome. Alex immediately took to him, and they spent all the time in the world together, but away from prying eyes. They were afraid of the Nazis, who hated homosexuals just as much as they hated Jews and the disabled.
1939: 20 years old
xxxxFerdinand was taken by the Nazis. Soon after, so was Alex. By this time, Alex had no idea where his brother was. They hadn't spoken since the year Alex left home. But he had a feeling that Mattias was going to follow him into the camp soon.
xxxxIt began with a phsycotic Jewish roommate, he bunked right above Alex. His name was Ives. He had a large, wooden, tree branc that he kept underneath his pillow at night. Alex, as a "homosexual" was discriminated by his peers as well, and Ives was the only one who would talk to him because of how insane he was. He spoke urgently, every single time they would talk.
xxxx"They're coming! They're coming!" Ives said.
xxxx"Ives, who are you talking about?" Alex responded.
xxxx"The vampires, Alexander, the vampmires!"
xxxx"Vampires aren't real, Ivis," Alex would respond. The other bunkers around them would shake their heads dissaprovingly. They all knew Alex would get nowhere with the conversation. But Alex didn't care, he didn't have anyone else to talk to. He was already labeled lower than the rest of his innmates.
xxxx"Yes they are, and when they come for you and me, I will stab them! He killed so many of us!" Ives began to sob.
xxxx"How do you know?" Alex asked.
xxxx"He killed my good friend, Ferdinand," Ives choked, "I saw him, and he looked at me with these terrifying, glittering green eyes. They glowed in the dark, I swear. His mouth was covered in Ferdinand's blood!"
xxxxAlex's stomach sank as soon as he heard Ferdinand's name. But Ferdinand was a common name, it would be easy to assume that it was his lover.Image
xxxx"I have you, Alex, he's been targetting you homosexuals for a while," Ives said, the tree branch still underneath his pillow.
xxxxThat did it: Ferdinand was dead, possibly by a misconception. A German guard most likely stabbed him, and it just looked like he was a vampire because blood got near his mouth. But Ives felt a little insane....
xxxxIt wasn't until many nights later, after the same conversation, with Alex trying for more information, that a vampire actually did attack. He snuck into the room at night, and immediately went towards Alex, who was obliviously asleep.
There was a tiny scream that escaped Alex's mouth, when he felt teeth sinking into his flesh, right by his neck. Ives, the glorious saviour, awoke instantly, and reached for the branch. He looked underneath, and saw a man feasting on Alex's blood and he stuck the branch through his back and out of the vampire's heart.
It screamed, and someone immediately turned on the lights. A Nazi guard. The vampire fell on the floor, blood remained on his mouth. Alexander saw the sight, and fell back into his bed, fainted due to the shock and venom in his system.
xxxxAlex woke up the next morning, and Ives had been executed that night for the murder of a Nazi guard. No one protested, even though everyone knew the Nazi guard had attacked Alex first. The Nazi guard was buried with a piece of wood still stuck in his heart.
1939: DeathImage
xxxxHere was the problem though, Alex was ravenous. Everywhere he looked, he could sense the life of other human beings as if they were an extention of his own arm. When he dug holes all day, the original exhaustion that settled in didn't happen. Slowly, he started to believe Ives was right. He knew he couldn't have gotten so strong within the course of a single day.
xxxxAt night, he couldn't sleep at all. It was almost as if something extrordinarily exciting were to happen, but nothing did. He just simply wasn't tired. Alex got up, and pressed the door until the bar jarring it shut snapped. He stared at himself in amazement, it was almost as if the thick piece of wood keeping them in was just a twig.Image
xxxxNo one heard him as he stepped quietly through the empty corridor outside. He was reminded of his brother. Immediately, he could smell his scent. It smelled faintly of flowers and laundry detergent. He licked his lips, imagining the blood rushing underneath Mattias's veins. He followed the scent, it seemed to linger in the air. He followed it to another door, identical to his own, with a wooden slab locking people in place. He was sure Matt was in there, sleeping. He could hear him breathing, his heart beating, a steady beat.
xxxxAlex unlocked the door, thinking of what it would feel like to sink his teeth and drink-... Mattias's smell was too strong. Alex snuck up to Matt's bunk, and put his hand over his mouth. Matt immediately woke up, and looked ready to scream, but he didn't. He seemed to understand what was going on. Matt got up, and followed Alex out. They exited the enormous concrete building, and started to run.
xxxxThe wire fence blockaded them, but it was nothing compared to Alex's newfound strength. He bent open the chain link, and they ran into the woods, leaving behind the intense labor and injustice humans created.
xxxxAlex turned around to face Mattias. Before he could say a single thing, Alex pushed Mattias to the ground. He wasn't even able to protest before Alex sunk his fangs into Mattias's neck and drank the sweet nectar that he'd been craving for so long: blood. Alex shivered as he gulped down his brother's blood. His animal instinct told him not to stop, but Alex himself was screaming. He started screaming out loud.
xxxx"Mattias, I'm sorry," he whispered, as he covered his nose and mouth. Mattias was unconcious on the ground when Alex ran as fast as he could, away from his body. He didn't know if Matt was alive or dead, he just knew that he shouldn't drink his blood. He loved his brother, and he didn't want to kill him.Image
xxxxHe loved him.
xxxxMatt couldn't die.
xxxxHe didn't take too much blood.
xxxxDid he?
xxxxHe could still survie couldn't he?
xxxxAlexander could feel Mattias's pulse. It was slowly fading away.
xxxxAlexander knew in his gut.
xxxxHe knew something so well, an inevitable explination.
xxxxMattias was dead.
xxxxThe war was over. Alexander had mourned the death of his brother for so long. When he returned to the spot where Matt's body was, the next morning, it was gone. There was an unusual scent lingering around the area, but Alex didn't care. He knew the Nazis took his body. They found it when they tracked the open hole and the very obvious footprints.
xxxxThe sun was shining, and it felt uncomfortable on his skin. Alex preferred to stay hooded. For all of the time during the war, he climbed over the fence, and drank the blood of a person inside the concentration camp, while they were still sleeping in their bunks. Once a week. That's all the blood he needed. The death of a human once a week.
xxxxHe wasn't sure how he was going to attain his resource. He did know his Uncle Al lived in America, and he didn't want to go out to find his parents, who had most likely died during the war. He wasn't particularly close to them, regardless.
xxxxIn order to make the best of time, he snuck onto a boat. People were bailing Germany because everyone knew the economy would collapse like it did in the last World War. Once he arrived at America with virtually nothing but a few clothes (he had stolen during the war,) he decided to go meet Uncle Al in Louisianna.
xxxxWithout a passport, he snuck off the ship as he snuck onto it, and made his way from Pennsylvania outwards. As he migrated towards the south, he never realized how easy of a target African Americans were. No one seemed to care when they dissapeared, almost like no one cared when the Jews or the homosexuals dissapoeared. When he killed any white person, however, the police would be on his tail, and they were more of an annoyance than anything.
xxxxWhen he arrived in Violet Blues, he found out that Uncle Al had died of a heart attack long before, and his house was abandoned.
xxxxAlex continued going out to hunt once a week. And that's where he met his brother. In Violet Blues. They both came to America, almost like they hoped to get rich like their childish dreams. But they didn't. They both knew they just didn't want to be in Germany.
It was a wonderful embrace, to smell his brother again. It was different this time, though. Mattias not only smelled like flowers and laundry detergent, he also smelled like death.
xxxxAlex knew that he hadn't killed his brother, he had only transformed him.
xxxxBut soon they came to a quick disagreement.
xxxxIt was easier, Alex would argue. He loved human blood, he couldn't give it up.
xxxxJustice, Matt would argue. Humans are too precious. Animals don't have the same brains we do, we can feast on them all we'd like to.
xxxxBefore long, the short happiness that lasted between Mattias and Alexander was gone. So was Mattias.
xxxxIf you're so determined to protect the humans, I'll stop. Partly because he had to (people were starting to acknowledge African Americans as human beings). Alex moved on to greener choices. He stole from blood banks. It wouldn't be until much later when he saw his brother again.



FACE CLAIM ; Bill Skarsgรฅrd
HEX CODE ; #6c0010
PLAYED BY ; Asilversnowleopard

So begins...

Alexander Schulz's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Schulz Character Portrait: Rosalie Finch Character Portrait: Lindsay Finch Character Portrait: Mattias
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#, as written by Airy






People tend to talk in a little town; your personal business can never be truly personal until you learn the precise art of hiding oneโ€™s skeletons in the closet. If your house is invested with mice, then by god, you can count on the community of Violet Blues taking it as a personal attack on every single inhabitant. You can't even get a divorce without the townsfolk choosing definitive sides and the church trying to condemn you to eternal damnation for not staying with a man or woman who already treats you like youโ€™re in hell. If your lucky, sometimes people tend to ignore the obvious and stay in their oblivious little superlative bubbles of southern small town perfectionism, but thatโ€™s only with darker more uncomfortable matters to which people would rather not have their names associated.

Of course, if your name is linked with those dark things, no one has an issue in discussing it to your face or to others more truthfully opinionated thereafter.

โ€œSweetie, Iโ€™m so sorry to hear about your brother. I canโ€™t imagine what your family is going through right now, especially considering you were the one who discovered the god awful mess.โ€ Rosalie, as gracefully and with only a slight tightness to her tone interjected before Patty Jackson could spiel on even more uncomfortably, saying, โ€œthank you for your condolences, Iโ€™ll pass them along to Lindsay and my father.โ€ This was, of course, a lie. She knew Lindsay might just brush it off having heard enough apologies, and Rosalie wasnโ€™t quite sure her father would even take the time of day to listen to her relay the message. Rose herself didnโ€™t necessarily care for all the apologies and casserole dished foods she acquired within the last month since her brother had passed. There was no need for apologies. Mason was murdered, and unless the people who offered these repeated apologies were his killer, she didnโ€™t particularly think there was a reason or need for the countless atonements. Rose finally thought the relentless pitying looks and comments had stopped, but Patty had only just come back from a long work vacation a few days back and the news was fresh to her. Pattyโ€™s husband Jim patted his wife tenderly on the hand, as if trying to console his wife. Truthfully, Rose knew Patty would be more ailed at the news of the affair her husband had when she was gone then the murder of Mason. The affair wasnโ€™t well known news in Violet Blueโ€™s yet, but it would only be a matter of time.

Jim softly shook his head in prig disbelief as he murmured to Patty, โ€œfound him right there, splayed across the altar table. It was a vampire you know." Rose stifled a small smile, ignoring the 'splayed acorss the table' comment. Clearing her throat slightly, she stated as happily and normal as she could manage, โ€œWe don't know if it was a vampire, I don't beleive it was. Let me get both of you some more coffee," Rose turned promptly on her heel to go help to other customers she had to serve in the final hour of her shift at Davieโ€™s Bar and Grill, a poor rendition of a 50โ€™s style diner. Truthfully, the theme was only executed in the odd colors and furniture, as well as the mismatched vintage serverโ€™s uniforms, but that was because it had only recently come into a new owner. All Davie had done since acquiring the bar after his mother passed a year back was renaming it, changing the menu, and doing some mismatched repairs that worked to counteract the 50โ€™s theme. He always says that once he has the money he will change it up into a more modern version of a diner, but until then, Rose is stuck wearing the old fashion pink uniform with a white apron tied around the waist, while Davie stood behind the bar sticking out like a sore thumb due to his seemingly endless supply of cowboy hats and flannel shirts.

Rose stopped once on her way to grab the coffee pot, but that was only because a man at a table who sheโ€™d never seen before had stopped her in order to grab something as well -- her ass. Rose didnโ€™t have the time or patience to listen to the man utter his crude comment, as instead she instinctively and extremely quickly pried his hand away and twisted it in her own crude way behind his back. She did it rather suddenly and with a surprising amount of strength, so the shock and the squeal of pain the man let out was obvious. Rose didnโ€™t like causing scenes, most especially when there were children in the diner, so in haste without letting go of her painful grip, she laughed as sheepishly as she could manage and said out loud, โ€œoh dear, I am so sorry you spilled coffee on your lap!โ€ She was very discreet in hiding the painful strain she was putting on his twisted arm. To anyone who might see past her, they would safely assume she had a friendly hand on his back. Leaning further in, she whispered in the manโ€™s ear low enough that no one would be able to hear it, โ€œnow let me go get you the check, I fear you may have to leave to put ice on your injury,โ€ her tone sickeningly sweet. The man struggled a bit in order to release his arm, but with every tug and pull it would only cause him more pain. Instead, he gave a hard look toward Davie, challenging him to help him as he was the customer, but Davie made a notable point of turning his face away, whistling a little tune as he did.

Rose finally dropped his hand and without so much as a second glance, went on her way to get a coffee pot and the mans check.

As she approached the Jacksonโ€™s table once more, she overheard Jim state rather hushed and bitterly, โ€œI really hope Pastor Finch has replaced that altar table, Itโ€™d be disgusting โ€“ Oh, thank you Rose.โ€ Rose simply poured the coffee, giving the married couple no signs to let them know she overheard their previous comment. She went to turn away, but suddenly Patty reached out to grab her arm, asking abruptly, โ€œRosie, would you mind looking after Charlotte tomorrow at seven? Itโ€™s another date night.โ€ Rose brightened a little at that notion. Charlotte was their seven-year-old daughter, one of the many kids she baby sat. She much proffered her company then her parents. โ€œOf course, Iโ€™d love to. I havenโ€™t seen her since you and her went on that trip, Itโ€™ll be nice.โ€

After dropping the check off at the clearly disgruntled, yet a little petrified man, Rose took off the waist apron and handed it to Davie. It was nine at night and her shift was finally through. Making her way into the back kitchen, saying friendly helloโ€™s to the cook and his assistant, she went into Davieโ€™s office to slip over the pink uniform an overly large cardigan, which previously was owned by her brother. She also grabbed her bag. Now she simply had to wait for Lindsay, before reluctantly going to her house that she wouldnโ€™t exactly call her home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Schulz Character Portrait: Mattias
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Image"I shall not see the shadows, I shall not feel the rain;
xx.xxxI shall not hear the nightingale sing on, as if in pain:
xx.xxxAnd dreaming through the twilight that doth not rise
xx.xxxnor set, haply I may remember, and haply may forget."
xx.xxxxxxx - Christina Georgina Rossetti ;; #e31616

Even more than his own damnable existence, Mattias hated the quiet murmurs of pedestrians alike. It was the half-shouted whispers and conniving glances his way that made him feel as though his soul was bared for all to see. It was a frightening and miserable feeling, and could be summarized as a whole to be paranoia.

However, he knew better than to lash out and keep his emotions in check โ€”to pretend as though the gossip filling his ears is nothing more than a fly. Annoying and distracting, but not overly harmful.

Briskly walking down the street away from his hotel, Mattias pulled his phone from his pocket and began typing in a string of digits he knew by heart. He did not have the courage to permanently keep the number knowing that once he did, how often he would be tempted to call it.

TO: (318) - XXX -XXXX
FROM: Mattias Schulz

Iโ€™ll be over in 10 minutes.

Seemingly endless years without contact and the first thing he had the nerve to text was when he would be over. The moment he hit the send button, he wanted to erase it but knew that had happened could not be erased. Mattias sighed in self-deprecation and wondered why he had to be such a screw up big brother sometimes. He would live with it. He had to.

Without looking at his phone to check for an answer - like he wanted to - he put it back in his pocket and forgot about it. After all, the next best thing after confronting things is to run away from them; and that - was something the Schulz brothers could do perfectly.

โ€œYouโ€™re new around here arenโ€™t ya?โ€ a feminine voice called out and made him stop his his tracks. โ€œPart of the government if I had to guess,โ€ A smile, โ€œIโ€™m right arenโ€™t I?โ€

He did not dignify the bubble-gum chewing teen with a verbal answer, but let his head bob in affirmation. That seemed to be good enough however, for she then quickly yelled out, "Things aren't all they seem here Violet Blues,โ€ She winked and before he could question her and the oddity of her warning, she skipped away as if she had never talked to him in the first place.

Starting his walk once more - and ignoring the all together weirdness of their conversation, if it could even be called that - he gave her suggestion a thought and chuckled softly at the thought that she assumed he was a human. If only she and all others knew.

The Vampire Investigation Unit of Louisiana operates under the veil of normalcy - that being, they can legally lie about their race without repercussions and or worry about the law to an extent. They deal with supernatural affairs, and because of that sometimes they cover up = crucial details with pretty lies and fake smiles to sate the press and the people. It would not be productive to give people something to worry about even more than what they already do.

And it is to those whom do not know better - the better half of the nation - that assumes the unit is simply a gathering of high ranking government detectives sworn to duty to protect the people from supernatural creatures โ€” like themselves.

Mattias slowed his walking, stopping at a worn down looking house with a pathway that seemed ten years overgrown. It was most likely not the fault of the owner, although he might have contributed to it, but from what Mattias could remember the house itself never was in the best condition. Neglect however made it worse.

Slowly, painfully so, Mattias gathered the courage to walk up the pathway and was met with a slightly chipped white painted door. He breathed in not quite ready for what was to come. What would the reaction of his brother be? Angry for sure, possibly disgust, and all other emotions that go in-between.

Exhaling he lifted his hand, and knocked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Schulz Character Portrait: Rosalie Finch Character Portrait: Lindsay Finch Character Portrait: Mattias
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Image"I shall not see the shadows, I shall not feel the rain;
xx.xxxI shall not hear the nightingale sing on, as if in pain:
xx.xxxAnd dreaming through the twilight that doth not rise
xx.xxxnor set, haply I may remember, and haply may forget."
xx.xxxxxxx - Christina Georgina Rossetti ;; #e31616

Mattias was fully prepared for a verbal lashing, the door closed on his face, or a quick punch to his face - and was fully prepared to state his case - and it was because of thoughts that he didnโ€™t expect a spiteful, โ€You motherfucker,โ€ followed in quick succession with a hug. He dropped his brief case in order to wrap his arms around his younger sibling and murmured a quiet, โ€œIโ€™m sorry.โ€

They let go of each other, and as Alexander went to collect himself Mattias could only watch. He noted that his brother was still five inches taller than him, and his face had a certain gauntness to it that made Mattias weary. Last he had heard from him, Alexander had quit killing others to sustain his own life and began stealing. It wasnโ€™t the best solution, but it was one that made Mattias slightly less guilty.

โ€œIโ€™ve missed you too,โ€ he smiled and pushed his glasses further up his face, โ€And Iโ€™m here to ask for your help.โ€ Matters ignored the other questions to get straight to the point, and silently berated himself for doing so.

Remembering he had dropped his briefcase he had a motion to pick it up and brushed the dirt off its leather exterior. Inside were files about the murder of Mason Finch, and Mattias was hoping his brother would help him on the case. It was not that he needed his brotherโ€™s help, but he wanted to spend time with him. Although, if pressed to admit it he would rather lie.

โ€œThe investigation unit sent me here to solve the murder of a boy named Mason Finch.โ€ he did think to include the supernatural part, but everything was semantics to Mattias. โ€œHave you ever heard of him?โ€ It was a question Mattias was ninety percent sure of he knew that answer to, but decided to ask regardless. In the small town of Violet Blues nothing ever escaped anyone.

A small beep made itself known to the pair and before Alexander could either deny or accept his request Mattias grabbed his arm, shut the door to the house, and pulled them both down the overgrown path. โ€˜Damnit, if it hadnโ€™t been for that girl and the cabs earlier.โ€™ They were now late, and he hadnโ€™t even had time to explain more to his brother about the case.

Their uncle Alโ€™s house - now Alexanderโ€™s - was on the outskirts of the city and Mattias would have taken a cab, but oddly enough whenever he had asked them to drive out they promptly told him no. He even tried to pay extra, but to no avail. It made him curious what was out there - aside from his brother.

Mattias made them both run until they reached the first shop of the city where he purposely made a large huff of exhaustion. He wasnโ€™t really tired, but he needed to put up an act of normalcy. People were always watching, even when one thinks theyโ€™re not.

โ€œWeโ€™re going to Davieโ€™s Bar and Grill,โ€ he finally said knowing his brother had a question or two about the whole ordeal. โ€œThere are two sisters, and one of them works there; her shift ended fifteen minutes ago.โ€ Matters did not bother giving an explanation as to why he knew the younger sisterโ€™s schedule, but pointedly looked at his briefcase instead. โ€œSheโ€™s one of the side suspects.โ€

It was not likely that either sister had anything to do with the murder, however he could not rule out the possibility. Years of being a detective made him wise to innocent facades.

They reached the diner just as two females walked out, and with a quick glance to his brother signaled his intention. Keeping a safe distance the brothers followed the sisters as they conversed and Mattias made a mental note about every little action they did.

Watching suspects without them knowing was one of the most pure ways to analyze a person. It is when they feel the most free, and true to themselves. Even when theyโ€™re hiding something there is less restraint than when talking in an interrogation. It was only natural, and Mattias wanted to observe them as quickly as possible before rumor of his arrival spread; for then they would all be put on edge and he would not truly see them for who they are.

He could only wish his brother had the same thought process as him and would not yell out something absurdly stupid like, โ€œHey, youโ€™re the Finch sisters correct?โ€ No, they would be too ridiculous even for him.