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There is a first fifty years to everything, after the destruction of the world into tiny islands, the first fifty years of Dragon riders is well on its way, unless Skypirates have anything to say about that.

1,467 readers have visited Incunabulum since Nujuer created it.


It is the year 5056 or at least they think… humans have lost track of such unimportant things as dates and years, since the calamity. The last one hundred years have been a recovery stage for the world.

There had been a giant quake, one that had torn the land to shreds. Massive continents were ripped into tiny little islands. Nuclear plants went off, and so on and so forth, until there was more blue than green on this planet of ours. The humans learned to live with what they had been given, crafting together boats and eventually mastering flights again. They would never be as advanced as hey once were but their gears and cogs would do them just fine. They settled quietly, trading with other islands and living in small communities, their only commiunication other than the regular boat post was through radio and morse code.

It was called the Incunabulum, the first fifty years of the new earth, but even then things were changing again. A monarcy was beginning to build. The last remaining city, what was once Venice. Now ruins built upon ruins was ruled by a man named Shakespeare. He ruled with an Iron fist, leaving families to rot in their boats, set adrift to sea. Shakespeare wanted more however, his greed to control and for land grew and soon he had conquered his own little army of island. Of course with all those people Shakespeare had his own army. And armada to take over and rule in his name. Soon he would rule everything… or so he thought. He had counted on a resistance but not much of one. There he had been wrong, countless people struck against him sinking ships and battling his city sending him into a rage.

He brought in effect a strike team, and together they built a small army of metal dragons, to be flown by only his trusted men. These dragons could get to islands quicker and take down resistances. The dragon riders were cruel and heartless. They were paid to kill and they enjoyed it.

It was a new icunabulam the first fifty years of the dragon riders. Many people took to the sky then, they clambered aboard blimps and armed themselves with makeshift pistols that could only fire once and cannons. They were called Skypirates, They wanted nothing to do with the war between Shakespeare and the rebels. They just wanted to be left alone.

This is where our story takes us, aboard a blimp a few hundred miles North of where the latest Dragon Rider attack had been. The ship is an old rig, falling apart at the seams and yet manages to stay up in the air. A small group crews this ship… How they change the fate of this world is yet to be determined, all that is known is that they have the power to make things end very differently. Welcome aboard this crew of misfits.


Alright now these are the posts that need filling! Male or female, doesn't matter.

Captain (Runs the ship and commands the crew as he sees fit) - Taken by yours truly.

First mate (An assistant to the captain, he or she often offers input in certain decisions and is a secret keeper)- Taken by Silverlight138

Cook (Self explanatory hopefully)- Taken by Taroo

Navigator (Directs the ship to where the captain wants to go, knows he seas and weather patterns well)- taken by Silverlight138

Blacksmith (A weapon and gun maker as well as a regular repair man)- taken by Ulfunn

Quartermaster (Is to take over the ship if the captain is unfit to sale. He is the replacement captain)-

Gunner (Weapons expert)-

Medic (has a general knowledge of how to heal wounds and what not)- Taken by MirrorMirror1498

Cabin Boy (Assistant to everyone)-

Master Carpenter (Makes repairs on the wooden hull of the ship as well as any furniture)-

Mechanic (Keeps the old boat up in the air.) - Taken by umbra alastor 

*if you have any more ideas for positions feel free to submit!*

Toggle Rules

Alright, so now that this little introduction is in order, I'd like to specify a few rules here.
1) I would prefer you only have one character
2) plz dnt tylk lik dis
3) please have over 100 words per post, I totally don't mind more though ^_^ I want description!
4) When creating a character I would like for you to specify as to how they met the captain and how they came to join the crew. Only a short little blurb is needed but just something as a background story, something as a connection between all our characters.
5) When making a character bio just use the basic stuff, I'm not making a template for it. Just put in what you think is necessary as well as the above requirement.
6) Have fun, haha, this is supposed to be a fun story
7) Create npc's as you need, this is your story as well as mine and so if you want the ship to be attacked just do it. Take some initiative! :)
8) Your picture can be a photograph or a drawn picture as long as it pertains to your character and isn't just a pretty picture.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon heard the captain then sighed looking at his marvelous trap then he just left it just in case he heard the captains last comment "Aww but you know Bai loves our gory visits so much" he said with a smile he aimed his gun at the ship then pulled away. This fight was going to be easy and the ship its self can be scrapped for metal or maybe the ship will have some metal bars that he needs. He liked to mess with metal to see what he can make and how it can can be used to reinforce the ship or modify the weapons. Only when there's nothing for him to do does he do this. Jon couldn't be more excited to enter battle the wait for him was the worst part.

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Phoenix Estrielle

"Stay strong guys, we dont want to trouble Bai too much."

"Not if I can help it," Phoenix gave a coy smile before tunneling her vision towards the rebel ship. It would seem that it was slowly losing a considerable amount of speed due to its existing damage, whereas the Vagus was going faster than ever, devouring the distance between them and their target. If all went well, the skirmish would be over quickly and smoothly with perhaps a light casualty or two. Phoenix wasn't going to admit it, but deep down she knew that was a reckless person - too reckless for her own good or her shipmates'. She tended to jump straight into situations without thinking twice, acting on whims and her instincts, which, wasn't necessarily always right, to say the least.

Phoenix made her way briskly towards the helm and scooped up the telescope that Jeremy had left there. A peer into it immediately told her what she needed to know: 1) It wasn't the rebel ship she was looking for. 2) The flag adorned on their vessel was indeed, that of the Valgor Riders. 3) The enemy appeared to have sensed that they were a looming threat and had started to take up arms, causing a flurry of activity on the main deck which reminded Phoenix of scurrying ants.

Shortly later, the front of the Vagus barreled full-force straight into the enemy ship's gigantic butt.

Of course, the Valgor Riders were nearly as ready and prepared as Ryan's own crew were, having a good five minutes - give or take - to arm themselves and make necessary tactical dispositions. Now that both ships were crammed against each other side by side, both parties started to make attempts at boarding the other's ship.

"Bai! Jeremy- Whoever's manning the guns! Fire at their hull!" Phoenix yelled as the first cannon sailed in the air before pulverizing a section of their ship's hull. And that was also when a super-sized canine leapt right over her and landed with a loud thump. Apparently, they had decided to send the dogs first.

There were more loud thuds on the main deck as though the sky had suddenly decided to rain dogs. A beautiful sight, but not so pretty when one decided to make a lunge for your face, teeth baring with a snarl that ripped the air.

Phoenix wasn't aware that she was good at punching, but she did realize it now as she sailed one right into the dog's muzzle, sending it crashing into the side of the ship, yelping as her fist made contact. Phoenix winced. She had worked with such dogs before in her time with the rebellion - hell, she even had one as her little pet. It pained her heart to hurt them, and she always had a soft spot for cute, furry animals. Except one might say Valgors weren't exactly 'cute'. Nevertheless, she wasted no more time in making a leap straight for the main deck of the enemy's ship. The dogs were still aggressive after all, but since they didn't have much of a choice in sparing them, she figured she'd let the others do the job...

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Hearing Phoenix's order to fire at the enemy hull, Jeremy gave a more specific guideline. "Aim for their cannons, we need to knock them out as quickly as we can!" He shouted as he aimed a cannon and fired. The shot was dead on, it was hard to miss at this range, and he decimated one of the rebel's cannon ports.

Emediately he began reloading the cannon to fire again. Then a rebel cannon ball hit the hull right next to Jeremy, blowing a hole through the hull and sending a shower of splintered wood at him and knocking him back. Emediately after the hole had been made three rifle bullets came through that hole wizzing by Jeremy. As he fell backwards the thought that went through his mind was Wow, these rebels know what their doing, firing right behind the cannon ball to hit anyone that hasn't had the chance to move into cover. Then he hit the floor and called out "I'm ok!" as he sprang back to his feet and re-aimed the cannon at the next enemy cannon port and fired.

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Character Portrait: Bai Toris Character Portrait: Jeremy
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#, as written by phooka
Bai Toris

Bai rolled her eyes at Jon and smacked his wrist, "no injury is 'just an injury'." She said, taking his hand in both of her own and looking at it closely, smiling at his mention of the disinfectant, "oh come on, hike up your skirt and deal with it, it'll hurt a lot more if it gets infect-" She was cut off by the sound of the captain barking orders. Apparently a ship was coming and they were about to do their 'pirate thing'.

"Bai I want you to remain below deck, man the right front gun, we'll send any injured to you."

She sighed and saluted, "sure, sir, I'll do the best I can." She addressed the rest of the crew with a firm look, "just don't be reckless, I'd rather not have to deal with too much gore today, I haven't even had breakfast yet." Turning on her heels, she marched away to go below deck to get to the gun she was assigned. Bai was never a fighter, even during her days with the gang back on the island her parents had left her on. She wasn't fond of hurting other people and besides, she wasn't exactly built to fight. She didn't mind manning the guns because it kept her away from close combat, but she still didn't like having to see the others come out of it with their injuries. It was always a good day when no one got hurt.

She found her cannon and made sure everything was ready before waiting for a signal.

The ship lurched and Bai rammed into the gun, luckily not setting it off. It seemed the Vagus had made contact with the enemy ships. She backed up and checked over herself, her ribs hurt but nothing appeared to be broken. She heard Phoenix's order and quickly scrambled over to her cannon, shutting one eye and beginning to aim it right at the hull.

"Aim for their cannons, we need to knock them out as quickly as we can!" Jeremy's voice was quickly blocked out as he shot a cannon.

Bai jumped, she hadn't noticed Jeremy arrive. "Good lord, boy, I need to get you a bell or something." She muttered, realigning her aim and making sure she was on target. Before she could shoot, shots were heard and she saw the Cabin boy duck for cover. "I'm ok!"

She sighed and smiled, "good, I'd have to kill you if you let yourself get hurt this early." She shut her eye again and aimed once more for the hull and shot, grinning when it made contact.

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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon saw the giant dogs leap he fired the rifle into the throat of one of the dogs the dog dropped dead. Jon dropped the gun and pulled his sword. A blade that was cared for greatly the hilt amazingly simple made by wood and leather the blade was the true work of art the blade was wide the blade would remind a person of a cleaver but it was as long as any longsword. A pattern was carved into it the blade it showed the ship and next to it a fallen metal dragon. Jon swung in a curve towards another dog cutting one-forth into the neck the dog yelped bleeding everywhere. Jon was pounced on by another dog trying to tear his throat out. Jon held the dog at bay with his sword. Pulling out his pistol he shot the beast in the mouth "Eat that you mutt!" Jon loved dogs but he didn't mind having to kill them especially with his life on the line. Recovering himself he yelled "Ill handle the dogs go win us a battle!" he swung his sword to ward off one of the other dogs. He pulled out his knife as well since his pistol was useless at the moment.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Michael Abend
Character Portrait: Maria Gubbles
Character Portrait: Bai Toris
Character Portrait: Phoenix Estrielle
Character Portrait: Jeremy


Character Portrait: Jeremy

The Cabin Boy - "If you need a good assistant, I'm your go to guy."

Character Portrait: Phoenix Estrielle
Phoenix Estrielle

"A phoenix can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."

Character Portrait: Bai Toris
Bai Toris

The Medic of the ship~ "I'll admit, you can't trust me a whole lot, but you can be sure that you can trust me with your life."

Character Portrait: Maria Gubbles
Maria Gubbles

The Cook

Character Portrait: Michael Abend
Michael Abend

The old ships mechanic


Character Portrait: Jeremy

The Cabin Boy - "If you need a good assistant, I'm your go to guy."

Character Portrait: Phoenix Estrielle
Phoenix Estrielle

"A phoenix can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."

Character Portrait: Michael Abend
Michael Abend

The old ships mechanic

Character Portrait: Bai Toris
Bai Toris

The Medic of the ship~ "I'll admit, you can't trust me a whole lot, but you can be sure that you can trust me with your life."

Character Portrait: Maria Gubbles
Maria Gubbles

The Cook

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Michael Abend
Michael Abend

The old ships mechanic

Character Portrait: Jeremy

The Cabin Boy - "If you need a good assistant, I'm your go to guy."

Character Portrait: Phoenix Estrielle
Phoenix Estrielle

"A phoenix can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."

Character Portrait: Bai Toris
Bai Toris

The Medic of the ship~ "I'll admit, you can't trust me a whole lot, but you can be sure that you can trust me with your life."

Character Portrait: Maria Gubbles
Maria Gubbles

The Cook

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Re: Incunabulum

Yeah, Mer, I agree. Where is everyone?

Re: Incunabulum

It would seem posting has deffinately slowed down on this RP.

Re: Incunabulum

We'll probably wait for everyone to post their little fight scenes first, before..... Uhm, what do you guys wanna happen next? XD I was thinking something like a crash landing hahaha

Re: Incunabulum

Mer I did speak about a harpoon sort of grappling system a while back but no worries haha.

Sorry about the poof for a bit, School has just started, but I shall go work on a post now.

Re: Incunabulum

I think you did a plenty good job of coverin' everythin' you missed.

Re: Incunabulum

I have tried to cover everything i missed,but finally another post up

Re: Incunabulum

I don't remember you saying there was a harpoon.

Re: Incunabulum

Oops sorry! I knew I was forgetting someone. Jeremy can help the girls man the guns below deck as well as the harpoon

Re: Incunabulum

Yeh, considering Jeremy is new to the crew, and his job is cabin boy, what station is he suposed to take?

Re: Incunabulum

I think Ryan forgot to give Jeremy a specific order XD

Re: Incunabulum

Thanks Mer. I'm sure that will help. I almost feel like I should make another board with all the info in it...

Re: Incunabulum

Ok, just for informationsal purposes for everyone, I'm going to list a few of the common ship terms real quick.
Bow = front of ship
Stern = back of ship
Srarboard = right side of ship
Port = Left side of ship
Helm = the steering wheel of the ship (in this case it would also have throttle and elevation control)
Hull = the outer layer or armor of the ship's main structure
Hold = cargo area

Re: Incunabulum

Mer- Well for weapons we have one top deck, a large gattling gun. It has a rotating base so you can move the gun around. This gun is located it the front of the ship.
There are four more guns below deck, they can be pushed outside through slots that open and close from the ship. They are more like cannons only firing one large projectile at a time. The crew is given a rifle and a pistol as well.

Silver- Alright so main deck! Exposed air and to the back there is a small building which is indeed the kitchen.

Second floor at the very front of the ship is the helm, it is all glass windows and is protected from the elements. Further back we have the bedrooms and part of the engine which takes up two floors. The living quarters are on this floor as well

Third floor is the cargo bay, boiler room and the bathroom. As well as the rest of the engine keeping the ship up.

All around the ship is a bunch of little hidden places to hide things as well.

Re: Incunabulum

I'm starting to think that we are needing a blueprint of some sort XD

Okay, how about we go about doing this in three layers:

1st layer (main deck): Exposed sky. Where the helm is at. Kitchen (?)

2nd layer: Living Quarters (?)

3rd layer: Boiler room, as have been established by Michael. Perhaps theres uhmm...the weaponry sections at each side of the ship for the canons and stuff.

Yea, something like that.

Re: Incunabulum

Yet another question! What kind of weapons does the Vagus have. Is it the old put some powder in the tube and drop a metal ball in there or is it more modern artillery type stuff or harpoons or what? Also how many of these weapons do we have facing each direction. And are they all on the top deck or housed below deck?

Re: Incunabulum

@Silver - Thanks, that's what I was goin' for. Glad to know I went about it in a good way.

Re: Incunabulum

@Merusagon Excellent job moving the plot along. You have given plenty of reason as to why the rebel ship would want to steal Vagus's parts.

Re: Incunabulum

You are already doing awesome!!!! ^_^

Re: Incunabulum

Thank you for the welcome I will try to be the best smith possible

Re: Incunabulum

Merusagon wrote:Cool, welcome to the crew Ulfunn. Your character looks good, but it raises a few questions Nujuer may need to answer about plot. Jon helped build the dragons three years ago, however, the introduction states that the building of the dragons started a fifty year period of the dragon riders. So does this mean we are only three years into that fifty year period, or has it been going on for fifty years and Jon only helped build the more recent dragons? Also, what exactly is a metal dragon in this case. Is it a blimp built for combat? A world war 2 prop plane? Something else?

I don't mean to poke holes in your character or the plot, I'm just looking for some clarification. Thanks.

Oops good point i will give more clarifying yes the newer dragons being made sorry :p