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Danny Morris

0 · 667 views · located in Earth

a character in “Insane? Yes, i am.”, as played by Mashotu








Skin tone:
Pale as fuck


140 lb

+ Cake
+ Sweets
+ Dark colors
+ Funny people
+ Sunny/warm days

- Blood
- His ex-boyfriend
- Cheaters
- Rain
- Dancing ('cause he can't do it)

+ Reading
+ Playing with his baby sister
+ Playing basketball
+ Baking
+ Sleeping

- He has a soft heart
- He gives in easily
- He adores sweets
- Not the strongest person in the world

+ He protects the ones he loves
+ He's good with animals and people
+ Doesn't mind putting other's first
+ Isn't too greedy (everyone has some)
+ Is very smart

Personality: Danny is typically an all around happy person. He's not overly happy but he's not overly sad or angry either. He's more calm if anything. He enjoys many things, but emotion sometimes has a hard time finding its way to his face. He can be ecstatic! And all you'll get is a small smile. He actually only usually looks bored. He's not afraid to speak his mind. It doesn't matter who they are, Danny will treat a person the same whether they're a royal or hobo. He doesn't feel a person's special by rank. But by how they act.

Weapons: His mind. He can read an entire novel in under an hour and remembers everything he reads or hears.

Childhood and History: Danny has had a relatively normal life. He grew up with a mother and father, and about a year ago a baby girl was added to the family. Around the age of 14 h realized he liked men more than females. He got his first boyfriend at the age of 15 and dated him for a year. They broke up because one day, his boyfriend decided to fuck him and dump him the next day. The man was only after his virginity.

So begins...

Danny Morris's Story


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Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross
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#, as written by Mashotu

"Becca! Don't run away!" Danny called. He was in charge of his baby sister today. She was bored (at least it seemed it) so he took her for a walk around town. But what he'd forgotten was that, though she was a toddler, she loved to adventure. So currently, Becca was running (crawling) away and heading towards the woods. It took only three strides to catch up with the fast moving baby, but he still felt it was three strides too many.

He placed Becca on his hip before he peered into the woods. He didn't even know why he came over here. But it sure was a stupid decision on his part. When he looked into the woods though he saw a huddle of people who looked a lot like guards. "Hey!" He called to them, "Why exactly are you cowering like a bunch of scared puppies!?"
It really was unusual for guards to be scared after all. Actually.... Why the hell where there here? That's a good question.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

One guard turned to the boy, and said to him "He's coming kid, Takeuchi. He's dangerous and is trouble. don't stick around get home."the guard finished, and turned back around to face the woods.(unless he was already in the woods...) the guard tries to look tough so he could maintain the guards meaning of fearless and brave. As that one guard starred off into the woods, he saw a leg drop from a branch of a nearby tree. Staring at it he knew it was Takeuchi. "There he is! In the tree! he said as he pointed to the tree of the hanging leg.

Takeuchi watched a the boy asked why they were so freaked and he laughed a smile "Shi Shi Shi" he dropped a leg from the branch, and put Minx on his shoulder, and minx lit his tail. Takeuchi jumped from the tree landing on the ground softly, dust flew up as he did. He stood, and turned to the guards who all stared at him. Walking up to them, he stopped about 6, 7 feet in front of them. He smiled, at them. Looking at each one who didn't move they just had their weapon up and ready to fire, even if they were to frightened to so so. "Hello. . . He then gave them all a smiling laugh "Shi Shi Shi"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross
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#, as written by Mashotu

Now Danny was just curious. And apparently, so was Becca since she started squirming and making noises no one could understand. Apparently, she'd seen the pretty fiery minx and wanted to play with it. Danny tried to settle his sister. "Are you guys idiots? How can you be guards if you can't fight one person?" Danny called out. If these were the best guards the kingdom had, then there was no way he'd ever feel safe.

"And you. What are you a thief or something?" Danny said to Takeuchi. He didn't know who the man was and didn't know why people (more specifically the guards) were scared of him. He didn't know that it was Takeuchi mainly 'cause he never cared about the royal family or what they did. And that included their children.

He turned away, talking to Becca as he started to walk. "Come on, Becca. You can't play with the pretty minx. We need to leave these idiots to play by themselves."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

[center]The guards looked at the boy, One called out to him "Oh this isn't just a ordinary person, Boy. This is some who knows everything....Well, not everything but enough to take anyone down." The guards just turned around to watch his every move. Takeuchi whispered something in Minx's ear. He said for Minx to go over to the little girl and land on her shoulder but not to harm her. As minx flew over, the guards knew what Minx was capable of when it landed on the girl they all freaked out because they thought he would harm her. Takeuchi made his way up to the guards. As he made his way up he took out three of the knives he had, he had shown them. He smiled and stopped right in front of one guard saying. "Shall i hit you with this or will you let me pass. . ." The guard didn't move from his stance, so Takeuchi just shoved him since he didn't respond. Making the guard stumble onto someone else. As he made his way to Minx he noticed the boy who had said something early, he glared at him. Didn't look like a threat nor acted like one. Once he got to minx, he gave him a sign to fly back to his shoulder, Which Minx Did. He looked back at the guards and laughed a smile, "Shi Shi Shi" One charged at him thinking he was silent like a mouse but wasn't as the guard approached Takeuchi just simply moved a foot to the side, making him stumble and as he did so. Takeuchi just elbowed him to the ground. "Is this really the best troops my parents have. I mean come on this is as boring as hell. He said as he put his hands in his coat pockets.

Looking over at the boy he said to him, as he looked him up and down "What's your name? I'm Takeuchi As you may have heard already, this is Minx."[center] He said as he took Minx from his shoulder and in his hands so Minx could sit in the palm of it. Looking at Minx he remembered the first day he had gotten him. It was his birthday about maybe 8 years ago, When he awoke there was a little box by his bedside, seeing the note it read "Takeuchi, sorry we can be there on your special day But here's a gift that we think you'll like. Love Mom, and dad. As he threw the note down he picked up the box and set it on his lap, once he opened it Minx was laying there sleeping. When the light hit Minx he opened his eye's and flew out to meet his new owner. From that moment on they've been friends ever since.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross
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#, as written by Mashotu

Danny looked the other male up and down as well. He wondered why he was covering his eyes. "What's your name? I'm Takeuchi As you may have heard already, this is Minx." Takeuchi asked as he presented Minx. Becca squealed happily wanting to pet the fiery creature.

"Come on, Becca. Stop fussing." Danny said before looking over at Takeuchi, "She wants to pet Minx."
He switched her to the other hips before introducing himself. "I'm Danny Morris. And no. I have never heard of you. Now my question is... Why were they after you? Because I don't really want my baby sister around a wanted criminal."

He had a right to protect his sister at least. Why else would guards be after a person unless they were dangerous? And the fact that the same guy they were chasing took them down was quite alarming. Danny wanted to yell a bunch of questions at the man. He needed to make sure Becca was safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

He slowed Minx to her level and allowed her to pet him. As he heard him ask the question he said to Danny. "Well, i'm not exactly a criminal really. My parents the King and Queen know i'm insane and well i do get in trouble a lot But they can never catch me, to smart for them. The only place i get in trouble at is back at the kingdom which i've been banned from now, and at school. They just want me dead, they hate me and all never wanted an insane son. Now, there is a reward on my death 1,000,000 coins to be exact. He said was watching the guards make a plan on how to make him down. He smiled as they broke up their little group and started their plan. Seeing to come near, she laughed "Shi Shi Shi Turning to Danny he said "One moment He then placed Minx on Danny's sister's Shoulder and stepped away from them a bit.

They both got to him at the same time, So takeuchi just simple Jumped into the air so he'd be behind him and elbow them both in the backs the kicking them on the ground seeing how pathetic they are. "You guards need practice, this can't possibly be the guards they sent after me or is this just a warm up? He asked one guard who was laying on the floor. The guard turned on his back, covering his face just in case there was a surprise punch. "I can't tell you, maybe it is maybe it isn't. Find out for yourself... After the guard said them he attempted to punch Takeuchi in the face but failed to do so, because he just stopped the punch with his hand twisting his wrist. Than letting it drop. He got up and walked over to Danny, to get Minx

"Pfft, I'm better than you in so many ways".

As Christina was getting ready for bed, she heard some noise outside. It was getting quite annoying so she slipped on her silk Nightgown and opened the big glass door that lead to her Terric, on the second floor. Once out in the cold night air, she looked down seeing guards and 3 others. She thought to herself, why would a little girl be out at this time...Who's the boy holding him. He must be the new kid take his sister out for a walk or something. Who's that other boy, never seen him before, well in the halls but havent talked to him. She looked around the Village no one else was out only those people. She looked back at the commotion and screamed out "Hey! Keep it down I'm trying to sleep here and you guys making noise isn't going to solve anything! She said and then she looked down at them, with a cute sort of annoyed look.

Her cat came out of her room, and jumped on the railing. Christina smiled at him. She placed her hand on his soft fluffy back and began to stroke his fur. As she watched them just look up at her after she made that statement of being annoyed and trying to sleep, she saw the blonde haired boy, smile oddly at her. She gave him a weird creeped out sort of look. Looking away from him she noticed The fiery Creature on his shoulder with it's tail glowing. She looked at the guards for some kind of answer. Whom said to her "Well, missy sorry to disturb your sleep but this one He said pointing to Takeuchi "Is a wanted criminal and were going to kill him somehow, maybe. Well trying to. . .She nodded and proceeded to stand there. "Well, i'm going to watch. She said while going inside to get a comfy chair to sit in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross
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#, as written by Mashotu

Danny wasn't relieved at all. So his was a prince (explains the tiara)... Who's parents wanted his head for 1,000,000 coins because he was a crazy fucker. When another guard came up and Takeuchi placed the fiery animal on his sister's shoulder she squealed in happiness. She got the thing of her shoulders and decided to hug and pet it like she did there cat at home. Thankfully... She learned not to squeeze.

But, when Takeuchi came back for Minx, Becca started to cry and held the poor animal closer. "Come on Becca," Danny tried, "Minx isn't yours." Her only response was more crying. "You are really making this difficult on me..." He muttered before look up at Takeuchi, "As you can see, your animal has been kidnapped. I am sorry for your loss." It was obvious his tone was dipped heavily in sarcasm, as he gave a disappointed look towards his baby sister. He couldn't be too mad... She was a baby after all.

"You know... I really don't think I should still be standing next to someone who has 1,000,000 on their head... And is psychotic to boot!" Danny said, trying to search for the other's eyes through that mess of hair. Though he said that... He never found himself taking a step away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

As Takeuchi looked down at his sister. He decided to say "If she likes him so much, i suppose she could keep him for the night. No harm, in that. You shouldn't be but you are standing next to me, besides i don't hurt people, i just destroy things. I only hurt people if they try and hurt me. He said giving Danny a smile. He noticed in his eye's he was searching for His eye's. "Don't bother looking for my eye's i only show them to certain people. He said to Danny. He then looked up at the girl who was sitting up there You! Up there why do you even bother watching it's not going to be exciting.[/color] He looked at her seeing she was a rich snob (like his brother) who got anything she wanted. She laughed at her "shi Shi Shi" Pathetic he thought.

Looking back at Danny and Becca. She looked down at minx and gave him the look so his tail would go out. Which Minx did his tail was now fluffy and gray. He turned to the guards. "How bout we end this and pick it up later. I'm beat..not from fighting you though from all thats happen today He said and then yawned. The guards just stared at him and they all charged at once, Takeuchi smiled hoping they'd do that. Wonderful. As each came in two's right behind each other. He quickly took out his knives and throw six at the 2 that were coming first they dodged them but the 2 behind them didn't see it coming, they got hit and fell to the ground. The first to came charging at him from both sides he pushed Danny and becca back a bit, so they wouldn't be in any harms way. as they both got close enough Takeuchi took a step back making them both slam into each other. Once they did so, he took out a rope from his coat and tied them up in record time.

He mainly did the same with the others, but the last 2 were trickly they went into tree's but nothing fooled him. He knew one was right above him jumping from a tree. Once the guard got close enough the just stuck a fist into the air, making the guards side slam right into his fist and fall backwards onto the ground. The last guard came up lighting fast, and nearly got Takeuchi in the face with a knife, once he got behind Takeuchi, he turned around to a fist in his face making him fly back. He looked back at danny and Becca. " Sorry becca had to see that. Necessary was tired of them.

"Pfft, I'm better than you in so many ways".

Sitting on the terric with her Cat in her lap. She looked down at Takeuchi, and after he said that to her she just said in reply "I can Watch if i want to, you can't stop me. she said then leaned back to watch the action begin when it did. She never actually heard Takeuchi talk, only smile or laugh. Which was weird because he's a creepy guy. No one knew where he came from or his family. Never talked after school he would just disappear into the woods. Most people thought he lived in there. Everyone would say "No way he lives at the kingdom someone that bad can't live there" they would say, most people thought it was true. Christina didn't care, she just liked being center of attention.

She sat up as the action began and she squealed in excitement. Watching the action she saw Takeuchi pulled out those knives he cared everywhere and Gasps Watching with her mouth open a bit. She saw he was good at fighting and knew what to do in a fight she couldn't believe it. He was fantastic, at fighting that is not on looks she was far more amazingly beautiful than him she smiled at that and then proceeded to watch when it was over she stood up and clapped. Which made him look over, and she quickly sat down again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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#, as written by Mashotu

When Takeuchi didn't take the small animal away, Becca smiled happily. Danny gave him a look though. "She can't take your pet. 'cause when on Earth would I ever see you again to give it back?" He asked as he looked up at the girl who seemed to enjoy watching the other male kill the guards.

"And if you're sorry she had to see it, why are you doing it?" Danny asked, "At least... She'd too busy playing with Minx..."
He looked down at the animal and smiled. It was actually okay with her pawing all over it. He ruffled his sister's hair and pet the Minx as well.

At some point though, Danny got annoyed with the girl's clapping and gasping... This was one reason he didn't like girls. They were too annoying. "Are you sure you don't want Minx back? 'cause I really do have to go put the midget down to bed." He asked. He was actually really surprised the girl wasn't already asleep. Must have had something to do with the fact that she took a very long nap that day and that Minx was there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

Takeuchi glared at Danny, and then to Minx, and shrugged. "Eh, you'll see me in school tomorrow bring him than. I can handle myself one night without him. I'm sure minx will be fine too." Takeuchi said winking at Minx. He looked at Danny, and gave him a smile as well, seeing as he was annoyed with the girl as much as he was. Even though girls were funny sometimes on what they did they can truly be way too annoying for one person to handle. "Oh, i only so to say kill the guards in front of her only because they tried to hurt me in a way, that was pathetic. He signed and said again "It probably won't happen again, really. Takeuchi, looked at the time by looking at the moon, it was 11:49 to be exact. Looking back at Danny, he Smiled and said "You probably should get her to bed it's 11:49 and it's a school night. I'm sure, you go to school and you need sleep and so does becca. So i'll be on my way, He said smiling as he backed away into the darkness of the shadows as he disappeared. Once he vanished, he climbed into a tree, near the opening of the gate, and leaned back sighing in relief that he may have actually found a friend.

He just hoped this one wouldn't turn his back on him like his old so called friends did.

"Pfft, I'm better than you in so many ways".

Christina, was annoyed with those boys attitudes seeing as she saw in their faces they were annoyed with her. "How dare they!" She thought, "They can't be annoyed with me! I'm too perfect She hissed in her mind. She turned around in a very snobby way, and proceeded to her room, pulling the chair in behind her. Once inside, she closed the doors, and shut her curtains, seeing her cat jump on her bed she smiled. "At least you love me my precious. She thought to herself as she went to turn off the light for her room. Once in bed she signed snuggling her cat, she fell asleep pretty fast.

As she fell asleep she thought about tomorrow thinking of who to make fun of maybe the New boy, or takeuchi. She wasn't sure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross
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#, as written by Mashotu

Danny simply nodded at Takeuchi's explinations. Once the other boy left, Danny turned to leave as well. He looked down at Becca and realized she was passed out. See. Now would be the perfect time to give Minx back. But he didn't know where Takeuchi went.

When he got home, his parents we're there either. This didn't surprise him since they were always late. He put Becca down in her bed and gave her her favorite stuffed animal as he took Minx to bed with him. The little critter snuggled close to him after he'd taken a shower and climbed into bed. "Don't worry. I'll bring you home tomorrow." He muttered as he pet the pet. Now his problemm, was finding the other male.

~Next Morning~

Danny wandered the halls the next morning looking for Takeuchi. The minx was hidden in his jacket, but it was hard keeping him calm. He'd probably get in trouble for having a rodent in his jacket. Where would Takeuchi put him? He'd surly get scolded if he just kept him with him.

Danny was about to give up until he finally saw the mop of blond hair. "Finally!" He growled as he walked right up to the male and handed him his fiery pet. "Here. This belongs to you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

Once he awoke he looked around, still had time to get to school on time. He jumped from the three, and began to walk he did walk in the shadows to avoid any attention. Once there, he crept into the building undetected and went to his homeroom right before it let out. He slipped in late as usually, everyone just kept their look, soon as the class let out he sighed one went to his locker. Hearing Danny's voice he turned to him, seeing he held Minx. Takeing him he said, "Thanks Danny, Finding your way around you first day?" He asked setting Minx on his shoulders letting him sleep. Takeuchi closed his locker and turned his whole body towards Danny, giving him a smile.

He then saw the rich snob Christina come their way, which made him irritated.

"Pfft, I'm better than you in so many ways".

Getting up for school to her alarm, made it easy. Clapping her hands twice, the light came on. Yawning she looked down at her kitty, who had just woke up as well, he was stretching. She got up and got dressed, fixing her bed she grabbed her book bag and headed downstairs were breakfast awaited her. eating it quick she went out the door after brushing her teeth. once at school, she quickly stopped at her locker and went to Homeroom. Seeing as it was time to head to first period she rose, and headed out. Seeing Takeuchi and Danny she smirked a headed their way.

Getting to them she smirked and said "Oh look its the fighter and his boyfriend,"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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#, as written by Mashotu

Once Takeuchi took the minx, he asked, "Thanks Danny, Finding your way around you first day?"
Danny nodded his head, "Yes. My classes are relatively close to one another."

Before he could say another thing, he heard an annoying voice. "Oh look its the fighter and his boyfriend."

Danny turned to the girl and rose an eyebrow. "I am pretty sure I'm not dating him... I just met him yesterday."
Why was this girl even here? He didn't recall doing anything wrong. Hell, he didn't even know her name. He saw as few kids whispered around them.

Great... It seems he's acquired himself a bully...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

Takeuchi, looked at christina, and smiled. "Christina, dont pick on the new kid, come on. It's his first day and all. Shi shi Shi "Y'know christina i find you amusing... He walked over to her and stood a mere inch in between them, Christina tried to take a step back and takeuchi, just simply put his foot behind her making her fall. As he walked away, swinging his arm around Danny's neck taking away so Takeuchi could take him to lunch. As they walk away he heard Christina mumble something as she got help from her gang behind her. He felt minx move position, and could tell he was asleep which would be good since they are going to lunch.

Once there, he got himself an apple and a water. He didn't eat much, usually not really hungry, he looked at Danny, and said to him, as he took a bit of his fresh green apple. "Y'know, if you want i can show you around. After school of course. He paused as he took another bite, and swallowed. "That is if you like, so?"

"Pfft, I'm better than you in so many ways".

As she heard danny's response she rolled her eyes in disbelief. She saw Takeuchi coming closed and now was hovering over her, like a dark shadow. When she went to step back, she must have tripped over his feet, because she fell to the ground thankfully landing on her book bag. Which made the fall less hard, looking back up he was already trailing off, with Danny. She looked up at her so called "posse" She mumbled to them "Uh, i could use a hand?!" She screamed at them as she waved her hand in the air. As her boyfriend helped her up she mumbled something, mean "What an a$$" She scrambled and her friends followed her to her locker than to lunch.

Once in the room, she saw Danny, and Takeuchi. She hissed, and sat at her table planning a sweet revenge on them both for what they did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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#, as written by Mashotu

Danny watched the scene before him as Takeuchi scared the girl onto the floor. She looked pissed. And he had a feeling that she more than likely was. Takeuchi looped an arm around his neck and moved them both away from the hall and into the cafeteria. "Y'know, if you want i can show you around. After school of course," He said as he took a bite of an apple, "That is if you like, so?"

Danny grabbed a simple milk and a banana, not really hungry. "Well... I'll probably need some sort of help... So sure." He said, choosing a spot at an empty table, "You know... I'm probably going to end up getting in trouble with that girl because of you. I think she's staring a hole though my head... Kinda hurts now that I think about it."
He'd seen the girl staring at them and knew that he'd already made an enemy. What had he even done wrong?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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"Not like i heard it before, but hey i don't mind.

Takeuchi smiled, as he took another bite of his apple, finishing it. He spoke as he swallowed, "Ah she's always like that to mostly everyone. I'm sure you won't get in so much trouble but hey getting in trouble is fun...well to me. You're a nice guy and new I'm sure they won't beat on ya too hard your first day. Takeuchi said as he aimed his apple to the garbage can and get it in from his seat. He looked back over at Danny as he opened his water bottle. Smiling looking at Danny he took a sip, "I must warn you a smile and laugh a lot. "Shi shi shi"Oh, and i know my laugh is weird but hey we all have something unique about us, i guess. He peered over at christina who was looking at them, he pushed her off and looked at Danny, as they sat and talked about things.

He was growing into a friend with this boy, he liked it.

"Pfft, I'm better than you in so many ways".

Christina sat at her sit slamming her tray down but not hard enough for everything to go flying. She watched them as she ate her lunch. Than an idea came to her, she knew what she'd do to get revenge on Takeuchi. "Ha! She whispered to herself, and then ate the rest of her lunch in because, but leaving the spaghetti sauce and some noddle's on there still. Whipping her mouth her possie was ready to leave, and so was she. She walked behind Takeuchi, and acted as if she tripped and dumped the whole thing on his head, and had a fake surprised, sorry look. She stepped back, and said "Thats for tripping me! She said as she walked away, thinking to herself aw man I'm good.

She didn't know what was going to happen next so she just wished for the best.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Morris Character Portrait: Takeuchi Cross Character Portrait: Christina Jackson
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#, as written by Mashotu

Danny shook his head, the smallest of smiles on his lips. "No. I like your laugh. It's interesting." He said as he turned to see Christina walking towards them. What could she possibly want? She already stared holes into his skull, what she coming to make them worse? Or was she going to talk to them? He kind of wished the former.

She pretended it trip. It was obvious she pretended to trip. His baby sister could do a better job. Granted she'd actually trip. But, because of her fake trip, she'd dumped her tray all over Takeuchi's head. Danny sat there in shock. "Oh she's dead." He muttered, thinking back to the previous night. He grabbed a napkin and started to wipe the noodles and sauce out of Takeuchi's hair. "Kill her later. First, let get you cleaned up." He said, wiping noddles out of Takeuchi's bangs. "Close your eyes for a sec." He said as he lifted them so he could get the sauce and noodles properly. It seemed that most of the food had gotten on the front side of the man, thus royally fucking up his hair.