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Eden Foalan

"I didn't choose this."

0 · 406 views · located in Wyoming

a character in “Insignia: The Rebellion”, as played by Adelphia



"Abraham Lincoln once said that at the end of the day, it's not the years in your life, but the life in your years. So, why live every day afraid of the unknown?"

"Where you end up isn't the most important thing. It's the road you take to get there. The road you take is what you'll look back on and call your life." ~Tim Wiley



| Nickname |
"A few little things within my pack, though there isn't much you can really do with Eden."
Edie (prounced ee-di)

| Age |
"Unfortunately, not old enough to drink."

| Gender |
"Can't you tell? If not then I really need to change my image, not that I care what you think."

| Role|
"Some say the Alpha is the most important role in a pack. I disagree; all roles are important, the Alpha just takes the lead.
Alpha Female of Foalan


| Height & Body|
She's 100 lbs, 5'3".

| Face & Hair |
Her eyes are a light blue, very bright. Her hair is thick was a natural wave and is a dark brown, almost black.

| Scars |
"Hey, everyone's got them. They're memories."
Like most werewolves, Eden has scars from past fights or accidents. Most of the smaller scars are from fights she got into when she was just a pup, but others are from her many training sessions. The one scar that she always seems to notice is on the inside of her left wrist.

| Physical Description |
"Is this what all Alphas look like?"

| Wolf Description |
"I'm the runt as always."
Though when they change, their wolf form is larger than a natural wolf, Eden is still small. Her fur is a dark chocolate brown, with small gold specks in the thick fur.




| Abilities |
"I've got Alpha blood is me. I can do many things,"
Because she in an Alpha, she can command the members of her pack to do whatever it is she requires. She fully gains this power when she becomes Alpha officially; now she can just slightly influence those around her. Still, Eden refuses to use this ability with her pack mates until necessary. She is also rather fast, the fastest in her small pack.

"Probably not much of an ability, but I still take pride in it.
Eden has always been a good dancer. She blames the skill on her wolf senses and strength, but it is also her natural ability. She tried ballet when she was under ten, but that became quickly boring. She's been doing hip-hop and jazz ever since, but has since had to stop lessons because she has had Alpha responsibilities.

| Likes |
Being in Her Wolf Form | Full Moon | Running | Wine | Singing | Fires | Hot Chocolate | Boots | Lip Gloss | Reading | Cooking | Smell of Freshly Fallen Leaves | Pizza | Winter Candles | Stars | Constellations | Soccer | Being an Alpha | Dancing

| Dislikes |
Being Forced to Change | Scouting in the Rain | Being Underestimated | Coffee | Flip Flops | Pumpkins | Writing | Snuggies | Boredom | Spiderman | Fog | Humidity | Having to Change in the Summer | Receipts | Chefs' Hats | Red Wine | Skeptical Humans |

| Fears |
Losing a Member of Her Pack | Drowning

| Weakness |
"I can't afford to have weaknesses."
When it comes to her pack, Eden will do most anything to make sure everyone is safe and under control. Anything.

| Personality |
"Since most of the humans in the town are naturally wary and seemingly frightened of us, I don't have many friends besides my pack. They're definitely the best friends I could ask for, I mean, I wouldn't want anyone different. I was a shy girl when I first me them all however many years ago. I am only sometimes shy to others, but not nearly as I was. Now I'm able to talk to people and hold a conversation without passing out. Just kidding; I never did that before but it seemed as if I would whenever I would have to speak. Speaking in front of others in easier now. They've formed me into the almost-Alpha I am, and I don't know what I would do without them.

With everything my pack has done for me, I always feel the need to do more if not the same for them. Wherever they go, whatever they do, I'm there. It could be the Alpha in me that makes me so protective, though I don't think its the only reason. They are a great group of people; I want to protect them all with my life, and I would without hesitation. I'm selfless, I can't help it. Still, they wouldn't allow me to give my life for them. Its their job to protect me, but I can't live with the idea of them not having protection. Whether they like it or not, I will give my life for any of them. Cliche, I know.

I'm a stubborn person. With being an Alpha comes responsibility, and I do try my best to carry out everything given to me. It is hard, though, when someone decides not to listen, to keep my calm. When I was younger, and still adjusting to the transformation, I was easily angered. Someone stepping on my paw while on patrol would set me off. Now that I think about it, it was probably pretty funny. Its a symptom of the changing, but I had it worse off than any of my friends. 'Its the Alpha blood,' Dad would say. 'You'll eventually get over it.' It never went away. I learned to deal with it over the years, but its still there. Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm sometimes quiet; I don't want to have to take the chance of me getting angry. 'A small flame with a powerful burn,' Mom says. What?

Being an Alpha really sucks sometimes, but someone's got to do the job. With the training sessions and meetings and all of the other boring, official stuck, I try to have some fun with the pack. I've loosened up, and I found that I've got a hidden sarcastic wit. Usually I won't be trying and something will just come out of my mouth and someone will laugh. I honestly don't actually realize what I say until after I say it.


| History |
"I was born the first child of the Alphas leading the Foalan pack. I was never given the choice of who I wanted to be."
Eden always was very serious about the fact that one day she would be the Alpha of her pack. She didn't even know what being an Alpha meant until she was ten.

So begins...

Eden Foalan's Story