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Lord Cyroten

"The bargain was struck, the promise a lie, recompense will be paid."

0 · 737 views · located in New York, New York aka Ironside

a character in “Ironside: The Fae Daemon War”, as played by Havek




Name: Alistair Cyroten
Nickname: Dark Lord, Lord, Master, in truth, he isn't picky with the title as long as he is given the respect that is due.
Age: Eight Hundred? Nine Hundred? After awhile, one stops counting especially when one is eternal.
Species: Daemon

Supernatural Prowess: Has far greater strength, agility, endurance, and reflexes then the common man.

Mind Control: Cyroten's power in mind control is limited depending on various circumstances. Distance, the realm, his own power invested, and the targets willpower. If used in the daemon or fae realm, it is vastly more powerful then the 'moral' ironside realm, if the target has a great enough willpower they can resist him no matter how hard he tries.

Mind Reading: For Cyroten to use it he has to be in skin to skin contact, preferably with his hand on their head. This power can be resisted with either magik or a strong willpower.

Shapeshifting: While he does have the power to change his form, Cyroten does not use it. What need does he have in pretending to be another?

Daemonic Transformation: Cyroten can assume his 'true' daemonic form which greatly increases all of his powers. He can only assume this form inside the daemon realm.

Daemonic Magik: Cyroten's Magikal talents lie in the realms of shadow and entropy. With shadow he employs manipulation and terror to control his opponents, but he also has power over the shadow storm. Terrible black lightning that fries from the inside out.

Entropy is a little trickery and far less flashy. With the power of Entropy Cyroten causes life to reach its natural end. Death through decay. The power is extremely unstable and hard to control even for someone with as much experience as he. He can broaden the effect to destroy the very environment, but strong willed, or magik savvy, individuals can easily resist the effects. The other way to use it is to concentrate on a single target, but it takes all his concentration and leaves him open to others, and the effects are rather slow.

The most devastating way to employ Entropy is by touching someone on the forehead much as if he was going to read their mind. In that instant, he can cause them to rapidly decay and age, even other immortals, until they are dust. Such is the powerful nature of entropy that Cyroten's very body has undergone some of the damage shown with his 'advanced' years despite daemons not aging. While he could easily hide his age with the use of magic, Cyroten embraces his new form as a badge of honor and pride. He is his own statue to his might.


Personality: Pride, everything about the Dark Lord revolves around that one strength and one sin. Cyroten is an extremely proud daemon and why shouldn't he be proud? He is the Lord and Master of the mightiest race of the realms, the being who commands absolute authority, whose rule is by divine will! Thanks to his immense pride, Cyroten is very unforgiving of failure as it reflects badly on him and the entire race, and forgiveness is rarely granted, but the rewards for success and loyalty are greatly rewarded as Cyroten is a gracious Lord as he takes great pride in his subjects when they excel, but woe be to those who think to insult the Dark Lord as he will never forgive a personal slight be it real or perceived. Such grievous insults must be repaid in blood, and he will settle for nothing less.

Despite his harsh policies, Cyroten is an admirer of beauty and rare talents. The royal palace has many wondrous tapestries hanging from the roofs, large oil paintings stretching down entire hallways because Cyroten is a firm believer that all daemons must surround themselves with beauty least they forget themselves in the bleak reality. In fact, it was his love of beauty and strong desire to claim anything he believes is his that intensified the war with the treacherous Fae. When Cyroten desires something, for whatever reason, he will have it. If he has to wait centuries, if he has to rage war with all the realms, if he has to drown the universe in blood, nothing gets between the Dark Lord and the object of his desire. One could easily say that he has a penitence for obsession. Despite his willingness to do whatever is necessary to achieve his goals; Cyroten has a strong sense of honor that comes from his nobility. He will respect treaties and his word is his bond for better or worse; it was the only thing that kept him at bay waiting for the Fae Princess to be his, but his wrath is great and terrible to those who deceive him.

Despite the lengths the Dark Lord will go to in order to achieve his ambitions and desires; he does not like getting his own hands dirty as he sees it as being beneath him. He will rarely engage personally preferring to leave that to his subjects and minions for that is their purpose.

Appearance: Unsettling. No word besides that fits the Dark Lord better as that one word. His pale, almost pasty, skin seems to barely stretch over his skull leaving each and every jutting bone from his skull sticking out. The worst is at his large brow that approaches a receding hair-line give him a very 'skeleton' like appearance. His eyes are sunken in with a shadow cast over it by his brooding brow; his unnaturally bright crystal blue eyes are a stark, and frightening, contrast that rarely hold anything besides contempt. In fact, if it wasn't for his slightly bulbous nose and light auburn hair, Cyroten would, indeed, look like a skeleton masquerading in a body one size too small.

The manner in which he dresses in a dark Gothic manner befitting that of an ancient daemon king. The clothes are always over-embroiled and colored in black and blood reds to further enhance his unsettling appearance. His clothing tends to be bulky and have sharp edges to give him a wider appearance for Cyroten is a very gaunt man, and like his skull, borders on the lines of skeletal. His fingers are long and bony, his shoulders are narrow, his hips narrow, and his ribs tend to stick out.

+Height: 6'2
+Weight: 175 lbs.
+Eye Color: His eyes are such a bright hue of crystal blue they appear almost white.
+Hair Color: Light auburn with freckles of gray at the temples.
+Ethnicity: Caucasian
FC: Bill Nighy


Place of Origin: Drak'tar, the capital of the Daemon realm.

Brief Bio: Cyroten was born to Dark Lord Dominus, his father, before the Great War of the Fae began. His mother was a lowly serving girl that had managed to catch the eye of the Dark Lord, for however brief a time, and so Cyroten was thrust into the long line of succession as a bastard child, one of many, as Dominus was widely known for his great lust. Luckily, or perhaps unfortunately, the line of succession in the daemon realm is not done by seniority. All those of royal blood may challenge the current Dark Lord for right to rule, and while the Dark Lord are generally not encouraging of being displaced; they do respect tradition, and it is highly frowned upon to murder any of the heirs, but it is still sometimes attempted. Heirs trying to assassinate other heirs, on the other hand, is allowed, even encouraged because it proves their worth to their people and the rulers of powerful daemon clans.

Cyroten's mother, Aelia, was extremely ambitious and had seduced the Dark Lord on purpose for the mother of a living heir was promoted in status to that of a concubine and lapped with luxury, but that wasn't enough for Aelia. She wanted to be the mother of the Dark Lord. To stand on top of the world and sneer at all those who once mocked her. Her child's desire was of little importance because he was just a child. What did they? She was obviously doing it for his own good even if he did not understand that.

And that is how his childhood went. Constantly struggling against his brothers and sisters trying to earn the affection of his mother and father, but both were seldom to give it. His life was a harsh hunt for survival as the second he let his guard down and trusted anyone be it his childhood play friend or the maid that used to wink at him. Around every corner was a dagger. Beneath every bed an assassin, and despite that all, Cyroten succeeded killing seven of his nine siblings, and challenged his father to single combat, but Cyroten was no fool. There was no way he could win in single combat. His father had studied him as he fought against his siblings. Knew his weakness, knew his limits and had far more experience, so Cyroten sent his mistress, a young serving daemon to seduce his father, and at the height of their union, she drew a small dagger from her hair and impaled him, the poison quickly seeping into his father and killing him before he had time to scream in pain.

The girl screamed that it was all Cyroten's plan as the guards drug her off. Cried and begged at his feet even up to the point where her head was removed from her shoulders. A worthy trade. His last sibling, his elder sister Anaria stepped aside fearing for her own life, and in respect for her action. He spared her life allowing her to continue to breed, merely banishing her across the realm and setting her up as his 'governor' of a prominent daemon city. Gave her a position worthy of her status and kept her far away from him. The only obstacle that remained was his mother... And to this day she has not left the dark tower that he has imprisoned her in because he knows all to well that her ambition can never be quenched.

For centuries his rule went uneventful with him solidifying his rule, crushing the occasional rebellion, and taking care not to create any heirs that could take control from him, but Cyroten quickly noticed how hollow his life was. Until he saw her. The princess of the Fae. She was beautiful beyond words, and for the first time in his life, Cyroten felt his heart. The desire he felt for her went beyond physical, it was a need. As much as a man needed water in the desert, he needed her.

The Daemons and the Fae had never gotten along, but they left each other alone that was until Cyroten was rejected. He. The Dark Lord, was rejected. To say he did not take it well was an understatement. He would have her. He would make her love him as he loved her, and so the war began. The war of obsession, but where he expected a quick victory, he found only a bloody stalemate that lasted decades and then centuries, but even then, despite the losses on both sides, despite the murmurings of his own people; he still desired her and still hurt from her rejection, and he knew that he would have to end the war. He had no other choice, but he would hurt her as she hurt him. He would take her child, and as much as the idea of her with another man repulsed him, it would show her a measure of his pain at seeing the thing they want the most forever out of their reach.

More centuries past as Cyroten waited, his heart growing cold and bitter in its obsession and hatred, and then it happened. A baby girl, and when she was to be his, when his vengeance was to be realized, he was deceived. She had broken the pact. Broken the coven! She had betrayed him! And she would pay, and only when she was on her knees begging for forgiveness would he release her brat.

Theme Song:


Daemonic Form: The Dark Lord takes the form of a shadow wraith. A large, monstrous creature that moves among the shadows with a abyssal onyx coat hiding it from the light. Underneath the coat is the true body of Cyroten, that of a construct of bones, but none should be deceived by his frail, if not terrifying, appearance for his power is at its greatest when he reveals his true nature and lifts the hood that contains the shadow.


So begins...

Lord Cyroten's Story