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Killian Santiago

Boy 2

0 · 732 views · located in Sanders Island

a character in “Island "Vacationers"”, as played by To the Moon and Back


Killian Santiago
Dialogue Color: #B577E6 || Face Claim: Taylor Lautner

[Full Name]
Killian Jaxon Santiago


Seventeen; 17

[Sexual Orientation]


Killian is the kind of person who is more than willing to help anyone out, no matter who they are. Of course there is a line he draws when it comes to what he is helping someone with. Although he may seem like a very social person, he is one of the most lonely in the group. He doesn't like the personalities of the others so he tries to keep his distance from them. Because of this his parents believe they all have something against Killian and vice versa, hence his reason of being sent on this "vacation".

Killian is also a very flirtatious guy. He doesn't intentionally flirt with everyone, he just comes across like he is because he is a natural flirt. Killian has gotten himself into many fights and arguments because of this trait of his in the past. This is one of the many reasons why he distances himself from women until he knows for certain that the woman has no man in her life.

Everything Killian does in his life he thinks about the different outcomes that could possibly come about. If it's a negative impact on his future, he prefers to keep away from doing said action. He has always been thought of as the wise one in the group because he tries to keep himself out of trouble as much as possible. The only times he does find himself in trouble is if he was dragged into it by one of the others.


  • Reading: Reading is Killian's way of jumping out of his own reality and into a new one. It's his way of release.
  • Tacos: Whenever asked what he would like to eat, always expect this answer. You can see him eating tacos at least once a week.
  • Art: He always had a love for art. Whether it be him making it himself or attending art galleries to appreciate others' work.

  • Drama: Killian tends to keep himself out of the way of drama as much as he possibly can. Any time he becomes dragged into it, it was not of his own doing.
  • Tabloids: He hates that no matter what happens in his personal life, it is always plastered upon the pages of the tabloids. His personal life should be personal.
  • Being Cold: It is always easy for him to cool off. But when he is cold it always takes an arm and a leg to warm up again.

Carol Santiago: Mother {Alive}
Jeffrey Santiago: Father {Alive}
Claire Santiago: Younger Sister {Alive}
Stephanie Santiago: Older Sister {Alive}

The Santiago family has always been close with the Sanders' for as long as he could remember. He grew up with Lumen and when they were younger they got along pretty well, they used to be best friends. As they began to grow into their own people they drifted apart and the feud between the two of them began. Because of this Killian began keeping to himself and started to become the person he is today.

His parents are always trying to force him into the group of the other finer kids in the city, but Killian always disregarded their wants and focused on his own. The life they're all leading is not the one he wants for himself. He wants to live a normal life. One that the average income families live. He wants privacy and to live without the stress of becoming the next front page on the tabloids.

Of course this "vacation" was going to be the worse part of it all. It was hard enough avoiding the others back home, but to be sent away to a private island where all there is are them, that was going to be very agitating towards Killian. This may end up being the time they all finally see him lash out, which would not end up being a very good thing to happen for any of them.

So begins...

Killian Santiago's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caden Bennett Character Portrait: Choi "Bella" Yun-Hui Character Portrait: Alexander McKinnon Character Portrait: Alexandra McKinnon Character Portrait: Damien Kincaid Character Portrait: Killian Santiago
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The Sanders' Private Island Beach House
Room Pairings
Lumen & Alexandra Top Floor
Choi & Theo Main Floor
Damien & Caden Top Floor
Alexander & Killian Main Floor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caden Bennett Character Portrait: Choi "Bella" Yun-Hui Character Portrait: Alexander McKinnon Character Portrait: Alexandra McKinnon Character Portrait: Damien Kincaid Character Portrait: Killian Santiago
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Dialogue: #FE6F5E
Girl No. 1
Location: Boat
Lumen couldn't believe her parents did this to her. Just because she didn't get along with the others as well as her parents hoped she would, it didn't mean they had to send her off with them in the middle of nowhere. Of course she always enjoyed the private island whenever she had family vacations in the past, but now her special memories were going to end up be tainted by this little "vacation" her parents sent her on. She wasn't allowed to go back home until they all agreed to finally get along or at least pretend to like each other.

Lumen sat on one of the benches on the side of the boat, glancing down at the ocean water that will be surrounding her for what she could only guess was going to be weeks. She tried her best to tune everyone out, but of course she knew that was going to be easier said than done. She always seemed to wish she were able to tune things out as well as Killian was able to. She saw him sitting over in a small corner with a book in his hands, clearly off in his own little world.

The blonde sighed and rolled her eyes as her attention returned to the water below the boat. "I can't believe this," she stated, finally clearing the silence within the group. Lumen immediately knew that her moment of piece and quiet was now going to be over. She spoke up so now every who had something to say was clearly going to speak up as well. All she wanted was for this little "vacation" to finally be over so she could return back to her precious life. But she knew that was going to be easier said than done.


Dialogue: #B577E6
Boy No. 2
Location: Boat
Killian decided it was best for him to keep to himself on the duration of the ride to the island beach house. He sat on top of his bag filled with necessities as he read his Harry Potter book for the millionth time. Even though he already read the books, he always seemed to return to the series. It was his favorite. Well written, it had magic, romance, and most of all and endless amount of mystery.

As much as he would hate to admit though, the sound of the ocean surrounding them was actually a bit peaceful. He just knew it was going to be ruined at any moment. Surely enough though, Lumen was the one to do it. She broke the piercing silence, his concentration on his book, and tore his ears away from the sounding of the roaring waters beneath them.

"I can't believe this," those were the first words of the vacation and it was filled with nothing more than relentless annoyance towards everyone there and their parents. Killian just rolled his eyes with a soft sigh and slowly closed his book, knowing he was sooner going to be distracted than able to finish this chapter.

Killian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, readying himself for what was to come.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caden Bennett Character Portrait: Choi "Bella" Yun-Hui Character Portrait: Alexander McKinnon Character Portrait: Alexandra McKinnon Character Portrait: Damien Kincaid Character Portrait: Killian Santiago
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X X X X X X X X✳ O U T F I TX(outfit)X X X X✳ B O A TX (location)X X X X X✳ # 9 B C 4 E 2X (dialogue) X X X XX X X x
β–³ β–½ β–³ β–½ β–³ β–½
Bella looked up from her Vogue magazine to take in the island she would be spending her time at for god knows how long. She wasn't necessarily looking forward to it like most people might. This was considered a punishment, not a reward. Not only was she trapped with people she could never seem to get along with, but she wasn't allowed to have her phone. What could possibly be worse than that. Though she did enjoy traveling, so she would do her best to turn the situation into something positive. She returned to flipping through her magazine, looking for any mention of her family's brand.

Her eyes scanned until she abruptly stopped at an image of Caden. He was posing dramatically in the most recent Spring line. She peered up to where the boy was on the boat and lowered her sunglasses to the tip of her nose. She mouthed,
"Lookin' cute," as she held the magazine up for him to see. He returned a glare and went back to minding his own business. Bella frowned, no one was any fun here. How could her parents be so surprised that she doesn't get along with any of them? She began to get anxious that no one was breaking the ice, until...

"I can't believe this," slipped out of Lumen's mouth in a voice clear to all. Bella was a bit surprised to say the least. They weren't even at the island yet and tensions were high. "Well Sanders, no need to be such a party pooper already. I mean we might as well make the best with what we got. I for one can't wait to see your family's bougie private island. I can only hope you will be a fantastic tour guide." Following her obnoxious valley girl voice was a pink lipstick smirk. Her and Lumen had a complicated relationship. They got along at times, but now Bella knew exactly how to get under her skin, which was her favorite thing to do.

"Let's be real, all we really have to do is soak up some rays, and just pretend we all like each other! Acting can't be too hard for you all can it?" Caden was looking at Bella with a face that screamed, 'shut your mouth Bella'. She sighed in return and readjusted her sunnies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caden Bennett Character Portrait: Choi "Bella" Yun-Hui Character Portrait: Killian Santiago Character Portrait: Lumen Sanders
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Dialogue: #FE6F5E
Girl No. 1
Location: Beach House
"Well Sanders, no need to be such a party pooper already. I mean we might as well make the best with what we got. I for one can't wait to see your family's bougie private island. I can only hope you will be a fantastic tour guide." At those words all Lumen could seem to do was roll her eyes. They weren't even at the island yet and Choi seemed to be able to get under her skin already. Sure, they were friends but they always seemed to piss each other off one way or another. Maybe that was just part of what made their friendship what it was.

"Let's be real, all we really have to do is soak up some rays, and just pretend we all like each other! Acting can't be too hard for you all can it?"

"I for one can let you guys know that will be all I'm pretty much doing," Lumen stated, knowing that if she were able to keep her cool as long as she possibly could, this trip would be over sooner than later. But she already knew there was bound to be some words between herself and Choi before the day ended.

They were finally pulling up to shore and the blonde let out a relieved sigh. "Dry land, finally," she stated as she reached for her bags and climbed off the boat. All she seemed to be ready to do was get into her room and change into her bikini before hitting the beach for some much needed sun therapy. Maybe even break into the liquor cabinet her parents seemed to be stupid enough to leave with the small group of teens without their supervision.

Lumen made her way towards the front door and unlocked it before kicking the door open and headed straight for her room. "Rooms are up for grabs. Just stay out of the master at the end of the hall," she stated before closing her door behind her and immediately began to dig around for her bikini. Upon being dressed, she slid on her flip flops, grabbed a vogue magazine, sunglasses, and suntan lotion. On her way out the back door she opened the liquor cabinet and grabbed an unopened bottle of whipped vodka before screaming through the house towards the others, "Alcohol up for grabs in the liquor cabinet, I'm heading out onto the beach!

After that, she was out the door and sitting in her favorite chair by the shore, directly in the sun's path. She began to apply her suntan lotion, laid back with her sunglasses on and began to read her vogue magazine while sipping on the bottle of whipped vodka.


Dialogue: #B577E6
Boy No. 2
Location: Beach House
Killian knew he was out for the most annoying "vacation" of his life once he heard the snarky comment coming from Choi, directly shot at Lumen. The male just let out a sigh and tried his best to ignore what was going on before he glanced over towards Caden. "This is going to be the longest couple weeks of our lives," he whispered in Caden's direction. He was the only one out of the others he could actually enjoy hanging out with and talking too. They just seemed to have a lot of the same points of views on things. Made things easier for them to get along.

Though the moment dry land was spotted, he immediately got a bit happier. He was no longer having to be in a small area with the others. He needed his space. He climbed off the boat, following behind Lumen with his own things and walked in after her. He glanced around a bit, taking in the last summer he spent here with Lumen before they began going their separate ways. There are moments when he wished the two of them were as close as they used to be, but he knew that was never going to happen. Especially seeing the ways Lumen has changed. Her attitude and perspective on everything has pretty much gone the opposite direction.

"Rooms are up for grabs. Just stay out of the master at the end of the hall," he heard Lumen state before closing her door behind her. At that point he made his way towards the one room he always stayed in during the summers he spent here with the Sanders'. Killian tossed his bags onto the bed and decided he mind as well join everyone else at the beach. Of course he was going to be in his own little corner away from everyone, but he always found sitting along the beach to be the most relaxing thing ever. "Alcohol up for grabs in the liquor cabinet, I'm heading out onto the beach!

Killian heard those words sprout from Lumen's mouth just as he stepped out of his room in his trunks. He stopped in front of the refrigerator looking for something other than alcohol to drink, but surprisingly that's all there was. So he reluctantly grabbed a beer out of the fridge and headed out towards the beach himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caden Bennett Character Portrait: Choi "Bella" Yun-Hui Character Portrait: Killian Santiago Character Portrait: Lumen Sanders
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✳ ✳ O U T F I TX(outfit)X X ✳ B E A C H XH O U S EX (location)X X ✳ # 9 B C 4 E 2 X&X# 9 B C D 9 BX (dialogue)
β–³ β–½ β–³ β–½ β–³ β–½

As the boat pulled up to the shore, Caden strolled on over to Bella where he picked up her bags for her while also holding his own. "My my, what a gentlemen you are 'handsome'," Bella sneered at the boy as he rolled his eyes into another universe. "I will drop them in the water Bella, don't make me. Your brother takes my word over yours." The girl smiled at his jab and made a quick exit off the boat, her Vogue magazine rolled up in her fist. Caden followed close behind while simultaneously taking in the scenery. Beaches certainly were not his favorite, but he would take any nature over a city.

Following Lumen's instructions, they each picked a room and separated after Caden dropped off Bella's bags. Caden took a few minutes to set up the room in an organized manner. He put his clothes up in the closet and organized his toiletries on the nightstand. After hearing that Lumen was venturing out to the beach, he made it his duty to follow as he had nothing quite better to do. He didn't have much intention to swim and left on his normal clothes. (check outfit: right asterisk) Bella on the other hand was too eager to get out to the beach, and promptly threw on her tasteful one piece swimsuit. (check outfit: left asterisk) She zoomed out before Caden and hit up the liquor cabinet. When it came to alcohol Bella was typically a wimp in terms of hard liquor, but she found that she could always handle a fine wine. Her eyes locked onto a bottle of RosΓ© of which she quickly snagged.

"Drinking so early are we?" Bella whipped her head to where Caden was standing in the kitchen doorway, "got something better to do hardass? 'Cuz how I see it, we're on a boring island with people we dislike, and what better way to have us all get along then to get wasted together." She stuck out her tongue at him and began making her way to the beach. Caden chose to opt out on drinking and followed behind the girl at a safe distance. Quickly, the pair came upon Killian who was nearing the beach. A devious grin came over Bella's face as she ran in front of Killian to face him. "So I decided that I really liked the room you picked and put my stuff in the same room. I figured you can sleep at the foot of the bed as if you were my little puppy or something." This wasn't true, she had picked a separate room, but she couldn't pass up a moment to get on Killian's nerves. Before he could respond, Bella zoomed off to where Lumen was sunbathing and pulled up a seat next to her. "Hey doll, beautiful beach house you have."

As soon as Bella left following her devious joke, Caden caught up with Killian to walk with him.
"You really weren't kidding about the few week we are going to have. I might blow my brains out before I have to suffer through this any longer."