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Isolate » Places

Places in Isolate

This is a list of locations that can be found in Isolate.

All Places

Milky Way

The Galaxy where the story takes place.

Lux System

1 posts · 1 characters present · last post 2014-09-07 17:37:42 »

         Ashley stared down at the Hawk that now rest on her arm. She brought Barnobus eye level and made soft cooing noises at him. Barnobus brought his beak to his partners cheek and made sounds of pleasure. Ashley chuckled and let that go on for a few moments. She finally brought Barnobus down and set him on his perch. She heard the winds picking up and felt a breeze come through her tent, causing her to shiver violently. The woman pulled some blonde locks out of her face and reached in her pocket. She pulled out her packet of Cigarettes. "One left, damn." She depressingly stared at the last bit of warmth she'd get for ever until she got called. Ashley pressed the cigarette to her lips and pulled a match from her waist. She lit it on the first try unlike the others. She took a drag from the Cigarette and stared at the radio. "Maybe its broken?" She looked at Barnobus and they seemed to both shrug at one another. She picked it up and brought to her ear.

The Machine cracked with life as she did this causing her to fumble for it and drop it on the ground at her feet. "Shit.." She frowned. That had scared the hell out of her, but she brought her hand down to pick it back up. She brought it to her ear and spoke. "Hello?"

A distorted voice came through. "Ashley Icar-?" The gruff voice started barely hear-able. "Yo- nted- back at Ba- Now! On the Do-" Static filled the Radio. That was all Ashley needed. She grabbed her green coat from the makeshift bet she slept on at night. She brought her warm gloves to cover her hands and placed her black combat boots on her feet. She made sure they were tight around her feet before she stood. She looked over at Barnobus who instinctively flew to her shoulder. She pat him on the head and then walk to the covered gun she always used. She removed teh cover and put her hand on the butt of the gun. She turned it to the base of the gun was resting on her shoulder. Ashley looked to the exit, and made her way out. It took her a total of three hours to cover the ground that'd normally take a day.

Arriving at camp she found herself and Barnobus being ushered into a plane. After being sat down infront of a few women in buisness suits they began talking. "Ashley is it? Lovely name."

"Not really," Ashley says flatly, staring at the two women. Mostly just staring at their chests though.

"Er, of course." They chuckled nervously. "Anyway i think it'd be best to tell you why your hear."

"That WOULD be nice." Grunted Ashley as she reached for a cigarette that was no longer there. A frown crossed her face as she listened to the two women speak, one after the other.

"Yes, Ashley you've been selected!" One started, but was cut off by the other.

"You'll be participating in a military expiriement and that is why we are taking you to earth!"

"Yaay~" They both chimed together.

Ashley groaned and shook her head. "Whatever as long as I get there." She lay back and rest his head on the wall of the air craft.
She felt it lift off the ground until they were barreling through space, traveling back to the home planet of humans. Earth.

Humanity's first colonised star system, it may be small, but it's very important for the creation of the Human empire.


5 posts · 2 characters present · last post 2014-09-07 16:24:59 »

         Pittaa ran down the streets for hours until he got surrounded yet again, but this time it was by cars. He stopped and stumbled by having to suddenly stop and caught his breath while two business men came out of one of the cars, Pittaa bracd himself but was met with them raising their hands in a peaceful gesture, he looked down and saw that he was standing as if ready to fight..or run he wasn't sure, they thought fight and that was enough for him

"who are you?"
he said in a nervous voice once again as he viewed for ways to escape.
"we work for the government and we have reports that we can help you and you can help us, we have done background checks. you get bullied often correct? powerless to help yourself?" the man spoke like someone who knew Pittaa better than he even knew himself, well what the man said was correct so Pittaa nodded but spoke. "That's right, but they have left me alone now, what do you want from me?"

the man chuckled and gestured to his car "we would like to talk to you, we can help make sure no one ever bullies you again, it will be hard work but we can help you" Pittaa thought about it and thought to himself "if things go wrong its only a car, I'm pretty sure I can escape it if that....thing happens again" he wasn't sure what was happening to him but Pittaa's only wish was that it wouldn't stop, and these men said they could help.

after a long moment thinking Pittaa nodded "Ok, sure if you can keep your promise I'll be glad to help he stepped into the car and off they went towards the space port. "where are we going?" He asked as he watched the city flew by

"Earth." was all the man would say and they fell silent as Pittaa thought about that "Earth hmm? i wonder what its like, and i wonder why there of all places?" there was no answer just the hum of the car as it sped towards the ship that would take him towards his goal

Lux System Eve Owner: Weilacca

The Capital of the Lux system.


2 posts · 1 characters present · last post 2014-09-05 01:54:57 »

         "Come on subject 10 hurry up!" A Man in a Lab coat yelled as Annie dodged In coming Bullets. "I feel like I'm gonna puke.." she said getting dizzy as she did a back flip and using speed since that was one of her abilitys. "I'm gonna kill everyone in this room when I get out.." she said doing a front flip as they reloaded she quickly put her hair in a ponytail so it wouldn't get in her way. "Faster!" The man said she did as told since the last time she didn't listen it wasn't a pleasant day. A women in a black dress suddenly appeared in the box they watched Annie from Annie saw the Lady in the corner of her eye and the Lady smirked. "What's her Name?" The Lady asked. "Subject 10" A guy said the Lady shot the man a death glare. "I mean what's her Name?!" she said with venom in her voice. "Oh um Annie Lennox!" He said with fear in his voice. "Her abilitys are strength and Speed!" Another one said Annies eyes grew heavy and she fell. "She's not that spirited...but when's she angry she's goes on a rampage.." He said. The lady smirked once more and spoke in the Microphone. "I'm gonna Kill your Brother!" The Lady said just guessing and Annies heart raced as her right eye turned flaming Blue. She looked pissed and rushes towards the window with powerful leap and breaking the glass kicking the Lady in the mouth and knocking her down A man in a lab coat quickly gave her a tranquilizer shot and knocked her out cold and had to men carry her out. "I want her! Now she's got talent!" The Lady said wiping the blood from her mouth. "A-Are you sure.." he asked. "Yes ship her to earth tomorrow! I'll make her look Pretty..." the Lady said looking at Annie with a Evil smile. They threw Annie in a cage and locked it up. "Subject 10 is ready to go whenever your ready!" One man said as Annie just fell pain she went into a deep dark sleep.

Sol system Mars Owner: Weilacca

The residential centre of the Sol System.


4 posts · 3 characters present · last post 2014-09-04 22:04:25 »

         CRACK! The sound of smashing bones was emitted by the poor body which was thrown with such great force against a wall. However, these sounds were quickly covered up by the shouting and screaming of the large group of people who were all fighting against each other, every individual held a different 'power' which was easily shown off to the other's during the fight.

In the middle of the large group stood a tall, yet thin, blue haired man. Easily fighting off a group of people who had chosen to team up against him, any sharp objects or powers didn't seem to pierce into the man's skin as much, and his counter attacks shown great strength which was held in the muscles.
A scream of a nearby individual quickly called the whole room away, all of which had stopped their fighting in order to save themselves from a large man who was wondering towards the blue haired man. Without saying anything, the man's fist was raised allowing it to grow into a massive version along with being covered with a metal, without even waiting the fist was thrown towards the blue haired man who, strangely, stood his ground, smiling intently.
Instead of dodging or anything else, the blue haired man pulled back his arm and swung a fist towards the giant metal one, effectively forming a highly hardcore fist bump. The great strength of the blue haired man threw the giant metal fist backwards, ripping the whole arm off of the large man's, leaving him to fall to the ground screaming in pain as a large puddle of blood quickly formed around him, along with the metal fist flying into, and through, the wall of the arena.

The fight quickly continued, the blue haired man showed no difference to his fighting style as he held back any other challengers.

Meanwhile, within an observation room above the arena stood two people; a man dressed in a black suit and another dressed in a labcoat.
"I want that one." The suited man spoke up, pointing down towards the blue haired man.
"Y-y'sure? I mean... There are many others there..." The scientist replied,
"And they all are getting their asses kicked by that guy. I want him. What's his specs?"
"Uh, well, okay. He's called Bill Walken. His power is super strength. He excels in medium ranged rapid fire weaponry, but isn't really good when it comes to intellect."
"I see... Bill... Get him shipped over to Earth ASAP. Give me a report when he arrives." The suited man proceeded to leave the room,
"Y-yes sir!" The scientist saluted before talking into the intercom; "Number 27, please prepare to be taken in by the staff. The fight is over." Once the intercom had been deactivated, the scientist sighed, "I wonder what other 'Guardians' would be taken to Earth..."

The Solar Power Plant of the Sol System.

Sol system

The native system to the Human Race.


The main gas harvesting planet of Sol.

Planet Y

A rogue planet floating through space nearby the Lux System.


Jupiter Europa Owner: Weilacca

The Rebel's capital,

The Moon

Earth The Moon Owner: Weilacca

The main military base of the Sol system.


The first planet to the Lux System.


The forgeries of the sol system.


The capital of the Sol System an the Human race.


The outermost planet of the Lux system, as a gas giant, this planet is used for it's gas.