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Frederick Sterling (Fate)

"Breaking up couples is part of my job. Deal with it."

0 · 423 views · located in New York City

a character in “It's Fate, It's Destiny”, as played by Riley Shikoku



| "Destiny is my rival. That's just a simple fact of life." |


Frederick Sterling

Appear: 20, Real Age: 24


Rick- Prefers only close friends call him that.

| "You still believe in true love? How pathetic." |

Always lines up his skittles by color before he eats them. He has a mad addiction to sweets, even though when asked about it, he will deny it. He likes to try to make card towers in his free time.

Anything sweet, Sappy romance movies, Spicy foods, Chinese food

Sour things, Bitter things, Soda, Balloons, Special Celebrations in his honor, Seeing people flirt with Destiny

| "Could you at least be a little less uptight?" |

He may not look like it, but he is actually the type to get extremely jealous when it comes to Destiny. He is the bad boy because he likes the attention that Destiny gives him. He can be very kind and loving if you can melt the outside of his "protective shell". He has a good sense of humor, but he can't tell jokes for his life. He won't cry in public, but when he is by himself, he can.

|He has short, shaggy hair. He has brown roots and blonde highlights. He has deep, piercing grey blue eyes. He has a round face with chiseled features and pearly white teeth. He has a nose that is slightly shifted to the left side of his face. He has a slim, athletic figure. It is not uncommon to see both men and women staring at him.|

| "Stop being so uptight! Get out of your comfort zone every once in a while!" |

|Perspective on Destiny|
Destiny holds a special place in his heart. Destiny may always be trying to get in his way, but he likes the fact that no matter what he throws at Destiny he keeps going strong. He hates when he loses to Destiny but he thinks that Destiny is worthy of being beaten by. Destiny is one of the strongest people he's ever met. Destiny is much smarter than him and he knows it. He sees Destiny as a close friend.

So begins...

Frederick Sterling (Fate)'s Story


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Character Portrait: Frederick Sterling (Fate) Character Portrait: Andrew Monsiour
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"Freeeeeeeeeeeeeedy!" Yes, that wonderful, Welsh accent waking you up right now is your one and only Destiny. and that tall and lanky frame with a messy mop of black for hair that's just plopped itself down next to you? Still Destiny. Except for this time he goes by Andrew, and his lovely little Fate goes by Frederick. People call Andrew Drew and Frederick Rick, or well, they call him that if Fate permits them, at least that's how it seems. Drew doesn't bother asking permission, he's afraid it would be a no, and then he'd be scolded when he slipped up and called him it anyways. Instead Drew has settled on his own nickname. "Freddy, love. Wakey, wakey." Drew had made himself all comfortable though in this big bed, and he's almost tempted to cuddle up to Fate. Though he's afraid of the others reaction. They've been in these bodies, in this flat, in this century for less than a week. Sure, they knew each other like Drew knew the back of his hands, but still. He had some sense of personal space. Usually he just forgot about it.

"Wait a minute." Drew doesn't sit up, simply pulls one of his arms out from under him so that he can tap his chin, looking thoughtful. "How in the world am I awake before you?" He cocks his head to the side, watching, waiting, thinking. "Oh that's how! I've not yet slept. That's it. That's got to be it." And if you stepped out in the living room of the flat, that was obvious. They'd been there almost a whole week, Drew had to make the place their own. So of course all last night and all this morning and right up until a few minutes ago, Drew had painted. Keep in mind he was no artist, but he sure was creative. Everything was different, he'd even moved some of the furniture and put things where he wanted. It was officially their's now. "I hope I didn't keep you up." He muses out loud, thinking about how he really did make a lot of noise out there last night. He's still only in a pair of black boxer briefs, and there's paint all over his bare torso and arms. Like he was testing the colors out to see which ones he wanted to use... on himself. That wasn't particularly unusual for Drew.

"So what are we going to do today?" He really was insistent. But that's how Destiny's rolled. Finally he decides to chance it and curls up nearer Freddy, looking a lot like the little kid that just took the cookie. No no, he looked like the kid who took the whole damn jar. "I hear Alex got a new job. Her first shift is today. It's at some coffee shop. Do you wanna go for breakfast?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frederick Sterling (Fate) Character Portrait: Andrew Monsiour
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He heard him yell that and he woke up... Jeez... Does this guy even know what the meaning of the words, "Beauty Sleep" are? Jeez... I'm just going to lay here and act like I'm asleep. He heard him drone on as he remembered the incredible racket that Drew made while he was "painting". It was more like slathering paint all over different parts of the wall and calling it "painting". Drew is always being so extravagant and crazy! It drives me up a wall sometimes... I just wish he would be more mature sometimes... He's like a girl... except worse... much, much worse...

"I hear Alex got a new job. Her first shift is today. It's at some coffee shop. Do you wanna go to breakfast?"

He sat up and finally decided to stop withdrawing from the world. "Yeah... I guess we can... but I need to take a shower first." He got up and saw Drew sitting on the bed in his boxers. He had paint all over his body. Greens, blues, oranges, yellows, you name it, it was on Drew's body. He looked around the main room where Drew made an extreme amount of racket last night. It looked like a tornado had torn through the flat. The furniture was moved and paint was all over the walls. The smell of wet paint permeated the air and he hated it. He hated the smell of wet paint, it made him want to vomit. He sighed and walked over to the bathroom. He turned around in the doorway. "Don't knock on the door and don't yell through the door. I mean it. I want to have some peace and quiet for once." He was fed up with Drew always nagging him about different things. He was like a yapping chihuahua, except for the fact that you can get a mask for the dogs.

He grabbed a towel off one of the hooks and didn't even listen to hear the kind of words that he knew would come out of Drew's mouth. He shut the door, turned on the shower, grabbed a towel, stripped down, and waited for the shower to warm up. Those few minutes of silence were golden for him. He wanted lots of moments to be like this, just calm and relaxing.

He stepped into the shower as the hot, soothing water felt like it was washing the pain of the previous night away. They had only been staying a week but he could already tell that it was going to feel like a long time until they were going to finish this job. He sat in the shower for a while contemplating what the world might be like without Drew. The world would be a lot less fun for him. He wouldn't have a rival to beat, or have Drew scream his name at him in the morning, or do the things Drew did. Because, let's face it. The things Drew does are not normal. My world would probably be nothing without him. I'm surprised that I just noticed that. He smiled. Maybe he wouldn't be bothered by such weird things after all... I mean... Drew and him weren't normal in the first place.
