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Kobayashi Hachiro

"Are you sure you want to play with me?"

0 · 342 views · located in Izumo High School Host Club

a character in “Izumo High School Host Club”, as played by TheMadBlackRabbit



NAME: Kobayashi Hachiro



GENERAL GRADES: Slightly Above Average


LIKES: Skipping classes, Annoying the teachers, Breaking the rules, Total freedom, His pet husky named Hachiko

DISLIKES: Anything that opposes his freedom, Detention

So begins...

Kobayashi Hachiro's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro
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0.00 INK

Hachiro waited for the teacher in front of the classroom to leave so that he could go to the abandoned music room but no, the teacher watched him like a hawk. This made Hachiro growl in annoyance, "C'mon you! Just go have a potty break or something! One second alone in this room is all I need!" he thought as he continue to glare at the teacher in front of him.

After waiting for somewhat an eternity, another teacher came in and asked if he could talk to the teacher in charge on him privately, "My savior!" he thought as the other teacher kept on pestering the other to accompany him outside for something that is restricted to teachers only. His dark blue eyes watch the teacher get up from his chair and follow the other teacher outside.


A smirk was formed on Hachiro's face as the teacher finally left the room, quickly he went towards the window and went out but closing the window first and slowly go to the music room by using the window ledges. Within fifteen minutes, he opened the secret passage that the club has made specially for him since he has a knack on getting to detention and escaping it, though this is just one of the many secret passages that they have made for him. He slowly opened the door and went inside the room to find two guys entering the host club. Hachiro gave them a questioning look, "Um...guys...I think we have customers already?" he said towards his fellow club members.

"I didn't know Izumo High had gay students." he said as he tilted his head a bit as he stared at the two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

Sometimes he felt way too tired. Itsuki had practically ran to the music room in order to get ready for visitors, he was sat on a chair, humming a light and cheery tune to himself, smiling the entire time. Itsuki had found the lesson he had previously had completely boring and he wasn't in the mood to learn anything at the moment. He closed his eyes for a moment and felt like he could just sleep right there and never ever have to wake up again. He opened his eyes when he heard the door open and two students entered. Itsuki blinked for a moment.

"I didn't know Izumo High had gay students." Itsuki glanced towards Hachiro, and nodded slightly in confusion. They never male guests. Itsuki looked over at Shikamaru in deep confusion and back to the two visitors.

"I'm not gay, I don't know who told you that I am!" He said quite quickly and in a worried tone to the guests. Itsuki thought to himself for a moment. 'What if someone has been spreading rumours about me?' he asked himself. He shook his head and dismissed the thought, returning to his attention to the sudden presence of the strangers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

Yuki sighed. "Ok, first off we're not gay! Second, we came here to see if we could join this host club." She said looking around the room, and at the other hosts she would have to get along with if they joined. Yuki looked over at a blonde host who apparently thought that the dark haired host was talking about him. While waiting for a response, Yuki tugged at her collar. It felt like her stupid uniform was going to choke her to death. She didn't wear girly clothes before, but this boys uniform was horrible. 'Well.. It's a heck of a lot better than wearing one of those girl's dress uniforms.' She thought to herself, glad that she didn't have to wear one of those things now that she was recognized as a guy in this school.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
"Well, I hope we know what the heck we're getting ourselves into! It was hard enough to stay awake in class today.." Her friend Yuki said. Riku nodded slightly before responding.

"Yah, it was quite boring. I'll let you borrow my notes if you forgot to take some." She said hoping this would calm some of her friend's nerves. Truthfully, she was scared too but she knew she would just have to handle it.

"2:34pm.. Feels weird being at school after it's already over. Guess if I'm going to do this dare and join this club then I'm going to have to get used to it." Her friend said with a smile as Riku shook her head.

"I'm used to this... It's easier to do homework at school rather than at home so I've always stayed an extra hour after school." She said with a shrug, unsure if her friend knew this or not.

"Alright.. Izumo Host Club here we come." Her friend said and called her back to her senses. She almost thought of voicing her fears to her friend, but quickly decided to keep silent as her hand was already on the handle and was already counting down. Riku did a deep breath right before the door opened to calm her nerves. When it finally opened, she tried her hardest to stay where she was and not bolt out of there.

"Welcome to the Host Club. I am Shikamaru Masaomi. How may I help you today?"
the man said to them while walking up. Before she could even respond, a man walked in and dubbed them as gays. Horrified, she almost spoke, but Senpai beat her to the punch.

"Ok, first off we're not gay! Second, we came here to see if we could join this host club." Yuki said to which she nodded for emphasis.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

Tetsuya was practically running to Music Room #3, trying to get there at least moderately on time. He'd just gotten out of basketball practice and had dashed out of there so hastily that his hair was still damp and wild from his shower. Attempting to smooth his hair down a bit as he reached the door, Tetsu narrowly avoided running into Riku and Yuki.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. Please forgive my rudeness. I am Tetsuya Fujitaka." Tetsu quickly calmed himself and smiled charmingly at the two before continuing on to his usual seat off to the side.

Running a hand through his hair, he was satisfied to see it was nearly dry, but was it still a bit messy. Moving over to the mirror on the wall, he quickly corrected it, though as usual there were a few strands that stuck up rebelliously. Sitting back in his seat, he waved cheerfully to Itsuki, who looked as frazzled as ever, and Kobayashi, who appeared to have snuck out of detention yet again. Now all that he had left to do was wait to either be called upon or for something to happen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Khan
Hotoka Kota

Looking up from his gameboy, Kota assessed the two boys who had just entered the club room. He blew a bubble, making it bigger and bigger till it popped, then got to his feet, slipping the gameboy into his back pocket.

"I didn't know Izumo High had gay students,” said Hachiro to the newcomers. Kota smirked, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Good old Hachiro- trust that to be his first conclusion.

"I'm not gay, I don't know who told you that I am!" Itsuki chirped, looking worried. Kota laughed good naturedly, clapping his friend on the back.

“Thou doth protest too much!” he told Itsuki with a wink, slinging an arm around his shoulders. Kota assessed the two boys standing before him, eyebrows raised. “I’m not so sure about you guys. We don’t let in just anyone. It’s kind of invitation only. I think... I think if you want in, you need to pass a test to prove yourselves.”

He turned to look at Hachiro, Itsuki, Tetsuya, and Shikamaru. “What do you guys think?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

As Shikamaru silently let himself fade into the background, the teenager observed and digested the situation 'Hmm, these two want to join...but they are not boys...what should I do? Should I tell the others?' Tapping his chin in deep thought, Shikamaru failed to notice that Hotoka had come near them "What do you guys think?" His friend's voice startled him out of his thought as the studious teenager shrugged. 'Let them figure this out themselves... No fun telling them all first'

"Well, I'm fine either way...As long as you two guys don't make too much noise when I'm doing my work" Shikamaru said, eyeing the girls. His lips curled upward slightly as he emphasized the word 'guys' but otherwise remained calm and collected. Walking next to Itsuki, Shikamaru put a hand on his shoulder in a rare display of affection and teased "No one here is calling you 'gay', Itsuki... Unless, of course, you think of yourself as a gay man..." Chuckling, Shikamaru walked passed the group and picked up his book on the table before walking back to the group. Leaning against the wall, Shikamaru said nonchalantly "So, what is your decision, Hotoka? You're the man here..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

Hachiro watched the two guests bicker about them being dubbed as gays but he was still holding a laugh from Itsuki's comment from what he said, "Did he really think I was referring to him?" With no more will to hold it in, Hachiro burst out laughing, "Itsuki, I meant the two people who entered our club not you." He then tapped his chin lightly, "Unless you're hiding something from us." He asked the clumsy boy devilishly.

"Okay, first off we're not gay! Second, we came here to see if we could join this host club." the green haired guy said.

An eyebrow was raised, "Join us? Seriously?" Hachiro thought as he made a "seriously?" face.

“I’m not so sure about you guys. We don’t let in just anyone. It’s kind of invitation only. I think... I think if you want in, you need to pass a test to prove yourselves.” Kota stated as he looked at the two guys who wanted to join the host club and looked at the other members, “What do you guys think?”

Hachiro's face formed a smirk, "I seriously love the way you think, Kota. A test is just what newbie hosts need to do." He said as he slowly approach them, "How about if we make one of them dress like me and go back to that dreaded classroom and take my detention."

He slung his arms on their shoulders, "It's perfect!" He said with a goofy grin but the scent of roses filled his nose. He looked at the two and raised an eyebrow again, "Why would two guys need to smell like flowers?" He asked to himself and let them go and went in front of them to with narrowed eyes, investigating them.

" Adam's Apple, no broad shoulders," He studied their faces carefully, trying to remember any of their faces in the school database which he has hacked into recently and looked up on every single student in the campus, "There wasn't any announcement that we were having transfer students or any of the sort...and thus they are cross dressers." He thought with a nod.

"Better idea, why don't we make them take a test run with the girls? If they pass, well then they are official members of the host club." Then he looked at them with a smirk with reads trouble, "And once your members of this host club, the contract cannot be broken by any reason or what so ever."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

Jun started down the stairs, after having cleaned up the entire floor above. He rolled his shoulders a little to relax himself, before resuming his regal stance, walking with his chest out, chin up and back straight. The abandoned music room had it's door opened... He walked over and witnessed two feminine-looking males talking with most of the Host Club members. Seemed like a there was some kind of agreement going on. Gracefully he walked past both the feminine boys and nodded his head as greeting to Kota and Hachiro, raised his hand to greet Shikamaru, Itsuki and Tetsuya, before settling down on his favourite spot... the piano by the window.

Piano filled the room. Soft, delicate, beautiful... yet somehow a hint of melancholy was present. How could such a beautiful piece sound so...sad?The young man was playing, light brown hair reflecting the sunlight of the afternoon sun.His fingers seemed to glide over the keys as he played through the musical piece.

This young man, Jun Yamada, playing on his own without a musical sheet, and the truth was...he couldn't 'read music'. He couldn't understand the 'beans', as he called the notes. He stopped, as if something had caught his attention and whipped off his spectacles, his soft hair flowing to the movement. He was wearing a pair of spectacles, which were only for show, as of today. He bit one of the tips of the spectacles and peered at the feminine males curiously.

"If anyone's thinking they're girls, think again. That one's an airfield, " he jabbed the end of his spectacles at the green haired male then to the other,continuing, "...that one's a flat board. I don't remember any girl being as flat as them. They're guys. " he said in a bored tone. He sniffed with disinterest and put on the spectacles once again before allowing his fingers to glide over the piano keys yet again, filling the room with music.

The damn bastard can be so blunt sometimes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

"If anyone's thinking they're girls, think again. That one's an airfield, ...that one's a flat board. I don't remember any girl being as flat as them. They're guys. " Yuki held in her temper as she listened to the brown haired host talk about how they were oviously guys because they were flat chested. Keeping her mouth shut was harder than she thought, but atleast they didn't think they were girls. But how were they going to please the clubs guests? She had no clue. Maybe act like a guy? Well, that's what she technically was. For now atleast anyways. She looked back at all the guests waiting at the door behind them, listening to their conversation with the hosts, making googly eyes at them as if they were actually guys. 'Well,' she thought, 'It looks like they all play a certain character in What would her character be..?' She, again, had absolutely no clue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka Character Portrait: Shikamaru Masaomi
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0.00 INK

"No one here is calling you 'gay', Itsuki... Unless, of course, you think of yourself as a gay man..." Itsuki stared blankly before looking at Shikamaru in annoyance.

"What? No way! I'm like 180 degrees! A straight line!" Itsuki exclaimed, brushing Shikamaru's hand away and staring back at the two people before them. He soon found himself staring for a short moment, analysing them.

"I think a test would be suitable, maybe we should set them a little mission of some sorts, to attract more guests to the club, maybe?" Itsuki suggested, tilting his head slightly. Itsuki then realised that Tetsuya had waved to him a few seconds ago and he responded with a delayed wave.

Itsuki tapped his foot on the floor slightly before he found himself staring at the shoes of the two guys that were requesting to become members.'They wear pretty strange shoes...for guys...They have pretty small feet too, I wonder where they come from...' he thought to himself, before diverting his attention to the discussion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Gin Suzuki Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka
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0.00 INK

"You know, if they were girls, you guys would be getting slapped to holy hell right now." Tetsuya couldn't help but laugh, though he found himself thinking back to when he'd nearly run into them. They had smelled an awful lot like girl's shampoo, so he had to suspect that the two really were female, even though everyone else seemed to assume the opposite. Glancing over at Shikamaru, he raised an eyebrow; he'd known the studious boy long enough to know that the look on his face meant he knew something.

Chuckling to himself, Tetsu reclined in his seat, draping one arm casually over the back of it. This could definitely be amusing. Tetsu's thoughts quickly turned back to the events at hand. Glancing up at the clock, he grinned. "I have to agree with Kota on his idea. Three phone numbers is a good start for someone who just came in right before the girls are supposed to be arriving."

Standing up, he walked behind the piano and knelt down for a moment. When he stood back up, it could be seen that he was holding an acoustic guitar that was painted in a blue sunburst style that faded to black at the edges. Taking a seat on a chair next to the piano, he began playing a melody to accompany Jun's song on the piano. If Tetsu recalled correctly, Jun had played the song at least once before, so Tetsu could more or less formulate a melody to back it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Gin Suzuki Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka
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0.00 INK

Hachiro went to the back of the room where the hidden closet is and changed his attire right there, "Doesn't matter anyway, we're all guys here and the girls will be here any minute anyway...speaking of which..." He looked at the two wanna-be hosts and smiled evilly.

"Hey! You two wanna-bes! Better dress up now before the girls come in. Don't worry I think we extra clothes for you guys." He said as he searches some clothes that would be in their size, "Oh yeah, sorry but we don't have any changing rooms here so you gotta dress up real quick."

He left a few buttons undone, revealing his toned chest and placed a black blazer on, put on his slacks and black boots on. He looked on the mirror to mess up his hair a bit and strolled to his place in the club which is by the window. He sat on the leather couch and waited for his dear costumers to arrive.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Gin Suzuki Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka
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0.00 INK

Yuki stood there a bit awkwardly as one of the hosts told her that they would have to change out in the open, and wondered what she should do. Should she tell them? Well if course not, but what else was she gonna do? She looked over at her friend wondering if she had any ideas. She got it! She had the perfect idea. She couldn't tell her friend without the other hosts hearing her, so she hoped that senpai had an idea too. She took the uniform the host had given her and suddenly acted like she had to use the restroom. She started running out the the club room towards the restroom and yelled behind her, "Be right back, gotta go to the restroom before I whizz myself!!" She said running past guests who were walking to the host club, and made sure to wink at them as she ran past to assure the three phone numbers. She finally reached the restrooms and swung the door open, and after making sure no one was in there with her, she started changing at a rapidly fast pace, and turned to look at a mirror to fix everything up to make it look nice. She went over to one of the toilets after she was done and flushed it to make sure if anyone was listening to make sure she was actually using the restroom and walked out of the restroom and took a deep breath. "I better hurry if I don't wanna be late.." She said to herself as she started walking back to the club.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Gin Suzuki Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka
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0.00 INK

Itsuki had taken a seat at one of the tables, he had grew bored of the conversation with the new arrivals. In all honesty, he couldn't care less about these strange visitors and it was very confusing considering that everyone was debating about their genders. Itsuki pulled a notepad out of his bag and began to doodle some different faces in it, he had to get the practice and his dad always said it was a pathetic hobby and had banned him from drawing at home. It was a miracle that even could get away with having some secret notepads stored away from his father.

He glanced over at the two guy-girls and watched one of them rush off to use the bathroom. "Someone needs to control their bladder," he said quietly. "Surely they could've waited, how suspicious," Itsuki shook it off before proceeding to add some detail into the hair of a girl he was drawing. He noticed that he always drew girls, some of them resembled some of the girls that would visit. Itsuki loved it when they asked him to draw something for them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Fukuda Character Portrait: Riku Akita Character Portrait: Gin Suzuki Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro Character Portrait: Itsuki Akiyama Character Portrait: Tetsuya "Tetsu" Fujitaka
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0.00 INK

Yuki walked down the hall, and walked back into the host club to see another host she hadnt noticed there. She raised an eyebrow and wondered just exactly how many hosts were in this club. "Sorry about that." she said scratching her head, and sweat dropping. She looked to the door to see the guests coming in. Should she greet them? "So, are you a new host here?" One of the guests asked her, looking up at her with big, curious eyes. "Well, me and my friend over there are trying out to be hosts." She said. "Oh really? That's great!" She said smiling. "Well so aren't you miss!" I said smiling warmly. "T-t-thank you!" She said blushing. "My pleasure." I said smiling. ...Well i hope im never in a bad mood when i come here... It'd be really challenging to keep this romantic guy act up then. I thought to myself. "So.. Um, what's your name.?" She asked sounding a bit nervous. "I'm Yuki, may I ask your name?" I said. "O-oh.. I'm Mizuki.." "Wow, what a pretty name! Well, nice to meet you Mizuki." I flinched a bit as she squealed. "He said my name was pretty!!" she yelled to her friends. I sweatdropped, and smiled. She guessed this was actually easier than she thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kobayashi Hachiro
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0.00 INK

Hachiro sighed a bit when the real guests started to come, "Here we go." He thought to himself as he heard several "Kya"s here and there. He rubbed his eye a bit and yawned. He stretched his arm muscles hearing some "Kya"s in front of him.

"Hachiro-kun is cute when he's sleepy."

"He looks so innocent that way."

Then one of his customers approached him with a big blush on her face, "Um...Hachiro-san." His face look up to her and titled his head a bit (for cuteness), "I-I made this tea for you," She said as she places a cup of tea on my table, "You look so sleepy every time I visit so I-"

She was cut short when Hachiro grabbed her chin and made her go closer to him that they were just inches a part. A smirk appeared on his face, "You know I don't need tea to keep me awake. Just seeing your smile make my heart go wild and that's enough to keep me awake."

The girl's face was deep red and maybe red as a tomato because of the distance between them or if it's the sweet (?) words that Hachiro told her, "Won't you sit here with me?" He asked oh so innocently. The girl just nodded and complied with his instructions.