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James Dean & Audrey Hepburn

James Dean & Audrey Hepburn



2,423 readers have visited James Dean & Audrey Hepburn since skindeep created it.


“And yeah, maybe he's bad, but when he smiles all I see is the good in him.”
{Boyce Avenue Cover/We Found Love}
{Green Day/21 Guns}
{Sleeping with Sirens/If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn}

She’s beautiful and wealthy. She’s never had to work a day in her life and she’ll probably never have to. Her family is worth billions. Their well-known for a multitude of reasons, she might as well have to stepped out of an episode of Gossip Girl. However, her life isn’t all perfect and she’s not exactly entertained with her rich lifestyle she’d rather see the world.

He’s the definition of a bad boy. Being raised by a single mother was hard on him and he started getting into a lot of trouble. Once he got in there was no getting out. He spent several stints in jail. His life is a mix of bar fights, parties, rough women, sex, motorcycles, and drugs. Only this time him and his girlfriend might of gotten themselves in to deep, now he’s got to contact his estranged father and ask him for help.

There from two completely different worlds, but he could be just the excitement she’s looking for and she may be his new addiction.


The Rich Girl||Age: 19||Falls for The Bad Boy||FC Emily Di'Donato ||Taken By Me

The Bad Boy||Age: 28||Falls for The Rich Girl||FC Billie Joe Armstrong|| Taken by Shatari19


Age: 21||Dating the Vie Corrona||Cheater, druggie, mentally abusive||FC Drake

Age: 24||Dating the Bad Boy||FC Ksenia Solo

Age: 18||Vie's best friend||Hotel Heiress||FC Kalel Cullen

Age: 20||Vie's Gay Best Friend||Son of famous Actor/He's also a Youtuber||FC Joey Graceffa

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Vienna’s parents were out, leaving her, her brother Sammy, and her boyfriend Briceson alone. They were supposed to be getting ready for the New Year’s party that her father’s friend Mr. Spicer was holding at the country club. She was less then excited, her and her friend had plans to go out but there was no getting out of the New Years party, they all went every year like clockwork. Only the wealthiest socialists would be there. From Briceson’s father, the Governor of Florida to CEOs of big company’s.

So far though, the three of them had only got high and had the music on full blast and Vie’s room was hazy from the smoke. She hated getting high, but it calmed her always wired nerves, which is what kept Brice happy. He told her constantly that she was a freak and she’d started to believe it. She glanced to the blurred red numbers on the clock that read 6:55. “Shit.” She breathed quickly stepping off of Brice’s lap only he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back kissing her hard.

“Where the fuck are you going?” he breathe against her lips a smirk on his face and she just rolled her eyes. She held his brown eyes for a moment before kissing him again, before moving a bit quicker this time to get off his lap.

“What’s wrong is the party starts at seven-thirty and we smell like weed and were not even dress. DO you want my dad to murder us?” she breathed and both her brother and Brice seemed to come to the realization at the same time. Sammy slipped out of her room and Vie slipped out of her clothes and hopped into the shower.

It wasn’t long before Brice joined her, his only intent to get a quicky out of her which he’d gotten. Finally they started getting dressed. She slipped into a nude party dress her mom had designed just for her. She slipped into her matching nude heels, before curling her lond brown hair in big loose curls. Finally she lined her deep blue eyes with winged tip liner and painted her lips a crimson red. She look incredible for having rushed to get ready. Brice came up behind her wrapping his arms around her, dressed to perfection in an expensive suite. His lips moved along her neck slowly and she counted each one of them, he’d kissed her only three times.

Three times. Three times. Why not four. her mind started to distract her and it was the worst feeling ever. Her fingers started twitching and as if Briceson could read her mind he grabbed her hand and kissed her neck once more. She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. He didn’t say a word, she could tell her OCD frustrated him. She hid it well and most people didn’t catch on but he was around her non-stop. He knew what drove her crazy and distracted her. He didn’t say a word just turned and grabbed his keys and she followed.

They slipped into his white BMW, Sammy climbed in the back before they pulled out of the drive way. She picked at the skin on the side of her thumb nail, trying to calm her growing anxieties. Briceson and Sammy lit up a few more blunts on the way to the country club and she nearly smoked through an entire pack of cigarettes before they’d finally arrived. They stepped out and the party was already underway, the music could be heard from outside and she smirked when she saw Grayson and Portia waiting for her. She ran over to them Portia and her hugged like they hadn’t seen each other in ages when in reality Portia had spent the night last night.

“Damn Vie Vie, you’re looking smoking.” Grayson said looking her up and down as they simply pecked each other on the lips. “Your brought him?” Grayson’s eyes flicked to Briceson and Portia elbowed him in the ribs causing him to squeal. “What?” he breathed. It was clear Grayson and Briceson didn’t get along, Brice always had some cruel gay comment to make.

Brice wrapped an arm around her waist possessively and instantly the tension was high. “What’s up faggot?” he smirked, before his eyes flicked to Portia. “Hey beautiful.” He breathed and although Vieanna was well aware Portia would never do anything to hurt her, she still couldn’t help but be suspicious. She let Brice lead her inside, but she could hear her friends bickering behind her.

It was going to be a long night she knew that and already she was crazing another cigarette. She took a deep breath as they stepped into the room full of wealthy A-listers, not at all looking forward to socializing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vie Corrona Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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All he knew..was darkness. All around him. Ryland Spicer could not remember a time when he'd seen the light. "Of course you're still in bed. You lazy asshole. Get up! Or did you forget that we're going to that stupid party?" Ryley softly groaned at the sound of Hailee's screeching. He knew that he needed to get up..get ready and yet..he also didn't want to. Slowly, the man got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom, quickly jumping into the shower. He was glad that Hailee was already nearly ready. It would make his getting ready much easier.

He got ready quickly, throwing on his suit that he'd nearly forgotten that he had. After he'd made sure that he looked presentable, Ryland finally spoke to Hailee. "Let's go. I want to get this over with as quickly as possible." Ryland led the way out of the small apartment and headed down to his car. It had been his mother's at one time..that is until one of her many boyfriends had given her a slightly newer make.

Ryland got into the vehicle and waited for Hailee to join him. He started the car as the young woman was getting in. He then was quick to pull out of the parking lot. The drive was a long one for them and yet they had not other options. He'd gotten greedy..and if Ryland couldn't talk his father into giving him the money..then..well..Ryland wasn't sure what would happen. He knew for a fact that he would not live. But what of Hailee? Did he even care? Fuck if he knew.

During the drive Hailee made it a point to turn the radio on to her favorite station. The music that blared from the speakers was like toxins entering into the bloodstream. Ryland was glad that he did not normally listen to this sort of filth. Hailee had an amazing voice..he realized this as he continued driving. Perhaps he could talk the guys into letting her sing on one of their songs. Suddenly, the woman had turned the music down and was trying to talk to him. Ryland ignored her, trying to remember the way to the party.

If he was honest with himself, Ryland was nervous. He'd not seen nor really spoken with his father since the man left his mother. He'd had no reason to. The only reason he needed to now was because he'd been stupid and his mistake would cost him his life if he didn't fix it and fix it soon. He'd stressed to Hailee how important it was that they get the money though he'd not told her exactly what was going on.

They pulled up the driveway to the party. Ryland parked the car in one of the few vacant spots and then got out of the car. He straightened his outfit, almost fidgeting with it until Hailee came to stand by his side. He didn't even look at her, slowly moving, making his way towards the building. The woman followed behind him, trying to catch up with him. "You could at least pretend like we're in this together. I'm your girlfriend, Ryland." Hailee said angrily.

He ignored her as they reached the door. The woman at his side knocked and within a few short moments, it was opened. A man allowed them entry. Ryland was instantly uncomfortable. This was far from his scene. Together, they made their way through the club, heading to where the party was taking place. He suspected that even though he'd dressed up a bit, his overall appearance would easily give away that he was different from these people.

Ryland had spotted his father, Conrad Spicer. The older mand was speaking with a few men, no doubt people that he often found himself spending time with. He sighed heavily before speaking to the woman at his side. "Why don't you go and get some drinks." Hailee rolled her eyes, easily taking the hint. He watched as the woman walked away, leaving Ryland alone. The man hesitated for a moment before making his way towards his father. The older man saw his son and was quick to part ways with his 'friends'. He placed a hard hand upon Ryland's shoulder, steering him away from any prying ears.

They were still out in the open, able to see all around them. "What are you doing here? It's not like you to up at one of these events. I can't ever seem to get you to even call and yet you are here now." Ryland remained silent, looking out among the people. "In all these years I've never asked you for anything. But..I need your help." He paused, looking to his father. He doubted that any of these people knew that Conrad had a son. Sure, he'd remarried but the woman hadn't wanted children. Ryland could imagine the gossip that was already flying about the club. "Stop there. We won't be talking about anything of the sort here."

Ryland looked to his father, confusion gracing his features. "I work with these people and I don't need you ruining my image. We will talk more of this back home." His father seemed to think that he was going to come back with him. "Look, I can't stay. I.."If you want my help, you'll do as I say. Now, come. I'll introduce you around." His father had interrupted him, something he'd not been expecting. It seemed that he had no choice. This was his last option.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Vie walked around for a bit, hanging off Briceson’s arm, like the trophy wife her mother was training her to be. The sad reality of her situation was that Brice would probably propose to her sometime in the near future, eventually he’d run for governor like his father and he’d more than likely be put in office. They’d have kids and she’d live out the rest of her life like her mother, miserable, only looking forward to the next party where she could drink away her depression. It was a horrendous thought and all she wanted to do was run away from what her life was to become, but she knew that wasn’t possible it was a never ending cycle. When you were born into her world, you just didn’t get out.

Vieanna walked mindlessly around the party, nodding her head and answering with a yes or no when she was spoken to. She wore a perfect fake smile, that made everyone believe she couldn’t be happier and it was honestly irritating how fake she had to act around these people when not even an hour or so ago she’d been getting high and making out with Brice.

“Spatzi” she heard her mother’s thick accent call and Vie turned out of instinct at her mother’s nickname for her, meaning little bird in German. Her mother had called her that as long as she could remember. Her mom took her in her arms hugging her and kissing her on either cheek. “Du siehst wunderschön Baby.” (You look beautiful baby.) Her mother continued in German and Vie smiled. “You look handsome yourself Brice.” She said glancing to Brice and switching back to English.

“Thank you Mrs. Corrona.” Brice smirked, his charming smirk and Vie rolled her eyes, scoffing a bit as he lend in kissing her on the cheek. Brice was a manipulator with a silver tongue, essentially he could get anyone to like him. Even Vie’s father who was overly strict loved him.

“Why don’t you two go introduce yourself to Mr. Spicer.” Her mother gestured to the man and once again Vie rolled her eyes and her mother shot her a look, Vie just crossed her arms in front of her like she refused to do it. She’d met enough people for one night. When Vienna didn’t want to do something it took nearly an arm to get her to do it, she was beyond stubborn.

Brice lend in kissing her cheek. “Come on love, it won’t hurt.” He said and she sighed, irritated, but deciding it was better not to start a scene and so she followed Brice as he led her over to the older man. Only as Brice started to introduce the two of them her eyes fell on the man standing next to him.

He didn’t fit in she noticed that almost instantly, he was dressed for the occasion sure but his black eyeliner that matched his jet black hair didn’t exactly scream high society. Even the way he stood and carried himself was completely out of place. Instantly she wanted to know who he was, he looked like exactly the type of guy the she shouldn’t want to get to know. There was just a dangerous energy that radiate off of him that she wanted. She started picking the light pink nail polish from her fingers, because her anxiety was rising and it was his presence that suddenly put her on edge and there was a part of her that liked it.

“Vienna.” She heard Brice say her name like he’d been trying to get her attention and she snapped out of her thoughts and glanced to Mr. Spicer immediately, shaking his hand and plastering the fake smile on her lips once again.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vie Corrona Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Just because his father suddenly decided that he wanted Ryland to stay for just a bit didn't mean that he wanted anything to do with the older man. He'd never been there for Ryland in the past..and so he did not imagine that the older man ever truly would. Even though his father had said that they would talk later, Ryland imagined that he would not receive good news. He fought back another sigh, trying to concentrate on what his father was saying as the older man spoke with another man. Ryland had missed the man's name, but didn't really matter. He wouldn't be around long enough for it to matter.

He had no idea where Hailee had disappeared to. She tended to that quick often and so it came as no surprise to him. The man that his father had been speaking to left them, having seen someone else that he needed to talk to. Ryland suddenly noted a pair of teens heading their way. He allowed his green eyes to focus on them as they neared. The young girl had somehow drawn his attention. She was beautiful, that much was clear. However, she was one of them. He could not imagine ever having anything to do with someone like her.

She was someone who was used to getting what they wanted and no doubt, at least in his mind, would pitch a fit over the smallest things. He could do without that kind of person. As the young boy introduced them, Ryland allowed his gaze to shift to him. His father shook the young man's hand yet Ryland did not. He was simply content remaining silent and having nothing to do with these people.

Briceson tried introducing the young woman at his side yet it seemed that she was not paying attention. Ryland looked to her, slight confusion gracing his features. Why was she not paying attention? When Briceson finally was able to gain her attention, the woman looked to Ryland's father and shook his hand. His father returned the gesture before speaking to them. "It is a pleasure to meet the two of you." He paused, glancing to Ryland as if unsure if he should introduce the the young man at his side. He hesitated only a short moment before finally deciding that he should. "This is my son, Ryland." At the mention of his name, Ryland glanced to his father. Why had be bothered to introduce him..he had no idea. It wasn't like he would be sticking around for very long and it wasn't as if he'd see these people again.

Ryland nodded to the pair before him though still did not offer to shake hands with either of them. His father continued speaking with the pair while Ryland remained silent. His attention was quickly stolen as he suddenly began hearing a soft voice calling his name. He tilted his head to the side slightly, his eyes becoming slightly unfocused as he attempted to listen to the voice. He regretted not taking anything before coming to the party. He usually kept a constant high, at the very least, in order to keep the voices away. Now, they were already beginning to plague him.

Suddenly, someone jumped onto his back. He started, not expecting the action. He turned his head enough to be able to see Hailee sliding off his back and moving to stand at his side. She had a smile on her face though to Ryland he could see that she was making sure that the other girl knew that she was with him. Hailee introduced herself, offering to shake their hands.

Ryland sighed quietly, watching the woman at his side. This was the life she wanted. The life that he could never give her. He honestly had no idea why she stuck with him..the drugs perhaps yet many other men could get that for her. He pushed the thought from his mind. Hailee was still trying to chat with the pair that had come up to them. Ryland rolled his eyes before suddenly leaving them. He could feel his father's eyes on him though payed no attention to it. He was quick to exit the building, walking out to a bit more secluded area outside where he could be alone. Ryland found a spot that he could be seen from the door yet was far away enough that he doubted any would approach him. He pulled out a cigarette, quickly lighting it. He then brought it up to his lips, taking a long drag. It was going to be one long night. That much was sure.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Vienna watched the man, she was distracted by him really because there was something so tragically beautiful about him that she just could figure out and it made her want to know everything about him. She was naturally curious and that's what tended to get her in trouble more often then not. She wasn't paying any attention to the conversation however when she was asked a question by Mr. Spicer or even Briceson, like a perfectly programmed robot she answered correctly, with a simple nod of her head.

A girl hopped onto his back much like Vie used to do to her brother when she was younger, but they clearly weren't siblings, that much was obvious by the possessive way she'd done it and Vie simply rolled her eyes. She didn't want him, she just wanted inside his head. She said justifying it in her own mind like the girl was reading her mind. The girl who Vie figured was Mr. Spicer's son's girlfriend tried to conversant with them but it was clear by the way she spoke they didn't exactly fit into the world Vie was raised in. However, it seemed Ryland got very bored very quickly as he pushed past them and slipped out of the party and Vie desperately wanted to follow after him just to pick his brain but she didn't.

Instead after a few more minuets of conversation Briceson excused both of them from the group before he excused himself a disappeared. She wasn't stupid she knew he wasn't going to mingle, he was going to go find some stupid slutty girl who wasn't her to fuck and she sighed leaning against the wall itching for a cigarette, but knowing her mother would kill her and her father would ground her for the rest of her life if they caught her. Suddenly the room seemed far to loud and she started picking at the skin on the sides of her fingers again. Her anxiety was on a rise and she could feel it and there was nothing she could do about it but silently suffer. She'd stopped taking her medication years ago, however everyone was convinced she still took it regularly. The only person in the world who was aware that she suffered through her anxiety attacks and sever OCD was Grayson, which is what made him super protective of her and she loved him for that.

“Vie, babe?” he called out to her and she glance up to see Grayson walking towards her a concerned look on his face as he slipped his IPhone back in his pocket like he'd just been vlogging, but decided that she was more important then his YouTube channel. She bit her lip as he paused in front of her, like she was seconds from losing it and he pulled her close wrapping his arms around her. “You need some air and maybe some vodka.” he breathed kissing the top of her head before leading her outside.

It was silent as they slipped out of the party and out of the country club building. He followed Grayson, not bothering to argue with him about staying or about the fact that Brice would be pissed when he came back and she wasn't there because she could careless at the moment. Her eyes spotted a silhouette in the shadows and she knew it was Ryland just by the dangerous energy that he put off however a they passed she only glanced to him for a moment turning her eyes back in front of her. Finally they managed to get a ways away from the part and Grayson sat her down in one of the pool chairs and crouched down in front of her looking her over and she sighed, able to feel herself relax again. He lit a cigarette and placed it between her lips and she let out a small relived sound as she took a drag.

“Vienna, I hate to say it doll, but your getting worse. It's every time you go out now.” he breathed quietly referring to how fucked up she was, she hated her self, why the hell couldn't she just be normal. “You've got to take your medicine.” he said honestly and she scoffed.

“Fuck you Gray.” she breathed, her voice weaker then she meant it to be. “You know what that shit does to me. How I anyone supposed to live like that.” she spat. He sighed and nodded, understanding her. Gray was pretty fucked up himself, mostly from his issues with his father or the fact that people were dicks to him because he was gay. Their world seemed perfect to everyone else but they all had their secrets.

“I know.” he finally breathed. “Wait here then, I'll go get us some drinks.” he smirked and she nodded as he slipped away leaving her there. She took another long drag off her cigarette, flicking the ash off the end as it rested between her perfectly manicured, acrylic nails that had cost a pretty penny. She reached down slipping off one heel at a time and tossing it before she stood up and made her way to the edge of the large pool. She walked the edge of the pool balancing herself on the very thin boarder of cement as she smoked.

As faded as the music was, she could still make it out clearly and it was one of her favorite songs. She started to sing the lyrics quietly at first. The longer she sang though, the more she got lost in the words of the song. Se started swaying to the music perfectly, like she was performing at one of her ballet recitals. She looked like something from a movie alone sing with an unrecognizable voice and dancing like she was the only person who existed in the world. It was true freedom for her, it was a side of her no one got to see. She was extremely talented when she sang and danced. However she never let anyone hear her sing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vie Corrona Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Ryland was unsure of how long had passed by. All that he knew was that he'd finished off his cigarette a while ago. He knew that Hailee would be mad that he'd left her inside..but only because it would look bad on her. He sighed softly. He was certain that if she had her way, she'd have found someone else by now. Someone with money. Someone who could give her the life that she wanted. Suddenly, the girl from earlier emerged from the party along with a different boy than from before. Ryland found his gaze following them as they made their way from the building.

The pair made their way to their destination and still Ryland did not move. Instead, he pulled out another cigarette, lighting it. He was far enough away that he could not hear their conversation. Not that he imagined that they were saying anything important. And yet, he continued to watch them. Almost as if by doing so he would somehow know what it was that they were saying. Within a few more moments, the boy was leaving and heading back inside.

The girl..what was her name again? Vienna, wasn't it? He wasn't quite sure. Not that it mattered, he supposed. Ryland continued watching her as she removed her shoes and then was making her way closer to the pool. He wasn't quite sure why he was watching her. It was...almost as if he needed to. He didn't quite understand it. It was as he realized that she was singing that Ryland found himself moving closer. The girl's voice was beautiful and her moves seemed to call him to her. He was silent in his approach, not fully understanding why he was closing in on her.

He suspected that if her friend returned that he'd get bombarded with questions and yet..he did not care. There was something..different about this girl. She wasn't like the others that were here. That much he could see clearly. As he reached the chair that she'd been in only a short while earlier, Ryland took a seat. He took a drag before suddenly speaking up. "You're good."

He knew that he really shouldn't have gotten closer. He was silent for a moment, his green eyes simply watching her. "It's a shame that you're one of them. Otherwise I might would think that you'd actually go somewhere with your talents." He knew that he wasn't being too kind. Most people that Ryland tended to run into would get fed up with him and simply walk off...or curse him and then walk off. Even Hailee did that quite often and she swore that she was in love with him.

Ryland relaxed in the chair, his gaze still glued to the young woman. "But, then again, what does it matter if such things are wasted? You already have everything that you could ever want." He took another drag from his cigarette. He could only imagine what was going through this girl's mind. Most likely the same things that went through his father's when they spoke.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vie Corrona Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Vienna was completely caught up in the moment. As free she thought she was, she didn't know freedom until she sang or danced, because she could feel every ounce of symmetry, she could feel life. It was how she wanted to live everyday of her life, but that wasn't a reality for her. Her reality was lavish parties and perfection. The thoughts though that normally plagued her mind were completely lost when she was lost in her own world. She seemed to have a low about her that you normally couldn't see through her faked perfection.

“You're good.” she heard a voice and she froze immediately, making a small squeal like noise, because whoever it was had scared the shit out of her and it sure as hell wasn't Grayson. She raised her forgotten cigarette to her lips, trying to compose herself before turning to see who it was though she already had a pretty damn good idea. “It's a shame you're one of them. Otherwise I might would think that you'd actually go somewhere with your talents.” She could feel his eyes burning into her and the longer they did the less embarrassed she felt and the more irritated she got.

She finally turned to face him and immediately there was something about the James Dean look in his eyes and the way that he smoked his cigarette that made her want to feel the heartbreak she knew only he could give her. It was the most confusing feeling she'd ever had in her entire young life. He was bad. She could see it written all over him and every bit of her conscience anxiety told her to walk away and not look back, to simply ignore her comments. However, her foolish pride completely contradicted that part of her thought process.

“But, then again, what does it matter if such things are wasted? You already have everything that you could ever want.” he breathed so causally, it infuriated her and she watched him take a drag off his cigarette like they knew each other and he had a right to say the those things about her. He had no idea who she was.

“Fuck off street rat.” she spat bitterly, she walked over to him fearlessly, despite the dangerous heat she felt the closer she got to him. She glared down at him. “You don't belong her, I know exactly who you are Ryland. You're the illegitimate child of a billionaire. You were a mistake.” she breathed cruelly. It was scary how curel Vie could be when she felt threatened, her words could rip you apart. “Daddy doesn't love you. You and your ugly ass girlfriend need to leave.” she said with a wicked smirk, like she'd won something.

She didn't really know Ryland, only what she'd heard from her parents when they talked about Mr. Spicer, however she didn't need to know much to blackmail you or make you feel like shit. Her rich mean girl persona did that for her. Vie was rarely cruel, but he'd caught her off guard and then insulted her, if it had been Brice she'd probably have kept her mouth shut. She didn't bother to take a step back just crossed her arms in front of er holding his eyes, slightly nervous about what he'd do.


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Character Portrait: Vie Corrona Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Ryland had no idea how this girl would take his cruel words. Only a mere moment later, she spoke up. “Fuck off street rat.” His gaze suddenly locked hard onto her. It seemed that she was not one to simply stomp off at his words. As she got closer to him, she continued speaking. “You don't belong here, I know exactly who you are Ryland. You're the illegitimate child of a billionaire. You were a mistake. Daddy doesn't love you. You and your ugly ass girlfriend need to leave.” As she looked down at him, Ryland looked up. He was fairly certain that he'd gone oddly serious as the young woman spoke. He had no idea if she thought that what she was saying way true. Either way, her words did not sit well with him.

She was smirking at him. Smirking. Ryland felt one of his eyes slightly twitch. His temper trying to burst out at the girl. He put out the cigarette he'd been smoking only a few short moments before. Only then did he stand slowly from his seat. He took a mere step closer to Vienna, his gaze never leaving hers. He was only a bit taller than her yet it still seemed to give him the upper hand as he was suddenly looking down at her. "Listen here, little girl. You and everyone in that fucking building may think that you know me...but you don't. You don't even know anything about my father. So save the bullshit for someone who cares about what's coming out of that mouth of yours.

He paused for a moment, his anger suddenly beginning to show on his face. "I am anything except for a bastard child of some asshole who doesn't even care enough to stick around when things fall apart within his marriage. Do you honestly think that I want to be here? That I don't know how everyone sees me?" His voice, though had gotten a bit louder, was not loud enough for any to hear him save for Vienna. He wasn't stupid. He didn't need anyone coming out to investigate.

Ryland was closer to her now and he didn't even remember moving. "I would love to be able to leave this stupid place. Unfortunately, I have no fucking choice in the matter. I need to speak with that poor excuse of a man in there and he won't speak with me here. Fuck you, Little Girl. You know nothing." He suddenly wanted nothing more than to leave at that point. Yet, his pride would not let him. Instead, he remained rooted. Ryland also suddenly realized that he'd not defended Hailee at all. Normally he did. It struck him as odd.

"Why don't you just run back to the ball, Cinderella? I'm certain that piece of shit you were hanging about with is looking for you by now. I wouldn't want to ruin your rep. Hanging out here with me won't do you any kind favors." His voice had finally lowered yet Ryland was still fairly angry. He had no idea how to handle this young woman. He could not even begin to recall the last time someone had stood up to him in such a way. In all honesty, Ryland wanted nothing more than to harm her. Yet, he knew that it would be ill advised to do so. Or would it? He stood there, debating with himself as he waited for her to break their sudden silence.


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She watched him, sure she was nervous on the inside, maybe even a little terrified she had no idea where he came from and if she was being honest he looked a little rough, like he'd lived a hard life and done his fair share of awful things. However, she refused to let him see anything but confidence and fearlessness. He put out his cigarette and stood and even though he was only a bit taller then her it seemed all of a sudden he towered over her small frame. She took an absentminded step back, because the heat between them confessed her. She held his eyes despite everything inside of her telling her to run.

"Listen here, little girl. You and everyone in that fucking building may think that you know me...but you don't. You don't even know anything about my father. So save the bullshit for someone who cares about what's coming out of that mouth of yours. he hissed, causing her jaw to clench. She could see the anger on his face however she didn't flinch. "I am anything except for a bastard child of some asshole who doesn't even care enough to stick around when things fall apart within his marriage. Do you honestly think that I want to be here? That I don't know how everyone sees me?" he raised his voice making it clear she'd pissed him off and she raised a brow and his words, it was apparent she'd hit a sensitive spot.

Had he been anyone she wouldn't have wasted her breath she'd have merely walked away and let them yell after, because for the most part Vie could be pretty disrespectful, mostly because she hated her life. With him though, she found his anger amusing and somehow she knew that was deadly and would get her into trouble, however she could bring herself to make the logical decision and apologize and leave it at that. She suddenly felt that intoxicating heat between them and it was even stronger, making her realize just how close he'd gotten to her.

"I would love to be able to leave this stupid place. Unfortunately, I have no fucking choice in the matter. I need to speak with that poor excuse of a man in there and he won't speak with me here. Fuck you, Little Girl. You know nothing." he continued pulling her from her thoughts and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. She hated that he kept calling her a little girl. Everyone thought of her as little and it pissed her the fuck off. "Why don't you just run back to the ball, Cinderella? he breathed his voice much calmer but by this point she was blinded by anger and hadn't heard the rest of what he'd even said.

Her entire fucking life everyone had referred to her as a princess and it bugged her but for some reason hearing it come out of his mouth took it to a new level. When he'd said it, it made her feel helpless, like she really was just another carbon copy of her parents and she'd spent her entire life trying to be the opposite and maybe that's what pissed her off most was that he'd seen in her what she'd been trying to avoid and when he said it, it had to be true because he didn't know her, his words would be honest. He could see right through her and it killed her.

Without so much as thinking she used what strength she had in her underweight body to shove him into the pool behind him. There was a loud splash and she knew she should run because his suite was probably more then he made in a year yet she stayed there stepped forward even, but not enough for him to reach out and pull her in. She waited for him to emerge from the water before she spoke again.

“I'm anything but a little girl.” she knew it was a stupid comment but the desperation in her voice for him to understand was almost painful. “You have no right to stand here and tell me I don't know you and then turn right around and judge me.” She breathed, her voice weaker then she wanted it to be. “It's not my fault your a fuck up and you need help!” she was practically screaming at him.

She turned then and slipped out of the pool area, she could feel her anxiety rising to a point that she was going to completely loose it if she didn't get out of there. However, instead of being smart about it and heading back towards the party where there were a hundred people to stop him if he came after her she headed towards the darkest part of the club, the golf course, because she wanted to be alone.


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He watched her as she seemed to take in his words. However, only a mere few short...very short seconds the girl was shoving him as hard as she could. He'd not been expecting it. His body was suddenly surrounded by the chilled water that had been behind him. It covered him completely, water trying to find its way into his mouth, his nose. Ryland emerged from the water quickly, his dark hair plastered to his head. She had pushed him in. He couldn't believe it. He looked up to find her seemingly waiting for him. “I'm anything but a little girl. You have no right to stand here and tell me I don't know you and then turn right around and judge me. It's not my fault your a fuck up and you need help!”

Ryland was silent as Vienna spoke. The nerve of her. How dare she speak to him in such a way...and his suit. He was fairly certain that it would be ruined before he would be able to change and even attempt to dry it. The girl didn't wait for him to speak. Instead, she'd already turned and disappeared from the pool area. It took Ryland only a short moment to pull himself out of the water. He was dripping. All of him. He sighed heavily before heading off in the direction that he'd watched her go in.

He didn't move too quickly, instead allowing her to think that he was not following her. Ryland had never been towards this part of the club and so did not know that layout too well. Yet, this did not deter him. He was quick to spot her though he remained in the darkness for some time longer as he approached her. He slowly came up behind her. Ryland moved quickly then, his hand grabbing Vienna by her arm, turning her to face him.

He was sure that he now looked much worse than before. No doubt his liner was beginning to run, his clothes were clinging to him, and nothing but anger upon his face. He then allowed one of his hands to find its way to her throat, pinning her against the nearest wall. He moved closer to her, barely a breath between them now. "You really aren't very smart, are you." His voice was dangerously low as he spoke to her.

Ryland didn't even truly care about the suit. It was more of the fact that she'd stood up to him. Not even Hailee dared to do that. "I may be a fuck up..but at least I know what I am. You, on the otherhand..I do not think that you accept yourself. You try to deny what you really are. And it will only get you hurt in the end." Ryland had not realized that they were so close..yet, even now that he fully realized it..he did not wish to move. He loved being in control and in that moment, he was. He was holding back, trying not to lay a mark upon her. His father would never help him if he caused any sort of trouble.

Yet, this girl didn't know that. Not yet anyway. And so he stayed. "I suppose that you and your family didn't know that I've been in jail? And you certainly wouldn't know the reasons. My father would not want his reputation tarnished by me." He paused suddenly, regarding the woman. His grip on her throat was tight yet would not leave a mark upon her. "You shouldn't fuck with people who can fuck with you right back. You're playing a dangerous game, Little Girl." He'd noted how she'd disliked being referred to as 'little' and so..why not continue to refer to her as such? He rather enjoyed calling her 'little'.


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She'd waked for a while, before she finally slowed her pace, realizing that he wasn't following her or at least that he could tell. She'd never meet a single person who'd got her blood boiling and her heart racing the way he had within seconds of opening his mouth. She hated herself for wondering what his touch felt like, but she couldn't help but wonder. He was frustrating, yet every bit of her admire how dangerous he was and the freedom he had. She felt someone grab her arm causing her to gasp, because it caught her off guard and his touch set her entire body on fire.

Before she had a chance to realize who it was she was facing him and for the first time sense she'd laid eyes on him, she was actually terrified of him. His hand came up and wrapped around her neck, his grip tight as he pinned her up against the wall roughly making her wince. She shivered, not because she was cold but because his touch drove her crazy. He moved a breath away from her all she had to do was lean forward and their lips would be touching. In the most twisted way, she wanted him to hurt her, she wanted to feel the pain and swollen back back her sins. Her fear quickly turning to lust.

"You really aren't very smart, are you." his vice was dangerously low and she held his eyes in the darkness as her eyes started to adjust there was something bother terrifying and alluring about him. He made her want every bad thing she knew he could do to her. “I may be a fuck up..but at least I know what I am. You, on the otherhand..I do not think that you accept yourself. You try to deny what you really are. And it will only get you hurt in the end." He breathed and his breath was hot against her skin drawing her in even more and she found it hard to focus on his words.

He had control of her in that moment and there was absolutely nothing she wanted to do about it. She loved his danger and roughness, sure Brice was dangerous but his threats were empty she'd learned that a long time ago. Ryland however, could snap her neck in one effortless motion and as fucked up as it was that excited her.

“I suppose that you and your family didn't know that I've been in jail? And you certainly wouldn't know the reasons. My father would not want his reputation tarnished by me." she focused on his and the fact that he'd been in jail was electrifying. She felt her anxiety shot up to an all time high, yet at the same time she was perfectly calm, despite the fact that he tightened his grip on her neck making it difficult for her to breath. "You shouldn't fuck with people who can fuck with you right back. You're playing a dangerous game, Little Girl." he said purposely slandering her with that simple word.

It was silent for a long moment and she could feel his eyes burning into her. She brought her hand to his wrist wrapped around her neck and wrapped her hand around his wrist. She held his eyes in the darkness and she wanted desperately to feel his hands all over her and she hated herself for thinking those things. He was way older then her, that much was obvious simply by the way he carried himself and he was a druggie, she been around enough to know just by their actions, not to mention it was clear that he was running from something. It was written all over the stress that he carried with him. He ha trouble written all over him and as much as Vie might want to feel the edge of danger, she didn't want to get killed doing it, so she did her best to ignore the heat that was clearly between them and the thoughts that were running through her head.

“You're fucking crazy.” she manged to breath trying her best to move away from him but it was no use he was too damn strong. “Gray is probably looking for me and when he can't find me...” she trailed off trying to threaten him, like she as convinced he was going to kill her. “Just let me go.” she breathed biting her lip and hoping that Grayson or even Briceson would miraculously find her, hell he'd even take his stupid girlfriend finding them at this point.


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Character Portrait: Vie Corrona Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
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Ryland had not expected Vienna to wrap her fingers about his wrist. The feeling of her touching sent something shooting through him. He froze, not understanding why he was feeling this way. Confusion slowly found its way to his face, though only briefly. He was quick to wipe the look from his face. She continued to hold his gaze and Ryland returned the look as she spoke. “You're fucking crazy.” He could feel her trying to move from him yet she was not able. “Gray is probably looking for me and when he can't find me...” Her threat only caused Ryland to smile. As if he would take her threat seriously. “Just let me go.”

"Why would I let you go when I've got you where I want you?" He asked her, his head tilting towards her ever so slightly. His other hand had, at some point, found its way to Vienna's neck. It had joined the other, though his grip had softened. His thumbs rested upon her throat as he remained close to her. "Are you that scared of me?"

His voice was no longer angry though he still was not happy with her. He was finding that he was..being drawn to her. He'd never felt this way before. Not even about Hailee. His gaze finally shifted, moving to the young girl's lips. He knew that he should just walk away, keep her away from him. Yet, he wanted nothing more than to feel her lips upon his own. Even just for once.

Ryland knew the hell that he would likely receive from the girl if he acted on such an impulse. Yet, he was still struggling with himself. In a sudden moment of weakness, Ryland closed that small space that had been between them. He pressed his lips roughly to Vienna's. His hands moved, one coming to rest upon her waist and the other on the back of her neck. He seemed intent upon keeping her as close to him as he could.

The moment lasted what seemed like forever yet it was only a short time. He forced himself to pull back from her, his green eyes looking down at her. "You should stay away from me. If you knew what's best for yourself." He whispered to her. He should have never given in to the urge to kiss her. He found that now that he'd had a taste, he wanted more. Ryland forced himself to release her, taking a step back as if suddenly trying to get away from her.

He turned, heading away from the teen. "Don't worry, Little Girl. I'm not sticking around very long. You can go back to your life unscathed." He smirked, though she could not see it. "See you around." He made his way from her, having no idea if she'd follow or not. Not that he cared..or so he tried to tell himself.

Ryland reached the spot he'd been in earlier..before he'd begun speaking with Vienna. He glanced down at himself. There was no way that he could go back in. Not looking like he did. He sighed, leaning against the wall once again and closed his eyes. All he wanted was to get his father to help him so he could go back to his shitty life. Was that so much to ask for? He could suddenly hear Hailee's voice from inside. No doubt she'd found some poor sap to entertain her while he'd disappeared. He didn't care. It kept her out of his hair for the time being and allowed him to finally begin concentrating on his current problem.


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"Why would I let you go when I've got you where I want you?" he breathed, his other hand warping around her neck, even then as she was sure he was about to strangle her, she refused to show him she was terrified. She kept her cool as best as possible, despite her heart pounding wildly in her chest. “Are you that scared of me?”

The question struck Vie, because the way he'd asked it was unnerving. She could feel is anguish, like he couldn't understand why the hell everyone was always scared of him or looked at him like he was a misfit. She knew what that felt like, because she felt that way all the time. It was silent between them and she was just about to break the silence and apologize for being a such a bitch to him.

Only before she had the chance, his lips were pressed against hers roughly. One of his hands rested almost naturally on her hip, while the other rested on her neck and her skin burned underneath his rough hands. She felt save in his arms something she never felt when Briceson held her. She kissed back, despite everything inside her yelling at her to pull away she couldn't bring herself to do it.

He pulled away and in the dark she could finally make out his green eyes and she wanted to lean up on her toes and pull him back for more. He was holding back, just like she was because they both knew it was wrong. She didn't care though, she could feel how mature and reckless he was all at the same time in just the way he touched her and she wanted more, she wanted to feel his touch burn all over her body.

"You should stay away from me. If you knew what's best for yourself." he whispered and his voice sent a shiver down her spine. That was the worst thing he could have told her, Vie had a habit of wanting things she couldn't have and more importantly she had a bad habit of wanting things she just couldn't have. "Don't worry, Little Girl. I'm not sticking around very long. You can go back to your life unscathed." she could hear the smirk in his voice and that aggravated her. She knew he was about to leave before he'd said a word. "See you around." he finally breathed before disappearing around the corner.

Already the gears in her head were turning. He was running from something or he wouldn't be here. He had a girlfriend, but he'd just kissed her. He was dangerous, he'd nearly strangled her. All of that, ran through her head and yet in a sick and twisted way she wanted to go after him. He was the excitement she needed. She could fool around with him and then he'd be gone in no time, no strings attached it was perfect. She pulled her cell phone out from her bra checking the time one hour till midnight, till the New year. A playful smirk lit her face.

It didn't take her long to find him standing their still drenched. She grabbed his arm spinning him back to face her. Without thinking she wrapped her arms around his neck and end up on her tip toes kissing him. It was an electric kind of kiss, the kind of kiss you saw in Hollywood blockbusters and made you feel the emotions the actor portrayed. It was absolutely intoxicating. She didn't care what he'd did in his past or how old he was all she knew was that for once in her miserable life she wanted to break the rules and really live.

By the time she pulled away and took a step back, creating space between them she was out of breath, a smirk on her face. She held his eyes. Her whole body weightless and as cold as it was outside she couldn't even feel the cold from his wet suite on her skin because she was still on fire from their kiss.

“You can't just kiss someone like that and walk away.” she said in a matter of fact tone. She never once dropped his gaze. “I now you told me I should stay away...but what if I don't want to?” she breathed biting her lip. “We both have prior engagements.” she said simply referring to Briceson and his girlfriend. “But, hat they don't know won't hurt right?” she smirked, she wasn't exactly asking him to fuck her, but skinny dipping in the ocean with a stranger seemed like a pretty great memory to have. “Come on bad boy, live a little.”


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He continued to keep his eyes closed, his head held back as if he had given up. He wanted nothing more than to leave, to go back home. However, he knew that he could not until he'd at least spoken with his father. He suspected that the older man would be here, at the party, for some time still. He would likely go out of his mind by the time the older man was finally ready to leave for the night. He sighed, realizing that he was going to be stuck there, drenched, for at least a couple more hours.

Suddenly, someone was grabbing his arm and spinning him towards them. His green eyes shown surprise, especially once he realized that it was Vienna. He'd not expected the young woman to follow him. She moved quickly, not allowing him any time to react. Her arms wrapped about his neck and within a few seconds, their lips met once again. Ryland allowed his arms to circle the woman's body, effectively keeping her close as he returned the kiss. It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before..even with Hailee. With Vienna..he felt alive, something he'd not felt since his family had become broken and his life turned to shit.

He was unsure of how long they'd stood there, kissing. It was Vienna, though, that broke the kiss. She pulled back from him and he allowed her to move from him as he released her. She held his gaze and so Ryland continued to eye her. “You can't just kiss someone like that and walk away. I now you told me I should stay away...but what if I don't want to?" Vienna said. Ryland silent, allowing her to continue. “We both have prior engagements. But, what they don't know won't hurt right?” He was suddenly smiling at her, finding her words amusing. He could not say that there were many who would come after him as she'd done and want to spend time with him. Regardless of what she was wanting to do.

The young woman smirked. “Come on bad boy, live a little.” He glanced back towards the party, breaking their eye contact for only a moment before turning back to her. He was still surprised at her, almost not sure if she was being serious. However, regardless, he decided that it couldn't hurt. "I suppose there's no changing your mind." He said softly as he eyed her. He could tell that her mind was made up and he suspected there was little that could be done to persuade her otherwise.

Of course, Ryland supposed that by spending some time with her couldn't help. He wasn't sticking around and would likely never see her again after tonight. "Alright. What'd you have in mind?" He asked her, wondering what she could possibly be wanting to do. It was only as she replied that Ryland moved closer to Vienna once again, this time offering her a hand. He was offering her a chance to leave, to pretend that they'd never met.

"Then shall we?" He asked. He hoped that the ocean was at least within walking distance. He really didn't feel like having to go back into the party and trying to pretend that they weren't leaving together. He knew that Hailee would eventually realize that he'd never come back inside. She would be angry and more than likely nag him about it. Really, he had thousands of reasons not to go with Vienna. However, he just didn't feel like fighting what he wanted to do.

He also found that he wanted nothing more than to kiss the young woman again. Not here though. He would wait. He was surprising himself. Normally, when he wanted something, he took it. Yet with Vienna, he was being patient. It was most unlike him. "I think..." He said, suddenly as he pulled a bit closer. "That you, are just looking to get us both in trouble." His tone was light. He honestly couldn't care if he got into trouble though he suspected that the young woman knew that. Otherwise she likely wouldn't have suggested it in the first place.

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Character Portrait: Vie Corrona
Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer


Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
Ryland Spicer

"The world is going to shit..and I'm already there."

Character Portrait: Vie Corrona
Vie Corrona

"Money can't buy hapiness, believe me I've tried."


Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
Ryland Spicer

"The world is going to shit..and I'm already there."

Character Portrait: Vie Corrona
Vie Corrona

"Money can't buy hapiness, believe me I've tried."

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Character Portrait: Vie Corrona
Vie Corrona

"Money can't buy hapiness, believe me I've tried."

Character Portrait: Ryland Spicer
Ryland Spicer

"The world is going to shit..and I'm already there."

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