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kiriko desaru

"Oak are strong and willows are weak, but if you go with the wind you will never break."

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a character in “Jewel Princess”, originally authored by arpiainen, as played by RolePlayGateway


Kiriko is a rather small and thin person a few inches shorter than most but because of that he is insanely fast and flexible. He is very susceptible to pain except when fighting in which case he makes it a point not to show it. He says his age is 20 but he lost track of how old he was years ago. He tends to be more popular with girls because he is good looking and does not give off an opposing Ora.


Kiriko is a funny and enjoyable person with a gentle side and a soft spot for the ladies. But he pushes people away because he fear he will lose them or he won't be able to protect them. When he is in battle his personality changes talking only to confuses or enrage the enemy. Even his thought patterns change when fighting becoming calculating and decisive only focused on protecting his friends or killing his foe. The only thing that does not change in Kiriko when he goes into battle mood is his thoughts of protecting his friends.


Kiriki wields dual six inch curved blades, for the most part using them in an ice pick or backhand grip. A matching pair of angelic jewels is positioned in the center of a hollow point in each, allowing Kiriki to extend the overall reach of his weapons greatly to 4 feet by harnessing the air around them when wielding over hand. Amongst the other items he carries, he has also a set of ten 3 inch throwing knives, and a small bag of marbles which he uses to trip enemies. In rural or heavily forested areas he has in his possession a 50 yard roll of spider threat which he can use to ensnare or trap his opponents, or to simply catch game. He keeps this concealed in a bag he carries on his person at all times.


Kiriko was born in a small village to the far south that was not well known making it an easy target for the shades. His village was full of powerful wind jewel users him being a young protege. after fighting wave after wave of shades of the leader of the shades came and wiped out his village taking there legendary wind jewel. His father and master died giving him time to get away telling him "live on and fight another day" those words have rung through Kiriko's head for 8 years. After Kiriko left his village he was found by an old couple how showed him violence and hatred were not the only thing in life. 3 years after staying with them both of the old couple died telling kiriko "keep that beautiful smile of yours". since then kiriko has made it a point to help those in need and destroy those who are evil.

So begins...

kiriko desaru's Story


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Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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Kiriko woke with a start the smell of wood and flesh burning surrounded him. He got out of his Hammock and untied it putting his spider wire back into his bag. From 30 feet up in tree he saw the massive flames in the distance most likely coming from that small town he had stopped in yesterday it couldn't have been more then a quarter of a mile away . He unsheathed his duel 6 inch curved blades holding them in his usual back hand style using the release holes at the tip of his blade with the angelic jewel in his blade to propel him self from tree top to tree top making his way to the town.

One minute later he was in the town stopping on a ruff top to surveying his surroundings disgusted at the site before him people were running in every direction while there town was burning down. To his left he saw two shades and two others fighting. One of the shades wielding a ridiculously large scythe seemed to be engaged in combat with the other two people, the scythe wielder appeared to be a wind user deflecting a flame attack form one of the two, while the other stood on the ruff top watching the fight most likely the fire user that had caused this unless the fire was an accident of there fighting. The other two seemed to be using angelic jewels one obviously a flame user the other seemed to be wounded indicated by the large gash on his back.

Kiriko had to make a decisions join the fray or help the town, he ended up listening to his instincts and helped the town "If he didn't who will" he thought to himself. He landed just shy of the flames pointing his blades at the ground and using his jewel to reduce his impact. Then using his wind jewel to wipe out the flames in one big swipe using both his blades he put out the flames he new it was a waste of energy but it was worth it to save as many lives as possible. After taking out the flames kiriko turned to the fight, the flame user was preparing to attack the scythe user, and that other shade still just standing on top of the building watching the fight. From what he could gather the other shade was the leader of the squad or was saving up his energy to attack at the right moment, either way he couldn't let him join the fight.

Kiriko started to make his way to the building running at full speed to the building that had the shade who was watching the fight. Once he was close enough the the building he jumped using his blades to assist him he landed on the roof with a front flip, taking his battle stance standing side ways, knees bent, blades out one pointing towards the enemy the other pointing away from his chest.

"I'm going to be your opponent."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku
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#, as written by Siryn
Raiyn Illander

The blast of wind that took out the girls fire caught him and pushed him backwards. He raised his hands to cover his face and bent down to keep standing. Sliding across the ground he was reminded of the deep wound that he'd received from the scythe user earlier. The burn across his back was more than enough to tell him that he wasn't going to be at full strength in the fight. He didn't care either way, though. He straightened himself as the wind magic died out and glared at the white haired man.

He would have lunged forward to attack the Shade himself but the girl next to him was faster, much faster than even him. Her fire licked at the Shades' clothes as she came in close, her swords leading her attack. He lifted his blade and activated the Angelic Jewel. The green gem pulsed as he pulled at the power and brought a slight tremble in the ground. Vines from deep underground trembled as they curled their way through the earth and to the surface. He directed them at the man, attempting to ensnare him once more.

Just as the vines began their tight twist around his feet and legs, the air around Raiyn tingled. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as he realized that he hadn't noticed there was a third Shade there. Unable to find the source of the magic in time as black magic erupted around him, he dropped his sword as he screamed. The magic enveloped his entire body and the black mist crackled all around him. Once it faded away he dropped to the ground panting heavily. The wound in his back seared and his limbs felt numb.

Slowly, Raiyn pushed himself up to his hands and knees and reached for his sword. A sharp kick to his rib cage sent him crashing onto his back. He coughed, tasting blood in his mouth. Cracking his eyes opened he glared up at who had attacked him. It was the elven woman who had taken on the Jewel Princess not too long ago.

"Damned persistent aren't you?" He managed to croak out in a half growl.

The woman grinned at him, leveling her long blade at his throat. The Demon Jewel cracked with power, the black mist swirling around the handle and half of the blade. She pressed the tip of the weapon against his throat and slowly knelt down over him, "I knew you looked familiar boy," she said.

Raiyn ground his teeth and didn't answer her. Her pale green eyes were shining with deadly intent, the look on her face put Raiyn in unease. He didn't like what he was seeing. She stayed where she was, holding the sword steadily at his throat. She flicked her gaze over to the Shade who was fighting with the girl in red.

"This reminds me. I've seen something like this before. I'll keep you alive until he kills her and then he can do what he wants with you. Getting in the way of the Shades is digging your own grave, boy. Oh wait... didn't she call for you? In her last moments she called your name... what was it?" the woman tapped her slender finger against her lip in mockery.

Raiyn's teeth ground together tightly as he glared at her. He kept his rage under control though, which was something that even surprised him. She was picking at an old wound, something he would have thought to have made him rashly attack her. Of course, he knew that was what she wanted. However, he wasn't just going to lie there and let her do what she wanted either. His hand had worked its way to his hip where his dagger was. The weapon was pinned to the ground by his leg, so pulling it out was slightly difficult, but he'd almost freed the weapon.

"That's right, it was Raiyn. She screamed for Raiyn as she was dying. That sound was like music to my ears, Raiyn. The way she called for you. Will this woman do the same too, I wonder?"

He didn't change his facial expression, but the dagger was free and in a single swipe he'd moved her sword off to the side and leaned forward. His hand grabbed her blade, just barely touching her Demon Jewel. The dark magic flared across his arm as she hissed in anger and tried to activate the power there. Raiyn let his own innate magic wrap around her Demon Jewel and in a matter of moments, the weapon was useless and would be for quite some time. With a shout of rage, she managed to stop his other hand from driving the dagger into her chest.

Letting go of her useless weapon, she slammed her fist into his stomach and he coughed, loosing all strength to keep upright. Raiyn berated himself for getting into the situation he was in. If he'd been paying attention he would have avoided the woman's attack all together. As it stood, he was probably not going to survive this fight. The Shade wrenched his dagger from his fingers and turned the weapon against him, slamming it down into his shoulder.

"I hope he kills you slowly in payment for destroying my Demon Jewel boy!" She cursed him.

He took in a shaking breath, his throat burning from the second cry that had torn from his lips. Raiyn would have answered her in kind, but as he opened his eyes from the pain, he noted a sharp sword held against her throat instead of his. Shock registered through him as he looked up to see the girl who had left not moments ago. He rationalized that it made sense because she was the Jewel Princess and having the Demon Jewel's nearby would activate her power and she would drop whatever she was doing to find them.

A sharp kick from the Princess sent the elven Shade off of him and the woman walked right passed him without a second look. He knew she was lost in her power and had no control, but he was betting on that part to save them from the three attacking Shades. He would have said he was fine against two of them on his own, but having been injured already and sorely out numbered, even he had his doubts. He slowly sat up and turned to see how the girl in red was doing with her fight against the scythe wielder. Only then did he notice that someone else had joined in on the fight and was currently engaging the young man up on the roof top. Raiyn didn't have time to think on it however and grabbed his weapon in an attempt to try to entangle the white haired Shade once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku
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#, as written by Centi85

Talazar saw the attack of the girl in red and quickly he dodged to the right. The fact that his cloak had caught flames was the least of his worries, and frankly he didn't care. Suddenly however, roots sprung from the ground again, attempting once more to ensnare him. He lout out a curse as his landing was more or less on his side, throwing off his counter-attack and saving the girl a wicked gash that would've near perfectly matched the one Raiyn had acquired earlier. He landed with a barely audible thud, his cloak trailing after him. Looking towards the boy now, he was going to direct his rage back onto him, but found Nira had it taken care of. He was already on the ground, pinned with her blade to his throat, and already the roots had ceased their advance.

Talazar let out a wicked laugh from his position on the ground, then tugged at the vines that had managed to wrap around his left arm. Freeing that, he readjusted his grip to about a foot beneath the blade, and made a short chop through the air, though directed more at himself. A smaller gust of wind came from the weapon as it broke away the vines, allowing the man to get to his feet. Looking around now, he waited and paced away slightly, eying the scene.

He was waiting for the girl in red to attack again and allowed himself a glance towards Nira as she let out a shout. He raised an eyebrow in question as he looked on her and while it seemed nothing bad had truly happened, he knew enough that nothing was truly as it seemed.

The man was about to turn away when suddenly the target materialized again. He hadn't seen her come in, and now she was after Nira. He watched as the girl launched Nira from the boy with a kick and rolled his eyes, then spoke to her. "Welcome back, Jewel Princess!" he stated simply. "I--" he was cut off. Another figure now appeared, though this one simply sped past all else after sending out a rather large gust if wind, more or less extinguishing the flames. "Damnit," mouthed Talazar as he glanced behind him, watching the man move for Aelianus. Looking away, he shrugged it off. If the boy failed, so be it. For now his attention rested on the Jewel Princess, and the other girl. Takin on his grin once more, he swung his scythe idly in his hands, waiting.

"That was good," he said more so to the girl, then he shifted his attention to no one in particular. "Now, who's good enough to actually strike me?"


The boy watched the scene unfold before him and was going to assist Talazar when suddenly a new figure came landing before him. Aelianus stepped back somewhat, smiled politely and stated simply, "Hi!" He had no quarrels with the man yet, but of course he knew most likely he'd be attacked. He took a few paces away, glancing around as if to find something to redirect his attention on, then suddenly pointed towards the left of the man.

"Oh look!" he said, hoping that'd distract his opponent, "Look at that... that. Arr... Uh."

Aelianus decided to stop there and simply bolted off, leaping awkwardly onto a slightly lower house, his limbs flailing before he came crashing down in a less than graceful manner. The boy slowly peeled himself from the woodwork and rolled over, rubbing his face, arms, and frankly every part of the front of his body. That probably wasn't smart, and the chains on his chest hurt terribly when he impacted. He wasted no time in continuing his retreat, getting quickly to his feet before yelling simply, "Help! Talazar, Nira!! Someone save me!!!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku
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#, as written by Neru
Krisiana watched as the Shade easily avoided her attack once more, a growl of annoyance leaving her lips. Spinning around to face him yet again, the young woman’s gaze shifted about, seeming to search for anything to use to her advantage. She shifted her stance, keeping her attention completely focused on the white haired Shade, before her gaze caught sight of the elven woman. She’d managed to get the upper hand over the blonde haired male, pinning him with her sword to his neck. Biting her lip a bit, her gaze flickered between both Shades, seeming to wonder who she should take on. Help the blonde, or continue her attacks against the scythe wielder in hopes that she could at least wipe the smug look from his face. “Decisions..” Krisiana muttered below her breathe.

It was then she caught sight of the Jewel Princess once more. Without even glancing back, Krisiana knew the elven female would be handled with, so instead she set her sights back upon the white haired male. “That was good.” Krisiana heard the Shade remark. ”Now who’s good enough to actually strike me?” Rolling her eyes just a bit, Krisiana flipped one of her blades in her hand, before readjusting her grip upon the handle of it.

“You talk a lot. And your voice is rather annoying.” She stated softly, her tone sounding rather annoyed, before slowly advancing towards him. Krisiana then noticed the figure that rushed past them, seeming to head to the rooftops. She stopped for a second, turning her attentions onto the roof, before she watched as the third Shade, the one who always seemed to run, bolted away once more. Her gaze followed him for a few moments, hearing his cries for help before she once again refocused her attention upon her current opponent. The short blades sparked slightly in the sun, as Krisiana released a soft sigh. She tilted her head slightly, her gaze locked upon the Shade. Several different thoughts rushed through the girls mind, though she made no move towards him, knowing he’d most likely just deflect any of her fire attacks with his wind. Now what to do.. Krisiana thought, remaining cautious. From the corner of her eye she noticed the blonde male had finally gotten to his feet, though he looked a little run down and slightly pale.

Krisiana shifted slightly, before she made yet another split decision. Rushing upon the scythe wielder once more, Krisiana dropped to her knee’s. Stretching out her left hand, Krisiana aimed her now red blade for the males leg, while she skidded across the ground in front of him. This is never gonna work. She thought to herself, a slight laugh leaving her lips as she touched her angled her blade for the males right leg.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku
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#, as written by Centi85
Talazar ignored the girl in front of him completely as he turned away, not caring at all if she attacked. He was certain he could fend off anything she threw at him, so far it seemed to be working. Looking up at the rooftops he witnessed Aelianus be his usual couragous self, and turn and run. What an embarrassment. The boy called out for assistance, and Talazar pondered this. Perhaps in a moment, once he finished his current battle he'd assess the skills of the newest opponent, but for now, first things first.

“You talk a lot. And your voice is rather annoying.”

The girl spoke to him, and Talazar raised his eyebrows as he turned back to face her, once more bearing the same wicked grin. She was annoyed, it was evident in her speech, and Talazar found this pleasing. He knew because her last few attacks had failed, she'd soon become even more annoyed, eventually pushed to rash moves, though the last one could probably qualify as such. He tiled his head to one side, contemplating this. As of now, he'd been strictly on the deffensive, but as it seemed Aelianus was occupied in his fleeing, and Nira had just been knocked away, that left him to face three opponents himself. Of course this was totally fine with him, especially since the boy was somewhat shaken. Very well, it was decided, time to attack. Time to kill.

"Then let us cease our frivolous discussion, and begin what'll decide whether or not you live." He sneered again as the girl rushed forward then came down to her knees, sliding across the ground before him with her blades aimed for his legs. So that's how she's going to play it. He twirled the scythe as he took a step towards her, meeting her advance in kind as he held the weapon in a dual grip above his head. The second step came down with the shaft of the mighty scythe which targeted where the girl would end up as she came at him, and even if he missed, it didn't matter.

The metal pole struck the ground hard to the right of the man, just infront of him. If it hit the girl, great, if not, so be it. He then pushed himself up on it, using it as leverage as he pol-vaulted over her. The wind jewel acted next, propelling the man further as he dragged the scythe up with him and spun up-side-down through the air, his grip reversing simultaneously as he righted himself and landed several feet behind his three opponents. His was scythe held diagonally across his chest ready to strike.

His boots thudded down to earth, a small cloud of dust erupting around his feet upon impact, his cloak trailed next. Dropping to one knee, Talazar completed the landing by swinging out with his left hand, dragging his scythe in a massive arc, his grip near the base of the shaft. The blade cut through and seemed to scream as it lead the way towards the boy, while at the same time a massive blast of wind tore out from it. The man was still smiling, his eyes glowing with anticipation for the bloodshed that had to follow. If this didn't work, he would ensure a hit it as he let the motion carry him around in a full 360 degree spin, himself standing in the process and his grip once more reversing as it traveled up the pole.

His attack had yet to finish as he was bent on not letting them get in any counters. He now began unleashing hell, spinning, slashing, stabbing and otherwise becoming a perpetual death machine, each of his strikes flowing harmoniously into the next as he attacked whoever happened to be closest, no doubt the boy or Jewel Princess. His motions became confusing to follow as the weapon in his hands was a mere blur, his speed in wielding it incredible, his stamina the same as he kept up his footing and turns. He let out a wicked laugh, enjoying this all too much.


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Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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Kiriko landed on the roof top ready to fight, he was a little tired form all of the running and using his wind jewel but it was nothing to him. He landed on the roof in his battle stance ready to fight the shade, a rather young man probably around his age he thought. "I'm going to be your opponent" announcing his presence. The young man looked at him saying "Hi" catching Kiriko off guard, he hung his head thinking what the heck is this. The man then proceeded to ramble on about something behind him and kiriko thought "IS THIS GUY AN IDIOT". When the young man realized this was not working he toke off running and almost crashing into the ground and yelling for his friend to save him. Kiriko nearly fell off the roof himself from what had just happened. He looked down at the battle field the scythe wielder was still fighting the girl in red they appeared to be in a stand off and the man how was injured was saved from death by a young girl. He looked at the man running away and the battle field and decided to chase the young man down first.

It wasn't to hard to catch up to the young man he was not that fast to start with and had a huge chain on him. Kiriko couldn't believe this man was a shade he was to weak and slow and on top of the he was a chicken. Upon catching up with the young man which did not take long, he toke out one of his blades and used the dull side of it to hit the man in the back of the head knocking him out. Kiriko was having a hard time with this thinking "this guy is a shade". He thought well might as well take him hostage, and proceeded to use a combination of this guys own chain and some of his spider wire to tie him up. Right after he was finished tying up he young man he woke up screaming for help, kiriko got sick of this and put a gag in his mouth and telling him "Don't worry I'll let you go if your friends do as i say".

Kiriko finally finished with the man put him on his shoulder thinking "Man that chain must be heavy" there was no way that a guy of his height and build could be this heavy. Then again he might be over exaggerating it a bit consider he was 5'5 and weight in just under a 100 lb. But that didn't matter he made his way to the battle field with the man struggling the whole time, he thought "what the heck I'm bringing him to his friends".

Once at the battle field he saw the girl in red attacking the scythe wielder and failed and now he was in a frenzy of swinging his scythe in every direction with incredible speed and power. It amazed him at the amount of power, speed and stamina the man had, but he had to get the enemy's attention. So he yelled announcing his presence.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku
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#, as written by Siryn
Raiyn Illander

He watched the red clad girl go into a full on assault against the Shade. He had lifted his sword and prepared to assist her when the man threw his scythe into the ground and vaulted over all of them. The wind in his jewel propelling him further. Raiyn's chest tightened as the Shade landed near him and in the same motion the enormous weapon was heading towards him. Just barely getting his sword up, he managed to catch the blade before it hit him, but the magic was something else entirely. The wind cut across his chest, slamming the air out of his lungs. He coughed heavily as he tried to keep the Shades weapon from cutting him in two.

Having been dragged across the ground by the weapon, the man then launched into a series of attacks that had Raiyn pushed to his limits at fending them off. He was a great swordsmen, but this was a style of fighting he'd never seen before. The man before him was so powerful, he realized there'd be no way he could ever reach the scythe's Demon Jewel to turn off the magic. The blade cut into him as he fought desperately, blood seeping through his torn clothes. Sharp, burning pain cut across his stomach, arms and chest as the weapon kept coming at him.

His sword was keeping the weapon from cleaving him in two, but it wasn't enough to keep from being injured. Growing tired quickly, he had to think of something to do to get out of the bind he was in. As the scythe came in for another blow, he let it take him, keeping the flat of his sword up against his arm and side. Steel scrapped across steel and Raiyn was flung off to the side and into the rubble of a burned down house. Using the black dust cloud that erupted from his impact as cover, he undid the brooch that held his cloak and as the dust settled he used as much energy and strength as he could to launch himself at the Shade.

With his heavy cloak in hand, he managed to wrap the cloth around the deadly scythe and roll under the weapon. With a slight pull, he felt tension and he hoped that he had at least stopped the man's advanced attack, that or his cloak had just ripped apart with no hindrance to the man at all. Turning around, Raiyn tried to stay standing as he looked to his hopeful handy work. However, bleeding from several wounds, the electric shock he'd received earlier and the deeper wound in his back, all contributed to his dropping down to his knees and barely able to hold his sword up in a pitiful attempt to protect himself.

A slow realization came to him then. Raiyn was most likely going to die.

Kirrah Shay

She had left the town, but not a hundred feet out, she'd dropped down clutching her chest as she felt the burn of the Jewel Princess once more. She was shocked that her body still held so much power. Kirrah had thought that she had used up all of her energy during the last fight, but that didn't seem to be the case. In a matter of moments she lost herself to the Jewel Princess once again.

Back in town she had stalked towards the elven woman who held the boy down on the ground. He looked worse than he had before and a slight pang of fear had run its course through her chest before anger took over next and her only thought was to kill the elven woman and destroy her Demon Jewel. With a sharp kick after leveling her sword under the woman's throat, she allowed her wind magic to slice through the air in rapid succession, throwing up pounds of dirt as the Angelic power hit the ground.

The elven woman dodged each and every one of the attacks, nimble on her feet like most elves were. The sword that had held her Demon Jewel was lying next to the boy, and to Kirrah, the only Demon Jewel's she could sense were the scythe and the flame users weapons. However, the boy Shade was nothing to worry about and the least of her concerns considering the last fight they'd been in. Kirrah wanted to take out the white haired man and the elven woman as quickly as possible. Her sword came slicing down at the elf who bent backwards nearly to the ground to miss the attack. She then proceeded to pull herself into a back flip and aimed a sharp kick at Kirrah.

The hard leather of the elf's boot caught under Kirrah's chin and knocked her backwards. Stumbling, the Jewel Princess put her hand up to her lips as she tasted hot copper in her mouth. With a soft growl and her eyes narrowed in anger, she slashed her sword across her body expelling an enormous amount of wind magic at the same time. The power knocked into the elf who tried to avoid it, but couldn't. Falling backwards, the woman slid across the ground with a thud.

As she got up from the blow, Kirrah was already stalking towards her with deadly intent. The elf backed away slowly, a small smile on her lips even though a thin trail of blood was running its course from the corner of her mouth. The Shade wiped at her face as she spoke, "Interesting. You attack me, but I have no Demon Jewel anymore. What does this mean, I wonder? Are you angry that I almost killed that boy? Perhaps we should see what happens if we put those close to you through hell," the woman taunted.

As if on cue, the Shade with the scythe began a massive attack on the woman in red and the young man who had saved her twice already. Her attention quickly shot to the use of dark magic that emanated from the Demon Jewel in the massive weapon. Wind magic tore through the town, hitting her in the process. She quickly pulled up her sword and her own jewel shone brightly as her power produced a wall of air to protect her from the rest of the onslaught. A sharp kick in her rib cage reminded her that she was still facing the woman Shade.

Angered at the situation as it grew more dire, Kirrah gave a sharp shout and twisted around, backhanding the elven woman and sending her to the ground. Without a second thought she pulled as much power into her jewel as she could and prepared to launch herself across the distance at the white haired Shade. Behind her she could hear the snickering laughter of the elven woman, but she ignored it. Just as she was about to release her magic, she heard a shout from the other side.


The Princess didn't stop to look. She didn't care who it was that had the boy Shade. The little coward could die like that for all she cared. What she wanted was her sword through the scythe wielder's chest and her hands on his Demon Jewel. The air around her quite literally exploded and Kirrah was shot forward right at the man, her blade leading the way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Centi85
Talazar’s attacks were brutal, never was there a break as each swung seemed to melt into the next, providing an endless flow of sheer power. Slowly, he began wearing down the boy, every now and then managing to get a scratch or some sort of cut on him. He was bent on making sure the boy wouldn’t live past this moment, and in fact held him in the highest of regards for making it this far. It took true skill to manage to live this long against his deadly style of attack. Still, he was getting hits and even if they were small, each little thing added up in the end. It was only a matter of time before the boy finally faltered before dying.

Finally after several adrenaline pumping moments, one of his swings connected entirely with the boy’s blade. Talazar watched as his adversary was picked up and flung away, the block just barely saving him from being torn in two. The boy landed in a broken, burnt down house, a cloud of dust replacing where he once was in the air, his body trading place with it on the ground. Smiling again, Talazar stood straight, readjusting his stance to a resting position as he laid the scythe over his shoulder. He then moved forward to check on the child, knowing well that he wasn’t dead behind the cloud of ashes and dust, but probably hiding.

Talazar had to take a step back suddenly as the boy came lunging out at him. He didn’t realize he had gotten that close, and knew that with the proximity, avoiding an attack would most certainly fail. Instinctively, the scythe was brought from his shoulder and moved across his chest to block whatever attack would come. Luckily however, the boy didn’t lead with his weapon, but unfortunately did something even deadlier.

Grunting in annoyance, Talazar was twisted around entirely as the boy’s cloak wrapped eagerly around his weapon, caught and held fast. The boy rolled beneath it and continued on, dragging Talazar with him and exposing him entirely as his arm and weapon were extended far out to his side. The fact that the boy could still possess so much strength and sudden speed was truly a feat considering what he’d just endured, but Talazar didn’t have any time to think about it.

Letting out a loud curse, he saw the gleam of steel coming at him as he rotated in his place, the Jewel Princess following as she harness the air around her like a rocket, using it to shoot forward at an amazing speed. Having just a moment to react, Talazar allowed himself to be dragged further, turning still to just barely avoid the attack, though his own cloak was torn in the process.

His grip on the scythe was relinquished as he definitely couldn’t have managed the evasion whilst holding onto the weapon, especially considering it had been dragged so far away. Landing on his front, Talazar grunted again as he rolled through the dirt and leapt back to his feet. The situation had just turned, and he didn’t like that at all. The boy now held his weapon, and if he still had to face three on one, he wouldn’t stand a chance. The scythe was absolutely necessary and now it was the only thing he focused on, ignoring entirely the other man calling out to him that he had Aelianus. Let the boy die, his safety came second to Talazar’s weapon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Nira Ku Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

Kiriko was on the battle field and was amazed at the fight that was unfolding before him. He had never seen anyone even close to his level when it came to combat, but all of the people hear amazed him they were all just as strong as him. Then Kiriko noticed that no one was paying him any attention, looking at the boy on his shoulder he felt bad for him thinking does anyone care about him. He thought well this plan failed so he took the young man on his shoulder and placed him at the base of a tree. Taking his weapon and putting the sword on his back then tying the young man to the tree, so he could see the battle but was not in danger and told him.

"If you stay here and don't do anything stupid I'll come back and untie you later". He really did feel bad for the young man.

After that Kiriko made his way back to the battle field seeing that the new girl had back handed the elven girl to the ground, and had engaged the scythe wielder in battle along side the young man, and the girl in red. He looked over the battle field and had to decide, join the fray with the scythe wielder or go and take care of the elven women eliminating any unnecessary variables. Kiriko thought that a 3-on-1 battle was unfair to start with regardless of who it was so he made his way over to the elven women first.

Avoiding the battle so that no one noticed him Kiriko made his way over to the injured elven women. The women was quite distracted by the battle and given his light weight and being light on his feet he managed to get over to the elven women unnoticed. Walking up to the elven women from behind while she was lying on the ground making sure not to be seen from the main battle field or be seen by her he got right next to the women, crouching down catching her off guard saying

"Now why would a beautiful girl like you be in the shades."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Siryn
Nira Ku

The elf startled, jumping as the soft voice came next to her ear. How in the world did the boy get that close to her without her noticing? She growled at her own incompetence and quickly got to her feet. Turning, Nira faced him and scowled. Her sword was far from her grasp having been rendered unuseable by the damned boy. Not to mention that the Jewel Princess had come back out of the blue and nearly killed her.

"Now why would a beautiful girl like you be in the shades."

It might have been a rhetorical question, but Nira sneered back at him anyway, "For pure pleasure."

She didn't have a reason, other than Kreon being her husband and the fact that what he was doing was in her favor. Of course once all was said and done, she planned to dispose of Kreon and reap his rewards for herself and possibly one or two others. She reached behind her back and felt the handle of her small dagger, a useless weapon at most but a weapon none-the-less. Her gaze fell on the boys blades. Weapons of an assassin, or so she thought. Strange for one such as himself to be wielding them. Nira then smiled at him as her long, slender fingers wrapped around the hilt of the dagger.

"Why would such a lovely young man be tossed around in the cruel world? Do you not have stability? I could offer you that much," she said smoothly, her sly tongue never missing a beat.

Kirrah Shay

Her attack fell short, but just barely. Her blade went right through the mans cloak just as he turned. Kirrah couldn't see what it was that had pulled the Shade off to the side and caused him to dodge her attack, but at that moment, she didn't really care. Wheeling around, along with the aid of her magic, she pivoted quickly and faced him in a cloud of dust kicked up from her feet.

With a frown she decided quickly on what to do next. Twisting her sword in her hands, she pointed the blade downwards and pulled it up over her head. With a thrust, she slammed the tip of the blade into the dirt and started gathering all the power she could muster into the jewel. The Angelic Jewel pulsed brightly, the blue light swirling around faster and faster as she stood there.

Her eyes were locked on the scythe weilder as she summoned her power. The earth around him trembled as well, and she turned her gaze off to the side to see the boy pointing his weapon at the Shade, the green jewel glowing. Vine's sprouted and wrapped around the man's legs, but couldn't go any further as the young boy had no more strength left. Kirrah continued pulling her power into the jewel, bringing it to a the point of barely being contained. A couple more seconds and she released it all in a torrent of wind storms.

The air around her erupted, throwing her hair and any loose clothing upwards, flapping wildly about. Then the tornado shot out towards all three of the Shades, the wind thrashing about, tossing things as they moved and bringing up an enormous dust storm that was near impossible to see through. Kirrah could feel her energy slowly seeping away as she released the magic, but she kept it up, hoping to either kill all three of their enemies or drive them away. Either way, her power wasn't going to fade anytime soon, at least while the Shades were still present.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Centi85

The poor boy didn't stand a chance at all as his adversary quickly closed the distance between them, the man being faster than he'd anticipated. Within moments Aelianus found himself knocked cold on the ground, suffering a hard hit from the hilt of the man's dagger. The last thing he remembered was looking back to see the figure a mere inches from him. He remembered the sudden impact to the head, then found the ground rushing up to greet him in a not so friendly manner. The world went black.

Awaking, Aelianus found himself tied fairly thoroughly. Though, this was nothing compared to many of the situations Talazar had put him in. He was being carried over the man's shoulder, and he glanced around as he was then set by the base of a tree. His captor knelt before him, took his sword, and strapped it to his own back. Well, that somewhat rude, the boy thought. Either way, he still managed to smile simply because it was what he did, and because he knew that within moments he'd be free of his restraints. The man failed to acknowledge any of the knives he carried, and thus would be his downfall as far as the wiring was concerned. The chains, well, he'd made sure he was able to get out of those after the twentieth time Talazar had attempted to secure him in a place he claimed he'd be of no trouble. Unfortunately the man was always wrong, but then, why would Aelianus stay there? He was curious, and he wanted to see what was happening.

"If you stay here and don't do anything stupid I'll come back and untie you later"

The boy's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked up now still smiling somewhat, a look of total happiness and clueless-ness sprawled across his face. He watched the man stand and leave, then said more so to himself, "Or I can untie myself now and be on my way, no?" he chuckled slightly to himself as he began working his arms to find any lose ends of the wiring or chain. After a few moments of nothing, he curled himself up as best he could, bringing his knees to his chest in order to reach his boot. Withdrawing the knife from the concealed leather sheath, he worked it in his hands until he could fit the blade beneath the wire. It took just two or three strands to be cut before the rest simply unraveled and fell away. Next was the chains, but he was a master escape artist; it took him no time again to be free.

Looking forward, he just saw Talazar evade an attack from the Jewel Princess. While it cost him his scythe, it was executed masterfully. The man was truly a great fighter, though the boy knew that without his scythe, he'd be useless unless he was facing only one opponent, strictly hand to hand. Adjusting his gaze, he found his captor had his back to him and was speaking to Nira. Nira looked slightly beaten, but he knew she'd be planning something and soon the man before her would be forced away, or dead.

Aelianus quickly unwrapped the chains from the tree and slung them over his shoulder in the usual manner he wore them, then stared more or less dumbfounded as a massive tornado erupted from the Jewel Princess. It was truly a powerful attack, and one he'd never seen as it sent up a massive cloud of dust, ash and any other debris that more or less ran visibility down to zero. Now was a good time to escape, and he'd rejoin with Talazar and Nira later. Quickly, ducking away, Aelianus disappeared into the bushes, taking the wire his captor had used on him with. For now he'd find a secluded spot somewhere in the woods and wait. Sooner or later he'd be reacquainted with his two friends, or at least he considered them that. Shrugging, he was gone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

Kiriko was surprised by the answer of the young eleven women.

"For pure pleasure." it kind of bummed him out that she was such a violent girl, and then asking him if he wanted to be part of the shades as well.

"Well i won't lie it's a tempting offer especially if i got lucky enough to work with you, but I'm going to decline. I'm not into the whole killing for fun thing and it's a shame a beautiful and powerful girl like you is."

Kiriko was watching the girl carefully and seen her reaching behind her, most likely for a weapon. Looking over the young women he noticed a bad wound on her shoulder.

"Don't worry I'm not into fighting girls especially wounded girls at that." Then looking a the battle field and seeing that the scythe wielder had been pretty much defeated, the young man he had tied up was still there from his perspective. Then looking at the severity of the girls wound decided to ask her,

"Here how about this you put that weapon down, and I'll fix up that wound of yours while we watch the fight. Because honestly we both know in this condition I would win in a fight and you won't be of much help to your friend over there in the fight either."

He really hoped that this would work he really did hate fighting girls and wounded people for that matter. Then out of no where a giant tornado had been sent there way, he looked and found the source a young girl. Thinking, that was impressive and then seeing that his captive had escaped. Kiriko had to make a quick decision he went to go and grab the young women he had been talking to. Knowing she wouldn't be able to avoid the blast he hoped he would be able to grab here and get to the roof tops with out here fighting him every step of the way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Siryn
Nira Ku

Her smile faltered as he noted her movement to her weapon. The young man had the audacity then to continue speaking in soft tones to her as if he were trying to convince her of something. He even went so far as to offer his assistance with the wound she'd received from the Princess earlier. Nira hissed in rage between her teeth as she glared at him. Her dagger came free and she made to lung at him, drag him to the ground and show the insolent boy just how dangerous she really was. To be underestimated by this child was beyond infuriating.

However, before she could do as she wanted, the air around them picked up in a deadly torrent. Turning slightly she looked over her shoulder to the young girl. Her sword was buried in the ground and her jewel glowing wildly. The air turned dark and whipped around at vicious speeds. Her eyes widened at the power and strength of the Jewel Princess. She glowered in her rage, they were going to have to retreat a second time and this time they were going to have to do more than just burn a town in the hopes of killing her. Plans were beginning to form in Nira's mind, however none took shape as she felt someone take hold of her.

Whirling back around she gave a startled gasp that turned into a growl of anger. Her hand shot out and grabbed the young man's throat, pushing back against his strength. She used her entire body to bring them to the ground. Lifting herself up, she wrapped her long legs around his waist and let her weight drop, twisting them around in a semi-circle. Nira leaned backwards off of him as she twisted them around, the entire motion happening in mere seconds. Her back hit the dirt with his weight heavy on top of her. The elf used the twisting momentum to keep them in motion and rolled off to the right, landing on the top with her dagger up against his throat.

Leaning down close to him, she smiled wickedly, "It's such a shame you declined my offer, you're quite handsome you know? We could have done so much together," she taunted, her blade turning slightly and drawing the thinnest line of crimson.

"Alas, my dear little assassin. I believe you're going to be the only one hurt in this wind storm. Next time we meet, I'll enjoy cutting you to peices," Nira shoved off his chest, her nimble body bouncing away from him. She soon lost herself in the rushing air that was all around them, but with a little of her innate magic she found Talazar soon enough. The elf sidled up to him and started casting her spell of transportation.

"I believe we will have to be more devious next time, Talazar. We're leaving for now. I'll trust you to kill that damn boy next we meet them," she ordered as she neared the completion of her spell.

Raiyn Illander

"We're going to have to get out of here as soon as the wind storm stops. She'll be too exhausted to be of any help, and you're already half dead."

He hadn't noticed the girl drop down next to him. Raiyn was concentration on the Jewel Princess as she unleashed the massive Angelic power. He couldn't believe that she would go to such lengths to kill the Shades that were there. Oh how he'd underestimated her. However, that didn't mean that he thought she was stronger. In fact it only solidified his belief that she was afraid of her own power and that fear caused her lack of control.

No, she had no control at all. The tornado was deadly to both him and the woman in red as well. That was because the Princess wasn't directing the power at anything in particular, she was just unleashing it in order to kill the Shades. It didn't matter to her who was killed in the process either, not in the state she was in anyway. Raiyn looked to the woman as she spoke, her hair flapping wildly about her face as she eyed him.

Yes, he supposed she was right, he could have been considered half dead in the beaten up state he was in. His clothes were all bloody and his body felt as if he'd gone through a shredder of some sort. With a short nod, he agreed with her. They needed to find shelter from the Princess' uncontrolled storm. He hoped it wouldn't be too long, for as soon as the Shades and their Demonic Jewel's were gone, then she would return to herself. Raiyn was sure she would drop the moment the Jewel Princess went dormant inside her. With the amount of power she was pumping out, he was amazed that she hadn't fallen over yet.

"It shouldn't be too long now, the Shades couldn't possibly stay through this," he told the woman, "In the meantime lets find a place less dangerous," he started looking around for an area to hide from the wind that tossed nearly everything around them in the air. Raiyn hated to admit it, but he was also going to need the woman's help in getting to his feet and over to whatever shelter they could find.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Centi85
Talazar still managed a sneer even in his predicament of being disarmed. It was embarrassing, how he'd kept up such a solid defense and a near unstoppable offense, only to lose his weapon simply because this boy, this nuisance that insisted on getting in his way and still making it out alive... It was all his doing, him and his cloak. Oh, a cloak? How did he manage to not see that, how could he manage to let himself be drawn into such an obvious trap. Under most circumstances he'd of comended the boy for the bravery, but now was not the time. His scythe was too necessary for his combat style, not only was it the only weapon he could use with any sort of efficiency, but the mere presence of it intimidated most enemies and thus caused them to be reluctant in combat, and therefore die a terrible death because of it. Yes, the scythe was needed.

Turning his attention back and forth between the boy and the Jewel Princess, Talazar watched as the other girl appeared now, her attention on the boy. It would've taken just a little longer, maybe a moment more and he'd of been dead. Vengeance would be all but swift and painless... He'd ensure that the boy feel every last cut he inflicted upon him for as long as he could possibly cling on to life... Yes, this was good. Never stall my judgement, he thought, never.

He just barely noted Nira and some other presence behind him, but didn't look any further into it. She could take care of herself. His thoughts were verified as he heard the two get into a quick scuffle, no doubt Nira had attacked him, and he spared a single glance back just to make sure she hadn't killed herself yet.

Suddenly his eyes were averted away from all else, himself now completely focused on the massive tornado that the Jewel Princess had conjured up. It was amazing power, and the dust storm that accompanied it was a terrible hindrance. Talazar covered his eyes with his arm in order to keep lose debris out at is swirled around him, then backed up several paces. Damnit, he thought. There was no way he'd be able to get his scythe from the boy now, not with the state the Jewel Princess was in. Retreating was necessary, but there was no way he was going to simply leave his weapon in the hands of these do gooders. No, definitely not. He glanced back and forth from behind his arm, his cloak flapping madly in the wind, even some of his hair coming lose from where he'd kept it combed back. He couldn't see anything, but that means they couldn't either.

Nira appeared next to him then, and he looked at the woman, having forgotten for just a second her abilities. Ah yes though, her abilities were what kept her alive in the man's presence. Her looks while charming to most others were the least of Talazar's worries. No, the power she possessed when she was at her fullest was a necessary addition and he valued that. She spoke to him now, her voice rising over the winds as she stepped closer.

"I believe we will have to be more devious next time, Talazar. We're leaving for now. I'll trust you to kill that damn boy next we meet them."

Takazar raised an eyebrow at her statement as she began casting her spell. "And I'll trust you to keep the Princess occupied while I do so. You owe me a scythe Nira!" he retorted. "Trust me, that boy will be dead next time... All of them will be." He quieted now, waiting as she cast the spell and brought them to who knows where. He didn't bother looking around to find any familiar marks or to see if the tornado was visible, instead he took a seat near the base of a tree and looked at the girl, slightly annoyed. "Damn those people, damn them all!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

Kiriko new it was a bad idea to try and save the girl, but he did any way. First she had him on the ground, then he tried to save her, and finally ended up with her on top of him again. Man that girl was mean he thought and he thought elf's were supposed to be nice. To be honest he was lucky to be live sense she had her blade at his neck at one point. Such a waist he thought a beautiful girl like that being so mean. After she left, the giant sand storm he had tried to save the girl form hit him.

Knowing it would be hard to get out of this wind with raw power he relaxed his body letting the wind carry him. Because he was so light it was not to hard to be carried, form how long he was in the air he estimated that he had flown at least a hundred yards. Once the wind got weaker he toke his blades out of there sheaths and used the wind jewels in them to make a smooth landing. The wind was still in his face but he could walk without being swept away.

Kiriko walked to his right until he found a building, which he jumped onto the roof. Once there he jumped to a much taller building and looked over the battle field. The shades had left, all of them including his prisoner. He thought how in the hell did he get out of that spider wire and chain combo, then he realized the guy must have had a blade hidden on him somewhere. Then doing the usual thing he seemed to do ran away like a chicken not even trying to save his allies.

After looking over the battle field for a short while he went closer to see who was still there. It toke him only a couple of moments to get there using his wind jewels as well as his incredible speed. Once he got there he confirmed it all the shades had gotten away. Then there was that young girl still using that insane amount of power. How is she doing that for a girl of her stancher there is no way she should be able to do this. He had never heard of any one using that much power for that long without going into a coma of dying. He could just barely see there out lines of the other two but the two trying to get out of the storm.

Kiriko thought what would be the best course of action to stop the girl from killing here self or to help the other two first. After a little thought he decided to help the other two first the one man was badly injured be for and now he was probably even worse, Plus that other girl would probably pass out before anything really bad happens. Picking out a path to safety and then jumped from the roof top and landed near the two offering the injured man his hand.

"Here take my hand." Kiriko had a small amount of medical supply's on him but it would only ease his pain and and stop the bleeding, for the rest he had to go to a real doctor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Neru
"It shouldn't be too long. The Shades couldn't possibly stay through this. In the mean time, lets find a place less dangerous." Krisiana heard the males voice over the wind, before she shifted her gaze down to him. He looked rather bad in her opinion. Not sure weather or not he could stand on his own, she moved closer to him. "Here, let me help you." Krisiana returned to her usual quiet tone as she slipped her twin swords into her belt. Reaching down then, she grasped the males forearm in a firm grip. It was then the boy, the other wind user came up. Krisiana blinked, surprised he was even able to stand, but merely shrugged it off as she prepared to help the blonde to his feet. Her gaze shot about quickly, searching for a stable building to get to and wait out the storm that was still going strong. "Here, take my hand" She heard the other male say, before he too reached to assist the blonde. Krisiana offered him a small smile, easily forgetting about the red clothe that covered her mouth and smile from his view.

Turning her gaze away from the two for a moment, she focused back on the Jewel Princess, her brow furrowing with worry at the amount of power she was pulling into her jewel. This can't be good.. She needs to stop. Now. She thought to herself, releasing a small sigh. It was then she became just aware how untrained, and unfocused the girl was. She would more then likely end up killing herself if she blindly used as much power as she was currently doing. Shaking her head just a bit, the woman turned her attention back to the two males. "Should we try and stop her? I know the power of the Jewel Princess will go dormant soon, but it could also result in the girls death if she doesn’t stop now.." Krisiana trailed off after a moment of talking as she shifted her stance a bit, pulling the blonde to his feet slowly.

Spotting a sturdy looking building a couple of yards away, Krisiana nodded her head in the direction of it. “This way, that building looks like it’s holding up well. It might be the best place for now.” She called to the two, her voice just loud enough to be heard over the wind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

“This way, that building looks like it’s holding up well. It might be the best place for now.” Kiriko had to agree he had had a route planed out but now he could barley see his hand in front of his face. This wind was insanely powerful it was nearly knocking him over even with all three of them braised up against each other.

"Sure that sound good" making his way over to the building with the women and the injured man. Once inside the two put the man down braising him up against the wall, Kiriko then took his medical supplies out of his bag and toke the shades sword off of his back. He went over what he had momentarily 2 six foot rolls of gauze, a small needle what was left of his spider wire, and herbal mixtures of his own some antibiotics others pain killers, but there was definitely not enough pain killers it would help a little but the man would still be in a lot of pain.

"Hear take these." putting what pain killers he had in the mans hand. Then ignoring weather the man was objecting or not continued on to his back where the giant gash was. The man was to weak to fight back form all of his injuries so kiriko put most of the antibiotics on the large gash on his back, and then giving the rest to the young women then telling her,

"Put this on his other wounds, and try to put it on the wounds closest to his torso." with that out of the way Kiriko took his spider wire and put it threw the needle and warned the man that it was going to hurt. Then proceeded to stitch up the man back. After he had it stitched up Kiriko toke one of the gauze's and gave it to the young women telling her to put it on the mans limbs, he then proceeded to put the other on the mans torso making sure to cover the large gash. Finally done Kiriko relaxed, leaned back and finally got to ask his many questions.

"Ok can one of you answer my questions. 1 who are you guys, 2 who is that girl out side, 3 how can she be that strong, and finally 4 why are the shades after you guys."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talazar D'Tvala Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: Nira Ku Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Siryn
Nira Ku

She scowled at Talazar as he answered her sarcastically about the boy having something to do. Then he continued to tell her to get her husband to send them reinforcements. Nira knew what he truly wanted the extra Shade's for, and that she didn't blame him for. She would love to wring a few necks herself. The elf decided that she would heed Talazar's words, however they weren't going to go after the three Angelic users. She wanted to hear from Aelianus first. He needed to give them information about the Princess, the boy and the other two. If they were going to be killed, she wanted to kill them in the most painful way possible.

"I'll get them soon," she replied, her finger still tapping on her lip as she thought deeply about how she was going to carve that little assassin into tiny pieces. Then on to what she would do about the woman, just killing her wouldn't be enough. She wanted to make her suffer. Perhaps draining her of the Jewel Princess' power first, then killing her would be entertaining enough.

"And if you'd be so kind... Tell the man that if I live through all this shit he's putting me through, and once I get my scythe back, I'm going to personally act as the one to send him to hell."

Nira's thoughts were interrupted as she was imagining the screams that would be filling her ears, the sweet sounds of music as she cut into her prey. Turning, the little elf looked up to Talazar as he finished speaking, a wicked malice on his face that she so loved to see. It glittered in his eyes as well and made her smile happily. Her own eyes narrowed as well, her teeth showing as she smiled and bit her finger that had been resting across her lips. A laugh exploded from her as she stood there repeating his words in her head.

"I do hope you intend to see that through, Talazar," was all she said to him, then she flicked her hand outwards and cast the transportation spell under her feet. She took herself back to their headquarters. The darkness of the hall was a sharp contrast to the outside. Green flames flickered along the hall and she started walking down it without hesitation. The cold air was a nice break from the heated battle she had just gone through. While here, she would have the other Shades' heal her wounds and once that was done, she would take as many of the recruits as she could get her hands on. Whether she told Kreon or not was a different matter entirely. Then again, she didn't tell him half of what she did. All he wanted was the Jewel Princess killed and the ability to erase the world as they knew it.

Her smile never faded from her lips as she stalked down the hall in search of the others. She had plans for her dear husband, and plans for those that would stand in her way.

Raiyn Illander

He was helped to his feet and moved to the shelter that the woman in red found through the whipping torrent of air. The sand that was being blown around was painful against his wounds. It didn't last long however as they were soon behind the sturdy wall that was holding up against the Jewel Princess' assault. Raiyn was hoping that she would collapse from the enormous amount of power she was using.

He was pushed forward as the young man who had joined them got behind him. After that, he was handed a handful of medicine and warned that what the other man was about to do was going to hurt. He put the medicine into his mouth and quickly swallowed it without tasting it for he was sure it tasted awful. Even so, the aftertaste was something to cringe about.

The woman in red then went around him and began lathering onto his wounds a kind of salve that stung at first, but then dulled the aches all around his body. Behind him, the boy did the same but Raiyn had to grind his teeth to fight off the pain. That cut was the deepest of them all and he was sure it would scar him. Next, he felt the sharp prick of a needle and then the sickening feeling of thin wire being pulled through his skin. Raiyn's hand dug into his thigh as he bore the pain. It didn't take the young man long to finish stitching up Raiyn's deep wound.

Once he was finished, Raiyn let out a long drawn out breath, a breath that he'd been holding in during the patch-up. He made a mental note not to let himself get so seriously injured again. Being cut up was nothing compared to the process of being put together once more. He sighed heavily as the wind still continued.

"She's going to kill herself," he muttered softly. The medicine was kicking in and he was soon feeling numb all over.

Afterwards he heard the boy ask several questions at once. Raiyn turned slightly to face him, his cold, emotionless face looking him over as they sat under the cover of the wall. It took him some time to answer, but he did none-the-less.

"Raiyn. I'm here because of her," he pointed out towards the chaos, "If you haven't noticed, she's the Jewel Princess and the Shades want her dead. I however would like to keep her very much alive," was all he answered.

Kirrah Shay

How pathetic, this body is so useless, the voice wasn't hers, nor did it come from her lips either. It came from within and Kirrah realized it was the Jewel Princess who was speaking. After that was said, the wind around her stopped, dropping everything that it held. The energy and the power of the Princess receded and Kirrah came to herself again. Her heart rate was pulsing, pounding hard in her chest making it hard to breath.

She found herself leaning heavily against her sword that was buried in the ground and a destroyed town that she didn't remember having been destroyed last she saw it. Her shock was evident on her face even as she swayed on her feet and promptly collapsed to the ground in a cloud of dirt. Kirrah lost consciousness right after, her only thoughts being that she wished she were dead. Only then would she find peace in her otherwise meaningless life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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#, as written by Neru
After helping clean the mans wounds, Krisiana focused her gaze on nothing in particular, simply listening as the smaller male began an onslaught of questioning as he finished stitching together the wound.

"Ok, can one of you answer my questions. 1 who are you guys, 2 who is that girl out side, 3 how can she be that strong, and finally 4 why are the shades after you guys."

It was a simple round of questions, ones even Krisiana would have been curious about, had she not know the girl outside was the Jewel Princess. Reaching behind her head, Krisiana slowly untied the red cloth that rested around her mouth before pulling it down and resting it across her lap. Her gaze soon shifted to the blonde, listening as he answered the questions. "Raiyn. I'm here because of her. If you haven't noticed, she's the Jewel Princess and the Shades want her dead. I however would like to keep her very much alive." Leaning back against one of the walls, Krisiana brushed her hair out of her eyes as she soon answered the questions.

“My name is Krisiana. And I’m here by chance.” Her tone was once again quiet, as she noticed the harsh winds outside had stopped. “I think the Princess has gone dormant. The wind storm has stopped.” Pulling herself to her feet, Krisiana wiped her face for a moment before reaching up to tie the cloth back around her mouth once more. “We should see if she’s okay.” Krisiana looked around to Raiyn, and the other male whose name she did not yet know. “Or.. I can. If you two aren’t up to it.” She then turned moving silently towards the exit.

Glancing around outside, Krisiana slowly stepped out, before her gaze locked onto the female as she collapsed, leaning heavily onto her sword before she fell over completely passed out. “Damn..” Krisiana hissed to herself before moving quickly towards the girl, but stopped suddenly seeing the male from before. The coward fire using Shade. Krisiana’s eyes narrowed as she sped up slightly just as he reached the Jewel Princess. “Get away from her..” Her voice was soft, as usual, but also showed her rising anger and agitation. If he was here, she knew the other two couldn’t be far behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aelianus Kahstar Character Portrait: Krisiana Sharidian. Character Portrait: Raiyn Illander Character Portrait: Kirrah Shay Character Portrait: kiriko desaru
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After Kiriko was done working on the young man named Raiyn and found out the women was named Krisiana, Kiriko Began to wonder what is the Jewel Princess. From the way Raiyn had said it he figured that this Jewel Princess must be important. Still siting on the ground Krisiana got up and said,

“I think the Princess has gone dormant. The wind storm has stopped.” pausing and then tieing her cloth back around her mouth

“We should see if she’s okay. Or.. I can. If you two aren't up to it."

To be honest Kiriko did feel like resting for a bit after what had just happened. Sitting there woundering what to do next, take Raiyn to the doctor or check on the Young girl out side first. Then his thoughts where interupted when he heared Krisiana say,

"Get away from her.."

Damn Don't they ever stop he thought. Quickly throwing the shades sword over his back and telling Raiyn,

"Stay here we can take care of this."

Kiriko went out the door and saw what was happening one of the shades was right next to the girl that had collapsed. Wondering why Krisiana had annouced her presence, it would have been easier if the young man did not know they were there. His mind was racing he had to think of a way to save the girl. There was no way Krisiana could close the distace in time, even if he used his blades to shoot him self forward he would still be to slow. Think think there had to be a way to save the girl there had to be, then it came to him a way to save her. It was a long shoot but it was there only hope they had and even if it didn't work, it might give Krisiana just enough time to get to them,

"Hey Shades I got your sword, want to make a trade."
