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Tate Harper

0 · 581 views · located in New York City

a character in “Journey of Adulthood”, originally authored by Sunflower, as played by RolePlayGateway


Theme Song
Song to Love Interest



Full Name
Tate Harper



Construction Worker

Sexual Orientation

Sumter, South Carolina

Room #



Girls || Sex || Being Active || Food || Art || Music || Psychology || Fantasy || Action Movies || Horror Movies || Racecars || Skateboarding || Guitar || Drums

Dependent Women || Liars || Cheaters || Being Alone || Pink || Miley Cyrus || Chick Flicks || Jerks || Abuse

Distinct Markings
Scars: Burn marks all down his chest and back.

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None

The happy life: Find the perfect girl, settle down, marriage, have a family. The life many other want.

His Abuse: His father abused him back at home.
Drugs: He does drugs and has for years.

Being alone all his life: Pretty self explanatory.
Heights: It's not really the height he's scared of, more like the fall.




Tate is a very laid back kind of guy. He cares about others though he also tends to be more of an observer than a socialite. But once he finally opens up he tends to be very outgoing and opinionated. Many times what he has to say many people don't want to hear it because it's very blunt and the truth. He feels that if it's the truth it shouldn't have to be sugar coated.

{β€œQuote Here”}


Family Tree
Michael Harper || Brother || Alive
Everyone else is nonexistent to him.

Whenever you look at Tate you wouldn't think for one minute that he lived a life filled with abuse and neglect. But that is exactly what he lived. All throughout his childhood both of his parents abused him, though his father was the one who took it to extremes. Whenever Tate was around he would die his cigarettes out on his skin and not show a bit of concern about the pain his son was in.

Immediately at the age of eighteen he moved to New York with his brother, Michael and dropped all connections with his parents and the rest of his family. If it weren't for Michael, Tate wasn't sure where he would be right now. His brother helped him get his job, find his apartment and get out on his own feet. Tate respects his brother more than anyone else in the world. Though the only thing his brother doesn't know about him is that he's been doing drugs ever since high school and hadn't stopped since. Of course just like any other drug addict, he doesn't see that he has a problem.

So begins...

Tate Harper's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jenny Martin Character Portrait: Molly Curtis Character Portrait: Arias Ponce Character Portrait: AJ Freedman Character Portrait: Tate Harper Character Portrait: Sam Jordan
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0.00 INK

OOC: I went ahead and accepted everyone's work in progresses mainly because I really wanted to get this rp started. Though there are only 2 males in the rp. So if anyone would be kind enough to play as a male as well, it would be really appreciated. If not we can deal with just the two.

Dialogue Color: Lime Green
Location: Apartments
Tate found himself making his way into the Watergate Apartments for the very first time. He's lived in the city for a few months now but this was the first time he was ever able to live on his own. Just a couple weeks ago his brother finally kicked Tate out on his own because he felt that it was time he moved on with his life. True Tate had a valid reason as to not wanting to do this but it was something that needed to be done.

Tomorrow Tate would be starting his first day as a construction worker in order for him to start his new life. He just hoped that everything would go alright. The male found himself walking through the halls, looking for apartment number 159. Upon finding his apartment, he unlocked the door before beginning to bring boxes into his apartment from his vehicle just outside the main lobby.

This was definitely going to take a good few trips, he thought to himself as he began carrying the first boxes into the apartment building and to his room. Tate couldn't believe he told Michael he would be fine carrying the boxes into the apartment by himself. With the rate he was going, it was going to take at least an hour to get them all out of his vehicle and into his apartment.

Dialogue Color: Light Sea Green
Location: Apartments
Miranda sat in front of her computer screen in the cafeteria of the apartment complex working on her advice column as she ate breakfast. She couldn't believe how popular her column was in New York City when she has only been the author of it for two months now. Though she had a feeling that if anyone knew she was the author, people would be raising questions, especially with her erotic book that had most recently become a national sensation on the internet.

Every time she went out into town she would hear people talking about her book, Undressed. It was already bad enough that her apartment neighbors seemed to be interested in the book as well, but she just hoped that nobody would find out she is Author X or the columnist. Her life would utterly become destroyed.

Miranda's personal life is in both the book and her columns at times and if anyone close to her found out about a few of these things, they would definitely either disown her or be asking some serious questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jenny Martin Character Portrait: Molly Curtis Character Portrait: Arias Ponce Character Portrait: AJ Freedman Character Portrait: Tate Harper Character Portrait: Sam Jordan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman

AJ parked his car in the apartment building's parking lot. He had just returned from a simple corner store robbery that was reported over the police scanner. He rushed over to the store hoping that there was more than just a simple robbery, but the police arrived on scene only seconds after AJ got his camera equipment put together and started filming. It was a waste of his time. No real crimes happen during the day. He still has his job at the New York Times, but he hasn't written an article in awhile.

The pollution filled his lungs as AJ stepped out of his car holding his camera and slammed the door in slight anger. He made his way to the cafeteria inside to get a coffee. He put his camera down on an empty table and grabbed a cup and filled it with black coffee. AJ slowly returned to the table and fell down on the seat. He sipped his coffee as he reviewed the few seconds of robbery footage. His gaze wandered away from the LCD screen on his camera and landed on a woman working on a computer. He shook his head and focused back on the footage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tate Harper
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0.00 INK

Location: Apartments

"No Mom, you to hold both buttons at the same time or they won't reset. Yes, I'm sure that's how it works. Because that's what it said on the youtube video. No, it wasn't an expert but I watched them do it. Mom, why do you call me for these questions if you're just going to call uncle Chewie, why not just call him in the first place? Okay, okay...I love you and give Leilah lots of hugs for me. Uh huh... bye, bye."

Molly had a small laundry basket of clothes under one arm, shrugging her shoulder with the other to hold her phone in place as she talked to her mother about some problem she was having with a new electronic device. Honestly Molly didn't have the foggiest idea what it was or how it worked, but her mother always assumed since Molly was in college she must know everything about tech stuff. After glancing into the basket to make sure the keys to her apartment where on top she kicked the door shut behind her. She began to head down the stairs, when she came into the lobby, on her way to laundry room in the basement she noticed a guy stacking boxes in the lobby. Standing there for a moment she took it in, obviously it was a new move in and obviously he was moving all his things by himself. She stepped forward towards the guy, hoping she wasn't being to forward or rude.

"You never really know how much stuff you have collected over the years till you move into a new place., she smiled and after setting her basket down next to her feet. She held out her hand to the new guy. "Names Molly, I live in 204... and it looks like you might need an extra pair of hands...or maybe four."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Curtis Character Portrait: AJ Freedman Character Portrait: Tate Harper Character Portrait: Miranda Parks
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Lime Green
Location: Apartments
Just as Tate set down a box in the lobby, he noticed there was a girl standing there before him with a basket of laundry in her hands. The male listened as she spoke and just shrugged his shoulders with a slight laugh.

"I'm Tate, I'm in 159 and help would honestly be accepted if you're willing to help a complete stranger tote boxes up the numerous stairs. I tried to go for the elevator, but it seems it's out of business," he responded as he slid his hands into his back pockets as he always did when just standing there talking to someone. It was an old habit that seemed to come as if out of nowhere these past couple of years.

With a soft sigh he glanced back down at her laundry and spoke, "Though, if you would prefer to do your laundry that would be fine. I'm perfectly capable of doing this myself, it'll just take longer." Though at that moment he happened to glance at her, finding that she was a bit attractive and in a normal everyday kind of way. Not like many of the other women in New York who were having botox and other strange chemicals pumped into their bodies to make them look "prettier or have things bigger". Honestly, that never seemed to settle with him. The way most of those women look just scares him if he were being honest.

Dialogue Color: Light Sea Green
Location: Apartments
Miranda had been so sucked into her work that she hadn't even noticed one of her neighbors step into the cafeteria and just glance over at her until she sighed and leaned back in her chair, removing her fingers from the keyboard to just stare at the screen with a puzzled look upon her face.

Her boss sent her an email, telling her that she needed to write an article for one of the employees that had been fired that day and she only had six hours to get it done. This was in an area that she had no clue about and it just agitated her. How was she going to get this article done in six hours when she has to do research on it before even starting.

Finally Miranda stood to her feet and refilled her coffee cup as she spoke, "Having a good morning AJ?" she questioned as she began to put creamer and sugar into her coffee before stirring it a bit and taking a seat back at her computer and continued to just stare at the screen as she sipped from the hot liquid.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tate Harper
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0.00 INK

Location: Apartments

Molly smiled and shook her head, he was a pretty cute, in a very masculine way. "Well considering you're going to be one of my neighbors, I don't worry about the whole stranger thing. As for my laundry... well it'll still be dirty when I come back to it." She goes to grab a couple of boxes. They're heavy but she can manage to lift them."Lead the way Mr. Tate." Giving him another friendly smile. One might think, she should be worried about someone taking her basket. But Molly wasn't bothered by it, it's not like she buys all those fancy clothes any way. She typically shopped at thrift stores for.. well just about everything. So if someone did take it well they must have been really desperate. "I hope you like it here, everyone seems pretty nice I think. I haven't had a problem and I've been here a few months. Then again I tend to keep to myself so that may be part of it." Molly realized she was rambling and decided to let Tate get a word or two in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jenny Martin Character Portrait: Molly Curtis Character Portrait: Arias Ponce Character Portrait: AJ Freedman Character Portrait: Tate Harper Character Portrait: Sam Jordan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by museman


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Curtis Character Portrait: AJ Freedman Character Portrait: Tate Harper Character Portrait: Miranda Parks
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Lime Green
Location: Apartments
Tate just smiled softly at the female and began leading her up the stairs and through the halls. "So far I'm liking it here," he stated as they finally made it to his hall and began walking past the many doors before arriving to room 159 and stepped inside. "Place the box anywhere and also, thanks for the help," he stated as he set his box down and stood there waiting for Molly to set the boxes she had down somewhere before starting on his way back down to the lobby to get the other boxes. Hopefully it wasn't going to take too much longer. Especially since this was taking time out of Molly's day to do something that she shouldn't have to be doing in the first place, but he did appreciate the help.

"So, do you know of anyone I may have to worry about in this building?" he questioned, trying to fill the silence that was now engulfing them into its abyss.

Dialogue Color: Light Sea Green
Location: Apartments
Miranda immediately felt sorry for AJ. She knew that his job tended to be a bit rough and his money only comes with every job he gets. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "Eh, my boss told me I had to write an article for one of the employees she had just fired and it's about the most recent football game. I don't know anything about football, let alone who was even playing," she stated with a bit of confusion in her voice.

Miranda took a sip from her coffee once more before just deciding to close her laptop. She was getting tired of staring at the screen, just reminded her about this article she had to write which she knew nothing about. At that time she heard the talk show that was on the television in the cafeteria beginning to talk about Author X, the author of the book titled Undressed. Her ears perked up at the sound and began listening.

Her book was still the talk of everything and everyone has been talking about a sequel, which she honestly thought about writing but couldn't seem to think about anything to write for it. All she knew was that she was working on the sequel, it would come ou eventually and hopefully her identity would still be a secret by that time. If anyone she knew found out she was writing erotic novels, it would be very awkward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Curtis Character Portrait: Tate Harper Character Portrait: Josiah Myles
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0.00 INK

Location: Apartments

Molly shrugged as she sat down the boxes "You're welcome it's no problem I know what it's like moving alone. As for steering clear I don't know really everyone I've met so far seems pretty cool." She looked around the mostly empty apartment. It seemed so much bigger than her apartment, but then again they all seem that way before you put stuff in it. She had got everything brew for her place since she had only kinky stuff before that. She figured since it was a new place she should have it look nice. Molly wiped her hand on the jeans she was wearing trying to ward off sweaty palms. "Sooo, if ya don't mind me asking what sort of thing do you do for work?"

Location: Apartments


The phone sounded out in the room echoing, all Josiah new is his head was pounding like a million jackhammers. He rolled over knowing it was just a text, probably from Chuck he thought. The manager of the band liked to give Josiah shit every time he went partying. Didn't he know that's what rock stars were supposed to do? He leaned away from the phone to find a rather cute girl naked in his bed. He smirked glad to find out that she was actually pretty instead of finding out she was a total hag and that the beer goggles had deceived him again. She was clinging to his arm, Josiah slowly moved it hoping to not wake her. She'd be leaving soon once she woke and realized what had happened. He pulled his naked form out of bed and headed for the kitchen. One quick flip of a switch and the coffee maker was on its way to making some very expensive high end coffee. Josiah scratched his head as he made his way to the bathroom for a much needed shower. In the mean time the girl woke, realized she had slept with a stranger, well other than knowing he was in the band, other than that he was a stranger. Either way she was so embarrassed that she scrambled to get her clothes on and be out the door before Josiah got out of the shower. When he came back to an empty bed he shrugged and went to go get a cup of coffee.

After several cups Josiah felt he had won the battle against his hangover, grabbing his phone he decided to head down to the cafeteria in the building and get a bit to eat. Passing by a couple who were carrying boxes up this stairs, he nodded acknowledging their presence but not much more. He opened the door and headed to get himself a blueberry muffin and a tall latte. Josie looked around till finally he was standing in front of the barista. He smiled and winked making her blush ever so slightly. She was quick about getting his order to him so he was pleased enough to stick a twenty in the tip jar, after taking his tray and sitting Josiah soon began scrolling through his phone mindlessly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Curtis Character Portrait: Arias Ponce Character Portrait: Tate Harper Character Portrait: Jared Ambigram Character Portrait: Miranda Parks
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Lime Green
Location: Apartments
Upon arriving back downstairs he answered Molly's question, "I'm a construction worker," he stated just as the two of them were accompanied by a male. He was shocked that so much help had been offered. Tate nodded her head, "Yeah, man. Thanks. I'm Tate Harper by the way," he stated as he held his hand out towards him.

After shaking his hand he sighed and began to lift up another couple boxes. Thankfully after this trip he was going to be finished and all that would be left is the unpacking, which really wasn't all that difficult. He lead his two helpers and neighbors up the stairs and into his apartment before setting the boxes down. He glanced to the two of them with a soft smile and spoke, "Again, thanks for the help. You can get back to your laundry now Molly, that is if it hadn't grew two legs and decided to run away," he stated with a slight chuckle.

Dialogue Color: Light Sea Green
Location: Apartments
Miranda removed her attention from the television when she heard AJ's voice and responded to him with a soft smile. "Really, thanks!" she stated, responding to his offer about the football article. Though after hearing his remarks about her book she had written she just let out a soft sigh, feeling very used to lying to people about this book. "Oh, yeah, it's pretty good. Have you?" she questioned. Though she already had a feeling that he hadn't read it, there weren't many guys who would. But she just wanted to keep the conversation going.

She grabbed her laptop and stood to her feet before sitting down at the table with him on the opposite side. She laid her laptop down on the table in front of her and sipped from her coffee once more. Miranda then proceeded to set her cup down on the table and glanced back up at the television as she listened to AJ.

As she sat there, she noticed Arias step into the cafeteria and made her presence known to AJ. Miranda just smiled and glanced up at the female from the chair she was sitting in and gave a slight wave. "Hi Arias, how have you been?" she questioned, hoping that AJ would accept her company as well.

Ever since meeting the girl, she thought that Arias was very beautiful but was unsure if she wanted to pursue a relationship with her or continue looking for her dream man. With Miranda being bisexual, there were so many possibilities for her that just made her seem a bit stressed about the ideas she got. So this is the cause of her choosing to stay single and just go with the flow. But she just couldn't seem to help but wonder.

But the fact she liked women, was another thing she chose to keep to herself. Yes, Miranda is a woman of secrets but for valid reason.