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Journeys of Exterria

Journeys of Exterria


Forces of Darkness draw near. The world will soon be in peril. Traverse mountains, plains, seas, tundras and more to make a difference. Explore to your heart's content and protect the world. The sky is the limit!

1,972 readers have visited Journeys of Exterria since konkord2 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


You open your eyes, all you see is nothing. A dark void is all around you. You think to yourself, "Where am I? What's going on!?". Suddenly, A bright light pierces the void. It shines both violently and majestically. Then you hear a voice....

"Oh dear, you have met an unfortunate fate....but do not despair young one, I have come to give you another chance. Another world calls for aid and you may be what it needs."

The voice paused for a moment, it feels as if your expressions are being examined.

"Exterria is a world of endless possibilities, but Dragons, Goblins, Orc clans, Krakens, Demons, and many more vile beast haunt the world. Will you come forth brave adventurer? Will you traverse the seas of time and space to our world? Come, spin the wheel of fate and make your dreams a reality."

Suddenly, the voice falls silent. However, the light extends itself further.

The floor is yours now. Will you step into the light and become a hero? Or will you turn to darkness and become a villain? Go forth champion in the making!

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmode characters.

2. Don't be rude to other authors. I'm not here to babysit.

3. If you want to use someone else's character in a post, keep them in character.

4. This is medieval times, no guns or futuristic material. (If you want to do anything steampunk, run it by me first and keep it close to the era. Refer to Elderscrolls Dwarves)

5. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

6. Be creative and have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

I payed my 5 silver and looked down the hall for my room. The key the clerk gave me had a number on it which matched the number above the door to my room. I reached the door and put the key into the key hole. With a turn of the hand the door opened with a slight high pitched squeal. I was soon greeted with a small dark room. It had the basic necessities such as a bed, a desk and chair. Oddly enough there was no window to the room despite the fact that I was pretty sure there was a pathway right on the other side of the wall. I shrugged it off and turned towards the bed.

It was a simple thing, clearly not something built for luxury. It was a lot better then sleeping on the floor but it wouldn't be winning any awards for comfort. I reached back and undid the clasp for my light armor. I put that and my bad on the floor next to the bed. I took my belt with my short sword off and set it on the desk with the hilt facing my bed. If there were any unwanted visitors I wouldn't be caught completely defenseless. It wasn't the easiest thing to do with no light but I didn't want to take the time to turn on the oil lamp if I was just going to sleep in the next couple minutes. I walked over and locked the door for the night and walked back over to the bed. Finally, I kicked off my boots and began unmaking the slightly worn bed.

It wasn't long after entering the room that my body was down and out. My eyelids were glued shut as soon as my head felt the cheap pillows. It wasn't very comfortable for some reason despite the fact that I had no memory of anything better I could tell that where ever I came from I was a lot better off. With that last thought I drifted off to sleep.

It was weird. The room was spinning and it felt like I was being torn from my body. There was an image in the distance but it was fuzzy. I squinted to try to see it better and as if by that gesture alone the image was sent careening towards me. It got larger and larger until I could see it very clearly. There were two men, one a blonde man in a full set of blue armor and the other, a shorter man with black hair covered in soot and sweat. The one covered in soot had a small hammer in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other, he appeared to be a blacksmith. The two men were talking to each other but I couldn't make out what they were saying. They both laughed in unison and turned to look at me. The one in blue armor spoke but once again I couldn't tell what he was saying. The both stopped and nodded as if I was the one talking the looked towards one another and laughed again. I wasn't sure exactly what I was looking at but I had a feeling I knew these two quite well. For the life of me I couldn't remember a thing. The longer I thought about it the more my head hurt. I closed my eyes and shook off the pain. No point worrying about things I'm not meant to know, I thought to myself as I drifted off into a deeper sleep.

There was no sun to wake me up but I heard some kind of commotion out in the hall. I sprung up groggily out of my slumber and instinctively grabbed my short sword. I unsheathed the blade and pointed it towards the door. I waited for about thirty seconds until I awoke enough to realize where I was and what it was I was hearing. It seems I was woken up by two men chatting as they walked down the upstairs hallway of the guild hall. I shook my head to attempt to release the grogginess and re sheathed my blade. I put my belt back around my waist and my armor and boots back on. I grabbed my pack off the ground and slung it on my back. I turned around to look at the bed and wondered if there was someone that was going to come and make it but instead I decided to attempt to make the room look like I wasn't even here. I quickly made the bed to the best of my ability and headed for the door. I exited the room and almost forgot to lock the door. I quickly corrected my mistake then began my short walk down stairs to the clerk which turned out to be a different one then the night before. That made sense now that I've thought about it. I walked up to the scruffy looking clerk and turned in the key.

"Do you know which room my friend Amphorus is in?" I asked in earnest to the man behind the desk. He looked in the book on his desk and thumbed through the pages.

"Amphorus?" He said as if trying to remember the name. "You new here?" He asked as he looked up at me. I just nodded and smiled at the clerk. He looked back down and thumbed through the page. "Your friends in room 23, down the hall and to the left." he said while quickly loosing interest in the conversation. Instead of commenting I decided it would be better to just be polite and let it go, it did seem to be pretty early in the morning. With a slight bow I turned and headed to the room he had described.

It didn't take long to find the room with a large but weathered 23 above the door. I walked up and knocked three time, not too loud but just loud enough that it would wake someone from their slumber.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

"H...e...l....p.....U....s...." A young voice called to me. I shifted in my bed, still asleep.
"Help.....Us...." the voice spoke softly. "It's dark here...I'm afraid..." The voice sounded so clear.
"HELP US!!!!"

I jumped forward out of bed wide awake now, grabbing onto my sword that I had placed on the night stand. My breathing was heavy, sweet rolled down my face. The morning light illuminated from the window beside me.

"What the hell..." I murmured to myself. I put my sword down and reached for my clothes. I figured I might as well prepare for the day since I was awake.

Right as I finished getting dressed, I heard a knock on my door. I fastened my sword to my belt and grabbed my bag. I opened the door to find Adavahr waiting for me. "Good morning Adavahr." I said with a drowsy smile. I locked the door behind me and we headed to the main hall where they had prepared breakfast for the adventurers.

"If you want to grab a table, I'll go turn in my key real quick." I said to Adavahr. I walked up to the desk to return the key for the room. "How much is breakfast here?" I asked the clerk.

"It's included with your room, just have a set." He replied without glancing my way.

I turned and saw Adavahr had grabbed the table we were at the previous night. As I was walking to the table, I could overhear a couple adventurers talking softly.

"Hey, did you hear about what's been going on at the southern outskirts of town?" asked a dwarf that stood no taller than my waist. He had an axe larger than himself resting on the table next to him.

"If your talking about the ghost sightings at Hilde Chapel, then yes I have." Retorted an Elven Sorcerer sitting across the table. "Clearly someone has been spreading rumors to scare the locale children. It's not unheard of for Men to do that." Scoffed the Elf.

I couldn't help but become interested in the story, I had to approached the table. "What's going on at the chapel?" I asked the pair

The elf looked disinterested in talking about it, but the dwarf turned his attention to me.

"They say that the ghost of fallen children have been appearing at the chapels graveyard at night. Rumor has it, anyone that goes there has gone missing. " The dwarf said.

"Of course no one has actually confirmed this." Chimed in the Elf.

"This sounds serous, has anyone looked into this?" I replied

"Nope, there hasn't been any posting for it. No cash, no help." The Elf said with a smug look on his face.

Before I could reply, the waitress came by and dropped off there food. I thanked them for the story and left. Adavahr was waiting for me after all.

"Well, I learned our breakfast was included with the cost of our rooms." I said as I sat down.

As we waited for our food, I couldn't help but think about the voice I heard in my dream and the story I had just heard. It must have been obvious that something was on my mind as Adavahr gave me a look.

"I know this may be odd, but after whatever mission we do today I am going to check something out at Hilde Chapel on the southern end of town." I stated.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

Amphorus answered the question that had been welling up in the back of my head for awhile without a thought. I had thought he may not want to keep doing missions together with a person with as little experience as myself. I let out a sigh of relief that I hadn't realized I was keeping in. I had wanted to ask him if he would keep adventuring with me this morning after breakfast but he beat me to it. I know thanks to last night that he had met the goddess as well and he knew almost nothing about this new land but there was still a thought in the back of my head that he would want someone that knew more about this world.

"I don't know what you have in mind but if you need some help with the chapel let me know." I said as I tapped the leather scabbard of the sword at my waist. I looked up as the waitress brought two small platters of breakfast and set them on our table. The plate had two biscuits with gravy and a couple scrambled eggs. I looked up from the plate at Amphorus and assumed he was thinking this meal wasn't the greatest as well but we dug in anyway. I wasn't going to complain, this was a free meal. I looked up again at Amphorus. " Was there anything else you wanted to do today? I don't think we have the extra money for luxuries yet so maybe we should save up a bit to make sure we won't have to sleep out in the barn."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

I had just finished eating my meal when Adavahr asked if there was anything else I wanted to do.
"If it cost 5 silver to learn a new basic level skill, then it may not be a bad idea to pick up another spell on my part." I stop as the waitress came by to collect the dirty dishes. "But we should decide what mission we do first before we learn anything."

I proceeded to get up and walk towards the notice board. Adavahr followed closely. There were a variety of missions posted, but we needed something that would be profitable. Suddenly, one caught my eye.

"What do you think of this one?" I pointed to the mission request.

It read:

Kill Request: Goblin Slayer

Conditions: Kill Goblins South of Ridgewood

Reward: 2 silver per Goblin horn brought back as proof of kill


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

"It sounds like it'll be decent pay if we can find them. I didn't know goblins had horns though." I thought about it for a second but I had no idea where I had learned anything about goblins. Try as I might I couldn't recall anything from my past. Besides lacking the knowledge of how I learned the abilities I knew I was good at tracking and hunting as well as how to use many types of weapons. Thinking on this I looked up towards Amphorus.

"I don't remember anything before the goddess but there had to be a time before that right?" I looked down at my hands and clenched and un-clenched my fists. "There are abilities I have, but I have no idea where I learned them or who I learned them from." I put my hands back down at my waist and looked back up at my teamate. "Have you had the chance to think about anything or are you just focused on the present?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

I looked down for a moment as I though about what Adavahr said. My lack of memory had bugged me since my arrival to this world. I couldn't remember anything about who I was before or what I used to do. If I had any particular talent, it was unknown to me at the time.

"I've thought about it a bit, but I can't recall anything as well." I turned my gaze back up to Adavahr, "All I know is that I'm here now and that will have to do." Looking at back at the Mission board I decided it wouldn't be a bad Idea to learn a new spell. I felt around my pocket to confirm I had 6 silver, more than enough to purchase a spell. "Before we embark, I'm going to pick up a new spell. Let's meet back up here once we are finished with preparations to go."

With that, I made my way to the stairway that lead to Joof's study. As I walked, I noticed more adventurers were coming out of there rooms, ready to begin the day. I made my way up the stairs and into Joof's study. He was by his desk speaking to a Human Female with long purple hair. She wore a dark blue robe with a purple trimming. She held a dark staff with a diamond shaped opal at the top. She turned her gaze towards me for a moment, her eyes glowed with a dark red hue.

"Well, it looks like you have business to attend to, we'll talk another time." She said coldly to Joof. She flipped her hood up and walked right by me. My gaze was locked onto her as she left.

"So, the rookie adventurer returns." Joof said with a smug on his face. "What is it that you want?"

I looked back to Joof, "I wanted to learn another spell."

"I take it you have the silver for it?"

I knodded as I walked to over to him and pulled out 5 silver.

"Good! Now, I'll give you a choice. Flame Enchant, Lightning Bolt, or Frost Nova?"

I paused to think real quickly. It was obvious what Lightning Bolt probably did, but I had no Idea what the other two were.
"What does Flame Enchant and Frost Nova do?" I inquired

"Flame Enchant affixes you and your ally weapons with flames for that extra bit of fire damage. Frost Nova is a Defensive spell that freezes everything around you within 5 yards, that can freeze allies to though."

"I'll go with Flame Enchant then." I said with a firm resolve.

Joof Smiled, "Very well, let's begin."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

As Amphoros left, I thought about what kind of preparations I wanted to do before the fight. I didn't want to use the extra silver just in case we didn't succeed today so I decided instead to buy some sort of bag to store the horns in outside of our normal bags. I'm sure it won't cost much but I wanted something that I wouldn't mind getting dirty. I looked around for a solid half hour before I found a shop that sold what I was looking for. The bag wasn't the greatest, with only basic leather but it would suffice. The total came out to 50 copper and I happily paid the young merchant. Is I left the shop I realized it hadn't been long since i split off from Amphorus. I was pretty sure he wouldn't be done yet but I didn't have much else to do. As I examined my equipment I realized how much I would need an upgrade before too long. For now I decided to stop by a basic shop that sold general goods and picked up a sharpening stone. I went back to the guild hall and sharpened my sword until Amphorus was done.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr Character Portrait: Amphorus
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0.00 INK

"If it wasn't for the fact that everyone learns this quickly, I would say you're a born natural at this!" Exclaimed Joof

I stood there, looking at my blade as fire danced around its edges. As violent as the fire flickered, it didn't feel hot to me but rather it felt warm.

"Now do show some care with that spell. If you're not careful you may find yourself lighting more that just the blade on fire."

I released the fire and sheathed my blade. Turning my attention back to Joof, I thanked him for teaching me the spell. I left his office and proceeded own the hallway. Upon arrival into main section of the guild hall, I spotted Adavahr at a table sharpening his sword. I walked up to him with a smile ,"Unless you have any objections, I believe we are good to go".

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Exterria by konkord2


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Character Portrait: Sarium
Character Portrait: Frisk
Character Portrait: Amphorus
Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr


Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr
Tiberius Adavahr

Doesn't matter if I lost my memory im still me!

Character Portrait: Frisk

"Guided by light, but brave in darkness"

Character Portrait: Sarium

"I'm the most carefree, happy person you'll meet."


Character Portrait: Frisk

"Guided by light, but brave in darkness"

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr
Tiberius Adavahr

Doesn't matter if I lost my memory im still me!

Character Portrait: Sarium

"I'm the most carefree, happy person you'll meet."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tiberius Adavahr
Tiberius Adavahr

Doesn't matter if I lost my memory im still me!

Character Portrait: Sarium

"I'm the most carefree, happy person you'll meet."

Character Portrait: Frisk

"Guided by light, but brave in darkness"

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Re: Journeys of Exterria


Could I reserve a character? I'll probably have something related to Dragons... I'm not quite sure yet.
Thanks and have a great day!

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