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Alexander Davenport

"The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it."

0 · 1,050 views · located in Parkwood

a character in “Just Another Outcast”, as played by Fable



ImageImageFall Out Boy - "I Don't Care"

P!ATD - "But It's Better If You Do"

Hozier - "Take Me To Church"

Limp Bizkit - "Rollin"

Digital Daggers - The Devil Within


"I lost my claim to the Throne when I made an attempt on my father's life. I don't regret it."

Image || Full Name ||
Alexander Theo Davenport.

|| Nickname(s) ||
Alex, Al, Theo.

|| Alias ||
Young Warrior | Alex was named this when he was a boy of fourteen. Determined as he was, he wouldn't take no for an answer when he asked to participate in battles in his father's name.
Cut-throat Prince | This name was awarded to Alex for his mercilessness when dealing with opponents, and for his general affection towards acts of brutality.

|| Age ||
Eighteen in appearance, 2+ centuries in reality.

|| Birthday ||
12th of June.

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Race ||

|| Role ||
Middle Child, Wraith Prince.

|| Face Claim ||
Robbie Kay (OUAT)


ImageImageImage|| Likes ||
✔ Conflict and drama.
✔ Being outdoors.
✔ Discovering new areas.
✔ Sparring.
✔ Open water.
✔ Stars.

|| Dislikes ||
✖ Overly happy/peppy people.
✖ Physical contact.
✖ Broad daylight.
✖ Modern technology/music.
✖ Stupidity.
✖ Cuteness, in all its forms.

|| Quirks/Habits ||
âœĻ Caressing his sword hilt.
âœĻ Walking away in the midst of a conversation.
âœĻ Sighing, tutting, rolling his eyes.
âœĻ Laughing at other people's reactions.

|| Flaws ||
⌛ Overestimates his own physical capabilities.
⌛ Loses his temper quickly.
⌛ No remorse for his actions.
⌛ He doesn't seem to have a filter when he talks.

|| Personality ||
Sarcastic ⌛ Arrogant ⌛ Aggressive ⌛ Cunning ⌛ Determined
Alexander has never been a very likeable person. As a whole he can be very aggressive and abrasive; he changes his mood like the wind changes course, giving him an unpredictable quality. One moment he could be in a somewhat playful mood, but a single comment or challenging tone of voice could fill him with an unreasonable sense of rage. It's as if any sense of compassion and/or care leaves his body in a single instant and he acts without a single shred of remorse; his actions are clumsy and, much unlike his usual self, not at all calculated or planned. He loses his ability to plan ahead or to contemplate the consequences his actions would bring. And even afterwards he still shows no remorse or regret for actions committed by either himself or anyone under his command. It is his lack of empathy and misunderstanding between right and wrong that makes him seem like a total sociopath at times.

Having grown up most of his life being praised and served as a Prince, he grew up to be fairly narcissistic. To say that he loves himself would be a major understatement. Though it is not without reason, as he spends most of his free time training himself to be better, fighting and learning. His determination is quite remarkable, despite the fact that he can sometimes seem very lazy and careless with his actions. His overwhelming sense of dedication and determination is also true when fighting. No matter how many times he is pushed down, he will always find the energy to get back up and try again. This trait allows him to keep working on personal improvement, though he has shown no major attempts at trying to be a better person by any length.

Accompanying these qualities is an apparent sense of overly-cocky arrogance and a quick wit. Again, 'sarcastic' would be something of an understatement when it comes to Alex. He is always blurting out something offensive and/or unsurprisingly witty. It's almost a natural reflex where he is concerned. In this regard, Alex can sometimes seem to be very playful and mischievous, but he is in fact a very serious person when it suits him. He deals with situations with an alarming calmness and nonchalance, no matter what he is faced with - despite his anger, of course. As intelligent and cunning as he is, he is always trying to plan solutions accordingly and to outsmart opponents with well-thought-out tactics. Alex isn't the sort of person to play around, but that doesn't mean he can't have fun at times.

|| Powers // Abilities ||
Shadow Manipulation | The ability to manipulate the shadows, causing the darkness to bend to his will. This power allows the shadows to take on a physical form, which can be effective in dealing with enemies. It is his most natural ability and, as such, the one he tends to use the most when threatened.
Shadow-walking | A sub-power of Shadow Manipulation, this gives Alex the ability to travel through the shadows as a method of teleportation. He can step into a dark alleyway and appear in a dimly-lit room, or he can change his own physical form to into a thick bundle of shadows - allowing for easy transportation. This form is able to pass through solid objects in addition, but never other living creatures.
Regenerative Healing | When submerged in total darkness, it is possible for Alex to heal wounds and regenerate lost body parts if given enough time and solitude to focus on such tasks. It is not easy and requires a great deal of energy and concentration both, meaning that he cannot regenerate or heal in the midst of battle. It is fairly inconvenient for him, to say the least.
Enhanced Physical Capabilities | This is really a given, considering he is an immortal prince of the Wraith Realm, true-born son of the King. His physical capabilities and five senses are beyond those of average mortals, giving him an upper hand in everyday tasks and close-combat fights alike.

|| Weapons // Equipment ||
Scimitar | When Alex first arrived in the mortal realm, this and a few bags were all he had on him. It was a parting gift from the Castle's own blacksmith, designed to be quick and effective in close combat. The blade is his most prized possession, but he had learned to part with it in order to blend in with the other mortals. Instead, it is put on display in his living room in a case on the wall.
Switchblade | Instead of lugging around a Scimitar, Alex has a switchblade that he tucked under his belt in case of emergencies. It is small but sharp and quick nonetheless. It is rarely used, and practically invisible to others.

|| Strengths ||
Being a Wraith/Demon, Alex is more 'alive' in dark surroundings. This is when he is at his strongest, physically (not power-wise). He sees the darkness as his own territory, and he is the master of it. In addition to this, one of his major strengths is his ability to fight up close and personal; long-raged attacks are difficult.

|| Weaknesses ||
Despite the fact that he is more suited to darker areas, Alex's shadow manipulation would not work without sunlight where the shadows are at their most distinct stage. As such, his shadows are much weaker during the night where most of the surroundings are already dark. Additionally, they are incredibly hard to control at night, for a reason unknown to Alex.


ImageImage|| Height ||
5'7", roughly.

|| Body Build ||
Alex is considered to be a healthy weight for his height, meaning that he is neither too under or overweight as a whole; he does not have a particularly muscular form, but whatever muscle can be found is toned. Overall, he is exceptionally average.

|| Complexion ||
Fair and clear of spots/blemishes.

|| Hair ||
Alex's hair is naturally a shade of dirty blonde, though it started off more of a chestnut-brown and has since grown much lighter. It is cut short but keeps an unkempt appearance, curling slightly at the tips and fringe.

|| Eyes ||
His eyes are hazel in colour; a very pale shade of brown, mixed with hints of green and flecked with amber. However, from a distance, his eyes would simply appear to be brown more than anything.

|| Clothing Style ||
X, X, X.

|| Accessories ||
Aside from the occasional accessory to go with his chosen outfit, Alexander does not favour such things and will prefer not to wear them most of the time. However, he is not completely against wearing hats, watches, etc. It all depends.

|| Piercings/Tattoos ||
None, as of yet.

|| Scars/Birthmarks ||
He has acquired many over his lifetime. Any injuries that are small or insignificant will have healed over quickly, leaving not a trace of a scar, but the more serious ones have a more permanent effect. His most noticeable scar is located across his abdomen, starting from the top right and tracing its way down to the lower left side. It is deep and rigid; this scar is one that he will never show. Other scars include one of around 5-6 inches down his right forearm, another of around 2-2 inches on from one shoulder to the next, and the last on reaches down his left calf (outer) from knee to ankle. These can be considered faded, but are still visible nonetheless.

|| Distinguishable Features ||
Alex's eyes, starting off as a very pale shade of brown/hazel, can sometimes be viewed as grey when he experiences an abnormal spike of emotions, whether it is intense happiness, sadness, anger, etc.

|| Additional Form ||
Much like most of his kind, Alexander has the ability to shift his form. In this case, it reverts back to his 'true nature', if you will, while his more common appearance is merely a glamour he had designed for everyday purposes. This form is much more powerful than his glamour; its strength, speed, agility, senses and powers are heightened to around just under 2x more than normal.

Hidden by his attire, the creature beneath is made from darkness and shadows; they can be seen writhing beneath his hood, though they do take the form of a human male. The Wraith is taller too, standing at around 6-7ft in height, though it is much more slender and physically weaker than other creatures. What it lacks in strength, it makes up for in speed and an overwhelming level of agility and stamina, making it incredibly hard to catch or generally just aim for.

The creature has Alex's own conscience and abilities to feel, love, care for, but it does not speak. Not ever. It's blackened face shows no real emotions, despite what Alex might be feeling on the inside which, as a result, gives him the benefit of being very difficult to judge and approach. This is also gives off the impression that he is cold, heartless; basically just a different person entirely. This is not true, though it would never go out of its way to do something for another person unless Alex has had that desire before shifting.

It wears an entirely black outfit, though compared to the darkness of the skin, it would simply appear to be a very dark grey. It replicates a set of armour, with a tattered cloak attached and a hood.


ImageImage|| Place of Residence ||
An apartment in Parkwood's building.
Living Room | Kitchen | Bedroom | Bathroom

|| Occupation ||
Previously a Prince of the Wraith Realm. His older brother had no interest in the Throne, finding an easier life in his little 'adventures, making Alex rightful heir to rule the entire Realm. However, he lost out on this when he tried to come into his title a little too soon for his father's liking.
Currently, he has enrolled at the town's local high school and works part-time on a fruit & veg' stall, selling and packing groceries - temporarily.

|| Friends ||
None, as of yet.

|| Family ||
Mentioned/shown in NPC character section.

|| Pets ||
His squire/servant, Mutt, has the additional ability to be able to shift his form into copies of various dog breeds. He prefers the form of an Alsatian, and can be seen following Alex around the town frequently.

|| Other Notable Relationships ||
In his past, Alexander's father - Thorn - had made several attempts to arrange marriages for his son. Each engagement was ended abruptly when his betrothed would end up missing or dead; after some years of trying, Thorn finally gave up. And while Alexander has never openly admitted to the murder of these women, he has made no attempts to deny it.

|| Background ||
Alexander Davenport was born and raised within his own Realm. His father, Thorn Davenport, had taken the throne through a bloody war that lasted for a century or so. See, he was a half-breed, to be put lightly. Born of a Demon father and a Wraith mother, he was torn between the two Realms, unable to find his true calling. At long last he realised that the Wraith Realm was his only home and so he raised a rebellion, of sorts, and took the throne through force. Naturally, the Wraiths of the Realm were unpleased with the sudden change in rule, but with Thorn's brute warriors behind him no one dared utter a word in objection. It was only on one of his countless trips to the Mortal Realm that he happened upon a young blonde; he lusted after the woman so heavily that he kidnapped her. You could say she developed a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome and fell in love with the dark-haired King.

After a century or so of marriage, Thorn put a baby in her belly. His first-born child, heir to the Wraith Realm. He was later disappointed to find out that his beloved son wanted no claim to the throne, passing his responsibilities down to the new-born babe, Alexander. And so, Alex grew up with a heavy burden on his shoulders, the burden which his brother had no issues pushing onto him. From his first few years of life, Alex was trained and educated better than any child in the Realm. He worked the hardest, too, not wanting to disappoint his father the way that his brother had done just under a century previous. He learned practical skills mostly, being able to fight and kill without mercy was not an easy task but he went through with it regardless. As well as this, Alex was taught the languages of other Realms, about the Mortals and their odd little ways, and a multitude of other things.

During this time, however, Alex's patience was wearing very, very thin. He had no idea why he was being groomed for command but his father showed no apparent interest in giving up the throne any time soon. Each decade passed so excruciatingly slowly and Alex was yearning to feel the weight of a crown on his head, so he decided to follow his father's example and take it by force. In secret he began turning his father's own bannermen against him, but he was soon caught out; much too soon for his own liking. You see, his father had clocked onto his ever-growing impatience and had anticipated a similar course of action, and so he had employed 'spies', if you will, to watch his son's every movement. He was growing wary, to say the least.

As such, while Thorn was expecting a rebellion, to say that he was furious upon the discovery of his son's betrayal would be a major understatement. He was so furious, in fact, that he decided the only reasonable course of action and punishment would be to exile his son, stripping him of any claim he held previously. He did not send him to the demon realm, for fear that he would try to take that throne as well and rise against him with an entire Demonic army at his back, so he sent him to the Mortal Realm, where his aging would be quickened and he would die within the century. It seemed like the only way, meanwhile Thorn turned his attention to his only daughter who had been born a few decades after Alexander. She would be the one, he knew, who would never turn her back on him. And she despises her brother, which is why she has attempted to murder him on more than one occasion, with the help of assassin's of course.

The sweet little princess would never dare get her own hands dirty, after all.


|| NPC Characters ||
Controllable by myself only, unless given permission beforehand.

Thorn | Age Unknown | Male | Wraith King - Father | Ian Somerhalder.

Lysa | 4+ Centuries | Female | Wraith Queen - Mother | Kate Winslet.

Vaulith | 3 Centuries | Male | Wraith Prince - Older Brother | Logan Lerman.

Syrid | 2+ Centuries | Female | Wraith Princess - Younger Sister | Selena Gomez.


Mutt | 60 | Male | Wraith - Squire/Servant | Cody Christian.

So begins...

Alexander Davenport's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katelyn Beckett Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Blake Fisher Character Portrait: Terra Blackwood Character Portrait: Park Jae-Jun
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fable

Day: Saturday | Time: 9:00am | Weather: Clear skies, somewhat chilly.


"Honey..." June called softly as she pushed the bedroom door open with her behind, carrying a tray of toast and juice in both hands whilst Waffle and Loki jumped excitedly around her feet. They were making it tremendously hard to walk, she had to admit, and she was finding it hard to fight the urge to boot them in their tiny little faces. That'd teach 'em. However, like most mornings when this thought had crept into her mind like an unwelcome guest at a previously fun party, she shook the it away and carried on walking, grumbling and cursing as she did so. "Honey," she repeated, receiving an irritated groan from her slumbering daughter, "You can't waste the whole day in bed now, can you?" Katelyn rolled so that she was lying on her back, throwing the pillow off her face and kicking the blanket away. "Sure I can," she replied, blinking tiredly. "Wanna see?" she asked, before she threw herself back onto her stomach and buried her face in her sheets. June simply smiled and walked forward, placing the tray on her daughter's back, carefully so that the juice wouldn't spill. When Katelyn gasped quietly, June's smile widened. "I'd like to see you get that tray off your back without spilling anything," she retorted, taking a few steps back, to her daughter's obvious disapproval. "Challenge accepted!" Katelyn yelled in determination, her voice as low and dramatic as possible.


Katelyn kept her head down, somewhat in shame, as she passed by her smirking mother. She felt the orange juice, having soaked her completely, sticking to her back and hair. The feeling alone made her shiver with revulsion, though she said nothing to her mother as she quietly admitted defeat and went to take a shower. She did, however, mutter some pretty hateful and bitter words of anger towards the entire world. That much could not be denied, at least. "And don't use up all the hot water while you're in there," June called from the bedroom as she stripped the juice-soaked sheets from the bed, "I've got work in a few hours." Katelyn stuck her finger up in the direction of her bedroom before slamming the bathroom door. When she emerged, on the other hand, she looked refreshed, happy, before she made her way into her room to change from the towel she'd wrapped around herself. She picked out an outfit for herself.

After she made herself a simple breakfast of Cornflakes, she plucked her phone from her jacket pocket and checked through her Facebook messages, only looking away when she felt a steady weight on her knee. She smiled at Simba and hugged the dog's head warmly, trying her best to avoid the slobber forming around her mouth. "Walkies, Simba?" Katelyn cooed, grinning when the girl's tail wagged and slapped heavily against the kitchen counter. "That's right," she continued, "I'll take you out in a minute. Go fetch your lead, Sim, go fetch it." When the Great Dane trotted dutifully off to find her lead, Katelyn picked her phone back up and sent a text out to her friends:

[We're still meeting at 10, right? You guys had better not cancel on me.]

She popped another spoonful of cereal into her mouth before placing the bowl in the sink and attaching the lead Simba had placed at her feet to the dog's collar. It was then that her mother walked in, carrying both Loki and Waffle under her arms like two incredibly hairy babies. It was almost unsettling. "Please, take them with you," the older woman growled, practically throwing them towards her before she shook her head. "It's hard enough keeping Simba on the lead," she whined, ignoring the way Simba's ears perked up at the mention of her name, "There's no way I'm going to be able to take them all. Besides, I'm meeting friends later and I don't want Loki to start peeing on them..." June, although disappointed, decided it best not to argue with her daughter on that; Loki did have a horrible habit of peeing on things, namely other people.

Katelyn said goodbye to her mother with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, before she left the house and closed the door behind her. With Simba trotting along side her, Katelyn made her way down the unbearably long forest path from her house to the town. Looking around, she remembered why she hated travelling down this path alone, especially during the early morning. The leaves of the trees darkened the forest and the path she had to follow, making it hard to see properly. She had a habit of seeing things in the darkness that weren't really there, which is why she was glad she had the oddly comforting sound of the female dog panting beside her; it let her know she wasn't alone. Not only that, but the girl's eyes were excellent and she was almost unreasonably protective over Katelyn. She felt safe knowing she had her beast beside her.

However, the peace she had previously felt shattered like glass when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw two dark figures running through the dim forest. The one in front was running in a more frantic manner, it seemed, while the one behind seemed more graceful and unhurried. It only made sense to believe that one was chasing the other, and Katelyn did not want to get caught up in something like that. Grabbing her dog's lead to keep her quiet, Katelyn hunkered down behind a tree until even the footsteps were gone from her range of hearing, before she finally thought it safe to stand and did just that. Heaving a breath, she continued on her way to the park, moving at a brisk pace.

When she finally arrived, she took a seat on the bench nearby the lake, just a few metres away from the park fence. She'd lost herself in her own thoughts, unable to wipe the memory of what she had just seen from her mind. It was riddled with questions she had no idea how to answer, but as hard as she tried she couldn't stop coming up with them. "How weird," she whispered.


Alexander's muscles were practically screaming at him, begging him just to give up and stop running, but that was something he could not do. To give up would mean to surrender himself to one of his sister's lowly assassins. Such a thing was shameful beyond compare, even to an exile like himself. And so he carried on, despite his body's apparent exhaustion, running straight through the forests bordering the town of Parkwood. He'd managed to lead the assassin out of the town to save himself being figured out by the mortals, but running through the forest had been a major mistake on his part. With his muscles aching so badly, he was finding it hard to move with as much natural agility as he was used to, meaning that it was more of an effort to dodge the trees as he ran. This, of course, was slowing him down. Not to mentioned, he was pretty sure they'd just darted past a mortal. If not, then he seriously needed to check his eyesight some time.

Having distracted himself with this line of thought, Alex practically threw himself out of the way of a tree before he'd smashed his entire weight into it. He went into a roll and jumped up as quickly as possible, but this apparently was still not quick enough. He felt the assassin's thick fingers curling around his throat, and it was only when he squirmed and turned that he saw the man's face. He was angry-looking but could still be considered somewhat handsome, were it not for the jagged scar making its way down from the top right to the bottom left of is face, regrettably leaving him with a massive chunk of his nose missing as well. Dark-skinned, heavy built, hands that would soon cut off his air supply. All of this Alex had processed in the space of a few seconds as spittle flew from his lips, hands flying to pry the man's fingers away from his throat to weaken his grip. The man laughed at Alex's attempt, and that made the blonde more angry than the fact this man could kill him in seconds.

Alex felt the coldness sweep across his skin, and he knew it was turning black as night. Shadows curled around his body like thick smoke and drifted into the darkness of the surrounding forest. The smirk was gone from the assassin's face now, at least, and that was a clear sign he was starting to worry about his position in this fight. As soon as the darkness curled around his throat and covered the skin, the heavyset man hissed and let go, the skin on his hand sizzling from the white-hot pain of touching Alex's Wraith skin. Though unbearably cold from only a few inches away, Alex's skin was like a hot iron to the touch and could burn the skin from any man's hand without effort.

Now free, Alex spun and threw a kick into the man's chin so hard that his entire body crumpled and fell, lying still on the floor of the forest. "I thought you had me for a moment there," Alex said, the darkness slipping away very slowly so that the pale flesh of his glamour was once again visible. "But you're no match for a Prince. Not really." And with that, Alex left him in the woods, making his way back to the town. He was closer to the park by that point, so he thought it easier just to cut through that area instead of going all the way around.