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Just Like Old Friends

Their Special Place


a part of Just Like Old Friends, by BaileyTheBeauty22.


BaileyTheBeauty22 holds sovereignty over Their Special Place, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Their Special Place is a part of Just Like Old Friends.

6 Characters Here

Cadence Jade Maidment [28] "I've missed you more than you can imagine."
Ethan Montgomery [28] "Same ol' town, same ol' rules."
Ella Craine [27] "I'm so glad to see you all again!"
Fantine Torelli [25] "I'm determined to save the world. No matter what, I'll do it, too. I swear to you." {WIP}
Sasori Akamine [17] "juunin toiro or ten persons, ten colors it means To each his own."
Evan Jackson [16] "Hey, hey...."

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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Montgomery Character Portrait: Ella Craine Character Portrait: Evan Jackson Character Portrait: Fantine Torelli Character Portrait: Sasori Akamine
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Cadence smiled and shook her head at Sasori and Ella, "It's in the past and I'm better n--" she started, tucking wild crimson waves behind her ears, but suddenly Fantine was screaming at her. She flinched back from the other woman's words. "I would rather not surround myself with people who hold no care for the treasure of the life that they've been given," Cadence was staring at her lap again, picking anxiously at her nails. "Sometimes, Fan, mental diseases are just as bad as physical diseases. I'm sorry that you're angry..." She trailed off as Ethan , Ella and Evan all spoke their piece, and Sasori sang his song. She smiled gently and squeezed Evan's hand, finding comfort and possibly bravery in the warmth of his large palm. She stood up abruptly. "Guys. This isn't why I brought you here. To yell at each other and be hateful, no matter what we've been through. It's probable that we've all had pretty shitty times the last few years. And, it's obvious that we've changed. But why does that mean that we can't still be friends? We know the kids we once were, we need to know the adults that we are now. Damn it!" She exclaimed throwing up her arm. She unlaced her fingers gently from Evan's and then moved to a cooler that was on the opposite side of the clearing. She pulled out a beer and popped the top, taking a swig. "Anyone want one? I sure as hell needed one..."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Montgomery Character Portrait: Ella Craine Character Portrait: Evan Jackson Character Portrait: Cadence Jade Maidment Character Portrait: Fantine Torelli Character Portrait: Sasori Akamine
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Ella nodded as Evan talked, and watched as Sasori sang, and Cadence talked. She agreed with everyone. It was obvious they weren't the same kids who had been best friends, so they had to get to know each other and become friends all over again, or else it wouldn't work out. "I'll take one," Ella said to Cadence, grabbing a bottle from the cooler. She twisted the top off and took a sip, then set the bottle down on the table and looked at the five other people around her. Her thoughts drifted to her mother, who had recently passed away, and her father, who had passed away just before she left Middle Missouri for California. "So what has everyone been doing since that summer we all left?" She asked. She wanted to catch up with everyone, wanted to know what had been going on in their lives for the past six years. She wanted to know if they'd been successful, or happy, or sad, or busy, or lonely, or heartbroken, or in love, or working hard, or lazy, and whatever else a human can do in six years. She wanted to know what had made each of her friends change so much, and who they were today.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Montgomery Character Portrait: Ella Craine Character Portrait: Evan Jackson Character Portrait: Cadence Jade Maidment Character Portrait: Fantine Torelli Character Portrait: Sasori Akamine
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"No thank you I don't drink beer." Sasori said and watched as Ella toke one and asked her question, "I've been drawling and working on a new project. But it's not going well, it keeps acting out or short circuiting." he sighed because he had been working on building a mechanical bird, which was hard for him since he's never worked with mechanical parts or wiring, "I think I put wires in wrong or something, imaimashii (translation: damn) then I am going to make a A.I program for it so it can do thing on it own, imaimashii." it was obvious it angered him if he cursed, Sasori looked in the cooler he found and grabbed a bottle of sake (Japanese rice wine), "Akarui mirai e. (To a bright future)" he said before drinking his sake.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Montgomery Character Portrait: Ella Craine Character Portrait: Evan Jackson Character Portrait: Cadence Jade Maidment Character Portrait: Fantine Torelli Character Portrait: Sasori Akamine
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Fantine recoiled from Ethan's words, stiffening and halting in her walk, her fingers curling into fists at her sides.

"As if I would ever want your pity or sympathy, Ethan, even if you were capable of those types of emotions. You're about as sympathetic and caring as a brick wall. And that whole thing about 'You've always thought you were better than all of us', is bullshit and you know it. If anyone here ever thought such a thing, it was you. 'I'm Ethan and I'm the most popular freaking member in this group. I'm so much better than the rest of you and you're lucky to have me around'. Or do you not remember saying those precise words to your other friends from middle school, before we all left? Obviously not, because it's quite a hypocritical thing for you to say that I find myself better than any of you."

In that moment, she didn't really care if she was acting childish. Of course all of them would jump to defend Cadence. Cadence, who could do no wrong. Cadence, who was the perfect little angel. Cadence, who was never caught for anything that she did. Cadence, who was just freaking perfect. Cadence, Cadence, Cadence. Everything had always been about Cadence. No matter what Fantine had done in her life, nothing had ever been just about her, even once. Even when she was at her various doctor appointments, it had always been about her parents and how she was only 'taking up their spare time', and how she had always been 'a pain in the ass'. Well, they could all kiss her ass! She was done with being kind. She was done with trying to help people. She was done with giving all of her spare time to the needy. She was done with everything that she had done with her life so far.

She was done.

"What gives you the right to act like you know everything, Ethan?" she asked, her voice a deathly chill. "Cadence is allowed to break the news that she tried to commit freaking suicide, and everyone reacts with sadness and worry. Something happens to me that I can't control, and as soon as I stand up for living, I'm the bad guy. You're an awful person, Ethan, and I don't know what happened over the years, because at least when we were younger, you acted like you cared. Now? You're just a ... You're a dick."

With that, she moved several more steps away, stopped beside a tree, and dropped down to a sitting position in front of it, her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around her legs.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Montgomery Character Portrait: Ella Craine Character Portrait: Evan Jackson Character Portrait: Cadence Jade Maidment Character Portrait: Fantine Torelli Character Portrait: Sasori Akamine
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#, as written by S1mon
Evan Jackson

Each of them had changed drastically over the years, both physically and mentally. Cade, Ella, Fan, Sas, Eth, all of them had bonded well and got along well in their youth, but as the years went on and as the length of time since their last meeting widened, such had caused a divide and now tensions were high. Evan didn't want any of this which is why he tried to keep them together, but it was hard if they did not know the facts and their time apart hadn't helped none, which was why they were all shocked when Cadence admitted to her suicide attempt and why Evan was surprised by what Fan said, "You aren't sick, you aren't handicapped, you aren't injured, and you aren't dying", which conveyed the idea that this was the position she was in, such being confirmed when she took some pulls soon after.

Evan agreed that such a tone was not necessarily since the reason for her attempted suicide was unknown which is why he held Cadence's hands, feeling her squeeze back and smile at him which made him feel better that he had succeeded at that front. He was however concerned with Eth and Fan as Eth was merely sticking up for Cade but may of took it too far when he said that Fan would recieve no sympathy from him but no doubt a result of how he felt, which is why Evan held his hand in hopes of calming him down to reassure him as Sasori sung and ended with how they'd fall apart if they didn't stand together, further reinforced by Cade when she stood up to try and fix things, even if she had just pulled his arm up when she stood, before she gently let go to offer everyone a beer which Ella took and Sasori as expected didn't.

"So what has everyone been doing since that summer we all left?", Ella asked as she attempted to break the ice as Sasori spoke about an AI program which sounded pretty cool. However, it seemed things would not move on so smoothly, "As if I would ever want your pity or sympathy, Ethan, even if you were capable of those types of emotions. You're about as sympathetic and caring as a brick wall", Fan retorted as she verbally attacked Ethan, causing Evan to hold Eth's hand more tightly to remind him that he was there, since before he only held lightly as what Evan thought may happen, had indeed happened, ending with Fan walking away which Evan's eyes watched before she stopped and sat down. Clearly she did care for them all to remain there rather than leave them.

Evan has always tried to be a 'people pleaser' but right now the ol' gang was falling apart so he had to do something, "I'll talk to her", before turning to Eth, "Let it go pal, she's probably had alot going off these past six years that she's not thinking straight, ok?", his hand releasing Eth's as he stood up, only to hold the top of Eth's head to kiss him on the forehead causing a cheeky smirk to appear, "That's for not hugging me earlier". One way or another, Evan would make sure to get what he came for, he didn't want to see his ol' pals fighting, especially upset so he hoped his reassurance and even his jokey kiss would cheer the guy up after being attacked by Fan, before moving round to the gals as he put an arm around each, "Make sure to leave some for me", head motioning towards the beer, "and keep looking stunning", giving a wink before moving onto the other one who rejected his hug. There was something called a 'man-hug' afterall.

Despite being of japanese origin, Sasori had been one of the most interesting guys he had met, enough that he admired the guy, especially with his dedication to his work as he spoke about his project that was having its up's and down's as well as that song he sung which helped Evan keep his cool instead of banging their heads together. Maybe that could be Plan B, as he leant down to Sasori to give him some encouragement as he put his hand on his shoulder, "And I'm sure that you'll fix your wire problem too. You just will. You'll figure it out", giving a smile and a nod, before taking a finger to the bottom of his chin to lift it up for a symbolic meaning, "Akarui mirai e", in other words telling him to look up and repeating what he said before that he should look up to a bright future, a future that Evan hoped would get brighter as he turned away from the other guys and begun walking towards Fan to try and help her feel better with what was on her mind after leaving his 'mark' on the others.

As he approached her, his face straightened as he thought about what she had said before, of how she described herself as sick, handicapped, injured and combatting death which had certainly shocked him. Taking a seat beside her with his legs out, he then looked to her, "I have a feeling that you don't want to be with anyone now, but inside I feel you do want to be someone or you would not of come, but either way, I'm not leaving you. I'm worried about you Fan, we all are...I don't know what is wrong, none of us do and we want to. If something is wrong, you should be with people, even cocky idiots like me....", hoping he was making her feel better but it was hard to be there for her when he hadn't a clue what was wrong, hoping his diss on himself would at least bring a smile.

Evan then closed his eyes to try to think of what else to say but he was finding it hard, he wasn't used to all this sort of stuff but he'd give it a go, before re-opening them. "I know you don't like being touched and all that, but I do you coming to the table or not? because if your not, then your getting a cuddle from me whether you like it or not because I've missed you....and you need one", putting it bluntly since for one, it had to be said, and two, he didn't know what else to say. If her situation was facing death, then she should be spending time with those who do care about her and having fun enjoying life, not all this drama that had erupted....

(OOC @ Kura - so if Fan says no to going back and the cuddle, Evan will give a cuddle anyway, so you are free to rp Evan doing so)
