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Seung-hwan Chang

"They aren't children; I shouldn't have to coddle them to get my point across."

0 · 684 views · located in Hawaii

a character in “K.I.N.G.S of KPop”, as played by Queirdo





{ Q U O T E }

"It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership." - Nelson Mandela.

{ T H E M E S }

Linkin Park ft. Jay-Z | Numb Encore

Yelawolf ft. Eminem | Best Friend

Kendrick Lamar | Don't Kill My Vibe



❛__I___A M___W H O___I___A M__❜

Image ▓
{ N A M E }
Seung-hwan Chang.

{ N I C K N A M E S }
Seung ("sung") | Common, neutral.
Hwan ("one, like the number") | Uncommon, friendly.
Chang | Close friends only.

{ A G E }

{ B I R T H D A Y }
18th of April.

{ G E N D E R }

{ S E X U A L I T Y }

{ N A T I O N A L I T Y }

{ R O L E }
The oldest member, and the leader.

{ P A R T N E R }
The fake girlfriend.


❛__T H E___M I R R O R ' S___I M A G E__❜

{ H A I R }
Dark Brown.

{ H E I G H T }
{ E Y E S }
Dark brown.

{ B U I L D }
Toned and muscular.

{ P H Y S I C A L_D E S C R I P T I O N }

Seung styles his own hair most of the time, mainly because he likes it to fall in a particular way; he's very picky like that. More often than not, a lot of his hair is dragged over his forehead and down the right side of his face, as a sort of fringe, while the rest is pulled back into a messy - and very short - ponytail. The exposed side of his head, opposite to the fringe, is shaved regularly, but only up to a certain point. His hair is often dyed to fit certain concepts, but as of right now it has been reduced to its natural colour, which appears to be a dark shade of brown - shades varying under certain lighting. To match his hair are his eyes, which are of an identical colour. However, they are known to change colour quite a lot, varying from chocolate brown, to black, sometimes even to hazel. Some say it changes with his mood, but this is highly unlikely, and rarely noticeable.

He is a very driven person, and as such he spends a lot of time exercising, which only works to enhance his figure. Seung is also convinced that he will appear more leader-like if he appears physically strong, and is in no way meant to intimidate others. He has a chiselled musculature, and while he's not entirely a bodybuilder he does have quite a sturdy build. As well as maintaining a thick build, Seung also takes great care in his appearance, always wanting to look the best he can, in terms of complexion and healthiness, etc. He uses more face creams than his mother probably does, and works at hard at keeping his hygiene respectable.

Overall, Seung can be described as a decently handsome man, despite the fact that he denies this at every given opportunity; he has defined features.

It is only recently that Seung has taken a shred of interest in keeping a decent style, but that's only because of the pressure and criticism he receives from his fans quite often. He can often be seen sporting quality brands, and he changes his style regularly to conform to society's expectations of him, much to his general discontent.


❛__W H A T___I S___H I D D E N___W I T H I N__❜

{ P E R S O N A L I T Y }
▷ Cold □ Sarcastic □ Bitter □ Driven □ Leader-like □ Intelligent □ Calm ◁

A lot of people can claim that they have Seung all figured out, just by glancing in his direction, but there is more to this seemingly 'cold' lad than he'd ever willingly let on. One of the most important things to remember about him is that he falls under the category of 'introvert', meaning that everything he truly thinks and feels is bottled up and shoved aside for later. This brings stress, and therefore makes him seem cranky and bitter. He remains tight-lipped and almost snobbish when people inquire into his negative moods, and will often look down on others with contempt solely for the fact that they've directed their curiosity towards him. You could almost think of this reticence as a young child, cowering behind his older brother, sarcasm. He uses it purely as a defence mechanism; otherwise, he's not intentionally so cruel without being provoked beforehand. And, while he may seem on edge a lot of the time, Seung rarely ever - if at all - resorts to violence and anger. Mostly, he prefers to remove himself from the situation and vent later on.

Despite his negative qualities, Seung was not given the title of Leader for no reason. During his youth, he has had a lot of experience with leading teams, including school committees, and so he has been allowed to develop quite a lot of leadership skills, as well as a hidden desire to ensure others' safety and skill enhancement. This is often hidden behind harsh criticism and strict rules, but he wouldn't bother if he didn't see the potential in his group members and their abilities to sing, dance, rap, etc. He incorporates his own driven nature into organising their activities and generally taking charge, as well as improving himself whenever he has the earliest opportunity.

Something else which Seung prefers not to be open about is his intelligence; he'll never discuss his school grades and overall achievements with anyone else, except for a select few. He scored high in his exams. But so did a lot of people; what makes Seung truly intelligent is his ability to think fast, solve issues, and generally take charge of difficult situations. He is able to assess possible outcomes and consequences, and take this into consideration when figuring out how to tackle problems. He is skilled in time-keeping, ensuring the peace between members, and pretty much just knowing what to do. As such, it is rare that he'll ever panic.


❛__L O V E___M E___F O R___M Y___Q U I R K S__❜

{ S T R E N G T H S }
â–ē Vocal ability (lead vocals).
â–ē His driven nature pushes him to improve himself.
â–ē He's skilled at problem-solving.
â–ē Takes an unbiased view towards conflicts.

{ L I M I T A T I O N S }
â–ē Unable to develop meaningful relationships.
â–ē Can appear strict, cold and uncaring towards others.
â–ē He holds grudges, and this causes division between himself and others, which cannot be so easily denied and/or ignored.
â–ē He protects himself with sarcasm like it's a suit of armour.

{ H A B I T S }
â–ē Giving witty retorts as opposed to sincerity or sensibility.
â–ē Looking over his shoulder at others.
â–ē Scoffing, sighing, tutting, rolling his eyes, etc...
â–ē Curling and uncurling his fists / digging his nails into his palms.

{ F E A R S }
â–ē Losing his fame, in any way, shape or form.
â–ē Appearing weak to other members, or the public.
â–ē He fears truly becoming close to another person because he guards himself with secrecy, and he doesn't want to have to open himself up.
â–ē Being unable to perform (in more ways than one).

{ S E C R E T S }
â–ē Seung started 'dating' only to preserve a good image, and to convince sceptical fans that he isn't completely heartless; at first he couldn't stand the girl, but not for personal reasons. He disliked that he had to date her for any other reason than he genuinely liked her. However, the more and more time the spend together, whether in public or in private, he couldn't help but feel a little differently. He has only reason begun to reflect upon whether or not he actually enjoys her company.
â–ē Seung has always had a love for photography; he took several classes in high school. He thinks of it as a form of art. Although, he has never been open about this with anyone but his 'girlfriend'.


❛__H O W___I___G O T___T O___ T H I S___ P O I N T__❜

Linkin Park | Given Up

{ B A C K G R O U N D }
Seung led a very divided lifestyle up until he was about eighteen, approximately. While, on one hand, he was the polite - yet decidedly distant - and intelligent son that his parents had always wanted, he was also known in specific circles for his fighting skills, which he would often take advantage of where bets and money were concerned.

Being born into a well-to-do, wealthy family, Seung had been set a very specific set of goals, before he'd even been born. As the only child of his close family, he was to be well-groomed and to keep up appearances for the sake of pleasing their neighbours. In fact, his father had made plans for him to take over the family business, the name or intentions of which Seung had promptly forgotten as soon as he left home. Despite never really feeling like that life was for him, Seung went along with it for the sake of keeping a relatively close bond with his parents, which was still somewhat distant - but better than nothing at all. They would've disowned him. He kept his grades and marks high at school, studying wherever necessary and applying everything he had to his school work, but as he became older this was becoming more difficult.

In order to maintain the image that he was a good little boy, Seung knew he needed an outlet of some sort; something he could use to distract himself, and to become who he thought he was. It started with a few fights here and there, before he made quite a name for himself as 'S-Rank'. It sounds extreme, but he actually found himself interested in cage fighting. The idea of being locked in a steal box, with nothing between himself and his opponent. It was exhilarating. But, much like most teenagers, he gave up on this pretty quickly, after coming to the conclusion that he'd get nowhere in life. Besides, it wasn't like his love for fighting was based off of any anger issues he held; he was as calm about it then as he is today.

Seung came to his senses at eighteen, when he finally let full-time education and he was expected to start learning the trade, which he refused. He wanted to do something more interesting with his life, something that wouldn't turn him into an exact replicate of his father. He wanted to be something that his parents would hate, just for the sake of irking them. Such had become his desire to revolt against them; they'd set such strict procedures for him that he couldn't handle the weight. It was then that he felt a pressure lifting off of his chest, and he became lighter. Without responsibility. As a result of this, however, his parents disowned him, and he was sofa-surfing for around a year before he finally got back on his feet - with the help of some close friends he'd made, and also family members who shared his distaste for his parents.


❛__S O M E H O W ,___I___A M___B O U N D___T O___Y O U__❜

{ F A M I L Y }
Jong-Il | Father.
Yi-Kyung | Mother.

{ R E L A T I O N S H I P S }
To be discussed and added later.















{ C H A R A C T E R_B Y }

{ S H E E T_B Y }
Queirdo & Kii

{ C O L O U R S }
Speech~ #440000
Thought~ #770000

{ F A C E C L A I M }
Jang Geun-Suk.

{ R O L E P L A Y }
K.I.N.G.S of Kpop

So begins...

Seung-hwan Chang's Story